BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!! Rss Feed  
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2012-04-15 4:02 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Hi everyone.'s done.  I'm kind of sad b/c the swim sucked...AGAIN...but the bike and run were good.  Here's a brief account of the swim...first 50 meters I felt great.  I was smooth and deliberate and actually though, I think I can do this.  Then, as I had to turn and go under the rope for the turn around for the 2nd 50, I had to stop amongst a group of people, which gave me just enough time to realize where I was and what I was doing.  Immediately my chest tightened up and within 4-5 strokes, BOOM...I couldn't breathe and the voice in my head that says 'I CAN'T DO THIS" repeatedly was there and loud.  Almost instantly I was hyperventilating!  I struggled and struggled through the rest of it...with an 8 people behind me almost dead last finish...with a sort of wierd crawl stroke and back stroke.  Anything to keep moving forward and keep my face out of the water.  At that point, I was breathing SO hard, I could not put my face in the water.  Just not possible!  I almost got out of the pool and quit twice.  BUT...I didn't!  I forced myself to do it and continued on.  So, that's progress of some kind b/c in my other Tri experiences, my friend Angela stood on the side of the pool and wouldn't let me quit.  So, this time I at least stopped myself from quitting.

Ugh!!  After all that, I did have a good bike and a good run!  I moved up 133 positions in the bike and another 128 positions in the run.  So I feel really great about that!  Best of all, after the unbelievable struggle with the swim and a hilly and WINDY bike that made me work HARD, I threw down 8:41 miles for the run...for a 26:03 time, which to quote Dave, I think is BAD !

My race report has more details, if you care to read them.  Still figuring out where my head is, though.  I look at the overall result times and realize that if I could A-stop having anxiety attacks during the swim and B-find a way to swim faster (when I'm not panicking), I could have a really good time.  That's motivating.  BUT...I don't know how to overcome the swim anxiety.  It's not tied to training, I'm convinced of that.  I'm not going to say I like the swim training, but I can easily swim 1000 yards or meters and not have the anxiety issues I have on race day.  It's a race situation problem and that's hard to simulate.  So...I have to figure out what to do next and if/how I'm going to get past it.  Would love to hear your thoughts!

2012-04-15 4:07 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Now for some pics and a report on my girls.  10 y/o Rachel was awesome and finished 45:51!  8 y/o Liza was a champ, finishing 38:35.  They had fun and I'm super proud of them!  I love that they are learning about keeping fit and accomplishing goals at such young ages.  Hopefully it's something that will stick with them for life!


2012-04-15 4:10 PM
in reply to: #4151980

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
DaDooRunRun - 2012-04-15 5:07 PM

Now for some pics and a report on my girls.  10 y/o Rachel was awesome and finished 45:51!  8 y/o Liza was a champ, finishing 38:35.  They had fun and I'm super proud of them!  I love that they are learning about keeping fit and accomplishing goals at such young ages.  Hopefully it's something that will stick with them for life!


(Liza and Rachel.jpg)

(Jacki Tri.jpg)

Liza and Rachel.jpg (58KB - 11 downloads)
Jacki Tri.jpg (62KB - 14 downloads)
2012-04-15 4:18 PM
in reply to: #4151980

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
DaDooRunRun - 2012-04-15 5:07 PM

Now for some pics and a report on my girls.  10 y/o Rachel was awesome and finished 45:51!  8 y/o Liza was a champ, finishing 38:35.  They had fun and I'm super proud of them!  I love that they are learning about keeping fit and accomplishing goals at such young ages.  Hopefully it's something that will stick with them for life!


Sorry...the photo uploading process is not easy for me...obviously.  The girls pic...Liza is left and Rachel is right.  The other shot is me (on the left) with a few friends of mine who also ran.

