General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself Rss Feed  
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2009-10-01 6:28 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Newark, Delaware
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

I started today at 165.6.  My goal it is to be at 150 by Christmas.  Work is going to be crazy today, but I'm going to do my best to stay on track with nutrition, particularly because a workout isn't going to happen today. 

Good luck to everyone!

2009-10-01 6:34 AM
in reply to: #2426990

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Ok, my initial pre-workout weight was 193.5.  My goal is 175.

And lucky me - I "threw my back out" walking up the stairs this morning getting ready for my run.  Not too bad - just feels like I pulled something right now. 

I'm trying to log everything I eat.  I know I'm missing a couple of things here and there but I'm eating good stuff so what I forget to log won't be that bad. 

My goal for the coming week:  lose 1.5 pounds and no muffins at work.
2009-10-01 7:51 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
And the verdict it... 160.2 lbs this morning.  Two days ago it was two lbs lower.  I need to keep in mind that various factors go in to weight fluctuations day to day, so this is not a big deal.

My goal is to get back down to 142-145 between now and January/February.   How will I do this today?  This will be my 4th day tracking food on Daily Plate.  Bering accountable like this is how I got down to 142 when I was in my best shape.  After work, I'm heading out on a five mile run.

Have a wonderful day all!  I'll probably check back in later on today. 
2009-10-01 8:38 AM
in reply to: #2434778

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Happychick - 2009-09-30 3:15 PM
michlong - 2009-09-30 4:37 AM

this sounds great.

my wife had our second baby in the summer and on 7/24 i weighed in at 242.2lbs, this is the heaviest i've ever been and the most unfit. anyway, came across this site and thought, i can do that. so i am aiming for a my first tri in the spring. i've started running, need to dust off the bike and googles yet. (i really don't want to turn into a Dad who sits on the sidelines because he can't take part)

anyway i would like to be down to 200lbs by christmas. by my calculations that works out at 2.16lbs a week, since i have already got down to 226lbs as of this morning. (i'm using my own dieting technique, eating less, drinking less (no) beer and actually doing something other than watching TV.)

i also found a cool website, not sure if you guys have seen it before, i started this as well this week. don't know if you are interested in the challange....



CONGRATS to you and your wife, Mike!!!  Is this your first child?  I always find it funny how guys put on weight with us ~ my hubby did the same thing!
As for the pushups, there is a forum for it in the challenge me thread called "100 pushups in 6 weeks."  It has been ongoing for a while and people just come and go, start and re start all the time so you might want to check it out!!

no this is our second, and yes i was in sympathy with the weight thing ;-)

anyway, starting this morning 224.4lbs -> 24.4lbs to go.....
2009-10-01 12:07 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
OK, so I dug through the thread today at lunch time and came up with a log.  Please find your name and verify your numbers.  I was thinking that each Monday you should weigh in and update your stats.  To do this just copy the entire listing of names and paste it into a reply update your numbers only and submit. 

If I missed your name just addyourself to the bottom of the list using the format provided in the key.

Thanks for starting this thread, I can always use a kick in the pants.  Good Luck all!

Key: Start/Current/Goal
HappyChick: ?/?/?
Batlou: 179/179/160
Helen: 163/163/153
JessXU00:  165.6/165.6/150
bwingate:  193.5/193.5/175
justtrichris: 160.2/160.2/145
bluewatersoul: 166/166/156
itsallrelative_camde:  160/160/150
nevergivin:  195/195/175
firenze11:  140/140/130
kaiserman19: 230/230/210
michlong: 224.4/224.4/200
cbhose26798:  270/?/?
d2lock: 360/?/?
BigPikle:  ?/?/175
gymgirlx:  ?/?/?
jsnowash: ?/?/?
KevZim: ?/?/?
Qua17:  ?/?/?
KathyG: ?/?/?
jrcody:  ?/?/?
Kate_R: ?/?/?
crea0029: ?/?/?
maura9900: ?/?/?
erin116: ?/?/?

Edit...moved HappyChick to the front of the line.

