BT Development Mentor Program Archives » cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed Rss Feed  
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2009-12-30 5:34 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed

Goal this year to do a few Olympic distance events and maybe a 70.3 and I have already committed to run my first marathon in NY in November for Team McGraw Charity (brain cancer victims)

Limiting sport is definately getting my rugby shaped body through the water

Dream job would be to get paid to elk hunt in the majestic rocky mountains

2009-12-31 4:25 PM
in reply to: #2575479

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Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - OPEN

I can finally chime in as the Co-Mentor of this group!  WOO-HOO!!!!

NAME: AbbieR/Abbie

STORY: Tri-ing for 5 years - 3x IM finisher!  I got interested in tri after completing 3 stand  alone marathons and 2 Avon Breast Cancer walks.  I always need a challenge and tri seemed like the next logical step.  I can remember training for my first sprint....I was more nervous on race day than I was for any of my marathons!  The moment I crossed the finish line, I was hooked.  Every year I kept going longer in distance and last year I completed Ironman Kentucky.  I thought I would be "1 and done" with IM, but I'm drawn to it.  So in 2009 I raced Ironman Kentucky and Ironman Arizona....PR'ed both races!!

FAMILY STATUS: Currently divorcing with 2 dogs

CURRENT TRAINING: I do something active everyday.  It's not always tri specific, but it's important for me to MOVE!  I currently run the Peach Challenge, have not had a white or yellow square on my training log since September 1, 2008 (the day after Ironman Kentucky). 

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I raced New Orleans 70.3, Vineman 70.3 (S/B only as I had a stress fracture and was not able to run) Ironman Kentucky, Ironman Arizona.  This was the season of PR, LOVE IT!

2010 RACES:  Tentative schedule New Orelans 70.3, Vineman 70.3 and possibly another IM.

WEIGHTLOSS: In the past 2 years I have gone from 33% bodyfat to 19%.  I tell myself not to focus on the scale, easier said than done.  I want to be 17% bodyfat in 2010!  I started taking pictures of my transformation in Sept 09 and post them in my training log/album.  It's a visual way of inspiring myself to keep moving forward.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I LOVE inspiring people and seeing the accomplish their goals!  Since starting my journey to drop bodyfat I have gotten countless PMs from other BTers letting me know that they check in on my logs for inspiration.  I never thought a few bikini pics would be so positively received.

I am no expert in tri, but I have been coached for 2 years and read a lot about this crazy sport of ours.  NO question is stupid!  When I bought my first road bike, I asked the guy at the bike shop where the kick-stand was!  I have also fallen off of my trainer 3 times!  I have the ability to laugh at myself, it keeps things interesting

Looking forward to getting to know all of you!!!  Rock on and Happy New Year!!!!

2010-01-01 12:31 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed
Happy New Year!!!  Let's get this thread moving....being on the second page....not cool
2010-01-01 2:28 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Akron, OH
Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed
Well, welcome to the group, Abby.I managed to roll out this morning and get a slow, cold, slippery, and icy 7 miles in. Planning a New Year's morning run helps me remember not to over-indulge.
2010-01-01 4:00 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed

Happy New Year!  Yes.  I agree, we need to get this thread going.  Where is everyone?  I rung the new year in with a 3 hour ride...felt great and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.  2010 has already started off right. 

Remember to stay active, ask questions, update your logs, and inspire.  Together we all can achieve our goals and expectations. 


2010-01-01 5:09 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
I think I would of went out for a ride today if it wasn't rainingand wet! I am thinking about going for a short run before the gators play.

2010-01-01 7:17 PM
in reply to: #2588215

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Fort Collins, CO
Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
You gotta love winter in CO.  If the sun is out it is awesome, if the sun goes behind a cloud (like it did during my decent out of the foothills today) it's like being on the dark side of the moon. Brrrrrrr.  Bagged the swim today, but jamming it in before my long ride tomorrow. 

