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2010-12-28 4:39 PM
in reply to: #3256657


Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
NAME:  HildurA mom 24/7 (I'm a RN-BSN too but just too busy to work outside the home)FAMILY STATUS: I'm married and we've 5 children (9m- 16y). We all come from Iceland but we've been living in Michigan for couple of years so don't be surprised to see weird phrases or bad spelling coming from me!CURRENT TRAINING: I played soccer when I was younger and trained for martial arts for few years so triathlon is new for me. I try to go to the gym every weekday. I usually lift weights, run or take a yoga class. I plan to start swimming soon and I guess I have to start biking too2010 RACES:  Did a 10k in August and half marathon in October. I don't know what happened to me after I had my fifth child in March, I just felt like I could do anything so these runs were on my list and so is the triathlon....And some other crazy things! 2011 RACES:  I plan on doing a half marathon in April and a triathlon in JuneWEIGHT LOSS: I'm happy with my weight but I would like to exchange some fat for muscles.  Happy birthday AQuinn and Happy Anniversary tomorrow Karen!

2010-12-28 4:51 PM
in reply to: #3265031

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
Run5 - 2010-12-28 5:39 PM NAME:  HildurA mom 24/7 (I'm a RN-BSN too but just too busy to work outside the home)FAMILY STATUS: I'm married and we've 5 children (9m- 16y). We all come from Iceland but we've been living in Michigan for couple of years so don't be surprised to see weird phrases or bad spelling coming from me!CURRENT TRAINING: I played soccer when I was younger and trained for martial arts for few years so triathlon is new for me. I try to go to the gym every weekday. I usually lift weights, run or take a yoga class. I plan to start swimming soon and I guess I have to start biking too2010 RACES:  Did a 10k in August and half marathon in October. I don't know what happened to me after I had my fifth child in March, I just felt like I could do anything so these runs were on my list and so is the triathlon....And some other crazy things! 2011 RACES:  I plan on doing a half marathon in April and a triathlon in JuneWEIGHT LOSS: I'm happy with my weight but I would like to exchange some fat for muscles.  Happy birthday AQuinn and Happy Anniversary tomorrow Karen!

Hildur (is that right?) I know what you mean about crazy ideas coming over you when you have a baby.  That is when I signed up for TTT last year and I still don't knwo what I was thinking when I did that!!
2010-12-28 5:23 PM
in reply to: #3256657

Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
Sorry for the lack of formatting, I'm traveling and can't get the iTouch to do what I want! Name: Abbey Location: Lehigh Valley, PA. Training: when I get home this weekend I'll be starting the Hal Hidgon's HM plan. My goal is to add in some extra strength training to prepare for the Tough Mudder. The plan on looks good, has anyone here tried it? I like that I can do it at home with no noisy equipment to wake a sleeping kiddo.
2010-12-28 6:13 PM
in reply to: #3256657

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

Hi Everyone!  I'll respond to all of you individually very soon.  I'd like to do a "Question of the Day".  The question may end up being a discussion over a few days, though.  If any of you have a question that you would like to throw out to the group, then please do so.

Question of the Day

What sport of the three tri disciplines do you enjoy the most and why?  Which one do you enjoy the least and why?  What about the sport that is in between the two?

I enjoy running the most.  It is so easy to throw on my shoes and running clothes and head out the door.  If I need childcare, I just go to the gym and hop on the treadmill.  If the weather is good, I like to push my son in the running stroller and get hard workout.  I enjoy losing myself in my music or the rhythmic sound of my breath and footsteps.  I love seeing the countryside and wildlife along my routes.

I enjoy swimming the least because I simply suck.  I want to enjoy it.  I feel good after I've done my workout.  I just have a hard time getting started.  I also can't stand sharing lanes with the noodle ladies!  They drive me nuts!

I enjoy cycling but not as much as running.  I am a much better cyclist than runner, though.

2010-12-28 6:36 PM
in reply to: #3264018

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

momandmd - 2010-12-28 6:11 AM

owl_girl - 2010-12-27 6:08 PM

tricrazy - 2010-12-27 2:40 PM Since we are now full, where is everyone from?  I am from Charlotte, NC.  Getting a bit of what we consider a cold spell lately and it is really putting a hamper on my training.

I live up in the redwoods on the far northern coast of California.  It has been raining, raining, raining.

My dad lived just north of Ukiah- are you further up?

