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2009-02-06 8:52 AM
in reply to: #1874338

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED
hey suzie,

Sorry to hear about the knee, but like you said, it's good news that it isn't more serious. I can imagine how hard it'll be to "force" yourself to rest and recover. Again, good news is how early it is in the year, which means that if you do give yourself time, maybe with that chiropractor you may even return in better shape than before, preventing future issues. Still, though, it is a bummer. So, just a few positive ideas come to mind: it's probably really cold outside: you now have a real good excuse not to shovel the driveway and instead hand over that responsibility to a youngling (as i recall you have strong boys...); also sounds like you can spend some time on tri websites and magazines to get hyped up for when you get back on the saddle. I know you have a very busy life...might this also mean some "you time"? Maybe take advantage and enjoy some pampering...we all have different preferences but maybe this is your body saying " hey!! watch out there! i wanna little tlc!! " good luck!

A big congrats to a few of you getting new bikes soon : Ray I believe and Katherine.
Try em out and let us know how they feel!

happy friday to you all!

2009-02-06 6:58 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Hi all,

Yep Joelle, I see a few extra massages in my future I'm trying to be very positive about all this.  I just signed up for a running gate analysis.  It's one month away, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to run a little by then.  I'm not sure when I will check out the chiropractor.  The clinic is not very conveniently located for me.  I would only be able to go on Saturdays so that limits me to Saturdays that my son does not have a meet. Tricky scheduling.  But I am determined to get this sorted out and healed.

Ray, the exercise is called  Straight Leg Raise and this is off the info page I was given.

Purpose: To strengthen your quadriceps

Position: Lie on your back with your week leg as straight as possible.  Bend the other leg (about a 30 degree angle) to protect your back.

Action:  Tighten your thigh muscle.  Raise your leg while keeping it straight.  HOld each leg raise to the count of 10.  Keep your thigh muscle tight and leg straight as you slowly lower it.  Repeat 3 sets of 10 exercises.

Do the excercises on a firm flat surface.

Total weight 10 lbs. Begin with no weight for the first week.  Add 1-2 lbs per week. Accomplish total weight over 6 -8 weeks.  When at the 5-6 lb range decrease to 5 reps. Ice knee 15 minutes after exercise.

Well, I'm off to do my excercises.


Edited by suzimmer 2009-02-06 6:59 PM
2009-02-08 3:55 AM
in reply to: #1874338

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Good to hear the positive attitude Suzie and thanks for the details on the exercise. I'm sure we could all use that info.

The weather is all over the place here at the moment, which makes planning a challenge. Two weeks ago we had a devastating wind and rain storm, then it got really cold, on tuesday it warmed up to about 64° F and friday and saturday it snowed a little!!!!??? Very strange.

Anyhow, I've just sat down with the tri calendar and planned accordingly. I'm planning on one tri per month starting may (the water is too cold here till then, so I've only found duathlons and running races). Of course, I'll try to fit in more, but I prefer to plan a minimum, which I'll commit to and add on, rather than plan too much and wind up doing almost nothing. I'll focus on training till the first races and fit in some cycling or running races in march and april. Of course being i france, I've had to "submit" all the races to beginner triathlete for approval and verification...I can't wait for them to show up on the master list so i can add them on to my training log.
Right then, program for today: cleaning and tidying (the in laws will be arriving the end of the week) a 30 run (I've found a great route with a really steep hill at the end!) and possibly some cycling.

Hope you all have a relaxing and athletic sunday!
Stay warm and keep training,
2009-02-08 12:56 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Hey Joelle,

That sounds just like Chicago weather.  Never know what the next day (or hour for that matter) will bring.  

I volunteered at the Indoor Triathlon at our club today.  I was a wave coach and brough two groups through starting the timing for the bike and run and each transition plus recording the amounts in each area for the 10 athletes in each wave.  Oh, the responsibility! but it was a lot of fun.  It was great to cheer everyone on, give incouragement to the total newbies and inspiring to see some really increadible athletes. 

Anyway, was up at 5 am (after going out last night and not getting to be until midnight) so I think a little nap is in my future.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!


2009-02-08 2:24 PM
in reply to: #1951352

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Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Thank you for the exercise info Susie.


