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2008-12-19 6:19 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

I did it!  Alarm went off at 5 and I really got out if bed.  I was smart enough to get my stuff ready before going to bed so all I had to do was roll out of bed and roll onto the bike.  Only one quick stop to let the dog out.  Kept a consistent 70% of my max watts.  Not terribly inspired, but not bad either.

Today, it is going to be in the mid 70's and light winds.  Anyone in North Texas who can get out and do something today...don't miss this opportunity!

So, goal 1 for the day met.  48 oz of water at work was pretty easy yesterday so I know I  can do it again.

Anyone have any fun weekend plans?  Tomorrow it is supposed to be in the mid 60's. Not as nice as today, and windier.  I have to decide between a long ride outside or my 2:30 haircut appt.  Both are important.  If I cancel the appt, I have to wait till January.  Decisions...decisions!

Happy Friday gang!!


2008-12-19 7:53 AM
in reply to: #1856442

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Got 48 oz of water done yesterday.

Today's plan - swim (warm up, 100 yd freestyle, 100 yd cool down), bike (10 minutes) - may aim for more. Have to start practicing for the 30 min. in Jan.

There is supposed to be a snow storm here in CT, so I am just hoping its not that bad that I can't even make it to the gym. I am so jealous of the 60 degrees in AZ.

2008-12-19 8:18 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Be careful out there Lina.  According to the news, the weather up there is supposed to be terrible today. 

Makes you wonder, if the weather is this bad in December, what aer January and February going to like?

2008-12-19 8:42 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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Keller Tx
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
I'm looking forward to riding my favorite route today in the 73 degree weather!
2008-12-19 9:06 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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Extreme Veteran
Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Good morning all. My goal for the day is to get re-aquainted with water. More specificly, splashing around in water. Because I havent been in the pool in about 2.5 months I probably will drown so if you dont hear from me you know what happened.

I'll do the water goal again today as well.

2008-12-19 10:42 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
Great job getting on the trainer! I find that for morning workouts, it helps so much to have everything ready the night before. My trainer is all set up, all I have to do is put on clothes (left out on my sink so there is no thinking required) and get on the bike. Similarly with running. And for swimming I pack my bags in the car and just have to throw on my suit and go. Then in the morning, if I start thinking about not going, I think about the time I wasted getting set up the night before and that *usually* gets me up. It's not 100% lazy-proof, but it definitely helps me.

I'll join y'all in the water challenge today. I've drank one bottle already, I'll have to find out how big the bottle is.

2008-12-19 10:44 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
My goal is to make it to the gym for a little treadmill run this afternoon...and drink water.

No big plans for the weekend - just normal pre-Christmas craziness...and hopefully a nice long run one of the days.
2008-12-19 11:40 AM
in reply to: #1856442

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

It has already started snowing in CT, so my gym has decided to close early today. Fortunately, it hasn't hit MA yet (I work in MA and live in CT), so I may be able to hit the gym in MA if I can get the timing right between leaving work and before the gym closes.

Wish me luck.

Oh! And I had forgotten about the water goal for today, so thanks for reminding me guys.

2008-12-19 11:51 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Be careful out there on those roads.

Drink up!!

2008-12-19 12:09 PM
in reply to: #1862831

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Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

I checked out the nutrition on this site. It's probably just as good when you get it set up but fitday has all my info already. So I'll be staying on fitday for a while. I did ok with my nutrition yesterday, 2315 calories. About 200 of them were the whiskey night cap I had before bed. I also hit the H2O goal. I made my morning swim but it did not go well. I was tired, I need to get to bed before 1am if I'm going to get up at 6:30.

Have a great weekend everyone.

2008-12-19 3:18 PM
in reply to: #1863513

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2008-12-19 3:40 PM
in reply to: #1856442

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
I hit the treadmill... boring.   I hate the treadmill.   But I hate running in 44 degrees and rain even more.  Truth be told, it doesn't matter WHERE I run, I don't enjoy it and I stink at it.  But I just got new goggles - the Vanquisher optical - and can't WAIT to swim tomorrow.   I'd swim every day if I could.  
2008-12-19 3:40 PM
in reply to: #1863956

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
Zilla - 2008-12-19 4:18 PM

So you'd recommend tracking the nutrition in Fitday?   I need to start really paying attention to what I eat.


I don't know that fitday is any better (or worse) then this site. It's just where I started logging my food more than 2 years ago. I know the site, I know how it works, I like all the graphs and all my custom foods are already in the system. I'm too lazy right now to switch. I'd log it somewhere though. It's really an eye opener when you see just how many calories you consume.

2008-12-19 4:22 PM
in reply to: #1856442

Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

I totally agree about the dreamdill Susan.  My gym has an indoor track.  It's small.  11 loops to a mile but I would rather run myself dizzy on that than use the dreadmill.

New toys are fun.  I have used the vanquisher's before and liked them.  I am now a big fan of the Aquasphere Kaimens.  I need to find the pool though.  I am embarassed to say how long it's been since I swam.

Made my water goal to the ladies room (again!)

