BT Development Mentor Program Archives » jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go! Rss Feed  
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2011-01-21 4:05 PM
in reply to: #3269333

New user

Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!

My name is Nina Brown

2011-01-22 5:02 AM
in reply to: #3314168

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
Welcome, Nina! Glad to have you!
2011-01-23 1:23 PM
in reply to: #3313962

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
A follow-up on my running question. I found a half-marathon plan from Runner's World that is a 3-run per week  program for 10 weeks (one each of speedwork, tempo, long) but since Jenny seems to have gotten better results from more frequent running but not necessarily faster running, I'm wondering if that plan is going to be enough to meet my half marathon goal. It sounds like I should tweak it to increase the frequency but maybe keep the three-type-of-runs structure? If I add a 4th day, what would the best kind of run be--one of those 3 or something else?

 And I haven't started the plan yet because I am building my base now by long steady runs. But how do I know when I've "built" it and can move on to other types of run workouts?   Although I've been running regularly for about a year, I just don't seem to get better at it (i.e. faster but also I seem to struggle an awful lot on the road--less on the treadmill) and I'm thinking there is something I must be doing wrong. I really didn't have a training plan for running in the past, so now I'm trying to put one together.  Swimming, which I started at the same time as running, has improved exponentially once I started a master swim class, but I have no equivalent for running.    I'm just confused about running!!

Then about 1 month after the half marathon, the triathlon season begins. I can't entirely focus on the running or I won't be prepared for that.  Can you tell I'm a very organized person who likes to have everything just so before i begin a task?!!
2011-01-24 5:32 AM
in reply to: #3316424

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
ewengler - 2011-01-23 2:23 PM

A follow-up on my running question. I found a half-marathon plan from Runner's World that is a 3-run per week  program for 10 weeks (one each of speedwork, tempo, long) but since Jenny seems to have gotten better results from more frequent running but not necessarily faster running, I'm wondering if that plan is going to be enough to meet my half marathon goal. It sounds like I should tweak it to increase the frequency but maybe keep the three-type-of-runs structure? If I add a 4th day, what would the best kind of run be--one of those 3 or something else?

 And I haven't started the plan yet because I am building my base now by long steady runs. But how do I know when I've "built" it and can move on to other types of run workouts?   Although I've been running regularly for about a year, I just don't seem to get better at it (i.e. faster but also I seem to struggle an awful lot on the road--less on the treadmill) and I'm thinking there is something I must be doing wrong. I really didn't have a training plan for running in the past, so now I'm trying to put one together.  Swimming, which I started at the same time as running, has improved exponentially once I started a master swim class, but I have no equivalent for running.    I'm just confused about running!!

Then about 1 month after the half marathon, the triathlon season begins. I can't entirely focus on the running or I won't be prepared for that.  Can you tell I'm a very organized person who likes to have everything just so before i begin a task?!!


Is Hal Higdon, and Cool Running (I followed a modified version of one of their marathon plans last time around, and it worked well for me...). If you're interested in trying a run/walk approach (the theory is that some people can run a faster overall pace if they alternate a faster running pace and a short walk break - it's not an approach I've ever really tried myself, but some people swear by it), you could check out Jeff Galloway's plan.

Those are just a few, but they're some of the more well-known options.

Re: how to know when you've built your running base.... That's a tough one... I think building the base is an on-going process. I started seeing progress when I got to the point where I was consistently running > 20 miles per week for several months, and more progress when the total volume was in the 30 mile + range. Unfortunately with running, for most of us there are no real short-cuts, IMO. Some people are blessed with the genetic make-up or "natural talent" to start out running fast and get faster quickly. I'm not one of those.... For me it's taken a lot of hard work to get to the point where I can run a sub-25 min 5K.... I can't even fathom a 5K in the teens!

You're doing great! It definitely sounds like you're on the right track. Keep working on running more for now, and eventually the progress will come.
2011-01-24 10:55 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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Hendricks County
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!

