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2012-01-18 5:43 AM
in reply to: #3955634

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Augusta, GA
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

In my journey to my first half marathon I have a few questions for the running gurus:

1.  I understand what conversational pace means but since I run alone how do I know that I am accomplishing it?  I can tell you that 95% of my runs are done with nose breathing only.

2.  What does ITBS feel like?  In the last few weeks I have developed a mild burning pain in my  right hip.  The pain centers right at the joint.  Honestly it is not so bad that I can't train or function, but I know it is there. 

3.  There is an awlful hill on my HM course that is brutal.  I have run/walked it a few times and feel confident that once I get passed it (miles 3-5) I will be OK.  Should I continue to try to train on it or just train for my mileage elsewhere?

Have a great day


2012-01-18 6:50 AM
in reply to: #3955634

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

I have not read that book.  I would be interested to hear if anyone else has. 

Court, I guess you could always try and talk to yourself.  I know what you mean.  It is the same for me as I am running alone on my training runs too.  An idea for you is if you run with music, you can always say the words to the songs as if you are carrying on a conversation.  That would be a way to simulate conversing with someone else. 

I will defer to others in the group that may be able to describe ITBS. 

Hill work is always good to add into your training plan.  By the time your HM arrives, you will be able to conquer that hill.  I would say to continue some of your hill work on that specific hill and also on other hills for a change in terrain.

2012-01-18 11:04 AM
in reply to: #3955634

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Extreme Veteran
The Beach, CA
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN


ITBS pain is a little different for everyone but most commonly I have had and seen others have pain that originates in the hip area and wraps around the outer leg toward the inside of the knee. 

One of the best things I have found to help work through ITBS is using s tennis ball under the hip and rolling around on it.  Another good option is the foam roller but for me that didn't seem to get in deep enough so I mainly focused on the ball.

My Dr. (who is a runner) told me that I was fine to train with it if I could but to work the roller or the tennis ball after runs.  I know many Dr."s have different opinions so you may want to ask yours if it gets worse.

Good luck.

2012-01-18 11:16 AM
in reply to: #3996564

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN


Not sure where exactly your pain radiates to, but I definitely second Scott's opinion on the Tennis Ball. It does work wonders, so does the foam roller if you can get to the spots.

If it's along the leg a good old broomstick (old gymnastics trick, works wonders on shin splints as well) or a fancy version like "The Stick" ( will let you roll out any knots in your legs that might be causing pain.

Also try a 10 minute soak in Epsom Salt.


2012-01-18 3:09 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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New user
NW Indiana
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

What they said! The IT band runs from the hip, down the outside of your leg, over the outside of the knee joint and connects to your tibia(hence the name). The most common inflamation is on the outside of the knee where it passes over the bony process of the knee. Think of a rubber band rubbing back and forth as the joint moves. It also manifests itself in the hip, but this is not as common. Stretching and rollers, foam or ball, are great treatments and preventatives. Many people (myself included) have found themselves sidelined by trying to run through the pain. In my case I ran a race i knew I shouldnt have  because of inflammation and ended up not being able to run for about 6 weeks after. Many others are not afflicted so severely and are able to train through it. There is lots and lots of info available online.....Google and take it for what its worth. P.S.....the most common cause of itbs is ramping up miles or pace too quickly.


2012-01-18 4:36 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN
I guess there is still room for one more, so here I am! My name is Addie and I live in the Raleigh area. I have always been an athlete but just getting into endurance sports. I have short and long term goals. I really want to be able to finish the ironman 2013 in PCB (my hometown). Not sure if this is an overly adventuras goal but I can't seem to shake it.In the mean time I am trainng for Raleigh rocks half marathon and some sprint tris this summer, moving into some Olympic tris this fall. I would like to finish the year with a half ironman. I hope I'm on the right track and will take any and all advice!!

2012-01-18 4:44 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN
Hi Addie,

Yes, there is still room in the group. Glad you found us and nice to see you are in Raleigh. What ironman in 2013 are you referring to?

The Raleigh Rocks should be a good event. I ran in that one a couple of years ago. It has moved locations out to the RBC Center now.

Looking forward to assisting you in your triathlon goals.
2012-01-18 4:51 PM
in reply to: #3955634

Keller, TX
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN
Is it too late? Are you still looking for members in your group?

Edited by sblack 2012-01-18 4:52 PM
2012-01-18 5:01 PM
in reply to: #3998146

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN
This one... I have to say I'm pretty nervous about my first tri coming up in April. It's a sprint so short distance, but worried about having all my gear, knowing where to go, and staying injury free. Right now I can run comfortably for about an hour. Just got in the pool today for the first time in ages and did the same beginner workout a previous poster wrote about, and picked up my used road bike today (had a tune up and got all my new gear). Very new to biking but think this will come natually for me. I feel like the pieces are falling into place. Still, I'd feel unfocused about which races to train for and how to reach my goals. I'm unsure of a training regimen and where to set my sights.
2012-01-18 10:35 PM
in reply to: #3996564

Lake St. Louis
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN
ltcsh1 - 2012-01-18 5:43 AM

1.  I understand what conversational pace means but since I run alone how do I know that I am accomplishing it?  I can tell you that 95% of my runs are done with nose breathing only.

