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2010-01-14 7:58 AM
in reply to: #2574919

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
I've been out doing work stuff for a few days, so I'm in catch-up mode, but I've got to jump on the "just sign up" bandwagon. I think it's easy to get intimidated by the thought of that first race, or that first race at a longer distance. 

I think someone here on BT has a tag line from Wayne Gretsky that talks about how you fail to score with 100% of the shots you don't take. I forget the exact wording, but you get the idea.

I end up going out on the limb and sign up for events that I think will push and challenge me, with my goal being to complete them. I'm not fast, but I never seem to be alone on the course. It's easy to notice the really fast, super fit people, but most of the participants are usually just like me. People who set out to complete and do well at an event that will stretch them.

2010-01-14 8:16 AM
in reply to: #2610883

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
waterbill - 2010-01-12 9:41 PM

I am back in the saddle after being ill for a few days – I think the training I was doing helped me get over the crud faster than others at work.   

I have not yet pulled the trigger either.  My goal was to do one sprint and 2 Olympics this year – but there is a local HIM late in the year (9/11) that has a fairly flat bike and run with a lake swim in warm water.  I do not know if I can be ready for the HIM.

What training plans have any of you used from the BT site?  Did you like it? 

I have been using my simple HR monitor watch for training, but it does not track and I pretty much have to stop running or biking to take a reading.  I have been looking at the new Garmin and use it to replace my bike computer. 

I am confused about the whole heart rate guidelines.  I know about website where you put in age, etc and it calculates the various percentages.  That seems a bit canned though.  Since I have been training I have dropped my resting HR from about 60 to 48 – my doc said it is a bit low now.  How do you determine your 70% effort, 80% etc?

Bill: here's a link to the BT  page that dives into the question of establishing zones for heart rate training.

I think it can be VERY confusing. I think some of the coaches understand things, but I'm not sure many of us mere mortals do. I use my HRM almost every time I run or ride. When I first got it, I was really hot to follow all the protocols and establish my zones and really use it as a training guide. But.....I'm too cheap to pay any of the testing services to do the zones for me, and I never really followed any of the protocols exactly. I know that when I'm running, a run that feels "easy" will have my HR in the 135 - 150 range. If I'm doing a really hard, race type of effort, my HR will be in the 165 - 170 range. So I figure that in HR terms, my zone 2 ends around 150 and that's where I try to do most of my aerobic run training. I think my zone 4/5 is anything about 160 or so, which is where I'll try to be at if I'm doing faster runs (tempo or fartlek type stuff).

Joe Friel has some sections on using HR in his Triathlete's training bible, which you could probably read at Barnes and's only a few pages. A lot of the training plans you see will either have you determine your pace by RPE (how hard it feels) or by HR Zone.

2010-01-14 8:30 AM
in reply to: #2574919

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full

Thanks Mark. I'm still planning on doing the Houston Marathon this Sunday. I'm shooting for sub 4-hours, which I think should be very doable. I've had a sign up in my office at work for the last two weeks with the race logo and my goal time in BIG numbers, so I see it every time come in or out. I put a copy of my sign in my album if you want to see it. The sign's nothing special, but I think the concept of a written out goal that you see a lot really helps you focus. My running mileage has been cut way back to taper for the race, and it seems like the taper's working cause most of my normal aches and pains have disappeared and I feel like I'm bouncing off the walls.

Anyone else have Jan or Feb races coming up?

Edited by g_shotts 2010-01-14 8:33 AM
2010-01-14 9:10 AM
in reply to: #2613379

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washington state
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
g_shotts - 2010-01-14 6:30 AM

Thanks Mark. I'm still planning on doing the Houston Marathon this Sunday. I'm shooting for sub 4-hours, which I think should be very doable. I've had a sign up in my office at work for the last two weeks with the race logo and my goal time in BIG numbers, so I see it every time come in or out. I put a copy of my sign in my album if you want to see it. The sign's nothing special, but I think the concept of a written out goal that you see a lot really helps you focus. My running mileage has been cut way back to taper for the race, and it seems like the taper's working cause most of my normal aches and pains have disappeared and I feel like I'm bouncing off the walls.

Anyone else have Jan or Feb races coming up?

  Good luck, Greg!  Our thoughts and well wishes will be with you!
2010-01-15 1:31 PM
in reply to: #2613379

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
g_shotts - 2010-01-14 8:30 AM

Anyone else have Jan or Feb races coming up?