Edited by Batlou 2009-10-01 12:09 PM
2009-10-01 12:46 PM
in reply to: #2433156

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Happychick - 2009-09-29 8:06 PM
Batlou - 2009-09-29 10:52 AM Count me in!  I have already lost 112 pounds with 3 to go to hit my original goal.  I think I need to drop about 18 more total though now that I have perspective of what 175 looks like on me.  Having said that, I will go with a goal weight of 160 on Christmas Day!

Current Weight:  178
Goal Weight:  160

Brian, that is amazing...congratulations!!!!  I would love to hear your story (if you don't mind sharing!)

It's really a pretty simple story.  I went to the Doctor for my 40th birthday.  After my physical exam she remarked that, and I quote, "You will die sooner rather than later if you don't make some changes.".  After being pissed off for a few days thinking, how dare her speak to me that way, whine, whine, whine.  I realized she was right.  I had already lost about 5 lbs leading up to the physical knowing it was going to be bad. 

Long story short, I made some changes did lots of reading including DANDR.  Turns out that Atkins is not just eating as much bacon, eggs and cheese like most who have not read or researched his program would have you believe.  Lots and lots of good nutrient rich vegetables and meat.  I have been roasted pretty good on this forum for my choices and I honestly don't talk much about it anymore here.  It works for me, I have a surplus of energy even after 2 hour+ workouts and I have retrained myself to eat proper, wholesome, nutritious foods. 

I avoid sugar like the plague as it throws my body into a tailspin of hungry-eat-crash/hungry-eat-crash, etc.  This constant spikes and drops in insulin have been shown to irreversible damage to our arterial system (google is your friend).  I also avoid hydrogenated oils and other lab born fats and additives (not perfect at this) as much as possible.  If I can pronounce it, I probably don't need it.

Now that I am getting closer to my goal I am adding more of the right carbs back into my diet.  These carbs come from fruits (berries, apples, dates, etc.) and some higher carb vegetables (carrots, butternut squash, etc.).  These all have a low GI and will help minimize insulin response with a blast of glucose.  Great for pre/post workouts, but I am still working on the exact balance and honestly don't know what that is yet as my body is still in flux from losing weight and finding it's balance as well.

Having said all of that I would not ever recommend or suggest this is a diet that is good for everyone.  It works for me, I feel great, my blood work is great as of March this year (1 year after start), BP down to safe levels now which means no medication for High BP.  I could go on and on, literally. It's the best choice that I have ever made and I do not ever see myself going back to eating the other stuff.  For me sugar, pasta, bread and potato's are like poison.

OK, so I tried to keep it short but I can ramble about it because I get excited when I talk about it.  Either way, good luck to each of you and can't wait to see all of your numbers each week.


2009-10-01 1:00 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
BTW...If you are ever really bored and want to read my entire journey in a blog you can follow this link.  I had been posting on a different site but they were having some issues so I moved it to blogspot.  Format is a little messed up and because you can no longer see reply's from other users it appears that I am talking to myself.  But I did not want to lose my blog, so I am starting over somewhere else.
2009-10-01 1:56 PM
in reply to: #2436974

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Batlou - 2009-10-01 12:46 PM

It's really a pretty simple story.  I went to the Doctor for my 40th birthday.  After my physical exam she remarked that, and I quote, "You will die sooner rather than later if you don't make some changes.".  After being pissed off for a few days thinking, how dare her speak to me that way, whine, whine, whine.  I realized she was right.  I had already lost about 5 lbs leading up to the physical knowing it was going to be bad. 

Long story short, I made some changes did lots of reading including DANDR.  Turns out that Atkins is not just eating as much bacon, eggs and cheese like most who have not read or researched his program would have you believe.  Lots and lots of good nutrient rich vegetables and meat.  I have been roasted pretty good on this forum for my choices and I honestly don't talk much about it anymore here.  It works for me, I have a surplus of energy even after 2 hour+ workouts and I have retrained myself to eat proper, wholesome, nutritious foods. 

I avoid sugar like the plague as it throws my body into a tailspin of hungry-eat-crash/hungry-eat-crash, etc.  This constant spikes and drops in insulin have been shown to irreversible damage to our arterial system (google is your friend).  I also avoid hydrogenated oils and other lab born fats and additives (not perfect at this) as much as possible.  If I can pronounce it, I probably don't need it.

