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2012-04-18 8:07 PM
in reply to: #4133662

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Asheville, North Carolina
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

Like to join the group if there is still room.  Chick, this group caught my eye because I have a similar ministry for runners a few hours down the road in Asheville.  Won't  take up alot of time on the forum about it but shoot me an e-mail, I would like to trade some ideas about the ministry. Here's some of my info: 

NAME:  Wendall

AGE:  42

FAMILY: Married for 16 years this July, two daughters ages 19 and 15

CURRENT TRAINING:  Attempting to get in two workouts in each discipline weekly.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

MY STORY:  Started running 10 years ago.  Race regularly in distances from 5k to marathon.  Over the past couple of years have been thinking about trying a triathlon but never had anywhere that I could swim regularly.  My family joined a local gym a couple of months ago that has a pool so now I have no excuse.

GOALS:  Looking at a short sprint (300m/10m/5k) first week in July.  If that goes well there are some more local tris where I can gradually increase the distance.  A 500m/12m/5k in August and an 800m/17m/4mile in September.  Glad to have the opportunity to have others with a little more experience look over my log and let me know if I am on track.

WEIGHT/NUTRITION:  Currently 6' 222.  Need to get down under 210 to race comfortably, 200 to go fast!

Looking forward to the summer!!

2012-04-19 9:51 AM
in reply to: #4133662

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN
What's the best approach to training through an injury?  I strained my calf 8 days ago running.  I did not run for 7 days and yesterday I jogged 1 mile.  Today, it's still pretty sore (but not any worse than it was the day before) so I'm going to rest it again.  This really makes me nervous because distance running is really my weakest point.  My plan is to just run once every 3-4 days for very short distances while it's still sore and stop if it gets worse and try to slowly progress.  Any other suggestions?  I know I can't make it heal any faster (I'm doing the RICE treatment) but wonder if there is anything else i should do to continue "run training" (such as elliptical machine, etc).  My target is a Oly tri on 6/18 which is a 7 mile run and I've never run more than 4 miles in my life.   
2012-04-19 3:53 PM
in reply to: #4160289

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, Texas
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

I'm not sure about the best approach, but I usually go by the 'if it doesn't make it worse, it's ok' approach. If during the training, it gets worse, I quit and rest it. If after the training (immediatly & the following day) it gets worse, I rest. Otherwise, I keep on plugging. I have had success doing this through back issues (this week), an ankle issue,  as well as tendonitis in the knee.

I also prefer more frequency, less time/distance for each than less frequency, more time/distance for each. I think your 1 mile test is perfect.


Also, you can always go into the race with a run/walk plan; certainly no shame in that.

2012-04-19 7:10 PM
in reply to: #4133662

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

Hello everyone -- I would like to join this group.  

Name:  abreakey/Adam

Story:  I was a two sport college athlete (baseball and golf) many many years ago - class of '94.  Back then I would run regularly (short distances up to 5k for team workouts) and hit the gym every day, but over the years I have allowed my fitness to fall apart.   Spending every weekday in cube land is generally not a good plan for your health.  Around 2.5 years ago I decided to get moving again and put together a plan to run my first ever 1/2 marathon.  I followed a plan for the first two months of the training, but then allowed myself to get distracted and stumbled into my race day.  I was successful in finishing, but man did I hurt.  After that experience I stopped running again.  I hurt and didn't feel like getting going again.  --- Then... this past winter I got fed up.  I was at my heaviest - 234lb @ 6'4".  I was tired of being lazy and out of shape.  I set a goal - I am going to run a triathlon before I turn 40 (August 30th of this year).   This was a crazy idea as I hadn't ridden a bike since I was 15 years old... and I had never swam a lap in a pool.  --- But here I am.  Swimming, Biking and Running.  --- In addition to training I also coach two little league baseball teams, work a full time job, paint fine art daily and spend every spare moment I can with my family.  My workouts are usually before the family is awake.. so I am another one of the early dark rider/runners.

Family status:  Married to a wonderful woman with 4 kids (14-Amanda, 8-AJ, 6-Jack, and 18mos-Olivia)

Current training:  Currently working my plan getting ready for my first ever tri on June 2nd.  I do each discipline 2x a week, with Monday's off.  I have missed 4 workouts in the past two weeks due to a sinus infection and now the associated GI issues related to the antibiotics.  I hope to make it to the pool tomorrow.  Check out my logs and let me know what you think!