2012-04-15 8:21 PM
in reply to: #4151973

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
DaDooRunRun - 2012-04-15 4:02 PM

Hi everyone.'s done.  I'm kind of sad b/c the swim sucked...AGAIN...but the bike and run were good.  Here's a brief account of the swim...first 50 meters I felt great.  I was smooth and deliberate and actually though, I think I can do this.  Then, as I had to turn and go under the rope for the turn around for the 2nd 50, I had to stop amongst a group of people, which gave me just enough time to realize where I was and what I was doing.  Immediately my chest tightened up and within 4-5 strokes, BOOM...I couldn't breathe and the voice in my head that says 'I CAN'T DO THIS" repeatedly was there and loud.  Almost instantly I was hyperventilating!  I struggled and struggled through the rest of it...with an 8 people behind me almost dead last finish...with a sort of wierd crawl stroke and back stroke.  Anything to keep moving forward and keep my face out of the water.  At that point, I was breathing SO hard, I could not put my face in the water.  Just not possible!  I almost got out of the pool and quit twice.  BUT...I didn't!  I forced myself to do it and continued on.  So, that's progress of some kind b/c in my other Tri experiences, my friend Angela stood on the side of the pool and wouldn't let me quit.  So, this time I at least stopped myself from quitting.

Ugh!!  After all that, I did have a good bike and a good run!  I moved up 133 positions in the bike and another 128 positions in the run.  So I feel really great about that!  Best of all, after the unbelievable struggle with the swim and a hilly and WINDY bike that made me work HARD, I threw down 8:41 miles for the run...for a 26:03 time, which to quote Dave, I think is BAD !

My race report has more details, if you care to read them.  Still figuring out where my head is, though.  I look at the overall result times and realize that if I could A-stop having anxiety attacks during the swim and B-find a way to swim faster (when I'm not panicking), I could have a really good time.  That's motivating.  BUT...I don't know how to overcome the swim anxiety.  It's not tied to training, I'm convinced of that.  I'm not going to say I like the swim training, but I can easily swim 1000 yards or meters and not have the anxiety issues I have on race day.  It's a race situation problem and that's hard to simulate.  So...I have to figure out what to do next and if/how I'm going to get past it.  Would love to hear your thoughts!

First congrats!  I know how hard that is to dig deep and compete after an experience like that!   You salvaged the race and learned much valuable info about yourself  plus race logistics etc.    Proud of you! 

Question:  when you are swim training in the pool,  are there others in the lane with you?  do you avoid that?   It sounds to me   ** insert "Dave" disclaimer here**    like your anxiety is less about actually swimming, and more about the pressure of staying ahead of the people behind you.   I think overcoming the pressure of maintaining a faster pace than you feel you are able is what is getting to you.     I do also feel that "pressure"  as a slower swimmer  when others are in the lane with me.

   No matter how fast you get, you will still feel some anxiety about this.    So perhaps the answer is just to face it in training more.    Typically, much swimming is typically done solo in a lane.    I would encourage you to TRY and look for "opportunities"  to share swim lanes.    Go to the pool at the busiest of times knowing you are looking for lane company.  

Congrats again, and throwing down that run is definitely  BadA$$     


2012-04-15 8:29 PM
in reply to: #4151980

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
DaDooRunRun - 2012-04-15 4:07 PM

Now for some pics and a report on my girls.  10 y/o Rachel was awesome and finished 45:51!  8 y/o Liza was a champ, finishing 38:35.  They had fun and I'm super proud of them!  I love that they are learning about keeping fit and accomplishing goals at such young ages.  Hopefully it's something that will stick with them for life!


That's what its all about!   Great pics too thanks for sharing!     Parents really need to step it up and be better examples for their kids to follow like you are doing.    

2012-04-16 9:33 PM
in reply to: #4150777

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
DaDooRunRun - 2012-04-14 4:23 PM

OK....first Tri of the season is TOMORROW!!  The Carmel Sprint Tri on the north side of Indy.  Pretty manageable distance...   400 meter swim, 10 mile bike, 3.1 mile run.  I'm ready as I'll ever be.  Picked up the race packet today and sat through a "novice meeting" which helped ease some of my anxiety about the swim.  I checked out the pool...I'm glad I have a picture of it in my mind so I can visualize it tonight.  It's a 50 meter pool, which I've trained in many times...but looking at it today, it looked so big!  I have NO time goal.  My only goals are to get through the swim without a panic attack and then finish the race.  That much will be a victory!  Anyway...READY, SET, GO!!!

Wish me luck and I'll post a race report tomorrow!


Hope you had an awesome experience. Can't wait to read a race report. You are going to do one right- lol. I haven't read through all the posts yet so I apologize if you've already posted a link to one.

