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2017-01-25 6:13 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: The press and the new administration
Watched the nightly news and for every story the reported on about Trump the had a negative spin on it. They used campaign footage and spun that to twist the story. The found an immigrant that was brought here at 3 years old and acted like he was the target of Trumps executive order agains illegal who commit crimes be deported. They asked this teen kid if he was scared.

My only hope is enough people see thru the BS the media is spinnning. It is very obvious.

2017-01-25 6:43 PM
in reply to: #5211005

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Deep in the Heart of Texas
Subject: RE: The press and the new administration
There is a difference between not allowing government employees speaking on behalf of the agency and not allowing the agency to speak.
2017-01-25 8:11 PM
in reply to: Hook'em

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Subject: RE: The press and the new administration
Originally posted by Hook'em

There is a difference between not allowing government employees speaking on behalf of the agency and not allowing the agency to speak.

The agency serves at the pleasure of the president. He has but a temporary gag order until his people get in place.
2017-01-25 9:28 PM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: The press and the new administration

Originally posted by dmiller5

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Stacers

Originally posted by spudone

Well back on that topic:


I've been following that all day - those guys are my new favorite people. Ha!

It's entertaining, but I'm not sure what they think they're going to make happen by being disrespectful to the POTUS.  They might as well be wearing vagina costumes and walking on the streets because that's about how much good it will do.  
There's an old saying about shooting yourself in the foot.  You have an administration that essentially wants to eliminate your entire department, so convincing them to do so isn't the smartest thing in the world.  Just saying.  

***edit***  disregard, I thought that was a legit national parks twitter.  OK, it's just funny then.  


ARE YOU EFFING KIDDING ME.  POTUS is trying to destroy our environment.  We will fight him everywhere.

Like I said, it's a religion for you.  You are so deep in this religion that you're seriously losing your mind that anyone would dare challenge your beliefs.  If you're so afraid of scientists with opposing viewpoints working in these scientific agencies then I'm going to say that your fear is not based in reality and it's most certainly not based in science.

2017-01-25 9:29 PM
in reply to: Stacers

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: The press and the new administration

Originally posted by Stacers

Originally posted by mdg2003 Let's get scientists working on solutions rather than more research on climate change. Since the consensus is unanimous, why do they need more research dollars to prove it some more? Find viable solutions to the problem instead of pointing fingers at big oil. It's time for some problem solving, not more whining.

They ARE researching solutions. They're researching effective technologies to capture CO2 or reduce CO2 emissions, because current controls are very expensive. And all of those grants and funding just went poof, overnight. Being on the cutting edge of this and renewable energy would position the US well into the future, cutting research hurts us in the long run. 

I also don't really get why everyone seems to think the EPA is only in the climate control business. They do everything from ensure that we are drinking clean water, to making sure cars and other industries are not polluting. My state released a statement last night that they're trying to get to the bottom of this baffling order because it is affecting the state department of health's ability to do their every day operations insuring clean water. I'm horrified that our president doesn't seem to be able to grasp the complexity of the organization, and seems to be saying, "eh, climate change, shut it down!"

Agree, they most definitely do a lot more than climate science:

2017-01-25 11:59 PM
in reply to: tuwood

, California
Subject: RE: The press and the new administration

I would normally probably laugh at that except after what happened in Flint.

2017-01-26 8:47 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: The press and the new administration
Originally posted by Rogillio

Watched the nightly news and for every story the reported on about Trump the had a negative spin on it. They used campaign footage and spun that to twist the story. The found an immigrant that was brought here at 3 years old and acted like he was the target of Trumps executive order agains illegal who commit crimes be deported. They asked this teen kid if he was scared.

My only hope is enough people see thru the BS the media is spinnning. It is very obvious.

