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2008-04-28 8:01 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Newnan, GA
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
OH MY!! You guys (or girls and guy) rock! When I entered this group last week I thought my bike was the worst thing -- Saturday I did my first sprint and about drowned. About 100 yds in I had a panic attack and stripped off my wetsuit in the water (I was able to leave it with a couple guys in a canoe). I basically did the backstroke the entire balance of the swim. This was crazy b/c I love swimming and thought it would be my strongest leg. It brought my overall time way down - but after that any pressure to do "good" was off and I just enjoyed the bike and run.

I too am a mom of two who does the 5 am workouts (which is why I end up logging more hours on the trainer than outside on my bike). I get in a good week then burn out a little bit the next... not intentional - just a pattern I've notice looking back at my entries. Now though I have just under three weeks until an olympic (I tend to think big and occasionally get myself in over my head). My biggest goal over these next three weeks is to get in atleast three more 10 miles rides OUTSIDE on my bike and atleast 2 longer rides (15-25 miles) OUTSIDE on my bike. I live in a pretty rural area - but it is somewhat hilly which is why I have been fairly wimpy about just taking off. That, AND I have to get in a least one (preferably 2) outside swims. Don't know where or when but it has got to happen. I can do the distance for my Olympic - I just have to get over the crap in my head so I don't have another panic attack in the water.

2008-04-28 8:34 PM
in reply to: #1367515

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Slower Than You
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
wurkit_gurl - 2008-04-28 4:57 PM

bcart1991 - 2008-04-28 4:54 PM 9 gals, 1 guy. I'm in trouble.

Most guys would like those odds

True, but as a married man, I've witnessed firsthand what happens when you ladies get together.

Here's to a glorious tri season (mine hasn't started yet...)!!!
2008-04-28 8:53 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Eltham North, Victoria
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

Well, look at all this chit chat thats been going on whilst I've been asleep. How am I ever going to keep up with you lot?

-Welcome back Maddy, sound like you had a very exciting long weekend. Very cool race.

I'm quite afraid of my Worlds goal cos I'm unsure of my capabilities having never really tested them before. I figure I'll just go for it and make sure the only excuse for not making it is genetics if that's the case.

-Chrissy, it may not be you legs that hurt so much on the Century, it's other bits I would worry about!

-Sandi I find I really struggle every couple of weeks also. I just take it as it comes, I find I need to schedule an easier week every so often cos my body just doesn't want to play. 

Enjoy your training all(I'm having a rest day... I'm fighting a coldFrown).

Edited by bondgirl 2008-04-28 8:55 PM
2008-04-28 9:00 PM
in reply to: #1368028

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Extreme Veteran
Brisbane QLD
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
esc - 2008-04-29 11:40 AM

Wow! I'm off-line for 24 hours and end up with 2 pages worth of reading to do! Y'all are chatty.

Hope everyone had a good start to the week. It certainly looks like SpiritFire started the work week off with a bang! I have to apoligize if I'm a bit absent from the conversation this week. In addition to working full time, I'm a part-time student. This week is the all dreaded finals week. I have three exams to prepare for so I'm trying to keep BT surfing time to a minimum.

Don't worry about surfing late too much Emily.  Studying, training, working... It's WAY too much.  I have the utmost respect for the guys and girls at my work doing their masters/PhDs because it's sooo time consuming and yet they seem to have a life as well (with no money!)  Your time is VERY valuable!  Use it wisely!


swise - 2008-04-29 12:01 PM Saturday I did my first sprint and about drowned. About 100 yds in I had a panic attack and stripped off my wetsuit in the water (I was able to leave it with a couple guys in a canoe). I basically did the backstroke the entire balance of the swim. This was crazy b/c I love swimming and thought it would be my strongest leg. 

 Sandy!  This is EXACTLY how I raced my first three races!  (Although I don't own a suit because It's Queensland and It's always too hot here)  Backstroke was my strongest stroke in highschool, so when I panicked I flipped over and backstroked until I caugh my breath.  Sometimes the whole swim leg.  It's TOUGH getting back into it when you THINK you're a strong swimmer.  i thought I was!  I'd done all that swimming a while ago then launched in... Bum-bow! 

After my first tri I went straight to the pool and started building myself up!  Can I do 50m?  Yup... Can I do 100m?  and so on and so on until I could do 400 non stop.  Then I joined a squad that was too advanced and it all went pear shaped.  start small! 

