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2011-05-01 7:11 AM
in reply to: #3434094

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious - -full

Welcome to everyone who joined the group this weekend! The group is officially full now.

Let's start by having everyone tell me what their 1 or 2 major curiosities/concerns are about triathlon so that I can tailor the direction of my random info postings.

Happy first day of May!!

2011-05-01 7:12 AM
in reply to: #3473634

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

armyofficr02 - 2011-04-29 1:49 PM Hello my name is CPT Vincent Jackson and I am currently stationed at Fort Bliss in El Paso, TX.  I recently read a magazine about Triathletes and I became very interested in joining this group of athletic warriors.  I currently have no equipment but I will be looking into purchasing some in the very near future and beginning training with a goal of doing a sprint race in Las Vegas during the last weekend of August.  I would love to join this group if at all possible.

I became interested in triathlon because of a magazine as well!

2011-05-01 7:13 AM
in reply to: #3473739

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
lisamt75 - 2011-04-29 2:39 PM

Do you still have room?  If so, count me in!!! I'm a total newbie gearing up to do my first sprint tri in Tampa (Ramblin Rose).  I've downloaded the a 11 week training program on Sunday and started on Monday with hitting the gym at 5am. 


Good job picking out a training program, that's the first step. How has your training been going this week?

2011-05-01 7:14 AM
in reply to: #3473872

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
magwi - 2011-04-29 3:53 PM

Is there still room? I'd love to join. I'm a total newbie and I would love to have a group to talk to!


You're in! Tell us a little about yourself.

2011-05-01 7:14 AM
in reply to: #3473935

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

jstank21 - 2011-04-29 4:24 PM If this group is still open, I'd love to join!  I've been working on getting myself in shape over the past year, and hope to get over the hump to being able to participate in Tris over the summer or early fall.

Welcome to the group. What are you currently doing for training?

2011-05-01 7:16 AM
in reply to: #3473974

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
Jandrzejek - 2011-04-29 4:53 PM


I was wondering if I could join your group?  I will be participating in my first Tri this August.

I am 53, married and have two High School aged boys.  I started working out in January to lose weight. I stumbled upon Beginner Trianthlete website and began using a work out schedule.  I found I like the variation and it gave me motovation to keep moving.  I have lost 20 pounds so far...but still have more to lose!

It would be nice to chat with others about this.  Thanks.




Congratulations on the weight loss!

2011-05-01 7:17 AM
in reply to: #3474016

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

loren17 - 2011-04-29 5:22 PM I started to get back in shape 2 years ago, as well as losing weight.  I ran my first 5K 2 weeks ago (Boston) and am signed up for my first sprint triathlon in Sept.  I was on the swim team in college and have been biking a bit in the last couple of years.  I work out daily - twice a week with a personal trainer, but have no idea how to train for a triathlon.  My goals are to finish and have fun.

You're already a swimmer, you've been biking, and you've got a run base - good start! Check out the training plan section of the website and find a plan that suits your needs (fitness level, time available).

2011-05-01 7:20 AM
in reply to: #3474238

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
nicruns - 2011-04-29 8:15 PM

wow! all the best for a speedy & full recovery for you!!

SO excited. i got a wetsuit today!
(i held off on getting one last year, but i'm looking forward to being warmer in the water this time around!!)

hope everyone has a great weekend
(not sorry to see THIS past week come to an end)
TGIF! & happy training!

My past week has been terrible too, so good riddence for the end of it! I seem to be making my recovery and am feeling better but still getting there. Luckily it seems to not be cardiovascular, but I don't know just yet.

I'm excited for your wetsuit!! I decided this year that I want to use one, not for the water temperature but to give me an easier time on the swim. I think I'm going to rent one.

2011-05-01 7:21 AM
in reply to: #3474323

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

PAG - 2011-04-29 9:41 PM I am a total newbie who has done only a little exercise in the last few years. I would like to join your group if it is still open.  I really do not even know where to start. I am 53.

Welcome! What made you decide to take part in triathlon?

2011-05-01 7:22 AM
in reply to: #3474554

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
ccbressoud - 2011-04-30 7:43 AM

Hi I would love to join your group, Just about to run out the door to a city clean up day...will post info when I get back if the group is still open.


Hi Cindy! You're in so feel free to post your info. How was the city clean up?

