BT Development Mentor Program Archives » ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again! Rss Feed  
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2009-04-30 11:18 AM
in reply to: #2119947

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

ultrahip_00 - 2009-04-29 9:00 PM Wait, what?! i have to swim 5 days/week to get faster?!?! damn!! i guess i won't get faster for a while. . Tongue out  swimming is definitly my weakest of the 3 sports still!

No thats not what I meant, anyone can get faster, what I meant was most of the people that swim really fast swim 5+ days a week, 1:00-1:10 per 100.

2009-04-30 11:21 AM
in reply to: #2120914

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
nevergivin - 2009-04-30 9:18 AM

ultrahip_00 - 2009-04-29 9:00 PM Wait, what?! i have to swim 5 days/week to get faster?!?! damn!! i guess i won't get faster for a while. . Tongue out  swimming is definitly my weakest of the 3 sports still!

No thats not what I meant, anyone can get faster, what I meant was most of the people that swim really fast swim 5+ days a week, 1:00-1:10 per 100.

i know what you are saying   1:30/100 seems pretty dang fast to me!! that is my goal for a race. . sometime, is to swim that pace. . who knows what will happen!
2009-04-30 4:31 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Wow, glad you clarified.  Since there was no way of me swimming 5 days a week, I was already resigned to solidifing my 1:50 100s.  How long in general does it take to see improvement in times?  Right now, I still focus more on form and rarely worry about times unless doing intervals.

Edited by brick94513 2009-04-30 4:34 PM
2009-04-30 4:37 PM
in reply to: #2121911

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
brick94513 - 2009-04-30 2:31 PM Wow, glad you clarified.  Since there was no way of me swimming 5 days a week, I was already resigned to solidifing my 1:50 100s.  How long in general does it take to see improvement in times?  Right now, I still focus more on form and rarely worry about times unless doing intervals.

i think it all depends on 1) how much you swim 2)if you do lessons/drills etc. .
for me, i have been near the same pace for a while. . i probably got to this pace after 4 months of swimming, but i can swim a lot further now at the same pace. . and it doesn't wear me out that much. But i have also only taken 1 lesson every (this needs to change) and i never do drills (also, needs to change).  i haven never focused on improving my swim that much, because frankly, i like biking and running better, so i focus my time there. . also, there is much more time to be made up/saved on the bike and run. .

i think it is great that you are focusing on form rather then times. . if your form improves, so will your times!
2009-04-30 7:11 PM
in reply to: #2121930

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

ultrahip_00 - 2009-04-30 2:37 PM
brick94513 - 2009-04-30 2:31 PM Wow, glad you clarified.  Since there was no way of me swimming 5 days a week, I was already resigned to solidifing my 1:50 100s.  How long in general does it take to see improvement in times?  Right now, I still focus more on form and rarely worry about times unless doing intervals.

i think it all depends on 1) how much you swim 2)if you do lessons/drills etc. .
for me, i have been near the same pace for a while. . i probably got to this pace after 4 months of swimming, but i can swim a lot further now at the same pace. . and it doesn't wear me out that much. But i have also only taken 1 lesson every (this needs to change) and i never do drills (also, needs to change).  i haven never focused on improving my swim that much, because frankly, i like biking and running better, so i focus my time there. . also, there is much more time to be made up/saved on the bike and run. .

i think it is great that you are focusing on form rather then times. . if your form improves, so will your times!

I dont have to work as much swimming as I do biking and running, If I can make it to the pool 3-4 times I am happy, I wish I could run more but my body takes too much time between runs for recovery, biking takes up too much time period. I am doing a race this weekend and just hope to be fresh after the swim(regardless of time)keep an even and focused effort on the bike(very hilly course)run in under 2 hours.

Mike, what race pointers do you have to maintain focus on the bike, and pacing on the run?

2009-04-30 11:08 PM
in reply to: #2122259

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
nevergivin - 2009-04-30 5:11 PM

Mike, what race pointers do you have to maintain focus on the bike, and pacing on the run?

you are racing Wildflower, right?  that should be a fun course! 

I have yet to do a half iron - which takes more focus that OLY's, sprints etc. . . as far as OLY's, i mostly have just focused on keeping my cadence up and pushing myself.  i know with that distance, i can 'race' the entire thing in an all out kind of fashion.

one strategy for a half iron would be to break it up into smaller, more manageable chunks.  the first 20 miles of the bike, 2nd 20 and the last 16.  My main focus when i do my first half will be nutrition. . focus on taking in the proper nutrition, since it is harder to take cals in while running.

