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2009-01-10 7:32 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Tampa, FL
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
How's everybody doing? I haven't been doing great with my training...I am doing the peach challenge (making my training log turn peach everyday by doing something), but need to push myself this coming week to get up early and really work.  I have a half marathon in less then two months and I've never gone farther then 4 miles.  I am joining the y tomorrow, so that should help with the motivation.  Plan to go to the gym in the morning from 5:30-7:15 and then just head to work from there. Hoping to do the core body class from 5:30-6:30 and then swim for 45 minutes. I'm also thinking about joining the masters swim group but that is another $50 a month on top of membership fees. Does anyone know if I could join for just a month or two to get some help with my form and then stop, or is it something you sign onto for a while? Feel free to check up on me throughout the week and kick me in the butt, I need some motivation!! Have a great weekend!

2009-01-11 7:38 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Gator416- I'll keep checking your training log and see how you are doing!

Your plan sounds great- try and schedule at least one day off, and if you aren't used to going every day, set a small goal of 3 or 4 days the first week. Having a class to attend is a good thing.

Are you following a training plan for your half marathon? Up those miles slowly to avoid injury. You'll do great!

Hope everyone else had a great weekend- we are finally done with our big snowstorm (8 inches? More?) and are now expecting temps in the teens. We are going to try and bundle up our kids and head out to the Y today so we can both get in a run; we rode our bikes yesterday and just don't feel like doing it again today.

Take care!
2009-01-12 8:29 AM
in reply to: #1900471

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Wow glad we didn't get all that snow you did Anne.  We have less than an inch.  Yesterday it mostly rained and then we got some last night.

Gator- what 1/2 Marathon training plan on are going to follow?  I have my first half in May and have decided to use one from Runners world.  I have it starting this week which will get me up to 12 miles before the half...or starting the end of Feb, which only gets me up to 10 miles.  I'm really hoping to get started this week so I can be more prepared.  My longest run to date has been 8 miles, but that was some time this summer.  Haven't done much over 6 in the last several months.  I'm really hoping to get close to 13 before I have to go out and really try it.   Not sure I'll actually get started this week or not.  If I do, then tomorrow I'm supposed to do a 7 mile long run.  With all the snow/ice we are getting and suppose to get tonight I probably would have to do that on a treadmill tomorrow.  ugh...does not sound fun. 

Not 100% sure on the Masters group through the YMCA, but my group you can join for a month or 2 and then stop no problem.  I actually just pay for 12 times at once and can use them any time during the next 6 months.  That works for me. 

Matt - hope you had a good time with your friends.  Glad your run was better than the past ones. 

2009-01-12 10:02 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Hi Scuba - I'm using the 1/2 mary plan on RW, but I made a few minor modifications to it.   The first (and largest change) is on the speedwork days.  I think that 1 mile repeats are too long.  I shortened the repeats to 1/2 mile and increased the number of them.  Another change that I made was to adjust some of the miles during the week.  I never altered the total weekly milage, but for example on a 20 mile week, instead of doing 2/7/2/9, I changed it to  4/5/2/9.  It just doesn't make sense to me to have one long run a week and a second "almost as long" run.  The hardest part of this plan is not turning the easy runs into tempo runs.  Running slow is really hard!


2009-01-12 10:12 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Scout - I'm doing RW also.  I agree with you on the tempo runs being almost as long as your long run.  I have no problem with running slow, I'm just naturally slow.  I do want to do some tempo, but may not run as many repeats or as fast as they say.  I tend to have an ankle bursitis/tendinitis thing that if I run fast starts to bother me.  Would rather save that for race day.

I've tweeked my plan some too.  Like in 3 weeks I will have no running at all.  But I'll be spending the entire week skiing in Colorado, so I figure that's a good cross training

2009-01-12 1:56 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

My legs are back. DAMN that bike!  No more mashing intervals for a while for me.  Just nice easy spinning.  I did a 5 mile run today at lunch and had no problems at all.  Due for 8 miles on Wednesday.  I'm looking forward to that one!

