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2009-04-12 9:04 PM
in reply to: #2070802


Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - OPEN

I am super excited about starting training for triathlons!

Name - Daniel.

Story -  20 year old male 5 ft 10 210 pounds. working 2 jobs (about 50 hours a week), one of the jobs is cooking in a kitchen so its really hard for me to keep my diet in check, but yea I have little to no athletic background and I used to want to be a professional video gamer(seriously lol), so I gained over 80 pounds in about 6 years due to lack of physical activity. Well I have been weight training and biking for past 6 months consistently but would like a power goal to really push me, so competing in a triathlon would be that incentive to really get me going.

TRAINING - currently lift weights 3-4 times a week, swim 2x per week, bike 3-4 times / week  and run 2-3 times  / week

I have just learned how to swim 2 weeks ago so I would like to improve immensely on swimming

RACES/GOALS - I am hoping to drop down to 185 by the end of summer which is about 25 pounds or so. I am registered to compete in a sprint triathlon in august

long term goal is to complete a olympic triathlon and win a sprint triathlon by age 25.


happy easter everyone !Smile

2009-04-12 9:35 PM
in reply to: #2070802

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - OPEN
At the inlaws for the day, went out for my first outdoor run since starting this program, while everyone ate dessert (including the strawberry cream cake I made).  I was very nervous how the outdoors would be compared to the treadmill, since that is all I have ever run on.  It was so much better!!  I was shocked.  It felt great and my time was much better.  My training partner and I have been so worried about this transition, as we had heard outdoors would be more difficult...she will be thrilled when I tell her!

Now, if I just had stayed away from the kids easter baskets later :-(

But, overall pretty good for an Easter with a big catholic family.
2009-04-13 8:24 AM
in reply to: #2079997

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - OPEN
firstteeth - 2009-04-12 9:35 PM I was very nervous how the outdoors would be compared to the treadmill, since that is all I have ever run on.  It was so much better!! 

I am just the opposite.  I cannot seem to be able to deal with a treadmill at all.  The entire time, I am counting the minutes even seconds.  Covering the display is no help.  I love running outside unless it gets too hot.  I luckily have a gym with an indoor track incase the weather is too bad.  With 13 laps per mile, it can get kind of boring for long runs, but I can deal with this more effectively than the treadmill.
2009-04-13 9:29 AM
in reply to: #2079736

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - OPEN
m55morris - 2009-04-12 7:42 PM I am looking for a mentor if you will have me.

Name: Micah (m55morris)

:  I have been trying to get bake in shape for the last few years.  In college I was very active in very good shape.  After college I gained over a 100 pounds and became a complete couch potato.  I have made attempts throughout the last 8 years to get my health back mostly through lifting weights and diet.  That has worked for awhile but I don't enjoy pushing iron like I used to. 

I have always been impressed with tris and it is one of those things I told myself I would do someday but have always made excuses to avoid training for them.  My wife and I had a little girl this last fall, and I finally decided I had to change what I was doing.  The end of Jan start of Feb I got serious about my training, signing up on BT and started logging my workouts and nutrition.   I also signed up for my first 5k and sprint tri ever.  My 5k is this next week on friday.

I live in Minnesota, so most of work outs have been indoors so far and have been finding the transition to outdoor workouts to be very different.  Humbly is most likely the best way to explain them.

Family Status:  Married, one daughter 7 months old.

Current Training
: I am training 6 days a week, trying to build a strong endurance base.  I started out walking on a treadmill in Feb for 20 minutes and have worked up to running for 52 minutes so far.  My plan is to hit 60 minutes and then to work on improving speed.  I am working on transitioning from a stationary bike to riding on a new bike.  My swim workouts are slowly coming along.  A friend of mine is a swim coach so I am starting to take lessons to clean up my swimming tech.

This Year's Races: Earth day 5k, and the Buffalo sprint tri.  I am also debating doing a duathlon  in May, but not sure yet, the running scars me.

Weightloss: At one point I was 354 pounds, dieted down to 300 and then gained back to 334, which is was my current starting point.  I having been working on losing weight while training for tris.  I have a goal weight of 230 pounds which should take me close to a full year or longer.