2009-02-08 5:32 PM
in reply to: #1951437

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Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Did my first ride on my new bike this morning.  Just a short one, due to my cold and the weather...rain threatening.  I did 15 miles with some good long hills.  I had a blast and am looking forward to logging many more training miles.  I bought a Specialized Dolce Comp and I absolutely love it.  I found a used one (ridden less than 200 miles) for half the price of a new one.  I have to get used to the riding position.  My hands mostly hurt, I'm used to Mt. Bike handlebars.  Anyway, I plan to bring it to the shop to have them fit it for me.  I'm very happy with it and once this weather clears up....wouldn't you know it, it's been beautiful for weeks and as soon as I get my bike, the rain comes.  Oh well, we were in desperate need of it out here in California.  Okay, that's all for now.

 Happy training everyone!


2009-02-09 1:27 AM
in reply to: #1874338

New user

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED
Sounds as if everyone is struggling with the weather - In a couple of months time when the evenings are warm and summy all this will be a distant memory!

Still if "it ain't raining it ain't training"

2009-02-09 10:44 AM
in reply to: #1951964

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Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Hi everyone,

I just found out if you reply to a inspire it only shows up on your training log.  Any way the following message was sent to me explaining the inspire system.  I hope this helps some one.

So if you inspired me and I did not reply I actually did its just stuck on my log. 

hope you don't mind, but i wanted to pass along some info about the site

most of the site is pretty easy to figure out, but some of the neatest features are not

this was something i posted in my mentor log - hope you find it helpful


what are Inspires? - they are a way to leave a message of inspiration, motivation, a KIA, a simple hello to a fellow manatee - or anyone on BT

how to Inspire someone? - click on the link to their training blog - for the manatees, you should be able to do this from the table (I hope ) - once you are in their blog you will see a link that says 'inspire me' - click on that link, a window will open up and you can leave your message

how will I know if someone inspires me? - you will see a red number to the right of the 'Inspire Me' link - that shows how many people have stopped by to inspire you - click on the 'Inspire Me' link and enjoy

how to reply to an inspire? - this is confusing (sorry marma) - if someone leaves you and inspire and you want them to see the reply - click on 'blog' - if you are using Internet Explorer, it will open 2 new windows and you will be linked to the persons blog and their inspires - you can then find your response and reply - on Mozilla, it opens one window with two tabs and you toggle back and forth between the blog and the inspire window -

if you click on 'reply', it actually posts the reply in your blog and it's unlikely that the sender of the inspire will see your reply - I did this for months before I asked someone :/

one other thing to be aware of, is that if you 'blog' your reply to an inspire, it updates the same date the inspire was left - so if someone left you an inspire more than a day or two ago - it's probably best to go directly to their blog, otherwise it's highly likely that they will not see your reply

2009-02-09 1:24 PM
in reply to: #1874338

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED
Hi guys,

Firstly, thanks to Ray, out official techie!! I've "inspired" people before but hadn't seen futher. Good to know. cheers for the info.

Kim: congrats on the new bike. It's really motivating to get new equipment. I hope it suits you, it certainly sounds like it does.

Neil: I totally agree: no rain, no pain, no gain....well, of course a few easy sessions once in a while are fine, but it does seem that the best training sessions occur when motivation is lacking or when it was really hard...yet you survived it!

Oh also, many of you probably already know about this but i thought for those who don't , info is always good:A great YOGA website:,
It really is for all levels of yoga with free 60mn sessions (basically a new one every day). There are so many to chose from and the scenery is beautiful. Good idea after a long run or on a day off... maybe even to help you through an injury.

K, nighty night all
2009-02-12 10:09 AM
in reply to: #1874338

New user

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Hi all!

Just found a post on my training log from Joelle asking where i wasSurprised, a suprisingly motivated experience! I needed a swift kick up the !!

Well, I fell off my bike last sunday (forgot i was attached to my pedals) and have broken a bone in my left hand (am left handed too). I've used spd's for years but had an idiot moment and just keeled over catching my little finger as i went, am feeling a little stupid. Anyway, can still run, swim, although it swells up, and kind of ride so am back in action after a lazy few days.

The weather here (dorset, uk) has been atrocious (by our standards) which hasn't helped and i've realised how easy it is to lose focus. However, my swimming is speeding up and i've managed a couple of near 10k runs so all i need to do is get on my bike more. Am playing with the idea of getting a road bike but am not sure how much I will use it - however, road work on a mtb is kinda sole destroying.

Off for a swim and run now. Hope everyone is having fun.

Suzimmer - keep up with those exercises!!

