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2009-12-15 11:07 AM
in reply to: #2555877

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Bolivar, OH
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!

Well I just got back from the dr. I think he thought I was crazy at first.  I havent run in a week and the pain is almost all gone.  So he was examining my knee and nothing was hurting that he was checking.  He said he couldnt see anything wrong.  So he decided to take some x-rays.  He brought the x-rays in and still said he didnt see anything.  Then all of sudden he said "oh- wait a sec."  Famous last  He noticed what he thought was an old stress fracture that I didnt know about.  He was poking around some more where he saw the spot on the x-ray and it was a little tender.  So now I am having an MRI dont on Thursday.  So that is where I stand for now.  I am still biking and swimming.  Just staying away from running for right now.

Edited by TRIMAN413 2009-12-15 11:12 AM

2009-12-15 11:20 AM
in reply to: #2559892

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
I'm sorry to hear that.  Hopefully the MRI will figure out what is going on and it will be an easy fix.
2009-12-15 12:13 PM
in reply to: #2555877

Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!

Hey Jen, thanks for the useful information about the training logs.  I use mine pretty regularly and I think it's a great tool.

I can really use some accountability in my training.  My plan for today is a 25 minute swim after work.  Maybe by writing it here for "all" to see, I'll actually make sure that I do it.

Thanks for volunteering to be a mentor.

2009-12-15 12:29 PM
in reply to: #2560111

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Albany, NY
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
Like go4it, I think I will post my plan for tonight because I need to double up as I didn't want to wake up early this morning...Embarassedso 45 minute bike, and 30 min swim. Working on the flip turns!
2009-12-15 12:32 PM
in reply to: #2559272

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
Artemis - 2009-12-15 5:54 AM Hi everyone!  Any plans for today?

I'd like to write up some information about BT - talking about the forums, training logs, available plans, etc.  Are there any specific questions you'd like me to answer?  Any things you've seen people do or heard about, but you don't know how or what?  Terms you find confusing?
Not training plans...but my little sister is having a 4 day jewelry show and we are frantically trying to get starts at 4pm today!

Well, maybe not so frantically if I am posting here...
2009-12-15 12:33 PM
in reply to: #2555877

Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
Thanks for all the info on the training logs Jen.  I know just enough to enter my workouts in there, and I try to get everything in.  Hopefully I can do a little more with it now.

I'm sitting in the hospital waiting for my husband to get out of shoulder surgery.  He has had multiple problems and a partially torn rotator cuff.  He is optimistic that his recovery will go well and he can try to do a triathlon in 2010.

2009-12-15 12:35 PM
in reply to: #2560111

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
go4it - 2009-12-15 1:13 PM

Hey Jen, thanks for the useful information about the training logs.  I use mine pretty regularly and I think it's a great tool.

I can really use some accountability in my training.  My plan for today is a 25 minute swim after work.  Maybe by writing it here for "all" to see, I'll actually make sure that I do it.

Thanks for volunteering to be a mentor.

I know it helps me if other people know what I'm doing.  Things come up, of course, but I feel more accountable when I tell everyone.

My plan for tonight is 20 minutes on the treadmill.
2009-12-15 12:35 PM
in reply to: #2560144

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
misfit_1 - 2009-12-15 1:29 PM Like go4it, I think I will post my plan for tonight because I need to double up as I didn't want to wake up early this morning...Embarassedso 45 minute bike, and 30 min swim. Working on the flip turns!

Good luck with the flip turns! 

Don't feel bad about not wanting to work out this morning.  I was up early and still didn't.  It happens. 
2009-12-15 12:36 PM
in reply to: #2560152

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
mchally - 2009-12-15 1:32 PM
Artemis - 2009-12-15 5:54 AM Hi everyone!  Any plans for today?

I'd like to write up some information about BT - talking about the forums, training logs, available plans, etc.  Are there any specific questions you'd like me to answer?  Any things you've seen people do or heard about, but you don't know how or what?  Terms you find confusing?
Not training plans...but my little sister is having a 4 day jewelry show and we are frantically trying to get starts at 4pm today!

Well, maybe not so frantically if I am posting here...

Hope everything goes well!  Her jewelry is so pretty. 
2009-12-15 12:36 PM
in reply to: #2560158

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
mrsrudyjax - 2009-12-15 1:33 PM Thanks for all the info on the training logs Jen.  I know just enough to enter my workouts in there, and I try to get everything in.  Hopefully I can do a little more with it now.

I'm sitting in the hospital waiting for my husband to get out of shoulder surgery.  He has had multiple problems and a partially torn rotator cuff.  He is optimistic that his recovery will go well and he can try to do a triathlon in 2010.