2012-04-16 9:43 PM
in reply to: #4151980

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
DaDooRunRun - 2012-04-15 4:07 PM

Now for some pics and a report on my girls.  10 y/o Rachel was awesome and finished 45:51!  8 y/o Liza was a champ, finishing 38:35.  They had fun and I'm super proud of them!  I love that they are learning about keeping fit and accomplishing goals at such young ages.  Hopefully it's something that will stick with them for life!


That is awesome Jacki. My dd loves when I do a tri that has a kids tri with it. She also loves to let me know that she's done three tris and I've only done two- lol.

I love seeing the kids having fun doing something so good for them.

2012-04-16 9:49 PM
in reply to: #4151973

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
DaDooRunRun - 2012-04-15 4:02 PM

Hi everyone.'s done.  I'm kind of sad b/c the swim sucked...AGAIN...but the bike and run were good.  Here's a brief account of the swim...first 50 meters I felt great.  I was smooth and deliberate and actually though, I think I can do this.  Then, as I had to turn and go under the rope for the turn around for the 2nd 50, I had to stop amongst a group of people, which gave me just enough time to realize where I was and what I was doing.  Immediately my chest tightened up and within 4-5 strokes, BOOM...I couldn't breathe and the voice in my head that says 'I CAN'T DO THIS" repeatedly was there and loud.  Almost instantly I was hyperventilating!  I struggled and struggled through the rest of it...with an 8 people behind me almost dead last finish...with a sort of wierd crawl stroke and back stroke.  Anything to keep moving forward and keep my face out of the water.  At that point, I was breathing SO hard, I could not put my face in the water.  Just not possible!  I almost got out of the pool and quit twice.  BUT...I didn't!  I forced myself to do it and continued on.  So, that's progress of some kind b/c in my other Tri experiences, my friend Angela stood on the side of the pool and wouldn't let me quit.  So, this time I at least stopped myself from quitting.

Ugh!!  After all that, I did have a good bike and a good run!  I moved up 133 positions in the bike and another 128 positions in the run.  So I feel really great about that!  Best of all, after the unbelievable struggle with the swim and a hilly and WINDY bike that made me work HARD, I threw down 8:41 miles for the run...for a 26:03 time, which to quote Dave, I think is BAD !

My race report has more details, if you care to read them.  Still figuring out where my head is, though.  I look at the overall result times and realize that if I could A-stop having anxiety attacks during the swim and B-find a way to swim faster (when I'm not panicking), I could have a really good time.  That's motivating.  BUT...I don't know how to overcome the swim anxiety.  It's not tied to training, I'm convinced of that.  I'm not going to say I like the swim training, but I can easily swim 1000 yards or meters and not have the anxiety issues I have on race day.  It's a race situation problem and that's hard to simulate.  So...I have to figure out what to do next and if/how I'm going to get past it.  Would love to hear your thoughts!

Sorry to hear that the swim still sucked so badly. I am impressed that you pushed through it though and you are soo right about your run being BAD! I wish I had advice to make the swim better. The only thing I can think is to keep signing up and doing tris. It's got to get better each time- right- lol. Great strategy huh. Wish I had more to offer but I have similar issues with the swim myself. For me it's the OWS that's the problem. When I figure it out you'll be the first to know. Of course don't hold your breath waiting- it may take me years to figure it out- hehe.

Congrats though on not letting your fears win and finishing more than strong. What an awesome role model for your girls,

2012-04-16 9:54 PM
in reply to: #4144623

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
trei - 2012-04-11 7:47 PM

I'm back again (if you'll let me...I may have asked too many questions last round), but like Yvonne I kind of find this addicting.  It's a good addiction to have though.  Quick Bio:

My name is Todd.  I am 42, married and have two kids - one son 11 and one daughter 10 who are going to be running their first 5K with me in a couple weeks.  I ran my first marathon last summer and thought I would mainly stick to just running, but went to a dental seminar (yes, I am a dentist) given by a guy who had completed an ironman and I thought..."It can't be any worse than a root canal can it?Smile".  So here I am.  My first ever triathlon comes up in June and I boldy (or insanely, depending) signed up to do the 70.3 in Racine in July.  Looking forward to more input from Dave and Quincy. 