2009-02-12 6:26 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

I'm a being a good girl and doing my exercises every day.  So, can I put them on my log? Haven't been.  I got home from work today and saw that my new ankle weights had arrived.  Pretty sad when you get excited about that, but they are cool.  The weights go in little pockets so you can add as little as 1 pound and add at 1 pound increments up to 10. This week I start doing the straight leg lifts with 1 lb. Woohoo!


2009-02-14 10:52 AM
in reply to: #1874338

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Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED
Hello, group! I hope everyone is having a good week. I haven't been training this week because of my back. Occasionally, I get pain in my lower back and have to take it easy for a few days until it goes away. I should be back in the pool and at the gym tomorrow.

I totally understand the knee issue! You're right to take it easy. Has your doctor recommended knee straps or knee braces? I wear knee straps to help hold my knee cap in place when I work out. It's amazing the difference a simple little strap makes. In answer to your question about my husband, he leaves in May and will be gone for 6 months. At this point, I am quite oeverwhelmed. I don't know how I will do everything without him. When he was in Korea for a year, I was a stay at home mom with only 2 children (Audrey was 17 months old, and JT was a month old), and my mom lived next door. Now I have 3 children, and a job, and my mom isn't next door anymore. I know we will be fine, and the Lord will take care of us, but it's not going to be easy.

As far as training goes, I'm swimming 800-1000 m twice a week. I'm also using the bike and treadmill at the gym. We have a trainer for the bike at home now, but riding in the garage is no fun. I think I will have my husband move the trainer in the house so that I can watch TV while I ride. I'm also hoping the good weather holds, and I can get out to ride and run some in the next couple of weeks.

Well, I now have crying children, so I'd better go see what the problem is. Take care, and happy training!

2009-02-14 1:41 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Hi Everyone,

 Jenn, Great to hear from you.  I have a Pattstrap that I used to use when I had IT band problems on the other leg. I just tried it under my knee the other day.  It did seems to help.  So far I have had 2 weeks of no running, spin class or SES class. The knee is a bit better, but  now the other knee is starting to hurt.  What's with that?!?!!  I do have an appointment  next Sat. with that Chiropactor I mentioned before so that will be interesting.  Anyone have experience with a Chiropactor?

I did 30 minutes on the trainer today.  Felt good to be on the bike and not a spin bike. I kept it easy for the old knee and iced right away.  So far so good.

Happy Weekend!


2009-02-15 12:44 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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New user

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Hi all-

 So, I played indoor soccer on Friday night, and ended up tearing my MCL on my right knee.  The docs say to stay off it for 10 days -2 weeks.  I am in a rigid full leg splint.  I am sooo bummed!  They say if it will probably heal on it's own if I take care of it properly.  If it starts to feel better after a couple of weeks I can start swimming with bouys.  No running for a while and definitely no more soccer (for a couple of months at least!)  I can probably spin on the bike in 3 weeks to a month as long as I don't over do it.  It is raining here (we really needed it) and is forecast to be rainy for at least a week which makes me feel better about being stuck at home.  I am hoping this doesn't totally screw up my training plans for the 1/2 IM in August.  I plan to continue lifting light weights to try and stay somewhat conditioned.  I've never injured myself like this before and I know it's going to be very difficult to sit around!

 I hope everyone is doing well and happy training!  I will be thinking of all of you!



2009-02-15 3:11 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Kim, I'm so sorry to hear about your knee.  I know how hard it is to sit around and not do anything esp with a full leg splint.  Hope you heal fast.

I went swimming today.  I knew it wasn't going to be a great day when as soon as I got to the club I realized that I'd left my goggles at home. Well, no worries, I had a spare pair in my bag.  Went to put them on, strap broke.  Tried to tie the ends together, broke again.  Managed to tie new ends together and squeeze my head  into them.  Not comfortable, but manageable. However I knew that if I tried to adjust or even move them in any way the strap would break again and that would be the end of my swim.  Finished my swim and when to shower and change.  As I was leaving the club, something made me check my bag. ARGGG! I didn't have my BRAND NEW SUIT!  Went back to the locker room, no suit.  I figured I accidentally through it in the dirty towel bin with my towels.  (my club provides towels)  Went through all the wet towels - YUCK.  No suit.  Checked with the lost and found, no suit.  Soooo.....I'm going back later today to see if it showed up in the laundry.

But, it's all been put in perspective now.  It's only a swim suit and my injury, so far, hasn't completely stopped all training, so I'm good.



