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2013-01-08 6:47 AM
in reply to: #4565577

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Open

I think previous race experience as shorter distances is really important and thats the route I took....sprint, Oly, Half Marry, HIM, Marathon, IM.   You can bypass that but only if you're comfortable with the distance.  If you can pull off some training bricks with a 10 mile run off a 56 mile bike you should be OK.

Thanks Steve, 

I have done a sprint and 2 half Marathons last year along with the Tough Mudder.  I will work on the training bricks the 56 mile bike will not be a problem.  I have been running some trying to get back in running shape. 

My normal weekday rides are between 20-30 should I start to add some runs in after those rides and if so how often should I do the bricks?


Goal, 1/2IM June 1st.

2013-01-08 8:02 AM
in reply to: #4567167

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Open

sozzie - 2013-01-07 10:12 PM i'm in... if you're still accepting people/ ..... seems my shift keys dont work anymore. =/

Now that I'm at a computer where my shift key works, this will be a bit easier! =D


NAME: sozzie aka Shawn

STORY: Started running in 2007, but always had a desire to do triathlons. Started competing in triathlons in 2009. Did a couple of Sprint and Olympic distances, and did Ok, nothing special but I've never been excited by those distances. I'm definitely a long distance enthusiast. I love getting to the point where it's body vs mind; best challenge ever.

FAMILY STATUS: I live in Ottawa Canada, so I do lots of training in winter. Been happily married for 3 years but no kids.

CURRENT TRAINING: Been rebuilding my base in preperation for my first HIM in Sept, IM Muskoka 70.3. I'm lucky to have been blessed with great muscle memory so I can usually pickup from no training for weeks to running over 14K and biking for over 2 hours without having any soreness.


Unfortunately, I was only able to compete in 3 races last year because I was in a car accident in July which sidelined me for the remainder of the summer.

  • Sprint Distance Tri: 1h16m59s
  • 10K Run: 55m43s
  • Olympic Distance Tri: 3h29m27s

2013 RACES:

The main races for 2013 are going to be:

  • Olympic Distance Tri in June
  • Ironman Muskoka 70.3 in Sept

Like Steve, I may sign up for more races, but I spent a large chunk of my 'tri' money on my new(used) bike this winter so, we'll see.

WEIGHTLOSS: I’ve always been a bit heavier, never raced under 190lbs, but I really want to be more competitive and try and qualify for the 70.3 World Championships. I was lucky enough to be in Vegas for the 2012 WC and I was so much in awe of that race and I instantly wanted to qualify for it. So I made it my goal to qualify before 2015. So, to do that, I need to get to my ideal race weight of around 165~170lbs.

2013-01-08 8:37 AM
in reply to: #4567488

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North Brunswick, NJ
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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Open
jewinters - 2013-01-08 7:47 AM

My normal weekday rides are between 20-30 should I start to add some runs in after those rides and if so how often should I do the bricks?

I would.  If I can't get in a full brick I try and get in at least 2 miles after every bike workout to get you very comfortable running on tired legs.

2013-01-08 8:41 AM
in reply to: #4567590

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North Brunswick, NJ
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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Open
sozzie - 2013-01-08 9:02 AM 

NAME: sozzie aka Shawn

Welcome the group Shawn!  Very jealous about your muscle memory gift.  Nice.

2013-01-08 8:44 AM
in reply to: #4567101

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North Brunswick, NJ
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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Open

GordonO - 2013-01-07 9:24 PM Would like to join the group.

Welcome the group Gordon.  There are plenty of really good Olympic and HIM plans on this site.  Have you checked them out?

2013-01-08 9:01 AM
in reply to: #4543955

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North Brunswick, NJ
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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Open
Did much better this morning even without prepping work out clothes the night before.  I guess I felt guilty for blowing off yesterday's swim. 1 hr bike on the trainer + 2 mile run.  Will try and get in yesterday's swim after work.

2013-01-08 9:05 AM
in reply to: #4543955

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Open

Training Schedule:

This is what my training plan looks like till April. Just doing maintenance/base for the moment.

  Custom HIM Maintenance 3x

 Day   Training
M Off
TMed Run & Short Swim
W Med Bike
TShort Bike &Short Run
F Long Swim
S Long Run
S Long Bike & Med Swim

Everything is defined in my planned calendar. There a small progression from the beginning till the end but nothing too big.

Daily Training Check-in:

Missed my Bike and Swim on Sunday due to illness, so I did an extended bike session yesterday. 2h55m of Spinervals On the Road - Lake Placid. The last 40 mins on that video are BRUTAL! But I got it done and I was very happy with that. Later on, towards the end of my base, I plan on redoing that video with a run after for a nice brick workout.

Tonights plan, well since it's a nice and warm 0ºC (32ºF) here today, I'm going to get outside for a 10.6K (6.9miles) run after work, followed by a quick 30m swim after dinner.