2011 Races:  zilch

2012 Races:  Gary Kirby Sprint Tri (Raleigh), June 2nd -- Triangle Sprint Tri (Raleigh), July 14th --and -- White Lake International - Sept 8th.  (2013 goal is a HIM)

Weight loss:  Have lost +10lbs so far, but am looking at losing another 15 or more before the end of the year.  I am 6' 4" and currently weigh in at 218lbs

Why I want to join this group:  I like the idea that "Chick" is in Raleigh.  It would be great to have a mentor that I might run into at a local event.  

Thanks - Looking forward to the group!  Check out my logs and my blog.  :-)


2012-04-19 9:04 PM
in reply to: #4133662

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN
Welcome to the group Adam.I hope to have the chance to meet you and the Gary Kirby tri would be the place. I will also be entering that race. I raced it last year and it is a great event. Outdoor pool and the bike course is 4 laps (3 miles per lap). The second half of each lap is downhill and you can really pick up some speed. As the event draws closer we will have to be in touch.Looking forward to following your training progression.
2012-04-20 9:37 PM
in reply to: #4133662

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN


I would like to be a part of your training group, if there is room. I am a marathon runner, who has also done multiple half marathons. My main objective is to do the Austin him in October, but will likely do some sprints and maybe olympic distance races before then. Let me know if there is room, and I'll post a little more about my particular situation.


2012-04-21 9:39 AM
in reply to: #4133662

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

So do you have room for another? I have a OLY tri next Sunday, my 3rd tri every and first OLY distance swim, the others were 1000m for some reason. I really could use support and knowledge from others. I love to encourage others too and have friends, since I hardly have time for any at this point in my life. That being said, if you have room for me I will post my bio hopefully later today when I have more time.Thanks,


2012-04-21 12:13 PM
in reply to: #4133662

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN
Woo-wee!  Last long run (14 mi) in the books before the HM on 5/5.  I long for the return of March weather (we had a week full of 80s).  It was 40 degrees today, raining, and blowing.  But it's done.  After this, I can finally focus completely on tris. 
2012-04-21 1:46 PM
in reply to: #4163984

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN
Welcome to the group Sarah73, glad you have found us.  Looking forward to reading your bio when you post it.
2012-04-21 1:48 PM
in reply to: #4133662

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN
Hello Jan and welcome to the group.  Good luck in your Olympic Tri next weekend.  You have put in the work and know that you are ready!  Looking forward to reading your bio.
2012-04-22 12:14 PM
in reply to: #4133662

New user

255 Sunrise Ave. #201 Palm Beach Fl 33480
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

Hi there,

I'm not sure how to go about this who mentoring process.

I was first trying to register for the Loggerhead beginner triathlon, my first in my life.

I am a personal trainer but have never competed in anything like this.  I don't swim, bike or run for fitness so I'm looking to get on a schedule to incorporate everything into my program.  I'd like to have a partner or partners so I'm wondering if the mentoring thing is the way to go?

I appreciate any advice you can offer.


Tracy Maury

2012-04-22 3:51 PM
in reply to: #4133662

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

Hey there.. Count me in ! I am a newbie to Tri's only doing one sprint and  off road duathlon last year and loved it! Working towards a goal has helped me to be healthier and stay accountable to exercise. Work outs have become my stress relief and prayer time. I'm 43 and in decent shape, with my kids  in college now and my husband (24 yrs, think young bride) and I are enjoying this time in our lives but I needed a lil "something something"!

So far I am signed up for 3 sprints this spring and summer!

Can you let me know how this forum works really? Mostly a support group to bounce question/recieve feedback from type deal?

Thanks so much


Edited by joyct32 2012-04-22 3:56 PM
2012-04-22 11:55 PM
in reply to: #4133662

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

Hi, finally have some time to post my bio.

I am 53, married for 29 years to my hero. Two wonderful grown children, a daughter who is 28 and son who is 22. I am an RN working nights for most of my career, switching to a day job in a month. Yahoo!

I have been a runner since high school. Running was always my way of meditating. I have been addicted for a long time. Then a lot of running injuries sidelined me. I discovered triathlon 3 years ago and have never looked back.

I have to be honest and say I was drawn to this group mostly because of the Christian support and desire to be a good servant and example to others around me.

I also liked the conversation so far!

I have an OLY in Florida a week from today and 3 others planned for this summer. 

Chick, I have not had time to look at your website but will be doing that soon.

Thanks so much and I look forward to talking with you all.