Pacing is an area of concern with me - because my typical strategy has been push it hard for as long as i can and then hold on until the finish - which works for shorter stuff. it didn't work so well in half marathons for me. 
with a half iron, you have to remember that you have to run 13.1 miles after the bike, so you should feel like you are cruising on the bike, and racing - but no like you would in a shorter race.  hold back.  same with the start of the run - hold back on the first 4-5 miles a little bit and get into a zone - then push it.  this is going to be tough for me to do, but it is the smart way to race a longer race!

2009-04-30 11:22 PM
in reply to: #2099961


Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Just wanted to check in after a bit of an absence. I have been chipping away at the couch to 5k, but did get behind a couple days since I was hiking myself silly around Yosemite on Tuesday and Wednesday. I did couch to 5k's week 2, day 1 workout today and felt good.

One great thing is that a coworker at the same level is joining me in training and we are having a lot of fun walking/jogging at Crissy Field after our shifts! I had no idea how motivating a training partner would be!!

First bike ride of the year this Saturday and then we are looking into sharing private swim lessons starting next week.  

I am enjoying reading everyone's discussions and having a great time getting active! Anyone's feedback or suggestions for these beginning stages of training are appreciated...Thanks!
2009-05-01 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2099961


Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Wow today I had a really big low during my run! I had mentioned previously that I'm a horribly bad runner but today I just got the reality check. I had a real  hard time keeping my pulse around 150 while running so I had to walk at a fast pace in between in order not to go above 160. Maybe it also had to do with me going in the morning not having eaten very much before (0,3L water, a bread with some ham and a fruitbar). I was feeling really good throughout the run though... could have done it for ages but my pulse was just so high....
Anybody have any tips for me? Should I just keep going the way I did? I talked to a colleague today who said that its pretty normal and that I should just listen to my pulse rather than my speed and it will be better very soon. Somehow I still have my doubts though...

Im hoping that it is just because my body is really not used to the running motion since I've never been a runner and especially not in my current fitness state at the beginning of my training for triathlon.

With this frustration though came a bit of anger I must admit which I decided to use efficiently and so i decided to hit the weights. Did some biceps, triceps, lat, pec, stomach + sides workout. That went really well though since I was really pumped up after that run.
Im happy I did that because it allowed me to leave the gym with a more positive feeling than I had after the run.

Tomorrow morning I'm planning on going for a swim around 7:30 to a pool nearby. Last week at the same time I saw a few triathletes swimming there but didnt want to bother them during their training. This time Ill try to grab the trainer beforehand and question him a bit about their club and trainings. If I feel that fits to me then I might even join them for some of their workouts if possible. I think a little guidance on the running and the biking would be quite helpful.

Btw for u guys out there working hard in the pool improving your swimming times and efficiency. If you are interested Id work on a document with a few workouts especially concentrating on technical training for swimming. I just dont wanna write something which nobody uses then . Anybody interested? Just a quick yes, or if you want to you could tell me which problems you have and maybe I'll find something in my repertoir that is beneficial specifically for you.

Edited by Larelag 2009-05-01 2:55 PM
2009-05-01 3:30 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Albert - good job on the run!  your HR will get lower as time goes on. . also, you are young so your HR is going to be higher to begin with.  Don't worry about pace - just go out there and get some running in.  i like running outside 10000 times better then the dreadmill - it is just so much more fun!  running takes some time to enjoy too - it took me probably 6 months before i could enjoy it, mostly because of shin splints. .. work your way slowly and don't push it too fast too soon.

as far as swimming - i have my workouts - but i would LOVE some drills and some information on how my stroke is supposed to feel. . i'm a super slow swimmer (in comparison to the other two sports), so any feedback would be great@!
2009-05-01 5:01 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Have you tried using hr intervals for your running sessions?  I usually use this type of training when I'm at work and only have the treadmill for use.  You would do a warm up at low perceived exertion for 5 minutes, then use intervals to hold your heart rate within zones by adjusting your speed.  As an example:

3 minutes zone 3
1 minute zone 4
3 minutes zone 3
1 minute zone 4
3 minutes zone 3
1 minute zone 5
3 minutes zone 3
1 minute zone 5
3 minutes zone 3

If this is of interest to you, I have a schedule lying around somehwere that uses different zones and durations.  Also, if you haven't established your zones, there are several methods for calculating here on BT.

As for swimming, I have a workout schedule, but always willing to incorporate more drills.  I'm currently swimming between 2200m-2500m workouts consisting of warm up/warm down, drills, and a main set.
2009-05-03 10:26 AM
in reply to: #2099961

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
how's the weekend everyone?! long run on tap for me today. . yesterday was nice, just a short run (moved my long bike to friday). .  

