BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013 Rss Feed  
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2012-01-09 1:41 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Okay - the overheating = migraine is a bi tough but we will get thru it. The rest --- come on -- give me something tough. Seriously we will address all of these. No fear is small or inconsequential. They are real. They are limiters. We will conquer them.

2012-01-09 3:51 PM
in reply to: #3979404

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - 5th year mentor - OPEN

My fears............

1.  Swim - 

fresh water - reading about people getting stung by jelly getting stung by jelly fish

Can I handle the distance of 2.4 when I am ready to tackle the IM.

2.  Bike - this is probably my weakest as I don't feel like I ride as fast as I should.  Have lots of questions about the aero bars and can one get away with a road bike on the IM or should I get a tri bike?  I am also known to fall while clicking in and out of my bike.  Fear of doing that race day.

3. Run - running out of juice 

4.  Overheating - I use to overheat a lot.  Last year I was able to manage the training in the heat and had no issue, hoping I can continue.

5. Nutrient - I have no clue what I should be eating or drinking during the race.

I think that is a good start.

2012-01-09 4:41 PM
in reply to: #3980100

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Walla Walla
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

RE: "Yesterday I did 8 intervals of running 1 minute and walking 1.5. Excited to lengthen that time. I really enjoyed looking at Jeff Galloway's site... I think the walk breaks are exactly what I need to make this manageable, and it's comforting knowing that I don't have to run the whole time."


Edited by Suzie Weathermon 2012-01-09 4:43 PM
2012-01-09 5:23 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Richmond Hill
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Thanks for including me in your group!  I hope I will be able to contribute.

Significant Fears:

1. Myself - specifically, sticking with the plan: nutrition and training.

2. Injury and/or illness, especially as an event approaches.

Minor Fears, by sport:

1. Swim - My speed. There isn't much difference in my speed whether I'm trying to go fast or just trying to conserve energy and swim slow.  I'm sure this is due to poor technique and inexperience. I've been around water my entire life, but only last year started swim training, and it was limited. The closest indoor pool to my house or work is 45 minutes, so this makes things tough. 

2. Bike - Pain in my neck - literally! I have cervical disc problems that flare up from time to time. Quite often, on long rides I can hardly turn my head to look back.

3. Run - As someone else said - fatigue. Also, being able to build up the distance without having injuries.



2012-01-09 5:34 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
I fear the bike. I have little experience with long bike rides, and fear I won't be able to stay in the aero position, and will have a lot of back and butt discomfort. Plus I think I'm going to be a real slow biker, and it seems like that is the largest part of most tri's.
2012-01-09 6:06 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
The fear question:
I fear the swim, but I'm fearing it less the more I train. I was a lifeguard (at a pool) as a teenager, but I've been away from the pool for many years. I think my technique is ok(ish), but I got a little panicky when I was in an open water crowd. I couldn't get freestyle going and ended up doing breaststroke. I hope to change that.

The challenge question:
My biggest challenge is my work schedule.
I'm on-call every Monday night, every third weekend and every third Wednesday, which means that training during those times needs to be indoors and may be interrupted. I think it's really only an issue on the weekends for the longer rides/runs. I'm also buying the clinic at the end of life will be busy.

My main goal is EPIC Dartmouth (3.8k swim, 180k bike, 21.1run). I'm currently debating on a marathon or 1/2 marathon on May 20th.

Thanks for welcoming me into the group.


2012-01-09 9:14 PM
in reply to: #3980151

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

I am not entirely sure what to be afraid of the most at this point as my "training" officially started today. ( I have a Dr's appointment tomorrow to let him know my intentions and have started today to modify my horrendous diet

Each individual event doesn't scare me, but have no basis for what they do as a whole.

I am worried that i will need to drop 20-30 pounds in the beginning so that my body can take the abuse of running.

I am concerned about the only bike I have is a not expensive mountain bike.

Having not chosen a training plan yet there is anxiety in what will fit/challenge but not burn me out

I will look extremely funny in a speedo/tight fitting swimwear...

I love beer!

Did have a good first day in general I guess.  I ate more fruit than I usually do in almost a month, nothing fried, no ranch dressing and no beer.  Walked for 30 minutes and am going to swim and bike in the morning.


2012-01-09 11:21 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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New user

Subject: New member fears and Concerns?

Fear?  Injury affecting training and tagetted race.  Currently not training due a back injury.  Pinged it twice in the last couple of weeks.  Wanting to get back on bike, but Physio not recommending it!  I guess there is always the pool.