Question for everyone:

Does anyone have any experience with any of the online triathlon training services, either BT's or something like Mark Allen Online? I've been toying with the idea of getting this kind of service for my training starting in April for the Muskoka HIM and was wondering if anyone has any comments, suggestions, things to check for and/or recommendations?

2013-01-08 9:46 AM
in reply to: #4564615

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Open
stevepiv - 2013-01-06 10:21 AM

holt1997 - 2013-01-05 11:13 PM So here is my dilemma that I chew on. I would like the training to be more of a life style than a season if that makes sense.

Thats makes total sense.  Geting in to a routine is definitely tough with that type of schedule so making it a life style IS your best bet. I look at my weekly plan on Sunday night and make a commitment to myself that somehow someway most of it will be accomplished by the following Sunday afternoon.  My hours are much more standard but things happen weekly that throw wrenches into the plan.  Early morning meetings, mid week dinners, kids appointments etc.... I've just disciplined myself that I'm going to get the training in somehow someway.  If I can only apply that same discipline to meals I'd be golden Laughing

I like the idea. Aplan for the week for training and also eating would help a lot. Otherwise its too easy to eat junk and miss my workout. I think I am going to take my trainer into work this week also and do that during my lunch break.

2013-01-08 9:52 AM
in reply to: #4567207

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Open
Schwartzie - 2013-01-07 7:33 PM

@holt1997 - You can consider what I work is shift work but it's pretty regular unless I'm working extra shifts over my weekends, which happens a lot over the holidays and about 1 time a month otherwise.  My shift starts at 0530 and ends at 1530.  By the time I get home, any motivation to workout is gone so I have to know myself and my own discipline.

I get up at 0300 to go in and work out.  I get my 25 minute strength workout (Ya, I'm still a gym rat - but it's intense and non-stop for the full 25 minutes.) Then I hit a pretty solid amount of running or biking (usually running.)  During the winter its too cold to run outside (ya 40 is too cold for me, in the dark.)  I get the majority of biking and swimming over the weekends (swimming is my lowest event).


I knocked out my usually workout and run today and got in a good ride on the stationary bike this afternoon.  I'll hit it hard this weekend.  I set a goal with my academy class mate....600 miles running this year and 1000 miles on the bike (I know I'll hit around 1500)


Nailed the diet today too so I'm proud of myself.

Thank you for the advice. Getting up at 0300 would be tough but something I should consider. When I get home I literally have dinner, tuck in kids and go to bed. 12 hour shifts are long.

2013-01-08 9:53 AM
in reply to: #4567708

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Open
stevepiv - 2013-01-08 7:01 AM

Did much better this morning even without prepping work out clothes the night before.  I guess I felt guilty for blowing off yesterday's swim. 1 hr bike on the trainer + 2 mile run.  Will try and get in yesterday's swim after work.

How do you keep from getting bored on the trainer? I can ride an hour on the road but 10 minutes on the trainer kills me.Any ideas? :-)
2013-01-08 10:04 AM
in reply to: #4567823

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Extreme Veteran
North Brunswick, NJ
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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Open

How do you keep from getting bored on the trainer? I can ride an hour on the road but 10 minutes on the trainer kills me.Any ideas? :-)

TV! I catch up on lot of recordings and always have 2 DVD's from NETFLIX waiting to be watched. 

2013-01-08 11:31 AM
in reply to: #4567859

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Open
stevepiv - 2013-01-08 11:04 AM

How do you keep from getting bored on the trainer? I can ride an hour on the road but 10 minutes on the trainer kills me.Any ideas? :-)

TV! I catch up on lot of recordings and always have 2 DVD's from NETFLIX waiting to be watched. 


TV Show DVDs are the best for indoor training! I think I watched most of the first 3 seasons of Battlestar Galactica from my trainer.

2013-01-08 11:39 AM
in reply to: #4543955

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Edgewater, Maryland
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Open
I need to get a trainer .. I have been trolling the web and ebay .. what do you all like for an indoor trainer?
2013-01-08 12:16 PM
in reply to: #4543955

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Open
A friend let me borrow, for an undefined amount of time, an older model Tacx Cycletrack but once she takes it back I'll probably go get a Kinitic by Kurt, either the Road Machine or Rock and Roll Road Machine.
2013-01-08 12:21 PM
in reply to: #4568099

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North Brunswick, NJ
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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Open

I have a computrainer.   

Pricey, but I love it.  It has boat load of predefined simulated courses and you can create your own with optional software.  Riding with a virtual faster friend is awesome.

2013-01-08 12:56 PM
in reply to: #4543955


Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Open

Hi Steve! I would like to join the group as well.  As for my info:

NAME: mirkearn  / Mike

STORY: I have been running very consistently over the past couple of years and completed the Chicago Marathon last October. Prior to running, I was doing some Sprint triathalons a few years ago. After a job change in the last year, my schedule is more consistent (closer to 50 hour weeks vs. 70 hour weeks) which has provided me more time to train. While the marathon finish was satisfying, I was looking to do something more this year. About a month ago I signed up for Ironman Louisville and since then I have been counting down the days until August 25, 2013!