2011-05-01 7:28 AM
in reply to: #3474655

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
ndechant - 2011-04-30 10:05 AM

I'd like in too please!  I'm pretty much a total newbie.


Story:  I'm searching for ways to live a healthy lifestyle.  I'm finding as I get older (35 yrs) my knees are taking an abuse from running, tennis, and softball.   I'd like to mix in a few other disciplines and move towards better shape for life.  I'd like to tri because for a goal and overall fitness.  

Status:  Married with no kids - but two cats that run our house.

Training: Bought the triathlete bible and just starting multi-discipline training recently.  What can go wrong - right?

Races:  None so far at all.  I'm trying to "time" myself at each discipline to see if I can do a sprint without embarassing myself.

Weight loss:  A little wouldn't hurt.  Lowering the body fat percentage is a goal rather than weight.  Unfortunately exercise isn't the problem - eating habits is.    When portion sizes were allocated being "fist" size I really wish they would have used somebody with a bigger hand....


I'm going to pick a tri and target that date but I have lots of questions about pace and general questions about how a tri actually works.  They are all simple I think - but there are a lot of things I don't know.  For example I used the internet and researched a bike to buy.  I found a great one and made the purchase.   But it doesn't come with pedals?  And I need special shoes?   Any of you would have laughed hard with the uncomfortable moment of silence when I'm trying to figure out why a $1200 bike doesn't come with pedals!

Looking forward to this - I think.



Palm Springs, CA, but still Edmonton, Ab at heart!

I had to laugh about the bike pedals thing! Don't feel intimidated or silly regarding the bike issue, just 2 weeks ago I went through my very first road bike purchase with the help of a friend on this site. No, my bike didn't come with pedals and yes it cost more than a grand. The choice of pedals is up to you. If you want standard pedals they will put them on your bike for next to no cost. If you want clipped in pedals (shoes) they cost more but increase the efficiency of your pedaling. I am not an expert on this so I'm going to refer you to the "Gear Reviews and Questions" forum on this website.

2011-05-01 7:32 AM
in reply to: #3475386

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
aershe - 2011-04-30 10:21 PM

I'm interested in joining this group.

Hi! I'm Beth. I'm 35 yrs old and play ultimate frisbee on a regular basis. I've ran one 1/2 marathon and have another one next week. I always need a goal to aim for to do my best. This is my first year for a triathlon. I'll be participating in a sprint tri June 5th. It's coming really close.  I'm looking to do better at the running portion and see what I can do better while swimming. I feel pretty confident cycling.



Hi Beth! Good luck on your half marathon next week. Are you looking for a personal best on that distance?

How is your training so far for the June triathlon?

2011-05-01 4:58 PM
in reply to: #3475622


Subject: RE: Tri-Curious

I'm starting to realize how important nutrition is to training for a tri.  By Friday, I was starting to slow down and ended up taking Saturday off.  Overall, no major injuries or anything for concern just a few sore muscles.  Right now its about pacing myself and sticking to the program.  Innocent   It feels great to finally get started on this journey!!

A little about me:

Age: 35, female from FL

Why: I use to watch the Ironman as a kid and decided it was time to do I made it a goal for 2011.

Activities: I'm at the boxing gym 5 days a week and now I'm at the health spa at 5am following the 11-week program.

Any veggies out there?

2011-05-01 10:53 PM
in reply to: #3475619

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Subject: RE: Tri-Curious - -full

The open water swim is always what gets much different than the pool. Not sure if there's much I can do other than get some practice in during the summer.

Up to this point i've used a wetsuit from my scuba days, but I think it's worth getting a tri wetsuit (good xterra deal with bt coupon), and seeing if that helps movement, etc.

I think I will sign up for the Woodstock triathlon - june 12th..even if i have to walk the 2.5k at the end :P



as far as bikes and pedals go. Clipless pedals with the right shoes makes a huge different..I'd never go back to anything else.

2011-05-01 11:30 PM
in reply to: #3475625

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New user

Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
mbasta - 2011-05-01 8:14 AM

jstank21 - 2011-04-29 4:24 PM If this group is still open, I'd love to join!  I've been working on getting myself in shape over the past year, and hope to get over the hump to being able to participate in Tris over the summer or early fall.

Welcome to the group. What are you currently doing for training?

