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2008-05-24 5:11 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Supersonicus Idioticus
Thunder Bay, ON
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
So I put in the longest run to date this season - 40 minutes. I wanted to go longer, but it appears I'm still feeling the ill effects of driving three 12 hour drives within 6 days of each other.

mmh -
I have the same problem with my duck feet. I read somewhere to pretend you are running on two tight-ropes... not sure if that helps.

Happy long weekend all,

2008-05-24 8:12 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Love those runs where you feel like you can keep going all day!

I'll mention the 2 ropes techniques to Chloe.

The active feet shop was fantastic; they had a video camera set up behind the treadmill and the screen set up on the treadmill console and we got to see Chloe's gait very cleary. She was quite shocked how bad her "duckiness" was.

They tried a few pairs of shoes on and the difference between the ones we ended up with and the ones that were no good was amazing. There was hardly any flick out in the good ones so it really made a huge difference.

The podiatrist there reckons Chloe has little flexibility in her big toe joint and the reason she flicks is because her foot wants to take the path of least resisitance. So her gave her a shoe with a high arch to create more mobility in her big toe.

It was really interesting to see the difference a good pair of runners can make.

 I'll definitely be going there in the next few weeks for my new runners.

2008-05-24 8:42 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Studio City
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

It sounds like everyone has nice plans for the weekend. My training this week was way lacking. A nasty head cold got the best of me this week, but I got on my bike this morning and did some hill repeats and worked on leg strengthening.. The hills really got me! I need to work up the endurance.

We're taking my daughter to Sesame Place tomorrow, so that should be fun. I think I'll do a mini brick on Monday, some flats on the bike and start walking..still no running yet

Jessica, I too am very jealous of you being able to swim in the ocean..NJ waters are still way too cold unless you want to use a 5-7mm suit! Not me!

 Greg, nice run!

2008-05-26 7:57 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Studio City
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

I finally had a chance to relax and was able to get some training in. It felt really good and I think this is what I needed to get started. Put in some nice rides, walking and some strength training. Now, I need to keep it up.

Jessica, how was the swimming this weekend?

I hope you all had a nice weekend! Back to work tomorrow :p


2008-05-26 5:35 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Hope you all had a nice weekend.  I'm still here at the beach, but have been keeping up with my workouts.  I wish I could get more swimming in, but as nature will have it, I'm not stepping back in that water this week.  See my log for a pic.  And on another nature issue here, I went for another bike ride this morning, only to find that the birds I thought were following me yesterday were out again.  Only, they weren't following me.  They were trying to attack me.  The only thing I could come up with is that it's a sort of nesting area for the birds as it's a nature preservation area.  I realized they were diving at me so I stopped pedaling, took of my helmet and starting swinging it around my head.  I finally gave up, and turned back, but that wasn't good enough for them.  And unfortunately, I was now heading the direction of the wind, so I could only go about 10mph, maybe 12 with every ounce of effort in my body.  I rode the 3 or so miles back to the safe land with one hand steering and the other swinging my helmet around my head and screaming at the top of my lungs for them to leave me alone.  It was quite the adventure.  So I may have to find a new bike course for tomorrow.  And the swimming will have to wait until Wednesday or Thursday. 

So now that we've all had a good laugh, are there any exercises I can do at home without any equipment that will help my swimming if I can't get to a pool for a week or so?  I did manage to get some push ups in yesterday.

2008-05-26 6:01 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Hi Jessica,

I have been there with the birds!!!

Where I used to live we had lots of magpies (black and white bird with very pointy beak) and when they nest they swoop everything in site.

You used to see people walking down the street with tennis rackets and helmets on with eyes pasted on the back (apparently they won't swoop if you are looking at them??) - it made quite a picture.   Anyone driving through must have thought we were all mad.

The maggie problem is still pretty bad where I am now but not as bad as that.

You wanna hope you don't find yourself on Funniest Home Videos

2008-05-26 6:31 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Studio City
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Oh my...I've never experienced that before. That's funny, but I'm sure it wasn't at the time!

2008-05-27 10:31 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Hey, guys.  Thanks to everyone for the Inspires.  I'm usually more engaged, but this past week/weekend was moving time.