The more you run the easier it will be for you to figure out what conversational pace is. As weird as it might look you might try what others have said and try to say a sentence or two to yourself every now and then just to do a quick check of the pace.

Why are you doing the nose breathing only? I have heard of people doing that, but I do not know the benefit of it. From what I was always taught is you should have your mouth slightly open. Then you end up breathing through your mouth and the nose at the same time.

3.  There is an awlful hill on my HM course that is brutal.  I have run/walked it a few times and feel confident that once I get passed it (miles 3-5) I will be OK.  Should I continue to try to train on it or just train for my mileage elsewhere?

Both...I would hit that hill once a week or once every other week for a hill workout. I have the kids I coach do a hill workout about once every other week. It usually involves running one brutal hill 5 or 6 times and then moving on to smaller hills that are run several times as well.  The rest of your mileage can be on flatter terrain. If you are getting ready for a HM don't forget about doing tempo runs and fartlek runs. Both of those are great for HM training.

2012-01-19 7:17 AM
in reply to: #3955634

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

sblack - 2012-01-18 5:51 PM Is it too late? Are you still looking for members in your group?

Yes, the group is still open.  Glad you have found us.  Feel free to share your story with the group.

Edited by cup06champs 2012-01-19 7:18 AM

2012-01-19 7:28 AM
in reply to: #3998176

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

Addie1104 - 2012-01-18 6:01 PM This one... I have to say I'm pretty nervous about my first tri coming up in April. It's a sprint so short distance, but worried about having all my gear, knowing where to go, and staying injury free. Right now I can run comfortably for about an hour. Just got in the pool today for the first time in ages and did the same beginner workout a previous poster wrote about, and picked up my used road bike today (had a tune up and got all my new gear). Very new to biking but think this will come natually for me. I feel like the pieces are falling into place. Still, I'd feel unfocused about which races to train for and how to reach my goals. I'm unsure of a training regimen and where to set my sights.

Ironman Florida looks like it is a good event to target for 2013.  Your sprint triathlon in April, which one?  Looks like you almost have all of the basics for that first tri.  From what you pointed out, sounds like a tri top and bottom may be all you are missing.  Looks like you have what you need for swimming (goggles and cap), cycling and running.  For what to wear, you can wear a tri top and bottom for all 3 elements of the triathlon.  I found a tri top and bottom on clearance from 

It is good that you are starting in the pool now.  This will give you the time to build a base and get comfortable in the water.  You have plenty of time to be ready.  When I started into cycling last year, I was so new to it.  It took a little time, but the sprint distance was perfect for getting acclimated to racing.  My first sprint was in April last year and the bike portion was 10 miles.  I was so new to cycling that I rode the entire distance with the chain on my small ring.  I never changed it to the large ring.  I had no idea I could.

Good luck in your training and have fun getting back in the pool.

2012-01-19 12:08 PM
in reply to: #3998981

Keller, TX
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN
Great to hear.

So here is the story.

Name: Steve

Story: I got into this sport on an office dare in 2004. After finishing my first race I was hooked. I competed in 3-5 sprints a year, 1 Oly, and was weeks away from a HIM 2x. (attempt 1, bike fell off of a trailer on I-35 3 weeks before the race and a new bike was not in the budget. attempt 2, family emergency 5-4 weeks out and missed the 2 heaviest volume weeks prior to the race) Then 2008 happened, locating job stability filled the time slot that had been training time. Things are still shaky but not a constant 8.0 earthquake.

Family: Married 17 years 2 children 14yr old girl, and 8 yr old boy

Location: Fort Worth TX

Current Training: Just getting back into it. Just the basics right now.

Races: I'm hoping to get at least 2 races in this year and the HHH100 in August.

Weight Loss: This has not really been an issue as I've always been relatively active and blessed with a fairly high metabolism. However a 6-10 lb drop would not be bad.

2012-01-19 12:40 PM
in reply to: #3999006

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN
It's funny you mention the chain. I went for a short ride today, trying to get to know my bike and I have no idea which chain I should be using and for what. Like going up a hill or easy coasting. Advise?
2012-01-19 12:50 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN
Addie, the simple answer is it depends. Ultimately it comes down to preference.

If you are going downhill, you will find in most cases that if you are in the small ring, you will be spinning almost out of control. If you want more speed, the large ring is where you want to be. Pedaling can be hard at times, but you can go faster.

For me, if I am going up a decent incline, if I stay in the large ring I will get fatigue quickly. You end up using your legs more than you need to and basically hit the wall. A lot of times I will shift to the smaller ring and a gear that will let me spin more. When you do this, you give your legs a little rest and work your heart rate.