Now that I am getting closer to my goal I am adding more of the right carbs back into my diet.  These carbs come from fruits (berries, apples, dates, etc.) and some higher carb vegetables (carrots, butternut squash, etc.).  These all have a low GI and will help minimize insulin response with a blast of glucose.  Great for pre/post workouts, but I am still working on the exact balance and honestly don't know what that is yet as my body is still in flux from losing weight and finding it's balance as well.

Having said all of that I would not ever recommend or suggest this is a diet that is good for everyone.  It works for me, I feel great, my blood work is great as of March this year (1 year after start), BP down to safe levels now which means no medication for High BP.  I could go on and on, literally. It's the best choice that I have ever made and I do not ever see myself going back to eating the other stuff.  For me sugar, pasta, bread and potato's are like poison.

OK, so I tried to keep it short but I can ramble about it because I get excited when I talk about it.  Either way, good luck to each of you and can't wait to see all of your numbers each week.


Wow - incredible story! Congrats to you
2009-10-01 1:59 PM
in reply to: #2436828

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Batlou - 2009-10-01 12:07 PM
Key: Start/Current/Goal
erin116: ?/?/?

Edit...moved HappyChick to the front of the line.

I guess I need a goal! Can I give it to you on Monday? I meet with a nutritionist then and want to go over my body fat analysis with her to determine where I want to be. I think I'll put 124 / 124 / 118 but I'll confirm next week.

Edited to add my explaination: I gained 10 pounds over the holidays last year. Being barely over 5 foot, this killed my knees for my January marathon. I've been trying to lose them ever since. I'm down 5, but still have the last 5 to go and haven't budged in a long time. So, mostly I'm doing this not to gain any this year, but also to try to finally lose those last few lingering traces of last Christmas!

Edited by erin116 2009-10-01 2:02 PM
2009-10-01 2:15 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Count me in as well! (sorry I am late to the party)

To be honest, I have been too scared to even get on the scale. My clothes have been getting snug so I know it's not good. I did a 100 mile run back in February and since then have been eating like I'm still doing 100 miles, but without the workouts. Doesn't work that way! The break from structured workouts has been nice, but I'm ready to get back on track. Food, however, has always been my biggest downfall. Just can't ever get with the program! I can will myself to do these crazy workouts, but my nutrition is horrible and the reason why I only gain weight and never lose, no matter the workout load. My husband and I started the Paleo Diet for Athletes this week (sounds similar to how Brian eats and kudos to Brian for the awesome weight loss!). I feel that this way of eating will be good not only for weightloss but peak performance as well. Plus, I think eating real, wholesome food is the healthy way to go. Too much processed junk in the world today.

Anyway, I too will brave the scale on Monday and will get back with you. I do know that I want to get to 135 lbs and that I am starting somewhere around the 150 lb mark.

2009-10-01 4:13 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

Okay... weighed in this morning.... 192.... I don't have a goal yet... I will post it sometime tonight when I get done reading the new Runner's World that has stuff about weight loss in it.

2009-10-01 5:15 PM
in reply to: #2426990


Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Hey. My name is Jesse. I am new to this site, starting today. But this looks like fun so count me in! I definitely need some accountability and motivation. When I started training, I lost 18 pounds and so far, I have put back on about 10! I would like to stop the that trend for good! I am doing the Boise HIM in June and want to lose 10 pounds during this off season. So here I am.
2009-10-01 7:00 PM
in reply to: #2436828

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Batlou - 2009-10-01 7:07 AM OK, so I dug through the thread today at lunch time and came up with a log.  Please find your name and verify your numbers.  I was thinking that each Monday you should weigh in and update your stats.  To do this just copy the entire listing of names and paste it into a reply update your numbers only and submit. 

If I missed your name just addyourself to the bottom of the list using the format provided in the key.

Thanks for starting this thread, I can always use a kick in the pants.  Good Luck all!

