BT Development Mentor Program Archives » jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed Rss Feed  
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2009-04-27 7:04 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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Lompoc, CA
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN


I know I am late in the game but I could really use some mentoring!


2009-04-27 7:17 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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Lompoc, CA
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

1. Approximately how many calories do you eat during the day?  1600-2300  - I tend to be really clean with my eating or I eat out of stress.

2. How many times a day do you eat?   I graze... all day.

3. Do you skip meals?  never

4. What kinds of beverages do you drink...water, soda, juice, beer, wine..etc?   water, vitamin water 10, occasionally a diet gingerale

5. What is your approximate BMI (Body Mass Index)?  22.8

6. What is your approximate BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)?  Last time I had BMR measured with a BioMed it was 1410.  I've got autoimmune thyroid disorder so I run low sometimes.  The daily caloric needs calculator on the web site you provided is 2150.

2009-04-27 11:02 PM
in reply to: #2080346


Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
Can I join?
I am new to running, well I ran track in highschool which was 15years ago.
I did my first Sprint Triathlon yesterday, and I am very excited to keep going.

1. Approximately how many calories do you eat during the day?  2000 ish

2. How many times a day do you eat?  2 or 3, but I snack quite a bit lately

3. Do you skip meals? Yeah, usually breakfast and sometimes Lunch

4. What kinds of beverages do you drink...water, soda, juice, beer, wine..etc?  Anything and everything.  ALOT of beer I guess, and soda, but also water.

5. What is your approximate BMI (Body Mass Index)? 23 last I checked

6. What is your approximate BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)? not sure anymore
2009-04-28 8:51 AM
in reply to: #2114022

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Okinawa, Japan
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
Aimee, Scott, Charlotte, Kendra, Judy, Rafael,

Welcome to the group. If you haven't already started, please begin to use the log system on BT to keep track of your exercise.


I'm too far away to kick anybody's butt, but I'll try my best to keep you motivated and interested in the sport. I just recently read an article in Runner's world about Natalie Coughlin. She is an Olympic swimmer and her coach told her that any activity outside the pool improves athleticism and makes you a better swimmer. Therefore I think that improving your running and biking will make you a better swimmer also.

If you guys ever get another tour in Okinawa, let me know

I am finding that weight loss isn't that hard. Just don't expect to loose it over night...take it slow and you will have a better chance of maintaining the loss. When you reach a plateau, take a look at what you are doing and change it up. If you continue to do the same thing over and over again, your body will get used to it...increase the intensity, or distance or time, etc of your exercise to break through any slowdowns in weight loss. Also have to look at calories in vs calories out. Your body burns a certain amount of calories naturally through out the day...add in tri training to that and you can have a large amount of calories being burned, but if you aren't eating enough, your body will hold onto the weight, or will burn muscle instead of the fat. More on that later

As far as gear...not much is required. Swimsuit and goggles for the swim. Comfortable padded shorts for (doesn't have to be fancy) ...and for running, I guess all you really need are some comfortable running shoes


Look at loosing a little bit at a time and don't be in a rush and it will stay off. Keeping it off will be about changing your lifestyle, and you are on the right path with triathlon training. Start eating healthy...even when you are away on business trips...and stick with it.

Your goal is good...nobody can ask for more for a first tri. After it is over and you are hooked, you can look forward to more loftier goals...first in age group, first over all, KONA


How has your training been going? Go ahead and make me a friend on your log so I can view it. Good luck on your first is coming up soon.


I have two cousins that live in Boise, and my aunt and uncle just recently moved there...they all say it is a beautiful place to live.

Wow, after 6 weeks of a major surgery you were back at it...and the doc cleared you for this? Seems kind of negligent on that doc's part. Well, at least you are back together, and looks like you are intent on defying your doc's predictions of never running/racing again.

Take it easy, have a good time, and don't be afraid of swimming and biking. Think of them as healthy cross training breaks for your beat up legs...your legs will thank you for it in the end.


Welcome...can you tell us about yourself?


Good job on your race on Sunday, have you already got another race picked out? Start logging your training when you decide what you want to is really nice to look back at the end of the month and see what you have accomplished.