 The best thing for you to do Sandy is to get in A pool (preferably 50m - at 5am in the morning) and just SWIM 1500m non stop!  While I've been doing that I've been using my swimming as a kind of meditation.  That way when I got to race day this season I sort of  ZONED OUT to stop panicking (biggest weakness in the swim...  If you Panic you drown)

Things that caused me to panic

  • Salt water.  Yeck...  You know when you swallow that!  At the start of my races I now take a mouthful, rinse it round like mouthwash and spit it out.  It stops me from getting TASTE SHOCK 
  • COLD water...  Haven't quite mastered this one yet... Then again QLD isn't that cold.  i find my muscles in my ribs contract in the cold making it harder to get air in my lungs...  Chattering teeth don't help either...  To get over this I've been trying to dunk myself first before a wading start.  If it's a deep water start then I get in one wave ahead just to acclimatise.
  •  People Swimming over you.  Kick, elbow and punch them back!  You have a right to your own space in the swim as do they.  They need to learn to swim round!  To avoid this I have a favourite spot at the swim start.  Usually based on tidal flow but it's usually next to the right of the start buoy (or first buoy since we pass the buoys on the RIGHT.)  and I swim just a "little" wide so I've got my own space keeping to the left. 
  • Currents/tidal flow.  This is a BIG one for open water swims.  Esp if it's working against you.  If you get caught in a rip, swim parraell to shore until you can't fell it sucking you out anymore then make a dash to the shore.  Unfortunetly the only way to fight against the tide in a race is to become a stronger swimmer.  LOTS of practice! 
  • CHOP!  Notice how it's not "WAVES"  Chop are tiny waves that have no pull and are usually whipped up by your fellow competators or by the wind in bad conditions.  Not much you can do about it than PUT YOUR HEAD UP like you're sighting to take a breath.  It's been the only way I've managed to fight this one so far.  
These are my PANIC buttons for the swim. 

 I do wanna say though that this was your first tri!!!  Don't worry about the time!  You finished it!!!  That's the main thing!  You've accomplished your first goal this season sandy!  NOW you have a base to work on and improve! 


Let's Give Sandy a hand!!!   

2008-04-28 9:06 PM
in reply to: #1368182

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
bondgirl - 2008-04-28 9:53 PM

-Chrissy, it may not be you legs that hurt so much on the Century, it's other bits I would worry about!

Yeah...we are getting team outfits, so I don't know what the chamois will be like in the shorts. I have a pair of shorts that are super-padded and comfy without being bulky; I would wear those otherwise. Going to get some Chamois Butt'r too and smear on a whole bunch of that as well!

2008-04-29 6:09 AM
in reply to: #1349986

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Emily - I know how you feel, fitting in the training with the studying and all the other things that have to be done. I wish I had a time machine. That said get your head down and get stuck in and it'll be over before you know it. Good luck with it all, I know how stressful these times can be. My last exam was January and now all I have to do are 2 papers and a dissertation. At least it doesn't mean revising but the lack of an immediate deadline playes havoc with my ability to focus!

2008-04-29 8:00 AM
in reply to: #1349986

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

Hey folks,

So, to change the subject to something less cheery, but I just want to vent...yesterday, I was told by someone that it was an insult to them as a triathlete to be compared to me, because that person had completed an IM (fwiw, the context was not comparing me as an athlete to this person, so I'm sure where the rude comments came from, but anyway). I mean, I know I'm not fast, I'm not exactly running around bragging and saying I'm a better athlete than everyone else. Heck, everyone should be GLAD that I'm slow - that way, they will be sure to beat me! I've only been doing this for a year, so yeah, I'm not exactly winning my AG, but I think I've come a long way in some respects. Am I completely wrong in thinking that this is a HORRIBLE thing to say??!?!?! Even if I were good, I would NEVER say that to someone, never mind say it twice! I'm a pretty good swimmer; I might have better technique than some people here, but I would NEVER EVER be condescending about it, never mind mention it in the first place, unless someone asked for my help - and in that case, I wouldn't be nasty! I'm still a little shocked, because it was really unwarranted, but seriously, how can someone even THINK that saying something like that is okay?! And this is someone I know in real life too, which makes it even worse. If it were just some internet troll, I wouldn't care as much, and I don't REALLY care cuz it's not like we are bff, but I guess it just goes to show you how crappy people really can be.

Sorry - just wanted to vent...

Edited by wurkit_gurl 2008-04-29 8:01 AM
2008-04-29 8:27 AM
in reply to: #1368668

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Springfield, Illinois
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

Yup. People can be real jerks sometimes. You gotta let it go. Sometimes, when I find myself getting really angry at stupid people, I think "Why do they have the power to make me question my abilities when THEY are the ones with their heads up their you-know-whats?" Just remember, they have to live with themselves and if they get off belittling others to make themselves feel superior, then they have deeper issues. I like to think that maybe they were just having a bad day and were lashing out due to fear or lack of self confidence or something.

