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2010-12-26 1:46 PM
in reply to: #3261791

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Seren - 2010-12-26 11:33 AM hello everyone!  I take it everyone survived Christmas?  Yeah I ate way too much.   Just roll me out the door!  The snowstorm here in the northeast is kinda cramping my style.  Planned for a long outside ride but looks like I will have to ssettle for the trainer instead.   My husband got me all kinds of winter cycling gear for Christmas.  I guess I will have to wait til next week to test it out.

I am doing the Winter Cycling Progam here on BT.  Jorge puts together an awesome program.  This will be my second season.    And  I am hoping to get a XC ski lesson in this week.   My tri is less than 30 days away and I don't know how to ski skate!   My husband wants to take the lesson with me and since he has just started to work out again he is sore all over.  But I will wait for him...this tri is just for fun see if I like winter triathloning. 

Happy Training everyone!

Winter tri... Interesting, but it sounds like something I would not enjoy at all!

2010-12-26 2:15 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!

NAME: spottedcow – Carrie Tate

BACKGROUND: I had no athletic background earlier in life but, I ran my first marathon with Team In Training about 8 years ago.  I’ve finished 12 marathons since then, but started to get a bit bored after seeing no improvements (PR of 4:10).   I’ve completed only two sprint triathlons in the last year.   I see myself as a weak swimmer, relatively strong cyclist, and slightly below average runner.  Interestingly, I like swimming the best and cycling the least.   I just hired a coach (started about 4 weeks ago) and we’re working on maintenance stuff over winter and I’ve also joined the local master’s swim club, where I currently take a novice swim technique class.  In 2009, I won an unbelievable and expensive tri bike (Specialized S-Works Transition, Zipp 404 wheels, with a fitting) at a tri expo with the purchase of a $100 raffle ticket J.  I really have no business riding it but it’s pretty cool!


In my real life, I’m an emergency room veterinarian

: Married to an incredibly supportive non-triathlete husband (also an ER Veterinarian).  We have one dog – a geriatric three-legged Pit Bull.  He doesn’t run with me but he’s happy to keep the couch warm and he welcomes me home with wags and kisses.

: Winter maintenance in all three disciplines.  I basically do whatever my coach prescribes for me in a given week.  Right now, I’m working out between 3.5-7hrs per week.

: In 2010:  Door County Half Marathon (May), Madison Marathon (May), City of Seven Hills Sprint Triathlon (August), and Harbor Springs ½ Marathon (Oct).

2011 RACES
: Door County Half Marathon (May), Green Bay Triathlon (Olympic – June), Racine 70.3 (July), Ironman Wisconsin (Sept)

2011 GOALS
: Stay strong through training and finish the half and full IMs without crashing on the run legs.

: I’m 5’8” and 135 pounds.  Based on my past history, I feel best at 125 pounds, so I need to lose 10 by April.  That’s non-negotiable.  My nutrition has been terrible too, so I’m aiming for some major improvements during the next year.

: My two biggest fears are:  1) Finding balance.  My work schedule can be brutal.  I work primarily overnight hours with shifts scheduled between 12-15 hours long.  I work 2 out of every 3 weekends and most major holidays.  Medical records and procedures often extend the shift even longer.  On weekends, it’s not uncommon to work a 16-18 hour shift.  It’s completely impossible to train during those working stretches.  The flip-flopping between night and day hours is difficult too (especially as I’m getting older), but I’m not going to let my job prevent me from reaching my fitness goals.  2) Allowing anxiety to get the best of me.  When I worry about training or my job, the worry interferes with my sleep and it’s a vicious cycle.  My sleep scheduled is messed up as it is! I need to train well enough to have confidence about the longer races in order to reduce the anxiety.

A WORD OF THANKS: I appreciate your willingness to share your advice and experiences with the rest of us!

2010-12-26 2:55 PM
in reply to: #3261962

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!

:  2) Allowing anxiety to get the best of me.  When I worry about training or my job, the worry interferes with my sleep and it’s a vicious cycle.  My sleep scheduled is messed up as it is! I need to train well enough to have confidence about the longer races in order to reduce the anxiety.