Once again everybody, welcome to the group...lets get started

2009-04-28 8:51 AM
in reply to: #2113513

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New user

Omaha, NE, USA
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
matt_d - 2009-04-27 2:24 PM
wjt2003 - 2009-04-27 12:34 PM Hey Jerry.

Stupid question -

What are swim/bike bricks - bike/run bricks?


swim/bike bricks are simply doing the bike right after the swim.  bike/run is doing the run right after biking.  Usually the 2nd part of a brick is a shorter workout.  A bike/run brick could be as simple as 30 minutes on the trainer and a 15 minute run.  Depends on what you're training for.  The idea isn't so much to do a full run workout (or bike workout following the swim) as it is to get your body used to doing one right after the other. 

Thanks Matt. I guess I will start throwing some bricks around.

Jerry, I looked at my training log and thought I was logging my training starting last week.But they don't seem to be there now.
(Tech challengedYell and don't ask me what I do for a living).

Yesterday and today seem to be showing up so that is good.

I am also going to start logging my nutrition but haven't figured that one out yet.

I hate timing my workouts and counting calories but I think that is something I have to start doing. So I am going to look for a good workout watch and bike computer.

More gear! My wife is going to kill me.
2009-04-28 8:58 AM
in reply to: #2080346

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New user

Omaha, NE, USA
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
Wow!!! That nutrition log is cool.

2009-04-28 9:22 AM
in reply to: #2115028

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Okinawa, Japan
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
Alright folks, I think we have enough members...actually there was more interest than I thought there would be. Our final list of members is as follows:

brockadoo (Jeff)
wjt2003 (Will)
bk broiler (Brian)
matt_d (Matt)
wolfwoman (Jennifer)
JChao (John)
216000929 (Judd)
slaudolff (Stef)
Salamander Slim (Mike)
Tuckles (Sean)
b2babywife (Aimee)
Guapo (Scott)
CharleyBeth (Charlotte)
ilucy2 (Kendra)
judytag (Judy)
RAFFA (Rafael)

I will try to respond to everybody's questions in a timely manner, but if you think that I have forgotten something, please feel free to let me know.
2009-04-28 10:03 AM
in reply to: #2080346

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St. Petersburg
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
Hello and Thank you!!

I changed the settings and you should now be able to view my training log.

Now to answer the questions:
1. Approximately how many calories do you eat during the day? +/- 2000... I eat when I'm hungry and try not to go over 500-600/meal
2. How many times a day do you eat? 3-5 depends on the day, but always at least 3.
3. Do you skip meals? Rarely
4. What kinds of beverages do you drink? I've cut out soda and stick to mainly sweet tea (I am from FL ). I also drink water during the day and on the evenings on the weekend, have a few beers.
5. What is your approximate BMI (Body Mass Index)? 19.6, it's actually been increasing, 2 months ago I was 18.5, which is on the border of being underweight. I've been losing dress sizes and gaining weight over the last month.
6. What is your approximate BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)? 1367.95 according to an online calculator so not sure how right that is.

NAME: Charlotte

STORY: I actually got the into triathlons when I was working at the University North Florida Aquatic Center as the Program Manager/Swim Lesson Instructor/Aqua Aerobics Instuctor/Life Guard Instructor, for 7 years during and after college... I basically could do every job there and mainly focused on teaching kids how to swim and then transitioning them into being on a competitive team. I learned to swim at 15 months and swam competitively from 7-18 years old. Needless to say, although it's been a few years, swimming is my strength and I still have the form and I'm seeing drastic improvements in my endurance every time I get in the pool. I'm probably swimming 4000-7500 yrds/week and hope to keep increasing that week by week. One of the triathletes that would come in and swim while I was working, got me into cycling and I've been hooked ever since. Even when I've gotten lazy about other sports I always get on my bike during the summer and this year will be my 6th (I think, lost track) MS 150. I just started running, and that is my weakness. My first race was a 10K in Disney Oct 2008, since then I've done a 3 5Ks, a 1/2 marathon, and a 15K. I've found I'm much better at distance than I am at a 5K. Going back, in 2002-2003, I've done the swim and bike portions of a triathlon, but never a whole one by myself... till now!

