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2011-04-30 8:28 AM
in reply to: #3436601


Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - OPEN
I am ready to join

2011-04-30 10:15 AM
in reply to: #3436601


Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - OPEN

Hi My name is Amara and I am interested in joining your group.

I am currently training for my first triathlon in June. I just learned to bike back in Nov and currently improving my swim skills though my endurance is really poor and also working on my running skills. Basically, I have no athletic background so starting from scratch! This is the end of my fifth week of training and so far I have seen some improvements but looking forward to more.

I am hoping for this forum to be an avenue for pieces of advice and encouragement. I am pretty excited about the race and if I survive the first race, I hope to make this a life long sport.

My goal is to complete 3-4 races this season, 3 sprints and maybe one olympic if I have the endurance for that.

2011-04-30 2:08 PM
in reply to: #3436601

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: Two Week Test


I'm on day 6 of the Two Week Test.  I've been dehydrated, very thirsty.  I have also had headaches and leg cramps and felt a little out of sorts.  I've read that those can be side effects.  Was that your experience also?

Not feeling fully functional, I've backed way off of training and tried to keep everything very aerobic.  My bike ride today was a little bit of an exception to the aerobic training.

Just looking for a little boost from you rather than sugar Wink.

2011-04-30 2:19 PM
in reply to: #3436601

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: Training Goal


I'm thinking about my long-term destination in regards to triathlons.  I'm not one to run out and do a triathlon every month or two.  For me, it's the training and fitness level that's important and the contest is just the test.  I like the Maffetone philosophy and want to build a big aerobic base that allows me to have mega-endurance.  When you're not fast, endurance is all you've got!

I know I've only done one sprint.  Summer is coming and I will have more time to train and take naps.  Cool What would it take for me to train for an Olympic and be able to finish one in Sep or Oct time frame at the latest?  Am I being overly ambitious or is this a reasonable goal?  I also find myself daydreaming about HIM and IM in the next couple of years.  Again, overly ambitious or reasonable?

Be honest, my skin is thick.  I was going to PM you, but I thought other beginner types might be interested in the dialogue.

2011-04-30 2:28 PM
in reply to: #3474577

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - OPEN
[email protected] - 2011-04-30 7:21 AM

I would be interested in your mentoring. I will be a spectator at ironman texas, watching my boyfriend.

I am a beginner triathelete, and need a lot of confidence, and I also am not a runner.  I need to figure out how to build a prgram for me with a long slow build as I am older (50) and just starting to try to go from regular exerciser to athlete. It is very different, i always thought I was fit until I joined the Y-tri club at my ymca. They are way out of my league , I cannot keep up with them, I need a program to start now, so that I can do a triathlon next year, not in 3-4 months. I need the extra time to build cardio fitness and endurance, and confidence. Competing is new to me.



It's so nice to have another over 50 female newbie in the group!  I'll be at IM Texas too, watching Ernesto.  Maybe we can meetup.

As to your confidence, you CAN do it!  Don't worry about not being able to keep up with anyone else.  Just start from where you are and watch yourself improve.  The only way to not succeed is to quit!  I just started my training in Dec and did a sprint at the end of March.  My goal was to finish, and I did.  It was so fun.

Ernesto will tell you to get the book by Phil Maffetone called "The Big Book of Endurance Training and Racing".  It's quite helpful and very inexpensive.  I'm re-reading it right now.

What kind of exercise were you doing? 

2011-04-30 5:56 PM
in reply to: #3436601

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - OPEN

Katherine, Grisel, Lolo, Amanda, welcome!

Now shoot questions. One thing though, if you want feedback from me you need to keep an updated log, with as much info as possible. If you own a GPS such as a Garmin or a Polar HR monitor that is great news. Nothing is better for metrics than heart rate to calculate effort, overtraining, progress, etc.

2011-04-30 5:59 PM
in reply to: #3474905

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Subject: RE: Training Goal
jdiis - 2011-04-30 2:19 PM


I'm thinking about my long-term destination in regards to triathlons.  I'm not one to run out and do a triathlon every month or two.  For me, it's the training and fitness level that's important and the contest is just the test.  I like the Maffetone philosophy and want to build a big aerobic base that allows me to have mega-endurance.  When you're not fast, endurance is all you've got!

