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2009-04-10 9:54 PM
in reply to: #2077360

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
CGunz - 2009-04-10 6:15 PM

Well, I've been treating my endurance stuff like weight lifting.  When I lift, its best for me to consume a bunch of gatorade and coffee a bit before lifting. In fact, if I don't consume something sugary before hand, I get light-headed after my lifting.

This strategy is not going as well for endurance exercises.  But I'm concerned about doing endurance exercise without sufficient carbs and protein, as I thought this would lead to more catabolism of muscle (I've already lost 10+ lbs of muscle since starting this training!

Coming from a lifting background, you will lose muscle mass, and possibly some static strength. But, you are gaining functional strength in the endurance sports. Endurance training and mass building are at opposite ends of the spectrum. 


2009-04-10 9:56 PM
in reply to: #2076511

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
alexenafi - 2009-04-10 10:42 AM Thanks guys!!!!
I read our forum and took in all you said. And it pushed me to push myself on a hills run. I ran for 32 minutes and did 3 hills that each are a bit harder than the one before. I figured that if I don't get that 2nd run in (because I will ski all day instead) that I should make this one count so made it the longest I've done so far and added hills.

Feels great.


good! Well done!

2009-04-10 9:56 PM
in reply to: #2077456

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
esc - 2009-04-10 7:12 PM
CGunz - 2009-04-10 9:15 PM

Well, I've been treating my endurance stuff like weight lifting.  When I lift, its best for me to consume a bunch of gatorade and coffee a bit before lifting. In fact, if I don't consume something sugary before hand, I get light-headed after my lifting.

This strategy is not going as well for endurance exercises.  But I'm concerned about doing endurance exercise without sufficient carbs and protein, as I thought this would lead to more catabolism of muscle (I've already lost 10+ lbs of muscle since starting this training!

From my own personal experience - I do well with eating a light meal or snack about 2 hours or so before a running workout.  If I'm going easy then I can get away with a shorter time frame.  Swimming and biking don't seem to present as many GI issues for me so I don't have to be as careful with the timing.

After a long or particularly difficult workout I try to refuel with quality carbs and protein as soon after the workout as possible.

Another key is to make good nutrition a habit.  If you're eating quality meals and healthy snacks (and watching your hydration) you're more likely to be well fueled for any workout you do.

Well said!
2009-04-11 2:20 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Did a great spin class today - included a 35min race segment over 10 hills.

Great day here today.

2009-04-11 6:18 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
The onslaught of Easter chocolate has begun in full swing at my house... Trying to minimize the damage and maximize my workout opportunities, but I need to balance my scheduled brick workout with all-day family activities tomorrow.

Hope everyone else manages to keep the sugar in check!
2009-04-11 8:57 PM
in reply to: #2078444

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
trysprintolympic - 2009-04-11 4:18 PM The onslaught of Easter chocolate has begun in full swing at my house... Trying to minimize the damage and maximize my workout opportunities, but I need to balance my scheduled brick workout with all-day family activities tomorrow.

Hope everyone else manages to keep the sugar in check!

Heh. My damage control comes tomorrow. It's my first day off in a while, I've done 11 straight days of two a day workouts, and I could feel it on my run tonight. I'm done for a day, maybe two.

I'll check in with everyone tomorrow evening, have a great Easter (if that is part of your religion), or hope you had a great Passover, Beltane (Although its a bit early for that), or just have a great weekend!


2009-04-11 10:13 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Hudsonville, MI
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
I agree with John.  Everyone have a good Easter holiday (if celebrated), otherwise have a good weekend.
2009-04-12 2:53 AM
in reply to: #2078748

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On your right
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Just to be a no-goodnik, I hope everyone has a busy weekend and has to work.  Wink

Ok, it's 4am and I'm wicked sleepy, and cranky about being at work. 

I think I'll go walk up the down escalator and get some exercise in.  Maybe that will make me less mean spirited.

Edited by Chaderbox 2009-04-12 2:53 AM
2009-04-12 1:19 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Should I be logging in my spin class under sports or bike time? I'm logging it as sports but then it looks like I'm not doing as much as only R, B, S shows up on the weekly view. But I want to log true to what I'm doing.

2009-04-12 7:09 PM
in reply to: #2079446

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On your right
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
alexenafi - 2009-04-12 2:19 PM John,
Should I be logging in my spin class under sports or bike time? I'm logging it as sports but then it looks like I'm not doing as much as only R, B, S shows up on the weekly view. But I want to log true to what I'm doing.


I've logged it as a sport a few times, but mostly as biking.  But in the comments, I always say that it's a spin class, and what we did, like "Mostly sprints" or "A long climb, and a bunch of jumps", etc.