Key: Start/Current/Goal
HappyChick: 141/141/130

Bored or just another day at work?!   That was awefully thoughtful of you to take the time to do this for everyone but bear in mind it will be their choice on how they submit their stats as some may want to just do a drive by post plus some have more goals than just weight.   As for the "official" weigh day, I had already stated we would continue with Thursdays but if everyone would rather go to Mondays to help try and keep themselves in check over the weekend (the thought surely crossed MY mind) then I am fine with that.  However, until I hear from you all we will keep it on Thursday.

Edited by Happychick 2009-10-01 7:26 PM
2009-10-01 7:05 PM
in reply to: #2436974

User image

Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Batlou - 2009-10-01 7:46 AM
Happychick - 2009-09-29 8:06 PM
Batlou - 2009-09-29 10:52 AM Count me in!  I have already lost 112 pounds with 3 to go to hit my original goal.  I think I need to drop about 18 more total though now that I have perspective of what 175 looks like on me.  Having said that, I will go with a goal weight of 160 on Christmas Day!

Current Weight:  178
Goal Weight:  160

Brian, that is amazing...congratulations!!!!  I would love to hear your story (if you don't mind sharing!)

It's really a pretty simple story.  I went to the Doctor for my 40th birthday.  After my physical exam she remarked that, and I quote, "You will die sooner rather than later if you don't make some changes.".  After being pissed off for a few days thinking, how dare her speak to me that way, whine, whine, whine.  I realized she was right.  I had already lost about 5 lbs leading up to the physical knowing it was going to be bad. 

Long story short, I made some changes did lots of reading including DANDR.  Turns out that Atkins is not just eating as much bacon, eggs and cheese like most who have not read or researched his program would have you believe.  Lots and lots of good nutrient rich vegetables and meat.  I have been roasted pretty good on this forum for my choices and I honestly don't talk much about it anymore here.  It works for me, I have a surplus of energy even after 2 hour+ workouts and I have retrained myself to eat proper, wholesome, nutritious foods. 

I avoid sugar like the plague as it throws my body into a tailspin of hungry-eat-crash/hungry-eat-crash, etc.  This constant spikes and drops in insulin have been shown to irreversible damage to our arterial system (google is your friend).  I also avoid hydrogenated oils and other lab born fats and additives (not perfect at this) as much as possible.  If I can pronounce it, I probably don't need it.

Now that I am getting closer to my goal I am adding more of the right carbs back into my diet.  These carbs come from fruits (berries, apples, dates, etc.) and some higher carb vegetables (carrots, butternut squash, etc.).  These all have a low GI and will help minimize insulin response with a blast of glucose.  Great for pre/post workouts, but I am still working on the exact balance and honestly don't know what that is yet as my body is still in flux from losing weight and finding it's balance as well.

Having said all of that I would not ever recommend or suggest this is a diet that is good for everyone.  It works for me, I feel great, my blood work is great as of March this year (1 year after start), BP down to safe levels now which means no medication for High BP.  I could go on and on, literally. It's the best choice that I have ever made and I do not ever see myself going back to eating the other stuff.  For me sugar, pasta, bread and potato's are like poison.

OK, so I tried to keep it short but I can ramble about it because I get excited when I talk about it.  Either way, good luck to each of you and can't wait to see all of your numbers each week.

Thank you for sharing!!!!  Like you said, everyone is an individual and they have to find what works for THEM.  That is great that you were able to accomplish so much and I have to say, I don't think anyone is ever perfect with their diet.  We are all works in progress and constantly trying to find that balance of what works and what doesn't!

2009-10-01 7:10 PM
in reply to: #2437627

User image

Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
jlseid - 2009-10-01 12:15 PM Hey. My name is Jesse. I am new to this site, starting today. But this looks like fun so count me in! I definitely need some accountability and motivation. When I started training, I lost 18 pounds and so far, I have put back on about 10! I would like to stop the that trend for good! I am doing the Boise HIM in June and want to lose 10 pounds during this off season. So here I am.