Wow Todd- HIM- very impressive. Just looking at the distances on the internet gets my heart racing- lol. I think I'll take the root canal- hehe. Can't wait to see you reach that goal. I'll live vicariously through those of you who choose the big boy distances. For now, I have to stick to the toddler races- lol.

2012-04-16 10:01 PM
in reply to: #4145309

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
trirun26 - 2012-04-12 8:35 AM

Hi everyone! Ok, as promised here is my bio Laughing

I am 44 and live in South Florida, "swamp land"! I am married, no with kiddies though..I am a pediatric Oncology nurse and love it! I have a super supportive hubby who is my cycling partner and manager of my cheering committe. We do have 2 large rescue dogs, 4 cats and a reef acquarium that is more work than all the animals put together!

I have been running since age 15! and have since done many marathons and races of all distances, some adventure races as well. I started doing triathlons about 9-10 years ago. On my second tri I actually got out of the swim  half way through (it was a 1/4 mile as I thought I was going to die!! I was so upset with my self for "quitting" that I made my mind to beat the fear of open water swimming....and I did! now my favorite part of the tri is the swim Wink

As of now I have completed many sprints, olympics, half IM distance and 2 full Ironmans!!! wooohooo...I am totally addicted!!

Last year one week after I finished Louisville IM I was diagnosed with cervical cancer, what a bummer that was! so I have since had surgery, chemo, radiation (I call it bleaching and microwaving now). I completed my treatment 2 months ago. I am now running, swimming and biking again...wooohooooo. Every day I feel stronger and better so my goal right now is to gain back the strength.

2012 goals: Olympic tri (2) in the summer, not sure which ones. Maybe a half IM towards the end of the year but definately Chicago Marathon (signed up and ready to have the pizza and beer that Dave promised

2013.....IM....St George is on my bucket list Cool

I am so looking forward to this forum! learning from others and sharing our experiences....bring it on!

Sorry for this log bio...going running now....


Hi Alicia,
Welcome to the group. Your bio is very impressive. You are a cancer survivor and an Ironman- Awesome. And even more impressive a pediatric Oncology nurse. That's such a tough job, you must truly be a special person. I had Hodgekin's Lymphoma at age 16 and I still remember my oncology nurse. She was an angel and is quite the reason I became a nurse myself. I worked as a nurse tech all through nursing school on a peds floor and I just took it home too often. It was a unit with very sick babies- CF, Aids, Cancer etc. and I just got too attached. I made the decision to become a labor and delivery nurse and still love it 19 years later. I have deep respect for the nurses who care for sick children though.


2012-04-16 10:23 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Sorry this took so long... here's the bio

Name: Shelly

Story: Ok where to even start.... I am a three time cancer survivor who until three years ago had never so much as walked a block for exercise purposes. I was an olympic champion couch potato. I turned 40 and had the proverbial midlife crisis. I just realized that I needed to take care of myself and become healthy. I started walking and losing weight. That brought me to a 50lb weight loss and signing up for my first triathlon. I never dreamed I'd be where I am today- singing up for my third triathlon, running 10k's, signing up for a half marathon and despite fairly major cardiac damage- the fittest I've ever been.

Family Story- I am married to an awesome man for 21 1/2 years. I have three earth angels ( well not really angels but this is the internet right-lol) and one angel in heaven. She really is an angel. The other three are very debatable- lol. Marissa is my 20 yo dd, Brayden is my 18 yo ds (only boy thank goodness) , and Claire is my 9yo dd. They keep me on my toes and make life interesting.

Current training: Right now I've really been focusing on my run. I've been to two run clinics and have been consistently running 3-4 times per week. I just ran my first 10k and was very proud of myself. With my heart issues, the run is my hardest event. I've been doing minimal on the swim and bike though and it's time to get back to those as well.

2011 races Athleta Iron Girl sprint tri May 2011, Santa Rosa Island Tri Oct 2011

2012 Crescent City Classic 10k April 6
My next triathlon (and yes that is the actual name) June 10, Lake Lanier Island
Sugarman sprint tri Oct
Not sure what other races I'll do but will definitely add one or two more.

Weight Loss- Lost 50 lbs about three years ago. Mostly keep it off but lately have fluctuated with 5-8lb gain. Time to get serious and get it back off.