I would like to join if you still have room!? 


STORY: I'm starting my second year in training after finishing my first tri last July in Indianapolis, IN.  Fairly athletic and competitive roots, just several years out of practice.  The tri was a challenge last year and it really kicked my rear so I'm looking to dial up the training now that I know what to expect.  My motivation is wavering but my sense of competitiveness is slightly overwhelming.  I had a friend highly recommend a mentoring group so I thought I would give it a try!

 28 and single 
CURRENT TRAINING: Just had my first swim this past week after a couple months off.  Taking it slow after a car accident in November!

THIS YEAR'S RACES (2010):  One sprint (my first).
2011 RACES:  Looking to complete 3 sprints and 3 5k's.

Looking to shed >40 lbs.  Tall order I know, but aren't goal's supposed to be?

Sorry for the abbreviated bio, short on time for lunch.  Look forward to the experience! 
2011-01-24 1:42 PM
in reply to: #3314161

New user

Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
Ooh!  I'm also vegan!  Glad to have the company!

2011-01-24 2:27 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
Jenny - You're still on the open list, so I was hoping you had room for one more.  I'd like to interact folks with similar interests and get more out of my time on BT.

My name is Courtney.  I'm 39 (but will be 40 very soon) and married, but no kids (just 2 dogs).  If my math is right this will be my 5th season doing tris.  I've been a runner and a swimmer since I was a kid.  I bought my road bike at the end of the summer in '06 with the idea of doing tris the next year.  Even though I can swim pretty well, I still struggle in open water sometimes (and other times I don't - haven't figured that out yet).  My two best swims have been Olympic distance and some of my worst have been sprints.  My standing joke is that I don't swim in open water unless I'm in a race or have fallen out of a boat!

I somehow got snookered into signing up for the '09 Pittsburgh Marathon, but ended up with a stress fracture and didn't do the race (watched from the sidelines on crutches as my friends ran it).  I did two tris in '09, but the first back from the injury was really more of a swim-bike-hobble.  I have fully recovered from my stress fracture and have been injury free since then (knock on wood). 

2010: I started the year with a round of P90X (loved it and dropped 15 lbs).  While doing this, I maintained a base of a minimum of 20 mpw running.  I didn't do a lot of tri training as this was a very run focused year culminating in the Twin Cities Marathon in October.

Other 2010 races/events: Great Finger Lakes Bike Tour (century+ on one of the days), Wilkes Barre Duathlon, Broome County Triathlon, and various running races from 5K to the marathon.

2011 goals:  I'm training for the National Marathon which is March 26th in Washington DC.  Yikes that's soon and the weather is NOT cooperating (my 18 miler this weekend turned into 13)!  After that, I'm on the fence.  I think I want to try a HIM in July (Musselman), but that will require a lot of time on the bike once the marathon is over.  I will probably do the bike tour again.  If I don't do the HIM, I'll try to fit in as many sprints/olys/duathlons that make sense logistically.

I'll try to catch up with the group as soon as I can and try to figure out what to do to add you all to my friend list.

2011-01-24 6:10 PM
in reply to: #3317383

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
Beth, Is this the plan you're talking about? I'll give you my opinion, FWIW.... I think these kinds of plans can work well for some people, but they're not for everyone. This is an example of a plan that increases training load by increasing intensity. The problem is, IMO, the intensity focus of the plan is too high, and the mileage is too low. For a lot of people, adding that kind of intensity onto a relatively small running base is a recipe for injury... If you go into a plan like this with a solid running base, it can be pretty effective. But if you're coming to this plan off of a relatively small running base, it can be bad news. I also don't like the fact that the long run makes up such a high percentage of the total weekly volume. I fall into the camp of people who feel that it's best if your weekly long run makes up no more than about 1/3 to 1/2 of your total weekly running volume, and I prefer to keep it closer to 1/3.... During full marathon training (for me) it gets a little higher than that, but otherwise I generally try to keep it closer to 1/3. For your first half marathon, you might want to check out some other plans. Here are a few you could consider: I like the plans by Hal Higdon, and Cool Running (I followed a modified version of one of their marathon plans last time around, and it worked well for me...).

