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2010-07-02 9:15 PM
in reply to: #2945668

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL

@Synon - Be careful with the bike setup, don't want it affecting your back too much; that could be bad down the road!  Does your LBS do bike fits?  They might be able to swap someout until you find one that fits, without having to learn the expensive why by buying them all!

I personally ride with socks during my races.  It's what I've always done in training, so I'm comfortable with it in racing.  It takes about 10 seconds or so to put socks on, worth the comfort in my opinion! 

2010-07-06 8:48 AM
in reply to: #2959212

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Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL

I did the Tri in the Buff (Buffalo, NY area) Sprint Tri this weekend with my parents there to cheer me on.  It was their 1st time seeing me race because they live 1000 mi away.  Did alright overall, about where I expected time-wise which was good  especially after I cut my toe on one of the mats between the swim and the transition area.  A pretty good cut too -- lots of blood for a toe. didn't hurt too bad so long as I kept running Wink so it all went alright.
Then we went to Niagara Falls and a boat tour on Lake Erie a visit to Presque Isle, the National Aviary, fireworks, and all kinds of fun things....

But holiday weekend's over now...time to train for August... Cool

2010-07-06 9:20 PM
in reply to: #2962893

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
Sorry to hear about the toe!  How did you do overall / age group in the race?  Pretty happy with your time? 

August is right around the corner, time to train smart and hard!
2010-07-08 10:57 AM
in reply to: #2797444

Panama City Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
Hello Everyone! Sorry for the lengthy absence.  I just returned from a fabulous 2 week vacation in Montana and Idaho.  Weather was fabulous (i.e. cool and NO humidity!). I really really wished that I had my bike with me!  Lots of paved biking trails all over the place!

Not sure what my next goal should be.  I do know that I want to do another half marathon (Nov) and would like to do a metric-century followed by a full century (no time frame yet).  BUT, other than that, I am wide open.  Any suggestions??  There is a tri in early October, but I know that I will NOT be able to handle the swim portion (400m) since I barely survived the 200m swim for the tri I just completed.

2010-07-08 11:52 AM
in reply to: #2968251

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Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL

Beckie I can somewhat relate to your swim anxiety.  I recently signed up for an Olympic at the end of Sept with a 1500m swim.  I've done the distance a few times without issue but I'm not convinced that it won't leave me gassed and slow the rest of the race.

As far as goal suggestions, if a 400m swim is a challenge then make that your goal!  If you can do 200m then 400m is reasonable.  Go get it!

2010-07-08 12:07 PM
in reply to: #2968251

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Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
By the way, going back to my previous post about the Olympic I just signed up for I've got questions/concerns about the swim.  The race will be near my hometown of Dallas and that time of year Dallas is still pretty warm.  I looked at race reports and saw that 2 of the last 3 years the water was too warm for wetsuits.  I'm thinking about renting one and having it just in case.  Agree?

It's also a deep water swim start, which I've never experienced.  I would assume a buoyant wet suit would be a great advantage during the water treading just before the start.  How long are you typically treading before they set you free?

2010-07-09 9:03 AM
in reply to: #2797444

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Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
Been a little absent as well lately.  I did my first 10K on the 4th of July.  Finished in 65 minutes.  Actually my time was okay.  It was in the 90's and extremely humid so my goal was to just finish.  I have rethought doing an olympic Tri in August.  After running the 10k, think I am going to chalk this summer up to just improving my base and hit it hard next summer.  This year training has been to chaotic and I think doing an olympic is a little overzealous.
2010-07-09 6:04 PM
in reply to: #2968251

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
Hey Beckie - welcome back!

The half marathon would be good, you talking about Pensacola?

I believe there is a metric / full century in October out of Milton, you can sign up for that!

Let me know if you need help with the swimming.  I think I'm going to try to do a group thing and help out several people at once.  I was going to do a winter training session, but didn't know the Y closed the pool during the winter?!
2010-07-09 6:07 PM
in reply to: #2968520

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
Hey Mashmead-  if you think it's going to be too warm I wouldn't waste the money on a wetsuit you can't use.  You won't be out there for a long time treadding water - so yes it would help to be boyant, but I wouldn't really depend on it.

When is the race?  I would suggest you do some of your swim workouts starting on the deep end of the pool, tread water for 30 - 60 seconds, then do an all out 100 sprint.  Do several of these mixed into your normal swim workout; it will help you get ready and use to treading then sprinting like during the start.
2010-07-11 9:37 PM
in reply to: #2971808

Panama City Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
I think there is a reverse duathlon in late October near Perdido Key.  One of my friends has been talking to me about signing up so perhaps that will be the next near term goal, followed by the P'cola half-marathon in November.

Please keep me posted if you decide to do some sort of fall/winter training program!
2010-07-12 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2974206

Panama City Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
A few details on the duathlon: 9.2mile bike, 5.6mile run, 9.2mile bike.  I think it's Oct 23rd.

2010-07-16 10:46 PM
in reply to: #2974836

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL

Thanks for the details, sounds like it would be a good race!