2012-04-23 8:24 AM
in reply to: #4133662

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

Well, I'm excited to be a part of this group! I really need the inspiration and support to keep me going.

A little about me...I'm 38 years old, and currently living in Columbus, GA, but about to move to Ocean Springs, MS (near Biloxi). I am currently a stay at home mom (I like to call myself the CEO of our household) and married for 10 years to a wonderful man who works as a Cardiologist, and is also training for the Austin HIM (in his spare time).

I was a multi-sport athlete in high school, and played tennis in college, then stopped exercising for about 10 years, while I went to medical school, finished residency, and gave birth to twin daughters (now 5). On a whim I decided to run the Chicago Marathon in October of 2009, and took up running again about 6 months before the race. I have run three Chicago Marathons and the Georgia Marathon in Atlanta last month, and about 10 half marathons, as well. I have dabbled in some trail running, and have also thought about doing some ultra marathons, but thought I would go the triathlon route for now, to avoid overuse injuries.

I'm up to about 1.2 miles with my swim (not very fast), and I just started biking about 1 month ago, so I have quite a bit of work to do there, as well. Running is obviously my strong point, but lately I have had a bit of ITB pain in my right knee, so I have backed off a bit. I'm sure I will be seeking guidance in all of these areas at some point or another in the next few months!

I can't wait to get to know everyone, and I can't tell you how nice it is to feel like I'm on a "team"! I also have a blog about trialthlon training that I just started last month, if anyone is interested, at


2012-04-23 9:34 AM
in reply to: #4133662

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

My fun training weekend and bike debacle: I am "on call" this week for my job which basically means my phone will go off at any second (night or day) and I have to drop everything and deal with it.  That said, I decided to go for a decent bike ride on Saturday afternoon after coaching my son's soccer game: the weather was awesome, I needed some road work, and I finally got my new cycling shoes/cleats that I was dying to try out.  I spent some time in my drive way clipping in and out while holding onto my SUV's mirror to hold me up.  After a few minutes of getting reasonably comfortable I took off for a ride.  I would ride for a bout 5 miles and then stop to listen to my messages and deal with work issues.  I was headed back home a little earlier than I wanted to but arrived just shy of 17 miles.  I rode the entire time and had multiple stops without falling (because of the clips).  Not satisfied with my total distance being "under" 17 miles, I darted down my street and up the block to turn around ( I had to make my distance go over 17 miles, can't explain it...just had to).  I made it up the street and turned around in someone's circle driveway.  Just as I was getting ready to head back home, I saw a car...panicked and tried to stop.  Of course, my bike and I immediately fell over.  My left foot made it out of the pedal and my cleat slid on the asphalt.  I was doing the splits with my other foot still in the pedal!  A car full of high school girls rode by and had a good laugh.  Honestly, other then my groin and hamstrings being a little too stretchy, I got a good laugh too.  (I just HAD to go that extra .25 miles).

I also go two decent runs in (for me) and my calf strain seems to be slightly getting better.  

Everyone has told me that with the clips, a fall is just inevitable.  I knew that going into it...but still thought it was funny the way it turned out.

2012-04-23 10:18 AM
in reply to: #4133662

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

Hi everyone!

Have been taking more time to read about all of you. What a bunch of great people! I am looking forward to talking triathlon!

Chick, I wanted to thank you so much for the references to scripture-Isaiah 40:31 and Philippians 4:13. I read these and felt so much comfort from these words. I am not really feeling ready for this Sunday's tri. I have not been able to get many runs in and very few bricks. Last year at this same race on the run I got a horrible cramp that started on my right side under my ribs and eventually spread all the way across to the left side. It felt like an arch of fire and I could barely run. I am in fear of this happening again. I care for both of my parents (divorced) and that and working at night, trying to find time for sleep has left me very little time. The bricks are what gets skipped first because of the time involved.

So, those verses will be in my mind this coming week as I taper and during the race. Thank you.

Best workouts to you all!


2012-04-23 10:38 AM
in reply to: #4133662

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

Sorry, wanted to say something to David too-I had a similar fall when I was learning. I was going down a hill out of our neighborhood where there is a stop sign. Right at the end of the hill at the last minute saw a woman backing out of her driveway. She is elderly and the thought flashed through my mind that she would not see me and braked but forgot about clipping out. A car was coming behind me and I panicked thinking that car would run over me when I hit the ground. Fortunately that driver saw me and had slowed down. I could hardly get up, banged up my knee, shoulder and elbow really bad- the car was full of teenage girls from down the street. They were laughing so loud and drove away without seeing if I was ok.

