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2009-12-30 9:45 PM
in reply to: #2585032

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group STILL OPEN!!!
daisymouse - 2009-12-30 4:15 PMApologies in advance for the long paragraphs; when I hit 'submit' all my line spacing disappears.My goals aredo my first OWS race, coming up fast - it's on more consistent in my training by getting up early and attending more club sessions, despite the humiliation.lose the final 7kg to get to my goal weight of 55kgKarri Valley triathlon in February
I'm anxious to find out how your race goes, be sure to give us an update. Scott

2009-12-31 10:11 AM
in reply to: #2578417

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Happy New Year's to everyone, and may you all reach your 2010 goals!
2009-12-31 12:09 PM
in reply to: #2585020

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group STILL OPEN!!!
Kate_r - 2009-12-30 4:09 PM Can I join if there's still room? Name: Kate Story: I swam a lot at school but never ran about 8 years ago I first encountered the idea of trialthons and thought they'd be great if you were fit and lean, I was neither. I love outdoor active sports like climbing and scuba diving but was pretty unfit. I read slow fat triathlete and that changed my world. I'm still trying to get better and running is still a chore but I hope that 2010 will be a good year for me. Family Status: I got married 3 weeks ago and currently am really out of shape so am looking for triathlon training to get me back into shape. We also have a cat!! I work away a lot so another goal for this year is to work out how to schedule training around travel. Current Training: I started 3 years ago but am almost back to square one and need to get back into it. I tend to stick to sprint tri's and endurance races but I'doing a 26.3 km running race in October so need to train for that. Weightloss: At present I'm at my heaviest and I need to lose weight but it's somewhere I've been before and I know I can get it down. I need to work on keeping it down as I love food and that plus the travel make it hard for me to stick to routines! Goals: Improve my running, especially distance, improve my cycling for a big race in September, loose weight and improve my core tone. Fingers crossed you'll have me! Kate

Oh, and congrats on the most important part:  getting married!  
2009-12-31 1:06 PM
in reply to: #2578417

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Happy New Year Everyone....I'm looking forward to 2010 and the inspiration we'll give each other to realize our goals!

2009-12-31 3:04 PM
in reply to: #2586586

New user

Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Happy New Year.  I hope everyone has a happy and healthy year and I hope we are all successful in reaching our goals.  My goals with respect to fitness and triathlons are the following:
1.  gain about 5 or more pounds of lean muscle mass by March or April.
2.  Improve my swimming this winter
3.  Start training both bike and running in April
4.Compete in my first triathlon in July (Sprint)
5.  Long term goal finish an Ironman

I look forward to being a part of this group.  I really need to get used to recording my training logs.  I'll work on that...

Happy New Year!
2009-12-31 5:21 PM
in reply to: #2578417

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Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Happy New Year everyone! 

My 2010 Goals:
1. Finish my first marathon (4/24)
2. Finish my first half ironman (7/18)
3. Lose 10-20 lbs.

General/Long Term Goals
1. Pay more attention to my diet/nutrition, both in general and in training/racing.
2. Stay injury-free.
3. Keep up my yoga practice.  It keeps me sane and helps me w/my goal of staying injury-free!
4. Have fun training & racing!

Good luck to everyone in 2010!  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone progress in our journeys toward achieving our goals!

2009-12-31 8:42 PM
in reply to: #2578417

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
a guid new year tae ane an a' ............ SlĂ inte maith, h-uile latha, na chi 'snach fhaic!
2010-01-01 1:23 PM
in reply to: #2578417

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Happy New Year.

I hope you've all had a good start to the year. I was out with friends in Glasgow City Centre until the wee small hours so have spent most of today pottering around the house.

I've just found out that the local Parkrun has been cancelled for tomorrow due to ice which is a disappointment as I was determined to make this my first one. Nevertheless my running pal has returned from a trip and I can run with him instead if the icy surfaces allow!
2010-01-03 6:42 PM
in reply to: #2578417

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Hi Daisy. Let us know how your race went today.
2010-01-03 6:46 PM
in reply to: #2578417

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
it's already tomorrow here ;-) The race was fantastic and I'll do a race report when the official results are posted. I had a great day - the conditions were perfect and I met my goal which was just to finish, without having to do any breaststroke. Feel so good today, that wonderful feeling of empowerment when you do something you never thought you could do. Think I've caught your cold though.
2010-01-04 7:30 AM
in reply to: #2578417

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Well done on the race Daisy, I'll look forward to the RR.

