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2012-01-05 11:04 AM
in reply to: #3945488

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
I have a strange question- I'm already having panic attacks over the amount of lycra involved.  Any tips for dealing with this?

2012-01-05 7:49 PM
in reply to: #3972365

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor Group--OPEN for 2/3 more!

ldparsons - 2012-01-05 8:39 AM Hi melissa, is there room for one more? My name is lorna, im 42, and live in york in the uk.I'm not sure if i am experienced enough for your group, you all sound so amazingly fit already.After years of yoyo fitness, ie getting fit for this 10k, or that half marathon, but falling back onto the couch for months in between events and having to start all over again! I decided to give a sprint tri a go last year, it was the best thing i have ever done, my sole aim was to finish it, and i did. Totally motivated i commenced into a winter training schedule ready to do a full season of sprint tris this year, with the aim doing a olympic distance in 2013. Unfortunately another driver didnt agree with my plans and rear ended me, leaving me with bad whiplash, and unable to train at all for 4 months. I have now been given the go ahead to start training again, but very gently, i still really strugle to breath to the left while swimming, as i cant turn my head very well.I really want to get back into tris, my 8 year old daughter was so motivated last year she completed a kids tri, i cried for days with pride. This year my 7 year old boy wants to join the family tri team.I understand if you Want to keep the group to athletes with more challenging distances in mind, i wish you all a happy and outstandingly successful 2012.CheersLorna

Hi Lorna! If you don't fit in this group then I don't either. That is awesome that your kids are involved in tri's. Mine are a bit too young but I look forward to inviting them along in the future. Here's to setting good examples for our kids!

2012-01-05 7:57 PM
in reply to: #3972740

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

Moonrocket - 2012-01-05 11:04 AM I have a strange question- I'm already having panic attacks over the amount of lycra involved.  Any tips for dealing with this?

As a married guy, I would say don't fret. I encourage my wife to buy and wear what she is comfortable with. She shares this lycraphobia. I, personally, don't really like the Richard Simmons running shorts so I have found light, long alternatives. There are alternatives and you just have to find them. The swim is the only time you'll HAVE to wear tight stuff and you can get loose pants and shirt to cover up until its time to dive in. You can also use your lycraphobia to motivate you to train just a bit harder. Don't let this mental hurdle stop you!

2012-01-05 8:15 PM
in reply to: #3945488

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
Just back from the pool. After my swim (800m) I signed up for lessons. Let's hope she turns me into a pro!
2012-01-05 9:21 PM
in reply to: #3973931

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

christiekate - 2012-01-05 8:15 PM Just back from the pool. After my swim (800m) I signed up for lessons. Let's hope she turns me into a pro!

Way to go!! I was a swim coach for a couple years up in Ohio. The key is to be patient. Swimming is not something that comes naturally for most. I did free weekly adult swim lessons and patience was the hardest lesson. Swimming results don't come fast but they do come. 

Keep up the great work!! What races are you planning?

2012-01-05 9:36 PM
in reply to: #3974038

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

Thanks for the support! No firm plans yet as to races. I'm waiting to see how the training pans out but I'd like to do a local sprint here in August for sure and, ideally, I'd like to do one or two before that.

Also Sean, I notice that you're doing your counselling degree. I'm an MSW and have been professional therapist for 10 years so we have that in common. We should talk shop sometime!

Edited by christiekate 2012-01-05 9:42 PM

2012-01-05 9:40 PM
in reply to: #3973898

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
Shmashin - 2012-01-05 6:57 PM

Moonrocket - 2012-01-05 11:04 AM I have a strange question- I'm already having panic attacks over the amount of lycra involved.  Any tips for dealing with this?

As a married guy, I would say don't fret. I encourage my wife to buy and wear what she is comfortable with. She shares this lycraphobia. I, personally, don't really like the Richard Simmons running shorts so I have found light, long alternatives. There are alternatives and you just have to find them. The swim is the only time you'll HAVE to wear tight stuff and you can get loose pants and shirt to cover up until its time to dive in. You can also use your lycraphobia to motivate you to train just a bit harder. Don't let this mental hurdle stop you!

Thanks for the encouragement!  I will have to look around for options.  I did watch a video of the Xterra I signed up for and a lot of people were wearing baggy stuff.