Frankly, anyone who has even the slightest committment to bettering themselves is ACES in my book! No matter how far you have come, at least you are moving forward. Comparing yourself to other's progress is a trap. Don't fall for it.

2008-04-29 8:39 AM
in reply to: #1368668

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Slower Than You
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
That probably would have gotten a kick in the nards from me.
2008-04-29 11:10 AM
in reply to: #1349986

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Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

Wow, I only missed a day and have a lot of catching up to do!

Chrissy, YOU ROCK!  This person who insulted you needs a kick in the pants (or head if I had anything to do with it).  If they were any kind of decent they would be acting as a mentor, helping motivate others.  Not trying to squash them. 

I'm all proud of myself for not swearing, btw--that kinda pissed me off.

2008-04-29 12:12 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Don't give them another thought. It's a waste of time. You know how far you've come and NO ONE can take that away from you. Just let it go; no need to waste the energy!!!

2008-04-29 12:15 PM
in reply to: #1349986

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Okay, just wanted to make sure that I wasn't the only one who thought that comment was COMPLETELY out of line! I mean, I didn't know if maybe there were some unwritten rules of triathlon where IM'ers could diss newbies...but from a perspective of general, good humanity, I just couldn't find a reason how that comment could have been construed as acceptable by anyone.
2008-04-29 12:57 PM
in reply to: #1369577

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Nope I'd be peeved too ... I used to work with a woman who consistently told me I am not a triathlete because I have never done Ironman ... she said unless you've raced Kona - you are not a "real" triathlete, and consistently called my races "mini-triathlons" ... I finally just had to stop talking to her.

However she knew nothing about tri's - whereas your comment came from a fellow athlete.

IMHO - it doesn't matter how fast or slow you are, or how long you've been in the sport ... if you've swam, then biked, then run across a finish line, and done all the training to get there - you are as worthy of a triathlete as anybody!
2008-04-29 1:28 PM
in reply to: #1369713

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

SpiritFire - 2008-04-29 1:57 PM However she knew nothing about tri's - whereas your comment came from a fellow athlete.

Exactly. Anyway, I'm glad that there are people out there who are at least humble about their athletic abilities. The guy who is leading our century group used to be a member of the USA Triathlon Team. He is the nicest, most positive and supportive guy you will ever meet. He will ride with you when you are going 8 mph, and stop when you get slammed into a bridge by the wind, cheering you on the whole way. He's great. I have another friend, who's a BT'er and who is very fast in all disciplines, who once forfeited a group run, to run with me at my slow, slogging 10:30 minute/mile pace to keep me talking and going for my then-longest run ever (of 5 miles!) while everyone else left us behind.

Anyway, I am hoping I can hop on the bike tonight, but that might not be a go if I don't get out of here early enough. I'll ride the trainer, at the very least, but I'd like to get out on the trail.

2008-04-29 6:21 PM
in reply to: #1368668

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Eltham North, Victoria
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
wurkit_gurl - 2008-04-29 8:00 AM

Hey folks,

So, to change the subject to something less cheery, but I just want to vent...yesterday, I was told by someone that it was an insult to them as a triathlete to be compared to me, because that person had completed an IM (fwiw, the context was not comparing me as an athlete to this person, so I'm sure where the rude comments came from, but anyway). I mean, I know I'm not fast, I'm not exactly running around bragging and saying I'm a better athlete than everyone else. Heck, everyone should be GLAD that I'm slow - that way, they will be sure to beat me! I've only been doing this for a year, so yeah, I'm not exactly winning my AG, but I think I've come a long way in some respects. Am I completely wrong in thinking that this is a HORRIBLE thing to say??!?!?! Even if I were good, I would NEVER say that to someone, never mind say it twice! I'm a pretty good swimmer; I might have better technique than some people here, but I would NEVER EVER be condescending about it, never mind mention it in the first place, unless someone asked for my help - and in that case, I wouldn't be nasty! I'm still a little shocked, because it was really unwarranted, but seriously, how can someone even THINK that saying something like that is okay?! And this is someone I know in real life too, which makes it even worse. If it were just some internet troll, I wouldn't care as much, and I don't REALLY care cuz it's not like we are bff, but I guess it just goes to show you how crappy people really can be.

Sorry - just wanted to vent...

Ooo, people like that make my blood boil. Don't they realize that it's people like us that are the bread and butter of this sport? Where would it be without all of us people just giving it a go. We all have to start somewhere.

You just gotta believe in karma.