Hope he recovers quickly from the surgery!  That sounds scary.
2009-12-15 1:33 PM
in reply to: #2559272

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
well, I got into a lap pool for the first time since high school - I'm 36 so you do the math!

I neglected to look at the clock, but did 15 laps, so 375 yards - respectable I guess for the first time in. Felt great, but tried to use nose clips - not sure that's going to work out, as I couldn't get the breathing right for the freestyle.

Do people ever breast-stroke a tri, or should I really get my act together on the freestyle? Maybe I should just suck it up and take a few swim lessons...

I work at a university and am using our facilities - so trust me when I say getting into a pool and potentially seeing faculty and students I work with is no small feat of courage! Thank goodness it's finals week and I had a lane to myself - I'd have hated to bean someone in the head in my first workout - ha.

2009-12-15 1:55 PM
in reply to: #2555877

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
I'll chime in with the goal of a 30 min run this evening!  It will be my first hardcore activity in about 8 weeks.  I'll take it slow...of course! 

I have a question about endurance in a pool.  I'm really good about swimming for up to 30 mins in a pool, but I tend to use the side of the wall too much!  I'll do 400 meters..take a break...another 400 and a break.  Myh racing endurance didn't improve any!  What does everyone do to stay OFF the walls..and swim continuously?
2009-12-15 2:02 PM
in reply to: #2560166

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
Artemis - 2009-12-15 10:36 AM
mchally - 2009-12-15 1:32 PM
Artemis - 2009-12-15 5:54 AM Hi everyone!  Any plans for today?

I'd like to write up some information about BT - talking about the forums, training logs, available plans, etc.  Are there any specific questions you'd like me to answer?  Any things you've seen people do or heard about, but you don't know how or what?  Terms you find confusing?
Not training plans...but my little sister is having a 4 day jewelry show and we are frantically trying to get starts at 4pm today!

Well, maybe not so frantically if I am posting here...

Hope everything goes well!  Her jewelry is so pretty. 

I need to upload photos of some of her more recent creations to my album.  They are becoming more sophisticated.  : )
2009-12-15 2:09 PM
in reply to: #2560411

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
geoffwm - 2009-12-15 11:55 AM I'll chime in with the goal of a 30 min run this evening!  It will be my first hardcore activity in about 8 weeks.  I'll take it slow...of course! 

I have a question about endurance in a pool.  I'm really good about swimming for up to 30 mins in a pool, but I tend to use the side of the wall too much!  I'll do 400 meters..take a break...another 400 and a break.  Myh racing endurance didn't improve any!  What does everyone do to stay OFF the walls..and swim continuously?

I struggle with that as well.  I try to periodically challenge myself to a longer set...say a half mile or a mile.  Just take it nice and easy.  Get use to the distance before you try to add speed.  My stubborn streak helps with finishing the longer sets.   As I finish up a length I ask myself 'would it really be that hard to do just one more 50'...and then I do it again...and again...

I am considering getting myself a waterproof mp3 player for Christmas.  I am hoping that it will help with the boredom. 
2009-12-15 2:17 PM
in reply to: #2560341

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
jenna1870 - 2009-12-15 11:33 AM well, I got into a lap pool for the first time since high school - I'm 36 so you do the math!

I neglected to look at the clock, but did 15 laps, so 375 yards - respectable I guess for the first time in. Felt great, but tried to use nose clips - not sure that's going to work out, as I couldn't get the breathing right for the freestyle.

Do people ever breast-stroke a tri, or should I really get my act together on the freestyle? Maybe I should just suck it up and take a few swim lessons...

I work at a university and am using our facilities - so trust me when I say getting into a pool and potentially seeing faculty and students I work with is no small feat of courage! Thank goodness it's finals week and I had a lane to myself - I'd have hated to bean someone in the head in my first workout - ha.

375 yards is awesome for the first workout in years! 

I have seen just about every stroke being done in tri's and open water swims.  I did quite a bit of breast stroke in my first couple of tris...some backstroke too when I felt like I needed more air.  Breast stroke is quite a bit slower, but it is significantly easier to sight. If you end up going off course doing freestyle the speed advantage lessens.   It took me a good bit of practice to before I was any good at staying on course in the open water. 

I would work on your freestyle...but plan to do at least a few segments of breast stroke in you first race...or first several races.  Also consider backstroke if you are comfortable with it.  It can be nice to have your face out of the water for a while. 

2009-12-15 2:18 PM
in reply to: #2555877

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
ok, back to work for me.

2009-12-15 2:42 PM
in reply to: #2560341

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
jenna1870 - 2009-12-15 2:33 PMwell, I got into a lap pool for the first time since high school - I'm 36 so you do the math!