I know I've only done one sprint.  Summer is coming and I will have more time to train and take naps.  Cool What would it take for me to train for an Olympic and be able to finish one in Sep or Oct time frame at the latest?  Am I being overly ambitious or is this a reasonable goal?  I also find myself daydreaming about HIM and IM in the next couple of years.  Again, overly ambitious or reasonable?

Be honest, my skin is thick.  I was going to PM you, but I thought other beginner types might be interested in the dialogue.

You can do an Oly now if you want to. Sign up for the Toyota US Open and I'll do it with you. I'm already signed up.

I have a discount code that expires today. It is $25USOPEN

It is the best olympic race in the US and only $75 with the discount. Hurry up though!

2011-04-30 6:12 PM
in reply to: #3474895

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Subject: RE: Two Week Test
jdiis - 2011-04-30 2:08 PM


I'm on day 6 of the Two Week Test.  I've been dehydrated, very thirsty.  I have also had headaches and leg cramps and felt a little out of sorts.  I've read that those can be side effects.  Was that your experience also?

Not feeling fully functional, I've backed way off of training and tried to keep everything very aerobic.  My bike ride today was a little bit of an exception to the aerobic training.

Just looking for a little boost from you rather than sugar Wink.


The two week test by Maffettone will make you feel weak for a while, until your body actually makes the switch to fats for fuel. It will take less than two weeks but you might feel like crap for a few days. That is actually good news, it means you're carb dependent.

Keep in mind that carbs are not from hell, we need them and a lot, this is just a test and take it for what it is. Good carbs are the fuel for your exercise in conjunction with fat glycolisis.

Edited by evillarroel 2011-04-30 6:14 PM
2011-04-30 8:43 PM
in reply to: #3436601

Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - OPEN
Hola Ernesto Brandon from Gulfbreeze florida here (PANHANDLE  PENSACOLA AREA) Please may i join. JUST finished my first sprint. LOOKING to do 1 more this summer and then on to bigger and better. I fell i get stronger the longer the distance weather it be swimming biking or running just gettting passed the acks and pains at sprint distances. 46 years old and this is all new to me just strarted training this year
2011-04-30 10:07 PM
in reply to: #3475344

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - OPEN

bbreezer1 - 2011-04-30 8:43 PM Hola Ernesto Brandon from Gulfbreeze florida here (PANHANDLE  PENSACOLA AREA) Please may i join. JUST finished my first sprint. LOOKING to do 1 more this summer and then on to bigger and better. I fell i get stronger the longer the distance weather it be swimming biking or running just gettting passed the acks and pains at sprint distances. 46 years old and this is all new to me just strarted training this year

Welcome Brandon! How was your first tri?

2011-04-30 10:28 PM
in reply to: #3436601

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - OPEN
How can I join this group?

2011-05-01 5:46 AM
in reply to: #3436601

New user

Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - OPEN
could I please join? i'm a super newbie....
2011-05-01 7:46 AM
in reply to: #3475582

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - OPEN
Mark Z is an ironman! Congratulations Mark!
2011-05-01 7:47 AM
in reply to: #3436601

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - OPEN

Jennie and Sharyn, welcome to the band. Ask questions, we have all kinds of athletes in this group, from fresh newbies to super seasoned triathletes.

2011-05-01 7:50 AM
in reply to: #3436601

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - OPEN
Our Mark is now an Ironman!! Laughing He just crossed the line in 16:05:40 with a smile!
2011-05-01 9:14 AM
in reply to: #3436601

New user

Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - OPEN

Ernesto -- if you still have space I would love to join your crew.

NAME: Here I'm under I8afly, otherwise I generally go by Ruth.

STORY: I have always been an active person and could generally just get up and do whatever I wanted to do. I'm not competitive and never was a serious athlete so my training and level of activity has always been haphazard. My first tri (and only, thus far) was with Team in Training (The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's fundraising program). It was an Olympic distance and that was now about 10 years ago (my how time flies). Now on the verge of 35 years of life, a single mother of an energetic three year old boy and a family medicine resident, time constraints are my biggest challenge. I have also discovered that the aging process makes the just-get-up-and-go-without-training idea not as feasible as it used to be. I have always loved to swim (need to work on technique); I enjoy biking just fine (but the gear aspect of it is a little unappealing); And the idea of running has always been appealing, but the reality is I like my knees and I'm just not in good enough shape to find it anything less than a wee bit boring (so I could use guidance on becoming a runner of sorts).