2012-01-05 10:28 PM
in reply to: #3945488

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

Went to yoga tonight, then lifted weights, and then finished off with some run intervals.  Definitely feeling like a rock star today Wink


Regarding the lycra issue.... I'd recommend going to a tri store and trying out all the tri outfits they have that looks like it fits you, and buying what looks best.  I've never done an Xterra race before, but for regular tris, I wouldn't want anything too baggy for fear that I'd lose it in the water!  I know a lot of men will swim in just their tri shorts under their wetsuit (or if they don't wear a wetsuit and feel a bit modest, they will wear a one-sie)... then throw a bike jersey or running shirt on top in transition.

But in any case, definitely be sure to try everything on before buying, then practice in your race outfit.... You don't want any big surprises on race day!

2012-01-05 10:45 PM
in reply to: #3945488

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

Yay for a rock star work out!  I went running today and felt a heck of a lot better than I expected.  It being 55 and sunny didn't hurt of course.

I was thinking back to what I wore the time 3 years ago that I did a sprint and I'm pretty sure I wore tri shorts and a bikini top under my (borrowed) wet suit and just put a baggy shirt on for the bike and run part.  Sounds like I probably need pockets for snacks for the Xterra though.

So, I have tri shorts that hopefully still fit.

Can I ask how people track their workouts?  Do you use a bike computer or GPS watch?  A HRM?  I've never used any of them.  My husband has one of those Garmin watches with the GPS.  I've only ever used it to see how fast my horse could go (and I put the HRM on the horse.)  I'm not really sure how far I've run other than guessing based on time and perceived exertion.

2012-01-05 11:19 PM
in reply to: #3974141

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
Moonrocket - 2012-01-05 10:45 PM

Yay for a rock star work out!  I went running today and felt a heck of a lot better than I expected.  It being 55 and sunny didn't hurt of course.

I was thinking back to what I wore the time 3 years ago that I did a sprint and I'm pretty sure I wore tri shorts and a bikini top under my (borrowed) wet suit and just put a baggy shirt on for the bike and run part.  Sounds like I probably need pockets for snacks for the Xterra though.

So, I have tri shorts that hopefully still fit.

Can I ask how people track their workouts?  Do you use a bike computer or GPS watch?  A HRM?  I've never used any of them.  My husband has one of those Garmin watches with the GPS.  I've only ever used it to see how fast my horse could go (and I put the HRM on the horse.)  I'm not really sure how far I've run other than guessing based on time and perceived exertion.

Oh, haha, sorry, still suffering from workout brain fog.  I misread the thread above and thought it was a guy asking about the lycra!  I'm sure you could find a tri top with pockets and such.  I hate trying on tri tops, though, because it's hard to find ones that fit just right.... but then when you find one it's teh awesome.  Bike jerseys would definitely have pockets in the back, but you'd still need something up top to swim in!

Regarding tracking workouts-  For a while, I was really into my Garmin, until I realized I wasn't really enjoying my workouts because I was busy looking at my watch.  So then I just used a regular sports watch that takes laps... but then that broke, so now I've been working out without a watch.  I kind of like training without one now!  Though, I do like having a bike computer, just to see how fast I'm going and how far I've gone (mostly helps to make sure I'm not lost, actually!)  Once the season nears, I'm sure I'll buy another watch with lap capability, just so the times on my logs are accurate... I usually figure distance by mapping my route afterward.

2012-01-06 5:35 AM
in reply to: #3971915

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor Group--OPEN for 2/3 more!

JBougher - 2012-01-04 9:06 PM If you have room i'd like to join in.

Welcome to the group! Could you give us a synopsis about you like Missy did below? Thanks!

2012-01-06 5:37 AM
in reply to: #3972402

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor Group--OPEN
yogachic - 2012-01-05 7:51 AM
mndymond - 2012-01-04 8:09 PM

yogachic - 2012-01-04 11:16 AM Hey, can I join the party?  I can post an intro later.... I was in Neal's group about 2 years ago but then was injured last year and am just now (hopefully) getting over it.  I have to think about what my goals are but hoping that joining a mentor group will get me back on track!

Welcome to the group! 

Thanks!  Here's my intro finally....