Long term plans: To run a oly tris 2010, half-mary 2010.  When I get through these I will be shooting at a HIM and full mary.

Welcome to the group, Micha!!  Hope the 5k goes well.  Sounds like you've made a lot of progress on the running so far!!  Nice job.
2009-04-13 9:30 AM
in reply to: #2079795

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - OPEN
geauxtri - 2009-04-12 8:19 PM
Artemis - 2009-04-12 1:20 PM Hope everyone is having a great weekend and a happy Easter!!  Try not to eat too many chocolate bunnies. 

No bunnies, but I'm back on the Jelly Bean addiction...  

Though I did FINALLY do my 9 miles... I'm beat...

I am totally a jelly bean addict.  I think I've had about 4 bags of Starburst jelly beans in the past month.

Great job on the long run!! 

Edited by Artemis 2009-04-13 9:30 AM
2009-04-13 9:31 AM
in reply to: #2080363

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - OPEN
pole_dancer - 2009-04-13 9:24 AM
firstteeth - 2009-04-12 9:35 PM I was very nervous how the outdoors would be compared to the treadmill, since that is all I have ever run on.  It was so much better!! 

I am just the opposite.  I cannot seem to be able to deal with a treadmill at all.  The entire time, I am counting the minutes even seconds.  Covering the display is no help.  I love running outside unless it gets too hot.  I luckily have a gym with an indoor track incase the weather is too bad.  With 13 laps per mile, it can get kind of boring for long runs, but I can deal with this more effectively than the treadmill.

I'd rather run outside, too.  I wasn't always that way, though.  I started off hating running outside, but the more I did it the more I liked it.  It's so much more interesting to run outside. 

2009-04-13 10:42 AM
in reply to: #2070802

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - OPEN
I have only had a few outdoor workouts so far and I have a love hate relationship with them.  I love that I feel like I work harder when I am outdoors, and love when i have a tail end.  I hate when I have to fight the head wind, especially on the bike.  I need to find a course that the wind is always at my back.
2009-04-13 10:51 AM
in reply to: #2080749

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - OPEN
LOL...if you find one, please let me know!
2009-04-13 11:49 AM
in reply to: #2070802

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - OPEN
Hey All!!

Welcome to the new teammates!

Sorry I've been kind of MIA... the internet I have at home is slow especially with a site like BT, so weekends I may not be on much. Sounds like everybody had a good Easter!!

I got in some decent workouts this weekend; did some strength training yesterday and am expecting the soreness to set in some time this afternoon Undecided. I keep telling myself it's good for me! Planning to go to the gym again after work, to get in a light workout and hopefully loosen up some of those muscles.

On the nutrition side of things... can anyone tell me what the official method is for figuring out how many calories a person should take in in a day? Searching the web retrieves a thousand different options, and I have no idea what's right. I'm also looking for a good site to keep track of my caloric intake on; does anybody use one of them that they really like?
2009-04-13 12:13 PM
in reply to: #2080964

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - OPEN
KrisSeer - 2009-04-13 11:49 AM Hey All!!

On the nutrition side of things... can anyone tell me what the official method is for figuring out how many calories a person should take in in a day? Searching the web retrieves a thousand different options, and I have no idea what's right. I'm also looking for a good site to keep track of my caloric intake on; does anybody use one of them that they really like?

The has the best estimator for your calories needed in a day, and there estimates on how much you burn for different activities is ok, but as always that one is tough to estimate because it is so individual.

For keeping track of calories, I have used before, I actually bought the download and loved it.  I run a mac so that isn't an option any more although the free web based version is pretty good, just missing a few graphs I think.  I am currently using the BT nutrion log and I have liked it.  I like the fact it puts my training and nutrion all in one place.  You do have to invest some time entering you favorite foods at times, when they aren't in the data base, but that is a given with any of the nutrion software.

I think calorieking also has a nutrion logger but I have not used it.  Just a couple of suggestions.
2009-04-13 12:52 PM
in reply to: #2081047

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - OPEN
m55morris - 2009-04-13 1:13 PM
KrisSeer - 2009-04-13 11:49 AM Hey All!!