So how's everyone else getting on? Have you had a good 2010 so far?

I'm back to work tomorrow but am away again, thankfully there's a gym local to where I'm staying so I'm going to try and keep up the efforts while I'm there.

2010-01-04 8:27 AM
in reply to: #2578417

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Hi everyone.  2010 is here and it's time to start getting in the work to help reach your goals.  My first week of marathon training is upon me, but Mondays are cross-training days.  I got an interval workout this morning on the trainer and will probably get a spin class in at lunch.  I need to get rid of the four extra pounds I put on the holidays. 

Great job Daisy!  I look forward to reading your race report.  Kate, hopefully to gym you have access to has decent cardio equipment.  If not, you can always run/walk stairs in your hotel.  That will help improve the strength in your legs. 
2010-01-04 10:01 AM
in reply to: #2578417

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Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Happy Monday everyone!

I started marathon training last week, and I'm slowly easing into it.  I had a pretty good tempo run on Friday (New Year's Day), and my long run yesterday, despite it being REALLLLY cold out.  I was a lot slower than expected, and I'm not sure if it's because of the cold, all the added layers, my tailbone injury, or just because I hadn't actually been training since August (besides leisurely fun runs 1-2x a week and my half marathon).  It felt good training for a purpose again.

I'm following the FIRST marathon training plan, which has me doing 3 runs a week and cross-training the other days, with at least one day of full rest.  So since I had my long run yesterday, today is a cross-training day.  I have a workout buddy who I lift with 2-3x a week, so I'll be strength training tonight with him.

Kate - That's awesome there's a gym you have access to while you're out of town.  I'm so horrible at working out when I'm away! 
Daisy - Congrats on the race!  Can't wait to hear the race report!
2010-01-04 5:13 PM
in reply to: #2578417

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
The gym here's better than the one at home - it's in the same chain as my home one but I'm only allowed 4 visits a month. Luckily the hotel I'm in has guest passes for the same gym so I'm using them in case I come back later in the month

So today I've achieved two goals - stuck to the food plan despite being away and got to the gym despite getting here quite late! Go me!
2010-01-04 8:27 PM
in reply to: #2578417

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Nice Work Kate and Daisy!!!

Glad to hear everyone is doing well this 2010! I have officially signed up for my triathalon this year and am really excited to get the training underway. Right now I'm doing some basic Walk/Run/Core Strength to get back into training shape. Tends to get pretty boring because I know I can do more, but I want to take it slow to make sure I stay healthy!

Hope to hear some more good news from everyone else!

2010-01-04 9:03 PM
in reply to: #2593896

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
triwolfpack - 2010-01-04 7:27 PM Nice Work Kate and Daisy!!! Glad to hear everyone is doing well this 2010! I have officially signed up for my triathalon this year and am really excited to get the training underway. Right now I'm doing some basic Walk/Run/Core Strength to get back into training shape. Tends to get pretty boring because I know I can do more, but I want to take it slow to make sure I stay healthy! Hope to hear some more good news from everyone else! David

It's a good idea to ease into the training, especially since you stated you haven't done much since April.  No reason to end your season before you start it because of an injury.  Try and stretch your IT after you work out.   I like putting one foot crossed over the other then bending down - it works my IT as well as my gluts.  I also use a foam roller and "the Stick" when I'm sore.   

2010-01-05 3:20 AM
in reply to: #2578417

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
How do you use the foam roller and what for? I've seen a few people in the gym doing this but wondered why and what's the right technique.
2010-01-05 8:34 AM
in reply to: #2594259

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Kate_r - 2010-01-05 2:20 AM How do you use the foam roller and what for? I've seen a few people in the gym doing this but wondered why and what's the right technique.

I'm not sure there is any technique to using one (if so, I have been taught the correct way).  But if I have a sore area in my legs, say for instance, my IT band, I would lay on my side on top of the roller and then just move that sore muscle over the roller.  I just found this tidbit in an article on techniques:


These techniques are actually very simple to learn. Basically, you just use your body weight to sandwich the roller between the soft tissue to be released and the floor. Roll at a slow pace and actually stop and bear down on the most tender spots ("hot spots"). Once the pain in these spots diminishes, roll the other areas.

In order to increase the pressure on the soft tissue, simply apply more of your body weight to the roller. The simplest way to do this is by either moving from working both legs at once to one leg, or by "stacking" one of your legs on top of the other to increase the tension.