And by the way, I am not far from you. I live in Columbia, Mo. Not the best weather lately for training in our area. I am doing my first OWS of the year tonight. I think it is going to be really cold!

I'll let you all know how it goes!


2012-04-23 10:44 AM
in reply to: #4166980

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN
Jan - I'm somewhat in the same boat, but my race is a bit off.  Chick's words encouraged me and what also helped me was stepping back and thinking back about my objectives to doing this...1 Cor 9:26 ....I am not doing this my case, I'm doing this for personal exercise, and for the achievement of completion.  At this point, my goal is not winning, because I know I'm not there physically and am not yet experienced to the point of being fast.  Sometimes, however I start getting nervous because I don't want to fail, be embarrassed, be last, etc.  But that's when I'm reminded of what my objective is: completion of the race and doing my best.  I know I've got 3 (soon to be 4) kids, work 60 hours a week and have many comittments beyond just my personal it sounds like you do too.  I know that sometimes my "nervousness" is rooted in my own selfishness and pride (I don't want to "look bad").  So, take a step back, think about your life and your objectives and gift thanks (1 Thess 5:18) and go out and run that race!
2012-04-23 10:52 AM
in reply to: #4133662

Norman, OK
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN
I had a very good weekend of training.  My legs felt exhausted on friday, so I skipped my short run and just took the whole day off.  It was a very smart choice.  I woke up on saturday and my legs felt refreshed and ready for my 6 mile run.  I finished in just under an hour, something I would have thought impossible a year ago.  On sunday afternoon, my scheduled 24 mile bike ride somehow turned into a 29 mile ride.  I guess I need to map out my routes a little better.  There was also steady winds out of the north around 20mph with gusts above 30mph.  Not very fun for half of my ride.  I also had to out run unleashed dogs 3 separate times who thought I was dinner.  Finally, I got a nice little sunburn on my arms and the back of my legs because I forgot the sunscreen.  It was a good ride, but I need be more prepared next time, and not forget my sunscreen.
2012-04-23 11:15 AM
in reply to: #4133662

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

Looks like everyone had some great training this weekend.  We had 10 high schools girls at our home for the weekend as part of our church's discipleship weekend.  What a great weekend!  On Saturday I led the Second Wind training group through the last workout in week 2.  We had just shy of 30 participants.  Amazing to see the turnouts.  I love doing this as it is so rewarding to be able to use this gift God has provided in running, to help others grow not only physically stronger but also spiritually stronger.  We are focusing this season on the first 4 virtues found in Philippians 4:8.  If you check out the website, you will see some "60 seconds with..." features that highlight some of the participants.

This weeks begins my taper for the HIM.  Just 12 days away now.  I am so excited for this race and I am looking forward to it.  I am racing in a sprint tri this coming Saturday.  I am treating it as a "knock the dust off" race to get back in triathlon gear.  Have not raced since last August and want to get my transitions ironed out before the big race the following Saturday.

I hope everyone continues to have a great training week!

2012-04-23 4:56 PM
in reply to: #4133662

New user

Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN
Hey Everyone! Have been skimming through the posts in this group and would LOVE to join you if you still have room!?! I am headed out to a spin class now, but will add my bio as soon as I can. Sounds like a very interesting and fun group.

2012-04-24 12:19 PM
in reply to: #4133662

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

Hey Chick, (or do we call you Brett?)

Like you, I'm also a believer and a triathlete.  I've been off the grid for a while and I signed up for two races this year and I think this looks like a great group to get into.

If you still have room, I'd like to join the Second Wind Group.  Bio to follow.


2012-04-24 2:52 PM
in reply to: #4133662

New user

Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

Ok, as promised here is my bio:

I'm a 48 year old female that completed 3 sprint triathlons last year. Didn't swim in the deep end of the pool until 3 years ago. I'm not really fast or good at any event and I am learning a lot as I go. I have no real background in running, cycling or swimming. I did play field hockey in high school and have always done some form of exercise. Like many people I know, I still have those last 10-15 lbs. to lose. Recently started the Zone Diet and lost about 5 lbs.

I work full time and am starting graduate school in May so my life is going to get a bit more hectic and I need to really stay focused to meet my goals and continue to improve. I am hoping to improve all my times in everything this year! I am signed up for a sprint triathlon this coming Sunday and another in July. Also am doing a mud run, a color run, a few 5ks, and my big goal for October is running a half marathon (which I already signed up for, no pressure right?) The longest I have run is an 8k last November.

