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2008-12-22 7:47 PM
in reply to: #1868518

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - Open
lindalong321 - 2008-12-22 8:44 PM

Hi, I am 33 stay at home mother of three, 7, 3, and 1. I want to start training for Triathlons. I reciently lost about 20lbs and have about another 30 to go. I don't know where to start? I love to run and have a lot of experience running, I swam on swim teams when I was younger and know nothing about biking. I would love to join your group if you will have me! I live in North Dallas, TX

 I love to workout, I try to make it to the gym at least five days a week. I lift weights and love to take spinning classes. I struggle everyday with controlling what I eat.

 I would love for someone to give me a little direction in how to get started.

Linda Long

Hi Linda! You've come to the right place. And you are our final member! Lucky you We are really going to get in gear AFTER we enjoy our holidays. I am sure as a mom of three, you can understand that!

2008-12-22 7:53 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Just wanna make sure this goes across the board that we are full and ready to train! Linda, may I suggest in your free time (ha ha ha) that you look at area races and find one that you want to do. The best motivation to stick to a regular training plan is plunking down some cold, hard cash on an entry fee. That way you have a little incentive and something to look forward to!

2008-12-22 8:25 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Richland, MS
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
I know we haven't gotten geared up yet, but was just wondering.  I chose a couch to Oly, 22 week plan, and scheduled to begin on Monday.  In the beginning of the plan the training calls for walks and short swims....should I go back and choose a more aggressive plan, or just keep training the way I am until this plan catches up to me?  I had originally not planned on doing a race until May 16; however, I have progressed a little farther than I thought at this point and am considering a short (400 m, 12 mile, 2 mile) sprint to kinda get my feet wet and use it as a meauring tool to see where I am come March 26th.  What would be your advice?
2008-12-22 9:03 PM
in reply to: #1868576

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
msfugitivehunter - 2008-12-22 9:25 PM

I know we haven't gotten geared up yet, but was just wondering.  I chose a couch to Oly, 22 week plan, and scheduled to begin on Monday.  In the beginning of the plan the training calls for walks and short swims....should I go back and choose a more aggressive plan, or just keep training the way I am until this plan catches up to me?  I had originally not planned on doing a race until May 16; however, I have progressed a little farther than I thought at this point and am considering a short (400 m, 12 mile, 2 mile) sprint to kinda get my feet wet and use it as a meauring tool to see where I am come March 26th.  What would be your advice?

If you have a fairly regular and predictable work schedule and you have no injury problems, you could probably handle a more aggressive plan. If work or life tends to get crazy during the first part of the year, stick to the couch to oly plan. If you do the "easier" plan, just substitute jogging for the walking and increase your swim times to your current swim workouts.

I would definitely do the race. It'll keep the training fires stoked. Just train through it. It will be a "B" priority race, a perfect tune-up for your "A" race. You will still be racing it, you just may not be in peak condition like you will for your May race.
2008-12-22 9:41 PM
in reply to: #1857070

Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Okay sorry took so long to get this posted.
Name Tania
Story I am a mother of 4 daughters 19,17, 5 and 3. All from the same family married for 19 years ! Crazy to think I could of been childless in one year!! I guess kids can keep you young and teens give you a few grey hairs. I was a runner in my past life (early 30's) and I've done 11 marathons. Many 5k and 10k to half marys. I pretty much took a 8 year break from anything physical. I decided I was going to do a traitholn in Oct 2008 even though I couldn't swim a lengh in a pool> I took lessons and hired a swim coach. I did 1 marathon in June followed by 4 duatholns 2 tri and a few other road races and bike tours. I am getting better on the bike. My swim needs lots of work but running makes up for my slow swim and my Average ride. I love to work out. I struggle with feeling kinda guilty trying to keep a balance but in the big picture I am a better person if I get a little of my time. I take my training very serious but am not afraid to laugh at myself. I have a big calendar for 2009 and ready to learn and improve. I will be traveling until the 26 but I will be ready to get back to buisness. Happy holidays! Tania
2008-12-22 9:58 PM
in reply to: #1868612

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Richland, MS
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Thanks, I will do just that!

2008-12-23 12:30 AM
in reply to: #1857070

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL


I'm already started to get stoked and all fired up again!  Looks like we have a full group now and already some great advice and tips from Pam and I see that there are several team members that seem to have quite a bit experience and/or expertise in various disciplines already.

I forget which one it is by name, but the fellow from Western NC who spoke about the White Lake HIM ... I'm not sure, but White Lake ... is that up near the mountains or is that out closer to the coast?