Edited by Rick777 2012-01-09 11:22 PM
2012-01-10 8:40 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
I guess my fear at this point is 60 degree water temps at IMAZ.  I get cold real easy (I get cold in my indoor heated pool I swim at and it sometimes says it's 80 degrees).  I've read some race reports of people getting hypothermia after the swim and not being able to continue the race.  I guess I need to start doing ice baths or something to get use to it.  And I really need to work on my swim so I can get out of the water faster.
2012-01-10 1:17 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Great questions and I will get to each of them. Keep them coming. I am traveling today and tomorrow so detailed answers will come soon just not today. I will say that other than heat=migraines I think we can handle them all. You are all standing on the threshold of one of the greatest years of your life. I am thrilled and honored to be able to share it with you. If you ant to read about fears/anxiety/ challenges borrow (or buy) a copy of You Are An Ironman by Jacques Steinberg. It came out in Sept. While I am one of the characters in the book (full disclosure) the other five stories plus Scott are just amazing. It will help you understand many of your feelings. Cheapest price is on Amazon. (I get nothing from this shameless plug). I want you to read about Leanne's fear of the water (not summing even - just the water)
2012-01-10 1:45 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

I have to admit I read the book and is even more psyched about doing an IM more then ever.  

Three more fears to add, okay they really are not fears but questions.

1.  Picking the right IM race to do.  Each one has their pros and cons.  Wanting to find that one that works with my strengths.

2.  Finding the time to get a workout in.  I travel for me job and I have no clue how to get the training in.  Completed HIM last year and I somehow manage to avoid traveling so that I could get my training in which really was not an option.

3.  Does one need a tri bike or should we get our road bikes fitted for aero bars?

2012-01-10 2:45 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Finding ways to work out while traveling is also a big one for me.  I am about to leave 12 days for work.  Just even fitting everything in my suitcase is hard, I do not check luggage...  I have not even tried swimming, but running and biking works out if I can book hotels with gyms which is not always possible.   This time, I will just have to wash workout clothes in the shower which is hard if you are in a different hotel almost every night, how can they even dry?  I normally only go for 6 consecutive nights so that the laundry is not as much of an issue.

And keeping on track with healthy nutrition in general if a lot revolves around dinners with business partners.  I have started bringing my own breakfast, snacks, and replacement meals taking up even more high-priced real estate in my bag.  Not easy! 

Any tips?

2012-01-10 11:03 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Washington DC
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
I started running at lunch today, but had to stop during my first interval because I forgot my inhaler and couldn't breathe. It was very frustrating, but I'm proud of myself for listening to my body instead of pushing through and being stubborn. Ah well, tomorrow hopefully the weather will be nice as well.
2012-01-11 1:14 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Looks like I have some homework a.k.a a book to read..

I feel the pain on the travel issue.  Have a good gym with indoor pool 2 miles from house, but know I won't have a pool while travelling.  Good thing most do have elipticals, treadmills and stationary bikes.

Like fat2tri, I am going to tri and listen to my body.. when it says stop..I hope I have the sense to stop.

Decided to do the Michael Pate 22 week program. (any thoughts here?)  On day 3 and feel like I am underachieving.  However, knowing me, if I don't have a routine/program, I will be more likely to fail, and if i follow it all the way I should be ready for a Sprint by May/June right??

Anyhoo.. no new fears...

Looking at trying to do 2 to 4 sprints around Georgia between May and September. (Goal)


2012-01-11 4:14 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Walla Walla
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Here's the good word for the day:  I disolved a killer headache yesterday in time for my workout.  Good, no?  I did a little poking around on the free information in the ether out there, and it could just be overerxertion in general and not heat, paired with low blood sugar.  And here's what set me up for the doozie yesterday, I think.  I was in a rush to cram in a run on Sunday (that one I was so proud of) and did it on a banana and  a donut middle and two cups of coffee - at noon.  Brilliant.  From there, I just never rehydrated or refueled enough.  So here's what I did.  I ate.  Yep, I ate my way out of a migrane.  Nearly puked, but just kept forcing in a hundred  or so calories and a glass of water every half hour and in 3 hours: no headache.  Good as new.  Ran 16 minutes after that (and drank some Hammer Recoverite immediately - usually I don't get to it for about an hour). So I think I have to make sure I'm super-hydrated and adequately fueled before the workout.  If I start hydrating during the workout, I'm already behind.

