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2010-01-07 8:47 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!

It is just stupid cold here.  High today was 27.  For North Texas that is just insane.  Tomorrow is going to be colder.

I do think that this week has gone by pretty quickly.  Tomorrow I have jury duty!  Happy new year to me  

Did an hour on the trainer today.  Was supposed to swim but without a car I am stuck in the house.  Fortunately Steve's jeep will be fixed by tomorrow. 

If this weather does not break, it is going to be a long weekend with a 90 minute run Saturday and a 2 hour bike Sunday.  That's a long time on the trainer and treadmill.

21 days till I am on a cruise ship in the Caribbean

2010-01-07 9:06 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Cornfields of Illinois
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
snow day here today with 6+ inches of snow overnight and then a LOT of drifting so no workout today.  thought of trying to do swim strokes in my bathtub Tongue out but decided against it.   I can't wait to get my trainer so days like these i can get on that at least.
2010-01-08 1:18 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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San Rafael, CA
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Well, I did it. I just registered for "The Escape from Alcatraz" on May 2. No turning back now. I feel like I am going to loose my lunch. For some reason I am more nervous about this race than my 1/2 Ironman in July! It is a 1.5 mile swim from Alcatraz Island in the San Francisco Bay (jumping off a boat with 2000 other people) an 18 mile bike ride out the Great Highway, through the Golden Gate Park (read lots of hills), and concludes with an 8 mile run with the infamous "sand ladder" coming up from the beach. All this means I will need to get out in the open water sooner rather than later. The current temp in the bay is 52 degrees and will likely be about that on race day. Thank goodness for Neoprene.

Today it is raining so I will be getting on my trainer and doing a "spinervals" dvd workout. After reading about 27 degrees in Texas and Snow in Illinois, I will not complain anymore about the cold here. It is 46 today, cold for a Cali girl, but not as cold as it is for you all!
2010-01-08 6:46 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Pensacola FL
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Took yesterday and today off. Low of 19 degrees tonight, and I live in Florida. WTF
2010-01-08 6:51 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!

I know..this weather is insane. Tomorrow morning it is supposed to be 13.  That is just not cool!

Today was a scheduled rest day for me, but I was planning on getting something done but the day got away from me.  I had to go to jury duty this morning. Sat around for awhile and then got assigned to a district court trial MONDAY afternoon.  So I have not been picked for the jury, but am in the pool and have to go back Monday.  My guess is that since jury selection is not until Monday afternoon than the trial will not start till Tuesday.  In a way I hope to get picked.

Tomorrow is a long trainer ride and a swim.

2010-01-09 9:28 AM
in reply to: #2587714

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!

Good morning and happy Saturday Gang.

The cold snap is supposed to be leaving up today with a balmy high of 36!  Whooo Hoooo

I will probably do my hour run indoors.  The one thing I really like about my gym (it is the community rec center) is that they have an indoor track.  It is short (11 laps to a mile) but it really does beat running on the treadmill. Also a 45 minute swim on the calendar.  I am really going to try to get that done.

Have a great day everyone!

2010-01-09 8:34 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!

Where is everyone today?

2010-01-09 8:36 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
So impressed with everyone!!! Way to go on the Alcatraz sign up- nothing like a huge goal to get you going!  Had a quick run last night- 2.4 miles in 27 min 3% grade on treadmill.  This weather does stink.  Not only is is cold, but snowy, melty, then icy. Fri, Sat, Sun generally pretty busy with teaching tennis and squash- I could really feel my shins and kness ache on the hard court.  Another 3 hours tomorrow, so I think I'll forgo the run, can't fit in the bike in time, so just strenght train.  had to walk through the pool area to get to the squash courts today at a local High school- OMG, it was so tempting!!! Can't wait to get inthe pool again
The college gym will be back open monday, so happy!!!!
I've never had a "real" swim training plan- I've done the BT couch to sprint (last year) and I think it just gave overall time/length to swim- no workouts- any suggestions?
Also- anyone know if there is an iphone app for BT tri yet? I just clicked to get an e-mail notification of a new thread posting... what is the most efficient way to get back to this thread- I'm obviously new to blogging too
BTW- Marcy- not sure if you are a Dallas fan, but coming from Philly, the Eagles STINK and Dallas deserves to win... I'm dying here watching the game...nightmare!
2010-01-09 9:54 PM
in reply to: #2587714

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Hiya! I'm still here...   today I went to my local supplement store, PUR Nutrition and they are having a sale and I think I'm set for protein powder for about a year, lol.  Friday night I did 60 minutes with my trainer and burned a ton of calories, yay!  Today I also bought a bathing suit for my first swim tomorrow, hope I don't sink like a stone, wish me luck!!