I have a 12 hr MTB race in Warda, Tx Feb 16.  I'm on a 4 man relay team.  My teammates are pretty quick.   I hope to keep the pace established by our captain.  Feb 13 is the 1st race in the Ghorba - Short Track Series Spints.  THose are fun and it helps that I know those trails inside and out.
2010-01-15 3:20 PM
in reply to: #2613379

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Spokane, Washington
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full

Have a great race, Greg! Sounds like the taper is working if you're bouncing off the walls.

I hope everything goes well for you and you achieve your sub- four hour goal. Above all, enjoy yourself out there!


2010-01-16 10:45 PM
in reply to: #2574919

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
Good Luck Tomorrow Greg. Run your run and have fun out there.
2010-01-18 3:30 PM
in reply to: #2574919

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
Thanks for all your support. I finished the race on Sunday, but ended up finishing at 4:07. I posted a race report a few minutes ago with some of the gory details. I really wanted to beat 4:00, but life goes one.

One thing I didn't put in my race report is that I ran by a guy one the ground at about the 20-mile mark with his shirt off and a bunch of paramedics working on him.....full blown CPR......breathing, chest compressions, the works. That was pretty scary. I  checked the local paper, but didn't see any mention of hit, so I don't know if he made it or not.

Kind of helps keep my 7-minutes in perspective.
2010-01-18 11:27 PM
in reply to: #2620178

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Manalapan, NJ
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
g_shotts - 2010-01-18 4:30 PM Thanks for all your support. I finished the race on Sunday, but ended up finishing at 4:07. I posted a race report a few minutes ago with some of the gory details. I really wanted to beat 4:00, but life goes one.

One thing I didn't put in my race report is that I ran by a guy one the ground at about the 20-mile mark with his shirt off and a bunch of paramedics working on him.....full blown CPR......breathing, chest compressions, the works. That was pretty scary. I  checked the local paper, but didn't see any mention of hit, so I don't know if he made it or not.

Kind of helps keep my 7-minutes in perspective.

Congratulations Greg!    As a youngun who ran track and cross country, running a marathon was always a life-long dream of mine.  Perhaps someday I will attain what you have already accomplished ... perhaps not. 
2010-01-19 12:19 PM
in reply to: #2620178


Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
Congrats Greg! Its inspiring to see you start the season so early. Am just starting strength and swim workouts and will get back to the running this week.  

AM contemplating a HRM also - have been looking at the Garmin 405/705 since they pack in GPS and other bells and whistles but have to read up and learn a little more first. 

2010-01-20 7:24 AM
in reply to: #2574919

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full

Two weeks left in January. How's your month going? Are you on track with where you wanted to be at the beginning of the month?

I started thinking about this last night, and I've definately slipped up in a few areas. I hadn't been to the pool or climbed on my bike since my last tri at the end of October. My plan was to get back to the pool at least once a week and get the tires pumped back up and start riding again.

I've really been dreading going back to the pool, but I went last night and swam for 30-minutes while my wife was on the treadmill, and it really wasn't too bad. I took things really slow, and concentrated on one length at a time. Sometimes I put stuff off and build some kind of mental barrier that keeps me from actually doing things. Once I finally bite the bullet and get turns out to be no big deal. 

Unless the weather turns really lousy, I'm going to climb back on the bike on Friday!

2010-01-20 7:28 AM
in reply to: #2574919

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
I did read a newspaper clip that said the guy I saw getting CPR during the marathon suffered a cardiac event, and was resusicatated on the course. I was glad to hear this!
2010-01-20 7:39 AM
in reply to: #2610883

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
waterbill - 2010-01-12 9:41 PM

I have not yet pulled the trigger either.  My goal was to do one sprint and 2 Olympics this year – but there is a local HIM late in the year (9/11) that has a fairly flat bike and run with a lake swim in warm water.  I do not know if I can be ready for the HIM.

What training plans have any of you used from the BT site?  Did you like it? 

I've used a couple of the BT plans. Two years ago I followed the Beginner Half Iron plan, and last year I followed the Intermediate Full Iron Plan.  Those plans are both 20-weeks. The Beginner HIM plan recommends that you be able to consistently swim 40min, run 60min and bike 90min when you start, and bases all the training on time and RPE (level of effort). I liked the BT plans that I've used, and I'll use BT plans again this year. If you follow a 20-week plan, it won't really start until April for a September you've got a lot of time to work on base training before the plan officially "begins".

