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2009-01-02 7:23 PM
in reply to: #1858810

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Milton, GA
Subject: RE: jsipos group is Closed

Thanks for adding me:

NAME: purdue92/Suzanne

STORY: I have never been an athlete but love sports.  I started running a few years ago but never consistently.  In 2007, I embarked on yet another weight loss mission and have gradually added more activities to maintain my current weight.  I just started swimming and biking in July.
FAMILY STATUS: Married. My husband is a marathoner and has done one triathlon

CURRENT TRAINING: I try to run, bike/spin and swim at least 2 times per week each.  I also meet with a personal trainer for strength training  2x per week.  This time of year, I'd say I am lacking most in biking.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: In 2008, I did my first half-marathon in South Bend, IN in May and my first triathlon in Gainesville GA in September.
2009 RACES: I am signed up to do Red Top Rumble, an 11.5 mile trail run on 2/8.  I have not yet selected any triathlons but plan to do at leat 2 sprints and one olympic in 2009
WEIGHTLOSS: I have maintained a 35 pound loss since 7/07.  I have set a 2009 goal to lose another 10-12.
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I have a keen interest in this sport and am willing to ask questions and share openly.   One weakness...I am horrible about logging my training info.

2009-01-05 12:05 AM
in reply to: #1858810

Las Vegas
Subject: RE: jsipos group is Closed
How was everyone's first weekend of 2009? I posted my race report from my race this weekend. I think I jinx myself by saying it was going to be sunny and warm, because it ended up pouring rain till about 5 minutes after I finished the race. it was a good race. An interesting tidbit was i finished in the same position as i did in the race last year.
2009-01-05 6:51 AM
in reply to: #1883373

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: jsipos group is Closed
purdue92 - 2009-01-02 8:23 PM

Thanks for adding me:

NAME: purdue92/Suzanne

STORY: I have never been an athlete but love sports.  I started running a few years ago but never consistently.  In 2007, I embarked on yet another weight loss mission and have gradually added more activities to maintain my current weight.  I just started swimming and biking in July.
FAMILY STATUS: Married. My husband is a marathoner and has done one triathlon

CURRENT TRAINING: I try to run, bike/spin and swim at least 2 times per week each.  I also meet with a personal trainer for strength training  2x per week.  This time of year, I'd say I am lacking most in biking.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: In 2008, I did my first half-marathon in South Bend, IN in May and my first triathlon in Gainesville GA in September.
2009 RACES: I am signed up to do Red Top Rumble, an 11.5 mile trail run on 2/8.  I have not yet selected any triathlons but plan to do at leat 2 sprints and one olympic in 2009
WEIGHTLOSS: I have maintained a 35 pound loss since 7/07.  I have set a 2009 goal to lose another 10-12.
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I have a keen interest in this sport and am willing to ask questions and share openly.   One weakness...I am horrible about logging my training info.

Hi, welcome to the group. Everyone please add purdue92 to you friends list as she's a late entry to the group.
2009-01-05 6:57 AM
in reply to: #1858810

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Milton, GA
Subject: RE: jsipos group is Closed
JC...congrats on finishing in spite of the rain.  You accomplished what you set out to do (finish) and learned a few things too
2009-01-05 7:03 AM
in reply to: #1881706

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: jsipos group is Closed
ATLrunr - 2009-01-01 8:01 PM

What plans is everyone using. I am looking for a good half im plan that will give me some biking/swimming direction while still using my pfitz marathon plan to get ready for a march marathon

Hey I really don't know too much about pre-written training plans but if you have one that you are considering I can take a look at it and you give you some advice.
2009-01-05 7:04 AM
in reply to: #1886152

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: jsipos group is Closed
pilotncommand172 - 2009-01-05 1:05 AM

How was everyone's first weekend of 2009? I posted my race report from my race this weekend. I think I jinx myself by saying it was going to be sunny and warm, because it ended up pouring rain till about 5 minutes after I finished the race. it was a good race. An interesting tidbit was i finished in the same position as i did in the race last year.

Congrats on your first race. Nice job.

2009-01-05 7:10 AM
in reply to: #1886152

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Subject: RE: jsipos group is Closed

Congrats for finishing in spite of the rain, nice job keeping focused.  I will remember not to say anything about the weather before my race in May :-)


2009-01-06 10:24 AM
in reply to: #1858810

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Mason City, IA
Subject: tempo trainer
Hey all

I have struggled with increasing my swimming speed, while maintaining good form. I can't seem to increase pace gradually. When I do, I seem to go faster than I can and still maintain good form. A possible solution I have read about is using a tempo trainer and adjusting the tempo beeps gradually to shorter intervals, thus increasing speed.

