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2011-04-17 10:42 AM
in reply to: #3449893

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - OPEN
karen26.2 - 2011-04-16 8:40 AM

I would like to join the group if there is still room.

Name: karen26.2 / Karen

Story: About 15 years ago I started running as a way to lose weight.  A friend talked me into doing a marathon that first year, and I became hooked.  I loved the long training and the ultimate goal of crossing that finish line.  Unfortunately I kept getting injured, mostly stress fractures.  The last stress fracture was in my hip, and after being on crutches for 6 weeks I decided I had had enough of that.  I had done a couple of sprint tris, and figured the cross training was something I needed to do.  I've been doing triathlons for a few years now, and love every (well almost every) minute of it.

Family Status: I've been married for 23 years, we have a 20 year old son, and 3 dogs - Marlo, Rainey & Harper.  My husband is super supportive and is always at my races cheering me on.  When I'm having a bad day he's the one that encourages me and reminds me that I can do anything I put my mind to as he pushes me out the door.  I may have convinced him to do his first sprint tri this year, and I'm hoping he likes the sport as much as I do and continues.

Current Training: My A race this year is IM Wisconsin.  I'm following Don Fink's Be Iron Fit competitive plan which I used last year for my first IM (Lousiville).  I really like his plan, it worked well last year for me.  I tend to move some of the days around to fit my schedule, but generally hit all the workouts. 

2010 Races: I kept last year simple so I could focus on my IM training.  But I did a 5k swim which was really fun and gave me a huge boost of confidence for the IM swim.  I did the Cardinal Harbour HIM in prep for Louisville.  It was brutally hot and did nothing to boost my confidence for IM.  I also did a couple of trail runs because I love trail running, and then Chattanooga Oly - my favorite race.

Planned 2011 Races:  Keeping it simple again - Beat of the East Half Steelman next month, Chattanooga Oly, and probably the 5k swim again.  Oh and IMMoo too.

Weightloss: I would like to lose about 10 - 15 pounds before Wisconsin.  I really struggle in this area.  I've started logging on Livestrong which has helped, and I'm going to have a RMR test on Monday to see how many calories my body really needs.  I used to be able to drop weight no problem, but as soon as I hit my 40's, it's been extremely difficult.  So this is an area I'm focusing on this year.

That's about it.  This seems like it will be a great group.

Hi, Karen!  Welcome!

2011-04-17 10:43 AM
in reply to: #3450080

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - OPEN
DDVMM - 2011-04-16 12:08 PM

Welcome to the group Karen!! I think you'll love it here!


Tomorrow is my first HM - I'm leaving soon and will be childless until after the race. I am staying at a local hotel with my running partner and having dinner with the team we are running with - so excited!! See everyone on the flip side - hopefully with a good race report!

Hope you killed the HM!  Can't wait to hear the details......

2011-04-17 10:44 AM
in reply to: #3450181

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - OPEN
pbrown70 - 2011-04-16 1:48 PM

Well My first tri is in the books and here my results. I finished 9th in my group clydesdales

gfin ova  num               age                   total time            swim       tran1       bike        tran2      run

 9   283  87 Paul Brown  41 Bradenton  FL 1:20:25   10   16:21    4:16   15   27:51    2:01 6  29:59

Over all it was alot of fun. There was alot of challenges in this race. Starting with the water it was pretty choppie with about 3 foot waves so it made it interesting for me anyway. Then the first transition is a killer it is about 1/4 mile to the transition area from the beach and you have to wade through a lagoon. The bike was flat with a normal florida headwind. Now the run was ok it was half on a bike/walking trail than the rest on the beach. The only thing i didn't like about the race was the run distance they said the run would be 3.2 mile but it was 4 miles. Oh well! it back to the gym now to start trainning for the next race....

Well done, Paul!  Sounds like you had a great race! 