My swim stroke is coming along very very well too.  In 1.5 weeks, I went from being barely able to swim 50 yards to swimming 200 yard repeats.  I've also doubled the distance that I'm able to swim in an hour.  I have my eyes on a few sprints coming up, and will soon be asking some wetsuit questions.  Gotta save my pennies though.  My wife would kill me if I bought one now.  I registered yesterday for the PDR, so I'm definitely on the hook for that one, and I can't spend my way out of her good graces!


Edited by scout21 2009-01-12 2:04 PM

2009-01-12 5:03 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Matt- have you thought about renting a wetsuit? We rented last year for our last race- it was nice because it gave us an idea of what features we liked (and didn't like). Anyone out there rent or own?

I think I am not quite ready to buy one- I wasn't a fan of the wetsuit. Mike loved his and loved swimming in a wetsuit.

Glad your legs are back too!

More snow headed our way. Today was a day off for me- spent my morning waiting for my doctor to call, spent the afternoon in her office. Trying to get my migraines back under control. They are daily when my meds are not working.

Gina- snow for you tomorrow? And your Colorado trip sounds fantastic!
2009-01-12 6:48 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Yes, I've thought of renting, but all of the races that I'm looking at say the water is going to be in the upper 60's to about 70.  I'm thinking that if I run 3, and rent 3 times, I'm already putting out most, if not all of the cost of owning my own suit.  We'll see what happens. does apply the rental fee towards the purchase price if you buy it...Time will tell!
2009-01-13 7:44 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED is the site we used in September. I do not remember the water temps then- but we tend to swim in colder water, even for OWS. By the time water gets warm around here it's July and tri season is halfway over. Triathlete Mag just had a sprint tri wetsuit featured in their beginner must-haves list and I think it was $199, by BlueWater? It got a good review. Mike's that he liked so much was Orca's top of the line. We looked into buying it from, so our rental fee would apply, but the price was pretty close to a new one, so we decided to wait. We will probably buy a wetsuit for Mike in the near future, so keep us updated as you shop around. I would definitely recommend swimming in one before you buy, just so you get an idea of what features you like. I did not like my arms/shoulders being restricted, and post-race was able to chat with a female triathlete who had one of the sleeveless wetsuits, and she said that was the main reason she went sleeveless. Do you have a local triathlon club? Usually at our first OWS of the season people are trying to sell their used wetsuits, so you can try them out during OWS and see if you like it before you buy it. And I'll try to get Mike on here tonight so he can tell you what he liked about the Orca he swam in.

Swim scheduled for me today, then more bad weather comes our way so hopefully if I get snowed in with the kids tomorrow I can fit in a bike. Wish I had gotten a workout in yesterday, but sometimes life gets in the way. Hope everyone is having a great week!
2009-01-13 1:54 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Okay- the wetsuit featured in Triathlete Mag this month for the Essential Begginer's tri tools was by Blue Seventy, $199, and was designed for sprint distance. Sorry about my confusion earlier.

2009-01-13 2:00 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

I own a couple of wet suits for diving.  I just found out though that the max millage for USAT is 5 mm?  The one I thought about wearing for my first tri is 7 mm.  I do have a shortie that's only 3...we'll see if I wear that or end up buying a full length 3.  It's my understanding that the wet suits for diving and the ones for tris are a little different.  But if I bought one it would be only if I could use it for both.

Snow here again today.  Was going to try to get in my long run tonight, but the snow is keeping that away.  Maybe this weekend it's suppose to clear up some.  If not I'll be doing the first long run of my training on a treadmill...yuck! 


2009-01-14 12:33 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Jeez!  I'm having SUCH a hard time getting any kind of consistency with my training.  I don't know if it's mental, physical, or both.  Maybe TMI here (if so look, but I do take a small dose anti-depressant to help 'brighten' my mood'.  I'm a 12-hr shift worker who rotates shifts AND days off every 10 weeks.  Makes for unusal sleeping patterns.  Anyway-I just can't seem to find the motivation time to go workout without sacrificing sleep or family time (I'm a single father of 15 yr old son and I get my 13 and 6 yr old every other weekend.  I also try to see all the kids at least once during the week, but that means a short sleep day that haunts me (physically) for a few days after the fact.  I have my eyes on a 1/2 IM in mid June, but I'm thinking I just don't have the time.  None of the distances, by themselves, pose a problem, but I'm not sure I have the motivation/dedication to make the sacrifices needed to be able to actually RACE and not just finish.  I know morning workouts are my best bet right now, but when 0730 rolls around and it's cold, and my legs are tired from carrying 20+ lbs of gear up and down stairs all night and...blah...blah...blah. 