I am wondering if any of you have used a tempo trainer and what your thoughts are?

What strategies have others used to increase swim pace?

Thanks, Mark

Edited by TriD64 2009-01-07 6:45 AM
2009-01-07 1:21 PM
in reply to: #1889201

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: tempo trainer
TriD64 - 2009-01-06 11:24 AM

Hey all

I have struggled with increasing my swimming speed, while maintaining good form. I can't seem to increase pace gradually. When I do, I seem to go faster than I can and still maintain good form. A possible solution I have read about is using a tempo trainer and adjusting the tempo beeps gradually to shorter intervals, thus increasing speed.

I am wondering if any of you have used a tempo trainer and what your thoughts are?

What strategies have others used to increase swim pace?

Thanks, Mark

Hey Mark, I don't know to much about using a tempo trainer. I looked on your workout log and saw one swim workout that you have recently done. Give me some examples of workouts that you typically do in the pool? How many times per week do you swim? I might be able to give you some ideas on some things to add to your workouts to help with your swimming speed.

2009-01-08 6:10 PM
in reply to: #1892644

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: tempo trainer
Jeremy, Thanks for your follow up. I'm sure one of the problems is I haven't found/used a triathlon specific swim training plan. I've look into a couple but was sort of intimidated by them because I didn't under stand some of the terminology, what the drills referenced were or how to do them, etc. For example this is taken from week one of a training plan through BT (WU: 200 easy. Then 'swim golf' = 6 x 50 on 15" rest & count strokes. What combination of time and strokes gives you the lowest 'score?' (Ex: 43 strokes + 45" = 88). MS: Swim a moderate effort using the same stroke count in WU set. 5 x 100 (10") moderate. 4 x 50 kick (20") moderate.) I really don't understand all of this. The swim is my weakest area I most of my time up to this point has focused on form. I have been following the Total Immersion (TI) model for swim form. I feel pretty good about form so far this off-season and now want to try and get faster. I try to swim twice weekly and have been doing so with a Masters group since September. While the workouts are challenging, Tri specific. Where do you suggest I start? Thanks for any advice you offer. Mark
2009-01-08 10:06 PM
in reply to: #1858810

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jsipos group is Closed
If it makes you feel better that workout is like another language to me! It sucks for those of us who weren't on the swim team!

2009-01-09 7:15 AM
in reply to: #1896114

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: tempo trainer
TriD64 - 2009-01-08 7:10 PM

Jeremy, Thanks for your follow up. I'm sure one of the problems is I haven't found/used a triathlon specific swim training plan. I've look into a couple but was sort of intimidated by them because I didn't under stand some of the terminology, what the drills referenced were or how to do them, etc. For example this is taken from week one of a training plan through BT (WU: 200 easy. Then 'swim golf' = 6 x 50 on 15" rest & count strokes. What combination of time and strokes gives you the lowest 'score?' (Ex: 43 strokes + 45" = 88). MS: Swim a moderate effort using the same stroke count in WU set. 5 x 100 (10") moderate. 4 x 50 kick (20") moderate.) I really don't understand all of this. The swim is my weakest area I most of my time up to this point has focused on form. I have been following the Total Immersion (TI) model for swim form. I feel pretty good about form so far this off-season and now want to try and get faster. I try to swim twice weekly and have been doing so with a Masters group since September. While the workouts are challenging, Tri specific. Where do you suggest I start? Thanks for any advice you offer. Mark

Hey I know how frustrating it can be to learn to swim as I too learned as an adult. Here are some things to think about when swimming and some of this applies to running too. In both swimming and running there are key things that are fundamental to swimming and running efficiently. In swimming things like keeping your elbow high, good body rotation, or good head position are important and in running there are key fundamentals that almost every good/great runner does. However, that being said there are Huge differences in form between great swimmers and between great runners. If you have ever seen world class marathon runners you will see big differences in running style/form. When you are thinking about your "form" while swimming you should focus on the things that all/most great swimmers do and figure out what makes YOU get through the water faster. I hope this makes sense. If not let me know.