I couldn't get the link to work but I think you found the plan I was considering--3 days a week, far less than 20 mpw, and fairly fast paces for each run.  Will look at the one from Cool Running that you suggested. (Don't like the run/walk plans--too hard not to run!)
Re: how to know when you've built your running base.... That's a tough one...  Unfortunately with running, for most of us there are no real short-cuts, IMO.  

Darn! But I guess I knew that!
Thanks for all the advice Jenny. I'll keep at it.

Edited by ewengler 2011-01-24 6:16 PM
2011-01-24 7:25 PM
in reply to: #3269333


Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
Is there room for one more? I'd love to be part of the group!

I actually just finished my first tri two days ago! (I live in New Zealand so it's warm.) It was a super sprint and I came in 107 out of 123, but I was elated because I finished my first one. I couldn't stop smiling after I came across the finish line.

A little about me... I've been losing weight and I'm down 40 pounds from a high of 251. I completed my first tri at 210 pounds, which was pretty impressive I think. I want to lose at least another 60 lbs.  I'm so excited to keep training and losing weight so I can get faster and finish better next time.

I'm repeating the same short distance tri in April and I also want to move up to finish a full sprint tri this year as well (possibly one in the US). Running is currently my weak spot and the one thing that pulled down my time. I need to focus on improving form and endurance (weight loss with help) and would like to complete a few 5ks in addition to my planned triathlons for the year.
I just recently found BT and I'm excited about all the possibilities here. The forums look so helpful and I hope I can learn a lot from this group as a newbie.

2011-01-24 8:17 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Extreme Veteran
Higganum, Connecticut
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
a question for the group:  I did a training ride tonight (virtually on the "Expresso Spin"bike at the Y) anyway after 27 miles in 1 hour and 25 minutes the upper back sides of my legs were in serious pain/discomfort.  I've never had that happen before and i could easily make it through a 75 mile ride last year.  So far this "off season" I have been maintaining a 20 mile ride distance about 1 time a week, now I'm starting to ramp back up.  I'm turning 41 next month so age could be starting to get me, but just wanted to see if there were any suggestions out there like diet - potassium shortage, but it didn't feel like a cramp.  While I was biking, I felt okay.  As my legs started to get tired, I'd stand up and pedal, which made my legs feel like I flushed out the junk building up inside of them.  Could it be lactic acid build up?  It felt like it collected in the upper back side of legs and couldn't get out because of the pressure of my body weight sitting on the seat.  I know that I could not run in this condition after the bike, so I need to figure out what I did wrong.  Thanks for any suggestions. 
2011-01-25 6:02 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
Welcome Brad, Courtney, and Mary! Glad to have you all in the group!

2011-01-25 7:11 AM
in reply to: #3319361

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
cobratodd - 2011-01-24 9:17 PM

a question for the group:  I did a training ride tonight (virtually on the "Expresso Spin"bike at the Y) anyway after 27 miles in 1 hour and 25 minutes the upper back sides of my legs were in serious pain/discomfort.  I've never had that happen before and i could easily make it through a 75 mile ride last year.  So far this "off season" I have been maintaining a 20 mile ride distance about 1 time a week, now I'm starting to ramp back up.  I'm turning 41 next month so age could be starting to get me, but just wanted to see if there were any suggestions out there like diet - potassium shortage, but it didn't feel like a cramp.  While I was biking, I felt okay.  As my legs started to get tired, I'd stand up and pedal, which made my legs feel like I flushed out the junk building up inside of them.  Could it be lactic acid build up?  It felt like it collected in the upper back side of legs and couldn't get out because of the pressure of my body weight sitting on the seat.  I know that I could not run in this condition after the bike, so I need to figure out what I did wrong.  Thanks for any suggestions. 