The good news is that I'm back.  I went for a 1 mile dog walk this morning.  I think I'll do a quick bike ride this evening and follow it up with a 1 mile run.  That will be my first brick - ever.

Talk to ya'll soon.

- Lora


2008-05-27 11:20 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

The wife and kids are gone for a week, so I am looking to do some heavy training this week. It is hard at times to find a balance between training like I want and still being arouns to be hubby and daddy. Alot of the times I will have my boys (7 and 8) ride their bikes with me as I run,  I call them my pace cars! Occasionally the wife will ride as well, so we try to make it a family thing!

Anyways I know this is probably a bad thing to stay, but I am looking forward to this week alone, but then again, ask me at he end of the day and see if I feel the same way!  lol

2008-05-27 11:39 AM
in reply to: #1425930

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Studio City
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
I know what you mean about trying to balance between family and training. Last year I was training for a double century and it took a lot of my early mornings (which meant Dad having to do everything and getting my daughter to school himself) and my least 3 hours on a Sat or Sun. It was hard, but luckily my family was very supportive. NOW my hubby is joining me and I'm really happy about that, but let's see how we do at balancing that!
2008-05-27 4:31 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Hi there,

Lora -Glad to hear you are all settled in and back at it - does it feel like home yet??

jford - I know what you mean about kids and balance, I have 2 kids and 2 step-kids and whilst they are all very supportive and understandig I still get the guilts when I feel as though I am running out every 5 minutes!!  Enjoy your week, it will come and go like lightening no doubt

Last night I made some enquiries about a tri club that is about 20 minutes from home so I am hoping to head down there on Thurs night to check it out - they seem very friendly but I am a bit scared!!!  The swim sessions start at 5.30am!! At least I'll be home before the kids get up.

2008-05-27 5:37 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Supersonicus Idioticus
Thunder Bay, ON
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
Wow, I'm gone for a few days and look what happens! Jessica goes berserk over the birds with her helmet, people are moving and people are vacationing... wow.

I myself just started a new job, so it's been a bit new for me to get in the swing of things... no runs.

For the next few days, it will be busy... and as much as I'd like to inspire people, if you really have a burning concern, you should post it in this thread, or send me a pm - I'll be sure to look at it.

But everyone seems to be on their training, so I will bid adieu... at least for now b/c I have to eat dinner.

2008-05-27 8:32 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Well Greg, you're the swim man, so I'll ask you this:  What exercises can I do at home without any equipment that would help when I can't get to a pool.  I'm headed back tomorrow, so no rush, but just for future reference. 

And I now feel so lucky to only have to take care of myself.  I can barely find time to keep up with all of my own activities, I don't know how you guys do it with families.  I give you lots of credit!

2008-05-29 4:29 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
I hope this doesn't come across too sappy (although I am looking for a little sappy! ).  I just wanted to say that I have been going through some tough times, and I just want to let everyone know that I REALLY appreciate all the comments and inspirations that have been sent my way.  Everyday I look forward to seeing the progress of everyone in the group and to see any msgs that have been sent my way.  I've never done a group like this before, but it feels like we have a very nice group of people who are very supportive and are truly interested in everyone's well being.  I can't imagine where I would be in my training if I didn't have a group as good as ya'll (that is Texan for you all! ).  thanks...tim
2008-05-29 6:10 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Hi Tim,

I have never been involved in a group like this either, I have posted a few things on other sites but none seem to really have the feel this group does I also have found them inconsistent.

I also feel really supported and look forward to hearing from everyone and it makes my day when I see the red above  "inspire me" on my log

Whatever those tough times are I hope they are on the way out.

On another note GUESS WHAT!!! I went along to a tri club tonight for the first time. It was soooo cool. Tonight was running. We did speed work outside under lights on a track. Nearly killed me but it was really good fun and I can't wait to go back.

There is one guy there who came 12th in the New Zealand Iron Man and a bunch of other age group winners including the president of the club who worked with me all night. There was also a guy who ran in the last commonwealth games - how cool is that!!

I can't wait to go back. Tues nights are bike and they do 2 5.30am swim sessions each week too. The bike coach and the swim coach were also there tonight so I got to speak with them too.

