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2009-05-01 1:43 PM
in reply to: #2113192

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Just so everyone knows my schedule.  I'll probably be on the boards much more during the week than the weekends.  But, I'll try to pop on when I can during the weekends as well.  


2009-05-01 3:09 PM
in reply to: #2113192

New user

Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Hi Jesse,

Wow two weeks away, how exciting. It’s great that the race isn’t too far from where you live. I love following the races on the Ironman website, cheering from home for all my favorite athletes and blog friends. St. Croix is this weekend, which is really exciting. The bike route is extremely challenging, scary yet incredible at the same time. Now that’s a hill!!!

It sounds like being sick caused a bit of grief for your training schedule. I think you’re smart to cut your training short. Its good that you have Saturday off, better to recover quickly by resting, that way you will be fresh for next weeks training. Then you’ll feel like the KING of swimming/biking/running

When do you start to taper?

I will make the changes to my schedule in regards to the running. Your run times are impressive. Right now I’m running a 9 min mile, would like to be faster.

2009-05-01 3:09 PM
in reply to: #2113192

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Orange Park, Fl
Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed

Have you ever done the HIM at Disney before? I was looking at that maybe for next year since I am about 2 hrs from there. If so how was it there and if not please let me know.
2009-05-01 3:47 PM
in reply to: #2124476

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
cher - 2009-05-01 3:09 PM Hi Jesse, Wow two weeks away, how exciting. It’s great that the race isn’t too far from where you live. I love following the races on the Ironman website, cheering from home for all my favorite athletes and blog friends. St. Croix is this weekend, which is really exciting. The bike route is extremely challenging, scary yet incredible at the same time. Now that’s a hill!!! It sounds like being sick caused a bit of grief for your training schedule. I think you’re smart to cut your training short. Its good that you have Saturday off, better to recover quickly by resting, that way you will be fresh for next weeks training. Then you’ll feel like the KING of swimming/biking/running When do you start to taper? I will make the changes to my schedule in regards to the running. Your run times are impressive. Right now I’m running a 9 min mile, would like to be faster. Cheryl

9 min miles are great!  

I really didn't know think I would ever be able to run as fast as I do now.  But, as I learned more, pushed harder, put on the miles, did intervals it all came together.  Now, I think there is more improvement to be had.   Running speed is all relative.  When I see people that can run 5:30 miles in a 10k Tri run it makes me sick Laughing

Taper - I planned on having this weekend be my last hard long training.  Then I was going to cut the distance out but keep the intensity up.  I may make a few tweeks to that but in general that is what I'll do.  Slowly decrease volume and keep intensity up.  My last interval workout will probably be WED before the race.  Then just a run of the mill workout on Thursday.  Then almost nothing on Friday and Sat.

2009-05-01 3:48 PM
in reply to: #2124478

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Carter_83 - 2009-05-01 3:09 PM Jesse

Have you ever done the HIM at Disney before? I was looking at that maybe for next year since I am about 2 hrs from there. If so how was it there and if not please let me know.

This will be my first.  I'll post a race report though after the race.

From what I hear there are goods and bads.  Flat = good.  Hot = Bad.  And I heard the run course isn't that great.  But, I'll let you know.

2009-05-01 6:00 PM
in reply to: #2113192

Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed

Thanks! I am returning to this schedule after about a month of not sticking to it. Before that I had been consistently at it for about 2-3 months.

As for my bike, I have a hybrid Scott. I have clipless pedals and I do not have aerobars. No Bike this something I should look into??

For my Sunday runs I am working with a friend who has run cross country and track. He is helping me with some speed workouts for long distance.
I was reading a previous post - about making some days hard in one discipline. How should I work that into my schedule and how much should I vary it (running before biking, biking before running, etc)

Thanks. Have a great weekend!

Edited by dragonfly253 2009-05-01 6:00 PM

2009-05-01 7:21 PM
in reply to: #2124829

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
dragonfly253 - 2009-05-01 6:00 PM Jesse,

Thanks! I am returning to this schedule after about a month of not sticking to it. Before that I had been consistently at it for about 2-3 months.

As for my bike, I have a hybrid Scott. I have clipless pedals and I do not have aerobars. No Bike this something I should look into??

For my Sunday runs I am working with a friend who has run cross country and track. He is helping me with some speed workouts for long distance.
I was reading a previous post - about making some days hard in one discipline. How should I work that into my schedule and how much should I vary it (running before biking, biking before running, etc)

Thanks. Have a great weekend!


