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2010-04-24 8:28 PM
in reply to: #2814039

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Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
I feel great...though I haven't done the bike ride that I wanted to do this weekend, I DID start swimming this week, so I guess I'll take the victories as I can get them.  My knee was a little sore on Fri so I'm kinda taking it easy, but I still plan ride my bike tomorrow (or the stationary bike in the gym at the hotel).

As for weekend exercise -- I worked 1/2 the day Undecided and went on a 3-8 mile (I really wasn't counting at all) hike to explore some waterfalls.  Was very cool Cool, but not very triathlon-training centered Embarassed.  Bike planned tomorrow.

In related news, next weekend is my 1st triathlon of the season.  The swim is in a pool and the rest is short enough so I'm not scared at all about finishing it, though I'll by no means win it or anything.  I'm looking forward to it.  Should be big fun following my hectic work week (last week of the month paperwork). Laughing

2010-04-24 8:30 PM
in reply to: #2814039


The Neutral Zone
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
tzcoaching - 2010-04-24 3:11 PM OK - time for an update!  Weekend workouts everyone.  What you doing, what have you done, and how you feeling?

Weekend workouts:

Tomorrow I plan going out cycling... if it rains though, i will stay inside and do yoga and a core workout.

Today though was my recovery day. I did spend the day cleaning my room and de-cluttering my closet.

Edited by Hoelekengoeleken 2010-04-24 8:32 PM
2010-04-24 8:57 PM
in reply to: #2814039

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Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
tzcoaching - 2010-04-24 2:11 PM OK - time for an update!  Weekend workouts everyone.  What you doing, what have you done, and how you feeling?

Right now my weekends are pretty light.  I usually have a long run or bike scheduled on Sunday but Saturday is day of rest that typically ends up in yard work. 

Speaking of days off, I usually have 2 a week and that keeps me rested.  I look forward to my next workout more than usual after those days. 

My 1st race is about a month away and I can't wait.  Already looking for a training plan to follow this race and lead me into the next.  Tony, what's a good amount of time off between races?  What's too short, what's about average?

2010-04-24 9:03 PM
in reply to: #2814474


The Neutral Zone
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
mashmead - 2010-04-24 9:57 PM

Speaking of days off, I usually have 2 a week and that keeps me rested.  I look forward to my next workout more than usual after those days. 

What days out of curiousity do you take off?
2010-04-24 11:12 PM
in reply to: #2814474

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
@mashmead - It all depends on the distance of the race, your goals, and your priorities.  You can do plenty of races, as long as they are planned accordingly with your training schedule.  Granted, your not going to do well at all your races, but you can use a race as a specific, high intensity workout to get you read for your goal race.

For example, I did a mountainbike race last saturday, a sprint triathlon today, all as part of my scheduled training week.

Priorities your big races for the year, see if there are any ideal races in between you can use as training, and just try not to over do it!
2010-04-25 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2814480

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Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
What days out of curiousity do you take off?

I usually take Saturdays and Tuesdays off.  I'll do a brick on Monday and then again on Friday so this way I have a day off after each heavy day.  I follow the 13 week balanced sprint plan pretty closely right now.  I'm not smart enough to tailor a plan for myself yet!

2010-04-25 9:01 AM
in reply to: #2814582

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Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
Priorities your big races for the year, see if there are any ideal races in between you can use as training, and just try not to over do it!

Thanks, Tony.  Since this is my first season I think I'm going to stick with sprint tris and try to schedule them one a month starting end of May.  Maybe start an oly tri plan and work a few sprints into it leading up to the big day.
2010-04-25 4:14 PM
in reply to: #2797444

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Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
No workouts done this weekend.  I think I cam getting flu.
2010-04-25 4:23 PM
in reply to: #2815296


The Neutral Zone
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
diggerjr80 - 2010-04-25 5:14 PM No workouts done this weekend.  I think I cam getting flu.

That is not too good. Please get better.
2010-04-25 4:25 PM
in reply to: #2797444


The Neutral Zone
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
What does everyone drink for recovery drinks? and why?
2010-04-25 5:02 PM
in reply to: #2814039

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Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
tzcoaching - 2010-04-24 3:11 PM OK - time for an update!  Weekend workouts everyone.  What you doing, what have you done, and how you feeling?

30 miles on the bike (TNT group session) on Saturday, was supposed to run today but we have family in from out of town and spent the day walking around instead, so not a total loss.

Plan for the week ahead;
mon - 60 min swim (drills, etc., TNT group training)
tues - run, 4-5 miles with drill-work in the middle, TNT group training
wed - 45-60 min swim
thurs - brick, 15 mile bike/2-3 mile run
fri - rest
sat - ~90 mins biking (TNT group training)
sun - 60-90 min run

Feeling good so far - spent a chunk of last week traveling for work but managed to sneak a few runs in while out of town, looking at a much more normal schedule for the next few weeks.


2010-04-25 5:05 PM
in reply to: #2815310

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Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
Hoelekengoeleken - 2010-04-25 5:25 PM What does everyone drink for recovery drinks? and why?

At the moment nothing in particular for me.  Most of my workouts are short enough (< 60 mins) that I'm just having water while working out, going to be mixing in some various energy drinks on longer bikes/runs to see what works best for me.  In another few weeks once I'm set in my schedule I'm going to start paying attention to fueling a bit more in prep for the syracuse HIM and really see what works for longer times/distances and for getting calories in.