FAMILY STATUS: Single (I have a boyfriend that works at a local bike shop, which is handy ) with 2 dogs. One of the dogs is my running partner and the best one I could ever have!!!

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm not on a defined program. I have a hard time commiting to doing a certain sport when the program tells me too. I try to get into the pool 2-3 days a week; cycle on Wed, Sat, and Sun; and run at least 3 days a week. I usually rest on at least Mondays, because I try to go hard on the weekends.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Since my New Year's Resolution is to do an event a month, I've got some fun ones planned out: Danskin Womens Sprint in Orlando on 5/10 is the first. I'm not sure if I'm ready, but I know I can at least finish. There are 2 sprint series in my area, Jacksonville Sprint Triathlons and BFAST. I'm doing the BFAST on 7/11 and haven't decided which to do in June, one is on 6/13 and the other is 6/20. August I'm doing the Tour de Pain, a 24 hr event, 4m beach run on Fri evening, 5K sat morning, and 1m Sat afternoon. Sept I'll do the Endless Summer Watermelon Ride, Oct is the MS 150 and Disney's Race for the Taste 10K... that's what I have lined up so far.

2010 RACES: I hope to complete at least one marathon! And be competitive in the sprint triathlons.

WEIGHTLOSS: I don't need to change my weight, and I rarely weigh myself. I'm doing this mainly to maintain and tone up and to get my fitness back to wear it was awhile ago.

I took a rest day yesterday and trying to figure out what to do today. I'll probably go running, since the pool is going to be hard to get to. Tomorrow I'm going to try a Biking/Running brick or I may just get on the bike for an hour or two.

Thank you again for adding me and I look forward to hearing how everyone does in their events!!! Only 12 days till my first triathlon ever by myself!!!
2009-04-28 10:26 AM
in reply to: #2115134

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Here or there
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed

jerryrika - 2009-04-28 10:22 AM Alright folks, I think we have enough members...actually there was more interest than I thought there would be. Our final list of members is as follows: brockadoo (Jeff) wjt2003 (Will) bk broiler (Brian) matt_d (Matt) wolfwoman (Jennifer) JChao (John) 216000929 (Judd) slaudolff (Stef) Salamander Slim (Mike) Tuckles (Sean) b2babywife (Aimee) Guapo (Scott) CharleyBeth (Charlotte) ilucy2 (Kendra) judytag (Judy) RAFFA (Rafael) I will try to respond to everybody's questions in a timely manner, but if you think that I have forgotten something, please feel free to let me know.

Now that we've got our group, everyone may want to consider adding us all to friends.  You can do that by choosing the settings, then training blog customization, and friends.  Nice way to check in on each other's logs and provide some motivation!

Looking forward to improving with all of you!

2009-04-28 1:45 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
I have a 12k race this weekend, and I have been training for it. I have a small race two weeks later. However I have a 10 k June 12, and a few small ones in the summer. For my b-day in sept, I am doing a 1/2 merry for sure...the whole merry if I am ready. How do I train from here? I have a program for the merry, but that is 4 mon away. I do not want to risk injury by over using the legs, but my biggest fear is not being ready for the race.

The other problem is eating. I am considered obese by the formula. I weigh 195, but (according to those who see me) I do not show the weight. I am 5'4 siz 14. In the past I was following a mostly protein program, which was designed to feed/build muscle. Now according to the marathon websites, I need to eat carbs...= cal, and lots of them. I just can not seem to do that.
2009-04-28 1:59 PM
in reply to: #2116080

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Millstadt, IL
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
ilucy2 - 2009-04-28 1:45 PM I have a 12k race this weekend, and I have been training for it. I have a small race two weeks later. However I have a 10 k June 12, and a few small ones in the summer. For my b-day in sept, I am doing a 1/2 merry for sure...the whole merry if I am ready. How do I train from here? I have a program for the merry, but that is 4 mon away. I do not want to risk injury by over using the legs, but my biggest fear is not being ready for the race. The other problem is eating. I am considered obese by the formula. I weigh 195, but (according to those who see me) I do not show the weight. I am 5'4 siz 14. In the past I was following a mostly protein program, which was designed to feed/build muscle. Now according to the marathon websites, I need to eat carbs...= cal, and lots of them. I just can not seem to do that.