Cool on the Hybrid Scott.  Do you have road wheels with that?  As far as aero bars - like most anything it is not essential.  I would say if end up really liking tri that it would be a good idea to invest in some.  You will end up gaining some decent speed and be less tired when you are down on the bars.  Especially in the wind.   Same thing with the bike computer - I would always recommend one but it is not necessary of course.  The computer will allow you to do a few things - gauge your progess (see how fast you are going) and do intervals.  But, you can do intervals with any watch.  Just a few mins hard and a few mins light.  

Great on the running friend setting up some workouts. I'm sure they will be experienced with all sorts of interval training and the like.  Great.

On days when you are doing 2 sports and you are going hard in one sport I would recommend doing that hard sport first.  It doesn't matter whether it is bike/run, swim, bike, etc.  For now I would stick to one hard day in each sport per week.  (I don't consider the long runs and bikes as the hard days - very important - but hard ones are the intervals and tempo days).

2009-05-02 10:04 AM
in reply to: #2113192

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Orange Park, Fl
Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed


Worked on breathing correctly during swim and I could tell a big difference when doing it correctly. Do good during the first 200M and then a lady interrupted me adn it threw off the rest of my swim. I think once I can breathing down my times will drop a good bit.

Run workout was good. Ran 5.8 miles in 1 hr, not bad since I have not run in over 2 months.  Any tips or suggestions. Let me know.

If anyone is looking for some bike gear  you can check out. I got great deals when stuff is on sale. A HRM that was almto 200.00 on sale for about 15.00 on internet special.

Edited by Carter_83 2009-05-02 10:05 AM
2009-05-02 3:07 PM
in reply to: #2113192

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Orange Park, Fl
Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
I stated earlier that  a woman interrupted my swimming. What is better to tell her I am in the middle of the workout or act like I did not hear her and keep swimming? Just wondering what you guys/gals think.
2009-05-02 4:36 PM
in reply to: #2125728

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Carter_83 - 2009-05-02 3:07 PM I stated earlier that  a woman interrupted my swimming. What is better to tell her I am in the middle of the workout or act like I did not hear her and keep swimming? Just wondering what you guys/gals think.

I think it depends what the situation is.  If she was trying to share a lane that is one thing.  If she just wanted to chit chat about the weather that is another.  Laughing    

Definitely continue to work on the breathing.  Work in the other technique related things in past posts as well - slowly over time - working on one each workout - or even one each week.  You need to find out what your weakness are so that you can do drills catered to improving them.  Then start working in intervals down the road.

Good job on the running.  

To me the goal to improvement in running is balance.  So, I would recommend that in the end you should have 1 tempo run a week, 1 interval session, and one long workout.  Everything else is bonus (and will help you  - I mean just adding extra runs will help you).  
I am not saying you need to dive right in and do all of these runs now.  But that should be the end goal.  so, build up how many days you run and for how long.  And then slowly integrate these components. 
2009-05-03 8:31 PM
in reply to: #2113192

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Hi Jesse,
I was only able to get out once this weekend. I ran for about 50 minutes with some friends in Old Greenwich. Which I have to say was absolutely beautiful and the weather was perfect! I had a small break in between about 3 minutes or so. And then we decided to do another loop around - 2.5 miles total of 5.3+. I did run a bit slower my first mile b/c I had the jogging stroller and am not use to running with it this season. (all my runs have been w/o it.) I was able to switch off with my husband. Overall the run felt really good. I think I did about a 9 minute mile.

Hope you had a great weekend.

2009-05-04 9:14 AM
in reply to: #2113192

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Great job.  That is a good solid run.  

2009-05-04 9:18 AM
in reply to: #2113192

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed

I am going to improve your running!  I have talked about increasing mileage and different types of workouts.  And that will be a staple in the long run.

But, I'm going to get back to the basics.

Step 1 - On your next run count how many times your foot hits the ground in one minute.  So, do a short warmup first.  Then count.  If you want to count just one foot and then multiple by 2 that might be easier.  You can also do it for 30 seconds and multiply by another 2.   Do it two times to make sure that your number is pretty consistent.  No hills or anything.  Just your normal run.

I want your number  Laughing 
2009-05-04 10:38 AM
in reply to: #2125728

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Carter_83 - 2009-05-02 3:07 PM I stated earlier that  a woman interrupted my swimming. What is better to tell her I am in the middle of the workout or act like I did not hear her and keep swimming? Just wondering what you guys/gals think.

I would probably have ignored her.  I hate getting interrupted during my workouts!  If I don't know the person, I ignore them.  If I do know the person, I just give them really short answers until they take the hint.  A little passive-agressive, but it usually works.