Happy to be back for the second tour. This group keeps me so motivated. Can't wait to get to know all the new members that have/will join and to continue learning from the repeat offenders- lol.

May the legs be with us,

2012-04-16 10:35 PM
in reply to: #4149497

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
quincyf - 2012-04-13 5:13 PM

OMG, what was I supposed to be getting, wine? Oh dear, I forgot and drank it all and then fell asleep. Just woke up.

I am loving the usual suspects back for another round.

Just a catch up on where I'm at...first off, I am fatfatfat, and I just admitted it, so I'm going to be logging my intake and output, AGAIN and try to get back to a more reasonable level. I was deathly ill the week before our spring break trip to New Mexico, but managed to have fun anyway. I never really recovered though and this week my daughter came down with we're thinking that's what I have and why I can't get better so I'm going on antibiotics pronto.

I am still at war with my ortho who keeps forbidding me to run (and I keep defying him) but my PT and I get along great and I am getting a lot of ROM back and less pain and you know I just keep swinging my arm to see if I might be able to get away with a freestyle stroke. (Not yet, but I'm hopeful)

So got back from spring break and have had the week from hell...Dave can vouch for me that we have a cool setup in the city, but, frankly urban living can be exhausting, especially when it comes to kid stuff...I almost stroked out trying to get my kids into Park district camps...along with several thousands of my closest friends...this is the second time we have crashed's would think they would have figured out how to keep that from happening, but no. SO two hours later I actually had some pretty good success and then moved on to project #2...deciding on where to send my kid to preschool. Ya, doesn't sound too hard, except, again, in Chicago, everything is super competitive and I have to choose between two options that I like and once I pick one, the other one is gone forever. It just makes you crazy. Every single decision seems so earth shattering.

And for those of you from the old group...I know I shared some about my worries about my son, and he has now been officially diagnosed with a language disorder/speech delay, hyperlexia (early reading), and mild autism. Whew. It's been a long, frustrating journey, but by the end of the week, we had some answers, some camps for summer, and a school situation figured out. Seriously I need a bubble bath and some MORE WINE!!!

And I am basically 20 weeks out from IM (which I still don't know if I will be able to do) so I need to pick a training plan and get some balance back into my life. NOW. And by balance I mean spending hours of my time S/B/R and ignoring some of the crap that's been driving me crazy while I've been injured. ;-).

So, any great ideas for a ultra beginner IM training plan. I've done Fink, and I've looked at the ones on BT. Anyone else have a great site they love, or book, or whatever?


Wish I could help with the training but since I'm relegated to the toddler tris- I can't offer any advice there.

I will say- I can so relate about the decisions with kids. Especially ones who don't fit the mold perfectly for traditional schools. I have two children that each have their own issues and have always felt the pressure of making the right decisions. All I can say from experience is that I've truly learned that the decisions aren't as earth shattering as I thought they were. Some were good, some were bad but all in all, my kids are pretty darn good kids and their lives are falling into place even with my screw ups. Now don't get me wrong I can only say this now that they are mostly raised ( the older two anyway) and I spent many a night stressing, crying, praying etc. Somehow God always worked it out. So have the glass of wine and trust that you are doing your absolute best and that as long as you keep trying your kids will be fine. Having loving, caring parents are the most important thing.

2012-04-16 10:40 PM
in reply to: #4149602

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"
flagrl4evr - 2012-04-13 6:40 PM


My name is Chantay, and I am a triathlon newbie, still in the process of learning to swim. I have been running short distances for 2-5mi for the last twenty years(military). Since retiring, I decided I wanted to try long distance. I trained for and competed one marathon last year. I have since decided to try a sprint triathlon, but realized I should learn how to swim first. Surprised   I started lessons in Feb. at the Y and I am working my way to the deep end.

Right now I am also training for the Ragnar relay from Madison to Chicago, so I run 4 times a week with a long run on Saturday. I start training for a half marathon in May but I plan to do a (pool) triathlon in July to "get my feet wet" and volunteer at the Pleasant Prairie tri since I obviously won't be ready for open water.  I would like to know what you think of the TI method and if it would help me learn faster. I have the DVD but must confess it's a little confusing to me. 

I am excited to be doing this and am ready to put in the work and have some fun along the way. 