On the nutrition side of things... can anyone tell me what the official method is for figuring out how many calories a person should take in in a day? Searching the web retrieves a thousand different options, and I have no idea what's right. I'm also looking for a good site to keep track of my caloric intake on; does anybody use one of them that they really like?

The has the best estimator for your calories needed in a day, and there estimates on how much you burn for different activities is ok, but as always that one is tough to estimate because it is so individual.

For keeping track of calories, I have used before, I actually bought the download and loved it.  I run a mac so that isn't an option any more although the free web based version is pretty good, just missing a few graphs I think.  I am currently using the BT nutrion log and I have liked it.  I like the fact it puts my training and nutrion all in one place.  You do have to invest some time entering you favorite foods at times, when they aren't in the data base, but that is a given with any of the nutrion software.

I think calorieking also has a nutrion logger but I have not used it.  Just a couple of suggestions.

I've also been using  One of the problems with that site is that it over-estimates the daily calories burned a little, so I usually use a lesser activity level.  You also have to log how much you sleep because you will burn calories at a different rate.

I do like the BT nutrition logger, but my problem with that is that it doesn't tell you how many calories you burn.

2009-04-13 2:45 PM
in reply to: #2070802

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - OPEN
Looks like we've got 7 people in the group now, so I think I'm going to close it off to more people.  Hope that's ok with everyone.  I don't want to take on more people than I can handle. 
2009-04-13 5:40 PM
in reply to: #2080964

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searching for the elusive runner's high!
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - OPEN
KrisSeer - 2009-04-13 12:49 PM

Hey All!!

Welcome to the new teammates!

Sorry I've been kind of MIA... the internet I have at home is slow especially with a site like BT, so weekends I may not be on much. Sounds like everybody had a good Easter!!

I got in some decent workouts this weekend; did some strength training yesterday and am expecting the soreness to set in some time this afternoon Undecided. I keep telling myself it's good for me! Planning to go to the gym again after work, to get in a light workout and hopefully loosen up some of those muscles.

On the nutrition side of things... can anyone tell me what the official method is for figuring out how many calories a person should take in in a day? Searching the web retrieves a thousand different options, and I have no idea what's right. I'm also looking for a good site to keep track of my caloric intake on; does anybody use one of them that they really like?

I have used fitday also. If you just want to know how many calories you need per day you do a google search on "calorie calculators" or try a few basic ones like Baylor College of Medicine at or another one at . The last one lets you put in whether or not you are looking to maintain or lose weight and adjusts the calories accordingly...pretty cool. I hope these help you find what you are looking for. :)

Edited by surfnturf 2009-04-13 6:25 PM
2009-04-13 6:23 PM
in reply to: #2078443

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searching for the elusive runner's high!
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - OPEN
Artemis - 2009-04-11 7:17 PM

surfnturf - 2009-04-11 1:07 PM Jen (& group), I enjoy the support that a mentor group provides. I would love to join your group if there is still room. What do you say?

Definitely still room.  I'd love to have you. 

Thank you. I am excited to be in this group. Now, my story...

Name: Dana (surfnturf)

Story: This is my fourth tri season. I enjoy the training but HATE to actually compete in races - it just isn't that fun for me. I was a collegiate athlete and was VERY competitive most of my life but now I am more interested in staying healthy and being a good role model for my kids. Running is my weakness but I love swimming and biking is a very close second. I am a small business owner so my time is fragmented and unpredictable (like many I guess).

Family Status: Married, two kids (age 9 & 5)

Current Training: I love to train by myself but I don't follow a "plan". I alternate what I do based on weather, schedule and how I feel that day.

This Year's Races: I may do a couple of sprints but really want to complete an Olympic distance this year. My current mileage does not support an Oly but I am trying to work my schedule so I can increase my mileage in the near future and complete one.

Weightloss: I have never had weight issues and eat healthy foods although I am addicted to sugar. I am currently doing the '12-week no sugar challenge' here on BT which has been a HUGE eye-opener and VERY beneficial for me.