2011-04-17 10:48 AM
in reply to: #3436066

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - OPEN

I took my bike out for my first road ride of the season, and I got my a** kicked.  Cleveland had a wind advisory with gusting winds up to 40 mph.  Guess I should have looked at the weather before I hopped on the bike.  LOL.  Seriously, I felt like a pinball, being knocked all over the road.  I could barely pedal.  My quads got quite the workout.  After 2 hours of nonsense, I called it a day and went home.  That was brutal and frustrating.  I climbed at least 30 hills, too.  I hope I don't perform so poorly in my races. 

Joined a new gym, and it is pimp.  Going to swim this afternoon. 

My first race of the season is a HM on May 15.  I can't wait!!!   


2011-04-17 11:46 AM
in reply to: #3450829

Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - OPEN
Grilledmonkey - 2011-04-17 1:18 AM

What to look for in a Triathlon Club?

I have just moved to the big smoke and am obviously keen to meet other triathletes to train with. There are a few different tri clubs in the city and im not really sure what i should be looking for. There is one that has swim and run training close to where i live but they havent been overly helpful in email correspondence (i wanted to see if they trained over the winter months and i got a somewhat narky response about triathletes needing to maintain fitness over winter, but no actual yes or no answer). 

Are any of you members of a club? If so, why did you choose it?

The other option is I join a running club as that is my main weakness and there is a cycle group that rides from a local bike shop so it would just be swimming I would do alone.


I joined a local tri group It is very well run they have group training all the time. They setup a website that the members goto and post events and invite any and all members. Once you get to know the people it pretty cool. I think like anything you will get out of it what you put in to it.

2011-04-17 3:33 PM
in reply to: #3436066

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - OPEN

Today was a good day, 2 hour bike and 12 mile run to finished up with training camp.  I have lots of take aways, which I will share as soon as I can collect my thoughts. 

Some initial thoughts I'm having have to do with fueling and training your gut, going easy as possible during recovery efforts, run form, raising bike cadence and mental "toughness" in racing (and even training) situations.

2011-04-17 9:03 PM
in reply to: #3436066


Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - OPEN

Is it too late to join this group?

I'm brand-new to this site and to triathlons but started running/biking about 7 months ago after being somewhat sedentary. (I'm a mom of four and own my own business so I was active in regards to those things but pretty inactive otherwise.)

I finished my first ever race about a week ago (10 miles) and am signed up for an olympic triathlon in Portland, Oregon in August.

I downloaded an 'intermediate' training program here on the site which might be a bit harder than I'm ready for but I think I'm going to start on it tomorrow anyhow with a 21.6 mile bike and a 3.2 mile run. (The longest brick workout I've done in the past is a 13 mile bike and a 3 mile run so I'm nervous for tomorrow.)

Anyhow, I'd love to join this group if there's still opening. Thanks!

2011-04-18 6:00 AM
in reply to: #3451609

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - OPEN
Karen Russell - 2011-04-17 10:03 PM

Is it too late to join this group?

I'm brand-new to this site and to triathlons but started running/biking about 7 months ago after being somewhat sedentary. (I'm a mom of four and own my own business so I was active in regards to those things but pretty inactive otherwise.)

I finished my first ever race about a week ago (10 miles) and am signed up for an olympic triathlon in Portland, Oregon in August.

I downloaded an 'intermediate' training program here on the site which might be a bit harder than I'm ready for but I think I'm going to start on it tomorrow anyhow with a 21.6 mile bike and a 3.2 mile run. (The longest brick workout I've done in the past is a 13 mile bike and a 3 mile run so I'm nervous for tomorrow.)

Anyhow, I'd love to join this group if there's still opening. Thanks!


Welcome Karen!

