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2011-01-20 8:40 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
I wonder if some of our group hasn't been able to locate us since we moved from the open group link.  Hopefully, everyone will find us.

I registered for 6 swim clinics through my master's swim group which start up in February and am excited to see how they will go.

TIFFANY, interesting that you have a house husband as well.  He must really keep busy with two still at home to watch over.  I don't listen to audio books.  I drive 15 minutes to a Park N Ride and then ride the 30 minutes into town on the bus.  What kind of books do you enjoy?  Someone in my last mentor group was in a book club and gave me the list of books that they read last year.  The only one that I'd read already was The Help (Stockett).  Here are the names of the other books, that I still need to check into: Still Alice (Genova), Secret Daughter (Gowda), The Last Concubine (Downer), White Tiger (Adiga), The Bishop's Man (Macintyre) and Eternal on the Water (Monninger).

LANI, I'm thinking of trying out the new Weight Watchers program.  Hopefully, I can pick your brain if needed.  Seems weird not to be taking calories into consideration in a weight loss program.  Love the name of the group!


2011-01-20 8:42 PM
in reply to: #3312452

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Lisa - Pick my brain about anything WW or Tri related
2011-01-20 8:45 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
LORI, where do you live in New England?  My daughter was in New Haven last week when they were dumped with the 30" of snow ... by far more snow than she or I have ever seen.  I think she will be in Massachusetts for the next few days.  Aren't you all due for another winter storm over the next day or so?


Edited by lufferly 2011-01-20 8:47 PM
2011-01-21 9:55 AM
in reply to: #3273560

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Easton, PA
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Thanks for the book suggestions, Lisa!  I have read The Help as well and really liked it, but not the others.  I love mystery/suspense, but really just enjoy a good story that makes you want to keep turning the pages, regardless of genre.  I've been into Lisa Scottoline's books lately (mystery/suspense)...I read them at night when I can't fall asleep because my brain is churning, like the last two nights.  (So annoying!)  Two books that were recommended to me recently are The Hunger Games and The Book Thief.  From the sound of things, my house husband is not nearly as productive as yours in the cleaning dept. but he does have his hands full with the kiddos!  Smile

I wonder if we should maybe PM a link to group members in case they are having trouble finding us?

I finally got back in the gym yesterday!  Seemed like I was out forever with the stomach bug, but I really only missed 3 workouts.  I did some upper body weights yesterday and HIIT on the treadmill after.  It was hard to get going on the HIIT, I felt really sluggish and considered ditching it after warm-up lap but told myself I could at least do one mile.  At 3/4 mile it wasn't feeling as hard so I decided to kick it up a couple notches for the last lap and then do 10 min HIIT.  My blood started to get pumping during the HIIT, and toward the end of the 10 min I thought - I can't stop now, it's just started to feel good!  So I went for another 10 min and got a great workout in.  Feelin' pretty good about my first workout back after being sick!Smile

I think I'm going to be able to get a workout in this weekend with the masters swim team at the Y, so pretty excited and a little nervous about that since I don't know what to expect!
2011-01-21 12:33 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Good Question!?!?!?!?
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Hello Lani & Group,

I don't really have a race schedule yet......I'm still all over the place about when to do my first tri.  I have been running and cycling indoors and swimming.  I know that there is no real substitution for doing the real thing, running outside and actually biking.....I just haven't found the time to get outside.  My evenings and weekends are consummed by my kids soccer, school work, etc.....that's why I make sure I hit the gym in the mornings.  Common sense tells me to wait until the May 1st tri, however, as I said before, I'm chomping at the bit to do one soon.  There are 3 in March
nearby, all sprint tris, one at the first of the month, one mid-month and one at the end of the month.  I'm really looking hard at the first or second one.  My concerns are: 1) in March, around here, it can be 60 degrees or can be 25 degrees, and 2) my swim.  I did swim today, as I do every MWF.  Part of my workout today included 3-100 meter swims, which is more than I have ever done before and did okay.........I think. Undecided        

Anyway.....y'all have a great weekend!!!! 

2011-01-21 2:33 PM
in reply to: #3312463


Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Hi Lisa!

I'm in Eastern Connecticut.. . I'm about 15 minutes from both Foxwood's and Mohegan Sun.  We did get the big storm last week, we got about 30"... the snow build up from this year is well over my son's head (he's 3).   We got about 6" this morning and are expecting to get another storm next week that is supposed to last from Tues-Thursday or next week, so that should be interesting! 

Hope the weekend is great for everyone!   My goals for the week failed miserably, so hopefully next week will be WAY better!