2009-05-03 7:33 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

I barely fimished my race, so it looks like I'm finished for the season until I can get things under control. I need to heal my nagging injuries and focus on my health so that I can race strong again, I have forgotten what that is like!  My times have dropped off on all of my events, probably due to overuse or overtraining, definitely trying to do too much while injured. 

Any tips on injury recovery and run strength training would be appreciated, I have been battling ITBS since January. My plan is to take two months off from running and biking,both have taken a role in the pain(cannot narrow down the cause). Start strength training in month three easing back into biking and running in month four, my plan is subject to change based on any input, but I cannot go through another race like yesterday!

2009-05-03 10:58 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Not a whole lot happening here.  Rain kept me off the bike, but was able to squeeze in a light run on Saturday and good swim today.

Stuart that sucks.  I definately know how frustrating injuries can be to overcome.  After a tibia plateau fracture, it took me well over a year to get back to running.  Wish I had advice for you.
2009-05-03 10:59 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Nice job finishing a tough race.  make sure to take some rest - you are right, you need to get those nagging injuries taken care of.  i hope this race didn't set you back too much. i have heard ITB can be a pain in the a$$ - do you have a foam roller? those things are about the best investment ever - i recommend the 3' long, 6" diameter roller Here -
2009-05-04 7:49 AM
in reply to: #2099961

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Extremely frustrating, I have been dealing with this since January, I have been using a foam roller,religious stretching,time off,trigger point therapy kit,massage,plyometrics, and its only gotten worse! So I am taking the necessary time off with the exception of some swimming, and then start a run & bike strength training program so that I can prevent injuries.

Interesting chart I saw this morning:

Speed of light = 299,792,458 meters/second
Speed of a comet = 600,000 meters/second
Mercury’s rotation = 47,360 meters/second
Space Shuttle = 8,000 meters/second
Blackbird jet = 979 meters/second
Land speed = 349 meters/second
Peregrine Falcon = 89.4 meters/second
Cheetah = 30.6 meters/second
Orca whale = 13.3 meters/second
Mako Shark = 8.9 meters/second
WR men’s 100 free = 2.1 meters/second
WR woman’s 100 free = 1.89 meters/second
Beginner Masters swimmer = .42 meters/second

2009-05-04 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2099961

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

I like the chart, but I don't think I even make the beginner master's swimmer!  Smile  Every time I get in the pool, it is a humbling experience.

2009-05-04 1:28 PM
in reply to: #2128241

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

brick94513 - 2009-05-04 7:53 AM

I like the chart, but I don't think I even make the beginner master's swimmer!  Smile  Every time I get in the pool, it is a humbling experience.

I agree, everyone at my pool is way faster than me, except for breastroke, which doesn't count in tri's for me, however, I'm seeded 28th in the nation for my age group at nationals this weekend in the 50 breatstoke. I just pray it is a better weekend than the sufferfest DFL this past weekend!

28  Schultz, Stuart J             42 MAAC    34.50
2009-05-04 6:03 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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durham, nc
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
This whole week my training has been.. well.. off. Scheduling is really hard sometimes.. and a night at the ballet , a sick dog, and working full time seem to give me just the excuse i need to miss a workout or not put in the full time. Sigh.
As for all the swim talk. I always feel like I can swim for a long time.. just very very slowly. So... I'm sure we'll all figure it out again.. but I figure that.. its more important for me to do well on the bike and the run right now than the swim.. So i'll just keep doing my workouts and hope for the best!
2009-05-04 7:10 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
i understand the scheduling thing, sometimes there is just too much going on and that is OK.  that is one thing that is hard for me -- is remembering the perspective that it isn't about an individual workout, per se, but about doing those workouts day in and day out over months.  so missing one is no big deal, it is when you don't do anything for weeks that it has an effect. 

as far as swimming slowly - this may sound dumb- but have you tried to swim fast?  i know with, say, running or biking, it is very easy to fall into a comfortable pace - and to believe that you cannot go faster, but if you push and try to go, it happens. 

what distance of swims are you doing?  if you are just starting too, swimming slowly is just fine! you are right that biking and running take precedence (longer amount of time in a race), but you have to be able to make it out of the swim with energy too! 
2009-05-04 9:38 PM
in reply to: #2129749

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

faydre - 2009-05-04 4:03 PM This whole week my training has been.. well.. off. Scheduling is really hard sometimes.. and a night at the ballet , a sick dog, and working full time seem to give me just the excuse i need to miss a workout or not put in the full time. Sigh.
As for all the swim talk. I always feel like I can swim for a long time.. just very very slowly. So... I'm sure we'll all figure it out again.. but I figure that.. its more important for me to do well on the bike and the run right now than the swim.. So i'll just keep doing my workouts and hope for the best!