I think there is a place called White Lake near Elizabeth City out near the coast, and it is a man-made lake just for swimming .... is that the place you are talking about or something else?

Either way, I was thinking the same thing we I asked to join this group - since Pam is in S.C (i'm thinking Greenville area??) and I'm from K'ville, NC ... and so I was thinking it would be great if several of use could try and plan on a common race that we could do together ...

..perhaps not everyone's A race, but maybe some smaller sprint or fun event to run and kinda use it as a good "getting to know you and meet you" type of event.

Another thing I'm excited about is the fact that Pam says we will really focus on running and really work on that (which is my weakest link...) but also like the fact that she says it is really the bike that is the most important segment of the triathlon ... which also happens to be the event I avoid the most and hardly do any bike training right now.

I also believe in bricks, esp. the bike/run brick.  I did these almost exclusively in the final weeks leading up to my first sprint tri and I think it really helped prepare me.  Even now when I'm out just primarily getting in a bike ride, I will go out for at least a 1 to 1.5 mile run off the bike just so I can train my legs what it feels like to run after biking.

I'm really interested in the running plan Pam talked about earlier ... I've never done any type of plan other than just go out and run a certain distance and have gradually built from .25 a mile, to 5 laps around a 400m track, to 7 laps, to the whole 12 laps or 3.1 miles, then 4 miles, then 4.25 for a few weeks, then finally busted out and tried a 7 mile trail around Salem Lake and made it!

But I know nothing about 5x30 seconds hard, 5x1 minute recovery, etc .... I thought that was onl;y useful for folks that could already run a marathon or a fast 10k or something ... and does doing that type of running really help with an endurance run?  Have I been getting bad advice from others that tell me unless I'm training to run a 400m or 800m sprint or race a 5k or 10k that those Interval type workouts are no good - that all I need to do is just run for distance ...

By my calculation, I think it was 5 miles, 4 miles, and 10 miles for a total of 19 miles per week.  Is that enough distance per week?  I was currently aiming for 20-25 mpw in hopes that this is what I need to prepare for an Oly in late April or early May.

Anyhow, just so excited to be getting started fresh and new this year and to be part of a Mentored Group - I am just so thrilled!!!

My posts and workouts may be a little spotty between now and first of the year because of the Holidays ... but have faith in me ... once we kick this thing into full gear I will be such a dedicated maniac animal .... besides I also have a bet now with someone at the YMCA about losing weight ... we start Jan 5th and the first to lose 5% body weight wins .... the loser buys pizza!!

My weightloss goal after that is to finally get down to 215 lbs. ... right now I'm 250 lbs ... been stuck there since August 1st ... was 313 lbs. back in Jan 08 ...but by the end of July I plateaued out pretty badly ....

See ya!!!


2008-12-23 4:31 AM
in reply to: #1868868

New user

Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
klowman - 2008-12-23 7:30 AM

My posts and workouts may be a little spotty between now and first of the year because of the Holidays ... but have faith in me ... once we kick this thing into full gear I will be such a dedicated maniac animal .... besides I also have a bet now with someone at the YMCA about losing weight ... we start Jan 5th and the first to lose 5% body weight wins .... the loser buys pizza!!

My weightloss goal after that is to finally get down to 215 lbs. ... right now I'm 250 lbs ... been stuck there since August 1st ... was 313 lbs. back in Jan 08 ...but by the end of July I plateaued out pretty badly ....

See ya!!!



Just remember that losing weight too quickly, like any sudden change to your body, can be dangerous. it can cause you to lose muscle and may also injure your heart and other organs fairly quickly. But as long as you don't expect an overnight miracle you'll be fine of course.

I'm also curious about the running(how many miles a week, the type of training; interval,..)

A general question. i just stopped working out in the gym. so i'm fairly muscled, i'm just wondering how much muscles that i need to 'maintain'. i mean, muscles make you heavier and some have absolutely no significant use in tri. i know abs and backmuscles are important but which other muscles should i train? anyone got an idea?

2008-12-23 9:02 AM
in reply to: #1857070

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Good morning everyone! I am loving the discussion. That's what is great about these mentor groups, everyone's thoughts and ideas. I look forward to Tania's input on running since she is a veteran of 11 marathons!

Kevin - Congrats on the weight loss! I love the idea of getting together for a race. I think us 3 "locals" all mentioned the Greenville Sprint in August. If I remain healthy after IMCDA, I want to race it. I think John also mentioned the Greenville tri in July. That is a week after IMCDA and I know I won't be racing, though I might volunteer because who can resist a triathlon in your own backyard.