A WORD OF THANKS: I appreciate your willingness to share your advice and experiences with the rest of us!

First off I think you should sell that tri bike to me for $105.  then you'll get e little profit and I'll get a tri-bike.

Anxiety can be a killer as you say.  The biggest piece of advice I could give here would be don't stress over it.  You have all kinds of time to train for, what I assume, will be your A races (70.3 and 140.6).  Don't stress about missing a workout here or there.  It's going to happen!!!!!  Accept it NOW!!!  In so doing you will be able to focus on proper training and remaining injury free.  Focus on a slow base build for the marathon and use it a slingshot for your HIM and IM races in the late season.

2010-12-26 3:33 PM
in reply to: #3261488

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Western PA
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN

ladlehaus - 2010-12-25 6:54 PM Hi, everybody!  I hope there's room for one more to squeeze into this group. Name:  Tom
Alright, I'll nominate myself as the one to sit on the suitcase to squeeze you in! We'd be happy to have you! Are you from the Pittsburgh area?

I am.  I live about an hour and a half north of Pittsburgh. The winter weather isn't making training easy, but I did get out this morning for a 4.25 mile run--my longest ever Smile 
2010-12-26 4:42 PM
in reply to: #3262031

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
ladlehaus - 2010-12-26 4:33 PM

ladlehaus - 2010-12-25 6:54 PM Hi, everybody!  I hope there's room for one more to squeeze into this group. Name:  Tom
Alright, I'll nominate myself as the one to sit on the suitcase to squeeze you in! We'd be happy to have you! Are you from the Pittsburgh area?

I am.  I live about an hour and a half north of Pittsburgh. The winter weather isn't making training easy, but I did get out this morning for a 4.25 mile run--my longest ever Smile 

Congrats on a personal achievement!  In a few months, a 4 mile run will seem like a piece of cake!
2010-12-26 4:56 PM
in reply to: #3262098

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
michgirlsk - 2010-12-26 5:42 PM
ladlehaus - 2010-12-26 4:33 PM

ladlehaus - 2010-12-25 6:54 PM Hi, everybody!  I hope there's room for one more to squeeze into this group. Name:  Tom
Alright, I'll nominate myself as the one to sit on the suitcase to squeeze you in! We'd be happy to have you! Are you from the Pittsburgh area?

I am.  I live about an hour and a half north of Pittsburgh. The winter weather isn't making training easy, but I did get out this morning for a 4.25 mile run--my longest ever Smile 

Congrats on a personal achievement!  In a few months, a 4 mile run will seem like a piece of cake!

I agree with Samantha.  Congrats on that 4 miler.  It won't be long before that's a tempo run and you'll enjoy running those 4 miles faster than you are now.  All of us have been there and it's great encouragement to look back at how much faster I have become since mt beginnings of running.

I just finished a 5 mile run myself.  I was a slightly harder effort than I planned but it felt really good.  After the workouts from yesterday I was planning on some slower stuff but the chill got to me and I was comfortable.  Another thing I did that I don't usually do was not focus on my Garmin.  Usually I am constantly aware of my current pace and HR.  Today I decided to just run as I felt and it was great.

BTW Samantha, I am planning on using the swim workout you posted sometime this week.  I am not sure which day but I will use it.  I hope it kicks my tail but not to bad.  I want to get 3 swims in this week and I have to get them in Mon, Tues, and Wed because the pool is closed the rest of the week.

2010-12-26 4:59 PM
in reply to: #3262031

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
ladlehaus - 2010-12-26 4:33 PM

ladlehaus - 2010-12-25 6:54 PM but I did get out this morning for a 4.25 mile run--my longest ever Smile 
Great job Tom!
2010-12-26 5:09 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Pineville, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Wow... I barely got home today from a vacation in FL... big storm in the Northeast tonight. Here's my bio....