Hi Chantay,
Welcome to the group. Great approach to starting tri's. Definitely a good idea to learn to swim- makes not drowning much easier- lol.
I learned from a swim coach who taught TI and I love it. I went from not being able to go more than 25-50yds without dying to swimming 1000m without too much difficulty. I have heart damage and have to be very careful to keep my heart rate in check- TI works great for me with that.

2012-04-17 8:03 AM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Hi all,

I'm a little behind so Welcome to the new people to our group.  Great mix. Chantay, I'm amazed you can't swim and just learning.  Great job on your determination.

Shelly, you are my inspiration.  I looking forward to the day I can actually run the 5k without walking!

Q, I agree with Shelly about the spawn.  I agonized over my son's education.  The fact that you care to pursue the best you can is the difference that will show when they become adults.

So, first question.  My first sprint tri is on Apr 29th, 11 days away.  When do I stop training to rest for the even?  I want to swin on thursday, so I was skipping friday and saturday. 


2012-04-17 12:23 PM
in reply to: #4154817

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West Palm Beach
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

fitmomma2010 - 2012-04-16 11:23 PM Sorry this took so long... here's the bio Name: Shelly Story: Ok where to even start.... I am a three time cancer survivor who until three years ago had never so much as walked a block for exercise purposes. I was an olympic champion couch potato. I turned 40 and had the proverbial midlife crisis. I just realized that I needed to take care of myself and become healthy. I started walking and losing weight. That brought me to a 50lb weight loss and signing up for my first triathlon. I never dreamed I'd be where I am today- singing up for my third triathlon, running 10k's, signing up for a half marathon and despite fairly major cardiac damage- the fittest I've ever been. Family Story- I am married to an awesome man for 21 1/2 years. I have three earth angels ( well not really angels but this is the internet right-lol) and one angel in heaven. She really is an angel. The other three are very debatable- lol. Marissa is my 20 yo dd, Brayden is my 18 yo ds (only boy thank goodness) , and Claire is my 9yo dd. They keep me on my toes and make life interesting. Current training: Right now I've really been focusing on my run. I've been to two run clinics and have been consistently running 3-4 times per week. I just ran my first 10k and was very proud of myself. With my heart issues, the run is my hardest event. I've been doing minimal on the swim and bike though and it's time to get back to those as well. 2011 races Athleta Iron Girl sprint tri May 2011, Santa Rosa Island Tri Oct 2011 2012 Crescent City Classic 10k April 6 My next triathlon (and yes that is the actual name) June 10, Lake Lanier Island Sugarman sprint tri Oct Not sure what other races I'll do but will definitely add one or two more. Weight Loss- Lost 50 lbs about three years ago. Mostly keep it off but lately have fluctuated with 5-8lb gain. Time to get serious and get it back off. Happy to be back for the second tour. This group keeps me so motivated. Can't wait to get to know all the new members that have/will join and to continue learning from the repeat offenders- lol. May the legs be with us, Shelly


Shelly! wow I love my job because of people like you!!!! woooohooooo for beating cancer's butt...yeah!

By any chance is it adryamicin that affected your heart? It sounds like you are doing great though and ready to rock this tri season. Keep up the swimming and biking.

I am off for the next 2 weeks to Spain and Portugal, so excited! it is a trip with my mom and sister. When I get back I have to start being serious about my (I am not really ever serious) and trying to loose the 9 pounds I put on while I was on chemo...can u believe it? who gains weight during chemo? Yell


Stay well and happy running....Alicia

2012-04-17 12:32 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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West Palm Beach
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN


First Congrats on your determination to complete the tri despite your distress in the water! I know you are disappointend with the swim but anyone who can overcome anxiety in the water is a winner in my eyes for sure.

As others have said here, I think you are fine with swimming but it is the people around you during the tris that give you anxiety. Personally, I think practice...practice..practice is the only way because it is difficult to immitate the adrenaline surge you get during a race. Also, remember that swimming is the first event of the race, so don't rush!! I know it is hard because we all have a certain competetive drive but...leave it aside for the swim...when I use to panic in the water I would sing a song in my

You will conquer the swim...if I did it anyone can!