Yes...I'm in Eureka.

2010-12-28 7:38 PM
in reply to: #3265140

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
owl_girl - 2010-12-28 7:13 PM

Hi Everyone!  I'll respond to all of you individually very soon.  I'd like to do a "Question of the Day".  The question may end up being a discussion over a few days, though.  If any of you have a question that you would like to throw out to the group, then please do so.

Question of the Day

What sport of the three tri disciplines do you enjoy the most and why?  Which one do you enjoy the least and why?  What about the sport that is in between the two?

I enjoy running the most.  It is so easy to throw on my shoes and running clothes and head out the door.  If I need childcare, I just go to the gym and hop on the treadmill.  If the weather is good, I like to push my son in the running stroller and get hard workout.  I enjoy losing myself in my music or the rhythmic sound of my breath and footsteps.  I love seeing the countryside and wildlife along my routes.

I enjoy swimming the least because I simply suck.  I want to enjoy it.  I feel good after I've done my workout.  I just have a hard time getting started.  I also can't stand sharing lanes with the noodle ladies!  They drive me nuts!

I enjoy cycling but not as much as running.  I am a much better cyclist than runner, though.

I defnitely prefer running.  I am so bad at the swim and bike protions that I like them (or dislike them) the same.  I really want to learn to love the bike though since I have to do so much of it this year.

2010-12-28 8:11 PM
in reply to: #3265262

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New user

Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

Question of the Day

What sport of the three tri disciplines do you enjoy the most and why?  Which one do you enjoy the least and why?  What about the sport that is in between the two?

I enjoy things about each of them but I really enjoy biking in my spinning class.  I am not very experienced with cycling competitively outside so we'll see if that changes my opinion this spring!  I would say swimming the least, not because I don't enjoy it but because I'm least experienced with technique and good form and transitions. 

As far as running, I enjoy it and have always wanted to be a runner however I've found that my aspirations and my body don't always match up and i need to take my training slower than I would like.  The longest I've run is a 5k.  I've never tried to go longer but I will soon.  I had sprained my ankle about 18 months ago and it still is a little weak sometimes when I run longer distances.  My hips also get tight so I just need to take care of myself and I'll get there.  I would love to do a 1/2 ironman someday....

2010-12-29 1:41 AM
in reply to: #3256657

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

Our electricity went out all evening.  I'm tired.  Talk to you ladies tomorrow.

What are your training plans for Wednesday????  I will be swimming, doing yoga, riding my bike on the trainer, and teaching Spinning class.  Well, I'll do all of that if my little cold doesn't get worse.

2010-12-29 2:49 AM
in reply to: #3265262

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

Question of the Day

What sport of the three tri disciplines do you enjoy the most and why?  Which one do you enjoy the least and why?  What about the sport that is in between the two?

It turns out that I like swimming the best! I took a few private lessons about 2 years ago now so I could swim front crawl without looking like a complete idiot and i enjoy just going up and down. I do need more ows experience this year though.
I hate running. I have been attempting to run for the last 2 years and have yet to complete 5 km without stopping! I'm hoping 2011 is the year though.

I like cycling but it is by far my slowest discipline (even with the walking I haven't been last on the running bit!!

Plans for get to gym after work tonight and do 20 km on stationary bike just to get myself back into doing training log is correct in that..when it looks like I haven't done anything in December then that's because..I haven't!
2010-12-29 4:00 AM
in reply to: #3256657


Bristol, England
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

Question of the Day

What sport of the three tri disciplines do you enjoy the most and why?  Which one do you enjoy the least and why?  What about the sport that is in between the two?

All disciplines are fairly new to me, I can definately say swimming is my worst, but I think its just lack of practice rather than anything else.  Bike and running probably come in about the same but I am still doing low distances at the moment. I am just starting to increase the distances about 0.5k at a time, but its better than nothing.

Todays plan is one brother (he's quadraplegic so needs alot of care) goes home this morning (said brother has just talked me into taking up sailing too ...... hes working towards 2016 paralympics and talks to me about it and I just look blankly back as I have no idea what he talking about!), and the youngest brother is taking him home with OH and son so I can get down the gym for a few hours. 

Will probably swim and 10k bike today, although I will have to wait and see how busy the pool is when I get there.

Will be great to get down the gym and not having to rush back!