As far as the running, those workouts were straight from my coach. When I was self-coached, I would follow running plans from Runner's World or Cool Runnings. They still mixed up runs with fartleks and track work. I really like the way my coach does running workouts because they break up the monotony. I think the key with the "intervals" is plenty of recovery. When I do those workouts, I am not on a track. It is on the road. I just program my Garmin to tell me when it's time to start and stop an interval. I am always amazed at how the miles seem to fly by because I have something else to concentrate on instead of just running for 4 miles straight. A watch will work if you don't have a Garmin or Polar device. 20 miles per week sounds great for an Oly plan if you can stay healthy. December is a light month for me, training-wise, and I know my run mileage will be increasing shortly. I have to be extra-careful in how fast I increase though because of my injury history. I also like to run based on time instead of mileage. Like 15 minutes warm up, 5x1minute hard followed by 1 minute easy, 15 minute cool down. I do the work and get to see what mileage I did after the fact. It is also a little less stressful on the body if you have a slower pace. My coach switches it up. If one running workout is structured on time, the next will be structured on mileage. Like 2 mile warm up, 3 by half miles medium effort followed by half mile recoveries, 2 mile cool down.

By breaking up your runs into workout segments, longer distances don't seem that bad, at least to me. You've got something to think about besides "I've still got 4 miles to go..."
2008-12-23 9:21 AM
in reply to: #1868908

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Anonymous - 2008-12-23 5:31 AM

klowman - 2008-12-23 7:30 AM

My posts and workouts may be a little spotty between now and first of the year because of the Holidays ... but have faith in me ... once we kick this thing into full gear I will be such a dedicated maniac animal .... besides I also have a bet now with someone at the YMCA about losing weight ... we start Jan 5th and the first to lose 5% body weight wins .... the loser buys pizza!!

My weightloss goal after that is to finally get down to 215 lbs. ... right now I'm 250 lbs ... been stuck there since August 1st ... was 313 lbs. back in Jan 08 ...but by the end of July I plateaued out pretty badly ....

See ya!!!



Just remember that losing weight too quickly, like any sudden change to your body, can be dangerous. it can cause you to lose muscle and may also injure your heart and other organs fairly quickly. But as long as you don't expect an overnight miracle you'll be fine of course.

I'm also curious about the running(how many miles a week, the type of training; interval,..)

A general question. i just stopped working out in the gym. so i'm fairly muscled, i'm just wondering how much muscles that i need to 'maintain'. i mean, muscles make you heavier and some have absolutely no significant use in tri. i know abs and backmuscles are important but which other muscles should i train? anyone got an idea?

Jonathan - There are many different theories on strength training. Just search the threads on BT and you can see some of the rather nasty debates that topic inspires. According to Joe Friel's Triathlete Training Bible, strength training is fabulous for triathletes during this time of year, the base-building phase. He suggests 2-3 strength sessions per week, but only for certain muscle groups. He likes squats and leg presses to work your glutes and quads, the seated row and standing lat pull down machine for your back, lats, and triceps, either push ups or a chest press machine (for us weaklings) to work your pectorals, another leg workout focusing either on your quads or hamstrings and, of course, core strength by doing crunches with a twist.

For the first 6 weeks, he suggests light weight/high reps (2-3 sets of 30 reps on each exercise). This is called the Anatomic Adaptation phase (AA) that prepares yours muscles and tendons for what is to come. The next phase is called Maximum Transition (MT) This phase only lasts about 4 weeks with 2 sessions per week. Here you choose either squats or leg press (not both), seated row, lat pull down, hamstring curls or knee extension (not both) and continue with the ab work. This is when you add weight and lower the reps (2-3 sets of 10-12 reps). The next phase is Maximum Strength(MS). This is when you calculate your max weight in each of the above exercises (there is a formula to do this in the book. I will have to go get it cuz I can't remember it off the top of my head) except abs. Your goal is to achieve up to 10 reps at your max weight within 4 weeks. After 4 weeks of MS training, time is up whether you have achieved your max weight or not. The final phase is Strength Maintenance (SM) when you back off your max weight by about 20 percent and do 2-3 sets of about 12 reps just to maintain the strength you built during the MS phase. For men under 35, Friel says you can stop strength training once your triathlon volume increases because y'all have an easier time maintaining strength by sport specific workout like biking and running hills, swim sets with paddles, etc. For men over 35 and us ladies, he suggests once a week SM work year round. No strength training at all during race weeks.