I struggle with a few minor health problems, but don't let them get in my way even though I do have a lot of ups and down. I am working on conquering them one at a time and am striving to feel better and improve athletically this year.  I am one of the most determined people I know and love a good challenge!

I have 2 beautiful childeren, a boy (12) and a girl (14). I've been married for for 21 years.

I'm going to a Cycling 101 class tonight and hope to learn a bit more about the bike. Recently switched over to clipless pedals and yes....I did have my first fall. Luckily, it wasn't too bad.

I'm looking forward to following everyones journeys this year and will be cheering you all on!



2012-04-25 10:32 AM
in reply to: #4133662

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN

Thought I would jump in with an update - My first BRICK.  -- Sorry for the long post... 

I have a child who is almost 19 months old.  She loves spending a few minutes every once and awhile watching the Wiggles on TV.  Well, they have a song that I have heard many times over the past few months – and this morning it was stuck in my mind and I couldn’t figure out why.  It has been at least a few weeks since I heard it – but this morning, there it was… on repeat in my mind.  ugh.  There is nothing like getting ready for a workout at 5:30 am with a song that is written for infant and toddlers stuck in your head.  It was terrible.  But alas, I did my workout – even with the song in my head.

Today was my first ever brick workout.  My brick was scheduled for a ride of 70 minutes and then a quick 10 minute run.  Unfortunately, I was up later than I wanted to be last night by around an hour, so I pushed my alarm back by 30 minutes and decided to cut my ride down to a 40 minute ride followed by a 10 minute run.  I would push my bike for the full 40 as hard as I could, so as to make sure I had tired legs before I went for the run.

This plan worked well – and even with the cold temperatures (41* when I started) – I persevered and pushed through all 40 minutes of the bike – hitting an average of 16.5 mph.  This average mph appears to be my normal rate right now.  About three weeks ago, I was at a 15.5 mph average, now 16.5.  It would be great to get to a 17-18mph average before my first race in June.  I just need to keep pushing it, spend more time in the saddle – and STOP cutting my rides short!

After the ride, I pulled into the garage, took my bike jersey and helmet off, switched from my cycling shoes to my running shoes, threw on a sweatshirt (still very chilly out!) and took off.  This was also my first practice at a transition – and while I wasn’t trying to be fast, I definitely wasn’t taking my time.  I finished my transition and was on the road in 1:47.  At least I now have a time to beat during my next brick workout.

My run was strange.  My heartbeat was high – about 10 beats per minute higher than it usually is during my run.  I thought maybe I was pushing it too hard, but my Garmin 310xt watch indicated I was actually slower than usual.   I decided to just focus on a steady cadence and a smooth breath.  After about 30 seconds of that, I was able to lower my heart rate back to its normal rate.  This made me feel good – I was able to recognize that my heart rate was high, put together a plan, and adjust my run to lower the heart rate. — After I had the heart rate figured out, I was surprisingly able to push my pace and still control the heart rate.  This was great.  I hit the 5 minute mark of my run and turned back towards home.  I got home just shy of the 10 minute mark (which means my return split was around 20 seconds faster than the outbound split).

For my first brick workout, I am very pleased.  Things went well, I pushed it hard (although, I probably should have run faster!  After all, it was only a 10 minute run!).  I made it through the transition well.  And I felt like I learned a valuable lesson on controlling my heart rate.  I am very happy.

As for that song that was stuck in my head.  Well, it is a song called “The Bricklayer Song”.  It is funny how the mind works, isn’t it?  Today I laid my first brick in this training program… and I feel good about it.

Today’s workout:

Plan: BRICK – 70m bike/10m run

Actual: 41:50 bike ride (16.52mph), 1:47 transition, 09:38 run (10:28/mile)


2012-04-25 11:05 AM
in reply to: #4169886

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - OPEN
GomesBolt - 2012-04-24 1:19 PM

Hey Chick, (or do we call you Brett?)

Like you, I'm also a believer and a triathlete.  I've been off the grid for a while and I signed up for two races this year and I think this looks like a great group to get into.

If you still have room, I'd like to join the Second Wind Group.  Bio to follow.


Hey Matt.  You can call me Chick.  That has been my nickname forever and I go by that more than Brett.  Looking forward to reading your bio when you post it.

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