2011-04-18 6:05 AM
in reply to: #3436066

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - OPEN
My big day was a big disappointment. With all the rain we had, parts of the course got flooded and they changed the 13.1 miles to a '10 miler', which turned out to really be a 9.55 miler according to my watch. I can not believe after all the training that I did not get to run the HM! I am trying to find another local HM soon to race, but my running partner and I will do an unofficial one sooner. Bummed! But the good news is, I was happy with my time - 1:32 - especially considering the terrible wind/gusts and the hills on this course!
2011-04-18 6:13 AM
in reply to: #3451842

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - OPEN

DDVMM - 2011-04-18 7:05 AM My big day was a big disappointment. With all the rain we had, parts of the course got flooded and they changed the 13.1 miles to a '10 miler', which turned out to really be a 9.55 miler according to my watch. I can not believe after all the training that I did not get to run the HM! I am trying to find another local HM soon to race, but my running partner and I will do an unofficial one sooner. Bummed! But the good news is, I was happy with my time - 1:32 - especially considering the terrible wind/gusts and the hills on this course!

That is a bummer.  One year I was training for a marathon, we were in taper mode and had some horrible fires.  They cancelled the race because of the poor air quality.  I knew it would not be good to run with all the ashes still floating in the air, you could literally "see" the air, but I had trained so hard for that race.  See if you can find another one like you say, you're trained and ready to go!

Nice job too on the 1:32.

2011-04-18 6:23 AM
in reply to: #3451609

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - OPEN
Karen Russell - 2011-04-17 10:03 PM

Is it too late to join this group?

I'm brand-new to this site and to triathlons but started running/biking about 7 months ago after being somewhat sedentary. (I'm a mom of four and own my own business so I was active in regards to those things but pretty inactive otherwise.)

I finished my first ever race about a week ago (10 miles) and am signed up for an olympic triathlon in Portland, Oregon in August.

I downloaded an 'intermediate' training program here on the site which might be a bit harder than I'm ready for but I think I'm going to start on it tomorrow anyhow with a 21.6 mile bike and a 3.2 mile run. (The longest brick workout I've done in the past is a 13 mile bike and a 3 mile run so I'm nervous for tomorrow.)

Anyhow, I'd love to join this group if there's still opening. Thanks!

Hi, Karen!  Welcome! 

I'm doing my first long brick today, too (also on an intermediate olympic program).  Good luck!!

2011-04-18 6:24 AM
in reply to: #3451842

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - OPEN

DDVMM - 2011-04-18 7:05 AM My big day was a big disappointment. With all the rain we had, parts of the course got flooded and they changed the 13.1 miles to a '10 miler', which turned out to really be a 9.55 miler according to my watch. I can not believe after all the training that I did not get to run the HM! I am trying to find another local HM soon to race, but my running partner and I will do an unofficial one sooner. Bummed! But the good news is, I was happy with my time - 1:32 - especially considering the terrible wind/gusts and the hills on this course!

I'm sorry your HM got "modified."  Will you find another to race?  Great 10-mile time!!! 

2011-04-18 6:26 AM
in reply to: #3436066

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - OPEN

20 mile bike followed by an easy run this morning......we'll see how it goes

I have to cram all of my hard workouts into the beginning of the week, as we're travelling to my parents' house for Easter, and I won't have the time to train much while we are there.  I think I have a 10k scheduled for Sat., and that's it!  I'm going to be crawling out of my skin from the inactivity.  LOL 

2011-04-18 8:06 AM
in reply to: #3436066

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - OPEN


My left foot has been hurting when I run lately (about the past 10-14 days). It's around my middle toe, kind of near the ball of the foot.

I figured it was the joint and I needed to pop my toes (they pop a lot and get "stiff" when they haven't popped in a bit). Well, they won't pop and it's still very sore and a bit tender to the touch.

Last night's run, it hurt virtually from the first mile until the end. The pain is bearable, but it hurts. Hurts to walk around the house too.

Could it be a stress fracture?? 

I'm thinking, unless it gets way worse, I'll just bury my head in the sand at least until after this weekend's triathlon. And then see what happens. For now, I think I just won't run this week leading up to the race on Saturday. 

Stupid feet!