For the marathon training I'd just start increasing your weekly long run by a small amount each week, or every other week so that when you get to 12 weeks out you can do a regular program and not be concerned with the 18-20 mile long run(s).  4 months out isn't too soon to start though, alot of marathon programs are 16 weeks in length.  One thing you may want to try is only running a few days a week, but make those runs count (do some speed/tempo/& long runs), and mix in biking/swimming/other cardio on off days to help build fitness.  When I trained for the Chicago marathon last summer/fall I only did running and I got burned out a month before the race, and that really hurt my performance.  I enjoy running much more now that I get to mix in other types of training, keeps things from getting stale. 

No idea on the carbs, I love them  Some things like cereal, oatmeal, use whole-grain breads, eat lots of fruits & vegetables are pretty easy to add to a diet, and will help you get your daily carb intake.

2009-04-28 3:20 PM
in reply to: #2116131

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Marlboro, NJ
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
All - Nice that we have a group and look forward to hearing how everyone does with their training. Thanks to Jerry for being our mentor and putting the list together of everyone as will make it easy to set everyone up as friends instead of scrolling through and trying to remember all names!

Carbs - I agree with Matt in that eating lots of fruits and vegs has been key. In the morning on my way to work I get a fruit shake (just fruit and ice) along with a nutri-grain bar and then a big salad with lots of "color" for lunch. Between those two I am feeling very good with the carbs. His point about cereal is good as I snack during the day on honey nut cheerios (while drinking tons of

Tuckles - like your note on your page about today being the start day! Congrats and keep it up!!! Getting started is always the hard part.

Guapo - Are you doing the NJ St triathlon in Mercer County? Sprint or Oly?

2009-04-28 4:11 PM
in reply to: #2116131

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Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
matt_d - 2009-04-28 11:59 AM

ilucy2 - 2009-04-28 1:45 PM I have a 12k race this weekend, and I have been training for it. I have a small race two weeks later. However I have a 10 k June 12, and a few small ones in the summer. For my b-day in sept, I am doing a 1/2 merry for sure...the whole merry if I am ready. How do I train from here? I have a program for the merry, but that is 4 mon away. I do not want to risk injury by over using the legs, but my biggest fear is not being ready for the race. The other problem is eating. I am considered obese by the formula. I weigh 195, but (according to those who see me) I do not show the weight. I am 5'4 siz 14. In the past I was following a mostly protein program, which was designed to feed/build muscle. Now according to the marathon websites, I need to eat carbs...= cal, and lots of them. I just can not seem to do that.

For the marathon training I'd just start increasing your weekly long run by a small amount each week, or every other week so that when you get to 12 weeks out you can do a regular program and not be concerned with the 18-20 mile long run(s).  4 months out isn't too soon to start though, alot of marathon programs are 16 weeks in length.  One thing you may want to try is only running a few days a week, but make those runs count (do some speed/tempo/& long runs), and mix in biking/swimming/other cardio on off days to help build fitness.  When I trained for the Chicago marathon last summer/fall I only did running and I got burned out a month before the race, and that really hurt my performance.  I enjoy running much more now that I get to mix in other types of training, keeps things from getting stale. 

No idea on the carbs, I love them  Some things like cereal, oatmeal, use whole-grain breads, eat lots of fruits & vegetables are pretty easy to add to a diet, and will help you get your daily carb intake.

Thanks for the advice. I still believe it is a horrible mental game rather than physical. I agree with the burn out. I hit that a couple of weeks ago. I need to get my road bike back out and use it...was on the drainer for the winter..yuck!
2009-04-28 7:01 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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Lompoc, CA
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed

Thanks for having me!

