BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Newbz' group, Winter is finally over, right? FULL! Rss Feed  
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2011-04-29 12:46 PM
in reply to: #3436046


Subject: RE: Newbz' group, Winter is finally over, right? OPEN!

Hi!  I would really like to join the group!  I am relatively new to multi-sport.  I did 2 sprints last year until I torn my left up.  I had surgery to repair the knee in late October.  I am back and ready to go.  I am doing a 11 mile, 5k Biathlon tomorrow. 

I started my journey into this at the age of 55.  I am now 57.  I was fat.  Not heavy, fat.  And grossly out of shape and on HP and Chl meds.  I got into pretty good shape.  I went from 272 to 176 and a 42" waist to 31" waist.  I have fallen in love with triathlons!  I want to do as good as I can.  I no delusions of granduer but I want to do my best, what ever that brings.

I am a slow swimmer, typical 450 meter time of 9 to 11 min.  5k time of 8-10 min miles.  I can ride pretty well, but I have very little technique, just power.  I need help everywhere!  I am doing a biathlon tomorrow, then a full sprint in 3 weeks, and then another 6 weeks after that, then another Aug 7 and 1 in September.

I train daily for about 2 to 3 hours.  I do P90X and Insanity, I will run everyother day even if on my treadmill.  I will bike 4 times a week.  If not on the road, on my spinner.  I love to train.  I try to get in the water 2-3 times weekly on my lunch hour.  I will typically swim between 800 to 1500 meters.  I am viewing my A race as the Tri Indy on August 7. 

I would appreciate any advice.  Particuarlly with the knee.  I had some of my meniscus removed, some bone chips removed, and other debris.  I also had a fair amount of level 3 arthritist ground out.  I still have a some swelling issues after I abuse it but no real pain.  Ice for 30 minutes seems to take of it.

My first triathlon was a sprint.  The swim was open water.  1/4 mile swim, 13.2 bike, and 3.5 mile run.  My time was 1:38.  That is my bench mark for improvement.

Thank you for you time and I look forward to reading your response.  And thank you for this opportunity!


2011-04-29 1:14 PM
in reply to: #3436046

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New user
Milford, MI
Subject: RE: Newbz' group, Winter is finally over, right? OPEN!


I'd like to join this group as well if you have room!

NAME: Scott H from Michigan

STORY: Happy to be here!  I own a homeland security company so I travel a lot (which sometimes gets in the way) but I manage to make it work. I also serve in the Michigan Army National Guard, currently holding the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. I'm training for my first Tri at the end of May. Just bought my first nice bike (Specialized Crux), wanted something a bit more versatile because I live on a dirt road. I'm married to a wonderful woman and am blessed with two great kids! Just finished my Master's Program at Penn State (SO GLAD TO BE DONE WITH THIS!!!!).

FAMILY STATUS: Married, two kids

CURRENT TRAINING: Running, biking, and swimming.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 5K only, upcoming race 28 May (sprint tri)

WEIGHTLOSS: I've lost 30 lbs since 1 December just with cutting out large lunches and more exercise!

2011-04-29 4:59 PM
in reply to: #3436046


Subject: RE: Newbz' group, Winter is finally over, right? OPEN!

Well... here I am. I committed myself in January to my first triathlon (after a few glasses of wine). With my headache the next morning I also felt a little regret but I got my butt in the pool the following Monday. Once I've decided I'll finish something, I usually do. Having said that,  I'll let you know up front that I'm not planning to finish this too quickly.

I'm turning 40 this fall. Mom of 2 - 19yr old + 15yr old so I do find myself with more time and flexibility these days, although I have an office job where i sit for 40 hours a week. I've ran a couple of 1/2 marathons in the past couple years and a few 5 and 10kms. My times aren't speedy at all though. I can run 10 in an hour. Swimming was completely new (and scary) I've been hitting the pool pretty regular though and definitely seeing improvement, again not so fast. I'm swimming the 1.5km distance in the pool in about 45min and looking forward to getting in the lake as I feel the 'turns' are what kill me most. I've mountain biked for years and just started road biking the end of last year. The snow is finally gone here so I'm able to get back out there - did I mention I'm from Canada? 