2010-01-20 8:46 AM
in reply to: #2574919

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washington state
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
I've loosely been following some BT plans for couch to 5k and now for sprint tri.  But I have been concerned about the fact that they are based on time rather than distance.  I am so slow that if I just based it on time, I might not build enough distance.  So I have always upped the workouts to make sure of distance, and just used the plan as a pattern for upping my workouts or easing off.  Is there any validity to my concern?
2010-01-20 10:11 PM
in reply to: #2623495

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Spokane, Washington
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full

Great job on the marathon Greg!

Glad that guy didn't die. Scary!

As for my goals this month, a cold has kept me from swimming much, but I'm happy with my walking distances and my strength training. I want to keep building on this base, then I'll add more swimming and biking later.

2010-01-21 12:30 AM
in reply to: #2574919

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Kaneohe, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full

Again, congratulations on the marathon, Greg! Great Job!

I'm currently using the BT winter maintenance program as a guideline to regain fitness. I'm planning to start on the 12 week Oly plan in mid-Feb. So far, so good.

I too have been having issues with my swim. I've never liked pool swimming as I have a strong tendency to get lazy and take breaks after each down and back. I also feel that my swim fitness is returning slower than anything else. This is probably due to not enough time in the water on a weekly basis.

To help remedy this to a small degree I am going to force myself to drive to the other side of the island and visit my old OWS haunt. Ala Moana Beach Park offers a great swim area sheltered by reef with a 1000M long swim area which parallels the beach. My goal is to go down and back regardless of stroke or time requirements. I need to start making this trip on a weekly basis.

2010-01-22 3:04 PM
in reply to: #2574919

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Sweet Home, Oregon
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
Congratulations, Greg! I'm afraid if I aimed for a marathon they might have to wait all night for me. But I have to say, a running-only race makes prep and setup really easy compared to a triathlon!

I'm right on track at the moment as far as training goes. I'm still doing the P90X workouts but this is my last week of FULL-BLOWN, hardcore P90X. My 20-week 1/2 Iron program begins on Sunday so I'll use the weight workouts to supplement the training and the yoga for those days I just can't do anything else. My hope is to maintain some of the strength I've gained but lose some of the bulk. One of my high school students interrupted class last week to say, "Hey, did you know you have REALLY big arms?" When we quit laughing the girls in class told him it was rude, but at least the guys thought it was cool!

I haven't been in the water since the summer but a few weeks of swimming 3X a week will fix that. I'm lucky in that respect. The biking is difficult to get in except on the weekends. I think I might just bite the bullet and do some spin classes to get me off the trainer. I enjoy running in the rain so that's all good too. Just slow. But at least I have a part-time running partner now.

I've been working with my girls in Physical Conditioning class on heart rate and the zones and some of them are really liking the idea of seeing their effort and having the ability to back off if the HR zone is too high for their goals. It's pretty powerful stuff for kids that just want to be fit, not necessarily competitive athletes.
2010-01-22 6:58 PM
in reply to: #2629521

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washington state
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
wittwerteach - 2010-01-22 1:04 PM Congratulations, Greg! I'm afraid if I aimed for a marathon they might have to wait all night for me. But I have to say, a running-only race makes prep and setup really easy compared to a triathlon! I'm right on track at the moment as far as training goes. I'm still doing the P90X workouts but this is my last week of FULL-BLOWN, hardcore P90X. My 20-week 1/2 Iron program begins on Sunday so I'll use the weight workouts to supplement the training and the yoga for those days I just can't do anything else. My hope is to maintain some of the strength I've gained but lose some of the bulk. One of my high school students interrupted class last week to say, "Hey, did you know you have REALLY big arms?" When we quit laughing the girls in class told him it was rude, but at least the guys thought it was cool! I haven't been in the water since the summer but a few weeks of swimming 3X a week will fix that. I'm lucky in that respect. The biking is difficult to get in except on the weekends. I think I might just bite the bullet and do some spin classes to get me off the trainer. I enjoy running in the rain so that's all good too. Just slow. But at least I have a part-time running partner now. I've been working with my girls in Physical Conditioning class on heart rate and the zones and some of them are really liking the idea of seeing their effort and having the ability to back off if the HR zone is too high for their goals. It's pretty powerful stuff for kids that just want to be fit, not necessarily competitive athletes.