2009-05-04 10:54 AM
in reply to: #2113192

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New user
Madison, WI
Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
OK, so I was having a great weekend up until Sunday night.  The ride around the lake that I thought was 14 miles?  Turns out it's 22 miles.  So I rode that route on Saturday, but it was with my boyfriend on our tandem bike.  The tandem's super old and heavy and doesn't have many gears, so it's hard to get up hills, but I still feel like my boyfriend ends up doing most of the work.  (Don't tell him I said that!)  Then I had a really good run!  5.7 miles, the farthest I've ever run!  I did stop once to rest, but I was still happy with it.

Switch to Sunday.  Rode around the lake on my own bike and it went well.  Then we ate dinner at my mom's and I went swimming after that.  The swim did not go well at all!  I felt dizzy and sick and decided to just stop early.  I watched some swimming videos before I went and I think maybe I was trying to correct too many things at once.  Or maybe I just ate too much.  Or maybe I'm getting the swine flu.  Tongue out

I thought of a couple stupid questions.  While timing my workouts, should I stop my watch while I'm resting or waiting for red lights?  Does a 30 minute swim mean 30 minutes in the pool or 30 minutes of actual swimming?  And what is a tempo run?
2009-05-04 11:05 AM
in reply to: #2128433

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Orange Park, Fl
Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
njacobs24 - 2009-05-04 11:54 AM
I thought of a couple stupid questions.  While timing my workouts, should I stop my watch while I'm resting or waiting for red lights?  Does a 30 minute swim mean 30 minutes in the pool or 30 minutes of actual swimming?  And what is a tempo run?

Those are not stupid questions. I asked a couple of those myself when I started training. I never stop my watch when running or cycling for traffic since when I am in a race the clock never stops. Plus it gives me motivation to better my times on the next training session. A tempo run is when you up the pace for certain distance or time and then go back to normal running pace.  Some tempo run have several sets in the and the time or distance can chenge. I have two audio workouts from Carmichael Training System featuring Lance Armstrong. One is a tempo and then other is a interval run. They run about 45-60 min each.  If anyone is interested I can send them.

Jesse please correct me if I am wrong.

Edited by Carter_83 2009-05-04 11:07 AM

2009-05-04 11:08 AM
in reply to: #2128433

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
njacobs24 - 2009-05-04 10:54 AM OK, so I was having a great weekend up until Sunday night.  The ride around the lake that I thought was 14 miles?  Turns out it's 22 miles.  So I rode that route on Saturday, but it was with my boyfriend on our tandem bike.  The tandem's super old and heavy and doesn't have many gears, so it's hard to get up hills, but I still feel like my boyfriend ends up doing most of the work.  (Don't tell him I said that!)  Then I had a really good run!  5.7 miles, the farthest I've ever run!  I did stop once to rest, but I was still happy with it.

Switch to Sunday.  Rode around the lake on my own bike and it went well.  Then we ate dinner at my mom's and I went swimming after that.  The swim did not go well at all!  I felt dizzy and sick and decided to just stop early.  I watched some swimming videos before I went and I think maybe I was trying to correct too many things at once.  Or maybe I just ate too much.  Or maybe I'm getting the swine flu.  Tongue out

I thought of a couple stupid questions.  While timing my workouts, should I stop my watch while I'm resting or waiting for red lights?  Does a 30 minute swim mean 30 minutes in the pool or 30 minutes of actual swimming?  And what is a tempo run?

Nikki  - sounds like you had some adventure this weekend!

A 30 mins swim is just 30 mins at the pool.  Just make sure you don't swim for 2 mins, rest for 26 mins, and swim for another 2 mins.  (Same for bike and run).  

Hard to say on the swimming - you may have just been exhausted.  It is something to keep an eye on just to make sure your schedule isn't position in a way that you're always exhausted for your swim.  You'll probably be fine next time.

I would keep watching the videos but like you mentioned just focus on a few things at a time.  Breathing and Rotation is a good place to start.  Look over all notes there.  If you are breathing properly you won't over-rotate.  You'll get all your breath out, then lift your head (rotate your body) just enough to get some air.   Look back throuh the idea of using something to keep your legs up and developing your upper body first.   You have enough time until your Tri that I think that would be a good idea for you.

A tempo run is a hard run for an extended period of time.  Whereas intervals are like 2 mins on, 2 mins off.  Or mile intervals.  A tempo run is 2 - 3 or more miles of consistent hard effort.  In your case that might be a 2 - 3 mile run. 

But, before you do that get me that number that I posted above first.


Edited by jesse_d 2009-05-04 11:09 AM
2009-05-04 11:18 AM
in reply to: #2128466

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Carter_83 - 2009-05-04 11:05 AM
njacobs24 - 2009-05-04 11:54 AM
I thought of a couple stupid questions.  While timing my workouts, should I stop my watch while I'm resting or waiting for red lights?  Does a 30 minute swim mean 30 minutes in the pool or 30 minutes of actual swimming?  And what is a tempo run?