More tomorrow but hope everyone had a great day!  

Marcy, quick question, on the bike my heart rate doesn't get into any kind of real calorie burn zone.  How does it work for you?  Should I push myself harder to get my heart rate UP or should I just ride??   I definitely burn calories but it's no where near what happens when I run... 
2010-01-09 10:29 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Pensacola FL
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
45 mins in the pool today. Worked on using my upper body more than my legs.
2010-01-09 11:02 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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San Rafael, CA
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Hi All, my new Garmin with HR monitor arrived in the mail yesterday so I took it out for a run today. It was my Christmas present from hubby, but he just gave a me a "coupon" to order the one I wanted. I love it. I ran 4.5 miles today, with my dogs. When I load the workout you can see exactly when and how many times my dogs stopped to sniff to plants or pee. I averaged 11 minute miles which is pretty typical for me. I want to get that to at least 10 min/miles and would love 9! Tomorrow is a rest day for me.  

2010-01-10 9:17 AM
in reply to: #2587714

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!

Happy Sunday Gang!

Pam, it was a good game for a Cowboys fan last night. Funny thin is, I am born and raised in Cherry Hill, NJ, right across the bridge from you.  But, before moving to Texas 4 years ao I spent 15 in Maryland.  Growing up I was not a bog football fan.  Once I met my now husband, I became a pretty big Ravens fan.  So my game is this afternoon

Got some new running shoes yesterday so I figure I need to go test them out today!  Hour run on the schedule.  May run outside.  Still freezing but no wind so I may suck it up and give it a try.

2010-01-10 1:20 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Cornfields of Illinois
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
going to go get my new indoor trainer today for my birthday which is tomorrow.  I can't wait.  Going to take it easy today and watch the Packers win!!
2010-01-10 1:24 PM
in reply to: #2605770

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Pensacola FL
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
dodgersmom - 2010-01-10 9:17 AM

Happy Sunday Gang!

Pam, it was a good game for a Cowboys fan last night. Funny thin is, I am born and raised in Cherry Hill, NJ, right across the bridge from you.  But, before moving to Texas 4 years ao I spent 15 in Maryland.  Growing up I was not a bog football fan.  Once I met my now husband, I became a pretty big Ravens fan.  So my game is this afternoon

Got some new running shoes yesterday so I figure I need to go test them out today!  Hour run on the schedule.  May run outside.  Still freezing but no wind so I may suck it up and give it a try.

So you're not from Texas but you got there as fast as you could? I miss living in Texas! 
2010-01-11 8:37 AM
in reply to: #2587714

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Pensacola FL
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Yesterday: ran 2 miles (15:15), then immediately jumped on the Cannondale to take it for a spin for the first time. It was a good ride overall, though I just stayed in the neighborhood so I could get used to the bike. My thumbpad/webbing is not used to having weight on it yet. I rode for 24 minutes and did 6 miles.
2010-01-11 4:35 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Cornfields of Illinois
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
5k run on the dreadmill today...swimming tomorrow for the 1st time in over a year and then trying out my new indoor trainer i got for my birthday

2010-01-11 7:31 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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San Rafael, CA
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Happy Monday. Swam 1600 in the pool today (about 40 minutes) Just keep telling myself one stroke at a time, but keep thinking about 1.2 miles swimming...
2010-01-11 7:38 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Funny.. I use a dreadmill too!  Well- supposed to be swimming right now, but last night at the bitter end of my last lesson, I pulled a muscle in my back. MAJOR BUMMER. Hobbled home and been stretching, advil pumping, and heating it.