I end up dropping strength training when my volume increases because I simply don't have time. Last year I did no strength training whatsoever and I feel like I did lose a little power on my bike, but that might just be in my head.
2008-12-23 1:37 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Pam's thought of the day:

Yesterday I spoke briefly of the importance of the bike. We need some good cycling endurance even if we are not blistering fast on the bike. We need to finish the bike sort of fresh and ready to run! Which brings us to the second most important part of triathlon, the run.

The higher our level of over-all fitness, the faster we will race triathlon. You can be a fast runner yet still struggle in triathlon if you have low cycling endurance. You must be able to run after biking. Running is that slippery slope of too much, too soon. Most experts agree that you should follow the 10 percent rule when ramping up running distance. Don't increase by more than 10 percent per week.

Most triathlon and running plans call for a 3 week build to 1 week recovery. Translation: Run your "normal" workouts one week, then increase time or distance by no more than 10 percent the second week. Increase yet again by no more than 10 percent the following week. Then decrease volume by 20 percent during the fourth week to allow your body recovery time and time to "absorb" your new level of fitness. Start building again at the third week's levels. This is the most accepted way to increase running endurance.

A lot of people believe that you should do all of your runs at an easy pace if you are just starting out. I believe you should be able to run or do a run/walk plan without pain for a good 3 weeks before you start adding time and distance. You should be able to do at least 2 runs per week (3 is better) without pain. If your body protests, slowly build up to that number of runs following the 10 percent rule.

This goes for those training in all three disciplines. If you are currently just running or have a running race as your "A" priority instead of a triathlon, you can run more often. I really encourage you guys to check out some of the plans from Runner's World, Cool Running, or Hal Higdon. Any of those are quite reputable and should give you a great base plan to follow. My experience is only in the world of triathlon and am not sure how to schedule a plan for just running. That is why 2-3 runs per week are great because it's hard to fit everything in.

So, we've discussed 1-3 bike workouts per week and have now added 2-3 run workouts per week. Choose the higher number if you consider the sport a weakness. Choose the lower number if you are proficient or it is a strength.

I probably won't be around as much tomorrow and I know I will be off on Christmas. I hope everyone enjoys their holidays and that Santa brings y'all some great tri toys this year

2008-12-23 1:54 PM
in reply to: #1869138

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Okay, Kewl!!

This just might be the change-up I need right now on the running.  Because of the weather and it's dark by the time I get home, most of my running lately has been on the treadmill at the YMCA - and as everyone knows ... running on those things can get BORING real quick.

So, maybe by changing from running a certain distance to these interval types of runs will make it easier to get through.

For some reason I was under the impression that 20-25 mpw running was just barely sufficient and that I really needed to be doing 30-35 mpw in order to be ready for an Oly distance.  I'm basing most of my thinking on some posts by a couple of others here on BT that seem to be real, life time, running experts.  One has in his tag line something like "the only way to get better at running, is to just run..." and I think his main thoughts were that intervals and such were okay, but that to really train for an endurance run ... to just get out there and run as long as you can.

Looking back I think I probably did reach the 20-25 mpw pretty quickly ... considering I only started running in August of this year and my first run lasted only 0.25 of a mile!

Anyhow, I've tried to get a 7 mile run in on Sat or Sun, outside around Salem Lake, and then about 3 nights of 4.5 to 5.5 miles on the treadmill and 1 night of at least 6 miles and one time I did 7.5 miles on the treadmill ... whatever was needed to put me in that 20-25 mpw range.

It was good for a couple of weeks then I was getting some pain, backed off a little, came back strong, but then backed off again because the sheer boredom finally was getting to me and I just couldn't force mself to run 4, 5, 6 miles on a treadmill.  The mental part was the hardest, my legs and lungs were fine ... I was just simply running out of the will power to stay up there on the treadmill.

The last  weeks I've been doing shorter but faster paced runs, like 1.5, 2, and 3 mile runs ... but at a pace 1 minute to 1 and 1/2 minutes per mile faster, and have gotten back to doing more weight lifting before my runs ... so trying to make the run shorter but more intense.

I think I'll try this interval plan for a while ... it should make the time go by and if you say it's okay to not worry so much about the mileage on those days and just get in the prescribed time ... intervals ... then I'm going to try this for a while.

Thanks for the response and input ... I really appreciate it!!!


2008-12-23 2:14 PM
in reply to: #1869178

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
barqhead - 2008-12-23 10:21 AM
Anonymous - 2008-12-23 5:31 AM
klowman - 2008-12-23 7:30 AM

My posts and workouts may be a little spotty between now and first of the year because of the Holidays ... but have faith in me ... once we kick this thing into full gear I will be such a dedicated maniac animal .... besides I also have a bet now with someone at the YMCA about losing weight ... we start Jan 5th and the first to lose 5% body weight wins .... the loser buys pizza!!