NAME: roserc - Rob

BACKGROUND: I've always been a team sport kind of athlete. I've been an ice hockey goalie since high school - no endurance sports. In 1996 I went to the Doctor with what I thought was symptoms of a chest cold and found out that I had heart disease. I had angioplasty for a 95% blockage of my right coronary artery. I immediately lost about 30 pounds and began a strict low-fat diet. I continue to stay close to the diet, but I'm not as strict as I used to be.
As a result of the heart disease, exercise is very important to me. Last year I decided to try a local sprint triatlon with my two sons. We had a lot of fun and since I had trained, I decided to do another later in the summer. Aftet that, I decided that I wanted to train through the winter to see how much better I could do next summer.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 23 years to a very supportive wife. Two boys ages 18 and 20.

: Trying to increase volume, but having issues with my left knee. I had three surgeries on the knee about 20 years ago - two to repair a torn menuscus and the last one to remove it since the repair was not working. I ran without problems from last May to October, but then on a long run I started to have issues. I think I increased my time too quickly. I swimm pretty regularly and just got rollers for christmas so I can ride through the winter. I do spin classes as well.
I seem to do pretty well on the swim and the bike, but everyone passes me on the run.

2010 RACES
: Ellington Sprint Triathlon in CT in July, and Staten Island Sprint Traithlon in late August

2011 RACES
: Pat Griskus Olympic in June, Ellington again in July... not sure after that yet, but I'd like to do at least one more sprint.

2011 GOALS: Stay healthy and get better on the run without knee problems.

: I'm 6' and 173lbs.  I’ve lost about 10 pounds since I started tri training, so I don't really want to lose any more.  As I mentioned earlier, my heart history forces me to be pretty careful about what I eat. Heart disease is a major lifestyle change motivator.

I'm looking forward to getting motivated and sharing when I can!

2010-12-26 6:14 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!

NAME: bfwhitt - Bruce Whittemore - NJ

BACKGROUND: I may be the old man of the group, just hit the big 50 !! Most days I feel like I am in my 30's but there are those days that 50 seems about right, but thank God they are few and far between.... for now. I have always been involved in some type of sports. Played Lacrosse in HS, and have always tried to stay in some kind of shape. Played some over 30 soccer, hockey, and just ended a long softball career. Work from home and loving it, so my training can be very flexible. Strength is running, not a bad swimmer(swam growing up) but have a mental block certainly do not enjoy it like others do, do ok on the bike would like to get a lot better...

FAMILY STATUS: Married 26 years, 3 children, 19, 21, 23 (Girl, Girl, Boy), all very supportive of my training, all still living at home, but going to college.

: Mostly weight training right now, but have been doing some trail running and trying to get back into the pool, nothing on the bike for several months. I plan to pick up one of the BT training programs any day. Waiting until Jan 2 to get serious.

: In 2010:  on my profile, but short version, 2 Sprints, and two winter trail runs, 2009 did my first Sprint and several runs

2011 RACES
: Sprint in April, Oly in July(A-Race), Sprint in early October

2011 GOALS
: Beat last years times on all races, and finish an Oly 

WEIGHT-LOSS: I’m 5’10” and 168 pounds. Gained about 5 pounds over the past month, my perfect weight is between 160- 163, need to cut out the sugar and white starches, that should melt off the pounds quickly along with the increased training

: I am definitely having a mental block to get motivated this year. I have been struggling in my head with dedicating myself to this training. I have been considering a second career which would entail going back to can I get it all done?....I like feeling as good as I did last year when I was in the best shape of my life, but have a mental block and need to make some decisions. I can make it all happen if I start getting up early.....but I hate getting up early.... so my hope is that I can balance my life and make it all fear is that I do not get either of them done....some serious meditation and prayer over the next week....

Either way I will be training this count me in...look forward to getting to know you all.......

2010-12-26 8:26 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Western PA
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Thanks, everyone.  That's one thing I loved about starting training last spring/summer. Virtually every time I went to the pool I swam farther than I ever had before. Now every long run I do is just a little bit longer than I've ever run before. 
2010-12-27 11:40 AM
in reply to: #3256240

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!