2012-01-12 8:50 AM
in reply to: #3984756

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Suzie Weathermon - 2012-01-11 4:14 PM

Here's the good word for the day:  I disolved a killer headache yesterday in time for my workout.  Good, no?  I did a little poking around on the free information in the ether out there, and it could just be overerxertion in general and not heat, paired with low blood sugar.  And here's what set me up for the doozie yesterday, I think.  I was in a rush to cram in a run on Sunday (that one I was so proud of) and did it on a banana and  a donut middle and two cups of coffee - at noon.  Brilliant.  From there, I just never rehydrated or refueled enough.  So here's what I did.  I ate.  Yep, I ate my way out of a migrane.  Nearly puked, but just kept forcing in a hundred  or so calories and a glass of water every half hour and in 3 hours: no headache.  Good as new.  Ran 16 minutes after that (and drank some Hammer Recoverite immediately - usually I don't get to it for about an hour). So I think I have to make sure I'm super-hydrated and adequately fueled before the workout.  If I start hydrating during the workout, I'm already behind.


Way to fix your own problem!  I've never had a migrane, but I can tell a difference in my workouts when I am not properly hydrated or fueled.  When I did my first IM, someone at work commented that I was "always eating".  Guess my body knew what it needed.

2012-01-12 12:01 PM
in reply to: #3984756

Washington DC
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Way to go!! That's really interesting to hear and I'll keep it in mind since I am prone to headaches and don't always drink enough.
2012-01-13 9:54 AM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Hydration, fueling and calories are critical to your success. Even in a weight loss situation, you must eat. Your body need fuel and we must balance need for fuel with weight loss. Expect this weekend to get a link to move over to the other group page. There are about 268 pages of history there to read. Many many great stories and questions answered. Imagine getting to read the questions of about 30-40 people just starting out. Much much info there. Also on these pages I will respond to your thoughts an fears. Just waiting to get home to use a full keyboard instead of phone. I appreciate your patience. Finally I will also put these four pages into the other group as well so the veterans can read about YOU!!!Exciting weekend.
2012-01-14 2:01 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
I am seriously thinking about doing an IM this year! I have just a few more weeks to decide. My coach says I am strong enough to do it, am I ready to do it. So many questions. One thing I do know I can't wait to hear Kathy, you are an Ironman!
2012-01-14 4:30 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
A feeling you cannot put into words. if you have done it, you really can't explain it. And if you haven't done it, you couldn't understand anyway. Not trying to slight any goal or any distance, I just know I watched IM since 1982 and crossing that finish line is like nothing in my life. That said, EVERY realized goal is incredible.
2012-01-15 2:59 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

First week of the easy training under the belt tomorrow... Have cheated just a little on the swimming.(a bit more than the schedule and walked a bit longer than the 20 mins)

Noticed today that it was all a bit harder.. maybe not enough sleep or calories.. will try to get more shut eye.

Did play 3 sets of doubles Friday night and 3 today, so that was bit of extra exercise.

Thinking about buying a road bike so i don't have to do the "planned" races on my mountain bike and i can start getting some outdoor time.  Any advice here??  They sure are pricey and I am a bit scared of used. (eb/craigs)

Goooo team...




2012-01-16 11:09 AM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Craigslist can be a good source. Buy reasonable. If you love this u will want a Tri bike at some point. Don't be afraid to even look at garage sales for a first road bike. On Craigslist - get them to meet you at a bike shop and give the mechanic 20 bucks to look it over. You could also check for last years models at your LBS - local bike shop
2012-01-16 1:10 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Ok Brian.  I registered for the Hot Chocolate 15k this morning.  Still not sure exactly how I'll make it work as we won't know volleyball schedules until the week before, but somehow, someway, I'm planning on being there.  

Did I mention that I am directionally challenged and hate driving in downtown or strange places?  I think we'll be either in the Frisco or Carrollton area from what I can tell from the tournament site.  Hopefully it will be easy to get to the race start.  

2012-01-16 2:27 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Great questions from all of you.  I will add names in front of answers but please read them all - many of you asked the same questions.  Let's start with a couple of rules.....YOU MUST CHECK IN HERE AND POST (actually at the other page, the link will be in my next post).  Several of you talked about acocuntability and here is where it starts. 

We have several new folks - 14 actually - and you can look to your right and your left and at least ONE of those people won't be here in a year.  Will that be YOU?  I hope not.  You will find the friendships forged in a short time are meaningful.  There are few people out there who are attempting what you are and you need to shares successes and challenges.