My weightloss goal after that is to finally get down to 215 lbs. ... right now I'm 250 lbs ... been stuck there since August 1st ... was 313 lbs. back in Jan 08 ...but by the end of July I plateaued out pretty badly ....

See ya!!!



Just remember that losing weight too quickly, like any sudden change to your body, can be dangerous. it can cause you to lose muscle and may also injure your heart and other organs fairly quickly. But as long as you don't expect an overnight miracle you'll be fine of course.

I'm also curious about the running(how many miles a week, the type of training; interval,..)

A general question. i just stopped working out in the gym. so i'm fairly muscled, i'm just wondering how much muscles that i need to 'maintain'. i mean, muscles make you heavier and some have absolutely no significant use in tri. i know abs and backmuscles are important but which other muscles should i train? anyone got an idea?

Jonathan - There are many different theories on strength training. Just search the threads on BT and you can see some of the rather nasty debates that topic inspires. According to Joe Friel's Triathlete Training Bible, strength training is fabulous for triathletes during this time of year, the base-building phase. He suggests 2-3 strength sessions per week, but only for certain muscle groups. He likes squats and leg presses to work your glutes and quads, the seated row and standing lat pull down machine for your back, lats, and triceps, either push ups or a chest press machine (for us weaklings) to work your pectorals, another leg workout focusing either on your quads or hamstrings and, of course, core strength by doing crunches with a twist. For the first 6 weeks, he suggests light weight/high reps (2-3 sets of 30 reps on each exercise). This is called the Anatomic Adaptation phase (AA) that prepares yours muscles and tendons for what is to come. The next phase is called Maximum Transition (MT) This phase only lasts about 4 weeks with 2 sessions per week. Here you choose either squats or leg press (not both), seated row, lat pull down, hamstring curls or knee extension (not both) and continue with the ab work. This is when you add weight and lower the reps (2-3 sets of 10-12 reps). The next phase is Maximum Strength(MS). This is when you calculate your max weight in each of the above exercises (there is a formula to do this in the book. I will have to go get it cuz I can't remember it off the top of my head) except abs. Your goal is to achieve up to 10 reps at your max weight within 4 weeks. After 4 weeks of MS training, time is up whether you have achieved your max weight or not. The final phase is Strength Maintenance (SM) when you back off your max weight by about 20 percent and do 2-3 sets of about 12 reps just to maintain the strength you built during the MS phase. For men under 35, Friel says you can stop strength training once your triathlon volume increases because y'all have an easier time maintaining strength by sport specific workout like biking and running hills, swim sets with paddles, etc. For men over 35 and us ladies, he suggests once a week SM work year round. No strength training at all during race weeks. I end up dropping strength training when my volume increases because I simply don't have time. Last year I did no strength training whatsoever and I feel like I did lose a little power on my bike, but that might just be in my head.

I also personally believe strength training is important - for many reasons.

As far as triathlons go, I can see where picking the right muscle groups to build and those to leave alone becomes important, but if you build the correct muscles ... the muscles will take care of themselves as far as speed.  It is true that muscle weighs more and may add some extra body weight, but I believe if the right muscles are built and built correctly (with lighther weight and higher reps and even some "speedwork" in liefting) that the extra muscle will take care of itself ... meaning you might add 5 or 8 lbs from new leg muscle ... but if it is good leg muscle it wil give the added strength to power itself and overall you shouldn't lose any speed.

Now, bulk up your chest and look like Arnold and yes, that will slow you down.

Also, I firmly believe that doing strength training followd immediately by cardio training the the ultimate best way to burn calories and shred fat.  That is the single biggest difference for me in my weight loss from Jan to July this year (where I lost 65 lbs.) and from August till now (where I have lost Zero pounds).

I used to walk a couple of miles warmup, then hit the weights for 1 to 1/2 hours hard and heavy nearly every single day, then finished off with 32 minutes on the Elliptical.  I changed it up some, some weeks I walked 4-5 miles first, then weights, some weeks couple miles walking then weights, some weeks weights first then 64 minutes on the Elliptical.

Almost without fail the weeks I lost the most weight were when I lifted first and then 60+ minutes of cardio.  Second place was walking warmup, weights, then 30+ minutes cardio.  Third place was 4-5 miles walking then weights.