2010-04-26 7:37 AM
in reply to: #2814039

Panama City Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
My weekend workout consisted of:  Friday - Weights, Saturday - ran a 5K and about died with the 100% humidity, Sunday - biked 17miles. 

Over all, I feel great.  My rear is a little sore since I am breaking in a new bike.

The week ahead:
Monday - run (lunch), bike (after work)
Tues - run (before work), weights (after work)
Wed - run (lunch), bike (after work)
Thurs - run (before work)
Fri - run (am)

Next weekend will probably be extremely light since I am going to be out of town.
2010-04-26 7:53 AM
in reply to: #2815310

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
Chocolate Milk!  It's cheap and effective.  For harder / longer workouts, I'll blend up some chocolate milk with a banana and maybe throw in a scoop of Whey protein.  Works like a champ!
2010-04-26 9:43 AM
in reply to: #2815307

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Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
Hoelekengoeleken - 2010-04-25 4:23 PM
diggerjr80 - 2010-04-25 5:14 PM No workouts done this weekend.  I think I cam getting flu.

That is not too good. Please get better.

Thanks! Both my wife and myself started coming down with it on Saturday.  She is a middle school teacher and I think one of her students gave it to her.  The worst seems to be over, just want to be able to swallow again.  Still might try and get on the bike tonight.
2010-04-26 11:40 AM
in reply to: #2797444


Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL

Here is the training I am currently doing:

M - circuits &3 mile run

T - 50-60min bike

W - circuits & 3 mile run

R - 5 mile run

F - rest

Sa - 7-12 mile run

Sun - 2-3 hr bike

I still need to fit in swimming - I am going to get some coaching at the local YMCA soon.

My biggest problem is speed - I am so slow that it takes a lot of time to get my mileage up.  I hope that will change as I do more...


2010-04-26 10:31 PM
in reply to: #2816247

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
Hey Beckie,

No swimming?!  Sounds like you have a good training plan down.  How do you feel running everyday?  Most people it gets a little too much, and can be high risk to injury.  But there are those special people who can handle it everyday no problem!
2010-04-26 10:33 PM
in reply to: #2817034

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL

Your problem is speed - Is that during the swim, bike, run?  Yes, the more you do it, you will increase your endurance and hopefully your speed.  Once your endurance is up you'll want to work on some speed sets (intervals) as well, that will really get you moving!

2010-04-27 8:23 AM
in reply to: #2818592

Panama City Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
My pool water is almost warm enough for me to brave a swim (it was 74 over the weekend --- I prefer my water almost bathwater warm).  I will be out of town this coming weekend, but if the hotel has a pool I will attempt a swim.  If time permits, my friend Cheri will probably will get me out for some more running.

I might have to take a small break from biking (no more than a week) --- I am EXTREMELY sore from my new bike.
2010-04-27 5:06 PM
in reply to: #2797444

Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
So i have a question..when i bike its on a stationary bike and today i only had time for 3o minutes i could feel the burn in my legs so i kno i was working out but i just didnt feel out of breath or really that tired like i do when im running? Is this normal or do i need to increase my intesity?
2010-04-28 12:05 AM
in reply to: #2819063

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
@beckie - ahhhh, so you only like the warm water!  So what happens when you go do a tri and the water is cold?! )

Why are you sore from the new bike?  Is it fitted properly?  I wouldn't really take a break from it.  What's going to happen is you will take a break, feel better, then when you get back on it your more then likely going to be sore all over again...

2010-04-28 12:09 AM
in reply to: #2821629

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
2010-04-28 1:59 AM
in reply to: #2797444

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
I was in but now due to cercumstances beyond all increduality I am now OUT.

Good luck every one.

2010-04-28 8:17 AM
in reply to: #2821629

Panama City Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL

Yeah, I like warm water....that's why I live in FLORIDA!! Laughing

As for the bike....I really have to have a few days break.  The bike fits perfectly and I don't think it's so much a problem with the seat as me not being used to sitting in a bent over position (my other bike is a comfort hybrid).  My first "real" rides were a decent distance: 17miles and 14.5miles. While on those rides I think I put too much weight on the forward part of my pelvis due to not sitting in an upright position like previously used to; consequently I am very bruised in a sensitive location.  No bike ride today as originally planned, but I plan to attempt 17miles again on Monday...and you can be certain that I will definitely be trying to work on shifting my weight towards the back of the seat!

On other notes...decided to take a rest day today.  After my 4.4mile run/walk during lunch on Monday my shins and calves started to bother me.  I have struggled with shin splints on and off for quite sometime, but haven't had any real problems for several months.  However, I have noticed that everytime I take this particular path for a run/walk my legs bother me for several days afterwards (note --- I will not be taking this path again anytime soon!)  I will be back at the track at 0600 tomorrow for another round of interval training hell with my friend Cheri.

2010-04-28 5:44 PM
in reply to: #2797444

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, Arizona
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
I'm back! Didn't get any training in this past weekend, but I have a good excuse. I've been backpacking the last 5 days in the grand canyon, so I did get in 35-40 miles of amazing hiking. 

Haven't figured out my schedule for this week, was hoping to bike this evening before the storm rolls in for the next few days. Unfortunately even though it's sunny and clear out now, there is lots of wind, 25-40mph with gusts around 60mph... I don't think a ride would end well. So I guess the bike trainer will have to do in the meantime!  
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