2008-04-29 7:11 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Extreme Veteran
Brisbane QLD
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

Chrissy, that person is an idiot. You are a triathlete. THEY are an elitist. IMHO you should feel embarrassed they call themselves a triathlete. Same as I feel embarrassed whenever I see a cyclist blatently ignore the road rules.

There's always one bad apple. 



Edited by light_sabe_r 2008-04-29 7:14 PM

2008-04-29 7:16 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Springfield, Illinois
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

I just purchased a few DVD spinnervals online today. I know the weather is heating up and the days are getting longer, but I have to squeeze in most of my training at odd hours, so having treadmill speed workouts and bike trainer options that don't make me fall asleep at 4 am are good things to have, I think.

Has anyone tried something like this before? I got a runervals, spinnervals, and a bike/strength/core combination session, too. Wondering if these are worth the $? I have most of the accessories already, although some heavier DBs wouldn't hurt. The only thing I'm lacking is the little nozzle adaptor for the foot pump to blow up my physio ball. I believe it is somewhere buried in the kid's playroom beneath piles of dolls and matchbox cars....

2008-04-29 7:45 PM
in reply to: #1370809

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Eltham North, Victoria
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Jenni G - 2008-04-29 7:16 PM

I just purchased a few DVD spinnervals online today. I know the weather is heating up and the days are getting longer, but I have to squeeze in most of my training at odd hours, so having treadmill speed workouts and bike trainer options that don't make me fall asleep at 4 am are good things to have, I think.

Has anyone tried something like this before? I got a runervals, spinnervals, and a bike/strength/core combination session, too. Wondering if these are worth the $? I have most of the accessories already, although some heavier DBs wouldn't hurt. The only thing I'm lacking is the little nozzle adaptor for the foot pump to blow up my physio ball. I believe it is somewhere buried in the kid's playroom beneath piles of dolls and matchbox cars....

I, too have to train at odd hours cos I like to give time to my family so it's early morings or after my son has gone to bed. I have a couple of more beginner level Spinervals DVD's and they certainly do help pass the time on the trainer. As I improve I intend to get some more advanced ones to help my get stronger.

Have fun.

2008-04-29 8:12 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Newnan, GA
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
I know the conversation has moved on -- but one last note about that idiot who was rude... one day that person will be on the side of the road with a flat, no tube or tools and you will be the only person for miles. And, you will stop and help them b/c you are the better person. Absent that scenario -- don't give that person another thought.

I have to say that this is the most welcoming sport I've ever participated in. When I was at my "mini-tri" (as some might say) last weekend I was by myself and QUITE nervous and everyone I had any kind of contact with wa supportive and encouraging regardless of experience level. That is also why I love this site -- everyone is so uplifting and encouraging.

Thanks for the tips on the OWS -- my boss lives on a small lake so I'm gonna try and get permission to swim on it a few times before my Oly. Any suggestions on training tips for in the pool?? Normally I breath every 4 or 5 strokes (depending on if alternating) -- should I work toward taking more strokes between breaths to build better lung capacity? Does that even work? I can swim long distances fine - but I don't normally do flip turns which I guess I'll need to get back in to.

2008-04-29 8:37 PM
in reply to: #1370917

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

swise - 2008-04-29 9:12 PM I know the conversation has moved on -- but one last note about that idiot who was rude... one day that person will be on the side of the road with a flat, no tube or tools and you will be the only person for miles. And, you will stop and help them b/c you are the better person. Absent that scenario -- don't give that person another thought. I have to say that this is the most welcoming sport I've ever participated in. When I was at my "mini-tri" (as some might say) last weekend I was by myself and QUITE nervous and everyone I had any kind of contact with wa supportive and encouraging regardless of experience level. That is also why I love this site -- everyone is so uplifting and encouraging. Thanks for the tips on the OWS -- my boss lives on a small lake so I'm gonna try and get permission to swim on it a few times before my Oly. Any suggestions on training tips for in the pool?? Normally I breath every 4 or 5 strokes (depending on if alternating) -- should I work toward taking more strokes between breaths to build better lung capacity? Does that even work? I can swim long distances fine - but I don't normally do flip turns which I guess I'll need to get back in to.

Eh, it's not really necessary to take more strokes between breaths than you're already doing. The key is even breathing, and not breathing shallowly, really. Also, I don't do flip turns in the pool because I haven't done them since I was like 10. If you're going to do tris with pool swims, then it might be useful. But even then, there are ways to turn at the wall that are fast, and not flip-turns.