NAME: dhopman - Dave - Santa Clara, CA

BACKGROUND: I do tri's for the challenge, the healthy lifestyle, the discipline, the sportsmanship, and the friendships.

28 years old, from a swimming/water polo background. I started swimming very young in rec league (4 yo). I was good but not THAT fast. In high school I discovered water polo which I excelled at. Played year-round, went to junior olympics twice, eventually played collegiate level. Post-college, I started with OWS, then started some short running races, then did my first sprint tri. I followed that up with an Oly. In 2006 I started my MBA which killed my multi-sport carreer for a few years. I got back into it in 2009 with a heavy run focus (I'm a fish out of water). Some MBA buddies of mine decided to make a friendly competition out of it, as we were all interested in getting back in shape. We did an Oly, followed by a HIM in July. In October I did my first marathon. The same group of guys convinced me to shoot for my first Ironman - which we're doing in May - IMTX!

FAMILY STATUS: Engaged - getting married in July!

: Since the full mary in October, haven't been doing squat. I'm working super long hours at the office on a proposal but that should be over very soon, then it's on to my Ironman training.

: Wildflower Oly, Vineman HIM (5:38), SJ RnR Half Marathon (1:39 - PR), SV Marathon (3:40 - 1st marathon), Morgan Hill Half Marathon (1:50 pacer)

2011 RACES
: Ironman Texas, probably will do SJ RnR Half Marathon and try to beat my PR from 2010

2011 GOALS
: Train smart and complete Ironman Texas healthy (have had some knee problems) - no hard target for time yet...I'm thinking 12 hours or better? No idea... 

WEIGHT-LOSS: I'm 6'4", maybe 180 right now. I'll probably drop back to 170 with the Ironman training which is where I was for Vineman.

: I really need my knees to stay healthy. This will be an intense 5 months of training for IMTX and I can't afford any injuries. With the wedding coming up, I also need to be smart about balancing my time. The Lady is super supportive but she shouldn't have to do everything on her own.

I hope I can help some people on this thread with the swimming, or with general newbie questions. I'm hoping to get lots of motivation to stay on top of my training plan, and maybe even learn a thing or two from some of you runners out there. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you!

Edited by dhopman 2010-12-27 5:24 PM

2010-12-27 12:44 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Nice work on the run Tom. Like others have said, soon enough 4 miles will fly by!
2010-12-27 2:13 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
I'm off to work folks... hope everyone has a great day training, hopefully when I get done closing the bar at 10 there will be TONS of updates for me to respond to! ...

For my training, I'm going to hit the trainer up after I get home. Lack of motivation combined with the mess of presents just inside my door that I had to put away put a hold on my afternoon workout... Well, and sleeping til 1:30 doesn't help!
2010-12-27 3:29 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Hey - I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday and managed to get in some good workouts!  I have a bike trainer question today.  I just noticed that my trainer has rubbed off most of the tread on my rear tire.  I'm assuming this shouldn't happen, especially since I've only used the trainer about 7 hours this month.  I wondered if the trainer was too snug against the rear wheel.. however, if I loosen the tension, the bike spins too easily and I can't do anything with resistance in a low cadence even in the highest gear.  Make sense?  The trainer is really old.  My husband bought it probably 10 years ago or so.  Let me know if anyone has thoughts or suggestions.  Thanks!
2010-12-27 3:36 PM
in reply to: #3262900

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!

congrats on the engagement!

whew, I didn't log on for a whole day and I am trying to catch up on all the reading in here! I am excited about this group.  Thanks to our mentor for the thread subscribe info! I think that will help me keep up with new posts.  I have fallen off the insanity wagon, I have missed two whole workouts, I swore I'd get caught up today (and I still might) but mornings are best for me since I am raising two girls and one of those is a handful (almost 2!) but I guess i needed my rest.

For those that are new to swimming I strongly recommend finding a swim coach or a mastors program, it took me from barely swimming 200 yrds without dying to swimming a mile strong in about 3 months.  technique technique technique.

