BT Development Mentor Program Archives » bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session) Rss Feed  
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2012-01-05 11:37 AM
in reply to: #3967745

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Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open
jeslin - 2012-01-03 9:49 AM
jeslin - 2012-01-01 7:47 PM

I'm in week 2 of a 20 week HIM plan (Monday-Sunday is my week), and my schedule says:

  • Monday (R) 4.5 miles
  • Tuesday (S) 1,000 yds
  • Wednesday (B) 20 miles
  • Thursday (R) 3.5 miles
  • Friday (S) 1,000 yds
  • Saturday (R) 12 miles
  • Sunday Off

Since I'm trying to PR in a half marathon in March, I'm focusing the first half of my training on running and then the last half more on swimming and cycling, primarily cycling.  I'm also building mileage in January and taking February to focus on speed.

I'm having issues uploading my .csv training plan to my account here so until I can figure it out, I'll post my weekly goals and then manually enter my daily workouts.

So far - 
Monday - (R) 6.1 miles
Tuesday - (S) 1500 yds ( 10x50, 4x250)
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - (B) 12 miles and (R) 3 miles 

2012-01-05 2:55 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
I have a 45 minute run after work, looking forward to just one workout today and rest day tomorrow!
2012-01-05 8:10 PM
in reply to: #3972824

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Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open
jeslin - 2012-01-05 11:37 AM
jeslin - 2012-01-03 9:49 AM
jeslin - 2012-01-01 7:47 PM

I'm in week 2 of a 20 week HIM plan (Monday-Sunday is my week), and my schedule says:

  • Monday (R) 4.5 miles
  • Tuesday (S) 1,000 yds
  • Wednesday (B) 20 miles
  • Thursday (R) 3.5 miles
  • Friday (S) 1,000 yds
  • Saturday (R) 12 miles
  • Sunday Off

Since I'm trying to PR in a half marathon in March, I'm focusing the first half of my training on running and then the last half more on swimming and cycling, primarily cycling.  I'm also building mileage in January and taking February to focus on speed.

I'm having issues uploading my .csv training plan to my account here so until I can figure it out, I'll post my weekly goals and then manually enter my daily workouts.

So far - 
Monday - (R) 6.1 miles
Tuesday - (S) 1500 yds ( 10x50, 4x250)
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - (B) 12 miles and (R) 3 miles 

Hey Jess, I just noticed you are signed up for Kinetic HIM, me too!!  I did it last year as well and it was a lot of fun, I'll answer any questions I can about that race.

Also, looking at your plan this week for week 2 of a 20 week plan, a 12 mile run this early in base is longer than I would expect for a first HIM plan.  Unless you have a significant run base under you and it still would appear high to me.  I'm in week 2 of 30 week plan for IM distance and my plan is only at 60 min long run for first 7 weeks.  In my past HIM plans, I only got up to 12 miles in late build stage.  Running is the sport that most injuries come from overtraining and have had personal injuries from too fast of a run volume build.  I don't know your background, etc. and I'm no coach or expert, just some observations.

Edited by mdfahy 2012-01-05 8:28 PM
2012-01-05 8:23 PM
in reply to: #3949904

Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
Quick half hour on the bike (trainer) with a couple quick interval bursts.  This week is all about easing in!  Everyone else's workouts are pretty impressive.
2012-01-05 8:30 PM
in reply to: #3972366

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Roseville, CA
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)

Omahabritt - 2012-01-06 6:40 AM Brian, I looked at your blog and noticed you did the Lake Geneva Tri. I did the Half as a relay (I did the run) a couple of years ago. Our biker had the same complaints about safety. Beautiful course, but that's the hilliest half run I've ever done!! I'M excited to be part of this group, learning and getting to know you all!

I think you must have looked at someone else's  


Headed out to hit the pool and get a run in tonight. I have 1200yd's and 3 miles to do. 

2012-01-05 10:54 PM
in reply to: #3973958

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
BMiller71 - 2012-01-05 8:30 PM

Omahabritt - 2012-01-06 6:40 AM Brian, I looked at your blog and noticed you did the Lake Geneva Tri. I did the Half as a relay (I did the run) a couple of years ago. Our biker had the same complaints about safety. Beautiful course, but that's the hilliest half run I've ever done!! I'M excited to be part of this group, learning and getting to know you all!

I think you must have looked at someone else's  


Headed out to hit the pool and get a run in tonight. I have 1200yd's and 3 miles to do. 


I think you meant me? lol...yeah LG is a beast of a run. It was my first triathlon 2 yrs ago and I really had no business racing this past year (health issues). Not a race I would recommend to anyone in the future.

