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2011-04-10 6:50 AM
in reply to: #3271134

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Desert of Mexico
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

What's my motivation?

To be healthier.  To challenge myself.  To feel the sense of pride when I cross the finish line knowing that I did it.  I'm a complete beginner, I've never competed any race before. (swimming, running, nor biking)  Sure, I did cheerleading competitions in high school (nearly 10 years ago), played some other sports in school, arm wrestle (and beat) nearly everyone I come in contact with, but never any race. 

I have completed two full weeks of tri training thus far and feel even more excited than when I started!  I love reading everyone's posts in the forums.  They are so encouraging.  I stepped on the scale yesterday at the gym and was elated.  I currently weigh the same that I weighed back in October 2006 when I lost about 25 pounds very rapidly in a very unhealthy way.  This time around I have lost more and have done it slowly just with exercising and trying to be smarter about the food that I put into my body.  I am the healthiest I have been in my adult life.  A huge motivation for me is to see how much healthier I can be; losing another 16 pounds to get to my goal weight, running more, swimming more,  biking more, and getting more defined muscles.

Edited by spaceyg02 2011-04-10 6:54 AM

2011-04-10 9:49 AM
in reply to: #3438250

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

Congratulations, Stijn!!!!  Well done!

Your feelings perfectly summarize how I feel before a lot of races.

2011-04-10 9:54 AM
in reply to: #3438246

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

Welcome, Lisa!!  Congratulations on quitting smoking! That's a huge step!!!!

The Why Not Tri looks like a great way to get started.  Pool swims can be less intimidating if you're just starting out.  As far as running, you can do it! I imagine it's a lot colder there than in Virginia, but don't let that stop you.

2011-04-10 1:45 PM
in reply to: #3271134


Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL


I have so been there with the 'feelin stupid' part. I remember thinking that people were going to look at me and think I should be eating instead for running! I stuck with it and have kept it up for almost 3 years now. I've had off moments where the scale kept climbing then I would kick it back in gear and sign up for some race that would force me to refocus.

 My best advice is to do a race and see that there are people of ALL shapes and sizes in these races and that it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. BESIDES, the truth is, people (especially at the gym) are so wrapped up in themselves that they rarely actually give a second thought to anyone else. Put your music on, crank it up, and tune them out. Focus on you and you only, you're worth it!


Edited by yolandamcp 2011-04-10 1:47 PM
2011-04-10 1:52 PM
in reply to: #3271134


Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

My motivation-

It began with weightloss ( as most things do after kids and life) then spiraled into something so much bigger. The day my son asked me when he could do a race with me was the day I knew this was the right thing for me. I am motivated by setting an example for my children and instilling in them that fitness and living a healthy lifestlyle isn't a chore. Its a gift that you give yourself and the ones you love.

We recently completed a race together 5 & 10k with the whole family. My husband and 8 year old ran the 5K and my 12 yo and I ran the 10k. It was a wonderful feeling that my children were out being active and having fun doing it. Plus - we all have the same t-shirt now!!


Edited by yolandamcp 2011-04-10 1:52 PM
2011-04-10 1:57 PM
in reply to: #3438601

New user

Alameda, CA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

Thanks so much for this!  It really means a lot to hear about other people's experiences, and to know that I'm not the only one feeling the way I do. 

You guys are great and a huge motivation!

2011-04-10 2:38 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Molly, I don't know how much you weigh, but I just took my 'before' pics for the weight loss surgery and am horrified at how I look. Now I know I'll be the fattest person out there doing the tri in May. I'm already self-conscious, but this is worse now that the proof is out there. So know that you're not the only one who feels stupid being out there when I'm sure that others are just looking at me thinking I'm not worthy of being considered an "athlete".
2011-04-10 4:20 PM
in reply to: #3438645

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

goofee girl - 2011-04-10 3:38 PM Molly, I don't know how much you weigh, but I just took my 'before' pics for the weight loss surgery and am horrified at how I look. Now I know I'll be the fattest person out there doing the tri in May. I'm already self-conscious, but this is worse now that the proof is out there. So know that you're not the only one who feels stupid being out there when I'm sure that others are just looking at me thinking I'm not worthy of being considered an "athlete".

You're not!!  I have so many people who say I can't possibly have run a marathon because I am overweight.  But, I did!!!

Have faith in yourself and know that you can do it.  I've really found that most triathletes are supportive of all the athletes no matter what they look like.  It is a great thing about the community.

2011-04-10 5:05 PM
in reply to: #3271134


Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
My motivation comes from wanting to feel 'healthy' again. I like many people have lost weight and managed to gain it plus back (thanks to my 14 mo old!) I felt so amazing and accomplished when I did the races before and I just want to get back there! Plus, I want my daughter to see me as a healthy active person and think that's the 'normal' thing to do. Today we did a bike ride in our development which was sooooo hard because a) I'm on my mountain bike b) it's a big hill and c) she's heavy and I'm awful at biking!! I'll need all that motivation to do this!!!
2011-04-10 5:10 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

Your stories are all so motivating!  It is really impressive to read about your lives and the effort you all are putting into tri training and races--everyone starts somewhere.

