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2009-12-26 10:28 PM
in reply to: #2578202

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over a barrier
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
My Gf is in Colorado and just bought cowboy boots today! I think she has more boots than shoes now....I don't get it, but I don't complain because I have about 10 pairs of mizuno in the apt

2009-12-27 8:55 AM
in reply to: #2557541

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2009-12-27 9:01 AM
in reply to: #2577867

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
running2far - 2009-12-25 10:01 PM My trip to Iowa has been canned. No one can reach grandma so we're cancelling xmas. All the major highways are closed. Looks like the storm will be hitting Chicago later tonight! Did anyone get any fun Tri stuff for xmas? I got a new cassette for Branson 11-26 and some new running shoes. What was your favorite gif? I got a nice run today with a quarter sprint, I was running with my dads lab and she saw some ducks and it was ON!!!!!

Tri Gift?  New backpack?  Carry everything to transition from Car?  That count?  Also, technically my entry to Racine half was Xmas gift, from the Dog.  Dogs know things.  She wants to run, what better way than to force me to!

Yesterday, on our run, there was probably 100 Geese out on one of the baseball diamonds we run past.  I let dog go, and she went nuts!  Chasing them, all the honking, flapping of wings, etc.  Very cool, very happy dog!

Outside that, my dad is a gadget guy.  Got me a Nook.  Very cool thusfar!
2009-12-28 8:13 AM
in reply to: #2557541

Champaign Area, IL
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
who ordered all this snow?  

I have come to the conclusion that my current training plan of over eating and not training is not working for me.....shocker I know....I am in search for a new training plan
2009-12-28 10:01 AM
in reply to: #2557541

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
Sigh.  Back to Tucson.  Mexico was really nice... I think I ate three times my weight in fish and shrimp and guacamole!  Now I have even more incentive to run.  haha.

As for fun gifts... my dad got me a new bike trainer (I've been borrowing my boyfriend's up til now), so I'm looking forward to watching movies and riding in the evenings.    I also got a new wetsuit for Christmas, although I've had it in my posession for over a month now.  Our local tri shop was selling their demo models of last year's wetsuits... and lucky for me, the freakishly tall girl, they had a $600 Zoot wetsuit in my size- which had never even been tried on... for $160!!  So my boyfriend calls me up, tells me to get my butt down to the shop to try it on, and I got my early Christmas present that day.  lol.
Oh yeah, and I got some new rock climbing gear and a cool guidebook for some canyoneering trips around AZ.  Laughing

Anybody doing anything exciting for New Year's?  Now that my family is heading back home today, I think I'm going to spend New Year's with my friends, maybe a low-key dinner party or something.
2009-12-28 10:02 AM
in reply to: #2579744

Lost Wages Nevada
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed

Ok, so the eating Holidays are behind us and the day of placing new goals on the table is fast approaching. I'm curious as to what your New Years Goals will be when it comes to your health, and how you plan on accomplishing them.

Mine are as follows (although I certainly have room to alter them or change them completely if I see some great ones form you guys that I want to steal~!)

1. I still need to drop about 20-25lbs (Used to be about 15 but then the holidays happened, ugh!). I don't look over weight anymore but feel like I am caring more baggage on my long training rides/runs then necessary. I will get back to tracking and using my calories for good instead of evil!

2. More core work! (that's a lie, it should read Do Core WORK!) My core is weak compared to what it could be. I have purchased and read "Core Performance Endurance" by Mark Verstegen and have started to put it into the daily routine.

3. Recovery- I will spend more time and effort on helping my body recover better and quicker. I will do this by getting to bed a little sooner (I need 7+hrs of sleep to feel fresh and strong the next day). I have also purchased a foam roller and have started to use it to work out and stretch the muscles in my body. This tool and process might be the best $20 I ever spent in triathlon gear........

Your turn....