CURRENT TRAINING: I have been slowly starting back. I dusted off my old training program and have been running/biking/swimming 20-60 minutes maybe 3-4x/week for the past few weeks. I am toying with the idea of joining Team in Training again to compete in the Olympic Distance race in Washington DC on September 11.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I am already signed up to relay a sprint distance tri: IronGirl in Columbia, MD, August 21 (I'm the swimmer).

GOALS: I want to be strong. I do not want to be wedded to exercise machines or equipment to keep in shape. I would love to do adventure racing, of some sort or another.

WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR FROM MY MENTOR AND GROUP: I am looking for pearls of wisdom and encouragement. I appreciate the realistic advice of working with folks who might understand real life constraints and challenges and want more than just articles and books and sterile, impractical plans (though I have already made note of at least one book suggestion from previous postings). I also love the international bent I see with your group as I lived in Nicaragua for several years and have every intention of creating a life outside the US.

2011-05-01 9:59 AM
in reply to: #3436601

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - OPEN
Congratulations Ironman Mark.  We are so proud of you!  Can't wait to hear all about the experience.
2011-05-01 1:23 PM
in reply to: #3475753

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - OPEN
I8afly - 2011-05-01 9:14 AM

Ernesto -- if you still have space I would love to join your crew.

NAME: Here I'm under I8afly, otherwise I generally go by Ruth.

STORY: I have always been an active person and could generally just get up and do whatever I wanted to do. I'm not competitive and never was a serious athlete so my training and level of activity has always been haphazard. My first tri (and only, thus far) was with Team in Training (The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's fundraising program). It was an Olympic distance and that was now about 10 years ago (my how time flies). Now on the verge of 35 years of life, a single mother of an energetic three year old boy and a family medicine resident, time constraints are my biggest challenge. I have also discovered that the aging process makes the just-get-up-and-go-without-training idea not as feasible as it used to be. I have always loved to swim (need to work on technique); I enjoy biking just fine (but the gear aspect of it is a little unappealing); And the idea of running has always been appealing, but the reality is I like my knees and I'm just not in good enough shape to find it anything less than a wee bit boring (so I could use guidance on becoming a runner of sorts).

CURRENT TRAINING: I have been slowly starting back. I dusted off my old training program and have been running/biking/swimming 20-60 minutes maybe 3-4x/week for the past few weeks. I am toying with the idea of joining Team in Training again to compete in the Olympic Distance race in Washington DC on September 11.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I am already signed up to relay a sprint distance tri: IronGirl in Columbia, MD, August 21 (I'm the swimmer).

GOALS: I want to be strong. I do not want to be wedded to exercise machines or equipment to keep in shape. I would love to do adventure racing, of some sort or another.

WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR FROM MY MENTOR AND GROUP: I am looking for pearls of wisdom and encouragement. I appreciate the realistic advice of working with folks who might understand real life constraints and challenges and want more than just articles and books and sterile, impractical plans (though I have already made note of at least one book suggestion from previous postings). I also love the international bent I see with your group as I lived in Nicaragua for several years and have every intention of creating a life outside the US.

Welcome Ruth,

Since your time is precious, you have to make every workout count. The best way to do this is by planning the PURPOSE of the workout. At the beginning, aerobic sessions (low speed) are needed to build a base. Since swimming is the most natural thing for you, start with that. Running easy (but long) is also a good way to get started.

The race in Washington is four months out, that is actually good timing but you will probably need to commit to execute your plans. Soon after you start with the base you will have to begin some sort of speedwork. As far as training with machines, I don't believe in them. I do believe in the specificity of the training, if you want to be a good runner, run and same with bike and swim. We're on the same page.

Like stated in other pages, the best way for me to give you feedback is by you keeping an updated log. This is good in many ways. Also, GPS devices w/ heart rate monitors are great.

Shoot questions!