Edited by Cariann 2010-12-29 4:15 AM
2010-12-29 7:11 AM
in reply to: #3265140

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

Question of the Day

What sport of the three tri disciplines do you enjoy the most and why?  Which one do you enjoy the least and why?  What about the sport that is in between the two?

I enjoy running most, and I'm definately best at it.  I am not a big fan of swimming- I don't like to be cold, and I'm not very "aquadynamic" (ie my ankles are tight and form nice little right angles with my feet instead of making paddles, among other things).  I think with more time in the water I will get better, and I do think I'll be able to swim longer, but I don't think I'll ever be fast.  I like cycling, but I do get nervous on the roads, especially near our house where it is pretty busy, and there are no bike lanes.

My plan for today is a short bike and a strength training session.  Then dinner with my honey!  Have a great day everyone!

2010-12-29 7:20 AM
in reply to: #3265140

New user

Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

Question of the Day

What sport of the three tri disciplines do you enjoy the most and why?  Which one do you enjoy the least and why?  What about the sport that is in between the two?

I enjoy running the most, even though I am not fast. I love the feeling of running... Swimming is the one that comes easiest to me, I have been swimming all of my life. However, I do not push myself when swimming (perhaps I should join masters).. My favorite part about swimming is that I feel completely relaxed durning and after swimming - it is almost like meditation. I like the bike the least, mostly because it is my weakest of the 3. I love spinning class but I cannot translate that energy on the road.

Plan for today: snowshoe on mountain trails and hopefully a swim later today

Edited by megardiner 2010-12-29 7:22 AM
2010-12-29 8:48 AM
in reply to: #3256657

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

Name:  Amy- from Lake Placid, New York

Story:   I have been a runner for years and started playing around in triathlons in 2008.  Did a sprint and an oly and loved it. My body felt great while training for tris, much better than when just running alone. In October of 2008, while starting my taper for the NYC Marathon, I suffered a devastating knee injury which required surgery and I was not allowed to run again until February 2009.  I had issues with pain while running until November 2009 when I THANKFULLY began to run pain free again. Since that time, I have done a handful of smaller races, a half and finished the NYC Marathon this November at 4:17:58.

Though I enjoy running, I don't think solely running is the kindest thing for my body. Marathon training this time around (on the doorstep of 40) made me STARVING and beefed up my lower body in a way that disturbed the fit of pants. It did not lean me out the way it had previous times. I want to return to tri training, while incorporating yoga and strength training.

Family:  Married to a restaurant owner in a resort town with 2 boys, ages 9 and 11.  I am an attorney who works for the state.

Current training:  Since the marathon last month, I've maintained a very modest running base. I will do lots of skiing (downhill and cross-country) and snowshoeing in the coming months. I just received skate skis for my bday and I'm hoping that they won't bother my knee because it looks like phenomenal exercise. Looking forward to getting back on the bike trainer and into the pool. Pool is a bit of an issue as the hours are sporadic and the pool is in the next town over. Like all moms, the training is an issue as I attempt to juggle parenting, work, the house, the kids' schedules while maintaining time for family and friends.

2010 Races:   5K and 10K (PRs for both), Vermont Unplugged Half Marathon and NYC Marathon. Also did Xterra 10K trail run (totally fun!) and age-grouped in VERY small field. Hell, half of age-grouping is being in the right place at the right time, huh? 

2011 Races:  For sure- Vermont Unplugged in April, seriously considering Tin Man (Oly distance) in June. Monday night mini-tris start in my town in late June. In a town full of Iron Man, I want to increase my confidence in tri racing by spring so that I am brave enough to show up every Monday night and just enter. Why do I worry so about tris when I am so confident about road and trail races? This year, I'd also like the freedom to try new races on shorter notice just to make things more fun.  Last year I was more of a slave to a training schedule.  So wishing I was doing the Hangover Half on the 1st but it's 2 hours away and we have company. Sigh.   I also entered the lottery again for NYC Marathon. It is an amaaaaaaaaazing experience. I will post my race story separately.

Weight loss:  I might be the only person I know who gained marathon training. I have a solid 10 to get off after these holidays and I would race better if I took off a full 15. I love to cook- a total foodie which can present issues from a calorie intake standpoint- but I know what works for me and I need to refocus.

Thanks for letting me join- I look forward to keeping each other inspired as we move forward!

2010-12-29 8:57 AM
in reply to: #3256657

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

Question of the Day

What sport of the three tri disciplines do you enjoy the most and why?  Which one do you enjoy the least and why?  What about the sport that is in between the two?

