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2009-12-30 8:47 AM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

1. My 3 month goal is: learn how to swim well enough to begin the swim training portion of the Beginner Excercise Program.

2. In order to achieve it, I will do...

     a.Take swimming lessons at community college (Starts 1/19/10 - 10 weeks)

     b.Read/view everything I can about swim training.   Articles, DVDs, etc.

     c. Maintain strength and endurance training so I can be strong enough to swim.

3. I think the difficulty in reaching my goal will be: healthy fear of the water and occaisionally lacking the confidence that I can do it.


2009-12-30 8:58 AM
in reply to: #2582784


Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Thank you so much for including me. I am very excited about this group! Seems like a very fantastic group of people.
2009-12-30 9:06 AM
in reply to: #2582824


Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Good Morning all!1. My 3 month goal is to stay committed to training, get into the best shape of my life and have fun!2. In order to achieve it, I will, a. train 6 days a week b. watch what I eat c. stay connected to the people in the beginners forum 3. I think a difficulty in reaching my goal will be facing the cold. It is freezing here in KY and I really don't feel like running or biking in it.

Edited by girldetermined31 2009-12-30 9:06 AM
2009-12-30 9:29 AM
in reply to: #2582824

Show Low, Arizona
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
1. My 3 month goal is: To be consistant in training and lose 20 lbs

2. In order to achieve it, I will ...

a. Follow training schedule

b. Watch what I eat

c. Ask for help

3. I think the difficulty in reaching my goal will be just doing it. When I get stressed or overwhelmed, I give up.

Edited by twinstrimom 2009-12-30 9:30 AM
2009-12-30 10:00 AM
in reply to: #2578050


Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Whoops! I put my home work in my training log. Here it is!

1. My 3 month goal is:__Be able to swim 3/4 mile, run 5k and lose 10 lbs.

2. In order to achieve it, I will do...

     a.___eat right - 1800-200 calories per day, fueling my body

    b.__work with my trainer and tri coach, and take advice given to my by this group and our fearless leader! 

    c.___cross train on my own and read as much as I can to prepare myself properly

3. I think the difficulty in reaching my goal will be __losing 10 pounds and increasing swim endurance will be very difficult for me, I predict.


2009-12-30 12:06 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Daniel here...

1)  My three month goal is:
     stick to my exercise program and follow my Weight Watchers program. (Under 230 on 3/28)

2)  In order to achieve this, I will:
     a)  Place exercise and nutrition as a priority in my life.
     b)  Set small daily and weekly goals.
     c)  Tell people so I have to stick to it!

3)  I think the difficulty in reaching my goal will be:
     Fear of success.  I know the programs (WW and my workouts) work.  I have support from this
     group and at home.  The Shamrock Shuffle 8K in Chicago is 3/21.  I have run in this race every
     year for 12 years and it is Chicago's annual "coming out of winter" run.  I will be under 230
     (currently 248) when I run it this year!

2009-12-30 2:20 PM
in reply to: #2578050

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New user

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

1. My 3 month goal is: to train consistantly to be prepared for the triathlon in May and to not give up on myself.

2. In order to achieve it, I will ...

     a. follow a work out plan

     b. like someone else said, tell people about my plan to run a triathlon so I have to stick it out!

     c. make a healthy lifestyle a priority (i.e. figure out what foods will assist me in my training and  weight loss goals).

3. I think the difficulty in reaching my goal will be running. I need to develop a new relationship with running. As of today we hate each other. But I am not going to let that defeat me! And I also will need to work on sticking to my plan even when it is early and/or Im tired.

2009-12-30 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2578050

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Hi Folks. Sorry I'm late...lots of work.

1. My 3 month goal is to loose about 15 lbs while improving my physical condition.
2. In order to achieve it, I will do...

     a. Eat better
     b. Exercise regularly
     c. Hang out with you guys.

3. I think the difficulty in reaching my goal will be my chaotic schedule. Irregular hours...night shifts, etc.

Technical question: Is there a way to link this forum to my personal site (i.e. at the training page)?. That way I don't have to go hunt for it at the forum page (it moves all the time as new threads are created)

2009-12-30 3:29 PM
in reply to: #2583698

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Hi Marla...
Consider looking into the "Total Immersion" program. Google it, and on their website there is a series of 6 youtube videos (1 hour total approx). This guy has a book out (~ $15.00) with all the instruction you need. I'm just getting started with it, but already jumped from a quasi syncopal 200 yards, to a steady easy 800-1000 yards (in 10 days!). Still need to build up speed, but I hope that will come as I complete the trainning.
2009-12-30 8:38 PM
in reply to: #2578050

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Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

Hi gang:

Just checking in before crashing for the night. I can see ya'll have been busy today, planning your goals. Awesome work gang! Goals make us really think about where we want to be. Writing them, especially in public, commits us. I'm really inspired by all of you. You have such courage.