I'm booked for an 'olympic' marathon July 10 with another 1/2 marathon between now and then. Looking forward to hearing from you! Have a great weekend.

2011-04-29 8:11 PM
in reply to: #3474076

Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Newbz' group, Winter is finally over, right? OPEN!


I'm from Canada as well ... southern Ontario to be exact.  How about you?  Where in Canada are you from?


2011-04-29 8:38 PM
in reply to: #3436046


Subject: RE: Newbz' group, Winter is finally over, right? OPEN!

Ifr there is still room for one more I'd like to be part.

Im Andy, I am in ok shape not what I'd call great anymore I have always been in sports since I could walk and have read a lot and want to give triathlons a try.

Background: I'm 33 and have decided to give Triathlon's a try but intend on going slowly.  Ran some in HS not super distances but used to run 40 to 45 miles a week for fun.  I never was fast but was not super slow either mid 7's for about 10 miles used to be a wasy work out not its a little beyond my reach.  I still run some and was trying to gear up for Triathlons last fall and developed a knee injury, I think I was going to hard to fast.  My biking is ok I can hang in there for about 35 miles pretty good at about 15-16 MPH on a Mountain Bike yes I said Moutain Bike thats all I have at the moment.  I'm in the Air Force stationed in Korea at the moment and want to get a good base built up this year.  I move this winter back to Florida and intend on picking up a bike.  I have no experiance with swiming more than a 100 yards, so that will be a killer for me and I hope to get a little help wherever I can.

Goals I'd like to in 2 years work up to Half Ironman Distance and be at least middle of the pack for my age group with in 3.  I know thats pretty long term but after hurting myself I want to go slow and stedy.  in the short term I want to build my swim to where I can make the distances required without killing myself, and not having anything left. 

2011-04-29 10:01 PM
in reply to: #3473333

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Subject: RE: Newbz' group, Winter is finally over, right? OPEN!
shmeeg - 2011-04-29 9:44 AM

Ok, question for those of you versed in such things. My bikes were stolen and I am replacing them. I think w/ the amount of commuting and roadie riding I plan on doing, I am going to dump all the $ into a single road bike this time and get a TT frame at the end of the year. I want to keep training w/ power and I want a deep(er) wheelset and I can't decide which way to go. I get a pretty good deal on Zipp and SRAM wheels so I was lookin at a set of 404 aluminum clinchers w/ Powertap SL+ that I would get pretty quick. If I go w/ a SRM or Quarq PM, there is a lengthy wait because nobody has a compact w/ the correct crank arm length for me in stock. If I got the crank based system, obviously I have the ability to put any wheels on the bike, but I would ride the 404s as an all purpose wheel so there would be no need to swap anything out. I need some outside influence here. Happy Friday!

personally if you are going to ride the wheels anyway the PT sounds like a better option.
I used a SRM for a number of years but it is not a cheap toy by any means.

2011-04-29 10:04 PM
in reply to: #3436046

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Subject: RE: Newbz' group, Winter is finally over, right? OPEN!
Andy, for now you are the last to join. I'll get through all the replies and welcome everyone tomorrow and get the first full post to the group then (and if we have space re-open the group) but i need to get my bike back together for a time trial in the morning.

Will report back and get this group rolling then.
To everyone that posted so far welcome!!
2011-04-30 8:20 AM
in reply to: #3436046

New user

Subject: RE: Newbz' group, Winter is finally over, right? FULL!

I'm in if there is room!

NAME: Roger

STORY: 49 year old, New Years resolution was to lose 35 lbs. by diet, exercise, eliptical, weight training etc.  Then I set a goal of running a 5k by June 1st.  Then I came up with the bright idea of dusting off the 1984 Schwinn LeTour Lux hanging up in the garage and trying a tri. So, bought a couple books, got a membership to high school pool, bought a pair of running shoes, and here I am.  

FAMILY STATUS: Married 27 years, 2 adult children, 1 high schooler.