But even in the 3rd case above, I was still losing every week ... since I dropped almost ALL weight training starting in August, my weight has simply flucutated in a 4-7 lb. range - my eating has even been healthier choices ... I may be taking in a few hundred more calories ... but I'm burning twice the extra I'm taking in because of the extra S/B/R that I've been doing.

So, I firmly believe in the line of thinking that strength training boosts the metabolism and helps chew through fat better when done right before cardio ...and that it keeps the metabolism elevated for 24-48 hours after the weight lifting.

This is about the only thing that can explain the huge difference in my personal results, unless I somehow caused my body to slow way down on my Basal Metabolism Rate by cutting out too many calories and going into too heavy of cardio training too quickly (I decided Aug 1st to tri train and my first race was 6 weeks later ... so I trained like a madman ... hours of training per day ...) ... so this would be the only other explanation ...



Edited by klowman 2008-12-23 2:17 PM
2008-12-23 3:00 PM
in reply to: #1857070

New user

Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Okay, gonna crank up my strenght training.

 Just had my first bad tri training. went swimming again and i couldn't complete 100yards. I blame my bad diet.
On the other side, studying idn't really going great.

Gonna try to get my mind of the bad stuff and focus on what Santa has brought for me(BBB sunglasses for on my bike and spd clips).


2008-12-23 5:48 PM
in reply to: #1869923

User image

Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Anonymous - 2008-12-23 4:00 PM

Okay, gonna crank up my strenght training.

 Just had my first bad tri training. went swimming again and i couldn't complete 100yards. I blame my bad diet.
On the other side, studying idn't really going great.

Gonna try to get my mind of the bad stuff and focus on what Santa has brought for me(BBB sunglasses for on my bike and spd clips).


Yay for tri-related christmas presents!

As for the swimming - don't let a bad swim session get you down.  Just like running and biking, if you want to go farther it helps to slow down.  And if you can only go 100yds without stopping; swim 100yds, rest for 20 secs, repeat.  The goal with a set like this is to swim at a speed that you'll be able to maintain for the entirety of the set.  As you get more comfortable in the water you can start increasing the distance you're swimming without a break or maybe try a ladder - swim 100yds, 200, 300, 400, 500 with :20 rest in between each.

There is a great thread in the "tri talk" forum about swim form.  You might want to check it out. Linky.

Edited by esc 2008-12-23 6:02 PM
2008-12-23 6:12 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
This might not be the place to put this, but I've got to tell someone!  I really think I am hooked on the sport.  I had a pretty poor swim session.  (Just getting bored.  This will change by swimming different strokes.)  Once I got home, I said, let's jump on the trainer for a 30 minute ride.  I put on the IMWC and cruised.  I noticed everytime they showed the pro's, my speed went down.  When they showed the am's my speed increase by a good 5-8 mph (consistantly).  I look down at the time, I see 30 minutes and look at my speed and it is registering 30 mph.  I thought "I can't stop now, I've barely broken a sweat!"  I went for an hour.  ~ No big deal, but after I got finished, I took a shower and let my dog out and got the urge to go run!  I really had to hold myself back because I know I am running tomorrow!!!  What a great feeling! What a great sport!!  Woo Hoo!!  Merry Christmas Eve Eve.

2008-12-23 8:12 PM
in reply to: #1870241

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
esc - 2008-12-23 6:48 PM
Anonymous - 2008-12-23 4:00 PM

Okay, gonna crank up my strenght training.

 Just had my first bad tri training. went swimming again and i couldn't complete 100yards. I blame my bad diet.
On the other side, studying idn't really going great.

Gonna try to get my mind of the bad stuff and focus on what Santa has brought for me(BBB sunglasses for on my bike and spd clips).


Yay for tri-related christmas presents!

As for the swimming - don't let a bad swim session get you down.  Just like running and biking, if you want to go farther it helps to slow down.  And if you can only go 100yds without stopping; swim 100yds, rest for 20 secs, repeat.  The goal with a set like this is to swim at a speed that you'll be able to maintain for the entirety of the set.  As you get more comfortable in the water you can start increasing the distance you're swimming without a break or maybe try a ladder - swim 100yds, 200, 300, 400, 500 with :20 rest in between each.

There is a great thread in the "tri talk" forum about swim form.  You might want to check it out. Linky.


One day you will be out swimming, thinking about getting 100, 200 or even 300 meters in and then all of a sudden ... like having an epiphany ... you will discover your breathing technique and get the right stroke cadence for you (I think most common for endurance swims is a 2-stroke) ... but all of a sudden you'll jump from a 300m swim to a 1000m swim .... all just because you get your breathing down and you get settled into the right pace.