2009-12-28 1:26 PM
in reply to: #2557541

Champaign Area, IL
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
dropping 20 lbs is sounding good to me
2009-12-28 6:30 PM
in reply to: #2557541

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2009-12-28 9:37 PM
in reply to: #2579744

over a barrier
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
jsoza - 2009-12-28 8:13 AM

who ordered all this snow?  

I have come to the conclusion that my current training plan of over eating and not training is not working for me.....shocker I know....I am in search for a new training plan

I think we're on similiar programs. Leaving for Iowa tomorrow and meeting my mom half way for a xmas lunch and then coming back. Haven't had the training mojo lately. Working on my coaching website which is stressful, I'm suprised I haven't thrown my laptop out the window yet.

Edited by running2far 2009-12-28 9:43 PM
2009-12-28 9:54 PM
in reply to: #2557541

over a barrier
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
New years resolutions/goals....hmmm.

Get back to racing weight by April. Its amazing how easy it was to gain 13 lbs.
Steps to get there:

Bring lunch to work, make more dinners (eat out less).
Limit junk food.
Resume training 7ish hours a week of training

Functional Threshold Power @ 280 by May 1st
-Make sure I start every training session
-Stay strong mentally, my competitors are not working this hard right now.
-One Test at a time. Rome wasn't built in a day. Stay the course

Save more Money
-I didn't need most of the crap I buy. Avoid tri-sales

This are two biggest goals. If I reach them my big goal of Clearwater will be a possibility. Just need to stay the course.

2009-12-29 10:36 AM
in reply to: #2557541

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed

-Spend less money.  Eat out less, pack lunch more, cook as much as possible.  Stop buying things I don't need.  Win the lottery? 

-Try to keep a more regular daily schedule.  I have a bad habit of wasting time during my day, and then being forced to do a lot of my reading and writing at night.  This not only bums out the boyfriend, but it's just generally inefficient.  I need to try to get both my work and my school stuff done between the hours of 8-6 every day.  At least, I need to try.  (I have a 20-hour per week research job on campus, and am starting to work on my Ph.D. on top of taking a couple of classes each semester.)

-Swim.  Swim.  Swim.   I am not a good swimmer.  In fact, I may actually be a pretty bad swimmer.  This is mostly because I just don't swim very much.  So, I need to work on that.

-Maintain a 6-day per week training schedule.  I'd like to be doing something productive for my training 6 days out of every week.  Even if it means a 15-minute run in the morning or a 30-minute block bike trainer- something is better than nothing!

2009-12-29 10:43 AM
in reply to: #2581953

Champaign Area, IL
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
megtrow - 2009-12-29 10:36 AM Resolutions:

-Spend less money.  Eat out less, pack lunch more, cook as much as possible.  Stop buying things I don't need.  Win the lottery? 

-Try to keep a more regular daily schedule.  I have a bad habit of wasting time during my day, and then being forced to do a lot of my reading and writing at night.  This not only bums out the boyfriend, but it's just generally inefficient.  I need to try to get both my work and my school stuff done between the hours of 8-6 every day.  At least, I need to try.  (I have a 20-hour per week research job on campus, and am starting to work on my Ph.D. on top of taking a couple of classes each semester.)

-Swim.  Swim.  Swim.   I am not a good swimmer.  In fact, I may actually be a pretty bad swimmer.  This is mostly because I just don't swim very much.  So, I need to work on that.

-Maintain a 6-day per week training schedule.  I'd like to be doing something productive for my training 6 days out of every week.  Even if it means a 15-minute run in the morning or a 30-minute block bike trainer- something is better than nothing!

I need to do that also....but maybe a 7 day per week for me...if I miss one day it is so easy for me to fall off the wagon and not get back on

I need to find a training program and stick to it

2009-12-29 10:46 AM
in reply to: #2581219

Lost Wages Nevada
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
-Make sure I start every training session 

That's a huge one for me, and I'm glad to see you say it. The concept of "I just need to start this workout and then I can always quit (have only quit one work out early since saying that) if I feel like I need to"
This basic change of thought has saved many a training week or session for me. I like to tell myself when I'm tired, bored, or just plain done that all I have to do is swim/bike/run to there and then if I still want to quit when I get there I can. It's a great trick and easy to do....
2009-12-29 11:21 AM
in reply to: #2557541

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
New Years Plans:  NYE Playing music at party with neighbors.  NYD, 5k.