CURRENT TRAINING:  2ND week in a 12 week beginner sprint tri program.  1st swim could only do 4 lengths, now up to 12 at a time, 40 total. Bike should be no problem.  Run- now that's a problem, can't run 10 min, so on 10 min run/walk right now.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 1st ever tri will be a sprint in June, just need to pick one out.

WEIGHTLOSS: Started Jan 1- 236lbs.  Now 205!! Goal is 5 more, should be easy traing for this tri.

ETC: Looking forward to the boards, and help.

2011-04-30 8:41 AM
in reply to: #3436046

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Knoxville, TN
Subject: RE: Newbz' group, Winter is finally over, right? FULL!

If you have room for one more.......

NAME: rrobinette (Robin)

STORY: I have mostly always enjoyed running and MOP 5k racing...I got into triathlon b/c a friend was going it and why not right?  I loved it, but I only did sprint distance--was (am) scared of the long swims....  But then life happened and I stopped running and racing and sat around getting now I'm on the road to recovery from laziness.

   My 7'ish mm pace is now a 12'ish mm pace, but I'm working on it.  I haven't swam in years.  Last year I bought a new road bike and joined a bike "club" ...however, I was the slow out of shape girl and they just rode off and left me discouraged...this year, I found a beginner cycling buddy and we are working our way to getting faster and having endurance in the saddle.  Running is still harder than it used to be.

I have a goal of finishing a half Ironman this year in Sept in a respectable time :-)  

FAMILY STATUS: Married w/ two boxers and a old man cat 

CURRENT TRAINING: Biking  3 x a week doing sprints, intervals, and long rides.  My swimming ...well I bought a swimsuit Friday and will begin swimming next week,  and my runs have consisted of dog jogs all winter long but nothing fast or over 2-3 miles. 

PAST RACES: I'm such a "has been", I raced consistantly until 2004-2005...Have completed several sprint tri's. 

2011 RACES: 

5-14...Tour de Blount 45 miles   

7-2...Tour de Rocky Top 62 miles    

7-31...Xterra off road Triathlon at Panther Creek

9-11...Marine Corps mud run

9-18...Anchor Splash sprint tri

9--25...Atomic Man half Ironman

10-8...Wheelman fall century                                                                                        

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm rather tall for a female 5'10" and while I carry my weight "ok", at 201, I'm 50-60 lbs over my ideal weight..I've lost 11 lbs so far and have my nutrition in check...I have a long way to go but I'm on the right road.

2011-04-30 10:55 AM
in reply to: #3464349

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Subject: RE: Newbz' group, Winter is finally over, right? OPEN!


I feel you on the broken thyroid.  Mine's a problem too... it took a long time to get diagnosed and I put on 30lbs in the meantime.  For me, losing the weight has definitely been a challenge!


2011-04-30 2:10 PM
in reply to: #3474735

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Subject: RE: Newbz' group, Winter is finally over, right? OPEN!
To everyone that's posted so far, you are in, right now we have a full group, so anyone past this post right now i think is out, we'll see how active everyone is and go from there.

What does everyone have on tap for next week? Anyone racing this weekend or next?

I've just got a weekly time trial series going on right now.
Raced my 2nd one of the season this morning and did pretty well. Improved 18 sec over last weeks time (it's a short 8.4mi), and ave 26.3 this week. Very happy with things considering this was in full training setup.

2011-04-30 5:26 PM
in reply to: #3468097

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Southern Saratoga County, NY
Subject: RE: Newbz' group, Winter is finally over, right? OPEN!

 I just read the last post.  Like Maxwell Smart said, "missed it by that much".

No worries - maybe change the status here:

Edited by benjaminjacobso 2011-04-30 5:47 PM
2011-04-30 6:44 PM
in reply to: #3469178

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Newbz' group, Winter is finally over, right? OPEN!
Stevejcote - 2011-04-27 1:00 PM

I Have a question about nutrition do's and don'ts before a race.  I have a sprint on Sat (my first tri) and do not want to do something stupid!  I think I am ok during the race, but it's just what to have before, and how far in advance.  Any advice? 