Then distance almost becomes a non-issue ... you'll increase distance by leaps and bounds and it will get to a point that you stop because your hands go numb, your feet cramp, your goggles leaked in too much water or something ... not because your winded and can't continue ... then at that point is when more form and technique refinement is needed to start adding speed to your swim times.


2008-12-23 9:49 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Hey Pam~ 

I was just wondering if you can give me some good routes to ride in Gville.  I live in Greer (off Batesville Rd.) and ride across 14 through the airport and down Brockman McClimmon sp?.  I go between BC and Fed Ex.  I can get in about 26 miles after a few out and backs before returning home.  Any rides you can recommend in the 30+ range?  I don't know the roads that well.  I want something that I can just get out and cruise in the aerobars.  I know where every mountain bike trail is in western NC and SC though!  Ha! Thanks.  Oh, where do you swim?  I assue the Y from your previous posts.  I am over at Sports Club Five Forks.

2008-12-23 9:49 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Hey Pam~ 

I was just wondering if you can give me some good routes to ride in Gville.  I live in Greer (off Batesville Rd.) and ride across 14 through the airport and down Brockman McClimmon sp?.  I go between BC and Fed Ex.  I can get in about 26 miles after a few out and backs before returning home.  Any rides you can recommend in the 30+ range?  I don't know the roads that well.  I want something that I can just get out and cruise in the aerobars.  I know where every mountain bike trail is in western NC and SC though!  Ha! Thanks.  Oh, where do you swim?  I assue the Y from your previous posts.  I am over at Sports Club Five Forks.

2008-12-23 10:12 PM
in reply to: #1870607

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Jeepguy2358 - 2008-12-23 10:49 PM

Hey Pam~ 

I was just wondering if you can give me some good routes to ride in Gville.  I live in Greer (off Batesville Rd.) and ride across 14 through the airport and down Brockman McClimmon sp?.  I go between BC and Fed Ex.  I can get in about 26 miles after a few out and backs before returning home.  Any rides you can recommend in the 30+ range?  I don't know the roads that well.  I want something that I can just get out and cruise in the aerobars.  I know where every mountain bike trail is in western NC and SC though!  Ha! Thanks.  Oh, where do you swim?  I assue the Y from your previous posts.  I am over at Sports Club Five Forks.

Have you heard of the vineyards? That's one of my favorite routes. I live off McKinney Rd. I'm right in between Sports Club and the Y, but yeah, I swim at the Y. If you can get to Scuffletown Rd. on your bike and take a left onto East Georgia, you will ride a bit than take a right on Coachman. You'll take another left onto Brandy then a right on River Rd. You can get to River via Woodruff Road (if you're feeling lucky) and I know you can get to this via Brockman McClinnon, but I'm not familiar enough with that road to tell you directions. When you get to a stop sign, you'll want to go straight through. You will be riding toward a log cabin. Veer right when the road forks and you will come to HWY 418 and a stop sign. Take a right onto HWY 418. You will cross the bridge over the Enoree River. It's a pretty view. After you climb for a bit, be on the lookout for Knighton Chapel Road on your left. Take Knighton Chapel and stay on it until the stop sign. Take a right onto I think it's called Allen Bridge. You will stay on this a bit. You will climb a pretty good hill. At the crest of this hill is the intersection of Cook's Bridge to the right and Gentry to the left. Take Cook's Bridge to the right. It is a sharp right turn. Follow this road a long time. You will come to a stop sign where you will cross HWY 418 again. Go straight. This is going to become Scuffletown Rd. again and take you right past the Carolina Springs Golf Course. This loop is @30 -32 miles from my house. It is fun, rolling and relatively dog-free and low-trafficked.

2008-12-24 8:42 AM
in reply to: #1870645

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
barqhead - 2008-12-23 11:12 PM
Jeepguy2358 - 2008-12-23 10:49 PM

Hey Pam~ 

I was just wondering if you can give me some good routes to ride in Gville.  I live in Greer (off Batesville Rd.) and ride across 14 through the airport and down Brockman McClimmon sp?.  I go between BC and Fed Ex.  I can get in about 26 miles after a few out and backs before returning home.  Any rides you can recommend in the 30+ range?  I don't know the roads that well.  I want something that I can just get out and cruise in the aerobars.  I know where every mountain bike trail is in western NC and SC though!  Ha! Thanks.  Oh, where do you swim?  I assue the Y from your previous posts.  I am over at Sports Club Five Forks.