Name: Jaime

Age: 20

Story: After I quit soccer in middle school, I became pretty sedentary. I gained a bit of weight, at my highest I was 165 lbs or so which at 5'4" is overweight. I joined a gym and did manage to lose 40 lbs but I gained it back, sadly. Last summer, I decided to get into triathlon. It seemed fun and I've always had an interest in multisport. I decided that it wasn't good enough just to work out to lose weight, I wanted to do something more substantial- ergo triathlon! I want to be in good shape, and have not achieved anything close to that in so long. A lot of people on this site seem to come to the sport with substantial background. I'm in a very different position. Less than a year ago, I couldn't swim 25m in a pool, I couldn't run more than half a mile on a treadmill, I still don't have a bike (I'm getting one once school is over!). Over the last year, I have made relatively substantial progress, but I still have a long way to go. I hope to get into good enough shape over the summer to be able to join the Tri Club here at school next year!

Current Training: I started by following the rudimentary schedule the Tri Club here at school released for people training over the summer. For a while though, I haven't been following much of a structured plan. I have been trying to do increase my running the way most plans do; I think it's 10% increase for three weeks and then a taper week. I've also been trying to build up my swimming using the 0to1650 plan. As for biking, I have been attending spin classes.

Not being in good shape is a bit unnerving. I want to be able to hold my own which has halted my joining the Tri Club. I am also increasingly nervous about signing up for tris because I feel as though I couldn't finish a sprint. Sigh. One day!

2011-05-02 7:39 PM
in reply to: #3434094

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Subject: RE: Tri-Curious - -full

Okay.  I have a question for anyone more experienced at the bike portion:

When you pedal your bike, are you relying more on your quads or your calves?  I was having a discussion with someone else of a novice stature, and they said that they were instructed in their bike fitting that 75% of their pedal stroke should come from the calve muscles.  If this is the case than I am doing it dead wrong because my thighs feel like two cynder blocks when I am done a long ride. 

2011-05-02 11:05 PM
in reply to: #3476194

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
lisamt75 - 2011-05-01 5:58 PM

I'm starting to realize how important nutrition is to training for a tri.  By Friday, I was starting to slow down and ended up taking Saturday off.  Overall, no major injuries or anything for concern just a few sore muscles.  Right now its about pacing myself and sticking to the program.  Innocent   It feels great to finally get started on this journey!!

A little about me:

Age: 35, female from FL

Why: I use to watch the Ironman as a kid and decided it was time to do I made it a goal for 2011.

Activities: I'm at the boxing gym 5 days a week and now I'm at the health spa at 5am following the 11-week program.

Any veggies out there?

Nutrition is very important! It's interesting to see the difference in performance when you play with different meals surrounding workouts. I workout in the morning and learned that avacado is a terrible choice before a run, but a banana (usually half) is just fine for me. In retrospect, the avacado was also a bad choice pre-workout because of the high fat content.

2011-05-02 11:09 PM
in reply to: #3476773

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious - -full
hexbinary - 2011-05-01 11:53 PM

The open water swim is always what gets much different than the pool. Not sure if there's much I can do other than get some practice in during the summer.

Up to this point i've used a wetsuit from my scuba days, but I think it's worth getting a tri wetsuit (good xterra deal with bt coupon), and seeing if that helps movement, etc.

I think I will sign up for the Woodstock triathlon - june 12th..even if i have to walk the 2.5k at the end :P



as far as bikes and pedals go. Clipless pedals with the right shoes makes a huge different..I'd never go back to anything else.

Good idea switching to a tri specific wetsuit. They are made to make it easier to swim front crawl compared to some other wetsuit types.

You're right with the open water swimming - practice practice practice. I will be taking my own advice and doing so to prepare for the events this summer. My first/only triathlon swim was terrible, but part of that was the nerves about being in an event and having family/friends watching.

2011-05-02 11:11 PM
in reply to: #3476805

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious
jstank21 - 2011-05-02 12:30 AM
mbasta - 2011-05-01 8:14 AM

jstank21 - 2011-04-29 4:24 PM If this group is still open, I'd love to join!  I've been working on getting myself in shape over the past year, and hope to get over the hump to being able to participate in Tris over the summer or early fall.

Welcome to the group. What are you currently doing for training?