2011-04-18 8:47 AM
in reply to: #3451842

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - OPEN

DDVMM - 2011-04-18 7:05 AM My big day was a big disappointment. With all the rain we had, parts of the course got flooded and they changed the 13.1 miles to a '10 miler', which turned out to really be a 9.55 miler according to my watch. I can not believe after all the training that I did not get to run the HM! I am trying to find another local HM soon to race, but my running partner and I will do an unofficial one sooner. Bummed! But the good news is, I was happy with my time - 1:32 - especially considering the terrible wind/gusts and the hills on this course!


so sorry to hear that, it has been a tough year for weather. Congrats on the finish none-the-less!!!

2011-04-18 8:49 AM
in reply to: #3436066

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - OPEN

Ok, after realizing that i never did a proper introduction in the original mentor thread, i am working on one right now, it will be a bit long winded and Kelly asked me to do a little piece on bike racing, which is my strong suit. Hopefully you all will have time to read it, as i hope the information will help to answer some questions.


2011-04-18 9:12 AM
in reply to: #3436066

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - OPEN

Here is my quick race report from the Route 66 MTB series season opener held yesterday at Winding Trails.  We had some wicked rain the night before, and knew there was one section that was going to be nasty. 

Started the day getting the family out of the house late.  Wanted to leave at 6:45 am, but didn't head out until 7:05. thankfully I was already loaded up the night before. Made a quick stop for some drinks for the kids, and on our way. it actually turned out to be a great day for weather. it was about 55 degrees come race time (9:00 am) but actually cooled off as the day went on. Pulled into Farmington at about 8:15, quickly got inside to register.  The pre-registration line was extremely long.  I thought the purpose of pre registering was to avoid those lines. I was getting a little antsy as I knew my warm up would be cut short, if I had a chance to warm up at all.  I still had to unlaod and get dressed.

Finally got all set up, and head out for a brief 15 minute warmup.  Eventually, my warmup was useless, as I got to the starting line 10 minutes in advance to get in front.  Didn't start until 9:10, so I was completely cold.  Anyway, as we take off, it's important to sprint to the single track and get in front.  If you don't, you get stuck behind someone, and it can really mess up your day.  I was happy to be third at the singletrack entrance, with about 22 others behind me.  Here's where my day went somewhat bad.  The guy in front of me approaches the first log we need to get over, which is also the first of many tight singletrack descents.  He fails to get over it and flies over the handlebars, causing me to ram my front tire into his bike.  I had to hop off, go off the track around the tree, and immediately got passed by 5 guys.  Ughhhhhhhh. i was able to reel in a few of them, but still was behind a couple slower guys.  There are only a few areas to pass, and you really need to take advantage of them.  There is one section that I mention earlier.  As you reenter the trail, there was about a 200 foot long section of deep, wet, thick and nasty mud.  You had no choice but to peddle your a$$ off to get through it.  What a blast.

Winding Trails did a great job adding a ton more singletrack, but I tell you, it was very slick on the downhills, and very tight.  I ended up finishing 11th out of 25 or so iun my Age Group.  There was only 1 min 30 seconds separating the winner to 11th.  Without that crash at the beginning, I think I could have done much better.  Oh well, that's part of racing.  it never goes perfect!!! i think overall, there were 300 riders, and about 100 in Cat 3 (my class).  I need to wait for results to dtermine my overall finsih.

More importantly, I had my 6 year old do the kids race.  he took first place (even though it's pretty informal).  That was the best part of the day!  He loves his new Specialized HotRock.


I felt pretty good when I got home, and the weather was still pretty nice.  Ended up running 6.5 miles.  Got up early this morning and did 21 miles outdoors.  A little cool this morning, but what a beautiful start to the day



2011-04-18 9:38 AM
in reply to: #3436066

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - OPEN

Name: Rudedog55 (Rudy)