How did your race go? You may have already posted about it but I haven't read the last page and a half yet.

What did you do for nutrition?

I always eat a big bowl of oatmeal about two hours before because it never seems to upset my stomach. A banana about 45 minutes to start (although I have tasted the banana again several times during my races...may want to rethink that..... and a gel 15 minutes or so before the start.) This has worked for me but I am still practicing and refining my race day nutrition.

2011-04-30 6:56 PM
in reply to: #3474898

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Newbz' group, Winter is finally over, right? OPEN!
newbz - 2011-04-30 3:10 PM

To everyone that's posted so far, you are in, right now we have a full group, so anyone past this post right now i think is out, we'll see how active everyone is and go from there.

What does everyone have on tap for next week? Anyone racing this weekend or next?

I've just got a weekly time trial series going on right now.
Raced my 2nd one of the season this morning and did pretty well. Improved 18 sec over last weeks time (it's a short 8.4mi), and ave 26.3 this week. Very happy with things considering this was in full training setup.

Glad to be in with this group.

Next week I am trialing a week of a plan custom written for me by a coach. It is a try out period for the both of us to see how we work together. Up until this point I have been training using a generic plan, but the pure terror that I feel about doing 140.6 in October makes me think that I would like to have a coach on board. Newbz, you are a coach, correct? Any insight for me on training with a coach, what I should be looking for?

For people that are totally new to this, getting a plan, even a very basic plan, for training makes a very big difference. It holds you accountable to a schedule and gives a framework to guide you. My first two years I just swam, biked or ran whenever I felt like it. Last season I used a generic plan and it made such a huge difference in my training. Just my two cents.

I am two weeks out from my first race, Rev 3 Knoxville Olympic Race. This will be the furthest I have ever travelled for a race. My wife and I are going without the kids so it will be exciting but it is all of an eight hour drive. The race is also two weeks before my (previous) early season A race, a marathon, so I am not planning on going all out. Just for fun to get the season started.
2011-04-30 7:38 PM
in reply to: #3474898

New user

Subject: RE: Newbz' group, Winter is finally over, right? OPEN!
No racing planned for this weekend or next, but planning to have a good week of training tomorrow starting with a bike and a swim.  I am headed to southwest florida to see my kids next weekend, so I want to have a good week of training before I leave on friday.  I'm actually going to try to get both my teenage kids to go running with me.  Haven't had any luck in the past, but we are going to try to persuade them again!
2011-04-30 9:14 PM
in reply to: #3436046

Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Newbz' group, Winter is finally over, right? FULL!
I've no racing planned next week either but I will be swimming Monday & Wednesday and running Tuesday & Thursday indoors.  As for cycling, right now the weather looks like a lot of rain so I'll see.  And skating ... same as the cycling. 

2011-04-30 9:34 PM
in reply to: #3475380

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Subject: RE: Newbz' group, Winter is finally over, right? FULL!
Yep I am a coach.

Two of the main things i'd reccomend anyone look at/ask/do some searching on when considering a coach (assuming cost works and they know their stuff) are as follows:

1- Check and see how well the two of your mesh/work together. Do you trust them? You guys need to get each other, and work together well, understand what you both are looking for from the other, etc.

2- Talk to/check into current/past athletes, are they going the places they wanted to, meeting goals, happy, etc? That is a HUGE part of this. They may know it all, but if they cant get you (or people in similar boats) to their goals, it wont matter.
If you want an example of someone before a coach and after, shoot chris (leegoocrap) a message and ask him how training before and after working with me has gone.
2011-04-30 10:40 PM
in reply to: #3436046

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Subject: RE: Newbz' group, Winter is finally over, right? FULL!

I feel like I slacked off big time in April, so I am setting some month long goals for May. 


Training goal for May, Bike 250 mi, Run 50 mi (subject to ankle healing), swim 11,200 yards.