Welcome Jesse!!!  This is a great site with some great peeps so take advantage.'re here so I would have to say you already are!  
2009-10-01 7:24 PM
in reply to: #2426990

User image

Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Alrighty, now that I am caught up I guess I should apologize for being so late on Day has been crazy around here and I am actually heading upstairs to change so I can do a strength training video while my kiddo is napping.  Anyway, I weighed myself this morning and am a bit disappointed by the fact that I am a few pounds heavier than I thought.  I just have to remind myself now not to get obsessed and weigh myself a gazillion times a week as that will only frustrate me more.  Also, I played around with a few sites to see which one I like best for logging food and while I think fitday is more user friendly I am using the one here on BT only because I am already on here at least once a day.  We'll see how it goes (plus the fact that everyone and their brother can see my nutrition stats will hopefully make me that much more aware of what I'm eating and why!)  K, I've babbled enough...

Starting Weight:  141
Starting BF: 27%
Goal Weight:  130
Goal BF:  Anything less than 27%  (I'm working on figuring up an actual number!)

Good luck, stay positive, and please feel free share what your plan is to get you to where you want to be!!

Edited by Happychick 2009-10-01 7:27 PM

2009-10-01 10:21 PM
in reply to: #2437799

User image

Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Happychick - 2009-10-01 7:00 PM
Batlou - 2009-10-01 7:07 AM OK, so I dug through the thread today at lunch time and came up with a log.  Please find your name and verify your numbers.  I was thinking that each Monday you should weigh in and update your stats.  To do this just copy the entire listing of names and paste it into a reply update your numbers only and submit. 

If I missed your name just addyourself to the bottom of the list using the format provided in the key.

Thanks for starting this thread, I can always use a kick in the pants.  Good Luck all!

Key: Start/Current/Goal
HappyChick: 141/141/130

Bored or just another day at work?!   That was awefully thoughtful of you to take the time to do this for everyone but bear in mind it will be their choice on how they submit their stats as some may want to just do a drive by post plus some have more goals than just weight.   As for the "official" weigh day, I had already stated we would continue with Thursdays but if everyone would rather go to Mondays to help try and keep themselves in check over the weekend (the thought surely crossed MY mind) then I am fine with that.  However, until I hear from you all we will keep it on Thursday.

Sorry, I missed the thursday part of the weigh in.  Did not mean to highjack either.

So I am in  and can't wait to get started!!!
2009-10-02 2:47 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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New user

Kent, U.K.
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Hey ho... starting this one well! Overtraining injury enforces rest and frustration...

Weighing in at 235lbs, 31% bodyfat. Bring it on. Don't care about the weight - I want to be sub 20% bodyfat by Christmas.
2009-10-02 10:12 AM
in reply to: #2426990

User image

Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

so i have the following log from the last few weeks, looks like i might miss my goal of 200lbs by christmas...... based on my averages so far and plotting forward (from today). need to step things up a bit. having said that i managed my VERY FIRST 3 miles this morning, so i am pleased with my training progress.

DateWeight  Average Weight Loss1.68

2009-10-02 10:38 AM
in reply to: #2426990

User image

Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
My starting weight well I started this once I signed up for this and the 6/4 challenge Sunday was 170.4 but I was down before the first. I'd like to get down to 149 but not sure it is possible as that would put me at about 15% body fat which is low for women my age.

My goal is to finally finish this weight loss journey I started April 21, 2003 and get to my ideal weight and body fat. Hard thing is I'm not sure what that is.

I figure I should introduce myself. I'm Kathy, married 24 years Sunday, have 5 kids 11-20, and been doing tris since 2004 when I joined BT. I don't work outside the home so I have time to train when kids are in school.

For many years I was a mom that continued to gain a little weight every year and got over 250 pounds. Somehow in 2003 I tried and was successful at losing weight. I started playing women's soccer about 4 months after I started losing weight and heard some of my team mates talking about a triathlon they had done. I thought that would be a great thing to try to prove I had changed my life. Over the years I have lost 97 pounds but in last year put a few back on. I'd love to finally hit 100 pounds lost and doing it this year would be awesome!

I did my first triathlon a year later and it was hard as I didn't really swim, hadn't biked in years, and I hated running. Somehow things improved and in time I rekindled my love for riding as I rode a lot as a young teenager and even did a 500 mile bike trip in middle school, it took about 2 years to enjoy running and swimming I struggle with as I'm slow but work hard at it. Each year I moved up to do longer and longer races. 2008 I completed my first Ironman at Lake Placid and this year I focused on IM training and completed with a tough day Ironman Canada.