Story: Everyone loves a good story, mine I don’t think is half bad. I started all this at 262lbs in June of 2008, after a bunch of years of non-exercise, I signed up for a charity bike ride in July 2008. I bought the parts and assembled my own bike and signed up for the 12 mile version. I started training, and things were going well, so I upped the distance to the 25 mile route. It took me close to two hours to complete the 25 miles, and I cramped so bad on a hill I almost fell over on my bike, I managed to maintain balance, but the big chain ring left a 6” scar on my right outside calf. It is a small reminder of my past and how far I have come. After completing the event, I decided to try and find an outlet to continue the exercise regimen, I stumbled across BT on an internet search and joined, I started training with as friend for my first Tri in September and second In October (see my race reports, trust me they are worth the read). I was barely able to run 100 feet when I started, but made improvement as time went by, barely finished my first tri (micro-sprint) and then had a much better result at the October race, where I had also met Kell-y and Jeff-y. Kelly provided constant inspiration that winter and really kept me going in the right direction, when I came into 2009, I had taken 25lbs off and had a good year, finishing 8 tri’s including a Half –Iron man in Sub 6 hours. 2010 came rolling around, and I had taken some time off after my half, and had put back on most of the weight, my wife and I also had our first child in January which did not help. But in February of 2010, I got on my trainer and decided to do some bike racing (the bike was always my strong suit). I signed up for some Cat5 races and proceeded to get dropped in all of them to start the year. I then got serious about diet and took off enough weight to get me back to 215lbs and started to become competitive in cycling races. I had 2 tri’s in 2010, which were both PR’s and top 100 in one and top 50 in the other overall, I had come along way. 2011 has much promise, I have actually taken off another 5-10lbs and have some serious goals for the 2011 season, which will be my last as I have decided to race bike full time (more on that later). I have my goals listed on my log page, please check them out. Oh year…I am still a Clydesdale, lol!!

Family Status: I got married in October of 2007, my wife is Nanci, we had a daughter Morgan Olivia in January of 2010.

Current Training: I am currently training for mostly bike racing and running, I have yet to get in the pool, I am on my bike for 5-7 hours a week, and that will increase as th warm weather gets here and I can get out on the weekends for longer rides. My training has consisted of hard short workouts indoors as my spring is Criterium style bike racing and a few running races, as per a conversation with Kelly, all my hard effort is done on the bike, and I use the runs as an active recovery. This will change as I get more geared for my next Half-iron.

2010 Races: 19 bike races, all sorts, Road Crit and Cyclocross (my true love). Two tri’s the Ridgefield Sprint and Mossman Sprints.


Planned 2011 Races:  Ridgefield Sprint, Patriot Half, Mossman Sprint, Cranberry Trifest (sprint/Oly), and The 1st annual Vineyard Warrior (Oly) on Martha’s Vineyard with Jeff, Shaun and Kelly.

Weightloss: It has been a good year, I had gotten to 209lbs for a couple of days, but then bike racing started and I decided that eating enough and maintaining strength was more important than losing another 5lbs, I am currently 215, but my clothes fall off me and the love handles are almost gone. My legs on the other hand…well lets say I have a hard time getting into jeans, my wife bought me a pair of slim cut that I cannot wear, my thighs won’t fit, lol.

Specialties: I had come to the realization that the bike and I get along famously, it is what I liked the best, and after a couple of overuse injuries while running, is what I focused on. So I decided to try road bike racing last year, I was in love after the first race, I was also dropped after about 5 laps. In road cycling there are many different disciplines. For road racing the main four are Criterium, Circuit, Road and TT. Criterium’s are like Nascar short track, lots of laps on a short (less than a mile) course, Circuit races are similar but with longer laps (2-10 miles), road races are like the Tour De whatever and TT’s are the bike portion of the Tri, with no run or swim. I specialize in Crits and TT’s, it is what I am good at, well got good at anyway, lol!!  I also race Cyclocross, which is basically off road fire trail type stuff on a modified road bike, this is my true love, but New England has a short season Aug-Dec. Cycling races are broken down, not by age, but by Category, the beginners are Cat 5, and as you proceed with a Lower cat # you are with faster guys, 4-3-2-1 and then Pro. USA cycling is a great resource if you want to find out about racing and upgrades and such. I will spare you the details. I started as a Cat 5 racer last year, I was dropped off the field in the first 6 races I did, got my nutrition and weight under control and ended up being competitive through the latter half of the season. I upgraded to Cat 4 this January and did not know what to expect, I had busted my azz all winter on the trainer, and in my first race had a mechanical issue, I finished in the field. All in all, I took 2 3rds, a 10th and some other finishes in my first season as a CAT 4, which is above and beyond what I was hoping to accomplish. This past weekend I did a TT (time trial) and finished 2nd in the Cat 3-4 category. So I am having a good spring.