I find myself shifting from the small to large and vice versa a lot of my hilly routes.

Give it a try on your next ride.
2012-01-19 1:11 PM
in reply to: #3999762

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN
I will! Thanks.

2012-01-19 9:08 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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New user
NW Indiana
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

Brrrrr.....11 degrees when I started my run tonight. Was sweating through my hat and it was freezing on the outside. Gotta love Indiana in January. Had a good run nonetheless. Will bike on the trainer tomorrow and we are expecting some snow tomorrow night (havent had much so far this year). That means Saturday is CC ski day!!!! HAppy training all.


2012-01-20 1:13 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Buffalo, NY
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

Hello - Is the group still open?

Name - Cam

Story - New to the sport.  Began running last year (never really ran before that) and really enjoyed the sport and the events.  I've played ice hockey for years and running provided a fun outlet during the summer offseason.  I did several events this past year including three 1/2 marathons and a full marathon.  There is something about finishing a race that just makes you want to come back for more.  One of the organizers locally that has put on events that I participated in also coordinates several Triathlons, so it peak my interest.

Family Status:  Married 13.5 yrs with two daughters (8yr & 1.5months)

Current Training:  I'm currently taking a short breather, just finished training for the Run Disney Goofy event Jan 7/8.  Plan to begin training in a couple of weeks.

This Year's Races:  I'm not current signed up for a race yet, but I am eyeing a Sprint Tri at the end of June as my first, with a couple of more to follow this year.  I like the idea of building up to at least a 1/2 iron man, not sure I want to commit to the amount of training necessary for the full iron man.

Looking very much forward to this summer's season.



2012-01-20 1:23 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

Hello Cam and welcome to the group.  You can now be called Goofy!  Great experience, huh!  I went Goofy in 2010. 

You are right about finishing a race and how you get the bug to want to finish another one.

Look forward to helping you in reaching your goals and finishing your first sprint tri.

2012-01-20 1:27 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED
We have a great group!  Since we have a good group established at this point, I have marked our group as now being closed.  Enjoy the training everyone!
2012-01-20 1:40 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED
<iframe id="twttrHubFrame" style="top: -9999em; width: 10px; height: 10px; position: absolute;" name="twttrHubFrame" src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no">

I'm planning on taking the bike for a spin later. 77°F at the moment here with a slight breeze. Should be nice....just need to manage to get out of work before it gets dark.

On that note. Do any of you ride your bike in the dark and if yes what extra equipment do you put on to

a) see yourself

b) be seen


2012-01-20 1:47 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED
I have not and do not plan to ride the bike in the dark. I just feel like I would not be as safe. I do not mind running in the dark because I have time to avoid things. With the speed of riding and being more difficult to see in the dark, I do not ride then.

I would be interested in what the rest of the group thinks about this.
2012-01-20 2:50 PM
in reply to: #4001943

Keller, TX
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED
I do ride in the dark on occasion and used to regularly. However I need to explain because in general I believe riding in the dark is a bad idea.

I live about 7mi from the Texas Motor Speedway. This is not only a motor sports mecca but has also become a multisport training destination as well. There are many cyclists and runners out there at all hours. Around the race track is a loop that feeds all of the parking lots. It is 5mi around, well lit, and there is very little traffic with the exception of about 1.25 mi on the SW side around rush hour. If you go clockwise on the right side of the road around the loop you won't cross any traffic unless one of the track workers gets to work early but they are looking for us.

Race weekend is a different story. The closest to a race that I have ridden there was a Wed. morning. Too many folks show up that are not aware of the other uses for the facilities although they do appreciate brightly colored objects going in circles once dawn breaks.

When I do ride in the dark I always wear my brightest jerseys, and a blinky light if I can find it. Since there is so much bicycle traffic there I will often try to catch a rider out there just so there is safety in numbers.

If your area has a facility similar to that you may have a great area to get some non daylight riding but as always use your best judgement on any decision to ride after dark.
2012-01-20 3:30 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED
Back in Germany I would never worry about riding in the dark as people are used to bikes, pay attention to bikes and in general follow the rules of the road...down here in Houston that's a complete different story unfortunately.
2012-01-20 8:42 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Extreme Veteran
The Beach, CA
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

I do ride in the dark, or more accurately finish my rides in the dark some evenings.  It is not usually planned that way but an unavoidable outcome sometimes.  

For equipment I have a clip on LED light for the bars that has a strobe option.  I ride mostly on the river trail away from traffic so I use the light on a steady beam for seeing ahead of me.  When I exit the trail to to head for home I go to the strobe for visibility to cars.  The streets are lit well enough for me to see.  I also have a clip on red LED for the rear under the seat.   Again to be seen.

Bottom line, I try to avoid riding after dark but the items I have are light and easy to use in case I get caught in the dark.

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