As you get more comfortable with SMR (self-myofascial release), you'll really want to be bearing down on the roller with most (if not all) of your body weight. As with almost anything in the training world, there's considerable room for experimentation, so you'll definitely want to play around with the roller to see what works best for you. Be careful to avoid bony prominences, though. (Insert your own joke here.)

One other technique we’ve found to be beneficial is to work from the proximal (nearest the center of the body) to the distal (away from the center of the body) attachment of the muscle. For instance, instead of working your quadriceps from top to bottom all in one shot, shorten your stroke a little bit. Work the top half first, and after it has loosened up, move on to the bottom half.

This is an important strategy because as you get closer to the distal muscle-tendon junction, there's a concomitant increase in tension. By working the top half first, you decrease the ensuing tension at the bottom, essentially taking care of the problem in advance.

Edited by sbreaux 2010-01-05 8:35 AM
2010-01-05 10:19 AM
in reply to: #2594607

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Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Thanks for the article excerpt!  I'll try that next time.  I'm trying to get better about stretching after my runs.  I didn't really stretch after my long run over the weekend, and yesterday I could definitely feel my IT band was sore.  I had to skip my planned lifting workout in favor of stretching & foam rolling.

I have a speed workout planned for tonight.  I was considering running outside despite the cold, but it was snowing this morning.  I'd rather not have to deal with running fast on slippery sidewalks in the dark, so I guess it's the treadmill for me tonight. 
2010-01-05 10:47 AM
in reply to: #2578417

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Aurora, CO
Subject: ---
Hi everyone,

Started on my swim training yesterday.  I was able to swim for 10 minutes with a short (10 second) break at 7 minutes. 

Question 1:  Is it normal that when you get out of the pool your legs feel really wobbly? 

Question 2:  How long does it usually take an average person to swim half a mile (for the Sprint)?

2010-01-05 11:54 AM
in reply to: #2578417

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Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!

Glad to see everyone is getting off to a great start to the new year and working towards reaching their goals! I've just returned today from an extended New Years/birthday trip and am rejuvenated to get into a regular training routine. The stretching tips are great - definitely something I need to take more time for. Hope everyone has a great week!

2010-01-05 2:25 PM
in reply to: #2595016

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: ---
scooter4867 - 2010-01-05 9:47 AM Hi everyone,

Started on my swim training yesterday.  I was able to swim for 10 minutes with a short (10 second) break at 7 minutes. 

Question 1:  Is it normal that when you get out of the pool your legs feel really wobbly? 

Question 2:  How long does it usually take an average person to swim half a mile (for the Sprint)?


Hey Randy.  I don't think my legs have ever been "wobbly" coming out of the pool, but have had cramps in my calves during extra long swim sessions.  I would say it is probably just a combination of using slightly different muscle groups as well not being an efficient swimmer quite yet.  My legs still get fatigued after long swim workouts, so I don't think it's something to be too concerned about. 
As for times, front of the pack swimmers can do 100yds in <1 minute, while I would say the average swimmer can do the distance in 1:45.  So maybe the average swimmer would be looking at a half mile time between 15 -16 minutes. 
2010-01-05 2:26 PM
in reply to: #2595265

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
hollybushellehill - 2010-01-05 10:54 AM

Glad to see everyone is getting off to a great start to the new year and working towards reaching their goals! I've just returned today from an extended New Years/birthday trip and am rejuvenated to get into a regular training routine. The stretching tips are great - definitely something I need to take more time for. Hope everyone has a great week!

Happy birthday and welcome back!
2010-01-05 7:58 PM
in reply to: #2594259

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
Steve...great article. Spot On!

Kate...I usually do the foam roller at home, but in case your gym doesn't have one...I actually use a small medicine ball....anything hard that you can put pressure on will work! Seems to work for me!! Good luck!!!
2010-01-05 11:15 PM
in reply to: #2578417

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New user

Subject: RE: sbreaux's group CLOSED!!!
OK, question for folks who live in cold areas.  As someone living in Southern California I don't have to worry about such things.  But this weekend I'm in NYC and I'm supposed to do a 15 mile long run as part of my marathon training.

I've got a hat and some running gloves and I think I should be able to figure out layers to wear but should I worry about anything to cover my face?  It's supposed to be in the 20's.  What else should I worry/prepare for?
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