Have you been using the Expresso bike a lot, or was this the first time? My guess is that your position on the Expresso bike is probably quite a bit different than on your own bike. We have some Expresso bikes at our gym, and if yours are anything like ours, they put you in a much more upright position than a "real" bike or even a standard spin bike (like the ones used in spinning classes). I think the most likely culprit in the discomfort you felt last night is that being in a different position, you worked different muscle groups differently than you would on your own bike. I would bet that if you were riding your own bike either on the road or on a trainer you would be able to make it through an hour training ride with no problem, because your body has adapted to riding in that position. I personally don't like using the more upright gym bikes for that reason.... I don't feel like they're giving me a workout that translates very well to "real" biking. The virtual ride screen is kind of cool, though....

By the way, for anyone interested in exercise physiology geekery.... The idea that muscle fatigue is caused by lactic acid accumulation has more or less been disproved. Here are a couple of sites that describe the current thinking on the issue:

But what causes muscle soreness is less important than the fact that it happens. The point is to try and figure out how to keep it from happening! In most cases, muscle soreness, cramping, etc. can be tied to fitness level. The more fit we are, the harder we can work before we experience that kind of soreness. Todd, in your case, it's only a "fitness" issue in that you were working your muscles differently than they are used to... If you can adjust the position on the Expresso bike to more closely match your road bike position, it might not be an issue. I'm not sure that's entirely possible on those bikes.... In that case, I would save the Expresso bike for easy recovery spinning at light resistance, and stick to your own bike (do you have a trainer you can use over the winter?) or a spin bike set up as closely as possible to your road bike position for harder efforts.

2011-01-25 7:37 AM
in reply to: #3319837

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Extreme Veteran
Higganum, Connecticut
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
Thanks for the info, those articles were very interesting.  Now that you mention it, you are correct in that the bike is a very different geometry than the road/tri bike I am used to.  It's really a cool concept because the unit has the power meter on it measuring your average wattage which takes into consideration RPM and force being applied to the pedals rather than just cadence or speed.  Couple that with the image of other riders virtually "competing" on the screen and it's a ton more interesting than a stationary bike.  I think I'll head back to my normal geometry though - the legs were not happy with me at all.  Thanks for the info.
2011-01-25 7:49 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
Hey there, can I join your group?  Jenny, we are about the same age, and I really want to train SMART too.

Name: Carol (Squirt is one of my dogs)

Age: 44

Family Status: Married to my best friend for almost 23 years, 4 dogs, 1 cat, no kids

History:  I'm a CPA, and have an awesome setup for training.  I work from home most of the time, live very near a nice network of park trails, and have access to a 25 yard pool at the gym.  I've been running off and on for about 6 years, and really enjoy the outdoors.  I have done one sprint triathlon so far (October 2009), in addition to quite a few 5K's, a couple of 10K's and coming up on (hopefully) my 3rd half marathon.  But I've actually gotten slower, not faster, as I have allowed my weight creep up over the last several years to 145 (I'm 5 ft 4 on a good day).  While I'm pretty consistent with staying somewhat active, I tend to drift and lose focus on goals and/or get injured in the process of training.  I also have Type 1 diabetes (the kind the little kids get...a lifer on insulin) and wear an insuling pump 24X7.  So life, as well as training, includes a balancing act between insulin, activity, and carbs.  

Current Training: Currently in week 8/9 of Hal Higdon's Half Marathon Program (beginner).  Run/Walk ratio is approx: run 1 mile, Walk 1/10th of a mile.  In races, I modify that as needed to walk the steepest uphills, test my blood sugar, consume carbs, etc.  My 1/2 training program includes a couple of days of cross training, so swimming 1 day a week, and will add biking after the 1/2 on 2/27.