2011-01-23 6:47 PM
in reply to: #3313674

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Easton, PA
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Raul_T - 2011-01-21 1:33 PM Hello Lani & Group,

I don't really have a race schedule yet......I'm still all over the place about when to do my first tri.  I have been running and cycling indoors and swimming.  I know that there is no real substitution for doing the real thing, running outside and actually biking.....I just haven't found the time to get outside.  My evenings and weekends are consummed by my kids soccer, school work, etc.....that's why I make sure I hit the gym in the mornings.  Common sense tells me to wait until the May 1st tri, however, as I said before, I'm chomping at the bit to do one soon.  There are 3 in March
nearby, all sprint tris, one at the first of the month, one mid-month and one at the end of the month.  I'm really looking hard at the first or second one.  My concerns are: 1) in March, around here, it can be 60 degrees or can be 25 degrees, and 2) my swim.  I did swim today, as I do every MWF.  Part of my workout today included 3-100 meter swims, which is more than I have ever done before and did okay.........I think. Undecided        

Anyway.....y'all have a great weekend!!!! 


I think you could probably handle a tri in March, it sounds like you have been practicing all three events consistently.  I don't think the fact that you haven't been cycling or running outside much will interfere with being able to finish the race, just might mean a slower time than you would have otherwise.  That's not such a bad thing, though, for a first tri IMHO - it sets you up with plenty of room to beat it the next time!
2011-01-23 6:50 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
inside is better than nothing! Outside is better only because it helps you assimilate to actual race environment (unless your doing an indoor tri ).

MARCH for a tri??? You must live someplace warm - around here March is barely warm enough to get out and run! June is better to start our tri season
2011-01-23 6:53 PM
in reply to: #3273560


Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Anyone want to give goals for next week a whirl again?   Since last week was AWFUL, I'll start...

Monday,  swim in the am; run at lunch
Tues-Thurs are supposed to be snow for us... non-stop snow =(    SOOOO.. I'm hoping that one of the mornings I can get in a swim?   and then at least one run at lunchtime... one of those days.

Fri-  Run

Saturday; run

I should get my husband to put my bike back on the trainer so maybe I can get in one ride too.... hmmmm... yeah that!

Have a good night!~Lori
2011-01-23 6:54 PM
in reply to: #3313974

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Easton, PA
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
lori0826 - 2011-01-21 3:33 PM Hi Lisa!

I'm in Eastern Connecticut.. . I'm about 15 minutes from both Foxwood's and Mohegan Sun.  We did get the big storm last week, we got about 30"... the snow build up from this year is well over my son's head (he's 3).   We got about 6" this morning and are expecting to get another storm next week that is supposed to last from Tues-Thursday or next week, so that should be interesting! 

Hope the weekend is great for everyone!   My goals for the week failed miserably, so hopefully next week will be WAY better!

I've been to Foxwood's a number of years ago, you are within driving distance of PA...hmm, maybe potential for a race meet-up one day!  We haven't gotten anywhere near the amount of snow you have, though my kids have already had 5 snow days...two of them were really only worthy of a 2-hour delay, but the kids weren't complaining.  It sounds like this next storm has the potential to really be a doozy...I got no work done last week between the MLK Jr. holiday and then the stomach bug, I'm really going to fall behind if this next one turns out to be a nor'easter!
2011-01-23 7:05 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Easton, PA
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
So I met up with the masters swim team this morning at the wasn't quite what I expected, there was no coach and everybody just kind of does their own thing.  I'm not sure how much instruction/critique I will get out of it.  Still, I think it could be beneficial.  There were 5 of us there this morning and it was a very friendly group...I got the impression the ones there this morning were the constants and others come and go from the group.  The one other woman who was there has done tri's for a few years so she could really be a great resource and potential training partner...she expressed interest in meeting up with me for a swim in the AM during the week and maybe some strength training.  Also, it sounds like as the weather gets nicer she has another woman she bikes outdoors with in the AM so maybe I could join them.

Tomorrow I officially begin the 2X balanced oly training plan.  I tweaked it a little bit - cut back some on the bike minutes so now they peak at 2 hours rather than 2.5, and upped the run minutes to peak at 2 hours as I'm really leaning towards running a half marathon two weeks before the tri.