Name: Jaime

Age: 20

Story: After I quit soccer in middle school, I became pretty sedentary. I gained a bit of weight, at my highest I was 165 lbs or so which at 5'4" is overweight. I joined a gym and did manage to lose 40 lbs but I gained it back, sadly. Last summer, I decided to get into triathlon. It seemed fun and I've always had an interest in multisport. I decided that it wasn't good enough just to work out to lose weight, I wanted to do something more substantial- ergo triathlon! I want to be in good shape, and have not achieved anything close to that in so long. A lot of people on this site seem to come to the sport with substantial background. I'm in a very different position. Less than a year ago, I couldn't swim 25m in a pool, I couldn't run more than half a mile on a treadmill, I still don't have a bike (I'm getting one once school is over!). Over the last year, I have made relatively substantial progress, but I still have a long way to go. I hope to get into good enough shape over the summer to be able to join the Tri Club here at school next year!

Current Training: I started by following the rudimentary schedule the Tri Club here at school released for people training over the summer. For a while though, I haven't been following much of a structured plan. I have been trying to do increase my running the way most plans do; I think it's 10% increase for three weeks and then a taper week. I've also been trying to build up my swimming using the 0to1650 plan. As for biking, I have been attending spin classes.

Not being in good shape is a bit unnerving. I want to be able to hold my own which has halted my joining the Tri Club. I am also increasingly nervous about signing up for tris because I feel as though I couldn't finish a sprint. Sigh. One day!

Don't let developing athletic/triathlon confidence hold you back from taking part in the tri club. If you want to do it go for it now because it will only help your progress. Most likely there will be other new people in development there and you won't be alone. Everyone starts somewhere!

2011-05-02 11:17 PM
in reply to: #3478599

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious - -full
rwolf - 2011-05-02 8:39 PM

Okay.  I have a question for anyone more experienced at the bike portion:

When you pedal your bike, are you relying more on your quads or your calves?  I was having a discussion with someone else of a novice stature, and they said that they were instructed in their bike fitting that 75% of their pedal stroke should come from the calve muscles.  If this is the case than I am doing it dead wrong because my thighs feel like two cynder blocks when I am done a long ride. 

I don't know enough about this to comment personally, but here's a link that has an image of proper foot position at various point through the pedal stroke.

I welcome more experienced cyclists in the group to help us out! If no one is sure I recommend asking your question in the "Triathlon Talk" area of the forum.

2011-05-03 9:10 PM
in reply to: #3434094

Subject: RE: Tri-Curious - -full
I am back from MN. What lousy weather. 

I went to scope out the tri site:  the lake, the bike route and the running route.  I feel so much better about everything now.  It is one thing to do internet research mapping the course etc, another to actually be on the roads and looking at the lake. 

I am definitely looking forward to my first tri now!

2011-05-04 3:41 PM
in reply to: #3434094

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Subject: RE: Tri-Curious - -full

Everyone using their training log on this site??


I'm still waiting for my bike from the shop, but I've been getting some running in, and swimming once a week (wednesday nights). I have major fatigue / soreness still the day after working out .. hopefully I can get past that..I'm in bad shape

2011-05-04 4:17 PM
in reply to: #3480839

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious - -full
Threejs - 2011-05-03 10:10 PM I am back from MN. What lousy weather. 

I went to scope out the tri site:  the lake, the bike route and the running route.  I feel so much better about everything now.  It is one thing to do internet research mapping the course etc, another to actually be on the roads and looking at the lake. 

I am definitely looking forward to my first tri now!

Exciting! I remember checking out my route last year - lots of fun!

Hopefully the weather is better for your tri.

2011-05-04 4:19 PM
in reply to: #3482276

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri-Curious - -full
hexbinary - 2011-05-04 4:41 PM

Everyone using their training log on this site??


I'm still waiting for my bike from the shop, but I've been getting some running in, and swimming once a week (wednesday nights). I have major fatigue / soreness still the day after working out .. hopefully I can get past that..I'm in bad shape

I use mine, but it's not very consistent lately due to injury/illness. When I get back on the 16th from vacation I will start training regularly for my tri in 12 weeks.

Is everyone else using the log? In my experience new members don't, but I highly recommend even just putting some details. It helps you track your progress and is motivating to look back on.

2011-05-04 7:49 PM
in reply to: #3434094

Subject: RE: Tri-Curious - -full
Did my tri! Wasn't pretty but got it done. Will try to figure out how to fill in the race report and then link it.
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