I just want to share what I know must be a mantra to some people (if you're a math nut this is better than if you're not, but either way...):


In other words, Dead Last is better than Did Not Finish is better than Did Not Start.

And every single one of us has started on some sort of work on training.  Thanks peeps...

I just wanted to check in for the day.  I did a recreational bike ride with my kiddo yesterday, certainly not a fitness, but I'm not worried about my biking.  I can really crank that up in no time flat.  Because of that ride, though, I did get one of my bikes back from my friend, so now I can have my cross bike dropped on the trainer (for late night Netflix rides) and my commuter for to work and training rides.

Today I swam alone in a lap lane for the first time.  I did two laps (down and back) with kickboard to warm up, which I hate.  Then I did two laps front crawl.  It tuckered me out and I really want to get my stroke rhythmic and even, so I grabbed some flippers and *think* I did 6 or 7 down and backs.  I am a little discouraged that I won't be able to do an OW swim of 600 yards, but my swim class only started two weeks ago.  At that point I didn't have a stroke at all, so I feel like if I continue on this trajectory I'll be fine.  Am I crazy to attempt this?

Afterward I did 5 kipping pullups and five or seven 3-15 second handstands, my favorite arm and core workout.  I thought about trying to run this evening, but I did run yesterday.  

I also gave up wheat, which is on top of my dairy-free existence I've been suffering for the last 3 weeks or so.  I'm doing it for other health issues, but I figure it won't hurt my svelt-ness factor.  Makes me cranky, though.  Oh, well.  

2011-04-10 8:32 PM
in reply to: #3438814


Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

Katie, why did you give up wheat? I am trying to narrow down what aggravates my RA (rheumatoid arthritis) and wheat and dairy are on the top of my list as culprits.

Edited by yolandamcp 2011-04-10 8:33 PM

2011-04-10 8:35 PM
in reply to: #3438814

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Katiepony - 2011-04-10 6:10 PM

I also gave up wheat, which is on top of my dairy-free existence I've been suffering for the last 3 weeks or so.  I'm doing it for other health issues, but I figure it won't hurt my svelt-ness factor.  Makes me cranky, though.  Oh, well.  

Just curious, are you giving up just wheat or gluten?

I don't eat gluten anymore and the first couple of weeks was the worst, but now I'm used to it.  I found it was aggravating IBS symptoms (sorry if that's TMI!) and I feel a lot better not eating it.

2011-04-10 8:36 PM
in reply to: #3439091

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Yolanda, it's always worth trying an elimination diet.  Basically, don't eat either for a few weeks (I forget the exact number) and then reintroduce them into your diet one at a time.  If the symptoms return, then you know which one caused it.  But it takes a few weeks before they are completely out of your system.
2011-04-10 10:16 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Desert of Mexico
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

Does anyone drink protein shakes?  I have drank whey protein shakes in the past (vanilla), but stopped because I could not stand the taste. (I tried mixing it with both non fat milk and water).  I recently bought some soy protein to give it a try (it said "flavorless") but again the same problem; I can't stand the texture and taste.

I really enjoy the health benefits I experience when replacing a meal with a protein shake, but how can I make it through the taste and texture?  I've tried mixing it with yogurt, fruit and water, but still it was awful.  And ideas?

2011-04-10 10:29 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

Re: My wheat-free, dairy free horror...

Simply, I'm tired of breaking out.  I am just going to keep eliminating things until it clears up.  I also nixed the chocolate, and basically any sugar.  It is kind of a lazy person's Elimination Diet (the one that tests for allergies).  

Right now, I eat a lot of peanut butter as a treat.  As in, "Oh, I want a special thing... Oh, yeah, I'll eat a teaspoon of peanut butter.  That'll scratch that itch." Undecided

The Eeyore in me says I'll probably get an allergy to that now. :-)

The really crummy part is I don't like sugar.  I would be perfectly happy to give up wheat and sugar, but no, of course, I have to start with cheese, my most loved of all foods.  That and heavy whipping cream. 

I will skip every donut and frosty from here to next year, but a cheese plate...?  Why, Powers that Be, why?  Of course, maybe my diet will have no impact at all in which case I'm off to get a pizza and a cheese plate.  Only every once and a while, since I'm getting fit, but darn right I'll indulge occasionally!

2011-04-10 10:34 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

"Does anyone drink protein shakes?"

I used EAS (in the purple container) powder a bunch.  I really like it.  To be fair, 99% of the time I make a smoothie out of it. Whole milk, a handful of Trader Joe's frozen berries and some yogurt, scoop of powder--delicious!  That'll take you anywhere.  Takes a little longer to make, but the added fruit is healthy and tasty.

I cannot stand the premixed ones. 