Edited by suzimmer 2009-02-15 3:20 PM
2009-02-16 3:41 PM
in reply to: #1947211


Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Hi every one,

 Sorry I've been out of touch for so long, but it's been difficult for me to get online. Usually, I have some time at work to surf the net. However, due to the financial crisis we all hear so much about, my department have this consensus not to spend too much time on the net for personal reasons - some of the bosses are just waiting to sack someone in order to save money (and it's not likely that they will sacrifice themselvesSmile ). So we are all tip toeing around. And when I get home it's usually late in the evening so I go straight to bed.

 Anyhow, I have finally updated my training log. I will get on with timing  my 5 k run and swimming.


 Susie I'm sorry to hear about your injury. But eventhough it's frustrating, it must help that you now know what your dealing with.

jen, my thoughts go to you and your family( of course including your husband) - one of my best friends have been deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan; I have the deepest respect for both the  deployed soldiers and their families.

 joelle, it sounds like you have had a lot on your plate. Hope everything has turned out as planned


right, it's getting late and I better get some sleep


good training, everyone


2009-02-18 1:27 PM
in reply to: #1874338

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED
Hi Guys

Gee sounds like a lot is going on for everyone!!

Dave, good to get some news, though I'm sorry to hear about your fall and the broken bone...I must admit i've always been a bit of a chicken on the bike - so i' imagined your fall as a spectacular stunt... and i'll probably keep you in mind next time i ride. ANyohw, good to hear the swimming and running is coming along. That's both what's great and hard in the sport: three in one. It's really hard to be good an improve them all at once, but at the same time in case of injury you can usually still keep up at least one of the three.

Kim, sorry to hear about your injury, but your spirits seem high and motivation too, hang in there and you'll be back on track in no time!

Majj Brit, welcome back!!! Sorry about the crapy atmosphere at work; i know it can be tough and it certainly sounds like it. Hopefully you can blow off some steam training. i'll have a look at your log a bit later tonight.

Gee sounds like a tough time. I know it may be difficult to organize but please remember that it is really easy to get to Pau (my town) from the UK and that you are welcome to come (kids and all) for a few days rest, anytime.

Reading the pool experience - i know the feeling - argh!!!! Well i do hope you foudn yoru suit; you are right there are far worse problems in life but that doesn"'t mean the little stuff doesn't get to us all sometimes. Good luck with the knee.

I feel like all my little messages started with "i'm sorry..", which makes me realize that we all have issues - good luck to all.
And a big thank you to all your messages of suport.
Ok, I have a very stressed ironman hovering over the computer...gotta run but will be back later

buh bye
2009-02-18 9:06 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

I will be running tomorrow for the first time in 3 weeks, just to test the knee out.  Let you know how it goes.


2009-02-22 6:18 AM
in reply to: #1874338

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED
Hey all
A little inspiration today, I hope.

I jus got back from the pool after a good swim. I did not swim a 4k. I did not beat my times. But I did thoroughly enjoy every moment of it. I didn't get annoyed or frustrated because some people swim too far in the middle or others use the same lane to teach their kids to swim, while I actually have a set workout to do. No, instead I did what I had to do and made the best of it when I had to interrupt or adapt;
Before I go on, Let me back up a bit.
As you guys know, I am currently in the final negotiations of signing off the sale of our family business. As of thursday of next week, i will be an employee in what was my own company. Worse, my mother will be an employee in a company she picked up from virtually nothing and built up to provide quality service and permanent jobs to 5 people. The two us will still keep part of the business - the part which offers cultural courses or activities and teaches to children and individuals (as opposed to corporate clients). We aren't selling it all because the buyer isn't interested in the cultural part and we need to keep generating some income from it for another year or so to pay off the company's debt. So we're not out of the woods yet. However, the stress, the hours, the pressure and the worries related to everything from selling enough, to replacing teachers at the last minute to being able to pay salaries - including our own - will be gone. Sure, we will still have to gradually pay off debt , but a load will be removed.
Without employees, we can also turn the "cultural center" in what we wanted it to be in the first place: culturally oriented activities bringing people and children together to help finance environmental and humanitarian projects; so I've been spending time looking into how I can set that up.
And then, I updated my tri training log yesterday and my objectives at the top caught my eye. "ENJOY LIFE" was teh last one. Gee, I'd forgotten i'd put that into my objectives - and quite frankly it's the most important one. A light went off. What was I thinking?
Sure I really do want the cultural center to be something wonderful. But, I'm not even out of the frying pan and i'm looking into new ways to jump into the fire;
Lemme think for a moment of how far I've come - suzie and jen you might remember from last year: I was single and had only my job. I said yes to everything. Worked ridiculous hours. Was incredibly stressed. I also got sick from overworking.
Today, I have a wonderful companion (an ironman might i add ), whom I can count on. We have moved into a lovely little house, near some woods and the town pool. I have finally found a way to save myself and my parents from a business, which was sucking the life out of us. I will be working set hours. I should be enjoying this. I do.
SO, this morning, I started a diet. I have 11lbs to lose- no deadline though.
I biked to the bakery for breakfast. Fresh air.
I walked to the pool. I enjoyed every moment there: the water, the kids laughing, the two older ladies a few lines over chit chatting as they slowly breast stroked and carefully kept their har dry. I felt good passing people and not passing others. I flip turned everytime i could. I remembered the feeling of being a 9 year old with both the pride and exitement of swimming with a parent in the "grown up "lane.
Ok, this is a long post, a soap type one even. But hey, I wanted to share it with you guys, knowing the injuries, worries and issues we all seem to be facing.
Friday at swim practice there were a lot of people tired and kind of down. Winter is getting long and people need a pick me up. I hope this can perhaps be yours.