NAME: Missy/ yogachic

STORY: I did my first sprint tri in 2009, followed by three oly's, and two half marathons.  In 2010, I did my first marathon, my first half iron, and a 1.5k open water swim race.  I also started doing group rides more and consistently ran with a group that year.  In 2011, I wanted to improve my marathon and half ironman times, but had some hip issues that made it difficult to run.  So I rode my bike a lot last year, including plenty of group rides, but my running was only getting worse, and I even got plantar fasciitis.  Then on a group ride, someone mentioned that I'm always in the wrong gear at stop lights and they were surprised I didn't have any hip issues.... so it dawned on me that my "running injury" was actually a cycling injury.  After backing off my bike mileage and making a conscious effort to be in an easier gear, I was finally able to run more than a few miles without pain!  


CURRENT TRAINING: Mostly focusing on lifting and yoga right now.  Hoping to lose all the weight I gained over the past year from not being able to train like I wanted to.  Also want to even out my imbalances (especially in my hips) which lifting & yoga have been helping with tremendously.  I'm starting up running again as well, and training for a cross country ski race next month.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I didn't really "race".... I ended up finishing as much as I can of the races I did enter, but definitely not top form.  Considering I wasn't really able to train as well as I wanted, I only had one DNF all season, and no DNS's.  So, that's a plus, right?  

I did the Mardi Gras Half Marathon, Soldier Field 10-miler, Galena Sprint Triathlon, the swim & bike portions of the Door County Half Ironman (it was a planned DNF since at the time I couldn't run more than 3 miles without my PF flaring up), the Big Shoulders 5k Swim, and the Philadelphia Half Marathon (had originally planned to do the full, but with the hip/foot, ended up walk/running the half).

2012 RACES:  Right now, I'm only registered for the Kortelopet- a 23k cross country ski race.  Will probably do the Soldier Field 10-miler and the Galena Triathlon again.  If I can get back down to racing weight before the end of pre-season (let's say, in the 140's), I'll think of doing a longer race late-season... Maybe a HIM in Sept?  Otherwise, I'll stick to sprint/oly tris.  I may also do the 5k swim race again.

WEIGHTLOSS: My main goal for this pre-season is to lose 15 lbs so that I can get back into my former shape.  

Hey Missy! Nice to meet you. Glad to see you getting back into the swing of things. 

2012-01-06 5:37 AM
in reply to: #3972535

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor Group--OPEN for 2/3 more!

ceilidh - 2012-01-05 8:44 AM Hey Melissa (and Neal), Can I come and play for some extra motivation. (And to round out your group with an old, slow and untrained person?)

Hey Robin! Welcome! Always room for you!

2012-01-06 5:40 AM
in reply to: #3972365

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor Group--OPEN for 2/3 more!

ldparsons - 2012-01-05 7:39 AM Hi melissa, is there room for one more? My name is lorna, im 42, and live in york in the uk.I'm not sure if i am experienced enough for your group, you all sound so amazingly fit already.After years of yoyo fitness, ie getting fit for this 10k, or that half marathon, but falling back onto the couch for months in between events and having to start all over again! I decided to give a sprint tri a go last year, it was the best thing i have ever done, my sole aim was to finish it, and i did. Totally motivated i commenced into a winter training schedule ready to do a full season of sprint tris this year, with the aim doing a olympic distance in 2013. Unfortunately another driver didnt agree with my plans and rear ended me, leaving me with bad whiplash, and unable to train at all for 4 months. I have now been given the go ahead to start training again, but very gently, i still really strugle to breath to the left while swimming, as i cant turn my head very well.I really want to get back into tris, my 8 year old daughter was so motivated last year she completed a kids tri, i cried for days with pride. This year my 7 year old boy wants to join the family tri team.I understand if you Want to keep the group to athletes with more challenging distances in mind, i wish you all a happy and outstandingly successful 2012.CheersLorna

Welcome Lorna! We all start or restart somewhere. Sorry to hear about your accident, but it is good to see you trying to maintain and get back in to training. I'm excited to see your progress this season!

2012-01-06 6:09 AM
in reply to: #3971855

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor Group--OPEN

Moonrocket - 2012-01-04 8:35 PM Hi! The race is Aug 26. I'm thinking of found a sprint ahead of it to keep motivated and tweak training. How far in advance would you suggest? I was thinking maybe June and a 10k in April and a 5k in Feb? Just to build up. How do you plan a race schedule? There are a lot of events here. I used to run a 5k every month just for fun. I chose the Xterra partly because road biking freaks me out a little. I really need help with biking and running. I swam in college, so that part comes pretty naturally.[/QUOTE

Hey Kate! 


I think that plan with the two runs leading into the sprint is a good idea. Any trail running races in the area? 