2011 Goals:  

Fillie Trot 10K on 1/29 (will use as 1st part of a 9-10 mile long run)
Cowtown 1/2 Marathon on 2/27 (goal time 2:30)
Couple of Sprint Triathlons in the Spring TBD
Maybe an OLY in the fall if the Sprints go well, but I'm OK with sticking with the sprints as well
White Rock marathon relay 12/4 - if the relay team doesn't make, I'd like to do the 1/2

Don't fold in the summer...Texas heat gets to me, and I tend to really slack off then.

Log my workouts!

Go from 145 lbs to 130 lbs by 5/31/11

Treat myself to a real road bike when I reach the above weight goal.  Current ride is a 10 year old (or maybe more) Gary Fischer mountain bike/hybrid retrofitted with skinny tires. 

I look forward to getting to know everyone, and learning from our mentor as well as the rest of the team!

Full disclosure:  was part of another mentor group where the leader went awol for the last couple of weeks (probably hit a busy life patch -- know we can all relate).  Didn't want to miss out on an active mentor group, so Ron said it was cool for me to find another.

2011-01-25 9:59 AM
in reply to: #3319269

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
amerrylife - 2011-01-24 7:25 PM Is there room for one more? I'd love to be part of the group!

I actually just finished my first tri two days ago! (I live in New Zealand so it's warm.) It was a super sprint and I came in 107 out of 123, but I was elated because I finished my first one. I couldn't stop smiling after I came across the finish line.

A little about me... I've been losing weight and I'm down 40 pounds from a high of 251. I completed my first tri at 210 pounds, which was pretty impressive I think. I want to lose at least another 60 lbs.  I'm so excited to keep training and losing weight so I can get faster and finish better next time.

I'm repeating the same short distance tri in April and I also want to move up to finish a full sprint tri this year as well (possibly one in the US). Running is currently my weak spot and the one thing that pulled down my time. I need to focus on improving form and endurance (weight loss with help) and would like to complete a few 5ks in addition to my planned triathlons for the year.
I just recently found BT and I'm excited about all the possibilities here. The forums look so helpful and I hope I can learn a lot from this group as a newbie.


Mary - Congratulations on finishing your first tri!  That's a great start!  Be sure to ask lots of questions.
2011-01-25 10:04 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
Jenny (or any of the other runners in the group),
So, my planned 18 miler turned into 13 this past weekend due to a series of mishaps.  It was cold (~15ºF or so) so I was planning to do multiple 6.5 mile loops.  My Camelbak tube froze on the first lap.  I ducked into the house to thaw it and then continued out for a 2nd loop.  My Garmin went beserk in the middle of that loop.  These things combined with being sick earlier in the week caused me to bag the final 5 miles.  My question is what do I do this weekend?  My plan (modified Advanced Higdon) is calling for a "short" run (12ish) before my first 20 miler the following weekend.  Do I jump back into my plan pretending that I did 18 as scheduled or do I try to bump this 12 to 15 or 16?  I've gotten conflicting advice from my running buddies.


2011-01-25 8:27 PM
in reply to: #3320239

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Hendricks County
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
Congrats on your first tri!!  I'm not sure I have heard of a super sprint, maybe a NZ thing?!  
2011-01-26 5:34 AM
in reply to: #3319915

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
squirt - 2011-01-25 8:49 AM

Hey there, can I join your group?  Jenny, we are about the same age, and I really want to train SMART too.

Name: Carol (Squirt is one of my dogs)

Age: 44

Family Status: Married to my best friend for almost 23 years, 4 dogs, 1 cat, no kids

History:  I'm a CPA, and have an awesome setup for training.  I work from home most of the time, live very near a nice network of park trails, and have access to a 25 yard pool at the gym.  I've been running off and on for about 6 years, and really enjoy the outdoors.  I have done one sprint triathlon so far (October 2009), in addition to quite a few 5K's, a couple of 10K's and coming up on (hopefully) my 3rd half marathon.  But I've actually gotten slower, not faster, as I have allowed my weight creep up over the last several years to 145 (I'm 5 ft 4 on a good day).  While I'm pretty consistent with staying somewhat active, I tend to drift and lose focus on goals and/or get injured in the process of training.  I also have Type 1 diabetes (the kind the little kids get...a lifer on insulin) and wear an insuling pump 24X7.  So life, as well as training, includes a balancing act between insulin, activity, and carbs.  