I will leave it at this, please do not hesitate to ask any questions regarding bike racing, I do read all your posts, even though I do not post much myself, and will be happy to answer any and all directed at me.

2011-04-18 9:53 AM
in reply to: #3436066

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - OPEN

Rizer, congrats to your 6yr old! I bet it was a blast!!


Rudedog, you'll like this. I MIGHT be giving this a go with a few friends in September:

90 miles in the mountains of Colorado, most of it on forest service roads. Should be "fun", in a painful sort of way

2011-04-18 10:59 AM
in reply to: #3452315

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - OPEN
abqtj - 2011-04-18 10:53 AM

Rizer, congrats to your 6yr old! I bet it was a blast!!


Rudedog, you'll like this. I MIGHT be giving this a go with a few friends in September:

90 miles in the mountains of Colorado, most of it on forest service roads. Should be "fun", in a painful sort of way


That looks fricken awesome.  I'd love to do that someday.  Just added to the bucket list!!!!

2011-04-18 11:00 AM
in reply to: #3451609

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - OPEN
Karen Russell - 2011-04-17 10:03 PM

Is it too late to join this group?

I'm brand-new to this site and to triathlons but started running/biking about 7 months ago after being somewhat sedentary. (I'm a mom of four and own my own business so I was active in regards to those things but pretty inactive otherwise.)

I finished my first ever race about a week ago (10 miles) and am signed up for an olympic triathlon in Portland, Oregon in August.

I downloaded an 'intermediate' training program here on the site which might be a bit harder than I'm ready for but I think I'm going to start on it tomorrow anyhow with a 21.6 mile bike and a 3.2 mile run. (The longest brick workout I've done in the past is a 13 mile bike and a 3 mile run so I'm nervous for tomorrow.)

Anyhow, I'd love to join this group if there's still opening. Thanks!


Welcome aboard.  You've joined a great group.

2011-04-18 11:02 AM
in reply to: #3451842

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - OPEN

DDVMM - 2011-04-18 7:05 AM My big day was a big disappointment. With all the rain we had, parts of the course got flooded and they changed the 13.1 miles to a '10 miler', which turned out to really be a 9.55 miler according to my watch. I can not believe after all the training that I did not get to run the HM! I am trying to find another local HM soon to race, but my running partner and I will do an unofficial one sooner. Bummed! But the good news is, I was happy with my time - 1:32 - especially considering the terrible wind/gusts and the hills on this course!

Sorry to hear that.  I HATE wind gusts. They seem to be there everytime I go out to ride!  Nice job on your time.

2011-04-18 11:27 AM
in reply to: #3452195

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - OPEN
rizer22 - 2011-04-18 10:12 AM

Here is my quick race report from the Route 66 MTB series season opener held yesterday at Winding Trails.  We had some wicked rain the night before, and knew there was one section that was going to be nasty. 

Started the day getting the family out of the house late.  Wanted to leave at 6:45 am, but didn't head out until 7:05. thankfully I was already loaded up the night before. Made a quick stop for some drinks for the kids, and on our way. it actually turned out to be a great day for weather. it was about 55 degrees come race time (9:00 am) but actually cooled off as the day went on. Pulled into Farmington at about 8:15, quickly got inside to register.  The pre-registration line was extremely long.  I thought the purpose of pre registering was to avoid those lines. I was getting a little antsy as I knew my warm up would be cut short, if I had a chance to warm up at all.  I still had to unlaod and get dressed.