Why I Need A Mentoring Group: I like the support from others and the accountability I feel in a group. I also like to share my experiences with those who are interested.
2009-04-13 8:26 PM
in reply to: #2081858

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - OPEN
surfnturf - 2009-04-13 6:40 PM  I have used fitday also. If you just want to know how many calories you need per day you do a google search on "calorie calculators" or try a few basic ones like Baylor College of Medicine at or another one at . The last one lets you put in whether or not you are looking to maintain or lose weight and adjusts the calories accordingly...pretty cool. I hope these help you find what you are looking for.

I like those websites.  Haven't seen them before, but they look useful.
2009-04-13 8:27 PM
in reply to: #2081919

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - OPEN
surfnturf - 2009-04-13 7:23 PM  I enjoy the training but HATE to actually compete in races - it just isn't that fun for me. I was a collegiate athlete and was VERY competitive most of my life but now I am more interested in staying healthy and being a good role model for my kids. Running is my weakness but I love swimming and biking is a very close second. I am a small business owner so my time is fragmented and unpredictable (like many I guess). 

I am the total opposite!  I love doing races, but I sometimes have a hard time following through with all of the training.

2009-04-13 11:04 PM
in reply to: #2070802

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
Hi all,

I was just reading a thread about things people bring into transition, ie. milk crates and laundry baskets-and how those aren't real popular for obvious reasonsTongue out, and was wondering how one should set up their transition area.  I am going to get the TYR transition backpack, it is pretty inexpensive (although not compared to a milk crate) and people seem to like it.  Is everything kept in your bag, laid out on a towel, other? 
2009-04-14 1:21 AM
in reply to: #2070802


Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
alright so I've been training lately and have a weird situation. I want to lose all/most of the muscle on my upper body. This would include my traps/chest muscles because I noticed that they are the least functional in terms of doing TRI's,  my frame is that of a linebacker type and I seriously think it is hindering my swimming because I sink so easily.
Should I continue to lift weights? Or immediately drop it and just do BIke/swim/run ???
Do any of you guys lift weights at all and would it even be beneficial to competing in tri's?

 any input would be great !
2009-04-14 7:09 AM
in reply to: #2082538

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
tricepts - 2009-04-14 1:21 AM
Do any of you guys lift weights at all and would it even be beneficial to competing in tri's?

I lift some weights but I don't think it is on the same level you do.  15lbs max with multiple reps.  More for definition rather than anything else.
2009-04-14 7:38 AM
in reply to: #2070802

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
Sounds like you already have a power build so it is going to be an issue of transforming your body from a football/power athlete frame to at that of a endurance athlete.  You could drop all of weight training and just count on R/S/B to let the muscle shrink a bit, which may be the fastest method.  The other option would to be switch over to light weight very high rep, or total body weight excersices.  You will "transform" the mass, I guess is the best description, from that bulky muscle into leaner runners phsyic.  Several of my cousins did this right after getting out fo the military.  They came out looking like bodybuilders and slowly by only doing body weight training transformed down to more of a runners frame.  Remeber your genetics is going to limit what your over all build type is, so how much of the shoulders can you really get rid of.  Also don't forget that your upper body will help you in all parts of the tri.  On the bike being able to hold a better areo position, on the run getting better drive through the shoulders which will keep your feet moving better, ect.  I do agree you don't want to pack to much mass if you plan to be competive, but switching from a power routine to a body weight routine should keep the upper body in great shape while cutting back the bulk.
2009-04-14 8:26 AM
in reply to: #2082459

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
firstteeth - 2009-04-14 12:04 AM Hi all,

I was just reading a thread about things people bring into transition, ie. milk crates and laundry baskets-and how those aren't real popular for obvious reasonsTongue out, and was wondering how one should set up their transition area.  I am going to get the TYR transition backpack, it is pretty inexpensive (although not compared to a milk crate) and people seem to like it.  Is everything kept in your bag, laid out on a towel, other? 

I have the TYR bag and I love it!!  I usually bring it in to transition in the morning and lay everything out on a towel.  The bag is kind of big, so I usually put it in my car or stash it with my husband or tri club. 

I don't keep too much in transition.  For a sprint or olympic, I lay out a towel folded in half the long way and then flip up 1/3 on the end (so I can unfold it and wipe my feet off on it).  Then I lay on top: running shoes go on the back, biking shoes in the front.  Hat and race belt on top of running shoes.  Socks I only wear while running.  To get them on quickly, I put them on my feet and fold down the top to about my heel.  When you want to put them on, stick in your toes and unfold the sock.  My helmet goes on the aerobars of my bike.