What do you want? Trump comes out every night and accuses the press of being the most dishonest people on the planet and you expect them to kiss his arse? He needs to stop saying stupid things (such as the 3M-5M illegal votes, etc) and just keep to doing the things he got elected on. While there is a lot to dislike there, he did campaign on these issues and won. Don't give the press the stupid stuff to report on and the coverage will get more real. Just remember, some of Trump's policies are not majority public opinion (building the stupid wall), expect some push back.
2017-01-26 9:20 AM
in reply to: Oysterboy

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: The press and the new administration

Originally posted by Oysterboy
Originally posted by Rogillio Watched the nightly news and for every story the reported on about Trump the had a negative spin on it. They used campaign footage and spun that to twist the story. The found an immigrant that was brought here at 3 years old and acted like he was the target of Trumps executive order agains illegal who commit crimes be deported. They asked this teen kid if he was scared. My only hope is enough people see thru the BS the media is spinnning. It is very obvious.
What do you want? Trump comes out every night and accuses the press of being the most dishonest people on the planet and you expect them to kiss his arse? He needs to stop saying stupid things (such as the 3M-5M illegal votes, etc) and just keep to doing the things he got elected on. While there is a lot to dislike there, he did campaign on these issues and won. Don't give the press the stupid stuff to report on and the coverage will get more real. Just remember, some of Trump's policies are not majority public opinion (building the stupid wall), expect some push back.

He's playing 4D chess.  It was just a few weeks ago that the press was going on and on about how he wasn't elected legitimately and that we were hacked.  Now they're doing everything they can to defend the integrity of the election and saying there's no possible way there could be illegal votes.  It's so brilliant, it's downright hilarious.  Not to mention it's a great segue into a federal voter ID law.  I mean, if there aren't any citizens who aren't voting then what's the issue right.

If the press would stop lying then he wouldn't have to attack them.  If you recall this is exactly how he won the election.  He picked one opponent at a time and pointed out a truthful flaw in them and hit it over and over and people started to see the truth.  If the press has integrity and doesn't lie then his attacks are meaningless.  Unfortunately, we all know they do so it will be very effective.



2017-01-26 9:24 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: The press and the new administration

On another humorous note, the opposition twitter from the National Parks Service is fake.  It's from the UK.  lol



2017-01-26 10:06 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: The press and the new administration
Originally posted by tuwood He's playing 4D chess.

You are giving this guy waaaay to much credit.
2017-01-26 10:44 AM
in reply to: Oysterboy

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Subject: RE: The press and the new administration
MSNBC teaser line: Trump brings back torture.

Uh....will not exactly. The then showed some campaign clips of him talking about enhanced interrogation techniques. They showed part of an interview where he said if the general wanted it he would work towards that end doing what is within the law. The did not show the part where he said he talked to Gen Mad Dog about torture and he said he would rather use a six pack of beer and carton of cigarettes. Nope, the made it sound as if we were going to start waterboarding children tomorrow......

2017-01-26 10:46 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: The press and the new administration

Originally posted by Rogillio MSNBC teaser line: Trump brings back torture. Uh....will not exactly. The then showed some campaign clips of him talking about enhanced interrogation techniques. They showed part of an interview where he said if the general wanted it he would work towards that end doing what is within the law. The did not show the part where he said he talked to Gen Mad Dog about torture and he said he would rather use a six pack of beer and carton of cigarettes. Nope, the made it sound as if we were going to start waterboarding children tomorrow......

I have two I will volunteer as test cases.  It's actually perfect since they are indentical.  They can waterboard one and not the other.....so there is a control in the experiment.  That way nobody can say he doesn't believe in science.

Edited by Left Brain 2017-01-26 10:48 AM
2017-01-26 10:47 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: The press and the new administration

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Oysterboy
Originally posted by Rogillio Watched the nightly news and for every story the reported on about Trump the had a negative spin on it. They used campaign footage and spun that to twist the story. The found an immigrant that was brought here at 3 years old and acted like he was the target of Trumps executive order agains illegal who commit crimes be deported. They asked this teen kid if he was scared. My only hope is enough people see thru the BS the media is spinnning. It is very obvious.
What do you want? Trump comes out every night and accuses the press of being the most dishonest people on the planet and you expect them to kiss his arse? He needs to stop saying stupid things (such as the 3M-5M illegal votes, etc) and just keep to doing the things he got elected on. While there is a lot to dislike there, he did campaign on these issues and won. Don't give the press the stupid stuff to report on and the coverage will get more real. Just remember, some of Trump's policies are not majority public opinion (building the stupid wall), expect some push back.

He's playing 4D chess.  It was just a few weeks ago that the press was going on and on about how he wasn't elected legitimately and that we were hacked.  Now they're doing everything they can to defend the integrity of the election and saying there's no possible way there could be illegal votes.  It's so brilliant, it's downright hilarious.  Not to mention it's a great segue into a federal voter ID law.  I mean, if there aren't any citizens who aren't voting then what's the issue right.