Resolutions:  Tri: 1) Ride the crap out of new bike. 2) Finish Racine 3) Sub 3 hour Olympic. 4) 4:15 Marathon.
Non Tri 1) Take better care of myself mentally. Illigitimi non carborundum and all that.  2) Find and maintain some sense of happiness; If I am not happy, no one around me will be either. 3) Out with the old--sell clutter. 4) Be best dad I can be.  5) Connect more with outside world.
2009-12-29 11:53 AM
in reply to: #2557541

Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
New Year's plans are still up in the air... need to commit to a plan sooner or later though i suppose...

New Year's resolutions on the other hand, I've got those nailed down:
1)get back to business with training and racing-- for me the training is really end goal, but I won't get the miles in if i don't have a race scheduled-- so, I have 2 1/2 marathons on the slate (and that's probably all the reg fees i need to pay for running events in 2010 since one was a bank breaking $110- ludicrous)
2) swim. swim. swim. learn how to swim so i don't hate swimming. meg, i'm right there with you on the swimming front!
3)6 days a week of some kind of movement is also a goal for me- I am thinking I should start logging the "little" things too, so that I make sure to get in a short run, a longer dog walk or some yoga on the "off days". I'm a slave to the training log, but haven't been logging days that are x-training or mini-workouts.
4) get the garden going early this year. we had our first garden in 2009 and I loved it! it was a great way to make sure i was eating tons of veggies (not to mention 300+ lbs of tomatoes that we ate, canned, shared, etc!)
5) get back on a low sugar diet. UGH. dreading this one as a true sugar addict, but it needs to happen, i know i feel soooo much better when i am seriously restricting my refined sugar intake, but it's sooo hard. especially once i start training again and "i'm going for a 10 mile run tomorrow, why not have 2 desserts..." rationale kicks in. so, starting 1/1 (or maybe today), it's back to logging sugars and aiming for 30G/day. wish me luck, i think i'd be better off setting a goal of running an ultramarathon than sticking to a low-sugar diet, but it needs to happen.

and what needs to happen now, before this threatening rain kicks in, is i need to get out the door for a run!
2009-12-30 7:15 AM
in reply to: #2582056

Champaign Area, IL
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
ChicagoMan65 - 2009-12-29 11:21 AM New Years Plans:  NYE Playing music at party with neighbors.  NYD, 5k.

Resolutions:  Tri: 1) Ride the crap out of new bike. 2) Finish Racine 3) Sub 3 hour Olympic. 4) 4:15 Marathon.
Non Tri 1) Take better care of myself mentally. Illigitimi non carborundum and all that.  2) Find and maintain some sense of happiness; If I am not happy, no one around me will be either. 3) Out with the old--sell clutter. 4) Be best dad I can be.  5) Connect more with outside world.

Are you using a training program to train for Racine?

2009-12-30 10:14 AM
in reply to: #2583494

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
jsoza - 2009-12-30 7:15 AM
ChicagoMan65 - 2009-12-29 11:21 AM New Years Plans:  NYE Playing music at party with neighbors.  NYD, 5k.

Resolutions:  Tri: 1) Ride the crap out of new bike. 2) Finish Racine 3) Sub 3 hour Olympic. 4) 4:15 Marathon.
Non Tri 1) Take better care of myself mentally. Illigitimi non carborundum and all that.  2) Find and maintain some sense of happiness; If I am not happy, no one around me will be either. 3) Out with the old--sell clutter. 4) Be best dad I can be.  5) Connect more with outside world.

Are you using a training program to train for Racine?

I will use a plan.  Thinking of maybe the 20 week off this site, tweak it a bit to fit in some things before Racine.  Would start that in February then.  Been doing a fair amount of stuff to keep base up.