I generally try to plan my races 4-6 weeks apart, some are in heavier training blocks and some are in rest phases. It really depends on your desire to do races and which races you prioritize. I'll give you an example from my last year:

End January--Half Marathon

End March--Indoor sprint tri

Mid May--Sprint tri/ Half Marathon back to back one weekend

Early June--Sprint tri (short rest before)

End June--Olympic tri

End July--Ironman (full taper)

Beginning Sept--Olympic Tri (residual taper from IM--haha)

I generally pick races and then work my training schedule around it. (Other than my end of June tri last season...I just needed/wanted a race there to do a race)

Hope that helps?


2012-01-06 7:11 AM
in reply to: #3974168

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
yogachic - 2012-01-05 11:19 PM

Regarding tracking workouts-  For a while, I was really into my Garmin, until I realized I wasn't really enjoying my workouts because I was busy looking at my watch.  So then I just used a regular sports watch that takes laps... but then that broke, so now I've been working out without a watch.  I kind of like training without one now!  Though, I do like having a bike computer, just to see how fast I'm going and how far I've gone (mostly helps to make sure I'm not lost, actually!)  Once the season nears, I'm sure I'll buy another watch with lap capability, just so the times on my logs are accurate... I usually figure distance by mapping my route afterward.

I agree. I am very analytical and used a heart rate monitor. It started malfunctioning and I wasn't able to use it on race day for my half marathon. That was one of the best things that could have happened. I found it was a distraction and took away from the joy of racing. I trained yesterday for the first time without a HRM and loved it. I couldn't help but chuckle at a lady that was grunting in frustration at her Garmin's incessant beeping. It was definitely a hindrance. 

Plus, your heart rate isn't the greatest guide to exertion. It is a decent indicator but as your body adjusts, so does your heart rate. I started out pushing 170 bpm on a 12 min/mile and, after a couple weeks, I was doing 10 min/mile at 140 bpm. 

Bottom line: Find what works for you and do it. I take my pulse in my neck for 6 sec and multiply the number by 10. It works for me.

2012-01-06 7:24 AM
in reply to: #3974357

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
Shmashin - 2012-01-06 6:11 AM
yogachic - 2012-01-05 11:19 PM 

Regarding tracking workouts-  For a while, I was really into my Garmin, until I realized I wasn't really enjoying my workouts because I was busy looking at my watch.  So then I just used a regular sports watch that takes laps... but then that broke, so now I've been working out without a watch.  I kind of like training without one now!  Though, I do like having a bike computer, just to see how fast I'm going and how far I've gone (mostly helps to make sure I'm not lost, actually!)  Once the season nears, I'm sure I'll buy another watch with lap capability, just so the times on my logs are accurate... I usually figure distance by mapping my route afterward.

I agree. I am very analytical and used a heart rate monitor. It started malfunctioning and I wasn't able to use it on race day for my half marathon. That was one of the best things that could have happened. I found it was a distraction and took away from the joy of racing. I trained yesterday for the first time without a HRM and loved it. I couldn't help but chuckle at a lady that was grunting in frustration at her Garmin's incessant beeping. It was definitely a hindrance. 

Plus, your heart rate isn't the greatest guide to exertion. It is a decent indicator but as your body adjusts, so does your heart rate. I started out pushing 170 bpm on a 12 min/mile and, after a couple weeks, I was doing 10 min/mile at 140 bpm. 

Bottom line: Find what works for you and do it. I take my pulse in my neck for 6 sec and multiply the number by 10. It works for me.

I find a lot of people get distracted by information overload. I'm kind of half half. I tend to never use watches during races but use a watch when I train. On my bike I usually do use a computer so I can get distance to know where I am when race distances arn't posted. I'm getting the new garmin whenever it comes since I wanted it...haha...but I used the time and then mapped my route with BT after sessions where done when logging the workout. 

HR isn't the best indicator as mentioned above as there are many factors involved in heart rate variability/fluctuation from day to day and throughout the day.

Edited to reformat! It was bugging me!