2010-07-24 5:13 PM
in reply to: #2797444

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
Hey everyone!?  How's everyone's training coming along?
2010-07-26 7:59 AM
in reply to: #3002343

Panama City Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
Hey Tony -- training is not going as well as I would like.  The kids' activities are starting to ramp up and are getting in the way of my plans!!  Plus, school starts back next week which is going to bring on a whole load of additional issues (i.e. homework!).  Not quite sure how to combat all of this.
2010-07-26 8:22 AM
in reply to: #3002343

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Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
My training has really increased.  I've got my first Olympic race in 9 weeks. 
2010-07-27 8:12 AM
in reply to: #3004192

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
Beckie - Sounds like you got your hands full!  Try to get in as much as you can.  You can do some quality workouts in short time periods.  45-60 min of intense interval work should keep your fitness going.

And good luck with the homework!

2010-07-27 8:13 AM
in reply to: #3004244

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
Mashmead - glad to hear.  Good luck on your olympic, keep us informed of your progess and let me know if you need any help!
2010-07-27 11:09 AM
in reply to: #3006761

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Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
I guess I do have a question, Tony.  Since I really wasn't training enough for the Oly distance I changed training plans.  So far I have had no problems with the increase in volume, especially on the bike and swim.  My concern is on the run.  I'm a decent runner when it comes to anything in the 5k range but my average mileage per week is in the teens.  Next week the plan calls for about 4hrs of running, which would likely put me into the 20s to upper 20s, thus breaking the 10% rule.  Should I be concerned?  Skip one run?  Make one shorter?  See how I feel?  I think I've generally followed the 10% rule but I'm pretty sure I've broken it, too (actually I know I have, especially on the bike).  I could skip a swim and/or bike that week to allow for more recovery between runs.  I dunno - I'm open to suggestions. 
2010-07-30 10:19 PM
in reply to: #3007316

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
I would rather be safe then sorry, and skip a run to see how you feel.  You can slowly increase your training volume in the coming weeks, but adding it too soon like that might lead to injury.  And with your race coming up thats the last thing you want!

Rather then doing that many runs, I would try to do at least one longer run.  You said you are good at 5ks, but try a day where maybe you do 8 - 10k. 

2010-08-08 6:27 PM
in reply to: #2964782

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Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
On the Tri in the Buff (July 3rd) -- I did about usual in my age group...I forget but 5th of 9 or so is about average for me.  I was pretty happy with my time though was within 5 min of my personal best -- with the toe and more hills than my best time had.

More than a month later now I'm excited about racing in the Pittsburgh adventure race last week.  That one was more for fun than beating my personal best -- well...I say that now that I didn't medal in my age group (that time would've gotten 2nd in AG last year) mostly because it was an adventure race.  You can practice paddling -- but have you ever tried to measure your time?  How do you know how far you went on a kayak?  I suppose I could've used a GPS...but I figured I'd use the "do your best & you get the time you get" method on the kayak part.  Not bad though -- my bike was maybe a little slow...just means I need more long hill work (and to invest in a bike computer so I KNOW it's slow and exactly how much) and my run time was about 20 secons longer than I was trying to shoot for -- but that close to my goal I'm still happy with.

Now training up for my not-an-olympic-but-more-than-a-sprint long end of August race in WV at the end of the month.  Need to work up a little more distance, especially biking, from previous races but otherwise just need to keep up what I'm doing.  Cool  I'm ready!  Bring it on!
2010-08-11 9:13 PM
in reply to: #3030550

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
Glad to hear you had a good race!  Take it for what it is, you did the best you could and you had fun - after all that's why we all do it right?!

End of August is not too far away.  Hope your training is going good for the next race, I'm sure you'll nail it!

2010-09-02 10:44 AM
in reply to: #3038560

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Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
Been pretty quiet in here this month.  Thought I'd throw this out there.

My upcoming races are a sprint on 9/11 and my first oly on 9/26.  This weekend my training plan calls for what amounts to more than a sprint but not quite an oly.  I have a swim, bike and run and each of them calls for some time spent at race pace.  Since I have a sprint next weekend would a big workout like this the weekend prior be ill-advised?  

I have been itching to get out for another long ride, at least 2 hrs.  Weekends are the best time for that for me and if it doesnt happen this weekend it  likely won't happen before the oly race.  I guess I could do a long ride on Monday since it's a holiday...I don't know.

Thoughts?  Suggestions? 

How's everybody else doing by the way?  Anything big on the horizon?
2010-09-18 2:48 PM
in reply to: #2797444

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Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
Too late to give you any advice there Mash, but hope it went well.

Since my last update I have done my longest race of the year (an almost-olympic) which I placed 1st of 1 in my age group -- but more importantly shaved 45 min off of my last year's time.  I give the new bike some credit on that, but I'll take whatever credit is left-over.

Now (3 weeks later) I have my last race weekend of the year.  Ground was so cold this morning my toes froze waiting for my turn at the swim and didn't thaw hour until >1/2 mile into the run.  Brrrrrr!  How's everyone else doing?  You Floridans still got some races left, or does it taper off down South too?
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