Subject: RE: Am I taking the wrong view?I don't know about the obligated sister-bridesmaid thing. At the time (5 years ago ) I was not all that close to either of my was just that point in our lives and all. We're close now, but I remember all kinds of anxiety over hurt feelings if they were not "up in front" with the wedding party. I was actually planning on asking them to assist some other way, but the first words out of my mom' mouth were, "well your sisters will be bridesmaids, right?"
Everone needs to back off engaged couples with their ideas about what is appropriate! In the end, one of my sisters sang (beautifully ) and the other gave such a great speech at the end, I could tell it meant a lot to be part of the wedding party. I guess my wish is that my sisters didn't need a dress and an up-do and a spot up front to know that they are special to me.
oh and the drinking thing....diff'nt strokes for diff'nt folks...not all drinkers are drunks and not all non-drinkers are squares, so let's lay off the judgement in general. |