I am happily married (no kids) and I just turned 40 this month!  I did my first triathlon on April 15, 2007 and I was hooked.  I had a really tough time with my health for most my thirties so once I turned the corner I wanted to try something new and challenging.  I have always been sporty, I've played roller hockey for over 15 years, I've rowed crew, paddled outrigger, danced... you name it.  I enjoy being outside and I like a challenge.  I am also an exercise physiologist and health educator so I try to set a good example by maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  I admit that I really like to eat so I eat healthy, but not super clean ALL the time.  I am definitely a stress eater and right now I've got a bit more on my plate than usual - pun intended.  I am an Athena gal - 5'8 at 154. 

So far I have only done sprints but I'm toying with the idea of trying an Olympic.  Running is my limiting factor! For now I am booked up with sprints and one duathlon this summer.

I try to log on everyday but sometimes I miss a day and catch up my log.  I wanted to join a mentor group to learn, learn, learn - and to be challenged to up my game or try something new in my training.  I have a race this weekend which I am looking forward to but I have slacked on my swim training so I'll pay for that. 

Thanks again for having me and thanks in advance for the guidance!


2009-04-28 9:00 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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Northern Minnesota
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
If you look at my pics you will see my kids.  They are both in youth swimming twice a week.  Adult lap swimming is right before their swim.  All week I told them that dad was going to swim "a little bit" during the big people lap swim.  They were so excited to watch big fat dad swim(flounder) in front of parents and cutey pie little lifeguards.  I have been building up to this day for a week.  Well...last week we were in Florida on vacation and, during that time, I guess there was some malfunction of the pool...we got to the door and the sign said it was closed until May 3rd for repairs.  Sigh...all that stress.  We went home and played Wii bowling and then I went for my run.  What a day!
2009-04-29 7:02 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
How many of us are racing this weekend and how far. I am doing a 12k, and am scared to death!

2009-04-29 7:35 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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New user

Omaha, NE, USA
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed

I'm doing a half marathon on Sunday. Not that excited about it. I started a 6 week training program 6 weeks ago and stuck to it for about 3 week.

I am just going to do the best I can this weekend.

I remember a quote that was something like "winning is performing to the best of your capability". I am kind of bummed about straying from the training plan but I am not going to dwell on it.

I'm sure you will do fine this weekend. Good Luck!
2009-04-29 9:28 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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Lompoc, CA
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed

I am doing the Wild Flower sprint/mountain bike triathon this Saturday at Lake San Antonio - 500 yard swim, 9 mile bike, 2 mile run.  Good thing I'll be on a mountain bike, they are saying that we can expect showers Friday night and Saturday morning.  I guess I can expect the mud be flying too!

Wish I had squeezed in a swim workout during the last four weeks...  Perhaps sucking wind for 500 yards on Saturday will be a strong motivator for the next race.

Good luck this weekend Everyone.

2009-04-30 6:59 AM
in reply to: #2119524

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Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
wjt2003 - 2009-04-29 5:35 PM

I'm doing a half marathon on Sunday. Not that excited about it. I started a 6 week training program 6 weeks ago and stuck to it for about 3 week.

I am just going to do the best I can this weekend.

I remember a quote that was something like "winning is performing to the best of your capability". I am kind of bummed about straying from the training plan but I am not going to dwell on it.

I'm sure you will do fine this weekend. Good Luck!

First of all WOW! I thought the week 1/2 mary looked rough, can't imagine a 6 week one. Don't beat yourself up, I would have hit burnout really quick too. Good luck! Thanks for the encouragement, I was told it is ok to do a run/walk combo. There are 50,000 entrants, and they are being released in waves of 5000. I may not have to run at all...I will be shoved through!
2009-04-30 7:01 AM
in reply to: #2119835

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Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
judytag - 2009-04-29 7:28 PM

I am doing the Wild Flower sprint/mountain bike triathon this Saturday at Lake San Antonio - 500 yard swim, 9 mile bike, 2 mile run.  Good thing I'll be on a mountain bike, they are saying that we can expect showers Friday night and Saturday morning.  I guess I can expect the mud be flying too!