I need to find a cheap trainer to set up in my living room or even on my porch, cycling is my WEAKEST link, though in my very small sprint tri experience, I've done really well with my cheap lil road bike but the weather here is miserable cold and I can't seem to get enough layers or even the right layers, there is almost always a wind here at least 10mph but normally around 15-20.

oh yeah I am in the OK panhandle near guymon ok. 

2010-12-27 3:49 PM
in reply to: #3261336

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
DirkP - 2010-12-25 4:13 PM Jayne,

Congrats on the desire to get into better shape.  Tri training will definitely get you there.

Make sure you take your time getting into the running.  It will make a huge difference in maintaining an injury free body.  I would recommend keeping a similar low intensity training plan and a very slow base building program.  Make sure you log all of your workouts and that your logs are viewable at least to your friends/mentor group.  This will help all of us provide input into your training.

As far as the swimming, take it seriously as this discipline is the one you can't just stop doing during a race.  If you are real new to swimming try doing a lot of drills that can be found on and use them a lot.  Probably one of the biggest things that will help with body positioning is your head.  Look at the bottom of the pool when swimming and don't raise your head when you turn to breath.  When you keep your head low and only turn your head you are able to hold your body in a straighter, more "level" position making your body more hydrodynamic or cause lees drag.

It looks like there are several people in this group from Indiana.  Where is everyone from?  I am in ft. Wayne In. as my profile states.

Dirk and everyone else,

Thanks for the info and the goswimtv link.  I'm trying to take the running thing slow.  I'm doing walk/run intervals.  I truly just started about 10 days ago.  I'm walking 7 minutes to warm up then running 2 min/ walking 5/ etc.   After a couple weeks, should I increase the run time, reduce the walk time, or both?  I know I want to take it slow (10% rule).  

Also:  I've been doing a back-to-back bike ride/run once a week.  Do you think this a good idea? It feels ok while I'm doing it.

Here's a question:  When I log my running time/pace on my training log should I exclude my warm up and cool down?  It makes me look even slower than I already am!  LOL  

Swimming:  I feel like a have a pretty good grip on the "head position" and I can turn my head to breath (to either side) without lifting it out of the water.  When I get back to the pool in January, I want to focus on a relaxed pace and breathing.  I don't know if I'm swimming too fast, not inhaling and exhaling correctly, or just not in good enough condition, but I get winded and have to stop for a bit to catch my breath after 50 yards.   Anyway, there seem to be a lot of experienced swimmers here, so let me have your suggestions.  

P.S. Goshen, IN

2010-12-27 4:47 PM
in reply to: #3263251

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
jfought - 2010-12-27 1:49 PM
DirkP - 2010-12-25 4:13 PM

Dirk and everyone else,

Thanks for the info and the goswimtv link.  I'm trying to take the running thing slow.  I'm doing walk/run intervals.  I truly just started about 10 days ago.  I'm walking 7 minutes to warm up then running 2 min/ walking 5/ etc.   After a couple weeks, should I increase the run time, reduce the walk time, or both?  I know I want to take it slow (10% rule).  
I'm no running expert but I've been where you are now. It seems like you have a good volume of cardio already so maybe the walking has more to do with your past surgeries? I would start with decreasing your walk time. 5 minutes is PLENTY of time to bring your HR back down. Also, maybe you're just running too hard. Slow it down and it won't take as long for your HR to recover.

Also:  I've been doing a back-to-back bike ride/run once a week.  Do you think this a good idea? It feels ok while I'm doing it.
Shouldn't be a problem, just don't try to do two quality workouts in a row. If you bike really hard on one day, plan for a recovery run of low intensity the following day.

Here's a question:  When I log my running time/pace on my training log should I exclude my warm up and cool down?  It makes me look even slower than I already am!  LOL  
Since you're walking about 70% of your workout right now, I'd include that time. Forget about pace, you're building endurance right now. The speed will come. When you get to the point where you're running 100%, I wouldn't include any stretching/warmup/cooldown time.