I think overall, it doesn't really make a huge difference.  Nobody is going to audit you and say you can't race because your BT logs weren't totally accurate. Tongue out
2009-04-12 7:32 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Yeah, after looking at a few different logs I realized that many log trainer rides as bike, so I see no difference. In fact spin can have even higher intensity. So I've switched it over to bike time and put spin class (hills x10 race) or something like that.

Hope you were all able to fit some training in this weekend. I didn't have the kids so was able to train when it suited me. Didn't end up skiing (it was just too spring) so went for a decent run instead - even took the pooch.


2009-04-12 7:46 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL

John, I just wanted to let you know that I ran home from Easter dinner at the in-laws tonight because I could hear you telling me to "suck it up, princess" in my head! I didn't want to come back on and tell everyone that I wimped out because I was tired/full of chocolate, so I just did it. Thanks for the push!

Again though, I ran the whole way feeling great and then disappointed with my time when I got home. I know that I need to get more speed workouts in, but I really prefer setting a pace and maintaining it. But I guess if I want to run faster, I need to actually practice running faster... And I need to get a new watch so that I can check my time as I run too! I've been holding out to find a training/mp3 watch, but I give up - I don't think they actually make one, as far as I can find.

2009-04-12 9:23 PM
in reply to: #2079831

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On your right
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Jenna, awesome on running home from the in-law's.  And as far as watches go, I don't even ever wear one, so I have no idea how long I'm gone until I actually get back home, or to the car, etc. 

The increased pace will come with increased running time.  Just put the time in, and it'll happen.

Oh, and I sent you a PM with the De Soto link as well.

Edited by Chaderbox 2009-04-13 1:46 AM
2009-04-12 10:43 PM
in reply to: #2079446

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
alexenafi - 2009-04-12 11:19 AM John,
Should I be logging in my spin class under sports or bike time? I'm logging it as sports but then it looks like I'm not doing as much as only R, B, S shows up on the weekly view. But I want to log true to what I'm doing.


Either way, I'd probably log it under cycling. It's the same as if you were on a trainer, you'd log that as cycling.

2009-04-13 7:23 AM
in reply to: #2079831

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
trysprintolympic - 2009-04-12 7:46 PM

John, I just wanted to let you know that I ran home from Easter dinner at the in-laws tonight because I could hear you telling me to "suck it up, princess" in my head! I didn't want to come back on and tell everyone that I wimped out because I was tired/full of chocolate, so I just did it. Thanks for the push!

Again though, I ran the whole way feeling great and then disappointed with my time when I got home. I know that I need to get more speed workouts in, but I really prefer setting a pace and maintaining it. But I guess if I want to run faster, I need to actually practice running faster... And I need to get a new watch so that I can check my time as I run too! I've been holding out to find a training/mp3 watch, but I give up - I don't think they actually make one, as far as I can find.

Awesome! I considered this, but decided against it due to too much chocolate!

2009-04-13 9:59 AM
in reply to: #2079831

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
trysprintolympic - 2009-04-12 5:46 PM

John, I just wanted to let you know that I ran home from Easter dinner at the in-laws tonight because I could hear you telling me to "suck it up, princess" in my head! I didn't want to come back on and tell everyone that I wimped out because I was tired/full of chocolate, so I just did it. Thanks for the push!

Again though, I ran the whole way feeling great and then disappointed with my time when I got home. I know that I need to get more speed workouts in, but I really prefer setting a pace and maintaining it. But I guess if I want to run faster, I need to actually practice running faster... And I need to get a new watch so that I can check my time as I run too! I've been holding out to find a training/mp3 watch, but I give up - I don't think they actually make one, as far as I can find.


I run with an iPod shuffle and nothing else. I start a stopwatch when I leave, and stop it when I get home and figure it out from there.


2009-04-13 10:05 AM
in reply to: #2080260

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Ok gang, time for a great week of training! w00t!

New term (or maybe not new) to consider - RPE. Rating of Perceived Exertion.

We have a ton of new gadgets that tell us our heartrate, how fast/far we went, calories burned, etc etc. Too often I see athletes become slaves to these, and then when they don't work, they are lost as to how hard they are working because they don't know how to listen to their bodies.

You see this in swimming a lot. People don't know how hard they are working, so they go out and absolutely thrash the first couple 100 of a race, then they're done, and struggling to finish. this affects their whole race and they wonder "wha? huh?"

Practice pacing and exercising without anything. When swimming, set aside some time to do sets of 100's, where all you do is set a goal time, and see how close you come to that time. Something like 5 or 6 x 100, each 100 in 2:05 or whatever. Doesn't have to be fast, you are trying for consistent.