2011-04-30 11:53 PM
in reply to: #3436046

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Cairns - Australia
Subject: RE: Newbz' group, Winter is finally over, right? FULL!
Today I went for a ride to Port Douglas - 75km - along a winding coastal road with hills.  I have the Challenge Cairns Half on 5 June, and my training has been a bit sporadic due to too many family crisis' this year.  I have just quit work and will now be concentrating on my training leading up to the race, so look out for a full training log.
2011-05-01 7:21 AM
in reply to: #3436046

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Knoxville, TN
Subject: RE: Newbz' group, Winter is finally over, right? FULL!

Glad to be in the group---hello everybody!

wannabefaster-I live in Knoxville and that race is a good one--welcome and good luck!

as for racing this week...beginning my swim training and adding in off road running to my 3 x a week cycling.

have a 45 mile  hilly bike event on the 14th.

I have a "big" race is in Sept, a HIM...I'm gearing my training towards that..but in the mean time, I want to do other events, sorta as training...I'm doing my 1st off-road Xterra tri end of July...should I be doing all my running off-road or will it matter in the end as long as I get the miles in???  The HIM is paved.

2011-05-01 8:59 AM
in reply to: #3468097

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Subject: RE: Newbz' group, Winter is finally over, right? OPEN!

I had a 5K on Friday, which was my first race since High School (almost 15 years ago).  I was pretty happy with the end result, I finished in 40:18.  I ran at about a 13:00 min/mile, which is around where I am in my training.  I know that isn't a very impressive time, but when I started training in January I could walk as fast as I ran (15 min/mile).

I would like to improve my speed for my tri in July.  Is it unrealistic to try to get to a 11 min/mile by that point?  If it is realistic, any suggestions on how I would accomplish that? 

2011-05-01 9:17 AM
in reply to: #3436046

Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Newbz' group, Winter is finally over, right? FULL!

Well, the rain held off for me this morning so I went out and skated about 15 kms just to test the waters on my knee.  I've been having a bit of an issue with a kink on my kneecap, well actually a bit more than a kink, actually a bit of pain ... anyway it has bothered me slightly when running and doing my plyos so I figured a little skate might help me figure out the movement that is causing this.

My skate started out on a flat and my knee was fine, with barely a noticeable pain, but as soon as I hit a hill my knee started paining.  It was on the set down and all the way through the push.  I'm a bit stubborn so I didn't quit skating, I just continued on my route and skated through it.  Probably a stupid thing to do, but low & behold after about 20 minutes all signs of pain or kink just disappeared.  I think my problem has been that I wasn't warmed up enough. I'm gonna test it again tomorrow with a run and see what happens.

2011-05-01 10:47 AM
in reply to: #3474898

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Kansas City, Missouri
Subject: RE: Newbz' group, Winter is finally over, right? OPEN!

newbz - 2011-04-30 12:10 PM What does everyone have on tap for next week? Anyone racing this weekend or next? I've just got a weekly time trial series going on right now. Raced my 2nd one of the season this morning and did pretty well. Improved 18 sec over last weeks time (it's a short 8.4mi), and ave 26.3 this week. Very happy with things considering this was in full training setup.

Just some running for me.  I guess I should go to the pool one of these days and get back on a regular schedule with that!

2011-05-01 4:03 PM
in reply to: #3436046

New user

Subject: RE: Newbz' group, Winter is finally over, right? FULL!
3 rd week of training, just finished 30 min ride in 24 mph winds, arrgghh!!
2011-05-01 7:19 PM
in reply to: #3436046

Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Newbz' group, Winter is finally over, right? FULL!

I think I mentioned that I went out and bought a bike.   I didn't buy a road bike but bought a Trek 7.3FX because I wanted something that I could ride while I tried out a tri (sprint) and if I didn't want to do another, I'd have a bike that I could tool around in.  And if I do want to continue with tris then I will purchase a road bike.  I guess I'm kinda hedging my bets. Laughing

Anyway, my question is ......... I want to purchase a computer but nothing too complicated or expensive at this point and I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations.  I did look at the "gear reviews" but I guess I'm hoping to get the opinions of this group.



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