I love the pics of your girls! preciousLaughing


2012-04-17 12:34 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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West Palm Beach
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Cool Ok to Spain and Portugal tomorrow for 2 weeks!! running stuff is in my luggage just in

I will drink lots of red wine for all!!Wink

Safe running...swimming and biking!


2012-04-17 8:27 PM
in reply to: #4155992

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN


Shelly! wow I love my job because of people like you!!!! woooohooooo for beating cancer's butt...yeah!

By any chance is it adryamicin that affected your heart? It sounds like you are doing great though and ready to rock this tri season. Keep up the swimming and biking.

I am off for the next 2 weeks to Spain and Portugal, so excited! it is a trip with my mom and sister. When I get back I have to start being serious about my (I am not really ever serious) and trying to loose the 9 pounds I put on while I was on chemo...can u believe it? who gains weight during chemo? Yell


Stay well and happy running....Alicia

My heart damage was actually from radiation treatments for the Hodgekin's. I have pretty severe aortic and mitral valve stenosis because of it. I see an excellent cardiologist and he says it's not a matter of if I'll have to have valve replacement but when. His goal is to get me to age 50 but even that is looking debatable. My last check up was not what he wanted it to be. I just pretend like I don't hear him- you know fingers in the ears - la la la la I can't hear you. It doesn't really work but I try anyway- lol.
He doesn't like me pushing my heart rate so we compromise- I stick to sprint tris and he does the worrying. It works so far.

2012-04-17 8:29 PM
in reply to: #4156039

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
trirun26 - 2012-04-17 12:34 PM

Cool Ok to Spain and Portugal tomorrow for 2 weeks!! running stuff is in my luggage just in

I will drink lots of red wine for all!!Wink

Safe running...swimming and biking!


I'm sooo jealous. Have a good time.

2012-04-17 8:59 PM
in reply to: #4157111

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
fitmomma2010 - 2012-04-17 8:29 PM
trirun26 - 2012-04-17 12:34 PM

Cool Ok to Spain and Portugal tomorrow for 2 weeks!! running stuff is in my luggage just in

I will drink lots of red wine for all!!Wink

Safe running...swimming and biking!


I'm sooo jealous. Have a good time. Shelly

X2!!   Have an awesome time!   Yeah get  some running in while you are out there!

2012-04-17 9:40 PM
in reply to: #4157106

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
fitmomma2010 - 2012-04-17 8:27 PM


Shelly! wow I love my job because of people like you!!!! woooohooooo for beating cancer's butt...yeah!

By any chance is it adryamicin that affected your heart? It sounds like you are doing great though and ready to rock this tri season. Keep up the swimming and biking.

I am off for the next 2 weeks to Spain and Portugal, so excited! it is a trip with my mom and sister. When I get back I have to start being serious about my (I am not really ever serious) and trying to loose the 9 pounds I put on while I was on chemo...can u believe it? who gains weight during chemo? Yell


Stay well and happy running....Alicia

Alicia, My heart damage was actually from radiation treatments for the Hodgekin's. I have pretty severe aortic and mitral valve stenosis because of it. I see an excellent cardiologist and he says it's not a matter of if I'll have to have valve replacement but when. His goal is to get me to age 50 but even that is looking debatable. My last check up was not what he wanted it to be. I just pretend like I don't hear him- you know fingers in the ears - la la la la I can't hear you. It doesn't really work but I try anyway- lol. He doesn't like me pushing my heart rate so we compromise- I stick to sprint tris and he does the worrying. It works so far. Shelly


 You have a pretty incredible story! and an even more incredible attitude!    

I love that this group is unfazed by these huge life obstacles.  Iron people y'all are! 

2012-04-17 9:42 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

I thought I would give y'all a picture of how I feel my training has gone this year!

Oh the humanity!     I have GOT to get serious.     Send help.... 

2012-04-17 9:53 PM
in reply to: #4149497

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
quincyf - 2012-04-13 5:13 PM

OMG, what was I supposed to be getting, wine? Oh dear, I forgot and drank it all and then fell asleep. Just woke up.

I am loving the usual suspects back for another round.

Just a catch up on where I'm at...first off, I am fatfatfat, and I just admitted it, so I'm going to be logging my intake and output, AGAIN and try to get back to a more reasonable level. I was deathly ill the week before our spring break trip to New Mexico, but managed to have fun anyway. I never really recovered though and this week my daughter came down with we're thinking that's what I have and why I can't get better so I'm going on antibiotics pronto.