So I've never done swim golf but the point main point of the drill is to go faster while reducing the number of strokes it takes to go 50yds. In the swim workout above (I'll translate), swim 50yds count the strokes (number of times each arm enters the water) and add that to the time it takes to go the 50yds. Then take 15 seconds rest. Do that six times. Try to minimize the number of strokes and reduce the time it takes to go 50yds. Basically the goal is to increase your distance per stroke (DPS). Then in the main set you swim 5x100 with 10sec between. Swim the 100's at a moderate pace and try to use the lowest stroke count you were using in the swim Golf drill. Then do 4x50yds kicking at moderate pace with 20sec between.

The first thing I will suggest is that you ALWAYS swim with a watch or use the pool clock. The great thing about swimming in a pool is that there are no waves, wind, hills etc so you can easily use a clock to gauge your progress. You should be really monitoring and keeping track of your split times for various workouts and get an idea of what makes you go faster. Here's a workout that I think would be good for you. After a warm up, for your main set do 30 x50yds with 10sec rest between. When doing the 50's do them like this

6x(1easy, 1moderate, 1easy, 1moderate, 1 FAST)

When mixing in some different speeds make sure you are timing yourself and make adjustments in your swim form and see what makes you faster.

Years ago when I learned to swim, I was doing 50s and I realized that although I thought I was swimming faster in some I really wasn't. Basically I was trying harder but not going any faster. I only realized this because I was timing myself. So I made adjustments and relaxed and figured out what I needed to do to swim faster.

Let me know if this makes sense or if you have any questions.

2009-01-09 7:17 AM
in reply to: #1896593

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: jsipos group is Closed
ATLrunr - 2009-01-08 11:06 PM

If it makes you feel better that workout is like another language to me! It sucks for those of us who weren't on the swim team!

Haha, well if anyone has questions about their swim workouts or need help translating let me know.
2009-01-09 10:42 AM
in reply to: #1896593

Las Vegas
Subject: RE: jsipos group is Closed
Sometimes some of the workouts look like another language to me as well, and I was on swim teams for close to 6 years. so yea don't feel bad.
2009-01-10 7:49 AM
in reply to: #1896918

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: tempo trainer
Jeremy, thanks for the reply and suggestions. I will try the workout you suggest. Is there a more comprehensive swim plan you would suggest for training for an Olympic distance race?

ATLrunr & pnc172, thanks for the support. It's nice to know it isn't 'greek' only to me.

2009-01-10 9:40 AM
in reply to: #1858810

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jsipos group is Closed

So I have a question about training volume. I have my marathon coming up on March 1 so my focus has really been on building up on run mileage more than anything. This week is supposed to be my first 50 mile week.

 However, I also have gulf coast 17 weeks out and so have been trying to get in more cycling and swimming. I Also started teaching boot camp again this week which involves fast running, plyometrics, lots of squats and pushups etc.

The problem is ( which you prob know is coming by now) that I am Tired! My running is getting slower and my normal daily easy pace is normally about 8 30 and now it has been a struggle this past two weeks to do anything longer than a few miles at 9plus. Also, my legs have been hurting such so that I have had to cut out any speed or tempo work in the past couple of weeks.

 Two weeks ago I did a 15 miler at 7 45 and felt great! Now last weekend I thought I was going to die doing a 14 miler at 9 plus. Now obviously something has to give here. I have arranged my sched so that I will only teach bc 2-3 times weekly. But even now I am hardly able to get in any cycling. I was thinking about cutting back running to four times a week but this marathon is really my A race.

Also I am in sales so I am walking around in heels all day. Any advice from anyone? Sorry for long post.

Edited by ATLrunr 2009-01-10 9:44 AM

2009-01-11 9:18 PM
in reply to: #1899420

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: jsipos group is Closed
ATLrunr - 2009-01-10 9:40 AM

So I have a question about training volume.

ATLrunr - you seen to have answered your own question. You're understandably tired. My suggestion is to treat your A race as that. All of the rest of your training needs to be modified so you peak for your A race. Mark

2009-01-12 5:43 PM
in reply to: #1899319

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: tempo trainer
TriD64 - 2009-01-10 8:49 AM

Jeremy, thanks for the reply and suggestions. I will try the workout you suggest. Is there a more comprehensive swim plan you would suggest for training for an Olympic distance race?

ATLrunr & pnc172, thanks for the support. It's nice to know it isn't 'greek' only to me.


You're welcome. I haven't really used any of the pre-made swimming training plans etc. so I can't really recommend any of those. Let me know how that swim goes for you. I'd continue to do that swim workout once a week for 4-6 weeks. Do you use paddles in your swim workouts?
2009-01-12 6:11 PM
in reply to: #1899420

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: jsipos group is Closed
ATLrunr - 2009-01-10 10:40 AM

So I have a question about training volume. I have my marathon coming up on March 1 so my focus has really been on building up on run mileage more than anything. This week is supposed to be my first 50 mile week.