Does anyone have a tri before the 26th?  I've got a duathlon that day, so I could take a picture of my transition setup then and post it.  If you have a race sooner, let me know and I'll try to do it at my house ahead of time.

2009-04-14 8:29 AM
in reply to: #2082538

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
I do some weight lifting, but only with resistance bands.  It's been a big part of my physical therapy program to recover from ITB and patello-femoral problems.

I was a competitive swimmer, so I do have bigger shoulders than a lot of girls.  I don't think that's ever really going to go away.  Just where I tend to naturally gain muscle quickly.  Like was said before, you can only counteract genetics so much.
2009-04-14 9:38 AM
in reply to: #2082810

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
Artemis - 2009-04-14 7:26 AM
firstteeth - 2009-04-14 12:04 AM Hi all,

I was just reading a thread about things people bring into transition, ie. milk crates and laundry baskets-and how those aren't real popular for obvious reasonsTongue out, and was wondering how one should set up their transition area.  I am going to get the TYR transition backpack, it is pretty inexpensive (although not compared to a milk crate) and people seem to like it.  Is everything kept in your bag, laid out on a towel, other? 

I don't keep too much in transition.  For a sprint or olympic, I lay out a towel folded in half the long way and then flip up 1/3 on the end (so I can unfold it and wipe my feet off on it).  Then I lay on top: running shoes go on the back, biking shoes in the front.  Hat and race belt on top of running shoes.  Socks I only wear while running.  To get them on quickly, I put them on my feet and fold down the top to about my heel.  When you want to put them on, stick in your toes and unfold the sock.  My helmet goes on the aerobars of my bike.

Does anyone have a tri before the 26th?  I've got a duathlon that day, so I could take a picture of my transition setup then and post it.  If you have a race sooner, let me know and I'll try to do it at my house ahead of time.

I remember seeing this a while back it's a link to a video out of the articles section here.... everyone sets up their transition a little differently... just don't forget the sunscreen
2009-04-14 9:56 AM
in reply to: #2082538

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!
tricepts - 2009-04-14 12:21 AM alright so I've been training lately and have a weird situation. I want to lose all/most of the muscle on my upper body. This would include my traps/chest muscles because I noticed that they are the least functional in terms of doing TRI's,  my frame is that of a linebacker type and I seriously think it is hindering my swimming because I sink so easily.
Should I continue to lift weights? Or immediately drop it and just do BIke/swim/run ???
Do any of you guys lift weights at all and would it even be beneficial to competing in tri's?

 any input would be great !

I am a firm believer that weights are a crucial part of ANY and EVERY person's training program, irregardless of sport.  It's more a matter of the technique and style that you train in ... a linebacker is going to have a program designed for more propulsive movements and very anaerobic... a cyclist is going to be much more endurance and aerobic based....  as one that strives for an endurance based sport your weight program should include higher repetitions (which will mean lower weights than you may be traditionally used to).  By high repetitions I'm talking like two sets to 20 or 30. (years back I read an article that talked about Chris Carmicheal having Lance do a set of 40 on a leg curl)  As well, no rest breaks...meaning that you may want to structure your workout so that you move directly from one muscle group to it's antagonist and then back... One more thing... keep your heart rate up... think about hill training... or that last push... it's not only a matter of keeping your heart rate low, but you must have the muscle fibers and strength to carry you up that hill.

oh, one more thing... you should spend this time in the gym during your off season, oops
Just do more muscle maintenance during the season.

Now I suppose I should spend more time practicing what I preach.... 
2009-04-14 5:45 PM
in reply to: #2070802

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Mentor Group - FULL!

I wasn't very clear in my previous post, but I also think that there should be strength training in any balanced training plan.  I really should take my own advice at some point. The high rep method is good, and then design circuits so you are moving from one lift or exercise right after finish the one before it.  Unlike lifting for football, which is all short explosive lifts for the most part, you want to keep stress on the muscle for a long period of time.  This should reduce the muscle mass, making you lighter, but limit how much strength you lose.

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