I'm going to try to ride the indoor bike tomorrow for 1 hr- light  and then go for an easy whirl in the pool to keep it limber. We'll see how it is tomorrow....Undecided
2010-01-11 7:47 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Pensacola FL
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
I hate treadmills, can't see how people use them unless its freakishly cold.Ran 2.72 miles tonight at 22:57. Keep it up gang!
2010-01-11 9:58 PM
in reply to: #2587714

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
I went for a 32m run today, wasn't fast or the best run but after a long day at work I'll take it.  Sounds like everyone is doing great getting out there!
2010-01-12 7:44 AM
in reply to: #2587714

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!

Big FAIL on yesterdays workouts.  Jury duty ended up not getting out until 5:30.  I knew the whole time that I was not going to get picked.  I was number 42 in the pool.  Iassume that after the voir dire they start eliminating from juror #1 until they get 12 people both sides agree on.  The pool has to be pretty pathetic to get to juror 42.  It would have been an interesting case I think.

By the time I got the bus to the parking area and fought rush hour traffic is was close to 7 when I got home.  Really did not want to do anything but lay on the couch, so that's what I did!

I will do an hour on the trainer at some point today (between meetings) and then swim tonight

2010-01-12 3:02 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Cornfields of Illinois
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
did my first ride on my indoor trainer today...only made it 20 mins and HOLY SHNIKES did i forget how bad the seat will hurt, need to toughen up the ol crotch to go further!
2010-01-12 5:30 PM
in reply to: #2587714

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Hi Everyone,
My computer at home croaked so am online at library. I have been training according to the plan.
I need help with how to pace myself. I start out fast and am exhausted toward the end of the workout. Dodgermom how do you count cadance on the bike? Also the stationary bike has heart rate monitor, what is an ideal heart rate? Mine was all over the place but steady for the cool down.
I felt fine though. I am running/ jogging for 5 minutes and walking for 1 min. Is this a good pace?
In the past I swam fast, biked well and then was tired for the run. I want to pace myself better any ideas would be greatly appriciated.
2010-01-12 6:56 PM
in reply to: #2610179

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San Rafael, CA
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
bulldog520 - 2010-01-12 1:02 PM did my first ride on my indoor trainer today...only made it 20 mins and HOLY SHNIKES did i forget how bad the seat will hurt, need to toughen up the ol crotch to go further!

I find that EVERYTHING hurts more on my trainer! You don't have the distraction of the road and the scenery so you notice every little ache and pain. I rode 40 minutes on my trainer this morning. Was supposed to do 1 hr, but spent the first 20 minutes trying to get my bike on the trainer. At 5:00am with no coffee yet, that proved incredible difficult! I got on the first try and my bike came crashing off and I was clipped in and was not pretty. Surprised I did not wake up my kids! Luckily our bedroom is 2 levels away from theirs and my husband was travelling.

Tomorrow I plan to run to the pool, swim and run home...assuming it does not rain as forecasted. If rain then pool and treadmill. I love being in the pool in the rain.
2010-01-12 8:06 PM
in reply to: #2610472

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Cornfields of Illinois
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
JeanetteJ. - 2010-01-12 5:30 PM Hi Everyone, My computer at home croaked so am online at library. I have been training according to the plan. I need help with how to pace myself. I start out fast and am exhausted toward the end of the workout. Dodgermom how do you count cadance on the bike? Also the stationary bike has heart rate monitor, what is an ideal heart rate? Mine was all over the place but steady for the cool down. I felt fine though. I am running/ jogging for 5 minutes and walking for 1 min. Is this a good pace? In the past I swam fast, biked well and then was tired for the run. I want to pace myself better any ideas would be greatly appriciated.

HR varies among everyone.  There are some heart rate threshhold tests that you can find online or even have been posted in BT forums.  I highly recommend you figure out your max HR asap and then work from there.  During my long runs i would stay under the 75% HR but on my short runs I wouldnt worry to much about it.  It really is true that if you train to be slow you will be slow so i recommend not worrying about the HR on every workout.    As for the 5/1 ratio thats great.  when i started running last year i was doing 3/2 and then 4/1, 5/1, 7/1 and finally i was doing a 10/1 for my last half marathon last December

what distances are you planning on racing this year?
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