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2008-04-26 10:48 AM
in reply to: #1351842

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
At sprint races, I normally see about 25 percent of the bikes are mountain bikes.

And some of the guys and women on mountain bikes will be passing people on triathlon bikes with disc wheels.

Its more about the engine ( your legs and lungs) than the bike. Sure two equally trained people the better bike will go faster. However, someone who trains well on a mountain bike will beat a lesser trained person on a more expensive bike.

I had a race last year where I passed most people going about 21 miles an hour. Some dude in cut off jeans and flip flops on a mountain bike passed me. And I finished in the top 1/3 of the race. Yes he ran in those flip flops too and beat me. And I ran a 23 minute 5k, so I wasn't slow.

2008-04-26 8:56 PM
in reply to: #1362979

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Leesburg, VA
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
I put some nice tires on my mountain bike that are smooth in the middle but have knobbies on the outside. I am not sure what they are called but I am sure your LBS has them. They are good for road riding but if you get out on a mild trail they will bite in the corners.
2008-04-26 9:01 PM
in reply to: #1362798

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Leesburg, VA
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
check out this thread. I just ordered my wife a bike from Javelin for $225 plus shipping $30 flat rate. Will have $300 in it with a tune up check out from the lbs after all is said and done. I don't know it is an option even at that price but wanted to pass it along incase.

read down through the first page and there are links to a website with pictures and descriptions.

Teresa's should be here middle of next week. YEA!
2008-04-26 10:00 PM
in reply to: #1351842

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Leesburg, VA
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
i will warn you make sure you have time to watch this entire video because you will not be able to stop watching it. It is by far the most amazing thing I have seen since deciding to become a tri-athlete. Pay close attention to the finish line.

<embed src="" FlashVars="viewkey=8cf08faca5dd9ea45513" wmode="transparent" quality="high" width="330" height="270" name="godtube" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" />

2008-04-27 5:21 AM
in reply to: #1364058

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
Javelin makes a good bike. I used to ride a Sizzano and Garda.
2008-04-27 1:42 PM
in reply to: #1351842

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Swan Valley, Idaho
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
has everyone heard about the shark attack in CA? That's the first thing all of my friends mentioned yesterday morning.
I reminded them I swim in lakes - I hope the trout don't start attacking!

2008-04-27 3:42 PM
in reply to: #1351842

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
Yep heard about the shark attack. It was about an hour south of here.

Was a San Diego Tri Club member that died. He was out with tri club doing a swim and the shark happened to pick him.

First fatality from a shark bite in 71 years for Southern California. I think 4 people a year die from shark bites. If he had died in a traffic accident on the way to the beach, no one would have thought twice except for his family and friends.

They are examining the bites on the body to find out what kind of a shark it was. Original reports said Great white, but that makes for the most dramatic news story. They still don't know.

Sharks eat seals, not humans. Humans in wet suits do look like seals though.

Today's reverse sprint took first in age group. No official splits are posted yet, but they did give me the first place medal.

I know someone is gonna say I was the only person in the age group... wink. There were at least 8 in the age group.
2008-04-27 3:43 PM
in reply to: #1351842

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
Watch out for those Idaho Lake Sharks!
2008-04-27 4:24 PM
in reply to: #1351842

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Swan Valley, Idaho
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
way to go on the race! was it in the ocean?
2008-04-27 6:13 PM
in reply to: #1351842

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
No it was a reverse tri. Swim was last in the campus pool. Considering it reached 100 here today, am glad the run was in the cool of the morning and got to swim when it was hot.

This tri is part of the West Coast College Triathlon Series. Its a fund raiser for the local college tri teams, since they dont get funding from the Universities. Stanford, Cal Berkley, UCLA, USC, UC Davis, UC Santa Barbara, UC San Diego, UC Irvine, and Cal Poly SLO all have tri's and they send their athletes to the other schools to participate. Its fun to see all the college kids out there, and they are fast. The kids organize the races and staff them, and they do a very good job at it.