Summer is here and there is way too much fun to pass it all up. I am on a mandatory no training schedule until I recover and I know it will drive me crazy. I just hope I dont loose too much fitness or worse gain weight, dont sweat a few days, you have been consistant!

2009-05-04 10:34 PM
in reply to: #2130215

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
nevergivin - 2009-05-04 7:38 PM

faydre - 2009-05-04 4:03 PM This whole week my training has been.. well.. off. Scheduling is really hard sometimes.. and a night at the ballet , a sick dog, and working full time seem to give me just the excuse i need to miss a workout or not put in the full time. Sigh.
As for all the swim talk. I always feel like I can swim for a long time.. just very very slowly. So... I'm sure we'll all figure it out again.. but I figure that.. its more important for me to do well on the bike and the run right now than the swim.. So i'll just keep doing my workouts and hope for the best!

Summer is here and there is way too much fun to pass it all up. I am on a mandatory no training schedule until I recover and I know it will drive me crazy. I just hope I dont loose too much fitness or worse gain weight, dont sweat a few days, you have been consistant!

Stuart - how bad are your injuries? can you walk? are you in pain walking?  how about biking? i think you still may be able to do SOME sort of activity, you just may need to switch it up. . weights?  swimming? rollerblading? curling ?!

i think it is good that you are acknowledging the injuries and ready to heal them for good. . injuries are no fun

2009-05-05 7:14 AM
in reply to: #2099961

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Bad enough to where I feel constant pain and swelling during and between all of my runs and during hills on the bike, some days more so than others.  I do know that biking and running cause the most pain(hip,butt,hamstring,and sometimes quad area). I have been down the  Doctor and sports specialist road and they gave me prescription Advil, (my insurance is a joke and that's another thread).

I have taken time off and stopped running numerous times over the past six months, it has helped but has not been enough and the pain has gradually gotten worse, along with my performance during races and effort during training.

I was frustrated , now I have a plan, and feel comfortable knowing that this is what I should have done sooner. My plan is to continue swimming and yoga, then I will add strength training along with running drills, then biking and running when Im ready and strong. I dont remember what its like to run pain free, Im sure I probably run with a limp also, I am at the point where I cannot think about lost training base because I am not commited to any races, I need a long term solution to my running pain and the agony I went through the last two races.

2009-05-05 11:26 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Wow, well, good luck w/ the recovery! i hope it all goes good, and keep us updated.

how is everyone else doing? how has the first part of the week going? any races coming up?!
2009-05-06 9:59 AM
in reply to: #2099961

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durham, nc
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
swim distances.. hm - i'd say anywhere from 1200 to 2500. My pool is closed until the 10th. Will try to find somewhere else to swim. Bad weather keeping me inside and making me a bit crazy. I have tried to swim faster. I can do it for short burts  like 50 meters or so. But say if i have a workout that calls for like a 400 at rpe 6 I struggle with it. I try to make up for it by at least doing half of it really hard and fast but I think its my technique that slows me down. I find that if I get my pull strong then i forget to kick... or if my kick is good my pull is bad.. or back to forgetting to breathe. I appreciate the breathing drills with kicking on the walls.. and I have been trying to incorporate more breathing drills with doing like a one handed kick board drill.. so i can kick and breath and move forward all at the same time. I am really good at breathing properly at slower paces. I have definately found that I tend to move into my slug gear unless I am conciously pushing myself-- its way too easy to do that!
2009-05-06 10:22 AM
in reply to: #2133702

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
I am really good at breathing properly at slower paces. I have definately found that I tend to move into my slug gear unless I am conciously pushing myself-- its way too easy to do that!

Great!! that is half of the battle! again, it is OK to be swimming slower - and it takes some time before my muscles can remember to kick, pull and breath simultaneously!  if you think about it, it is quite complicated. . think about standing and trying to do all those moves. . HA! that would be funny  

yea, weather can be tough.  i have been suckin it up and going out there. . i guess i remember what my dad told me a year ago or so when we were biking in 40-45 degree weather. . he said 'when you start training  early in the season when the weather sucks, and you get in good shape, then by the time it is nice out, you just feel THAT MUCH better.'  i try to remember this when i go out and its pouring rain for 1.5 hr run.. . or a ride.  and it is true - as i found out last friday.  i rode 3 hrs, it was  70 degrees and i felt AWESOME! much different then the 5 hr ride the previous weekend where it was 50 degrees with cooold wind and i blew up. . .

moral is, if you can go out and feel strong/good during crappy weather, you will feel GREAT when you go out in nice weather!
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