2008-04-29 8:39 PM
in reply to: #1370917

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Springfield, Illinois
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Wow! 4-5 stroke breaths?? You're my new hero! I can't do more than two!! How do I get to where you are?

2008-04-30 1:05 AM
in reply to: #1349986

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Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

Please answer Jenni's question first   It's more important.

I hate to jump in, sorry....

OK, how can I get the list of people in this group onto my page as links to their pages, as well as the link so I don't have to go to forums, then April mentors, etc.?   Thanks.

2008-04-30 3:34 AM
in reply to: #1370809

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Extreme Veteran
Brisbane QLD
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Jenni G - 2008-04-30 11:16 AM

I just purchased a few DVD spinnervals online today. I know the weather is heating up and the days are getting longer, but I have to squeeze in most of my training at odd hours, so having treadmill speed workouts and bike trainer options that don't make me fall asleep at 4 am are good things to have, I think.

Has anyone tried something like this before? I got a runervals, spinnervals, and a bike/strength/core combination session, too. Wondering if these are worth the $? I

I've tried spinervals, but I get more out of someone yelling at me in person. Plus the accent kinda puts me off... (I want KPH as well not mph) Plus they get boring after a while, I'd rather get out there and ride for real! Or flip in a good movie to watch while in the trainer.

BUT if you're for your odd hour workouts Jenni these sound like a GREAT solution! I say go for it!


swise - 2008-04-30 12:12 PM I have to say that this is the most welcoming sport I've ever participated in.

Damn right! That's why I love it so much!


swise - 2008-04-30 12:12 PM Any suggestions on training tips for in the pool?? Normally I breath every 4 or 5 strokes (depending on if alternating) -- should I work toward taking more strokes between breaths to build better lung capacity? Does that even work? I can swim long distances fine - but I don't normally do flip turns which I guess I'll need to get back in to.

With the pull buoy (my favourite tool!) i breathe every 4 strokes and can go on like that for many many sets. When I swim normally (with my kick) I breath on almost every right stroke which is about every 4th kick. (Except when I'm swimming) When I'm sprinting I can breathe every 4 strokes but find I can't keep that up more than 50m or so. AND I'm buggared afterwards to the point of being almost out of breath. When I breath right stroke I've gone for 2km (and I feel as though I can do more if when I stop)

The big question is: What kind of distances are you doing with the 4 or 5 stroke breathing without "bonking"

Bilateral breathing is a total weakness of mine! I'm working on it. (slowly) My left side just doesn't want to co-operate yet. I did some on Tuesday with a kickboard.


Quick question: Does anyone do flipturns? Sure they make you faster in the pool but all my tris are in open water and unless I move to a colder climate, they probably always will be. It might be a handy skill to learn but I'm more concerned with getting my swim technique RIGHT first.


AndriaLL - 2008-04-30 5:05 PM

OK, how can I get the list of people in this group onto my page as links to their pages, as well as the link so I don't have to go to forums, then April mentors, etc.? Thanks.

Andria, You should be able to just copy the table here and paste it into the GOALS section under the control panel icon in your blog. You can add links to our profiles under FRIENDS in the control panel as well.   Hope you all don't mind that the background pickture on the table  are LIGHTSABRES!!!

I can email you the straight HTML code if you'd like. If I PM it to you it'll just show up like a table again...

Dee has written up a great tute for putting tables in your blogs. Which I've linked to here.

light_sabe_r's fabulous Mentees!


AndriaLL - Andria
bcart1991 - Brian
bondgirl - Tammie
esc - Emily
gilmurray - Maria
Jenni G - Jenni
Kate_r - Kate
SpiritFire - Trina
swise - Sandy
wurkit_gurl - Chrissy


Edited by light_sabe_r 2008-04-30 3:36 AM
2008-04-30 4:03 AM
in reply to: #1349986

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Eltham North, Victoria
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
I know how to do flip turns but I've never stayed swim fit enough to use them in my training. I need my air! iIve never seen it as a crucial skill for me to implement in my training. There are other things I need to do first like being able to make the distance..

Edited by bondgirl 2008-04-30 4:04 AM
2008-04-30 7:47 AM
in reply to: #1349986

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Slower Than You
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
The trick to getting better with your swimming (I read this somewhere, and by God, IT WORKS!) is:


By this, they mean go slow. No, slower than that. A little slower. When you think you're going backward, you've got it.

Get your form right going slow, and then you will naturally work that proper form into your faster workouts and swims.

Rotation, pull, kick, breathe. Get all that straightened out before you think about getting faster.

I spent my first couple workouts back in the pool working on my form and getting that right, then I started worrying about distance and speed.

Going longer distances is all in your head. Getting faster hurts.
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