Long day today and today was one of those days where I had 15 hours in between workouts...6am swim and a 9pm run. 6 miles tonight in the dark on quite streets and an easy pace made for a good end to the day. Oh and running at 9pm on jan 5th and it is hovering around 50 degrees is very rare in Wisconisn. Supposed to be in the 50's again tomorrow, hoping to take the bike out for a long ride!

2012-01-05 11:34 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Roseville, CA
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
Not to rub it in but my swim was outside! It has been awhile with my shoulder and tonight made me realize how much I liked swimming on cool nights or evenings.
2012-01-06 7:41 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
I am heading out for a ski weekend so for the first time in a long time I am going to miss a couple days of S/B/R workouts. It will be nice to have a break and reset myself. I will be ready to get back to it come Monday.

Lengthening out the runs as part of marathon prep is on the schedule. The plan calls for all the long runs to be done at a "tempo" type pace with the last miles faster than the first so there will be no rest for the weary. My running volume is much less than at this point for my last marathon cycle but my cardiovascular work load with the biking and swimming is much higher. We will see how it all works out.

Hope everyone has a great weekend of training....or skiing......or whatever.....

2012-01-06 7:52 AM
in reply to: #3973921

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Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open
Hey Matt, that's really exciting that you are doing Kinetic too! I will have lots of questions as I've never raced it or an HIM.  Yeah, 12 miles is really high for the plan - mine doesn't call for that at all.  I'm a runner at heart and love it!  I also just finished a half marathon a few weeks ago so my base is already high.  I'm just kind of maintaining right now and running with a slower group in my running club just to be out with people.  I won't go much higher.  In February, I plan to lower the distance a bit and work on speed.  I'm also running the RnR National Half in March.  The first half of my HIM training is running focused since I want to PR in the RNR half and then heavily focused on the bike afterwards.
2012-01-06 8:52 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
Alright, time to get serious about this. Lots of snow here, 3-4 ft on the ground and temperatures in the -20's celcius! Have conspired to try and keep me inside, But this cant happpen, got to get going. Been away from the internet for a few days but reading the posts has lit a fire under me. Thanks Folks!
2012-01-06 4:30 PM
in reply to: #3974173

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
BMiller71 - 2012-01-05 11:34 PM

Not to rub it in but my swim was outside! It has been awhile with my shoulder and tonight made me realize how much I liked swimming on cool nights or evenings.

this blows my mind! There is a foot of ice on all the lakes and rivers here...I think I need to look for work in Cali...

currently have another window open, looking for a cheap trip to Cuba or the Dominican!...

2012-01-06 7:35 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Roseville, CA
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
I know the feeling I am originally from chicago. And to be clear it was a heated pool at the gym.

Tomorrow I am going to get fitted for my new bike, any pointers on things to look for? It is my first time getting fitted, and they did not give me that warm fuzzy feeling when I bought the bike. I tried to go to a shop that was highly recommended but they were out of my size.
2012-01-06 9:00 PM
in reply to: #3975970

Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
I only suggest taking your time and get it as comfortable as possible, and not let the shop set it up too aggressively.  Mine was set up a bit too aggressive initially, and I had to tone it back.  Good luck; it is always so exciting to get a new ride!
2012-01-07 9:56 AM
in reply to: #3975970

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)

BMiller71 - 2012-01-06 7:35 PM I know the feeling I am originally from chicago. And to be clear it was a heated pool at the gym.

Tomorrow I am going to get fitted for my new bike, any pointers on things to look for? It is my first time getting fitted, and they did not give me that warm fuzzy feeling when I bought the bike. I tried to go to a shop that was highly recommended but they were out of my size.

Brian you bought a Cervelo off the "share the ride program" right? One reason you may not have received that "warm fuzzy feeling" from the retailer is that most LBS are not making a dime off this sale Cervelo is having, and several stores refuse to participate in the sale. They could just simply be annoyed that people are coming in, requesting this/that, then leaving and they do not see much value from it.

With that said, bike fitting is very specific to the individual. Some stores fit to their own specs and do not entirely go off the rider. Do you want to be as aero and fast as possible? Then you will sacrifice comfort, and vice versa. These are wishes that you must echo to your fitter, and if they are good and know what they are doing, then they will comply with you. There are new fit systems such as Retul, that are more computer generated, and performance based. If you want the above setup mentioned this could be a great option, though a bit pricey. But if you are looking for a more basic fit and want to be as comfortable as possible then I would search around, check prices, interview fitters, see who makes you feel most confident. If you have anymore questions just ask.

Of course if you really want to have fun with it, read up on bike fits online, grab a camera, a friend, and some tools for measurements and do it yourself!