Swimming:  I feel like a have a pretty good grip on the "head position" and I can turn my head to breath (to either side) without lifting it out of the water.  When I get back to the pool in January, I want to focus on a relaxed pace and breathing.  I don't know if I'm swimming too fast, not inhaling and exhaling correctly, or just not in good enough condition, but I get winded and have to stop for a bit to catch my breath after 50 yards.   Anyway, there seem to be a lot of experienced swimmers here, so let me have your suggestions.  
It sounds like you're on the right track...consistency in the pool is huge. Keep at it. Just like running, slow it down and try to push the distance between rests.

P.S. Goshen, IN
2010-12-27 5:22 PM
in reply to: #3263340

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN

Here's a question:  When I log my running time/pace on my training log should I exclude my warm up and cool down?  It makes me look even slower than I already am!  LOL  
Since you're walking about 70% of your workout right now, I'd include that time. Forget about pace, you're building endurance right now. The speed will come. When you get to the point where you're running 100%, I wouldn't include any stretching/warmup/cooldown time.

I would record the warm-up/cool-down too.  For me it's more so I can see how much time/distance on feet I am getting, and I would include it no matter what.

So it seems like there are a few swimmers here.  Question!!!!  A few days ago, I started to feel discomfort in my (left) shoulder as I was swimming.  Yesterday, I could feel it even when I wasn't swimming so I took the day off.  While swimming, the problem seemed to be reinforced whenever I breathed on the right side and held my left arm out. (When I'm not swimming hard I swim bilaterally, and never really noticed a problem breathing on the other side.) It was like my left arm does not like to be held out.  I guess the question would then be:  when I'm breathing on say the right side, what should the position of my left arm that is stretched out be?  Is it supposed to be completely straight?  Not having my arm outstretched doesn't seem to irritate it, so at times I was just pulling my arm in slightly so as to avoid the irritation/discomfort.  Also, I don't seem to have this problem when I'm not breathing in air, so it must be something to do with the positioning of my arm compared to how I'm "rolling" to breathe or something??

I hope I am explaining myself good enough.  If anyone has any pointers, greatly appreciated!

(I did swim easy today, but breathed strictly on the left side, so I didn't feel this irritation as I was swimming... although then I was thinking I was developing this problem on the right shoulder, although that might have been mental because I never noticed it before!!)
2010-12-27 5:32 PM
in reply to: #3263340

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
dhopman - 2010-12-27 5:47 PM
jfought - 2010-12-27 1:49 PM
DirkP - 2010-12-25 4:13 PM

Dirk and everyone else,

Thanks for the info and the goswimtv link.  I'm trying to take the running thing slow.  I'm doing walk/run intervals.  I truly just started about 10 days ago.  I'm walking 7 minutes to warm up then running 2 min/ walking 5/ etc.   After a couple weeks, should I increase the run time, reduce the walk time, or both?  I know I want to take it slow (10% rule).  
I'm no running expert but I've been where you are now. It seems like you have a good volume of cardio already so maybe the walking has more to do with your past surgeries? I would start with decreasing your walk time. 5 minutes is PLENTY of time to bring your HR back down. Also, maybe you're just running too hard. Slow it down and it won't take as long for your HR to recover.

Also:  I've been doing a back-to-back bike ride/run once a week.  Do you think this a good idea? It feels ok while I'm doing it.
Shouldn't be a problem, just don't try to do two quality workouts in a row. If you bike really hard on one day, plan for a recovery run of low intensity the following day.

Here's a question:  When I log my running time/pace on my training log should I exclude my warm up and cool down?  It makes me look even slower than I already am!  LOL  
Since you're walking about 70% of your workout right now, I'd include that time. Forget about pace, you're building endurance right now. The speed will come. When you get to the point where you're running 100%, I wouldn't include any stretching/warmup/cooldown time.

Swimming:  I feel like a have a pretty good grip on the "head position" and I can turn my head to breath (to either side) without lifting it out of the water.  When I get back to the pool in January, I want to focus on a relaxed pace and breathing.  I don't know if I'm swimming too fast, not inhaling and exhaling correctly, or just not in good enough condition, but I get winded and have to stop for a bit to catch my breath after 50 yards.   Anyway, there seem to be a lot of experienced swimmers here, so let me have your suggestions.  
It sounds like you're on the right track...consistency in the pool is huge. Keep at it. Just like running, slow it down and try to push the distance between rests.