I neglected to look at the clock, but did 15 laps, so 375 yards - respectable I guess for the first time in. Felt great, but tried to use nose clips - not sure that's going to work out, as I couldn't get the breathing right for the freestyle.

Do people ever breast-stroke a tri, or should I really get my act together on the freestyle? Maybe I should just suck it up and take a few swim lessons...

I work at a university and am using our facilities - so trust me when I say getting into a pool and potentially seeing faculty and students I work with is no small feat of courage! Thank goodness it's finals week and I had a lane to myself - I'd have hated to bean someone in the head in my first workout - ha.

Freestyle will definitely help you in the tri -- after all, it's the fastest and most efficient stroke -- but I will confess to backstroking my ENTIRE first tri! (The water was really cloudy so I couldn't see, and I panicked after being swum over a few times, so I ended up on my back, lol!)Go with whatever is going to get you the most bang for your energy-spending buck in the first race, but I would definitely work with the goal of eventually using freestyle for your races.
2009-12-15 3:26 PM
in reply to: #2555877

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
Thanks for jumping in with good advice, Mel and Kat!    It's been kind of a crazy afternoon in the lab. 

I've definitely done breast stroke during a tri or even back stroke to get my breathing under control.  In an open water swim (OWS), breast stroke can help you site and find the right direction, so I usually have to do it a few times during a race.

As far as building endurance, just try to do a little bit more every time.  If you can do 400 now, next time do 450, then do 500.  It's not much more!  Pretty soon you'll be able to keep going for 1000. 
2009-12-15 8:40 PM
in reply to: #2555877

Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!

Okay - I did my 25 minutes in the pool.  I think this will really help me be accountable.

I'll chime in about breaststroke in a Tri.  I used breaststroke quite a bit in my first (and only so far) Tri.  It really helped with sighting.  For me, breaststroke is a recovery stroke and helps with my breathing. 

I think this can also help a little with the endurance for swim workouts.  When I want a break, I'll do laps of breaststroke so that I don't stop, but I do get a bit of a rest. 

Tomorrow - pilates. 




2009-12-15 10:31 PM
in reply to: #2560341

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!

jenna1870 - 2009-12-15 1:33 PM well, I got into a lap pool for the first time since high school - I'm 36 so you do the math!

I neglected to look at the clock, but did 15 laps, so 375 yards - respectable I guess for the first time in. Felt great, but tried to use nose clips - not sure that's going to work out, as I couldn't get the breathing right for the freestyle.

Do people ever breast-stroke a tri, or should I really get my act together on the freestyle? Maybe I should just suck it up and take a few swim lessons...

I work at a university and am using our facilities - so trust me when I say getting into a pool and potentially seeing faculty and students I work with is no small feat of courage! Thank goodness it's finals week and I had a lane to myself - I'd have hated to bean someone in the head in my first workout - ha.

Great job on your first swim in a while! I know how that feels... I'm 46 and had been a competive swimmer as a kid (quit when I was 11,) then played water polo in high school, but then hadn't been in the pool swimming since until last November - so it had definately been a while for me to!    I haven't really got any experience doing tri's, but as for the swimming, I say go for the lessons.  I thought I could swim pretty well, but have worked with a few coaches over the past year, and they have been awesome in helping me with my form and proper stroke.  It could really help your breathing if you get someone to show you, then you can go and practice on your own if you don't want to stay with a coach.
Good luck!

2009-12-16 5:30 AM
in reply to: #2555877

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!

Artemis - 2009-12-12 5:08 PM

Name: Jen (Artemis)

Story:  I did my first triathlon in 2005. I came from a competitive swimming background, but that was in high school 6 years before! I’d also biked a lot as a child.  Never ran.  I hated running with a passion!  I found BT because of the amazing Couch-to-5k running plan.  I followed it and was able to finish my first tri 3 months later.  I was hooked!  After that, I kept running.  I knew I was going to have to tackle that demon.  So, I signed up for a half-marathon.  Then I did a few more.  Last year, I ran my first marathon.  And, wouldn’t you know it, I actually enjoy running now!!

I've hit some road bumps through the process (torn meniscus, tibial stress fracture), but I've learned how to persevere through them and help avoid them in the future.  I'm not the fastest person out there, but I can always finish and have fun in the process.  And that's what keeps me coming back for more. 

Family Status: married, two cats

Current Training: Currently training for a half marathon in March and a duathlon in April.  After that, I’ll start tri training for the summer and training for two fall marathons.  I’m combining a duathlon training plan with a half-marathon training plan.