Thinking about a new saddle for the TT bike.  Anyone ride the Fizik Airone Tri 2?  I'm also interested in those Adamo saddles, but I've never been a fan of funky shapes and cut outs.  Any opinions?  I'm currently riding my Felt OEM saddle, and I'm not sure it will be comfy for IM distance rides.

Happy New Year everyone!

Edited by garryowen96 2010-01-01 7:20 PM
2010-01-02 9:47 AM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
What type of diet is everybody using? I know I am not the norm and have been vegan for almost 3 years. Mostly because I like the types of food and feel great! Brendan Brazier has some interesting ideas on it.

Do you record/measure what you eat or monitor it by any other way?
2010-01-02 11:58 AM
in reply to: #2574061

Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed

I'm doing s/b/r so I can eat whatever I want.  I don't even keep track.  The only changes I've made are just based on trying to eat healthier and eat more "real food".
2010-01-02 12:51 PM
in reply to: #2589228

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
diet: S/B/R?
2010-01-02 12:58 PM
in reply to: #2589306

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
1. 2010 goal: complete first tri on April 18th (and if I can do it, find more tri's to do!)
2. limiting sport: swimming
3. dream job: ?? feel very fortunate to have a job

2010-01-02 1:02 PM
in reply to: #2589313

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
I'm still getting used to this site. I did receive your inspire (thanks!). I clicked on reply. It took me to your page, but I didn't see where I could type in my reply.
I guess you'll just have to inspire me again!
2010-01-02 5:28 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Happy Saturday!  Just back from a 4-hour ride, I forgot how painful a 4-hour ride can be once my Ironman endurance is gone
2010-01-02 6:36 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed

I had an interesting ride today.

At first it has a heavy 10-20 mph cross wind for about 5 miles so that was fun working my butt off and only pushing 15 mph! But just after that I looked to my left and saw, at a stop sign, a Bugatti Veyron then it and an Austin Martin DB9 passed me. Sweet! So after another 20min I see a little Yaris coming in the other lane but hear a rumble behind me. Right when the Yaris gets beside me a Harley squeezes in the middle and pulls the throttle almost making my ears wanna bleed then his buddy behind him does it too and almost pops a wheelie with his women on the back. I was quite annoyed for the next 10 miles or so!!!!!!!!!!!

Other that that it ended up being a pretty decent ride over all.

Here's the route I did a little more then that map riding to the route.

2010-01-02 8:48 PM
in reply to: #2589802

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Fort Collins, CO
Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed

No worries about motorcycles in CO for a few more months at least.  It was 14 ambient and 2 with the wind chill when I started my ride this morning.  My buddy just moved to IA (still not sure why) and the windchill was -28 there so I should stop whining.

I'm with Abbie on the 4 hour rides. . .been a long time and my legs were smoked on the home stretch.  It had also been a long time since I logged 3K ft or more of climbing which reminded me I need to spend more time in the mountains.

The countdown timer is posted. . .118 Days till IM St. George!  Woo hoo!

2010-01-02 8:57 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
I have to know. I can you northern people handle cycling in cold weather? My ride today was mostly 50-55 degrees F and my nose was getting flooded with grossness and it was pretty bad so I made a few stops to release some grossness and if I go a while with my mouth open I have to spit heavy every min or so.

Is this just me? I saw other riders today just wearing tights and a jersey and I tried but was freezing and had to go back for a fleece jacket.

I was thinking about getting a 'ski mask' but that seems odd when I see people walking around in t-shirts Embarassed

2010-01-03 5:03 AM
in reply to: #2590050

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Akron, OH
Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
I can run when it is freezing, I'll run to about -10 degrees Farenheit, but I won't bike.  Too cold and slippery!  But I'm not as hardcore as some.  
2010-01-03 11:29 AM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
The hardest part about training in cooler temps for me is that my eyes are sensitive.  They tear like mad!  I constantly look like I'm crying! 
2010-01-03 12:05 PM
in reply to: #2590634

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Fort Collins, CO
Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
I don't have the mental fortitude to do more than 2 hours on the trainer or spin bike, so as long as the roads are clear I'll always choose to go outside for my long rides. 