Happy sunday everbody!
2009-02-23 2:45 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Okay, it's been a little while since I last wrote.  Joelle, I'm so happy to hear you are in a good place.  Reading your note made me smile, thanks for that.  Thanks everyone for your good wishes. 

It's official, I have torn my Medial Collateral Ligament.  I am now in a hinged brace which allows some movement of my knee, which is just starting to come back.  I tried to ride the stationary bike at the gym today (no resistance) but my knee isn't quite ready for that yet.  Tomorrow I will try swimming with bouys.  This injury has really made me appreciate exercise.  It's something I definitely need daily to keep me happy and sane!  The weather here is still pretty bad, very rainy and windy, which helps me a little because then I don't feel too bad about not getting outside to train.  I have been lift weights (upper body) but can't wait to get my heart rate up again.  I have to wear the brace 24/7 for the next six weeks, even while excercising, which should be very interesting. 


I hope everyone is well and keep up the good work!Laughing

2009-02-24 12:57 AM
in reply to: #1874338

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED
Hi Kim

Sorry to hear about the knee, it sounds quite bad. Is it painful?
Six weeks is long, but like you said it'll be a good opportunity to perfect swimming and then...back on the saddle for biking and running!
Keep up the spirits!

2009-02-24 6:11 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Kim, sorry to hear about your injury.  I hope the time goes fast and you are able to get right back into things.

My knee is healing.  I'm back into the routine. My run last Thursday went good, but my knee ached the next morning.  I saw the Chrio doc on Saturday and had my first round of ART. I've done spin class twice, including today, and will run again this Thursday and see what happens.


2009-02-26 2:41 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED



Thought I'd check, the knee isn't very painful.  Only when I try to bend it too much.  I did some swimming yesterday and a little aqua walking in the pool.  It felt good to get the knee moving again.  I plan to do this for the next few days and hopefully, I can regain some strength. 

Thanks for the well wishes.  Susie, glad to hear your knee is feeling better.  


2009-02-28 1:47 AM
in reply to: #1874338

Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED
Hey all

Suzie and Kim,

Good to hear you are both in good spirits and back on the saddle. Please be careful though.

I've started using the nutrition part of the traning log. Another great tool of the website though initially a bit long to use. There's no way around it, when you start counting calories and what you eat, you realize how much junk you could do without. My target is 1600 per day...we'll see.

By the way, Jenn, Dave and all you european you guys have as nice weather as we are having at the moment? Temperatures this afternoon are supposed to reach highs of 70°F!!!!
I'll definitely be running and cycling.

K hope everyone is well, happy training

2009-03-05 9:48 PM
in reply to: #1874338

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: joelle & co international triathlete group CLOSED

Hi Joelle,  Thanks for the message.  Yes, I'm back to spinning and running.  THe knee is improving.  The chiropractor said I can train.  I'm thinking the ART is working, as I have run a few times and it's getting better.  I started the Half Iron training this week.  I did reduce the running for this week so I can ease back into the times.  The weather was wonderful today (60 degree! woo hoo!)  So I ran outside for the first time in months.  If felt great!  I did 6 miles and so far so good.  We will see how things feel when I get up tomorrow.  Speaking of which, I'd better get to bed.  Got to swim in the early AM.



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