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2010-03-25 9:45 PM
in reply to: #2747067

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Hillsboro, OR
Subject: RE: What else do you do/want to do?
What I do now:
(1) Work - somehow the bills need to get paid and my husband says he can't do it all on his own
(2) tri's: Only did one last year, but want to do 3 this year
(3) Scuba: Going to Hondurus for a week in Sept. Have been diving for 20+ years and an offshot of the diving is underwater photography.
(4) I'm on the board of directors of an animal rescue organization. We do mostly dogs and cats. I also foster dogs, currently have 3 foster dogs at my house, in addition to my own dogs (9 of them). They are my kids. Feeding time is always an adventure at my house.
(5) Read - but not as much as I'd like as I don't seem to have the time.

What I would like to do:
Quit my job and work with animal rescue full time.

2010-03-25 9:52 PM
in reply to: #2747067

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Lost in the Luminiferous Aether
Subject: RE: What else do you do/want to do?
So many of you like to cook I wonder if any of you live near me so I can come eat at your house.  I dislike cooking but I do make a mean apple butter, at least according to my husband.
2010-03-26 12:45 AM
in reply to: #2747067

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Subject: RE: What else do you do/want to do?
aside from the tri life i love

mountain biking
off roading

i would like to and plan to get my scuba cert

Edited by biggoofy 2010-03-26 12:46 AM
2010-03-27 2:35 PM
in reply to: #2749530

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Subject: RE: What else do you do/want to do?
kaqphin - 2010-03-25 9:25 PM This is a great thread.... got me all motivated thinking about it...

I LOVE cooking... specifically baking yummy things to feed people... no fun if its just for me! REcently ive made a few different types of biscuits/cookies amd cupcakes but im sure there will be more to come...

Hmm, I'm expecting some out-of-town guests to drop in later this afternoon.  I think you have just inspired a banana bread! 
2010-03-28 10:29 AM
in reply to: #2747067

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Subject: RE: What else do you do/want to do?
I need a new mountain bike - my Gary Fish Tassajara was stolen last summer. I would like to start riding our trails again.

I used to play racquetball - I'd like to find a partner to play against. The Y has some nice courts just 5mins from my house.

I would like to start skiing again; I used to go every winter. I went 2yrs ago; have plans to go in Dec/Jan as a big family skiing trip.

I would LOVE to sail.

Limited income = frustrated ambitions.

I have a set of golf clubs. I have no real desire to pickup the sport again, though I did enjoy the time I used to spend on the fairways.
2010-03-28 10:50 AM
in reply to: #2747067

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: What else do you do/want to do?
Aside from SBR, I keep busy with our small hobby farm.  It's only 28 acres, but there's always something to be shoveled, fixed, mowed or chased.  We grow our own hay and cutting/baling/stacking three cuttings a season is a challenge.  Aside from that, I really need to ride my lazy horses more often.  One is retired (31 yrs), but the other two could use the work.  We go camping some, but usually for races.  I think this year we're going to go camping just to go camping. Probably will be a bit of a different experience.  I'm also planning a garden this summer.  We have lots of space and I always get too ambitious with the garden.  Just need to be more vigilant about the weeds. 

2010-03-28 11:08 AM
in reply to: #2747067

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: What else do you do/want to do?
I show competitive dog obedience.
I have a huge garden and I can my own salsa/tomato sauce/jalapenos.
I just took my firearms safety course.
I read a lot.
I cross-country and water ski. Might give the wakeboard a try this year.

Edited by Silver_wlf 2010-03-28 11:09 AM
2010-03-28 11:52 AM
in reply to: #2747067

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Subject: RE: What else do you do/want to do?
My summer / Things to do :
a) get a job. Meh.
b) Cricket. I dont like cricket. oh no. I love it. Currently looking for a new team nearer home so that i can play every week instead of about 1 in 3. I'm a leg spinner / number 9/10 batsman who likes to hit it hard.
c) Bass Guitar. Started playing in my band again!
d) Triathlon. Going for a couple of sprints this year .
e) Football (soccer) . Keep playing as a goalie and being awesome at it !
f)coooking! I love cooking and keep finding new and interesting foods all the time!
2010-03-28 12:03 PM
in reply to: #2747067

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Rochester Hills, Michigan
Gold member
Subject: RE: What else do you do/want to do?