Hmmmm, I started as a runner, and I'll always love it.  I particularly got addicted to trail running this summer.  As already mentioned, you can grab your shoes wherever, get in a good run and it's just the most bang for your buck when you're time-challenged.

I really enjoy swimmming, but can find a million reasons not to do it (pool's awful schedule, too cold to go get wet, don't feel like dealing with my wet long hair, takes too long to drive over and back, etc etc) but I love how I feel afterwards! And when I can get it in gear June- September, we do have an awesome crystal clear lake with lap lines that hosts the swim course for IronMan Lake Placid each summer.

As for the bike- I think that's my least fave--  I don't feel as great aftewards as compared to running or swimming-- though I do like it well enough.  And I need even more time to get in a quality workout on a bike. Of course, after my first tri, I realized you spend the most time on the bike and that's where I need to improve.

2010-12-29 8:59 AM
in reply to: #3256657

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
PS I just looked at my profile pic and I bet I don't fit into that tri suit right now.
2010-12-29 9:03 AM
in reply to: #3265668

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
momandmd - 2010-12-29 7:11 AM

Question of the Day

What sport of the three tri disciplines do you enjoy the most and why?  Which one do you enjoy the least and why?  What about the sport that is in between the two?

I enjoy running most, and I'm definately best at it.  I am not a big fan of swimming- I don't like to be cold, and I'm not very "aquadynamic" (ie my ankles are tight and form nice little right angles with my feet instead of making paddles, among other things).  I think with more time in the water I will get better, and I do think I'll be able to swim longer, but I don't think I'll ever be fast.  I like cycling, but I do get nervous on the roads, especially near our house where it is pretty busy, and there are no bike lanes.

My plan for today is a short bike and a strength training session.  Then dinner with my honey!  Have a great day everyone!

I am also always cold- dread that first few minutes in the pool- and completely agree about being nervous about safety on busy, windy roads!

2010-12-29 9:13 AM
in reply to: #3256657

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
And plans for today? Hopefully a short run- this week is really screwed up between work, company and more birthday celebrations later tonight. Laughing
2010-12-29 9:36 AM
in reply to: #3256657

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
My twins are really sick so today will most likely be just taking care of them.  Maybe a run if I can get it in. 
2010-12-29 9:44 AM
in reply to: #3256657

Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
FAVORITE ACTIVITY: running here, too. I have several running partners so not only is it the most convenient, but also the most social. From my house I can run a beautiful flat path by a river or run giant hills on a scenic campus. All good choices. I really enjoy swimming and biking, but run low on patience with the prep needed. I don't like to bike on the running trail because once you get a few miles out, it's pretty deserted, and the closest popular biking roads are about a 45 minute drive. Biking is where I could probably get the fastest improvement since that's the area I'm newest too. Swimming will get easier again in the summer when there aren't as many swim lessons in my Y's pool.PLAN FOR TODAY: not sure yet. It's a travel day, so a run if I can squeeze it in, if not I'm going for some squats, push ups and my first attempt at a chin up bar!
2010-12-29 9:55 AM
in reply to: #3265927

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

aquinn - 2010-12-29 10:13 AM And plans for today? Hopefully a short run- this week is really screwed up between work, company and more birthday celebrations later tonight. Laughing

Have a wonderful birthday, Amy!  I turned 40 just a couple of years ago- I have to say that I am much happier at 40 than I was at 30!  I can relate to much of your story- I've had surgery on both my knees (long ago now), I'm swimming ambivalent, and I am a foodie too!  Though I am not married to someone in the industry .  We've started doing a lot of local sourcing, especially for meat, which has been fun.  On the other hand, I have to learn how to cook things like chuck roast, which are fattier (even when grassfed) than I'm used to serving.  I also need to focus on the bike- I'll cheer you along!