Just a couple of notes. Total Immersion is a great program. I'd love to take one of the classes, but I live in a map dot, and it's not likely. I have the book and love it. For novice swimmers, check out Ruth Kazez's website for some good tips. It's here: She has some neat artwork too.

I'll check in on individuals tomorrow. Remember to check your inspires on your logs. That's where I leave notes.

Tomorrow's homework is easy. Normally you won't get this much homework, but this week is the thinking week. Next week we start kicking a$$. Tomorrow is the last day of the year. I want to hear from each of you one success you accomplished in 2009. This is your inspiration for 2010, the thing that will keep you going when you don't think you can.

I guess you've all figured out by now that I'm a morning person, so I'm crashing. I'll check in early in the AM.

Til tomorrow....

2009-12-30 8:42 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
I've been holding out on my 3 month goal home work because I have so many goals I couldn't decide which one would fit best in the allotted time. My 3 month goal is to be doing the sprint training plan on this website. I will accomplish this by adding other cardio to my current plan to mix it up a bit; train even when I don't feel like it; watching what foods I eat.Glad to be part of the group. You are all amazing already. My obstacles are going to be making and sticking to a schedule and a boss/acupuncturist who just told me today, in response to learning I had mastered the treadmill and was actively running, "you should just walk. Those are both bad for your back. " Gee thanks for the encouragement! Maggie

Edited by poohsgirl724 2009-12-30 8:44 PM

2009-12-30 8:58 PM
in reply to: #2585309

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Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

poohsgirl724 - 2009-12-30 8:42 PM I've been holding out on my 3 month goal home work because I have so many goals I couldn't decide which one would fit best in the allotted time. My 3 month goal is to be doing the sprint training plan on this website. I will accomplish this by adding other cardio to my current plan to mix it up a bit; train even when I don't feel like it; watching what foods I eat.Glad to be part of the group. You are all amazing already. My obstacles are going to be making and sticking to a schedule and a boss/acupuncturist who just told me today, in response to learning I had mastered the treadmill and was actively running, "you should just walk. Those are both bad for your back. " Gee thanks for the encouragement! Maggie

I had to check one more time before turning in. I was updating my blog. Glad I came back. Maggie, you are so on track. Don't let anyone defeat you. Running doesn't have to be painful, or destroy your joints or back. You have to train smart, particularly as we all age. And you have to listen to your body. If you do that, you'll be just fine. And if you get a little sore, you've got help right there at work! . It just lights my tailfeathers when someone discourages a triathlete (and you are a triathlete) with the warning, "You're gonna get hurt." You're going to be fine, gal, and I'm gonna be cheering you all the way.

2009-12-31 6:49 AM
in reply to: #2578050

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Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

OK, you guys should be waking up before long. Don't forget today to come up with your success for 2009. I'll post mine later. We've done some headwork this week. Over the weekend I want you all to get some walking in. Find a way to do it inside or outside. Locate a treadmill if you haven't already.

Walking is essential to base building. You have to build an aerobic base to do even a sprint triathlon. Triathlon is the only sport I know that calls a 1 1/2 hr+ effort a sprint. Only elite athletes can do it anaerobically. The rest of us earthlings have to have an aerobic machine. We're going to build that machine bit by bit over the next few months. To train aerobically, you have to go slow. I heard you groan! We all want speed, but that comes later, much later. Even if you are a seasoned athlete, now is the time to build back your aerobic base. Long, slow efforts have the following benefits:

1. They burn fat! Each of us would like to drop a few pounds. If you go out fast with a high heart rate, all you do is burn the glycogen you have stored, not fat. It will be replaced when you eat.

2. They increase the number and efficiency of the mitochondria (the powerhouses of your cells), so that you can go longer and harder before you drop.