Current Training: Currently in week 8/9 of Hal Higdon's Half Marathon Program (beginner).  Run/Walk ratio is approx: run 1 mile, Walk 1/10th of a mile.  In races, I modify that as needed to walk the steepest uphills, test my blood sugar, consume carbs, etc.  My 1/2 training program includes a couple of days of cross training, so swimming 1 day a week, and will add biking after the 1/2 on 2/27.

2011 Goals:  

Fillie Trot 10K on 1/29 (will use as 1st part of a 9-10 mile long run)
Cowtown 1/2 Marathon on 2/27 (goal time 2:30)
Couple of Sprint Triathlons in the Spring TBD
Maybe an OLY in the fall if the Sprints go well, but I'm OK with sticking with the sprints as well
White Rock marathon relay 12/4 - if the relay team doesn't make, I'd like to do the 1/2

Don't fold in the summer...Texas heat gets to me, and I tend to really slack off then.

Log my workouts!

Go from 145 lbs to 130 lbs by 5/31/11

Treat myself to a real road bike when I reach the above weight goal.  Current ride is a 10 year old (or maybe more) Gary Fischer mountain bike/hybrid retrofitted with skinny tires. 

I look forward to getting to know everyone, and learning from our mentor as well as the rest of the team!

Full disclosure:  was part of another mentor group where the leader went awol for the last couple of weeks (probably hit a busy life patch -- know we can all relate).  Didn't want to miss out on an active mentor group, so Ron said it was cool for me to find another.

Hey Carol,

Welcome to the group - glad to have you! Good for you for keeping up your active lifestyle with your diabetes! There's a guy in our local bike club I ride with sometimes who's diabetic - he's pretty amazing, really.... He's a retired doctor in his late 60's/early 70's, and he can usually kick my butt on the bike, especially when we get into the hills. He doesn't need an insulin pump, but does need to check his sugar periodically during long rides.

Sound like you've got a good start on your training! Keep up the good work!
2011-01-26 6:16 AM
in reply to: #3320261

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
tribeagle - 2011-01-25 11:04 AM

Jenny (or any of the other runners in the group),
So, my planned 18 miler turned into 13 this past weekend due to a series of mishaps.  It was cold (~15ºF or so) so I was planning to do multiple 6.5 mile loops.  My Camelbak tube froze on the first lap.  I ducked into the house to thaw it and then continued out for a 2nd loop.  My Garmin went beserk in the middle of that loop.  These things combined with being sick earlier in the week caused me to bag the final 5 miles.  My question is what do I do this weekend?  My plan (modified Advanced Higdon) is calling for a "short" run (12ish) before my first 20 miler the following weekend.  Do I jump back into my plan pretending that I did 18 as scheduled or do I try to bump this 12 to 15 or 16?  I've gotten conflicting advice from my running buddies.


Wow - somebody called me a runner! That might be a first :P

I won't claim to be an expert on marathon training, as I have done exactly two marathons in my life... But if you can give me a little more info on what kind of training plan you're following, I'll try to offer some advice. You might want to ask this question on the tri talk forum, too, because there are a lot of smart running folks that might offer some sound advice.

Your marathon is March 26, right? What does your plan call for in terms of long runs from now until your marathon? My gut is to say don't worry too much about adjusting your "shorter" long run this week - you could go to 13 or 14 if you feel like it, but I don't think it's necessary, and it's not going to "make up" for the miles you missed last weekend. However, you might want to consider whether you should make some adjustments to your long runs going forward. Looking at your logs, it looks like your last long run was 16 miles a few weeks ago. I'm not sure going from 16 to 20 for your long run would be such a great idea. Since it looks like you have almost 2 months to go until your marathon, you might look at whether you can modify your plan, and run 18 or 19 next weekend, and go from there. Another option might be to run the 18 miler that was scheduled for last week this weekend, and 20 next week or the week after. With a little more detail on the plan you're following, maybe I can offer some better advice.