Cool stuff, peeps. I've always had a wide range of interests, but the last 5 years the ones that take any kind of money have been on hold. This year, the options come around full circle....

Stuff I'll continue doing:

- S/B/R, Travel, Cooking, my fave, period, Golf, especially with my 15-year-old, Water skiing, Jet-Ski, photography (Gotta grab a real camera, though), and go to concerts. 

Things that are new to me this year or next: 

- Season tickets to Spartan basketball
- Taking a brick and mortar store and converting it to an online store for my Scotsman friend
- Refurbishing a bianchi / campy bike (6 spd) from the 70's. It's gorgeous.
- Fishing - I'm going to score a small boat to take out on lakes with the fam, or maybe a canoe.
- Cyclocross - do at least a few races in the local Tailwind series in the Fall
- Marathons (2) - picking these up after 3 years off. Chicago, and NYC if I get in (c'mon, lottery).
- Skiing - used to go every year, I'll plan a trip west with the kids for next spring break
- Taking my son to Europe. 2 weeks, it'll happen either next year or the following during the summer.
- Get a condo. I want a home, not a house, and the Detroit housing market has precluded that for the last 5 years.
- Visiting friends. Need to make time for good people.

Things I'm going to drop:
- Netflix/movies. After years of trying to pretend I like movies, I just don't, except for a select couple genres. 
- TV in general, other than sports. Doesn't do it for me.
- Sleeping. Life's too short.
- Picking up more hobbies. I've got plenty.

Yeah, I know that's too much and it doesn't all fit, but what the hell. Give it a shot...If I get HALF of that done, it's a rich life, and I'll be all smiles.  Actually, I'm already to friggin happy. But still...

2010-03-28 12:17 PM
in reply to: #2747067

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Subject: RE: What else do you do/want to do?
Cool thread, everyone!

Like TriAya, I tango-- twice a week if not more often. I bellydanced for several years, and would love to get back to that (had to put it on hiatus due to an injury). I love to cook, and made kick- brownies yesterday in sheer frustration at the dreckitude of the papers I'd had to mark. When not marking papers, I love to read and write, both for fun and for my own research. When time permits, I'm an actor and write plays. Traveling is a fave of mine: I'll be driving from IL to CA this summer to do a fellowship at the Huntington in San Marino (anyone want to show me some fun training rides in that area?); I'll also drive up to Canada to see my family later in the summer and hang out by the lake.

Things I want to do: learn to scuba, skydive at least once, and learn to make things (wood, clay, metal, you name it). I spend a lot of time thinking, and want to spend more time DOING!
2010-03-28 12:18 PM
in reply to: #2747113

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Subject: RE: What else do you do/want to do?
Phoenixazul: Am I mistaken, or is that Glasgow Uni behind you in your graduation shot? I studied there for part of my undergrad, and think I recognize those buildings...great photo!

2022-08-03 11:30 AM
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Subject: RE: What else do you do/want to do?

Whoa. I popped in to search for a recipe Chris in Chicago once shared (porcini, radicchio and I can't remember what else).

I need a new mountain bike - DONE

I used to play racquetball - I did take up racquetball again, though I'm not playing now

I would like to start skiing again; I used to go every winter - Accomplished! We've skied in New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine. This year, I bought new boots and, skied in the Dolomites/Italy. We're returning next year.

I would LOVE to sail - Best of all, I learned to sail! First on a J30 then graduated to being able to single hand a Tartan 40 (my husband's). Sailing is my magic spot.

Sadly, I did not find the recipe.

Edited by Renee 2022-08-03 11:36 AM
2022-08-03 2:33 PM
in reply to: Renee

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: What else do you do/want to do?

Originally posted by Renee

Whoa. I popped in to search for a recipe Chris in Chicago once shared (porcini, radicchio and I can't remember what else).

I need a new mountain bike - DONE

I used to play racquetball - I did take up racquetball again, though I'm not playing now

I would like to start skiing again; I used to go every winter - Accomplished! We've skied in New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine. This year, I bought new boots and, skied in the Dolomites/Italy. We're returning next year.

I would LOVE to sail - Best of all, I learned to sail! First on a J30 then graduated to being able to single hand a Tartan 40 (my husband's). Sailing is my magic spot.

Sadly, I did not find the recipe.

Die, zombie thread, DIE!!!! 

I think you have the record for a non-bot resurrection.  And way to hit those goals!

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