2011-01-23 7:15 PM
in reply to: #3316905

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Certainly! Considering that the 2 snows last week kept me from the gym

This week is bike week - mainly because my son has midterms and I need to pick him up every day at 11
2011-01-24 9:34 AM
in reply to: #3273560

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Easton, PA
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
My plans for this week are:
Mon - bike (spin class)
Tues - AM Crossfit...noon HIIT run on treadmill
Wed - rest day
Thurs - AM swim...noon weights lower body/abs
Fri - AM weights upper body...noon spin class
Sat - run outside
Sun - swim

I figure if the snow hits us Tues night into Wed like they are predicting Wed will be the ideal rest day!  I usually take my rest day on the weekend, though - makes life easier with the boys' wrestling matches/tournaments right now.
2011-01-24 10:47 AM
in reply to: #3273560

New user

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Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL

Today - Run this evening while at my daughter's soccer training
Tue - Upper body weights and then swim
Wed - Go to the gym and bike then run
Thurs - Upper body weights and then swim
Fri - go to the gym and bike then run
Sat - Lower body weights and then swim

That's the plan....we'll see what happens!

2011-01-24 11:32 AM
in reply to: #3273560


Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Hey all. It has been awhile since I posted. Sounds like I am in the same boat as most of you.  I didn't meet my goals last week due to weather and birthday celebrations. I turned 30 on Friday.  As a my birthday present to myself, I signed up for my first tri!!  SheRox, Aug 28, here I come =-)

I am still not feeling well...actually worse.  I am going to take it easy this week so that my body can kick this mucus truck.

Welcome to all the new members. 
2011-01-25 8:21 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Not much in the way of training for me this week, as it's a taper week for my half marathon on Sunday.  As of now, the forecast for the race is 50 degrees and raining.  Here's hoping for cooler, drier weather.  I did my last long run (8.3 miles) on Saturday, a short easy 2 mile run tonight, and hopefully another easy 2 mile run on Thursday night.  Then I'll probably take a week off and start my regular training back the 2nd week in February with my masters swim clinic that Monday night.

TIFFANY, I guess the masters programs are different for each local organization.  We have coaches at all of our master swim session and schedules showing what the focus will be on for each session.  I'll let you know how things go once the actual clinics start.

RAUL, you are really lucky to have such a concentration of races around the DFW area.  Seems like there are even more that in the Houston area.  I'm excited because Ironman Texas will be about 8 miles from my home in May ... can't wait to go out and cheer everyone on.

MICHELLE, happy belated birthday and congrats for signing up for your first race!!

LANI, I actually talked my last WW leader into doing her first tri with me last year!  I think my husband is wanting to start going to meetings so we'll probably start that up in a couple of weeks (after I have my half behind me).


2011-01-26 9:51 AM
in reply to: #3273560

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Easton, PA
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Michelle - Happy belated bday!  What a great present to yourself, I think you'll love the Asbury Park tri!  Did you sign up for the mentor program?  If you're at all nervous about the OWS I would try to make it to at least one of the swim clinics they offer, it really made a huge difference in my confidence level for the swim on race day.  Hope you're feeling better!

Lisa - Good luck at your half marathon this Sun.!  I'll keep my fingers crossed that the forecast improves, I would be less than thrilled about running a HM in the rain.  Do you have a goal time?  Yeah, I really thought the masters swim team would be more like you describe.  This one is more a group of people that get together to swim at the same time.  It looks like I will still be my own swim coach...guess I better find some workouts online to use!

Speaking of swimming, I have a question about the phrasing of workouts.  I notice they will say 5 x 100m, for example, and specify what you are supposed to do for that distance...what I don't understand is why they don't just say do "x" for 500m.  Does it say 5 x 100m to signify that you can stop and take a breather after every 100m?  Also, if anyone has a swim workout that they really love or think is really effective I'd love suggestions!

I started CrossFit yesterday morning.  Yesterday was my first foundations class, but I think I'm really going to like it.  Probably too much...I can really only afford to go once a week, but I have a feeling I will want to go more.  I'm planning to do CrossFit one day each week and then more traditional weight training on my own another day or two.  The CrossFit coach happens to be a USAT certified tri coach as well, so I may be able to pick his brain a little for tips!
2011-01-26 11:30 AM
in reply to: #3273560

New user

Good Question!?!?!?!?
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL

Good Luck Lisa on Sunday!

Tiffany - From my track days (and I would assume swimming would be the same.....of course you know what happens when one assumes) that, yes, 5x100 means you do the exercise 100m at a time with a break in between each 100.  In track (I was a sprinter) our break was a simple walk of the distance you are working on and then run again.  On my swims I have been giving myself a break from anywhere of 10 to 60 seconds, depending on the distance I am working on, longer distance = longer break.  As I go along (as far as gettting in swim shape) I try to reduce my rest times.  

However, I recently saw a swim workout with the description of 3x(4x100), for example.  This has me confused.  Do I do (3) 4x100m workouts, or do I do (3) 400m swims?  Any idea Lani?