If the press would stop lying then he wouldn't have to attack them.  If you recall this is exactly how he won the election.  He picked one opponent at a time and pointed out a truthful flaw in them and hit it over and over and people started to see the truth.  If the press has integrity and doesn't lie then his attacks are meaningless.  Unfortunately, we all know they do so it will be very effective.



the bolded is how censorship and dictatorship start in civilized countries.

2017-01-26 10:54 AM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: The press and the new administration

Originally posted by dmiller5

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Oysterboy
Originally posted by Rogillio Watched the nightly news and for every story the reported on about Trump the had a negative spin on it. They used campaign footage and spun that to twist the story. The found an immigrant that was brought here at 3 years old and acted like he was the target of Trumps executive order agains illegal who commit crimes be deported. They asked this teen kid if he was scared. My only hope is enough people see thru the BS the media is spinnning. It is very obvious.
What do you want? Trump comes out every night and accuses the press of being the most dishonest people on the planet and you expect them to kiss his arse? He needs to stop saying stupid things (such as the 3M-5M illegal votes, etc) and just keep to doing the things he got elected on. While there is a lot to dislike there, he did campaign on these issues and won. Don't give the press the stupid stuff to report on and the coverage will get more real. Just remember, some of Trump's policies are not majority public opinion (building the stupid wall), expect some push back.

He's playing 4D chess.  It was just a few weeks ago that the press was going on and on about how he wasn't elected legitimately and that we were hacked.  Now they're doing everything they can to defend the integrity of the election and saying there's no possible way there could be illegal votes.  It's so brilliant, it's downright hilarious.  Not to mention it's a great segue into a federal voter ID law.  I mean, if there aren't any citizens who aren't voting then what's the issue right.

If the press would stop lying then he wouldn't have to attack them.  If you recall this is exactly how he won the election.  He picked one opponent at a time and pointed out a truthful flaw in them and hit it over and over and people started to see the truth.  If the press has integrity and doesn't lie then his attacks are meaningless.  Unfortunately, we all know they do so it will be very effective.



the bolded is how censorship and dictatorship start in civilized countries.

Freedom of press does not give them the freedom to lie.  However, I do agree with you that a dishonest press is a foundational cornerstone of a dictatorship so I'm very thankful Trump is putting a stop to it. 

2017-01-26 10:55 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: The press and the new administration

Originally posted by dmiller5

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Oysterboy
Originally posted by Rogillio Watched the nightly news and for every story the reported on about Trump the had a negative spin on it. They used campaign footage and spun that to twist the story. The found an immigrant that was brought here at 3 years old and acted like he was the target of Trumps executive order agains illegal who commit crimes be deported. They asked this teen kid if he was scared. My only hope is enough people see thru the BS the media is spinnning. It is very obvious.
What do you want? Trump comes out every night and accuses the press of being the most dishonest people on the planet and you expect them to kiss his arse? He needs to stop saying stupid things (such as the 3M-5M illegal votes, etc) and just keep to doing the things he got elected on. While there is a lot to dislike there, he did campaign on these issues and won. Don't give the press the stupid stuff to report on and the coverage will get more real. Just remember, some of Trump's policies are not majority public opinion (building the stupid wall), expect some push back.

He's playing 4D chess.  It was just a few weeks ago that the press was going on and on about how he wasn't elected legitimately and that we were hacked.  Now they're doing everything they can to defend the integrity of the election and saying there's no possible way there could be illegal votes.  It's so brilliant, it's downright hilarious.  Not to mention it's a great segue into a federal voter ID law.  I mean, if there aren't any citizens who aren't voting then what's the issue right.

If the press would stop lying then he wouldn't have to attack them.  If you recall this is exactly how he won the election.  He picked one opponent at a time and pointed out a truthful flaw in them and hit it over and over and people started to see the truth.  If the press has integrity and doesn't lie then his attacks are meaningless.  Unfortunately, we all know they do so it will be very effective.



the bolded is how censorship and dictatorship start in civilized countries.

That's a bit over the top.  Hell, even CNN this morning said that trump is doing exactly what he said he would do......and that's what he was elected to do.  Things are not going to go the liberal way the next 4 years, the same as they did not go the conservative way the last 8 years. We all survived.....and you will survive this, as soon as you realize this is the way it's going to be.  The liberals lost the election, and the conservatives now control all branches of govt (that was not an accident).....everybody needs to get over it. You don't always get your way.  Life rolls on.