Edited by mndymond 2012-01-06 7:26 AM
2012-01-06 7:42 AM
in reply to: #3945488

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

Hey, thanks. Good to get to know you all

Here are my basics:

NAME: Robin/  Ceilidh

STORY: I did my first sprint tri in 2008 after being non-athletic for life. Well, never running. I Mountain biked, kayaked and hiked but always thought that I wasn't an athlete. I must have had a mid-life crisis and being rather cheap, figured doing a tri was cheaper than a sports car. Also, the novelty of doing something that was totally out of the realm of anything I had ever done (or anyone that I know would do) was appealing. Various life situations and illness or injury (nothing dramatic, just frustrating) have prevented me from doing any tris since then, though I have done a couple of HM's and other running races. This year I want to get back to training and I WILL do an oly this year. With life, and job and other things I like to do, I have finaly figured out that is the maximum race I will most likely have time to train for. Even that is pushing it, until I retire that is!

FAMILY STATUS: Married and post mid life crisis with grown step kids.

CURRENT TRAINING: Focusing on getting back in the swing of thngs and Oly training

2012 RACES have an Oly race that is my only tri in Augus of this year that I plan on doing. There is a small possibility of a local sprint, too. I have a couple of local HMs that may be in there.

WEIGHTLOSS: I have gained a huge amount of weight in the last 2.5 years and getting rid of that is my primary focus for the next few months. 30, if not 40 pounds needs to GO! 

2012-01-06 7:45 AM
in reply to: #3974377

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
mndymond - 2012-01-06 8:24 AM
Shmashin - 2012-01-06 6:11 AM
yogachic - 2012-01-05 11:19 PM 

Regarding tracking workouts-  For a while, I was really into my Garmin, until I realized I wasn't really enjoying my workouts because I was busy looking at my watch.  So then I just used a regular sports watch that takes laps... but then that broke, so now I've been working out without a watch.  I kind of like training without one now!  Though, I do like having a bike computer, just to see how fast I'm going and how far I've gone (mostly helps to make sure I'm not lost, actually!)  Once the season nears, I'm sure I'll buy another watch with lap capability, just so the times on my logs are accurate... I usually figure distance by mapping my route afterward.

I agree. I am very analytical and used a heart rate monitor. It started malfunctioning and I wasn't able to use it on race day for my half marathon. That was one of the best things that could have happened. I found it was a distraction and took away from the joy of racing. I trained yesterday for the first time without a HRM and loved it. I couldn't help but chuckle at a lady that was grunting in frustration at her Garmin's incessant beeping. It was definitely a hindrance. 

Plus, your heart rate isn't the greatest guide to exertion. It is a decent indicator but as your body adjusts, so does your heart rate. I started out pushing 170 bpm on a 12 min/mile and, after a couple weeks, I was doing 10 min/mile at 140 bpm. 

Bottom line: Find what works for you and do it. I take my pulse in my neck for 6 sec and multiply the number by 10. It works for me.

I find a lot of people get distracted by information overload. I'm kind of half half. I tend to never use watches during races but use a watch when I train. On my bike I usually do use a computer so I can get distance to know where I am when race distances arn't posted. I'm getting the new garmin whenever it comes since I wanted it...haha...but I used the time and then mapped my route with BT after sessions where done when logging the workout. 

HR isn't the best indicator as mentioned above as there are many factors involved in heart rate variability/fluctuation from day to day and throughout the day.

Edited to reformat! It was bugging me!

FWIW, I use my Garmin (bottom of the line) as a tool to keep up with myself. There is no way for me to train with anyone because of where I life, so I use it as my training buddy. Because of the size of the thing, it is really too small to see while running or biking so it is really only used post training to see how I did. I have a bike computer that I use for the same reason.

2012-01-06 8:48 AM
in reply to: #3945488

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

I forgot to mention that on my runs and bikes I use MyTracks (Android) to keep track of distance and speed. It also offers distance indicators and elevation changes. It helps me analyze AFTER the exercise.

Someone asked about cycling and hydration a few threads back. A Camelbak might be a good resource. It is a slight motion to put the mouth piece in your mouth. You can also just leave it in your mouth but that will make your jaw sore. Also, be encouraged that, according to physics, your bike does not want to fall over. It will take time to get comfortable and break the physical and mental barriers.

Melissa- Is it beneficial to spend the effort in doing a marathon and century race before attempting an IM? Are tri's just different all together at the those distances? What is nutrition like when you're competing for 12+++ hours?

My wife, Lindsey, also enjoyed Emergency Med but it didn't offer the primary care and patient relationships that she enjoys. Psych sucked for her. She did well but it is just a different animal. Working with children who have serious mental health issues was difficult.

Eventually, we want to end up doing mission work/rural med in Africa and Latin America. The U.S. Army is paying for her schooling, so we will have 4 years to serve after residency.