3. They have a lower risk of injury. I'll talk a lot about injury prevention. If you get a significant injury during your training, I'll place a bet you won't meet your goal. Injuries set us back physically and mentally. We all will experience some very minor ones as we go. The key is to recognize them and change what you're doing. You are all very successful, driven people. Your mind can push you farther than your body can ever go. We will build slowly to give our bodies a chance to catch up.

4. Long, slow can be fun. Your don't have to concentrate as much and your mind can wander.

How do you know how fast to go? A good rule is 180 - age is your training heart rate(HR). So get out there, get some 30-40 minute walks in and let me know what you heart rate is. If you have trouble with the walk or HR, let me know. And remember to stretch out, after your walk.

2009-12-31 7:05 AM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

Sorry this is so late spent all day playing with my kids.

1. My 3 month goal is:Train at least 4 times perweek and drop 30lbs

2. In order to achieve it, I will do...

     a.___Eat a balanced diet___
     b.__Work out at least 4 times a week (including weights)_____
     c.___keep a positive attitude_____________________

3. I think the difficulty in reaching my goal will be ________________________

2009-12-31 7:11 AM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

3. I think the difficulty in reaching my goal will be the cold winter and having a crazy work schedule.  Not to mention my 2 boys who want to play with a dad. 

I am excited about the new year and the challenges it may bring.  Looking forward to checking and seeing how well everybody is doing.


2009-12-31 8:45 AM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Thanks for the swimming references!  I will check out both of them.  =)
Have a great day all -- reach for your goals today!   Marla

2009-12-31 9:12 AM
in reply to: #2578050

Show Low, Arizona
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
I think my 2009 Success would be losing 45 lbs, for a total of 135 since I started.

2009-12-31 9:51 AM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
My 2009 success was actually getting up off of the couch in October and heading to the gym regularly, instead of just talking about it. 
2009-12-31 10:00 AM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
I am weekest in my swimming.  Does anybody have any workouts that I can do?  I have a real diffuclulty coming up with swim workouts.  Thanks for any help you can give me. 
2009-12-31 11:19 AM
in reply to: #2586202


Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
My success for 2009 was making exercising and eating right a priority again. For 3+ years, I pushed diet and exercise to the back burner as I struggled through some life challenges personally and with an abusive relationship. In 2009, I am strong and focused on making my life the best it can be. I am in a healthy relationship and I'm working on my own self esteem. Basically, I've recovered and gained my life back.
2009-12-31 11:28 AM
in reply to: #2578050

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
WOW- you guys are an active, inspirational thread! I'm probably gonna be a lurker, so if you have an opening once things get going, let me know and I will be happy to jump in!

Happy New Year, all!

2009-12-31 1:01 PM
in reply to: #2578050

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
My big achievement for 2009 was running my first 5k. I overcame the fear of being embarrassed to compete among a large group of people, and do poorly. It turned out to be a blast. Ended up doing 3 in a 5 week period of time. Improved the times a little each one.
2009-12-31 1:48 PM
in reply to: #2583698

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
mmgoldenb - 2009-12-30 9:47 AM

1. My 3 month goal is: learn how to swim well enough to begin the swim training portion of the Beginner Excercise Program.

2. In order to achieve it, I will do...

     a.Take swimming lessons at community college (Starts 1/19/10 - 10 weeks)

     b.Read/view everything I can about swim training.   Articles, DVDs, etc.

     c. Maintain strength and endurance training so I can be strong enough to swim.

3. I think the difficulty in reaching my goal will be: healthy fear of the water and occaisionally lacking the confidence that I can do it.


I took adult swimming lessons 4 years ago - best thing I ever did. I'm sure yours will help you too!
2009-12-31 1:51 PM
in reply to: #2586202

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
jwheat - 2009-12-31 11:00 AM

I am weekest in my swimming.  Does anybody have any workouts that I can do?  I have a real diffuclulty coming up with swim workouts.  Thanks for any help you can give me. 

If you're trying to build endurance, I second Twylite's recommendation for Ruth Kazez - she has a 0-1650 swim plan that builds you from doing 100m to 1650 straight in 6 weeks (or maybe 8). (I've worked through it before, but need to do it again after new years because I've been a swim slacker.) If you do a google search for 0-1650 swim, you'll find it.
2009-12-31 1:53 PM
in reply to: #2578050

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
My biggest successes of 2009 are 1) getting help (finally) for my depression and 2) finishing (albeit poorly) my first marathon.
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