Also, Lani, I started with the 3-month beginner swim program.  I'm feeling much better about my swim and think I should be pushing myself - doing more endurance focus exercises.  What would you suggest, should I stay with that program or is there another program I can work in?  I am about 99% sure I will sign up for my first sprint tri on March 13th.  I have also decided that I want to do my first Oly on July 24th.  I am kicking around the idea of a half IM in September - am I being too ambitious?


2011-01-26 1:31 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Hi everyone!  I am sorry for going MIA, it's been rough! Got pneumonia, got a promotion, etc.  Been nuts!  I"m recovered from my pneumonia but I don't think I'll ever recover from this promotion! ACK 

Lisa- Awesome! Good luck at Houston, hope it's a PR and a great race for you!  

Everyone- I am running my first full marathon on Sunday, I am crossing my fingers that all goes well. After I finish, I'll be switching into triathlon gear, can't wait! 

Has anyone on here used the FIRST program or Run Less Run Faster plan with triathlon training?
2011-01-26 5:00 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Easton, PA
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Raul - I don't think a HIM in Sept. is too ambitious at all, you have over 7 months to train for it and the beginner HIM training plan on this site is a 20-week plan.  Go for it!

Kara - congrats on the promotion!  Sorry it's keeping you so busy, though.  Good news that you are over the pneumonia.  Good luck at the marathon Sun.!  I used the Run Less Run Faster training plan to train for the NYC marathon last Nov...which is why I decided to do the tri at the end of Aug.  I figured I was basically training for one anyone, so I might as well actually do one! 
2011-01-26 7:14 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Kara, good to see you back again.  Good luck to you on Sunday!  I'm watching for some improvement in the weather forecast but not too hopeful!!  Any ideas what races you are aiming for this season?  I'm getting to ready to sign up for CB&I in May and probably, Memorial Hermann in June.  I'd love to do Gateway to the Bay but don't know how that Kemah bridge would be.  I've had some bike issues after a bad accident, that knocked me out cold, a couple of years ago.  Hoping to really get to working on that this season.  I was going to sign up for Lone Star last year and was glad I didn't since the weather was so bad.


2011-01-26 9:17 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Lisa-I am really excited to see another person from Texas on here...though we are really far away from each other, but I do know some of the races you are referring to. I considered the Herman Memorial one but haven't decided for sure.  The weather is FREAKING me out! I have been training in 20 and 30 degree temps, 65 will literally kill me!  I get hot in 40 and I've never run in rain so that seems fun! bleh!  Is it expected to rain during the morning do you know?

Tiffany- How did you like the Run Less Run Faster program, did you feel prepped?  I think I am going to use it for my next half marathon and for the half ironman program. I would like to give it a shot and see. I can't possibly run more than 3 times a week while I am biking and swimming too.    I guess I could but I don't want to. LOL
2011-01-26 9:37 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Hey there everyone! Busy week we've all been having. I unfortunately have NOT gotten to the gym to swim twice this week however I have twice done an activity that starts with S and ends with a G SHOVELING! Tired of it.

Rode tonight for an hour (ran 3 yesterday before the storm)

Not familiar with the run less run faster program. Is it similar to the Galloway walk/run method?
2011-01-27 1:04 PM
in reply to: #3273560

NW Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Okay, so I started the 2x program this week...added a zumba class, went to a masters swim class--and basically got a private lesson that really helped my freestyle stroke. And it turns out that my breast stroke is pretty good already. Who knew? I worked hard; now a bit of a sore shoulder. Maybe I shouldn't have done the swim then weight lifting (arms) the next day? Just trying to stay with it. The cold weather makes it hard to stay motivated!
2011-01-27 6:17 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Easton, PA
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Lani - no, it is different than Galloway's run/walk method.  The Run Less Run Faster program has training plans for 5k to marathon that involve only 3 days of running (one speed workout, one tempo and one long run) with cross-training another 2-3 days/week with low/non-impact activities such as cycling and swimming...the idea being that the low-impact days will allow you to still make cardio gains while reducing the wear and tear on your legs, minimizing the possibility of injury.

Kara - yes, I did feel well-prepared for the marathon and triathlon using the program and would definitely recommend it.  I had trained for a half marathon in 2009 doing 3 runs/week and step or spin classes on other days...I have had some hip problems in the past from running and so didn't think it wise to run 4-6 days a week as some programs recommend.  For the half I followed Hal Higdon's novice program but substituted step or spin for some of the runs and it worked great - I made it to the half injury free and had a great race!  When I decided to do the full last year I knew I wanted to stick with a similar format...I found Run Less Run Faster and it was perfect for me.

Edited by twalker0475 2011-01-27 6:18 PM
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