Those are not stupid questions. I asked a couple of those myself when I started training. I never stop my watch when running or cycling for traffic since when I am in a race the clock never stops. Plus it gives me motivation to better my times on the next training session. A tempo run is when you up the pace for certain distance or time and then go back to normal running pace.  Some tempo run have several sets in the and the time or distance can chenge. I have two audio workouts from Carmichael Training System featuring Lance Armstrong. One is a tempo and then other is a interval run. They run about 45-60 min each.  If anyone is interested I can send them.

Jesse please correct me if I am wrong.

The way I think about the three staples (at least as it pertains to the short distances that most everyone here is training for is):

Intervals:  Usually last from 1 min (sprints) to mile repeats.  Intervals will be done very fast.

Tempo:  Usually from 2 miles to 4 miles.  Or say from 20 mins to 40 mins).  They can be longer but I don't think it is necessary at this point.

Long:  Long is all relative.  But, for our case say 5 up to very long.  

Just as an example of my tempo run - I'll warm up for 2 miles.  Then do a 3 mile tempo run.  Then cool down for 2 miles (at my average sort of run pace).  But, as Carter was eluding to - there are variations of distance and speed.

Really, instead of thinking about heart rate or lactate threshold, etc.  I would just focus on having 4 different speeds:

Slow -  before I stretch run.  Just putting one leg in front of the other.

Everyday pace - Your normal run where you feel good and you can do this for a prolonged period of time.  You can do a little talking at this pace.

Tempo (getting fast) - One step up from everyday pace.  You are really breathing pretty good here.  You're sweating.  But, you don't feel like your going to die Laughing

Fast - this is your pretty much all out I am going to die pace.   Actually, this is really the fastest pace you can do while still holding you form - the last part here is really important - holding form.

2009-05-04 2:47 PM
in reply to: #2113192

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Jesse, I just realized I never answered your question about the pool.  Yes, I do travel to the pool and I think it's around 4 miles from my apartment.

2009-05-04 3:04 PM
in reply to: #2129192

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
njacobs24 - 2009-05-04 2:47 PM Jesse, I just realized I never answered your question about the pool.  Yes, I do travel to the pool and I think it's around 4 miles from my apartment.


Great!  Nice and close.   
2009-05-04 7:46 PM
in reply to: #2128124

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Orange Park, Fl
Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
During my run tonight I counted 156 and 160 steps. It was a normal pace for me.  

2009-05-05 9:15 AM
in reply to: #2129982

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Carter_83 - 2009-05-04 7:46 PM During my run tonight I counted 156 and 160 steps. It was a normal pace for me.  


Carter - Awesome!  Now let me explain.

There is something in common with the best runners in the world.  It isn't that they are short or tall or from this country or that one.  They all have a high cadence.   The most common problem I see when I'm looking at runners is a low cadence.  

The first step to do is get your cadence up to an exceptable level.  I think you want to be at 88 (every other foot) or 176 all total for one min.   The lowest for the great runners is probably in the low 90's.  My typical cadence is 90 for just an average jog and I am probably 94+ for a fast run.  

How do you do this?  The answer is simple.  Shorten your stride and think quick feet.  For the next several runs you do (no matter what length) focus on short quick strides to get your cadence up.  

Over time your body will adapt.  You'll be able to go faster and faster.  You will go faster without thinking about lengthening your stride - you NEVER want to do think about lengthening your stride.  It will happen naturally as you get stronger with a fast cadence.

Important - don't worry about how silly you think you might look.  You actually don't look as funny as you think you do.  An added benefit will be less wear and tear on your legs.


Edited by jesse_d 2009-05-05 9:16 AM
2009-05-05 9:55 AM
in reply to: #2113192

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Orange Park, Fl
Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed

Thinking back to my longer runs when training for the marathon. I remember doing shorter strides and at the same time picked up pace. It seemed to not tire me out, not sure why. I just did those without thinking about it.  But I will definitely use that in my future runs

2009-05-05 10:25 AM
in reply to: #2131053

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Carter_83 - 2009-05-05 9:55 AM

Thinking back to my longer runs when training for the marathon. I remember doing shorter strides and at the same time picked up pace. It seemed to not tire me out, not sure why. I just did those without thinking about it.  But I will definitely use that in my future runs

I would focus on this quick feet approach until it just becomes part of your "natural" running style.   Then it will be easier for you to focus on the other aspects (intervals/tempo) and really improve.
2009-05-05 10:33 AM
in reply to: #2113192

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Started filling out my training log today.  First time for everything.

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