So cool that you are influencing these kids to take care of their bodies now!  What a gift.
2010-01-26 9:14 AM
in reply to: #2623495

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full

 Hello all.  Regarding Greg's question about my training progress I'd say I'm pretty happy with what I've accomplished so far.  I started a 20 week OLY dist tri  program the last 2 weeks in December.     I'm at 90% of my planned training.  I've been pretty strict with making my run w.o.  It is probably the easiest to get in since we've got a treadmill at home, a gym membership, and a plethora of running paths, trails, and golf courses near the house.   Running is my weakness to I'm training hard to fix that.  Obviously I'm pushing too hard on the run since I've developed shin splints.  So…I'll not be running for the next few days and will substitute more swims and rides.   That is ok because I need to put in the bike miles as my mountain bike spring race series is about to begin.   The w.o. that have been missed are my long bike and some swims.  Since those are my strong areas I have not been too worried about those in this early part of training. 

I think the thing that has helped me most is writing the ENTIRE program down so I can get a two week look ahead.  This allows me to coordinate my training with my family obligations and planned races.  I can move things around as needed and prioritize my critical training days.  It is probably better to stick with a regimented routine but this works for me.  It is a balancing game and family comes 1st.

2010-01-26 7:47 PM
in reply to: #2574919

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washington state
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
Mark ---   Did you get to try out your wetsuit?  How did it go?  What kind did you get?    BTW  your log is set to private.  If you want the group to be able to see it and leave "inspires,"  it needs to be set to "public"  or  list all of us as "friends."

2010-01-27 9:56 AM
in reply to: #2636281

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full

Log should be good to go now.  I thought it had been set to be viewable by friends only. 

Wetsuit:  I ended up pulling the trigger and getting an Xterra Vortex 3 full suit. 

 Overall fit is great, even around the neck area.  It feels much less restrictive than my 0’neil surfing wetsuit.  I did not notice any motion impediment with the full sleeves.  It is snug, but once it the water if felt fine.  

My wife calls it my X-Men suit.  Superhero suit indeed!  I’m MUCH faster in it.  I did a benchmark 1000 yd swim  a week or two ago; my average time in just my board shorts (not jammers or tri shorts- but plain ol’ surfing trunks) is between 21 and 22 minutes.  My time with the wetsuit with the same relative perceived effort is 17:32.  I got anxious, wanted to make sure the suit fit, and got tired of waiting for the weather to get better so I tried it in the pool at the Y.  I felt a bit self-conscious wearing it in that setting and got a couple of double takes.  The only issue I had in the pool was it was SO FREEGIN’ hot.  The pool temps are in the mid eighties, couple that with a full suit and it was like I was boiling.   Hopefully in a couple of weeks I’ll get to try it outside.   

2010-01-27 10:05 AM
in reply to: #2637175

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washington state
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
cycleologist - 2010-01-27 7:56 AM

Log should be good to go now.  I thought it had been set to be viewable by friends only. 

Wetsuit:  I ended up pulling the trigger and getting an Xterra Vortex 3 full suit. 

 Overall fit is great, even around the neck area.  It feels much less restrictive than my 0’neil surfing wetsuit.  I did not notice any motion impediment with the full sleeves.  It is snug, but once it the water if felt fine.  

My wife calls it my X-Men suit.  Superhero suit indeed!  I’m MUCH faster in it.  I did a benchmark 1000 yd swim  a week or two ago; my average time in just my board shorts (not jammers or tri shorts- but plain ol’ surfing trunks) is between 21 and 22 minutes.  My time with the wetsuit with the same relative perceived effort is 17:32.  I got anxious, wanted to make sure the suit fit, and got tired of waiting for the weather to get better so I tried it in the pool at the Y.  I felt a bit self-conscious wearing it in that setting and got a couple of double takes.  The only issue I had in the pool was it was SO FREEGIN’ hot.  The pool temps are in the mid eighties, couple that with a full suit and it was like I was boiling.   Hopefully in a couple of weeks I’ll get to try it outside.   

LOL  - I bet you did get a couple of looks     I can't imagine how hot that must have been in the pool.