2008-12-19 6:11 PM
in reply to: #1856442

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
Well this is my 5th pair of goggles so I'm really hoping it will be the last.  Can't recall if I mentioned this but I bought a speedo rift biofuse mask with HIGH hopes.   Tried it once and couldn't get that sucker to quit leaking.  And I did notice a drag, oddly enough, even at my slow pace.  My husband jokes about my goggle 'habit' but I'm just trying to find THE ONE, you know?   These new ones I hope are "IT" because I won't have to wear my contacts and I'll actually be able to see the clock!!
2008-12-19 10:58 PM
in reply to: #1864193

Keller Tx
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

sharse - 2008-12-19 6:11 PM Well this is my 5th pair of goggles so I'm really hoping it will be the last.  Can't recall if I mentioned this but I bought a speedo rift biofuse mask with HIGH hopes.   Tried it once and couldn't get that sucker to quit leaking.  And I did notice a drag, oddly enough, even at my slow pace.  My husband jokes about my goggle 'habit' but I'm just trying to find THE ONE, you know?   These new ones I hope are "IT" because I won't have to wear my contacts and I'll actually be able to see the clock!!

Once you find the right pair, buy a few to make sure you don't have to worry about them not being available when you need the next pair.

2008-12-20 8:28 AM
in reply to: #1864468

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
Doughboy - 2008-12-19 11:58 PM

sharse - 2008-12-19 6:11 PM Well this is my 5th pair of goggles so I'm really hoping it will be the last.  Can't recall if I mentioned this but I bought a speedo rift biofuse mask with HIGH hopes.   Tried it once and couldn't get that sucker to quit leaking.  And I did notice a drag, oddly enough, even at my slow pace.  My husband jokes about my goggle 'habit' but I'm just trying to find THE ONE, you know?   These new ones I hope are "IT" because I won't have to wear my contacts and I'll actually be able to see the clock!!

Once you find the right pair, buy a few to make sure you don't have to worry about them not being available when you need the next pair.

 Good advise. Same thing for running shoes. Find a pair that fits right and feels good then buy 2-3 more and save them until you need them.

2153 calories yesterday. I did have one splurge-I ate one one my daughters birthday cupcakes. The thing is I didn't enjoy it. I just inhaled it right before a late afternoon nap. I was hungry and they were sitting on the counter.

I'm going to finish up here and get on the bike trainer for an hour. Later this afternoon I'll hit the gym and run for 30 minutes then lift. Anyone else doing anything this weekend?

2008-12-20 9:04 AM
in reply to: #1856442

Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
Yikes! My hubby brought home some real Danish kringle that one of his co-workers ships in...mmmmmmm. (Step away from the kringle! Now!)

It is SOOO good.

Long run on deck for this afternoon. Have a great weekend, all!
2008-12-20 10:36 AM
in reply to: #1864045

Subject: ...
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2008-12-20 11:49 AM
in reply to: #1864691

Keller Tx
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
Zilla - 2008-12-20 10:36 AM
dodgersmom - 2008-12-19 3:22 PM

I need to find the pool though.  I am embarassed to say how long it's been since I swam.

Made my water goal to the ladies room (again!)

I think I can beat you on the swimming.  I have no excuse either because I have a great outdoor lap pool 1/2 mile up the street AND the warm weather for it. 

The last time I swam (as in any training) was ...... July!!! 

And the trips to the bathroom with stop as your body gets used to being nice and hydrated!!  I promise!!!


So does that mean you'll swim today?

We're going to run this afternoon.  Its beautiful out here now.  Cold front coming thru and will drop the temps 40 degrees tonight.

2008-12-20 12:45 PM
in reply to: #1856442

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Good advice on the goggles.   I tried them today and LOVE them.   I think I'll buy a few pairs WITH the optics, and maybe a few pairs without.   I'm thinking I'll wear my contacts when racing, even though I hate them.  Either that or splurge on some Rx sunglasses to wear on the bike and run.  

Got my swim in - just 1600 today and a few drills, but we were running out of time.  Off to two parties now!

2008-12-20 1:11 PM
in reply to: #1856442


Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Hello goodafternoon everbody heyjust a question what do I do next to join or begin this mentor program .Smile

2008-12-20 1:40 PM
in reply to: #1856442

Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Hi Freddie.  Welcome.  All you need to do is drop by here when you can and just let us know how you are doing.  We are a very casual group with athletes of all abilities.  Tell us a little about yourself.  What re you planned races for next year.

I always find that the weekends are harder for me to get all my water in.  When I am sitting at my desk it is pretty easy.  I will make an effort to keep a water bottle with me all the time.

Today is filled with errands and taking mom aout to dinner for her birthday.  I will get on the trainer or at least do some core work tonight.

2008-12-20 2:25 PM
in reply to: #1856442

Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
Any recommendations on mary training plans?

I've printed off Higdon's and one from Runner's World smart coach (I've used the half-mary plans from RW). This will be my first mary, but I love LOVE running.
2008-12-20 9:59 PM
in reply to: #1856442

Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

No workout, not enough water and Pei Wei for dinner.  Tomorrow is another day

Night all

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