This has turned into a rather pathetic pity party for myself.  I guess I need to just HTFU and take charge of my time.  Anyway-that's my life and I'd appreciate any comments/suggestions/support you all have.   Whew!  I feel better already.

2009-01-14 7:37 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Shift work can be tough.  My BIL did it for 10 years or so.  Do you have any kind of facilities at work where you could spend you lunch time doing something?  Before I telecommuted, the office where I worked had a shower, so I drive in monday with a bunch of clothes, and they ride my bike to work Tuesday - Thursday and then drive in on Friday and take home all my laundry.

Another thing to try and to just decide one morning to drag yourself out of bed and do something.  It was tough the first few days, but after that, I find that I'm a lot less cranky during the day and I have a lot more patience if I get my morning workout in.

How about just focusing on your weakest part of the tri?  I just started swimming a few weeks ago, and I've found that I really look forward to my hour in the pool.  Maybe you could put some real effort into your weakest link and just maintain the other two?

If all else fails, maybe you could just go into maintenance mode in your training until the weather breaks a little and then go back strong.  I've found that with the weather being so cold outside, I've really enjoyed my trainer rides in the basement, and there's nothing quite like a short rest in the pool while looking out the window at snow coming down! 

I hope that you're able to come up with a plan that will let you do it all!


2009-01-14 7:39 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Jeff, I know the feeling.  I also am always trying to fit training in when it doesn't interfere with family time.  Plus the days I get up early then I'm dragging the rest of the day.  Sometimes I just have to decide if the training is "fun" any more.  When it becomes a chore then it's not what I want to be doing.  Maybe just allow yourself some time to do some quicker workouts that are more fun. Don't feel you have to run a certain distance etc.  One thing that I do to be able to work out is I train usually during my lunch hour.  Of course that means no going out to lunch w/the work group, but I figure I'd rather spend less time with them and more time with my family in the evening.  It's definitely a juggling act.

 I was going to start my 1/2 training this week, but the weather does not want to cooperate.  Bitter cold and 2 - 6 inches of snow today.  Yesterday was suppose to be my LR and I didn't make it outside.  I'm going to try to stick with the rest of the plan this week and do my shorter runs on the treadmill.  Hopefully this weekend I can switch my schedule around and it might be ok to do my long run on Sunday.  If not, it will just have to wait until next week.  (WHy oh Why can't I live in the South!) It will be my first 1/2 so my goal is just to finish, but I still want to finish strong. 

Feel free to whine any time jeff

2009-01-14 10:07 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Thanks, all!

As you will probably all find out-I'm not a big stickler for 'plans'.  If I'm out for a run and feel good-I'll go long.  If I see a tree that I find attractive-I'll run to it.  etc. etc.  However, I'm at a point where I NEED a bit more...structure in my life.  My GF is a planner extraordinair (sp) so I've enlisted her help.  BUT..This is my burden to carry, not her's or my new friends/mentor group.  I, too, believe that when it stops being 'fun', then I'm done.  I'm not even close to being there-It's still fun-It's still kinda exciting to be 46 (and, frankly-not look it) and be healthy and active.   Gee, I even ride a single speed mtb-how trendy fun  is THAT

I think I'll make itCool

2009-01-15 2:19 AM
in reply to: #1908701

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
jeffnboise - 2009-01-14 10:07 PM

Gee, I even ride a single speed mtb-how trendy fun  is THAT

It's even better if you can start on the side walk and then use the end of a driveway where the curb goes back up to "jump" into the street.  I used to do that all the time and it drove my neighbor nuts!

Edited by scout21 2009-01-15 2:20 AM

2009-01-15 2:40 AM
in reply to: #1908861

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
scout21 - 2009-01-15 1:19 AM
jeffnboise - 2009-01-14 10:07 PM

Gee, I even ride a single speed mtb-how trendy fun  is THAT

It's even better if you can start on the side walk and then use the end of a driveway where the curb goes back up to "jump" into the street.  I used to do that all the time and it drove my neighbor nuts!