2012-01-07 9:57 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
I hope everyone is having a good weekend! I had the chance to pull out my Tarmac for a ride outside yesterday, got in 32 miles with some stiff winds along the way, was not expecting that. Long run of 9 miles today. My running has dramatically improved from a strength standpoint since October. Hoping for some big things with my run this year.
2012-01-07 2:50 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
9 miler done in some great weather, clear skies and the sun was shining bright! Justin how is winter up in Canada? Ours seems to have taken a year hiatus, although I am getting sad that I will not get a chance to snowboard or do any other activities that require snow.

2012-01-07 4:16 PM
in reply to: #3976552

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Roseville, CA
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)

My fit went better than expected. spent a good 45 minutes with them. The Owner of the shop got involved and he made some big changes from where the original guy had me. He also explained what he was doing and why he was making the changes. So since he was good to me I just had to pick up some new shoes and pedals

First real ride was good. Super windy as well. Had a hard time with the seat. They told me to play with the angle a little at a time to get it dialed in to my liking. I know my brother has a split seat so I am going to give that at try. 

Even Tahoe has hardly any snow, this winter has been crazy. We definitely need some in California since our Lakes depend on it.

2012-01-07 10:48 PM
in reply to: #3977043

Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
Glad to hear it, Brian.  A good fit  can make a huge difference; it sounds like you are really happy, and more importantly, are comfortable.   Now you just have to log 3,000 miles on your new ride!
2012-01-08 1:57 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
Got in a nice, albeit short, bike ride today-- the sun just sets too soon! I'm still working on a training schedule 'cus I'm teaching skiing two days a week and that pretty much wipes out my whole day. But on the plus side, I learned how to snowboard on Thursday! Made me remember some muscles I haven't used in awhile...
2012-01-08 4:52 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
winter is in full swing here, I think our local ski hill has been open for a month already. Just finishing up a midnight shift and going to head out for the first run of my 1/2 Marathon training. It is -18.5 celcius, so hopefully I don't freeze anything off!

congrats on the new bike Brian, sounds like a sweet ride!

2012-01-08 7:03 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
And first run complete and in the books... Felt really good, albeit a little bit cold.

I am going to chalk up my time to snow slippage, and not the fact that I haven't run in a month....

2012-01-08 9:56 AM
in reply to: #3977639

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)

justinfss - 2012-01-08 4:52 AM winter is in full swing here, I think our local ski hill has been open for a month already. Just finishing up a midnight shift and going to head out for the first run of my 1/2 Marathon training. It is -18.5 celcius, so hopefully I don't freeze anything off! congrats on the new bike Brian, sounds like a sweet ride!


And what is your outfit for these runs?  I can barely run below 15-20 comfortably. That is I have a real problem finding the perfect layering to avoid sweating but still stay warm and dry.

2012-01-08 9:58 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)

Question of the week: What is your fear/are your fears relating to multisport and endurance training?

My coached asked this question in his interview while starting me up and I could not give a single answer. I am sure that I have some fears, maybe I just have not realized them yet?

2012-01-08 12:19 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
Hi All,

Weekly goal this week is to actually complete the workouts I have planned.
Decided to only schedule a week at a time; legs are sore after starting running since a 3 week layoff. Using a foam roller to get the IT Band sorted following a massage last week.

Turbo trainer will get set up this week.

Trying not to do my usual of starting off too quickly on a programme - which is my biggest fear to your question. I always set too high expectations and then the fear of failing actually makes me fail!!

Also this week we start back curling - so a game on Monday night and then we are training in Dumfries, Scotland at the weekend.

Was at a 40th birthday yesterday and suffering today :-(

Have a great week all.

2012-01-08 12:38 PM
in reply to: #3972824

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Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Open

jeslin - 2012-01-

05 12:37 PM

jeslin - 2012-01-03 9:49 AM
jeslin - 2012-01-01 7:47 PM

I'm in week 2 of a 20 week HIM plan (Monday-Sunday is my week), and my schedule says:

  • Monday (R) 4.5 miles
  • Tuesday (S) 1,000 yds
  • Wednesday (B) 20 miles
  • Thursday (R) 3.5 miles
  • Friday (S) 1,000 yds
  • Saturday (R) 12 miles
  • Sunday Off

Since I'm trying to PR in a half marathon in March, I'm focusing the first half of my training on running and then the last half more on swimming and cycling, primarily cycling.  I'm also building mileage in January and taking February to focus on speed.

I'm having issues uploading my .csv training plan to my account here so until I can figure it out, I'll post my weekly goals and then manually enter my daily workouts.

So far - 
Monday - (R) 6.1 miles
Tuesday - (S) 1500 yds ( 10x50, 4x250)
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - (B) 12 miles and (R) 3 miles 
Friday - (S) 1,000 yds; lifted upper body
Saturday - (R) 10 miles
Sunday - Off

Not much sleep on Friday night so Saturday's run was a bit shorter.  I'm happy with my week - this up coming week will include more cycling.

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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session) Rss Feed  
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