This is really happening now!!!

2008-05-29 9:11 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

First off, Tim that was sappy, but we will let it slide!  LOL  I like the inspirses as well!


mmh, Congrats on getting in the tri club. There is a riding group that I have been wanting to hook up with, but I have been waiting to find someone Iknow thatis in it, maybe I will just show up one day!


This weekend I have a oppurtunity to go on a swim/bike brick with some guys from my church. This guy has a lake that he swims in so it is going to be an OWS and then biking for 18-20 miles. Great chance for me to get used to "lake"water so hopefully I won't flunder about in the water like on my last race!


As far as bachelor week goes...I am bored. I have been really busy at work so I have not really had that much time to myself! The fridge is bare and I have been eating hot dogs all week. I AM SICK OF HOT DOGS! So sometime I must get to the store. Other than that, I am doing well.

2008-05-29 6:01 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Studio City
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Ah, it's OK to be sappy! This is a nice group and I like that we do get inspires once in a while.

mmh - I belong to a tri club in my area too. It's fun to work out with other people who have the same goals. And when you're a newbie like me, it's really a great inspiration to push yourself and they totally understand what I'm going through.


2008-05-31 3:38 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
Ok, I am probably showing my tri rookie-ness, but i had never heard of the term "brick" until ya'll started using it.  i finally figured out it was for doing 2 training sessions back to back.  just curious, but does anyone know why they call it that?
2008-05-31 1:09 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Supersonicus Idioticus
Thunder Bay, ON
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
Hi everybody!!! (Hi Dr. Nick)

Well the hectic week finished, and I logged a 40min run - first this week. The first half was good (~5:50/km pace), but the second half was awful!! (#:## pace... the #'s hide my embarrasment).

I hope everyone is doing well, and I plan to look at logs this weekend, but there are too many things on this thread to talk about... so let's get to it!

Jessica -
We call these things 'dryland' exercises. It's funny when you talk to your other athlete friends and say "I'm sore as h** because I did 2 hours of dryland yesterday," and everyone looks at you like "?????"

So the first thing I have to suggest you aren't going to like... ABS
Weak abs are like swinging a sword with a worn-out hilt... it's going to break!
Sadly, the signal to your brain doesn't tell you this unless you are racing, so maybe you can take my word for it. Now I'll be honest, I was the least diligent with my abs, but I'm talking about 4 minutes after your workout, 3 times a week will do WONDERS!!!! Your ab strength will allow you to do a range of different strokes, and you'll find the one that works for you.

Ankle flexibility: It helps your kick big time. Your legs won't move up and down as much to kick and you slip through the water better. You can sit down on ye arse with yer legs flat on the floor (back is vertical) and draw the alphabet with your toes. This is something that pays of over months, however.

Shoulder flexibility: While stretching with a partner is always the best (and if anyone is interested I can talk about this), here are some you can do: Lats (place palms high up on a wall and drop your sternum down and in front of your feet. Triceps (place your elbow and upper arm on the wall and drop sternum again. Shoulder do-hicky: (place the back of your hand on the small of your back and tip the top of your shoulder back (kind of like telling yourself to sit with good posture)). Shoulder do-dad: (keep good posture and square shoulders, take the back of your left hand and place it on your right elbow... pull towards the left gently).

Then there are the muscle toning exercises; the best I can think of are chin-ups. The second best I can think of is yoga, or any of those routines that involve cycles of squats, lunges, squat jumps, medicine ball stuff etc.

I hope that helps.

Chichitao -
I guess you discovered the best tool ever... a training partner, or a team. That's why people compete in teams. You get excited over people's accomplishments.
And sappyness is ok, but only when you are exhausted. That is the double-sided coin of athletics: your emotions are so riled up that a success feels amazing and a short-coming hurts a lot. I'm sure, however, you will have more successes.

mmh -
That tri club looks amazing!! Yeah, they sound like the real deal! It's always nice to train with people who do amazing things - they remove the mental barriers you put on yourself and it's really exciting to see how they do. I swam with someone who later made it to the olympic team once. The great part of it is he was a drop-dead sprinter, and you could beat him in workouts in any distance over 200m. It's fun to do. I think you're going to SOAR!!

jford -
I hear ya... but it is my belief that it's not because you are useless all by yourself, but you would have more motivation to stock the fridge if someone else depended on it. At least it's a good time to relax. And enjoy the brick! That sounds tough for me!