Here goes:

John - you (and others) were worried about the bike.  So here are the get faster by riding get more comfortable from time in the can also get as much work in 90 minutes as you can in 120-150 minutes if you do it right...this is not a lolly-gagging ride...if you only have an hour - go to spin class and trash yourself....don't let yourself slide...if it is a crazy up/down/jump spin teacher...ignore them and replicate an outside ride WITH A LOT OF it.  Spin class can be a GREAT way to get rides in....I train a LOT in spin class...sometimes riding as the instructor says, sometimes as the instructor in my head says....if you or any of you want some "fun" spin workouts let me know and I will give you prepared...we will rock.

Pam - you learn to drink on the bike by drinking on the bike.  One bottle on the down tube...reach down (don't look) take it out of the rack and then put it back in...keep pedalling if you can...then when that is more comfortable (OH - practice in an empty parking lot - out in the middle...veering is not as parking lots on Saturday/Sunday is usually good) pull you hand out with the bottle at a slight upward angle, turn your head to the side - do NOT sit up and put the bottle right in front of you...with head to the side, squirt and will get it or you will get this riding a straight line.  Good practice for this is drinking in spin class just as you would on YOUR BIKE....don't sit up, towel off, eat a hot dog, unscrew the cap on the bottle of water and gulp....USE A BIKE BOTTLE...head turned to side and the mouth or the ear, you will get it....HILLS - the way to get better in the hills is to ride hills....if all you have is a bridge then climb the hill, turn around, come down, climb again, turn around, come down, climb again, repeat as necessary.  Spin class is another good place for hills....go for it....crank the knob to the right....quarter turn, 20 seconds, quarter turn, 20 seconds, quarter turn, 20 seconds and keep going for 5 minutes....good luck. Nutrition and sleep are below.

Suzie - cutoffs - only an issue in HIM and IM...very few sprints and Olympics have time limits that I know of....We will work on specific pacing as we get closer if yours has a limit....we will get you there....or puke trying....HA!  Fatigue in run - EVERYONE IS TIRED ON THE RUN...see here - not everyone does this....why? Cause it is freaking hard.  Therefore, if it is hard, it's going to be challenging....brain training is very very very valuable....and we WILL own our brain.  That said, you should all be running at least some on the run or we have paced your race too hard on the the words of the smart people "there is no such thing as a great bike followed by a suck run"....the only great bike is followed by a reasonable run.  Overheating - I think this may be at least partially hydration - here is what I want you all to do.  Monitor your water consumption for three days....then let's talk.

Swim distance - while I know right now distances seem like - "I will float up three days from now if I try to swim that far" biggie...we will fish you really, swimming is technique.  Get that ... swimming is technique....find a decent swim coach and take a COUPLE of lessons, you don't need 15 lessons to get through a sprint....take a lesson, work on it for 4-6 workouts, take another lesson, and get after it.  This is money well spent....the first key is to get out of the water with a reasonable heart rate....I know I know....and yes you can....YES YOU CAN.  My first swim workout was 37.5 yards....and I KNEW I was going to die.  If 25 meters/yards is the longest you have swam non-stop, here is what I want you to do, when you touch the wall, push off and swim ONE MORE STROKE...that's it - then stand up and walk to the wall and recover....guess what is coming next, yep - two strokes, then after a few of those, three strokes....then you just keep going....this is how you prove to yourself you can swim further.  Our brain does really weird things to us in a sensory deprivation environment....don't worry about it....I sing to myself in the water, or talk or yell at my employees...whatever, I check out and let the water take away the the way, this works if your max is 50, 100, 300, 1000 or whatever....get used to hearing SHUT UP AND SWIM.

2012-01-16 3:01 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Did I mention that you need to check in here and post often?  MY PROMISE - you will get out of this group a BILLION times more than you put in but you must put in and be here to receive it....come on...this is play!!!

Briana - cold water - two swim caps - regular ones may work but you might need a neoprene cap (practice with this and BodyGlide your neck - or you will look like you have been on a date with an aggressive 17 year old....)  Also, depending on the temp you can wear booties or diving some and practice in them to see if they help and feel okay...this year you could wear them.  also, ear plugs (I use the plunger style - I don't like the wax ones as I am afraid I will leave a piece in there and it will bug me all day)...if you keep your eardrum warm, you stay warmer...again practice with the.



Briana - long bike rides - these can be tough, especially safety wise for you ladies.  First, safety is number one.  in Austin you can ride with Jack and Adams or Mellow Johnnys or any number of bike shop rides...I love Jack and Adams - bought my first tri bike there - Jack is a great guy and very supportive.  So ride in a organized LBS ride.  Or - I really like to ride organized rally/rides like Tour de Cure, Waco Wild West Ride (great training ride in September for IMAZ), Make a Wish Ride, Fiesta Wildflower (in San Antonio), etc....there are a TON of great rides and websites to find, someone else carries the water.