I am still at war with my ortho who keeps forbidding me to run (and I keep defying him) but my PT and I get along great and I am getting a lot of ROM back and less pain and you know I just keep swinging my arm to see if I might be able to get away with a freestyle stroke. (Not yet, but I'm hopeful)

So got back from spring break and have had the week from hell...Dave can vouch for me that we have a cool setup in the city, but, frankly urban living can be exhausting, especially when it comes to kid stuff...I almost stroked out trying to get my kids into Park district camps...along with several thousands of my closest friends...this is the second time we have crashed's would think they would have figured out how to keep that from happening, but no. SO two hours later I actually had some pretty good success and then moved on to project #2...deciding on where to send my kid to preschool. Ya, doesn't sound too hard, except, again, in Chicago, everything is super competitive and I have to choose between two options that I like and once I pick one, the other one is gone forever. It just makes you crazy. Every single decision seems so earth shattering.

And for those of you from the old group...I know I shared some about my worries about my son, and he has now been officially diagnosed with a language disorder/speech delay, hyperlexia (early reading), and mild autism. Whew. It's been a long, frustrating journey, but by the end of the week, we had some answers, some camps for summer, and a school situation figured out. Seriously I need a bubble bath and some MORE WINE!!!

And I am basically 20 weeks out from IM (which I still don't know if I will be able to do) so I need to pick a training plan and get some balance back into my life. NOW. And by balance I mean spending hours of my time S/B/R and ignoring some of the crap that's been driving me crazy while I've been injured. ;-).

So, any great ideas for a ultra beginner IM training plan. I've done Fink, and I've looked at the ones on BT. Anyone else have a great site they love, or book, or whatever?


You do have a great setup in the city!  We don't call it the "Mysterio Pad" just for the cabbage cotton candy and toxic waste  brunch that ensues! 

Since I have witnessed what you can do with all that a busted up shoulder,  lack of run training,  and a disease I thought was eradicated in the 1800's  could do to try and stop you,  I am happy to see that you still have IM-Moo in your sights.    I'm confident you can prevail.    BUT  ya  dude  it's time to put some training game face on!!!              I mean that in a helpful way.      Ironman- You will do this!!

2012-04-17 9:59 PM
in reply to: #4145309

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
trirun26 - 2012-04-12 8:35 AM

Hi everyone! Ok, as promised here is my bio Laughing

I am 44 and live in South Florida, "swamp land"! I am married, no with kiddies though..I am a pediatric Oncology nurse and love it! I have a super supportive hubby who is my cycling partner and manager of my cheering committe. We do have 2 large rescue dogs, 4 cats and a reef acquarium that is more work than all the animals put together!

I have been running since age 15! and have since done many marathons and races of all distances, some adventure races as well. I started doing triathlons about 9-10 years ago. On my second tri I actually got out of the swim  half way through (it was a 1/4 mile as I thought I was going to die!! I was so upset with my self for "quitting" that I made my mind to beat the fear of open water swimming....and I did! now my favorite part of the tri is the swim Wink

As of now I have completed many sprints, olympics, half IM distance and 2 full Ironmans!!! wooohooo...I am totally addicted!!

Last year one week after I finished Louisville IM I was diagnosed with cervical cancer, what a bummer that was! so I have since had surgery, chemo, radiation (I call it bleaching and microwaving now). I completed my treatment 2 months ago. I am now running, swimming and biking again...wooohooooo. Every day I feel stronger and better so my goal right now is to gain back the strength.

2012 goals: Olympic tri (2) in the summer, not sure which ones. Maybe a half IM towards the end of the year but definately Chicago Marathon (signed up and ready to have the pizza and beer that Dave promised

2013.....IM....St George is on my bucket list Cool

I am so looking forward to this forum! learning from others and sharing our experiences....bring it on!

Sorry for this logbio...going running now....


St George  YA!!!     That makes TWO of us!   We need to plan this.   Hmmmmm  say over the pizza and beer  that I promised you and your hubby!   I'm going to need your help to convince the race director  (my dw)  that this will be quite worth the adventure.

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