I love doing track stands while I get my mail.  Tom Hanks has nothin' on me*.

*depending upon your age that reference may not mean anything-'The Man with One Red Shoe" has very young TH doing a wicked track stand at a busy street light.

2009-01-15 5:56 AM
in reply to: #1908864

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
jeffnboise - 2009-01-15 2:40 AM
scout21 - 2009-01-15 1:19 AM
jeffnboise - 2009-01-14 10:07 PM

Gee, I even ride a single speed mtb-how trendy fun  is THAT

It's even better if you can start on the side walk and then use the end of a driveway where the curb goes back up to "jump" into the street.  I used to do that all the time and it drove my neighbor nuts!

I love doing track stands while I get my mail.  Tom Hanks has nothin' on me*.

*depending upon your age that reference may not mean anything-'The Man with One Red Shoe" has very young TH doing a wicked track stand at a busy street light.


I'm old enough to get the reference.  And it seems that I'm in the minority when I say that generally I don't like Tom Hanks.  BUT, The Man With One Red Shoe is one of two or three of his movies that I do like.

2009-01-15 7:44 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
I vaguely remember that movie....probably one of the ones I watched with a sitter and did not get because I was too little.

Fitting training time in is rough- especially in this weather. I keep telling myself it's maintenance traning now, so it's no biggie if I miss a day. I know you said you are not a big fan of plans, but that is the only way I fit training in. If Mike and I did not have training plans, it would be too easy for me to just skip training because of groceries/doctors appointments/exploding toddler butts/busy first grader schedules/playdates/margaritas; and too easy for Mike to overtrain. I wish you luck on finding that balance that works for you.

And everyone is right- it has to be be FUN.

As for racing to compete, and not racing just to finish, I'm a race to finish. For me, I guess I want to beat my old times, but I do not have the super competitive drive Mike has. He races to compete.

Bitterly cold here- we have over a foot of snow, more coming this weekend, and temps in the single digits with windchills in the negatives. I'm looking forward to the snow melting so we can run outside again. For now, it's treadmills and covering up wet hair from the pool so it does not freeze when I run to the car, and longish rides on the trainer in the basement. What about you Florida people? How nice is it where you are right now? I know you are all so very jealous of our Arctic Freeze.
2009-01-15 5:12 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Tampa, FL
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

It's cold for South Florida right now, 65 and cloudy today. Back to the 70's by Sunday though! So no excuses for me.  Plan to be in the outdoor pool tomorrow morning...we'll see.  It's heated so as long as it's not raining it should be fine.

 Scuba- I'm not using a plan.  Probably should be, but I kind of just signed up for this race just to see if I could finish, not to push myself.  Hopefully I don't get picked up for being to slow on race day.  Right now my plan is just to run as much as possible, without over training of course (but there's no worry that will happen) :-)  

Let's just say i completely understand everyone trying to find time to fit in the training and then having the motivation to do it. I wanted to get to the gym every morning this week just to do a little something and wake up, yea...I made it one day so far, Monday of course. Then I thought well three days at least...and now there's only tomorrow left.  5:00am just comes so early! And after being in the classroom for 9-10 hours I just can't make it to the gym, plus my dog would hate me for not getting home until 6 or 7. Excuses excuses, I know.  So basically I just need to kick myself out of bed.  But that's so hard to do when hubby is sleeping so soundly and I just want to stay in bed with him.  Ahh well, we'll see tomorrow if my motivation overpowers my laziness. 



2009-01-15 9:56 PM
in reply to: #1910662

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
gator416 - 2009-01-15 4:12 PM

 plus my dog would hate me for not getting home until 6 or 7.

Gator, I just got a pund pup a fw weeks ago-She is slowly becoming a part of my running routine.  Right now, I'll finish a run a then take her for a 1 mile cool down.  Later (hopefully) she's gonna be doing the majority of my shorter runs with me. 