Edited by Left Brain 2017-01-26 10:56 AM
2017-01-26 10:59 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: The press and the new administration

The government should not be "attacking" the free press in this country.

2017-01-26 11:05 AM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: The press and the new administration

Originally posted by dmiller5

The government should not be "attacking" the free press in this country.

Did you feel the same way when Obama attacked conservative press?

Having a press credential doesn't give anyone the ability to lie and manipulate public opinion to further their own personal and corporate agenda.

2017-01-26 11:51 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Evergreen, Colorado
Bronze member
Subject: RE: The press and the new administration

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by dmiller5

The government should not be "attacking" the free press in this country.

Did you feel the same way when Obama attacked conservative press?

Having a press credential doesn't give anyone the ability to lie and manipulate public opinion to further their own personal and corporate agenda.

There's a big difference between disagreeing with the press, and outright banning the press from reporting on governmental functions. Today, a group of high level state department workers stepped down. A friend of mine who works at the state department who couldn't comment further says the only media allowed broadcasted at Langley headquarters right now is "The Weather Channel". No outside news sources. 

I'm going to keep repeating it, but this administration is working very hard to keep the people from knowing what is going on. And that's not a good thing.

2017-01-26 12:29 PM
in reply to: Stacers

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: The press and the new administration

Originally posted by Stacers

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by dmiller5

The government should not be "attacking" the free press in this country.

Did you feel the same way when Obama attacked conservative press?

Having a press credential doesn't give anyone the ability to lie and manipulate public opinion to further their own personal and corporate agenda.

There's a big difference between disagreeing with the press, and outright banning the press from reporting on governmental functions. Today, a group of high level state department workers stepped down. A friend of mine who works at the state department who couldn't comment further says the only media allowed broadcasted at Langley headquarters right now is "The Weather Channel". No outside news sources. 

I'm going to keep repeating it, but this administration is working very hard to keep the people from knowing what is going on. And that's not a good thing.

I think you have it backwards.  It's not the administrations job to keep anyone informed, it's the presses job to find out what's going on and report it.  
Obama kept everybody in the dark by having a sycophantic press who just asked him about how his golf game was going for 8 years.  

Would you rather have a press that actually works sources and investigates or one that parrots what an administration feeds it?

2017-01-26 12:41 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Evergreen, Colorado
Bronze member
Subject: RE: The press and the new administration

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Stacers

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by dmiller5

The government should not be "attacking" the free press in this country.

Did you feel the same way when Obama attacked conservative press?

Having a press credential doesn't give anyone the ability to lie and manipulate public opinion to further their own personal and corporate agenda.

There's a big difference between disagreeing with the press, and outright banning the press from reporting on governmental functions. Today, a group of high level state department workers stepped down. A friend of mine who works at the state department who couldn't comment further says the only media allowed broadcasted at Langley headquarters right now is "The Weather Channel". No outside news sources. 

I'm going to keep repeating it, but this administration is working very hard to keep the people from knowing what is going on. And that's not a good thing.

I think you have it backwards.  It's not the administrations job to keep anyone informed, it's the presses job to find out what's going on and report it.  
Obama kept everybody in the dark by having a sycophantic press who just asked him about how his golf game was going for 8 years.  

Would you rather have a press that actually works sources and investigates or one that parrots what an administration feeds it?

So, you're saying the government should operate without transparency, and the press have to sneak around to procure information about what is going on and report it to we the people, taxpayers? Super efficient. Why didn't I think of that!? 

2017-01-26 12:43 PM
in reply to: tuwood

, California
Subject: RE: The press and the new administration

Everyone should step back from their partisan perches and remember why more than 1 party is a good thing.  Whether that's a 2-major party system like the USA or some of the European parliamentary systems with lots of players.

You can disagree with what the other guy is saying without trying to snuff out his existence.  Because once that line starts getting crossed, you end up with something like China, Russia or more recently, Turkey.

2017-01-26 12:48 PM
in reply to: Stacers

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: The press and the new administration

Originally posted by Stacers

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Stacers

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by dmiller5

The government should not be "attacking" the free press in this country.

Did you feel the same way when Obama attacked conservative press?