 However, I also have gulf coast 17 weeks out and so have been trying to get in more cycling and swimming. I Also started teaching boot camp again this week which involves fast running, plyometrics, lots of squats and pushups etc.

The problem is ( which you prob know is coming by now) that I am Tired! My running is getting slower and my normal daily easy pace is normally about 8 30 and now it has been a struggle this past two weeks to do anything longer than a few miles at 9plus. Also, my legs have been hurting such so that I have had to cut out any speed or tempo work in the past couple of weeks.

 Two weeks ago I did a 15 miler at 7 45 and felt great! Now last weekend I thought I was going to die doing a 14 miler at 9 plus. Now obviously something has to give here. I have arranged my sched so that I will only teach bc 2-3 times weekly. But even now I am hardly able to get in any cycling. I was thinking about cutting back running to four times a week but this marathon is really my A race.

Also I am in sales so I am walking around in heels all day. Any advice from anyone? Sorry for long post.

Actually this is a pretty good question. The tired legs are understandable given the amount your training load increased in such a short time. Had you added a little at a time over a couple weeks you could probably take the increased training load. But I would say that if you kept your current training constant it would probably take a couple weeks for your body to adapt and you'd be back to where you were running wise.

Just as a side note, I'd say that I've had some of my BEST workouts when I thought going into it that I was tired and wouldn't be able to push myself. I'd say way too many people cancel workouts or don't give themselves a chance to do a workout because they think they are tired and overdoing it.

So you have plenty of time to get ready for Gulf Coast (which is a great race). Try to slowly build your cycling volume up over the next month and a half or so and then after the marathon focus on the bike. Your running by that time should be good and you'll really need to focus on the bike and maintain your running. You should definitely get as much pool time is as possible. Have you gone to any masters swim groups?

Also, I wouldn't cut your run frequency down. Most of the people I coach in triathlon run 5-6 days per week. I personally have gone through periods of running 7 days a week for months on end. I would say that in general triathletes don't run enough.

So let me know if anyone has more questions about training volume etc.

2009-01-13 8:59 AM
in reply to: #1858810

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: Who has questions?
OK, we've had some great questions so far. Who else has some questions or topics they'd like to talk about? Think of some things you'd like to discuss (training, race nutrition, equipment selection etc).
2009-01-13 9:05 AM
in reply to: #1897417

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: jsipos group is Closed
JC, I was looking at your training log and it looks like you are trying the Pose method of running. Is there a particular reason you are trying that? I'd be VERY careful about trying to make major changes to your running form. I can speak from experience in saying that trying to make major changes can lead to serious injuries. Years ago I had a running coach that wanted me to lengthen my stride which ultimately led to a stress fracture in my hip.

Like I said in an earlier post there are some fundamental traits that most good runners share but there are also major differences in running form of good runners.

2009-01-13 9:16 AM
in reply to: #1899420

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: jsipos group is Closed
Bethany, I was looking at your Log also. It looks like you had a brick workout last week. Given that your first race is quite a ways off it's probably a little early to be running off the bike. You'd be better off running and biking with a long recovery between, i.e run in the morn and bike in the afternoon. That way you get two solid workouts in one day.

There's a big misconception in the triathlon world about bricks/trans runs. The only reason to do brick/trans run is for confidence in running off the bike. Like I said above most people would be better off by doing a seperate run after a long recovery.

In my own training the most I run off the bike is maybe 20mins and I focus on the HIM distance. I typically start trans/runs ~2 months out from racing. In HIM races I typically run low to mid 1:20 range off the bike.
2009-01-13 6:05 PM
in reply to: #1904160

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Who has questions?

Hey thanks for the reply about training volume. I think you may be right about it taking some time to get used to. After thinking about it this weekend and suffering through a miserable 10 mile "long" run Sunday that was supposed to be a 20 mile run(!) (I also had a migraine) I decided my strategy would be to

1. limit other impact activities the day I have a "quality " run scheduled

2. Do what you basically said which is build up cycling slowly and maintain a run focus/swim buildup currently until post marathon

2009-01-13 6:06 PM
in reply to: #1903167

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tempo trainer
Good call. I need to do that and stop treating everything as "A"
2009-01-14 9:26 AM
in reply to: #1903167

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Mason City, IA
Subject: paddles for swim training
No, I haven't used paddles. What is the benefit and how are they used?
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