Good luck! It's challenging to get those long runs in when the weather is this cold.... Both of my marathons I ended up doing one of my 20+ mile runs on a treadmill because weather was such that I didn't want to do it outside.... It was a little tedious, but I looked at it as good "mental toughness" training!
2011-01-26 8:27 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!

Thanks for the welcome, Jenny!  Nice to hear about your cycling friend.  Hope to be like him in the long term!  Just FYI, pumping is an option (vs. multiple injections).  I have found it allows me to have a more flexible lifestyle, but as with all things, different stroke for different folks

Courtney, wish I had some experience based advice for you, but a couple of halfs is the most I have done.  There were also a couple that I wound up not starting due to injury (too much too soon, not enough recovery).  Because of that, I just wanted to encourage you to keep in mind goal # 1 -- arrive healthy at the starting line -- as you make your decision. 

Brizzadd, thanks for your comment in my log.  I have a history of NOT logging over the long term, so I really appreciate it!

Lunchtime run on tap for today...5-6 miles. 

Looking forward to getting to know everyone better!

Edited by squirt 2011-01-26 8:35 AM
2011-01-26 11:27 AM
in reply to: #3321977

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
"Wow - somebody called me a runner! That might be a first :P I won't claim to be an expert on marathon training, as I have done exactly two marathons in my life... But if you can give me a little more info on what kind of training plan you're following, I'll try to offer some advice. You might want to ask this question on the tri talk forum, too, because there are a lot of smart running folks that might offer some sound advice. Your marathon is March 26, right? What does your plan call for in terms of long runs from now until your marathon? My gut is to say don't worry too much about adjusting your "shorter" long run this week - you could go to 13 or 14 if you feel like it, but I don't think it's necessary, and it's not going to "make up" for the miles you missed last weekend. However, you might want to consider whether you should make some adjustments to your long runs going forward. Looking at your logs, it looks like your last long run was 16 miles a few weeks ago. I'm not sure going from 16 to 20 for your long run would be such a great idea. Since it looks like you have almost 2 months to go until your marathon, you might look at whether you can modify your plan, and run 18 or 19 next weekend, and go from there. Another option might be to run the 18 miler that was scheduled for last week this weekend, and 20 next week or the week after. With a little more detail on the plan you're following, maybe I can offer
some better advice. Good luck! It's challenging to get those long runs in when the weather is this cold.... Both of my marathons I ended up doing one of my 20+ mile runs on a treadmill because weather was such that I didn't want to do it outside.... It was a little tedious, but I looked at it as good "mental toughness" training!"

Hey you've done 2 marathons (and I think read a post where you said you were up around 50mpw) and did a 20 miler on the treadmill so in my book that qualifies you as a runner!! 

I am loosely following Higdon's Advanced II.  It might be a little bit too difficult, but what intrigued me about it was that it didn't have that mid-week 10 miler.  I just knew that wasn't going to happen.  I do most of my training at lunchtime and that's just too long of a stretch to be gone in the middle of the day.  I learned from my failed attempt at training for Pittsburgh that doing back to back long runs is not good for me (for example, 17 one week and then 18 the next).  In training for Twin Cities I did cut back weeks in between anything over 16 (16-12-18-12-20-12-22).  This time I am planning to do three 20 milers (so the plan from here out would be 12-20-12-20-12-20-taper). 

It's really different this time because I know I can make the distance.  I think I had a little bit of a late round of post-race blues (or maybe I wasn't completely recovered).  My mileage is definitely lower this time around.  The other difference is of course the weather.  In the summer, I had lots of options - when it was really hot, I ran early in the morning.  If I really had to, I could run in the early evening as well.  I don't have those options now since it's just plain dark!  (Yes I know people run in the dark, but I don't think that's safe where I am at this time of year - too many potholes and critters).