2011-05-01 2:15 PM
in reply to: #3436601

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - OPEN

NAME: Jennie

STORY: I am 38 years old and the mother of a 7 and an 11 year old. I have always wanted to run but always felt like it was something I just couldn't do.  After a few injuries early on I gave up and that was the end of the story for the last 18years.  My husband however has always been a runner, picked up on Triathlons in collage and since then has completed an IM as well as several half. When we were dating he sent me a book that helped me start running and last year I completed my first sprint Triathlon.  I completed another sprint May of last year as well but then I stopped training as I was planning our wedding and working around the clock.   Now that we are married I have time to devote to my training and dreams.  We currently live in California and I have been trying to run, bike and swim....  I have hopes and dreams of not only being in the best shape of my life but I want to complete an Ironman in the near future.  I am currently training for my first almost Olympic distance in 2 weeks.  

I get a great deal of guidance from my husband and I use his books and he helps put some training plans together.  I struggle badly with my nutrition.  I know I'm not eating enough and I'm afraid i'm losing muscle not fat.  I would love to loose another 7lbs but it isn't a focus because I think it will happen on it's own.  Am always on the go but there is no reason I shouldn't eat better, but I always find myself second guessing my choices.  My husband agrees that is an area he struggles as well.   I read a great deal but I'm still having huge issues.  

Swimming is my weakest area.  I am self taught and it has been slow.  I did the last Sprint using the breath stroke!!!  I am still tying to build on the bike, but I have know idea how to push myself.

CURRENT TRAINING: Since my race is close:  My schedule has been as follows

Monday off

Tues   -Cycle (80 min using a Spinervals DVD Areo builder)

Wed    -Run (4 miles @ 8:50 pace or so)

Thurs  - Swim (200 warm up, 100 drills, 200-600 freestyle, 200 cooldown)

Fri        -Bike (outside 70 minutes)

Sat      - Run ( last month I started running 6 mile, yesterday I ran 7 (longest distance ever)

Sun     - Swim (similiar workout as Thurs)

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I ran a 10k with a PB in April, and a 5k with a PB.  I have an Olympic Distance Tri(2.5k short) on May 14th and a 5 k fundraiser the day after.  I want to be able to complete a half marathon by July 1.  After that my husband and I relocate to Colorado and we will have to see how hard the transition is.

GOALS: I want to complete an Ironman!  and hopefully more than one.  Beyond that I want to be a competitor in my age group.  I know finishing is the ultimate goal but that is where I want to get.  I would like to one day do and adventure race as well.  I want to continue to be in shape through my lifestyle of activity and be a positive influence on my children. 

WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR FROM MY MENTOR AND GROUP: I am looking for support, and nutrition advice.  I want to be a part of a group that can share our victories and understands the mental stain we face on someday.  Tips form just not our mentor but people who have been though what I am going through.

2011-05-01 3:27 PM
in reply to: #3436601

Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - OPEN
Thanks Ernesto Glade to be a part of this group. First tri went well but the weather was terrible 25 mile winds. water was rough , lots of people pulled out of the water. Biking into wind was brutal . Kept telling my self when i turn around and come back it will be great, and it was! all in all a great first tri. Dont remember my time, but was good enough for second in my age group. I figue there wernt too many or the all stoped for lunch half way!!! ha ha
2011-05-01 6:49 PM
in reply to: #3436601


Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - OPEN
how do Ijoin this group I'm working on my first sprint tri SheRox in July

2011-05-01 7:17 PM
in reply to: #3476380

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - OPEN

Gottogetfit - 2011-05-01 6:49 PM how do Ijoin this group I'm working on my first sprint tri SheRox in July

You're in! Give me your bio and shoot questions...

2011-05-01 7:30 PM
in reply to: #3476003

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - OPEN
jenputnam - 2011-05-01 2:15 PM

NAME: Jennie

STORY: I am 38 years old and the mother of a 7 and an 11 year old. I have always wanted to run but always felt like it was something I just couldn't do.  After a few injuries early on I gave up and that was the end of the story for the last 18years.  My husband however has always been a runner, picked up on Triathlons in collage and since then has completed an IM as well as several half. When we were dating he sent me a book that helped me start running and last year I completed my first sprint Triathlon.  I completed another sprint May of last year as well but then I stopped training as I was planning our wedding and working around the clock.   Now that we are married I have time to devote to my training and dreams.  We currently live in California and I have been trying to run, bike and swim....  I have hopes and dreams of not only being in the best shape of my life but I want to complete an Ironman in the near future.  I am currently training for my first almost Olympic distance in 2 weeks.  