If you have the proper clothing it isn't too bad.  Yesterday's outfit:
sleevless baselayer
under armor cold gear
long sleeve winter jersey
bib shorts
long socks
neoprene booties
glove liners
windproof mitten shells
balacalava with face mask

I'm sure I look totally ridiculous, but at least I was warm. . .and I saw about 20 other idiots out there as well.  Surprisingly a lot of them traded helmets for a winter hat. . .not sure that is the best call given all of the icey/wet corners.  A steady application of the double barrel snot blow takes care of any nose issues. . .provided you move your face mask first.

2010-01-03 12:16 PM
in reply to: #2574061

Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed

I put "Diet" at the start of the message just to give the context, what I was replying to.

s/b/r is swim/bike/run, not a diet term.

Basically, I'm exercising so I can eat.    I'd have a hard time trying to keep to some kind of diet.

Actually, with the exercising, I am more having a problem getting enough good calories in.
2010-01-03 12:16 PM
in reply to: #2590680

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
garryowen96 - 2010-01-03 10:05 AM I don't have the mental fortitude to do more than 2 hours on the trainer or spin bike, so as long as the roads are clear I'll always choose to go outside for my long rides. 

If you have the proper clothing it isn't too bad.  Yesterday's outfit:
sleevless baselayer
under armor cold gear
long sleeve winter jersey
bib shorts
long socks
neoprene booties
glove liners
windproof mitten shells
balacalava with face mask

I'm sure I look totally ridiculous, but at least I was warm. . .and I saw about 20 other idiots out there as well.  Surprisingly a lot of them traded helmets for a winter hat. . .not sure that is the best call given all of the icey/wet corners.  A steady application of the double barrel snot blow takes care of any nose issues. . .provided you move your face mask first.

I call them organ donors!

2010-01-03 12:20 PM
in reply to: #2574061

Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
I haven't gotten out in the cold below 38F so I haven't had to put that many layers on.  It's definitely more fun to ride outside for long rides, but I've been doing ok watching movies and football on the trainer.

Running I found that going more than an hour on the treadmill is too agonizing, so i'm more willing to bear the cold.
2010-01-03 12:26 PM
in reply to: #2574061

Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Training question

So Sunday's are great days to do long bike rides for me.  But I am quite wiped out from yesterdays long run.

I definitely can't do a long bike ride at a good training pace, and I probably can't do a 1 hour ride at more than an 80% training pace.  I've been trying to build my long runs (today/this week would be a 145 minute ride).

My options are:
1.  Do the long ride at a real easy pace.  Does this really add anything?
2.  Just do a short ride.  Rearrange schedule.
3.  Rest.  Rearrance schedule.

I guess the crux of my question is, does exercising at a significantly reduced effort level add any benefit?
2010-01-03 1:06 PM
in reply to: #2590706

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Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
bartimaeus - 2010-01-03 10:26 AM Training question

So Sunday's are great days to do long bike rides for me.  But I am quite wiped out from yesterdays long run.

I definitely can't do a long bike ride at a good training pace, and I probably can't do a 1 hour ride at more than an 80% training pace.  I've been trying to build my long runs (today/this week would be a 145 minute ride).

My options are:
1.  Do the long ride at a real easy pace.  Does this really add anything?
2.  Just do a short ride.  Rearrange schedule.
3.  Rest.  Rearrance schedule.

I guess the crux of my question is, does exercising at a significantly reduced effort level add any benefit?

Long rides are typically done at a lower intensity.....building endurance.
2010-01-03 1:25 PM
in reply to: #2590702

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Akron, OH
Subject: RE: cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed
Running I found that going more than an hour on the treadmill is too agonizing, so i'm more willing to bear the cold.
My thoughts exactly!Biking with all those layers sounds like an expensive initial investment. But then again, we cose to take part in an expensive sport.
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed Rss Feed  
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