Tanya - swim....see answer above....take a couple of lessons spread out by practice.  You are going to pick up one or two things each are a couple of tips that are general in nature but usually apply to most newer swimmers. 1.  Look straight down at the bottom of the pool....don't hold your head up...point it down.  2.  Rotate - think, belly button at the side of the pool...the rotation is your propulsion - NOT your arms.  3.  Reach - Reach - Reach - this WILL make you rotate....REACH.  4.  head rotates with chin following shoulder at about 90 degrees and take a quick gulp of air and get that head back down.  4.  Think about your weight in your armpit...your most buoyant part is your lungs, with them full of air, no wonder your feet gotta get more weight in front of your lungs....point your head at the bottom of the pool...actually your eyes should be looking straight down...not ahead....

SWIM resource - go to   watch the free videos and learn got it....SHUT UP AND SWIM

Maria - overheating - I still think this is a hydration issue.  Monitor your water intake for a day - and other fluids as well.  If you are working out for one hour or less, take water, over an hour you will need calories too...more on that later.  Also, to cool off, water on your head....and hands - carrying ice in your palms is good in a race....I have even seen people wear white gloves and put ice in them at each aid station.

Robbie - repeat after me....I will not quit....I will not let these people down....we monitor finish lines....and finally and most importantly - I WILL NOT DISAPPOINT MYSELF.... you got it...what is the REAL number one reason you are doing this....dig deep....this is important.....Please private message me if you would rather not put it out here.  INJURIES - unfortunately a fact of our game...many of them however, are a result of too much, too far, too fast and/or old shoes....HOW OLD ARE YOUR RUNNING SHOES?  I know they are expensive people but doctor bills are more and the reality again is that this is not a cheap sport to get started...sorry but that is how it is - some things (bikes) can be borrowed or a reasonable substitute used...not so with running shoes....AND DON'T GO TO A MASS RETAILER...go to a local running store...take in your old running shoes...tell them honestly what you are much you will run....then, they should have you walk and run for them and then should bring out several shoes....try them ALL on...I don't care about the color....wait for it.... I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE COLOR....get the right shoes....if the store you are in is not full of running flyers, tri flyers, people talking about running and pronation and suppination or if they don't watch you run in the shoes....RUN AWAY FROM THIS STORE....NOW....GO!!!  I know you may be tempted to go to Dick's or Academy and save three dollars but at first at least (and then you will continue because I will have brainwashed you) go to a specialty running not be afraid to ask the salesperson what their running experience is....I don't want a non-running part time flute player (nothing against the flute) fitting me...I want a runner.  Period. 

INJURIES - when injured go to the doc - if they don't give you the right answer, find another doc.  Seriously, I found a marathon/triathlon doc so he/she (its a partnership) gets it...I am going to obsess and I am going to train so let's get that straight...I will pool run if I have too but not running/riding/swimming is really not an option after 48 hours...that's just me...I have a friend who lives for injuries, just for the rest....crazy.

Robbie - neck - shoulders on the bike...more time on the more than an hour (and 30-45 minutes is fine at first)....two - three times per week...your neck and shoulders will adjust, ASSUMING YOUR BIKE IS FIT PROPERLY.  Take it to your LBS and let them look at you sitting on it...or if you want, spend some more money and get a professional fit....these can be pricey.

Rick - take care of your back...I got into this from a L4-L5/L5-S1 herniation...I didn't want surgery and my back still bugs me from time to time....I know what I can get away with but you have to be will probably love this but plan on 10-20 minutes of stretching EVERY DAY after you workout (not before - I don't stretch cold muscles...I stretch warm ones).

Dan - hills on the bike....ride will get better...I promise....I loved your also included the OWS (open water swim) and the run....great....your challenge is the entire tri...made me water swim....same technique as in the pool....same molecular structure as the water in the pool (H2O), same wetness in the just can't see the black line on the bottom....hey it's there, you just can't see it...let it be said here....I WOULD MUCH RATHER SWIM OPEN WATER THAN IN A POOL ANY ANY ANY DAY ANY ANY ANY TIME ANY ANY ANY DISTANCE....there is something about getting in a rhythm and the wall not getting in the way that just makes it awesome....the jostling at the start....most sprint/Olys and even HIMs start in can find a spot....look for it...we will talk more in strategy later....I actually look forward to and embrace the an IM you know you are alive and you know you are not alone....OWS is where it's will agree I am sure....many techniques/strategies...anxiety attacks do happen but I don't think you all will have a problem,...


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