P.S. Goshen, IN

I agree with Dave but here are a couple of other thought too.

- For running:  continue to keep the pace slow. As Dave said, you're base building right now and it takes time to develop the running fitness that will be required to complete your races this season.  The 10% rule is a very good rule of thumb.  I think every couple of weeks you should increase your running interval by 1 minute and decrease you walking by 1 minute at the same time.  As Dave said, your running should be slow.  Don't worry about how long it takes you, That's NOT important right now.
   As far as logging your WU and CD, I don't think it makes a big deal either way.  Personally I don't log them but many people do.

- Cycling:  Back to back is the way things have to work most of the time.  Again, to restate what Dave said, don't go hard on one or the other and expect a hard workout to follow.  Hard back to back efforts can be okay sometimes BUT if you continue to do them you will probably have an injury.

- Swimming: Keep working with it.  As with everything else, it will come in time.  I am assuming you are breathing every third stroke (bilaterally).  Just slow your pace slightly and see if you can make it 75yds. and slowly progress upward.  Just remember be confident of your ability in the water before your first race.

BTW,  I get to work in/around Goshen occasionally.  I work for American Electric Power and part of our service territory is near there.

2010-12-27 5:45 PM
in reply to: #3263392

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
michgirlsk - 2010-12-27 6:22 PM

So it seems like there are a few swimmers here.  Question!!!!  A few days ago, I started to feel discomfort in my (left) shoulder as I was swimming.  Yesterday, I could feel it even when I wasn't swimming so I took the day off.  While swimming, the problem seemed to be reinforced whenever I breathed on the right side and held my left arm out. (When I'm not swimming hard I swim bilaterally, and never really noticed a problem breathing on the other side.) It was like my left arm does not like to be held out.  I guess the question would then be:  when I'm breathing on say the right side, what should the position of my left arm that is stretched out be?  Is it supposed to be completely straight?  Not having my arm outstretched doesn't seem to irritate it, so at times I was just pulling my arm in slightly so as to avoid the irritation/discomfort.  Also, I don't seem to have this problem when I'm not breathing in air, so it must be something to do with the positioning of my arm compared to how I'm "rolling" to breathe or something??

I hope I am explaining myself good enough.  If anyone has any pointers, greatly appreciated!

(I did swim easy today, but breathed strictly on the left side, so I didn't feel this irritation as I was swimming... although then I was thinking I was developing this problem on the right shoulder, although that might have been mental because I never noticed it before!!)

I have the same issue from time to time.  What I think is going on is the rotation of the shoulder within the joint.  As you turn to breath your shoulder rotates differently and creates more rotational stress on the joint as you begin the pull.  One of the things I have noticed recently (after starting pulls w/buoys and doing a high elbow catch drill) is I have had fewer problems.  Here's the link I have just started doing this drill and I have had next to no problems.  Give this a try and let me know if it works for you.

2010-12-27 5:48 PM
in reply to: #3263392

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN

michgirlsk - 2010-12-27 3:22 PM


So it seems like there are a few swimmers here.  Question!!!!  A few days ago, I started to feel discomfort in my (left) shoulder as I was swimming.  Yesterday, I could feel it even when I wasn't swimming so I took the day off.  While swimming, the problem seemed to be reinforced whenever I breathed on the right side and held my left arm out. (When I'm not swimming hard I swim bilaterally, and never really noticed a problem breathing on the other side.) It was like my left arm does not like to be held out.  I guess the question would then be:  when I'm breathing on say the right side, what should the position of my left arm that is stretched out be?  Is it supposed to be completely straight?  Not having my arm outstretched doesn't seem to irritate it, so at times I was just pulling my arm in slightly so as to avoid the irritation/discomfort.  Also, I don't seem to have this problem when I'm not breathing in air, so it must be something to do with the positioning of my arm compared to how I'm "rolling" to breathe or something??