Do the same with running. Do 800 or mile repeats, with a time goal (Doesn't have to be blazing fast, speed isn't the goal of the drill), and see how close you come. On the bike, cover your computer. Settle into a comfortable rate, and guess your speed.

Gadgets and doodads are great things, and invaluable training tools, but if you don't know how to listen to what your body is telling you, you might just be heading for a REALLY bad day. :D Similarly, if you hold yourself to your computer, and are feeling great, you could be missing out on a GREAT day!

Hope we all have a great training week!

2009-04-13 10:12 AM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Great advice John. Thanks.
I've also applied this to my intervals when running. Sometimes I go by the watch and do say 3 and 1s and other times I just run until I can't run anymore but still only give myself a 1 min recovery. And I try to stay consistent throughout the run so that I'm not going out to hard in the beg and then not able to maintain throughout the run.

2009-04-13 12:41 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Found this resource while surfing the net:

Just sign up for free and it will give you up to 5 swim training plans for each 24 hr period - so if you don't like one you can choose from up to 4 more each day.
Be sure to save each plan that comes up in to your favorites as they appear so that you can then go back and decide which one you want to use.

2009-04-13 2:17 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Can we talk wetsuits? I need one and don't know what exactly to do. Ideally, I would try a bunch on and pick the best one, but I have this itch to buy one of the Xterra $99 Vector3's and just pray for the best.

It doesn't have sleeves, which on one hand I think I would like because it won't affect my stroke. But on the other hand, swimming is my weak sport and the extra buoyancy would be nice to have.

Plus, it's well-rated and super-cheap. Two thumbs up! If I don't buy a suit, I will need to rent one at $60 a pop, and the math just doesn't make sense when I'm looking at 3-4 races this summer. If it doesn't work, it won't be the worst $100 I ever spent.

But I'm also not looking to just throw money down the drain and something about buying a wetsuit online when I've never even worn one before in my life just seems strange. What is everyone else doing?
2009-04-13 2:37 PM
in reply to: #2081396

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
trysprintolympic - 2009-04-13 12:17 PM Can we talk wetsuits? I need one and don't know what exactly to do. Ideally, I would try a bunch on and pick the best one, but I have this itch to buy one of the Xterra $99 Vector3's and just pray for the best.

It doesn't have sleeves, which on one hand I think I would like because it won't affect my stroke. But on the other hand, swimming is my weak sport and the extra buoyancy would be nice to have.

Plus, it's well-rated and super-cheap. Two thumbs up! If I don't buy a suit, I will need to rent one at $60 a pop, and the math just doesn't make sense when I'm looking at 3-4 races this summer. If it doesn't work, it won't be the worst $100 I ever spent.

But I'm also not looking to just throw money down the drain and something about buying a wetsuit online when I've never even worn one before in my life just seems strange. What is everyone else doing?

I've never worn a wetsuit, even when I probably should. (You can look at the pics in my album for a cold, rainy tri I did last year). I will probably get one this year sometime, but I don't know which one yet. I want a minimal one, since I was a swimmer for so long, I don't want anything bunching up my stroke.

Definitely go somewhere and try a bunch on, as they have very different fits between brands and even between styles. One of the local triathlon shops has "wetsuit days" where they bring a bunch out to an OWS and you can try different brands. You could see if a local place around you has the same thing.

Edited to add:

They tested wetsuits for type (sleeveless, etc) and compared the time gains. Full wetsuit came out the fastest.


Edited by tkd.teacher 2009-04-13 2:43 PM

2009-04-13 5:21 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Count me as another looking to get a wetsuit.  I'm still trying to decide between sleeveless and sleeves.  My first race of the season will be in cold water (60* F at last years race).  I'm hoping to go next week and try some suits on.  I'm thinking of going sleeveless because the remainder of my races may be warm enough that I won't want the extra neoprene.  On the other hand 1500m in 60* kinda makes me want sleeves! 
2009-04-13 5:42 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
BTW - I found a pretty good article about properly donning and quickly removing a wetsuit:
2009-04-13 6:08 PM
in reply to: #2081862

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Great article - thanks! Although it says the opposite of what I've been told re: sleeves? People have been telling me that since I am not a great swimmer, sleeves would help me out; the article says I would be more comfortable in a sleeveless. I think I need to go try some on...
2009-04-13 7:16 PM
in reply to: #2081904

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
trysprintolympic - 2009-04-13 4:08 PM Great article - thanks! Although it says the opposite of what I've been told re: sleeves? People have been telling me that since I am not a great swimmer, sleeves would help me out; the article says I would be more comfortable in a sleeveless. I think I need to go try some on...

There is more propulsion from a sleeved suit, but it does all boil down to comfort. Def go try some on, swim if possible.

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