2010 Races: ING Half Marathon, Monument Ave 10k, National Duathlon Festival, Rockett’s Landing Tri, Cul de Sac 5k Series, Pink Power Tri, Patrick Henry Half Marathon, Marine Corps Marathon, Richmond Marathon

2009 Races: Monument Ave 10k, National Duathlon Festival Sport Race, Rockett’s Landing Tri, Run Like a Girl 8k, Cul de Sac 5k, Pink Power Tri, Patrick Henry Half Marathon, Ragnar Relay

Weightloss: I try, but am not always that successful.  I gained about 40 pounds before my hypothyroidism dose. I am down about 15 since that time.  I’m hoping to lose at least 20 more pounds, but it is always a struggle. 

What will make me a good mentor: When I started this journey, I never thought I would be able to accomplish any of the things that I have.  I know that if I can do it, you can do it too.  It’s tough, but I’ll be there with you. I would love to share my knowledge with you and help you achieve your goals.  Whether you're totally new to BT and tri training or you've been here awhile and need someone to check up on you, I can be there for you.  I love being a part of the BT community and I'd like others to feel the same way.  I've done small monthly challenges with my mentor groups and answered any and all questions people might have.  I spend a lot of time on the computer and BT, so I can respond pretty quickly. 

You're married to two cats?  That's kinda weird, Badger Jen.

2009-12-16 5:59 AM
in reply to: #2555877

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Albany, NY
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
I do have a question to put out there. 

I was at the pool last night and a 'helpful' guy decided to give me some advice.  His advice was against everything that I've been reading, so I wanted to check popular opinion.  ...take everything I say about my stroke with a grain of salt because it's only been a couple months that I've been swimming so even if I say I'm doing something, I'm probably really not...

I hired a YMCA swim instructor essentially just to get me in the water.  And it worked, although I can't say that she really helped with stroke questions.  So I've been reading Total Immersion, with the premise of keeping the body long, swimming primarily on the side, and trying to expend as little energy as possible.  Then this guy last night tells me that I looks very graceful and elegant when I swim, which I took as a compliment - but then he said I'll never get anywhere.  lol

He did tell me that he was a life guard for years, and that I should keep my body flat towards the floor, and smash my finger tips into the water like I'm trying to hurt  So, although I did swimming faster - I feel like it was only due to the fact that I had more arm turnover because he was standing there watching me. 

Long story short...better to be streamlined, long, and graceful - or to go out flat, fast, like I"m trying to save someone's life (probably my own)?

Thanks guys.
2009-12-16 8:24 AM
in reply to: #2561441

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
1stTimeTri - 2009-12-16 6:30 AM

You're married to two cats?  That's kinda weird, Badger Jen.

Tongue out

Trouble maker... 
2009-12-16 8:30 AM
in reply to: #2561461

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
misfit_1 - 2009-12-16 6:59 AM I do have a question to put out there. 

I was at the pool last night and a 'helpful' guy decided to give me some advice.  His advice was against everything that I've been reading, so I wanted to check popular opinion.  ...take everything I say about my stroke with a grain of salt because it's only been a couple months that I've been swimming so even if I say I'm doing something, I'm probably really not...

I hired a YMCA swim instructor essentially just to get me in the water.  And it worked, although I can't say that she really helped with stroke questions.  So I've been reading Total Immersion, with the premise of keeping the body long, swimming primarily on the side, and trying to expend as little energy as possible.  Then this guy last night tells me that I looks very graceful and elegant when I swim, which I took as a compliment - but then he said I'll never get anywhere.  lol

He did tell me that he was a life guard for years, and that I should keep my body flat towards the floor, and smash my finger tips into the water like I'm trying to hurt  So, although I did swimming faster - I feel like it was only due to the fact that I had more arm turnover because he was standing there watching me. 

Long story short...better to be streamlined, long, and graceful - or to go out flat, fast, like I"m trying to save someone's life (probably my own)?

Thanks guys.

For the pool swim, it's more efficient to be streamlines and long because you'll have less resistance to the water that way.  If you want to go faster, you can increase your stroke rate and you go faster.  I don't know about the smashing finger tips bit....that sounds silly to me.

I can say that there are a few situations where his advice for swimming really quickly do apply.  For example, if you are swimming against the current in open water, you want to have very short quick strokes are you get pushed back down.  But, when you are swimming with the current, you want to be as streamlined and long as possible so that the water does all the work for you.  I still don't change my hand position when I do that, though.

Does that make sense?
2009-12-16 8:39 AM
in reply to: #2561744

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Albany, NY
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!

Does that make sense?

Jen - that does make sense, and I'm sure it'll make even more sense when I eventually do an open water swim.  Thanks!
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