Maybe I'll just see how I feel on Sunday and make it 12-15 depending...


ETA: Somehow it looks like I lost the quotes (though the code is still showing up) - that first part was a quote from Jenny, just in case anyone is confused.

Edited by tribeagle 2011-01-26 2:40 PM

2011-01-26 11:42 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!

I am a 37 year old stay at home mom to three boys ages 3, 5 & 7.  Running has always been my "me" time and it allows me to refresh and come back a better person.  I have gone through the chain of 5ks to 10ks to half's and 2 fulls.  With both marathons, I wound up injured during my training.  Last year while I was training for the New York Marathon I was sidelined by an injury early on so I took up swimming and biking as part of my training.  I am ready to use those new sports to try something that is a little less running - obviously a triathlon!  I cannot afford to hire a tri coach and am new to swimming and biking and could REALLY use direction and advice.  That is why I am here!!

2011-01-26 5:59 PM
in reply to: #3319269

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
amerrylife - 2011-01-24 7:25 PM Is there room for one more? I'd love to be part of the group!

I actually just finished my first tri two days ago! (I live in New Zealand so it's warm.) It was a super sprint and I came in 107 out of 123, but I was elated because I finished my first one. I couldn't stop smiling after I came across the finish line.

Congratulations on finishing your first tri! It's addicting, isn't it? The day after I did my first one, which was supposed to be my only one last summer, I signed up for another!
2011-01-26 6:12 PM
in reply to: #3322629

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
ajbrown - 2011-01-26 11:42 AM

I am a 37 year old stay at home mom to three boys ages 3, 5 & 7.  Running has always been my "me" time and it allows me to refresh and come back a better person.  I have gone through the chain of 5ks to 10ks to half's and 2 fulls.  With both marathons, I wound up injured during my training.  Last year while I was training for the New York Marathon I was sidelined by an injury early on so I took up swimming and biking as part of my training.  I am ready to use those new sports to try something that is a little less running - obviously a triathlon!  I cannot afford to hire a tri coach and am new to swimming and biking and could REALLY use direction and advice.  That is why I am here!!

Welcome to the group! A lot of the people I train with had been runners for years but turned to tris because of running injuries and have since had fewer injuries. Do you belong to a local gym? Some have master swim classes that give great tips on swim technique and provide you with effective workouts. I learned to love swimming too in that class.  Spinning classes can help with bike training in the winter. I didn't see where you live, but maybe you are in a place that has nice weather year-round and don't need to bother with a gym. (If so, I'm jealous!)
2011-01-26 7:57 PM
in reply to: #3322595

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
tribeagle - 2011-01-26 12:27 PM

I am loosely following Higdon's Advanced II.  It might be a little bit too difficult, but what intrigued me about it was that it didn't have that mid-week 10 miler.  I just knew that wasn't going to happen.  I do most of my training at lunchtime and that's just too long of a stretch to be gone in the middle of the day.  I learned from my failed attempt at training for Pittsburgh that doing back to back long runs is not good for me (for example, 17 one week and then 18 the next).  In training for Twin Cities I did cut back weeks in between anything over 16 (16-12-18-12-20-12-22).  This time I am planning to do three 20 milers (so the plan from here out would be 12-20-12-20-12-20-taper). 


I did the same thing for my last marathon - did my long runs over 18 miles every other week. I think it worked pretty well for me....

Would you consider a 2 week taper instead of a 3 week taper? You've been doing this long enough that you probably have a pretty good idea of what kind of taper works for you. I often feel like 3 weeks is too long, and tend to prefer a little shorter taper myself. If you did a 2 week taper, you could do something like this: 18 miles this weekend, then 12-20-12-20-12-20 then a 2 week taper. That's probably what I would do if I were in your position, but like I said, I tend to prefer a shorter taper. If you want to stick with the 3 week taper, then I would say stick to your plan, but take that first 20 miler very easy, since you're bumping up your distance quite a bit.
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