All the races are held on campus so they dont have to get city permits or pay city police to close the streets. I think only Santa Barbara has access to the ocean. San Diego may use mission bay and not be on campus. The rest of the races are reverse sprints since they have to use the campus pool.
2008-04-27 6:45 PM
in reply to: #1364843

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
Today's reverse sprint took first in age group.

Good job!

2008-04-27 6:52 PM
in reply to: #1364692

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
wswope - 2008-04-27 1:42 PM

has everyone heard about the shark attack in CA? That's the first thing all of my friends mentioned yesterday morning.
I reminded them I swim in lakes - I hope the trout don't start attacking!

We just have to worry about snakes and that brain-eating bacteria.
2008-04-27 7:10 PM
in reply to: #1365085

New user

Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED

good job on the tri Cashmason.


Well, I went to the pool today for the first time.  WOW, not a pretty site at all.  All I have to say is I am glad there is 3 months left untill my fist tri.  I am going to need it.


2008-04-27 8:06 PM
in reply to: #1351842

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
Fenster. Go to the pool often and practice drills and good technique. A short session with good form is better than a long one, where your form breaks down and then you practice bad technique.

Lots of short sessions are usually better than a few long sessions. The more often you go the better you will get.

And most of us want to practice what we are good at and avoid what we do poorly at. But you will place higher in races by taking your worst sport and improving to average, rather than going from very good and improving to excellent in your best event.

This said by a guy who was dead last in his age category on the swim last year and moved up to the middle of the back of the pack on the swim. But my swim improved by two and a half minutes and I think I beat the second place guy by a minute. He creamed me on the swim leg, but I had a good lead in the run and bike, and swam well enough that he couldn't catch me on the swim.
2008-04-27 8:19 PM
in reply to: #1351842

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San Antonio
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED

Great accomplishment Cash! An age group winner. Awesome.

I had quite a break through today.  I ran my first sub 9 minute mile, ever: 8.42.  makes me happy! The next mile was 9.58..the third 11.02 then the 4th a walk with the fat dog. I've got a two mile run in the mini sprint on May 10. I'm going to do it in 20 minutes or less. (that's my goal)

I was there with the swim last year, Fen. Keep on going to the pool. Cash is right though. I've had to work really hard at drills because I worked on just swimming and didn't know enough to work on swimming right. I'm still unlearning some stuff. I watch my TI DVD regularly.


2008-04-27 9:34 PM
in reply to: #1351842

New user

Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED

Thanks to both of you and thanks for the encouragement, I do plan on going to the pool on a regular basis and I will get better, but I know it is going to take time.  What type of drills are good?  What are some good sources to learn the right way to swim?  Point me in the right direction.




Edited by Fenster 2008-04-27 9:36 PM

2008-04-27 10:25 PM
in reply to: #1365443

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San Antonio
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
Fenster - 2008-04-27 9:34 PM

What type of drills are good? What are some good sources to learn the right way to swim? Point me in the right direction.



 I bought the Total Immersion freestyle made easy dvd.  It teaches all of the drills that I use.  I took lessons last winter (Oct-Jan) and it helped some. They were group lessons and if I had it to do over again I would take 1/2 as many private lessons. We don't have a Total Immersion school or coach in San Antonio or I'd be knocking on their door. A lot of people have suggested going to a master's swim club practice. I'd like to do that, and may work on it after school is out.  Cash nailed it when he said to start with drills and doing things right so you don't end up learning the wrong way and having to unlearn it.  I think some professional help is the only way to do that.


2008-04-28 2:54 AM
in reply to: #1351842

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
Fenster, try this link

And see if your Local library has the total Immersion book and or dvd. The dvd really helps. If not you can buy it for about 30 dollars.