And the brick workout -
I call it a brick because your legs feel like bricks afterwards. Some people think it's called that way because a guy with a last name of 'Brick' invented them. Search this in the forums and you will see it often.

Well that's all for now... I still haven't eaten after my run!!! This is awful!!!
Take it easy,
2008-06-02 8:55 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Tim, everyone's right.  That was sappy - but true.  I did a January '08 mentor group on BT, so this is only my second one.  It's a new kind of relationship-building, but really cool.

I've been so swamped with moving and getting settled in, I haven't posted or "Inspired" as much as usual, so thanks to you all for sending on your encouragement despite my lack of reciprocity at this point.

Post to you later.

Good night,

- Lora

2008-06-03 8:14 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

As a thirty-something with no - I mean no - bike experience since high school, and training on a couple bikes that are not racing bikes (one's a cruiser that has a wonderful ride, the other was bought from Target a few years ago), if I ride for 10 minutes, how many miles do you think I'll have done?  (Clearly, I don't have an odometer yet.)


- Lora

2008-06-03 9:33 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Lora - It all depends on how much effort you're putting in.  Even with no experience, there's a big difference between a leisurley ride, and full on effort.  On a flat, with moderate effort, I'd guess you're going around 14mph.  So, for 10 min., that would put you at about 2.3 miles.  There are a lot of factors involved though, so I would definitely suggest picking up a cyclometer.  You can find them pretty cheap (maybe $15?) and they're pretty easy to install.  Mine also helps me a lot becasue I know right away if I'm not going fast enough.  I make little goals for myself, like to keep my avg. pace above 15 or something.  Hope that helps.  Stay safe out there!

2008-06-03 10:11 AM
in reply to: #1441125

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
jessica71980 - 2008-06-03 10:33 AM

Lora - It all depends on how much effort you're putting in.  Even with no experience, there's a big difference between a leisurley ride, and full on effort.  On a flat, with moderate effort, I'd guess you're going around 14mph.  So, for 10 min., that would put you at about 2.3 miles.  There are a lot of factors involved though, so I would definitely suggest picking up a cyclometer.  You can find them pretty cheap (maybe $15?) and they're pretty easy to install.  Mine also helps me a lot becasue I know right away if I'm not going fast enough.  I make little goals for myself, like to keep my avg. pace above 15 or something.  Hope that helps.  Stay safe out there!

Thanks so much, Jessica.  That really does help give me some perspective.  After I posted this, I rode my mile-long running route and it was 7m:28s.  I'm riding city streets, but they're not all flat.  I just need to go plop down the money for that cyclometer.  Thanks again!

- Lora

2008-06-03 3:29 PM
in reply to: #1441254

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Lora, glad to see you out and about!  One thing you can do, before you get the cycle computer, is to use the route feature on this website.  You can zoom in pretty small and plot your course and it will tell you the miles and elevation.  You don't have to save the route.  I use it to check my miles and verify that my cycle computer is still fairly accurate.
Just go into your training log, and then click on the "globe" picture over next to your monthly calender on the left side of the page.  Then click on "create a new training route". 

I also use this website:

And like Jessica said, be safe! 

2008-06-03 4:16 PM
in reply to: #1442497

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
chichitao - 2008-06-03 4:29 PM

Lora, glad to see you out and about!  One thing you can do, before you get the cycle computer, is to use the route feature on this website.  You can zoom in pretty small and plot your course and it will tell you the miles and elevation.  You don't have to save the route.  I use it to check my miles and verify that my cycle computer is still fairly accurate.
Just go into your training log, and then click on the "globe" picture over next to your monthly calender on the left side of the page.  Then click on "create a new training route". 

I also use this website:

And like Jessica said, be safe! 

Tim!  That is such a great idea!!!!!  I never knew about that feature on here.  This website has totally thought of everything.  Thanks so much for mentioning this.

I'll be using this all the time now.  Thanks again!

- Lora

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