I get a great deal of guidance from my husband and I use his books and he helps put some training plans together.  I struggle badly with my nutrition.  I know I'm not eating enough and I'm afraid i'm losing muscle not fat.  I would love to loose another 7lbs but it isn't a focus because I think it will happen on it's own.  Am always on the go but there is no reason I shouldn't eat better, but I always find myself second guessing my choices.  My husband agrees that is an area he struggles as well.   I read a great deal but I'm still having huge issues.  

Swimming is my weakest area.  I am self taught and it has been slow.  I did the last Sprint using the breath stroke!!!  I am still tying to build on the bike, but I have know idea how to push myself.

CURRENT TRAINING: Since my race is close:  My schedule has been as follows

Monday off

Tues   -Cycle (80 min using a Spinervals DVD Areo builder)

Wed    -Run (4 miles @ 8:50 pace or so)

Thurs  - Swim (200 warm up, 100 drills, 200-600 freestyle, 200 cooldown)

Fri        -Bike (outside 70 minutes)

Sat      - Run ( last month I started running 6 mile, yesterday I ran 7 (longest distance ever)

Sun     - Swim (similiar workout as Thurs)

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I ran a 10k with a PB in April, and a 5k with a PB.  I have an Olympic Distance Tri(2.5k short) on May 14th and a 5 k fundraiser the day after.  I want to be able to complete a half marathon by July 1.  After that my husband and I relocate to Colorado and we will have to see how hard the transition is.

GOALS: I want to complete an Ironman!  and hopefully more than one.  Beyond that I want to be a competitor in my age group.  I know finishing is the ultimate goal but that is where I want to get.  I would like to one day do and adventure race as well.  I want to continue to be in shape through my lifestyle of activity and be a positive influence on my children. 

WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR FROM MY MENTOR AND GROUP: I am looking for support, and nutrition advice.  I want to be a part of a group that can share our victories and understands the mental stain we face on someday.  Tips form just not our mentor but people who have been though what I am going through.

Jennie, welcome to the group!!

You seem committed to the sport, and just like you say, this is a positive influence on your kiddos. When I picked up triathlons my 14 year old boy did too and he completed a Sprint within two months of starting to train.

As far as nutrition, your best way to lose weight and to keep it off is to get very educated on what to eat and what to avoid. If it doesn't make it to your grocery cart it will likely not make it to your stomach so it is all about choices and knowing.

There's two big misconceptions:

- To be skinny you need to starve yourself or eat lettuce all day. Calorie consumption is not the problem, this is far more complex than calories in/calories out. People does not look at glycemic indexes for example, or the quality of those calories.

- Overall weight is the only measure of "success". The truth is that body composition is what really matters, overall weight is just a number. What you need to get from training is a healthy musculo-skeletal system rather than a skinny person unfit/unhealthy.

I highly recommend (for everybody) reading "The Big Book of Endurance Training and Racing" by Phil Maffetone. It addresses nutrition, hydration, race day, TRAINING, development of the aerobic system and rest. The approach is holistic in its true form, and the $16 or $18 that you will pay for the book will give you more insights than years of research on your own.

Shoot questions Jennie...

2011-05-01 7:37 PM
in reply to: #3436601


Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - OPEN

Hi Ernesto,

I started swimming last year and have run on and off for about 6 years, but have no experience in cycling at all. What type of bicycle would u recommend I should buy to start training?

I live in Vanvouver, B.C. and I am originally from Mexico.


2011-05-01 7:47 PM
in reply to: #3436601

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Maple Grove, MN
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - OPEN


I'm batting .500 so far regarding your advice.

1) You recommended swimming farther, specifically 2500 yards.  Today I did 2500 yards for the first time ever (in the pool).  51:15, or 2:03 per 100 yards.   (This was the hit).

2) I've actually gone backwards on the bike miles because it's just been horrible weather.  Didn't have time, or mother nature cooperating, to bike during the week after Monday. Today was the day I scheduled for the long bike ride, and it was 39 degrees, 25 mph winds, and even a few snow flurries (although they were slight enough, I could have been imagining them).   So I said "screw it" and biked on a stationary bike at the gym for 40 minutes before swimming.  I did do an exercise my bike fitter recommended to get a more circular biking stroke (I tend to push down as if I didn't have clips):  use only one foot.  Did this for ten minutes on each foot.  Not sure it worked.  I still don't use the up motion very much. 

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