2008-04-28 2:57 AM
in reply to: #1365315

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
denny.l - 2008-04-27 6:19 PM


I had quite a break through today.  I ran my first sub 9 minute mile, ever: 8.42.  makes me happy!

  • Lesley 

  • Congrats on the break through Lesley! That is major. Now that you know you can do it, future sub 9's will come more often.
    2008-04-28 5:09 AM
    in reply to: #1365494

    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
    Congrats on the sub-9. Now go string 2 of them together!

    Fenster - did you see that Dave Scott video I posted? Some good technique tips in there.

    This is how a certain coach that has trained Olympic gold medalists and professional triathletes teaches age groupers how to swim: Get a big fat pull buoy, get some really small handle paddles, and start swimming 25s & 50s with a lot of rest in between. The pull buoy is going to set your body in the right position, and the paddles are going to help you get a feel for setting up a proper catch - get one just the size of your palm though, you don't want to fry your shoulders. Only use the finger straps too - you want them to fall off if you start dropping your elbow, etc.. Get some big fins and do the same, then try a few w/o the equipment.

    Ideally you could find someone to watch you though - I've been doing some drills for several years, thinking I was doing them correctly, but recently had a masters coach point out little, tiny things that made a huge difference.

    2008-04-28 5:12 AM
    in reply to: #1365588

    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
    Cashmason - 2008-04-28 2:54 AM

    Fenster, try this link

    And see if your Local library has the total Immersion book and or dvd. The dvd really helps. If not you can buy it for about 30 dollars.

    This is how I learned to swim too. It's what took me from flogging the water and gasping for breath to actually being able to swim an hour w/o stopping.

    Cash - you're giving out lots of good advice, I'm glad you're here!

    2008-04-28 7:08 AM
    in reply to: #1351842

    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
    How I'd approach teaching my wife how to swim - she can do a few laps with her head out of the water.

    step 1 -- get used to having your head in the water
    tools -- big fins, arms out overhead. kick a length with your face in the water, raise your head to breathe as necessary. do this until it feels natural.

    step 2 -- get used to breathing on our side
    tools -- same as above, except this time instead of lifting our head, we're going to drop an arm and turn our head to the side to breath. do this until it feels natural.

    step 3 -- rolling to breath
    tools -- same as step 2, except this time we're going to concentrate on keeping one goggle in the water when we turn to breath, ear to shoulder, and trying to keep our hips in line with our head. rolling to breath instead of turning the head.

    step 4 -- developing a catch
    tools -- pull buoy & paddle. really simple, just use the techniques above, but this time concentrate on getting the paddle vertical in the water and pulling back.

    step 5 -- putting it all together. using those techniques in the Dave Scott video above.
    tools -- short efforts of 25/50 yds/meters, concentrating on perfect form. Adequate rest on the wall : although we'll get some aerobic conditioning, the purpose is to ingrain proper form.

    Just some general ideas. Hard to give specific advice w/o knowing where you're coming from and seeing your current stroke.

    Edited by lrobb 2008-04-28 7:25 AM
    2008-04-28 7:25 AM
    in reply to: #1351842

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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED

          I am having the same problems with my swimming.  This Info is helping a lot


    2008-04-28 7:56 AM
    in reply to: #1351842

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    Leesburg, VA
    Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
    Thanks for the tips. I have been breating on the side and it helped tremendously. I was trying ot help my wife learn this but I coulnd explain how to get there. I am going to post those two links in her mentor forum for her group to benefit from.
    2008-04-28 10:48 AM
    in reply to: #1351842

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    Swan Valley, Idaho
    Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
    we all know where your coming from.
    I used to swim all the time as a kid and teenager so I thought I knew how. This past winter I got the TI book and practiced my off. Then I did a short TI class cause I wanted someone to critique my stroke - I found out I was doing good but there was a million subtle things I could work on in drills.

    One of the main points I got from the instructor is that I need to practice technique and not endurance in the pool - he said that aerobic endurance should come from my cycling and running.
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