Having a press credential doesn't give anyone the ability to lie and manipulate public opinion to further their own personal and corporate agenda.

There's a big difference between disagreeing with the press, and outright banning the press from reporting on governmental functions. Today, a group of high level state department workers stepped down. A friend of mine who works at the state department who couldn't comment further says the only media allowed broadcasted at Langley headquarters right now is "The Weather Channel". No outside news sources. 

I'm going to keep repeating it, but this administration is working very hard to keep the people from knowing what is going on. And that's not a good thing.

I think you have it backwards.  It's not the administrations job to keep anyone informed, it's the presses job to find out what's going on and report it.  
Obama kept everybody in the dark by having a sycophantic press who just asked him about how his golf game was going for 8 years.  

Would you rather have a press that actually works sources and investigates or one that parrots what an administration feeds it?

So, you're saying the government should operate without transparency, and the press have to sneak around to procure information about what is going on and report it to we the people, taxpayers? Super efficient. Why didn't I think of that!? 

I guess what I'm more trying to say is the whole dog and pony show of the press conferences have been a joke for a long time.  It's been all spin for the last 8 years and I expect nothing more or less from the Trump administration.

The real journalism happens out in the trenches and they've gotten lazy over the years because the party they "like" has been in power. 

2017-01-26 3:18 PM
in reply to: spudone

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Subject: RE: The press and the new administration
Originally posted by spudone

Everyone should step back from their partisan perches and remember why more than 1 party is a good thing.  Whether that's a 2-major party system like the USA or some of the European parliamentary systems with lots of players.

You can disagree with what the other guy is saying without trying to snuff out his existence.  Because once that line starts getting crossed, you end up with something like China, Russia or more recently, Turkey.

What I find fascinating is how you can group the way people think into basically two groups and for the most part they agree with the stuff that group believes.

That was awkwardly stated.....let me try again.

Liberal - pro abortion, oppose capital punishment

Conservative - oppose abortion, pro capital punishment

Of course there are a few that oppose abortion and oppose capitol punishment and those that are pro abortion and pro capitol punishment but those two small groups pale in comparison to the former two groups.

2017-01-26 3:39 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: The press and the new administration

Originally posted by Stacers

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by dmiller5

The government should not be "attacking" the free press in this country.

Did you feel the same way when Obama attacked conservative press?

Having a press credential doesn't give anyone the ability to lie and manipulate public opinion to further their own personal and corporate agenda.

There's a big difference between disagreeing with the press, and outright banning the press from reporting on governmental functions. Today, a group of high level state department workers stepped down. A friend of mine who works at the state department who couldn't comment further says the only media allowed broadcasted at Langley headquarters right now is "The Weather Channel". No outside news sources. 

I'm going to keep repeating it, but this administration is working very hard to keep the people from knowing what is going on. And that's not a good thing.

What is it you don't know?  A new administration is in and most of the old guard will be told their services are no longer needed. That's just business as usual.  ll are allowed to resign, but basically they get fired.  I've been watching the news for the last week and I feel like I'm pretty well informed on what's going on.  i don't care at all about the opinions of the people who are leaving.....it's really not even news.  New guard in, old guard out.  I promise you everyone in the old guard expects it......because that's how it always goes.  If you are asked to stay on, like Comey, you're just lucky.

This stuff at the State Department is NOT news.....you know how I know?  Because not a single news organization is interested....THAT'S why there are no news outlets at Langley.  The news will come when the new folks are installed.

Admittedly, I'm having a hard time with this idea that the new guy needs to capitulate to the people who rail against him every day, and didn't vote for him.  NO!  The liberals lost the election......LOST.  When did this country get full of people who can't stand to not get their way.....and think by stamping their feet everyone will come around to their way of thinking?  NO!  It doesn't work that way.  The only thing I can figure is that nobody paid attention the last 8 years because their guy won.......IT WAS THE SAME!!!!  President Obama brought his people in and got rid of Bush's people.  This is life.  Most of my conservative friends think I'm not conservative enough.....but I will be by the time this is over. LOL

Edited by Left Brain 2017-01-26 4:07 PM
2017-01-26 4:25 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: The press and the new administration

Elon Musk gets it: "Simply attacking him will achieve nothing. Are you aware of a single case where Trump bowed to protests or media attacks?"

CNN is starting to get it:

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