Don't worry about the residency decision. You'll figure it out when you get in a rotation that just flips a switch in you. If not, there is always a general med option. We have found that each specialty has its personalities. You'll find where you fit.

Thanks for doing this!!

2012-01-06 10:21 AM
in reply to: #3974555

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
Shmashin - 2012-01-06 8:48 AM

I forgot to mention that on my runs and bikes I use MyTracks (Android) to keep track of distance and speed. It also offers distance indicators and elevation changes. It helps me analyze AFTER the exercise.

Someone asked about cycling and hydration a few threads back. A Camelbak might be a good resource. It is a slight motion to put the mouth piece in your mouth. You can also just leave it in your mouth but that will make your jaw sore. Also, be encouraged that, according to physics, your bike does not want to fall over. It will take time to get comfortable and break the physical and mental barriers.

Melissa- Is it beneficial to spend the effort in doing a marathon and century race before attempting an IM? Are tri's just different all together at the those distances? What is nutrition like when you're competing for 12+++ hours?

My wife, Lindsey, also enjoyed Emergency Med but it didn't offer the primary care and patient relationships that she enjoys. Psych sucked for her. She did well but it is just a different animal. Working with children who have serious mental health issues was difficult.

Eventually, we want to end up doing mission work/rural med in Africa and Latin America. The U.S. Army is paying for her schooling, so we will have 4 years to serve after residency.

Don't worry about the residency decision. You'll figure it out when you get in a rotation that just flips a switch in you. If not, there is always a general med option. We have found that each specialty has its personalities. You'll find where you fit.

Thanks for doing this!!

Thanks for the feedback, I had considered a camelbak for the sprint tri I did last summer but decided to stop and get off the bike and drink instead (I know, a waste of time!).  That is true that the bike is going forward with a lot of momentum and shouldn't be inclined to just topple over, I just need to keep telling myself that and try to get more comfortable.

Sounds like we have a good group, excited to train with all of you!!

Edited by amhale2000 2012-01-06 10:35 AM

2012-01-06 10:55 AM
in reply to: #3945488

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
I don't like to reach for a bottle either. Love the camelback idea!
2012-01-06 11:44 AM
in reply to: #3945488

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

For hydration, I have the clip-on aero bars on my road bike, and have an aero bottle attached to it.  So I barely have to move to drink!  I also have a camel back that I use for distance running.... for some reason the nozzle bothers me on the bike (since it's hanging down), so I don't really use it to bike with.

In the meantime, I've just been practicing a lot with reaching down for my bottle.  I only have to grab it when my aerobottle is empty and I need to refill it, so I only have to grab once every hour or so.

2012-01-06 2:38 PM
in reply to: #3945488

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
Anyone have training plans for the weekend? Would anyone be interested in a weekly training challenge and maybe a skills challenge (Like retrieve and drink from your waterbottle 10 times, or swim to the other end of the pool with your eyes closed without hitting a lane line? Just a fun skill builder that would help those of us that are really new- I don't even really know what skills come in handy.)I'm going skate skiing Sat. Not sure about Sunday yet.Kate
2012-01-06 7:58 PM
in reply to: #3945488

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
NAME: JBougher/JerrySTORY: I am now the father of a 15 month old boy from Colombia. The process took 4 years and pretty much trashed my racing/workout schedule the last 5 months of 2011. That aside I did complete a sprint and a HIM prior to the big life change. I got into triathlons 3 years ago by doing an Oly and a sprint. Prior to that I did a number of half marathons and 2 full marathons. I needed something else since marathons took there toll in my legs. In 2010, I did 3 olys with the capstone being SF triathlon at Alcatraz. Swimming from Alcatraz was awesome!I am looking to complete a few Olys this year and might exact revenge on my HIM performance from last year. FAMILY STATUS: Married with 15 mon old sonCURRENT TRAINING: Just getting my legs back under me after a few months of PT for my knee...swimming multiple times a week during lunch. Running and biking in evenings. THIS YEAR'S RACES: Elkhart Lake Tri Sprint, High Cliff HIM2012 RACES:  EL Oly or Sprint High Cliff HIM (week after EL), Oshkosh Tri, Manitowoc Tri or Sheboygan Xterra, Sheboygan Tri (if it happens this year)WEIGHTLOSS my goal is to race at 180 or below. I am currently way over that and hope a better focus on nutrition and more activity will get me back

Edited by JBougher 2012-01-06 8:09 PM
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