It could be a number of things. The best thing you could do is see a PT and get it checked out. Worst case is probably a rotator cuff issue - these are common in swimming though I've never experienced it first-hand.

Your forward arm should be reaching out completely straight, and you should be rotating your hips side to side to allow for maximum reach. The further you reach, the more water you "catch" on the pull phase, and the more efficient your stroke will be.

If it only happens when you breathe, then your rotation must be different when you don't breathe. They should be the same - only difference is your head turns when you need to breathe. You may be...

  • under-rotating when you don't breathe
  • over-rotating when you do breathe
  • lifting your head "up" which will put additional strain on your bottom arm. Your ear should be brushing your arm when you breathe to make sure you aren't lifting the head too much.

If you correct any of these issues and you still feel pain then definitely see a PT.

2010-12-27 5:55 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
I got a 3500 yd. swim in today and an hour long ride on the drainer. 

The swim was hard with 24x50 being the main set.  This was a very similar workout to the one I did last week with my daughter but I skipped the reps on :40.  I was pretty shot after the :45 reps.  This is the type of workout I would like to become a staple for my swims.  I am wanting to start getting no less tan 3000 yds. a swim.

The drainer ride was excruciating!  I did 6x5:00 w/2:00 rests at a high Z3/low Z4 HR.  My legs were screaming at me and I was sweating horribly.  I was wanting to stop very badly after the 5th set but "no pain, no gain."  This too is a staple workout for the trainer over this winter training cycle.  Oh how I dread this workout.

I ended with a 19.7 mile ride in an hour, avg. HR during the working sets of 154 and I spent 22 minutes in Z3 and 18 minutes in Z4.  I was crushed!

2010-12-27 6:00 PM
in reply to: #3263423

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Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - OPEN
Thank you!!!

Very interesting, and very helpful.

Dirk- I will have to watch that video a few more times, and will definitely make use of it!
Dave- I will definitely keep those things in mind the next time I get in the water!
2010-12-27 7:11 PM
in reply to: #3263435

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
DirkP - 2010-12-27 3:55 PM I got a 3500 yd. swim in today and an hour long ride on the drainer. 

The swim was hard with 24x50 being the main set.  This was a very similar workout to the one I did last week with my daughter but I skipped the reps on :40.  I was pretty shot after the :45 reps.  This is the type of workout I would like to become a staple for my swims.  I am wanting to start getting no less tan 3000 yds. a swim.

The drainer ride was excruciating!  I did 6x5:00 w/2:00 rests at a high Z3/low Z4 HR.  My legs were screaming at me and I was sweating horribly.  I was wanting to stop very badly after the 5th set but "no pain, no gain."  This too is a staple workout for the trainer over this winter training cycle.  Oh how I dread this workout.

I ended with a 19.7 mile ride in an hour, avg. HR during the working sets of 154 and I spent 22 minutes in Z3 and 18 minutes in Z4.  I was crushed!

Dirk I'm going to try your spin workout tonight! I usually don't wear the garmin on the bike but I'll wear it this time to see some HR data. =)
2010-12-27 8:45 PM
in reply to: #3256240

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Stickyrunner01's Group - The bus is FULL!
Dave, Dirk, & Samantha,

Thanks for the answers to my questions.  I'm going to cut the walk time down in my intervals.  I think I'll see how R2/W3 feels.  My HR feels like it comes back down pretty quickly.  I also think this is a great excuse to buy a HR monitor Wink  Got to make sure I'm staying in my target zone, right?   Any recommendations on monitors?  I'd rather not have to deal with a chest strap.  

Hubby said tonight as I was leaving for my second trip to the gym, "You can't get in better shape than me!"  I just smiled!  He comes from a running family.  It comes so easily for them that I get frustrated sometimes.  


Hope your shoulder feels better.  I had a rotator cuff injury a while back and it takes a long time to heal.  Take good care of it!  It looks like you've done a little traveling on your bike.  I would love to hear about your adventures.  Did you go to school abroad?  Win the lottery?  I'm drooling with envy. Tongue out
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