2010-12-29 10:36 AM
in reply to: #3265031

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

Run5 - 2010-12-28 2:39 PM NAME:  HildurA mom 24/7 (I'm a RN-BSN too but just too busy to work outside the home)FAMILY STATUS: I'm married and we've 5 children (9m- 16y). We all come from Iceland but we've been living in Michigan for couple of years so don't be surprised to see weird phrases or bad spelling coming from me!CURRENT TRAINING: I played soccer when I was younger and trained for martial arts for few years so triathlon is new for me. I try to go to the gym every weekday. I usually lift weights, run or take a yoga class. I plan to start swimming soon and I guess I have to start biking too2010 RACES:  Did a 10k in August and half marathon in October. I don't know what happened to me after I had my fifth child in March, I just felt like I could do anything so these runs were on my list and so is the triathlon....And some other crazy things! 2011 RACES:  I plan on doing a half marathon in April and a triathlon in JuneWEIGHT LOSS: I'm happy with my weight but I would like to exchange some fat for muscles.  Happy birthday AQuinn and Happy Anniversary tomorrow Karen!

No worries regarding spelling, etc.  I love that we have such a diverse group of ladies!

2010-12-29 10:37 AM
in reply to: #3265079

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

TheGoGoGoes - 2010-12-28 3:23 PM Sorry for the lack of formatting, I'm traveling and can't get the iTouch to do what I want! Name: Abbey Location: Lehigh Valley, PA. Training: when I get home this weekend I'll be starting the Hal Hidgon's HM plan. My goal is to add in some extra strength training to prepare for the Tough Mudder. The plan on looks good, has anyone here tried it? I like that I can do it at home with no noisy equipment to wake a sleeping kiddo.

I'll take a look at simplefit.  When is the Tough Mudder?

2010-12-29 10:40 AM
in reply to: #3265322

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

melmarie80 - 2010-12-28 6:11 PM

Question of the Day

What sport of the three tri disciplines do you enjoy the most and why?  Which one do you enjoy the least and why?  What about the sport that is in between the two?

I enjoy things about each of them but I really enjoy biking in my spinning class.  I am not very experienced with cycling competitively outside so we'll see if that changes my opinion this spring!  I would say swimming the least, not because I don't enjoy it but because I'm least experienced with technique and good form and transitions. 

As far as running, I enjoy it and have always wanted to be a runner however I've found that my aspirations and my body don't always match up and i need to take my training slower than I would like.  The longest I've run is a 5k.  I've never tried to go longer but I will soon.  I had sprained my ankle about 18 months ago and it still is a little weak sometimes when I run longer distances.  My hips also get tight so I just need to take care of myself and I'll get there.  I would love to do a 1/2 ironman someday....

I have very weak ankles, too.  I avoid uneven surfaces as much as possible.  I, also, wear moderately supportive shoes and replace them about every 300 miles.

2010-12-29 10:42 AM
in reply to: #3265591

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

jennifer65 - 2010-12-29 12:49 AM

Question of the Day

What sport of the three tri disciplines do you enjoy the most and why?  Which one do you enjoy the least and why?  What about the sport that is in between the two?

It turns out that I like swimming the best! I took a few private lessons about 2 years ago now so I could swim front crawl without looking like a complete idiot and i enjoy just going up and down. I do need more ows experience this year though.
I hate running. I have been attempting to run for the last 2 years and have yet to complete 5 km without stopping! I'm hoping 2011 is the year though.

I like cycling but it is by far my slowest discipline (even with the walking I haven't been last on the running bit!!

Plans for get to gym after work tonight and do 20 km on stationary bike just to get myself back into doing training log is correct in that..when it looks like I haven't done anything in December then that's because..I haven't!

How fast do you run when you are running?  Maybe you need to slow down a little.  You'll be running a whole 5K soon!

2010-12-29 10:44 AM
in reply to: #3265597

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

Cariann - 2010-12-29 2:00 AM

Question of the Day

What sport of the three tri disciplines do you enjoy the most and why?  Which one do you enjoy the least and why?  What about the sport that is in between the two?

All disciplines are fairly new to me, I can definately say swimming is my worst, but I think its just lack of practice rather than anything else.  Bike and running probably come in about the same but I am still doing low distances at the moment. I am just starting to increase the distances about 0.5k at a time, but its better than nothing.

Todays plan is one brother (he's quadraplegic so needs alot of care) goes home this morning (said brother has just talked me into taking up sailing too ...... hes working towards 2016 paralympics and talks to me about it and I just look blankly back as I have no idea what he talking about!), and the youngest brother is taking him home with OH and son so I can get down the gym for a few hours. 

Will probably swim and 10k bike today, although I will have to wait and see how busy the pool is when I get there.

Will be great to get down the gym and not having to rush back!


Wow!!!  Your brother has an amazing goal!!!  What an inspiration!!!

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