2009-01-16 11:38 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
What it comes down to is this, Gator. You have to make it a routine- a routine you enjoy doing. Otherwise, it's work- and a snuggly warm bed is a lot easier than getting up and heading to the pool, especially in the winter. A year ago I was in a spot similar to yours- I had races on the horizon, I thought I could just exercise and do my thing and get ready...then Mike made me watch Kona, and it was time for me to ask for a training plan and his help. I know I will never complete an Ironman, but watching it was inspiring. Now? The training is routine. I make myself take at least one day off per week (and normally something comes up with the kids that forces a day off anyway).

It sounds like you are participating in some of the challenges on here, and that is great. The more pals you make on BT the more people will be there to poke you. Can you run with your dog? I know I can't- my boys are senior dogs and their running days are long gone, so Jeff, I envy you and your pound puppy. Mike and I do occasionally do a 1 mile cool down run, or fun run, with our oldest daughter (and put the toddler in the jog stroller). But it's too cold for that now.

Gator- you'll find that motivation. How far away are you from your half marathon? You might want to grab a random half training plan and just see where the training plan says you should be mileage wise and where you actually are in your runs. There is the element of injury to consider- making sure you are ready and able to finish a race so that you avoid injury and a DNF (did not finish). I'm an over-preparer, though. Before my first 5k race last spring I insisted on running that distance several times to make sure I could do it. I have heard- and am hoping I will be corrected by my long distance runners out there- that when training for marathons most people run half that distance (not the full) for training.

Speaking of motivation- it's another bike day in the basement. We are not leaving the house, as windchills are -30! All of the schools are closed due to the extreme cold, so we are hunkered down here and I am hoping to fit in a nice long ride and some more core work.
2009-01-16 1:34 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Windchills here are just a little warmer than you have Anne, was -21 this morning.  Now it's up to    -5  (woo hoo heat wave)

I just did strength and 10 minutes on the eliptical today.  I have gotten in all my runs this week (for my hm plan) with the exception of my long run.  I'm still hoping for a miracle that it warms up on Sunday and I can get it outside, but if not I'll be running on the treadmill that day.

Long weekend here, going to be doing a winter hike tomorrow (if the weather cooperates) and probably skiing on Monday.  Hope everyone has a good weekend.


2009-01-16 3:19 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Tampa, FL
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
I made it to the gym and once i was up it wasn't so bad.  Plus I felt so much better all day. Did my longest run yet, 5 miles, didn't push it though.  Pretty much stayed at a 13 minute mile. Jeff, I used to run with my dog (2 year old newfoundland/lab mix) and it was perfect because my pace worked for him without getting to tired. But he hrut his leg a while back and vet put him on strict bed rest. He hates it! Obviously.  I feel so bad for him, but it's better then surgery.  Thanks for the advice Anne.  I am routine/planning crazy.  I love to have a plan to follow and stick to it in everything in life.  But with moving and a new stressful job to get used to the planning went out the door sometime in July.  I can see it finally coming back now.  I feel great when I actually get up and follow the plan and it motivates me to continue the next time.  I agree, Kona is amazing, those are true athletes. I know I'll probably never be at that level, but you're right, it is still inspiring.  Sorry for all you cold weather folks.  You can make me feel bad in June when it's 100. :-) It's not bad here today, 75.  I'm actually at the park relaxing with the pup right now. I plan to bike tomorrow on a trail in the everglades and then moutain bike on Sunday. Enjoy your weekend everyone and stay warm.
2009-01-16 7:32 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Hi all.  I was with Ann in a mentor group last year and she had invited me to join this group but I never saw her group when it was open.  I pm'd her a few days ago and asked her what happened and she directed me here. 

Will you guys let me join in?  

I am a 44 year old mom of 3+2 kids, my youngest is 16 going on 10.  I only have the one left at home.  I started doing tri's last year.  I did 5 sprint tri's and a duathlon in 2008.  I am not fast but I have fun.  I do these because of the great people I have met on BT who keep me motivated.  Ann is one of them and she is great.  

I am struggling right now with motivating myself to do training when its so cold.  i don't want to get in a pool, and even the thought of putting shorts on to get on the treadmill or trainer is not appealing.  I want to stay toasty warm by the fire in my cozy sweats.  What does everyone do to motivate themselves in the winter?  I'm sure even the warmer states must deal with a lull during the "off" months.


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