That is good to know about the full sleeve.  I had wondered if it felt restrictive.  I bet that when you swim in a cooler temp, you drop even more time! 
2010-01-28 7:07 PM
in reply to: #2574919

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full

To you more experienced runners in the group.  I need some advice:  I think I have shin splints judging by what I was feeling a few days ago and what I have read.  The one thing that concerned me is that I was feeling the pain late in the run and for a day after the run, so much so that I was hobbling around for an entire day.  . Most of the articles I read alluded to the pain subsiding as the run progressed.  My pain occurred late in the run and stuck around for a while.   The pain is isolated to my right shin on the “inside” just above my ankle extending a to a few inches above.   I don’t think it is a stress fracture since there is no residual pain today and my shins were not tender after the initial day of discomfort.  Thoughts? 

How much rest do I need?  I noticed a slight pain early last week that dissappated a few minutes after my run session.  Later that week after a 5 mile run on a hard surface the pain came on with a fury (Friday)  and stayed with me for a day (Saturday).   The following day (Sunday) the pain was not present while standing or walking. 
How do I work my running back in?  How much mileage do I cut back?  I’m not a runner so my milage is/was relatively low.   Obviously it was too much too soon for my body otherwise I would not be dealing with an injury.   

I will probably x-post this in the tri talk section too.

Edited by cycleologist 2010-01-28 7:12 PM
2010-01-28 10:07 PM
in reply to: #2641275

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washington state
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
cycleologist - 2010-01-28 5:07 PM

To you more experienced runners in the group.  I need some advice:  I think I have shin splints judging by what I was feeling a few days ago and what I have read.  The one thing that concerned me is that I was feeling the pain late in the run and for a day after the run, so much so that I was hobbling around for an entire day.  . Most of the articles I read alluded to the pain subsiding as the run progressed.  My pain occurred late in the run and stuck around for a while.   The pain is isolated to my right shin on the “inside” just above my ankle extending a to a few inches above.   I don’t think it is a stress fracture since there is no residual pain today and my shins were not tender after the initial day of discomfort.  Thoughts? 

How much rest do I need?  I noticed a slight pain early last week that dissappated a few minutes after my run session.  Later that week after a 5 mile run on a hard surface the pain came on with a fury (Friday)  and stayed with me for a day (Saturday).   The following day (Sunday) the pain was not present while standing or walking. 
How do I work my running back in?  How much mileage do I cut back?  I’m not a runner so my milage is/was relatively low.   Obviously it was too much too soon for my body otherwise I would not be dealing with an injury.   

I will probably x-post this in the tri talk section too.

My 2 cents for what is is worth:

I am not an experienced runner, but I have experienced that shin splint pain either after I have upped my mileage or if I have pushed my sprinting pace.
However, I have been a licensed massage therapist for 22 years.  My office is at the YMCA so I have worked on many athletes including some training for marathons and tris. 

For reducing the intensity and duration of the shin splints: 
Put your leg in as relaxed position that you can manage and still reach your shin.
Press along the inside of shin bone.

Move along bit by bit feeling for the sore spots.  When you find one (or many ), then press the tissue away from the bone (vs up and down).  Your fingers shouldn't really slide over the skin; instead push the muscle tissue below the skin.  Just hold it for15- 30 seconds.  The pressure should not be excruciating, but will definitely be painful.  Just go by your tolerance. 

After you go along the shin bone, you can repeat it and push on the tissue in the direction of the knee (pushing up along the side of the bone.
Also push up on the area just above your ankle bones, and downward right below the top knob of your tibia (shin bone).

Then move to the outside of the shin bone.  Here you press outward and then you can kind of hook your fingers and press in and under the outer edge of the shin.

Follow this up with a few calf raises and stretches, preferably standing on a step where the heels can sink below.   You should feel noticeable pain relief within a half hour.  You can repeat later if there is any residual.  Also brisk rubbing across the shin bone helps.

This is, of course, for dealing with them after they occur.  The experienced runners will have to answer the rest of your questions!

2010-01-29 10:34 PM
in reply to: #2641549

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
Thanks for the input Dee.  I'll do as you recommend. 

The shins have been feeling pretty good for the past few days.  I'll probably not run till after my race on 2/6/10.  I'll just stick wth the bike and swim training until then.  I will ease back into running soon afterwards
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