Have you heard of the vineyards? That's one of my favorite routes. I live off McKinney Rd. I'm right in between Sports Club and the Y, but yeah, I swim at the Y. If you can get to Scuffletown Rd. on your bike and take a left onto East Georgia, you will ride a bit than take a right on Coachman. You'll take another left onto Brandy then a right on River Rd. You can get to River via Woodruff Road (if you're feeling lucky) and I know you can get to this via Brockman McClinnon, but I'm not familiar enough with that road to tell you directions. When you get to a stop sign, you'll want to go straight through. You will be riding toward a log cabin. Veer right when the road forks and you will come to HWY 418 and a stop sign. Take a right onto HWY 418. You will cross the bridge over the Enoree River. It's a pretty view. After you climb for a bit, be on the lookout for Knighton Chapel Road on your left. Take Knighton Chapel and stay on it until the stop sign. Take a right onto I think it's called Allen Bridge. You will stay on this a bit. You will climb a pretty good hill. At the crest of this hill is the intersection of Cook's Bridge to the right and Gentry to the left. Take Cook's Bridge to the right. It is a sharp right turn. Follow this road a long time. You will come to a stop sign where you will cross HWY 418 again. Go straight. This is going to become Scuffletown Rd. again and take you right past the Carolina Springs Golf Course. This loop is @30 -32 miles from my house. It is fun, rolling and relatively dog-free and low-trafficked.

I know exactly where McKinney Rd. is.  I am the golf pro at Holly Tree Country Club.  Thanks for the info.  I have heard of the Vineyards before, but did not know where they were.  I was thinking it was more towards Donaldson.  I know the Carolina Triathlon guys have a group ride out that way.  Thanks again.  Have a Merry Christmas.

2008-12-24 8:50 AM
in reply to: #1869923

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Anonymous - 2008-12-23 4:00 PM

Okay, gonna crank up my strenght training.

 Just had my first bad tri training. went swimming again and i couldn't complete 100yards. I blame my bad diet.
On the other side, studying idn't really going great.

Gonna try to get my mind of the bad stuff and focus on what Santa has brought for me(BBB sunglasses for on my bike and spd clips).


x3 on the christmas gifts.  I have my fingers crossed for the Garmin 305 and some new shoes.  Isn't it funny that most "normal" people get candy canes and chocolate at Christmas time and as triathletes we get Gu! - Sounds funny.

Swimming is funny like that.  The bad diet is a good excuse, but swimming is another animal.  Sometimes you just have bad days.  If you think about it, you use almost every muscle in your body in one way or another and if they don't all work the right way at the right time, it could throw everything off!!  If I feel I am going to have a bad day, I resort more to technique work since swimming is so technical.  Forget the distance and work on the correct motion.  You will benefit from it later.  Swimming is the only area I do that with though.

2008-12-24 9:07 AM
in reply to: #1857070

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
I echo Chris's advice on the technique work and drills. Swimming is all about stroke mechanics. We'll talk about some good specific drills after Christmas. As for me, I asked Santa for an aero helmet. I have the TT bike and race wheels, I just need the pointy helmet and I will be uber tri geeky (and hopefully faster)

Have a great Christmas Eve!
2008-12-24 10:15 AM
in reply to: #1870930

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Jeepguy2358 - 2008-12-24 9:50 AM

x3 on the christmas gifts.  I have my fingers crossed for the Garmin 305 and some new shoes.  Isn't it funny that most "normal" people get candy canes and chocolate at Christmas time and as triathletes we get Gu! - Sounds funny.


Gu is guuuuud!!  But personally I like some of the new Power Bar gels ... esp. the Banana Strawberry ... has more Sodium and Potassium than Gu and Hammer and if you sweat profusely like I do you will like the extra ... plus I think this flavor is the best I've ever tasted ... plus this particular flavor also has caffeine in it (not sure the exact mg but it says a 1x shot of caffeine) ... plus they are relatively cheap ... can be had at Walmart for about $.97 a piece.

..Hey, I wonder if I was to heat up my chocolate mint protein shake mix in the microwave ... if it would be just like drinking hot chocolate ???  Do they make sugarfree marshmellows?

I could curl up in front of the fireplace this Xmas with my cup of hot protein shake and gel pack and be in harmony with the Holiday spirit!!


2008-12-24 11:10 AM
in reply to: #1870959

New user
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Hope everyone has Merry Christmas and Christmas Eve!

Just want to say thanks for all the motivating tips over the past 2 days. I woke up this morning ready to run! It's a great way to start the day. :-)

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