Finally got all set up, and head out for a brief 15 minute warmup.  Eventually, my warmup was useless, as I got to the starting line 10 minutes in advance to get in front.  Didn't start until 9:10, so I was completely cold.  Anyway, as we take off, it's important to sprint to the single track and get in front.  If you don't, you get stuck behind someone, and it can really mess up your day.  I was happy to be third at the singletrack entrance, with about 22 others behind me.  Here's where my day went somewhat bad.  The guy in front of me approaches the first log we need to get over, which is also the first of many tight singletrack descents.  He fails to get over it and flies over the handlebars, causing me to ram my front tire into his bike.  I had to hop off, go off the track around the tree, and immediately got passed by 5 guys.  Ughhhhhhhh. i was able to reel in a few of them, but still was behind a couple slower guys.  There are only a few areas to pass, and you really need to take advantage of them.  There is one section that I mention earlier.  As you reenter the trail, there was about a 200 foot long section of deep, wet, thick and nasty mud.  You had no choice but to peddle your a$$ off to get through it.  What a blast.

Winding Trails did a great job adding a ton more singletrack, but I tell you, it was very slick on the downhills, and very tight.  I ended up finishing 11th out of 25 or so iun my Age Group.  There was only 1 min 30 seconds separating the winner to 11th.  Without that crash at the beginning, I think I could have done much better.  Oh well, that's part of racing.  it never goes perfect!!! i think overall, there were 300 riders, and about 100 in Cat 3 (my class).  I need to wait for results to dtermine my overall finsih.

More importantly, I had my 6 year old do the kids race.  he took first place (even though it's pretty informal).  That was the best part of the day!  He loves his new Specialized HotRock.


I felt pretty good when I got home, and the weather was still pretty nice.  Ended up running 6.5 miles.  Got up early this morning and did 21 miles outdoors.  A little cool this morning, but what a beautiful start to the day



Thanks for the race report.  It sounds like you did really well, despite the wreck and the mud.  Congratulations!  It's so cool that your son won the kids' race. 

2011-04-18 11:50 AM
in reply to: #3451609

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - OPEN
Karen Russell - 2011-04-17 10:03 PM

Is it too late to join this group?

I'm brand-new to this site and to triathlons but started running/biking about 7 months ago after being somewhat sedentary. (I'm a mom of four and own my own business so I was active in regards to those things but pretty inactive otherwise.)

I finished my first ever race about a week ago (10 miles) and am signed up for an olympic triathlon in Portland, Oregon in August.

I downloaded an 'intermediate' training program here on the site which might be a bit harder than I'm ready for but I think I'm going to start on it tomorrow anyhow with a 21.6 mile bike and a 3.2 mile run. (The longest brick workout I've done in the past is a 13 mile bike and a 3 mile run so I'm nervous for tomorrow.)

Anyhow, I'd love to join this group if there's still opening. Thanks!

Welcome aboard!  I've been at a training camp in FL and a little in and out but I'm back now.  I'll do a round up of everyone this afternoon!

2011-04-18 12:47 PM
in reply to: #3451609

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Extreme Veteran
Price, UT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - OPEN
Karen Russell - 2011-04-17 8:03 PM

Is it too late to join this group?

I'm brand-new to this site and to triathlons but started running/biking about 7 months ago after being somewhat sedentary. (I'm a mom of four and own my own business so I was active in regards to those things but pretty inactive otherwise.)

I finished my first ever race about a week ago (10 miles) and am signed up for an olympic triathlon in Portland, Oregon in August.

I downloaded an 'intermediate' training program here on the site which might be a bit harder than I'm ready for but I think I'm going to start on it tomorrow anyhow with a 21.6 mile bike and a 3.2 mile run. (The longest brick workout I've done in the past is a 13 mile bike and a 3 mile run so I'm nervous for tomorrow.)

Anyhow, I'd love to join this group if there's still opening. Thanks!

Welcome to the group!
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