Wish I had squeezed in a swim workout during the last four weeks...  Perhaps sucking wind for 500 yards on Saturday will be a strong motivator for the next race.

Good luck this weekend Everyone.

Yikes! Good Luck! And have fun playing in the mud. I hope you post pictures.
2009-04-30 7:14 AM
in reply to: #2080346

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Millstadt, IL
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
I'm doing the Trizou sprint triathlon in Columbia, MO this weekend.  1/4 mile swim, 14 mile bike & 5k run.  My first one, little nervous, but should be fun.

Edited by matt_d 2009-04-30 10:19 AM

2009-04-30 8:13 AM
in reply to: #2119446

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St. Petersburg
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
Kendra - Good luck!!! I'm sure you are going to do fine! I used to worry about walking and now don't care if I have to. At least I'm out there doing it and I know that I'm going to finish. If nothing else I slow my jog down to where it is almost the same speed as walking.

I've also been told by one of my friends that do marathons that a nice break is to walk in and out of the aid stations, but don't stop.

I did a 5K a week ago and it felt so horrible that I think I walked most of it. It was my first race in the heat this season that we starting are getting down here in FL. I think I ended up a little dehydrated. I ended up with one of my worst 5K times but I still happy to be out there with everyone and excited when I finished it.

I can't wait to hear how you do!!!

I'm not racing this weekend, mine is next weekend, so I'm hoping to get in some last good workouts, before I scale back next week.

I wish everyone else racing this weekend... Good Luck!!!

Edited by CharleyBeth 2009-04-30 8:15 AM
2009-04-30 11:22 AM
in reply to: #2080346


Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
Im not really doing anything  June. Then my summer really kicks in. Im actually only doing 2 tri's this summer. its kinda lame, but i decided that i wanted to do 2 swimming events and those are what im really focused on. My tri's are pretty short. One is and 200 yd swim, 10 mile bike with a 1 1/2 mile run and the other is a 400 yd swim with a 15 mile bike and a 3 mile run. Ive actually been running much more also, and a good friend of mine is going to do both of the tri's with me. My swimming events are pretty intense well one of them. its a 2mile swim in Lake superior. Its at the end of summer so i'll be in good shape, and everything is spaced out enough that ill be recovered from each event and all.
 Good luck on every ones events!
2009-04-30 4:23 PM
in reply to: #2107933

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Here or there
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN

bk broiler - 2009-04-24 12:00 PM Jerry,

Jeff - I have been doing interval training on the treadmill and have found it very good at building endurance as would do it 2-3 days a week. Grant it I am not at your speed yet but am going to continue using it over the coming weeks to build my endurance and pace up. Not sure what the other guys think.


Hi Jerry - I went for 3 miles at my hardest today, then worked on intervals on the 3 back.  It felt good.  I didn't really know what I had gotten myself into when I said "I'm going to do a triathlon."  It never really occurred to me that I had to actually combine endurance AND speed!   Thanks for the input!

Kendra - GOOD LUCK!  Don't be scared!  One foot in front of the other and you'll be done before you know it!

Judy - DITTO! Show them what a newly minted 40 year old can do!

Will - DITTO AGAIN! What better to do with your weekend than run 13 miles across Nebraska?!?

As for me... this weekend I'm going to do a practice bike and run on the course of my sprint next weekend!

Edited by brockadoo 2009-04-30 4:36 PM
2009-04-30 7:07 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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Lompoc, CA
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed

Thanks for all the support everyone!  I'll have a race report up for you by Monday and hopefully some fun photos of me in my muddy-ness.

I've seen a number of people mention various degrees of burn out and boy am I right there with ya.  I promised myself that I would switch up my program a bit after this race.   I am in a rut.  When I started training for my first tri I used the beginner training program and it was awesome (I felt really well prepared) but after the race I struggled with finding a maintainance schedule.  I finally changed my routine in November and started going to the gym every morning before work.  That keeps me consistent, but now I'm burning out.

Anyone got any suggestions?  I need to mix it up a bit.

Can't wait to hear about does this weekend.  Good luck Team A.G.! (anything goes)

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