Whatever I do, will pick the brains of those in the know in this group for input.

Taking delivery of a new bike next week, so with Jan/Feb on trainer, shuld be able to really dial in position, get accustomed to aero, etc.  Hopefully we will have some outdoor riding days ??
2009-12-30 12:52 PM
in reply to: #2557541

over a barrier
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
NEW BIKE! You better post pics asap

I wouldn't worry about riding aero inside. Its not very comfy, completely different feeling between inside/outside in the aero position.

I just sent my build list over to GAG to get ready for the built up. Its hard to think about riding though as the snow continues to fall in Chicago.
2009-12-30 2:55 PM
in reply to: #2584339

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
running2far - 2009-12-30 12:52 PM NEW BIKE! You better post pics asap I wouldn't worry about riding aero inside. Its not very comfy, completely different feeling between inside/outside in the aero position. I just sent my build list over to GAG to get ready for the built up. Its hard to think about riding though as the snow continues to fall in Chicago.

Lets see if i can do this.  Bike is in transit as we speak.  Packed and shipped by a shop out west.  ETA Jan 5, 2010.  Its a Kuota K Factor, 105 components. Got it for a song.  Its used, but, for me this is perfect and way less than buying first tri-bike new.

Hayes did you get selected for the GAG team?


2009-12-30 3:01 PM
in reply to: #2584721

Lost Wages Nevada
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed

Very Sharp!! Enjoy!!!

I don't know if your current setup has aero bars on it, but if not get ready for some "new" pains as the body and previously unused muscles get used to the new position (read lower back and neck). I used my indoor trainer and Netflix (online movies) to help with this transition....

Good Luck and have fun!!!

2009-12-30 3:05 PM
in reply to: #2584739

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
VegasJason - 2009-12-30 3:01 PM

Very Sharp!! Enjoy!!!

I don't know if your current setup has aero bars on it, but if not get ready for some "new" pains as the body and previously unused muscles get used to the new position (read lower back and neck). I used my indoor trainer and Netflix (online movies) to help with this transition....

Good Luck and have fun!!!


Yeah, currently have a road bike, Bianchi 928 Carbon, no aerobars.  Everyone I have talked to that has one raves about these Kuotas.  Its carbon, thats what I really wanted.  Anyway, figure there wont be outside ridin here till probably March, so I gots plenty o time to start getting used to position.  Trainer + iPod + Water = Family thinks your nuts!

2009-12-30 4:26 PM
in reply to: #2557541

over a barrier
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
I haven't heard back yet, given the holidays, I'm hoping they haven't looked at the resumes yet.

Sweet looking ride!

I just finished uploading and reviewing my Power file for Ironman Wisconsin, if anyone is interested looking at what I do post race.

The Downloadable copy that I'll post on my site is much higher quality and you can actually see the numbers.

Edited by running2far 2009-12-30 4:45 PM
2009-12-30 5:32 PM
in reply to: #2557541

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
Pretty new bike!  It will be a long time before I can afford to buy a new bike, but for the time being, mine suits me just fine.  I have been thinking that aerobars will probably be my next gear purchase though- seems like it would definitely help me on longer rides.

(And sorry to rub it in guys, but we're having tremendous bike weather right now... temps in the 60s everyday and sunny!  I love the desert.)

... I had planned on swimming today for the first time in a couple of months, but I got pissed off when I went to try to buy a new swimsuit and decided that I don't like swimming very much anyway, and I'm not gonna do it this week.  Lol. 
2009-12-30 6:00 PM
in reply to: #2557541

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2009-12-30 9:55 PM
in reply to: #2585091

Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed

melbel1038 - 2009-12-30 4:00 PM
  Don't worry you guys can rub it in this summer when I'm trying to run in the Southwest Florida humidity.  Its a little like running with a plastic bag over your head.

Ha, true enough- enjoy your perfect weather while you have it! (and now back to wishing there weren't 4" of surprise snow on the ground :-) )
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