2011-04-10 10:59 PM
in reply to: #3439209

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

I do drink protein shakes from time to time.  In my experience, some of them are a lot better than others.  I like the Muscle Milk light.  It doesn't have the weird texture and has good flavors.  I think the flavored is better.

If that doesn't work for you, I know some people mix them in with oatmeal or smoothies.

2011-04-10 11:22 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

Oh, man.  I just did it.  I put out the cold hard cash and bought my registration.  Sunday, June 26, 2011. I'm really nervous all of a sudden.  I am worried I won't be able to get it all together by then.

I'm not a slacker, not a super-fit.  Just a regular, dedicated person who wants to do this thing.  If I keep swimming 3 x a week, one of which is a brick workout, and cycling 3 times a week, running 3 times a week, I will have to get there, right?  I'm nervous though...

Sorry about my incredibly high number of posts today.  It's been a slow Sunday.



2011-04-11 4:51 AM
in reply to: #3438814

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Katiepony - 2011-04-10 5:10 PM

Your stories are all so motivating!  It is really impressive to read about your lives and the effort you all are putting into tri training and races--everyone starts somewhere.

I just want to share what I know must be a mantra to some people (if you're a math nut this is better than if you're not, but either way...):


In other words, Dead Last is better than Did Not Finish is better than Did Not Start.

I like that!!!

2011-04-11 4:57 AM
in reply to: #3271134

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
I do Muscle Milk Light as a post-workout drink when I remember to make it. The flavor I bought was cake batter and it's darned good. Even without the blender it has a good texture and really hits the spot. Eventually I'll get to the point where I can drink one as a meal replacement drink. For now, I'll follow what the nutritionist says to do once I sit down with her.
2011-04-11 7:53 AM
in reply to: #3271134

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

So I am new to this posting thing and have never really belong to a group, is there a way togo to the last post I've read? Is there a direct link to get to the posts other then going to forums, mentor group and then ours then the last page I remember?  Have you been able to log in and see my training log?  Can everyone that I added to my friend list see it?  Shoud i plan on adding everyone in this group to my friend list?

Anyways enough questions - I was so nevous about my 18 mile run on Saturday, It was slow and steady, I did stop 3 times to strech on a tree but as soon as I was done I was off again.  Very sore in right hip leg area on Sunday, but this morning run I felt great!

Hope everyone had a great weekend! 

Bill B

2011-04-11 8:26 AM
in reply to: #3271134


Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

I love reading everyone's reasons for doing it and their motivation, helps me remember why I'm doing it!!

As for being 'big', I know the first time I did a race I thought I would be the biggest/slowest person ever.  I was surprised, because it really is people of all shapes, sizes and levels!!   During one of my races I found out later that I had actually placed 2nd in my age group for the 150lb+ age group and that was such a proud moment for me!  My grandmother actually went around telling people I had placed at the race, she left out the part where it was for the heavier weight group.  I just hope I can get back to that level of fitness by this summer, and that is whats keeping me motivated!!!

I ran 15min (1 mile) and swam 1,000 yards this morning.  Feeling great today and hope I can keep it up!

2011-04-11 9:32 AM
in reply to: #3439448

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Desert of Mexico
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Bishtaw - 2011-04-11 7:53 AM

 Can everyone that I added to my friend list see it?  Should i plan on adding everyone in this group to my friend list?

Anyways enough questions - I was so nervous about my 18 mile run on Saturday, It was slow and steady, I did stop 3 times to stretch on a tree but as soon as I was done I was off again.  Very sore in right hip leg area on Sunday, but this morning run I felt great!

Bill B

First of all, congrats on your 18 mile run!  I can't even imagine running that far!  Congrats!

Secondly, I added you to my friend list as well and am able to see your training log, etc.  As far as going directly to this forum, I simply added it to my "favorites" in my firefox browser to have easier access to come directly here. 

Happy Monday all!

2011-04-11 1:12 PM
in reply to: #3439448

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Bishtaw - 2011-04-11 8:53 AM

So I am new to this posting thing and have never really belong to a group, is there a way togo to the last post I've read? Is there a direct link to get to the posts other then going to forums, mentor group and then ours then the last page I remember?  Have you been able to log in and see my training log?  Can everyone that I added to my friend list see it?  Shoud i plan on adding everyone in this group to my friend list?

Anyways enough questions - I was so nevous about my 18 mile run on Saturday, It was slow and steady, I did stop 3 times to strech on a tree but as soon as I was done I was off again.  Very sore in right hip leg area on Sunday, but this morning run I felt great!

Hope everyone had a great weekend! 

Bill B

Hi Bill!

Now that we have a pretty settled group, I'll make a table of everyone in the group with links to their training logs and a link to here.  You can put it in your training log and then it will take you to the end.  Stay tuned!

Yes, I can see your log. 

Congrats on the 18 mile run!!!

2011-04-11 3:22 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

18 mile run! Surprised I can't wait until the day I utter those words!!! Congratulations!

I'd better start posting my workouts. Won't be joining a gym for another couple of weeks, so it will be a little meager at first.

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