Interesting I find when I train more it is harder to lose weight. I see that over and over with women here on BT and some actually gain weight training for Ironman. I'm glad it is off season and I can do less training and focus more on weight loss. When I didn't exercise much all I lost weight the fastest and easiest. I plan on doing mostly low zone 1/2 training this fall other than racing cyclocross.

Here is a link to my album seeing how I've changed

Back in I believe early 2005 I started the first ever weight loss challenge here on BT...the concept has grown and grown...and it is amazing to see the progress so many have made from overweight and not active, to fit and enjoying the multisport lifestyle.

2009-10-02 11:09 AM
in reply to: #2426990

User image

Longview, TX
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
I'm definitely one of the women here on BT who has gained weight with the longer races. My lowest weight (and the first time I was EVER happy in life with my weight) was heading into my first half IM in the summer of 2005. But then I started stepping up the endurance: 24 hr bike race, IM, double IM, Triple IM and finally the 100 mile run. Now, I am the most unhappy I have been about my weight in a loooong time. For me, I think it comes down to nutrition. The more I worked out, the more entitled I felt to eat whatever I wanted. And people would constantly tell me I could eat whatever I wanted. However, it's simply not true. So now I'm making nutrition my number one goal this off season. Being physically active is not the issue

2009-10-02 12:55 PM
in reply to: #2438913

User image

The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
grbfrog - 2009-10-02 11:09 AM

I'm definitely one of the women here on BT who has gained weight with the longer races. My lowest weight (and the first time I was EVER happy in life with my weight) was heading into my first half IM in the summer of 2005. But then I started stepping up the endurance: 24 hr bike race, IM, double IM, Triple IM and finally the 100 mile run. Now, I am the most unhappy I have been about my weight in a loooong time. For me, I think it comes down to nutrition. The more I worked out, the more entitled I felt to eat whatever I wanted. And people would constantly tell me I could eat whatever I wanted. However, it's simply not true. So now I'm making nutrition my number one goal this off season. Being physically active is not the issue

Count me in to that group! I've not gone as far distance wise as y'all, but have definitely gained this year despite the increase in mileage and find it hard to lose. I've been tracking calories now and see that I was eating much more then I actually thought (it's all healthy! I worked out twice today!). So hopefully this group will help keep me tracking.
2009-10-02 12:57 PM
in reply to: #2438819

User image

The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
KathyG - 2009-10-02 10:38 AM

Here is a link to my album seeing how I've changed

WOW - your transformation is just incredible! Congrats Kathy!
2009-10-02 1:32 PM
in reply to: #2438123

User image

Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Batlou - 2009-10-01 5:21 PM
Happychick - 2009-10-01 7:00 PM
Batlou - 2009-10-01 7:07 AM OK, so I dug through the thread today at lunch time and came up with a log.  Please find your name and verify your numbers.  I was thinking that each Monday you should weigh in and update your stats.  To do this just copy the entire listing of names and paste it into a reply update your numbers only and submit. 

If I missed your name just addyourself to the bottom of the list using the format provided in the key.

Thanks for starting this thread, I can always use a kick in the pants.  Good Luck all!

Key: Start/Current/Goal
HappyChick: 141/141/130

Bored or just another day at work?!   That was awefully thoughtful of you to take the time to do this for everyone but bear in mind it will be their choice on how they submit their stats as some may want to just do a drive by post plus some have more goals than just weight.   As for the "official" weigh day, I had already stated we would continue with Thursdays but if everyone would rather go to Mondays to help try and keep themselves in check over the weekend (the thought surely crossed MY mind) then I am fine with that.  However, until I hear from you all we will keep it on Thursday.

Sorry, I missed the thursday part of the weigh in.  Did not mean to highjack either.

So I am in  and can't wait to get started!!!

Hey no worries, Brian!  Like I said, I had actually thought about making the weigh ins on Monday for the reason stated above!
2009-10-02 1:45 PM
in reply to: #2438819

User image

Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
KathyG - 2009-10-02 5:38 AM Here is a link to my album seeing how I've changed

You have done amazing, Kathy and with 5 kids?!  WOW!!!!!!
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