FAMILY STATUS: I live in Chicago, IL and have been married for just over 2 years. We do not have any children. We have an awesome 2 year old rescue dog who does consume some of our time, but unfortunately hes a little too small to run with!

CURRENT TRAINING: I was doing well before the Chicago Marathon, but slowed down a bit afterward. I picked back up OK in November, but fell off the wagon in December as I was travelling for 25/31 days that month. My job does require me to travel a bit to San Francisco, and I need to get better about being consistent in training on the road.


  • Chicago Marathon
  • Rock and Roll Half Marathon
  • Various 5k's through 10 milers

2013 RACES

The main races for 2013 are going to be:

  • TriZou Sprint Triathlon
  • Ironman Louisville

I'm sure I'll sign up for a few more as well.

WEIGHTLOSS: I raced the marathon around 180, but with the holidays put a few pounds on and weighed in at 186 this morning. We just got a scale with body fat and other data as well, and my body fat was 22.5% this morning. WAY higher than i thought it was going to be! My goal IM racing weight will be 165, so about 20lbs to lose.


Looking forward to joining the group!


2013-01-08 12:59 PM
in reply to: #4568178

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Open

I took the time today during my Bike workout to figure out my Lactate Threshold, if you havent tried it you may want to.  I used the method from this site ???  Mine is 176 bpm.  The test kicked my butt, my legs havent been this dead after a workout in a long time.  

I pluged the number into the calculator and it remaped my HR zones to numbers that fit me much better.  The 220-age numbers did not work well for me at all.  I hope this leads to higher quailty workouts.

2013-01-08 1:45 PM
in reply to: #4568277

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North Brunswick, NJ
Silver member
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Open
mirkearn - 2013-01-08 1:56 PM

Hi Steve! I would like to join the group as well.  As for my info:

NAME: mirkearn  / Mike

Looking forward to joining the group!


Welcome to the group. Sprint to Ironman - you're in the right place!

2013-01-08 8:44 PM
in reply to: #4543955


Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Open
Got two good workouts in today. 1 hr / 2,500 yards of swimming and a 30 minute run (about 3.4 miles) short brick is on the schedule for tomorrow AM. Hope everyone had a great day today!
2013-01-09 8:25 AM
in reply to: #4543955

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Open

Well, training didn't go as expected yesterday. Run was horrible, sidewalks were crap and had to run a lot harder to keep pace. This caused me to be very tired so I didn't go swimming yesterday night.

I did go swimming this morning instead, and I’ll be jumping on the bike tonight for nearly 1h20m.

I really need to rethink my 2 workout day on Tuesday now that the city pools have changed their schedule and the pool near my work doesn’t have a lane swim from 6am to 9am. Doing 2 workouts after work isn’t working and I’m getting junk laps for my swims when I do go. Since swim is my weakness, I can’t afford to have any junk laps.

I’ve been looking at my workout schedule and trying to find a way to fit in some strength training. I’ll work on that this week, maybe post a few schedules to get feedback from the group.


Key Point: I’ve learned in the past two years to not be so stiff with my training schedule; it needs to be flexible if we’re going to have a work life and a family life along with our triathlon life. Or else we’ll just burn ourselves out and we won’t have any of those 3 lives working for us and that’s not a place where you want to be… ever.

2013-01-09 1:45 PM
in reply to: #4567724

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North Brunswick, NJ
Silver member
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Open
sozzie - 2013-01-08 10:05 AM

Training Schedule:

This is what my training plan looks like till April. Just doing maintenance/base for the moment.

  Custom HIM Maintenance 3x

 Day   Training
M Off
TMed Run & Short Swim
W Med Bike
TShort Bike &Short Run
F Long Swim
S Long Run
S Long Bike & Med Swim

Everything is defined in my planned calendar. There a small progression from the beginning till the end but nothing too big.

Daily Training Check-in:

Missed my Bike and Swim on Sunday due to illness, so I did an extended bike session yesterday. 2h55m of Spinervals On the Road - Lake Placid. The last 40 mins on that video are BRUTAL! But I got it done and I was very happy with that. Later on, towards the end of my base, I plan on redoing that video with a run after for a nice brick workout.

Tonights plan, well since it's a nice and warm 0ºC (32ºF) here today, I'm going to get outside for a 10.6K (6.9miles) run after work, followed by a quick 30m swim after dinner.


Question for everyone:

Does anyone have any experience with any of the online triathlon training services, either BT's or something like Mark Allen Online? I've been toying with the idea of getting this kind of service for my training starting in April for the Muskoka HIM and was wondering if anyone has any comments, suggestions, things to check for and/or recommendations?

Comment on your training schedule ... I would put in a Long Bike + Med run in there.  You definitely want to get used to running on very tired legs.

2013-01-09 2:56 PM
in reply to: #4568178

New user
San Francisco
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Open
@ steve: How loud it the computrainer? I live in an apartment building and am afraid of the noise upsetting the neighbors.
2013-01-09 2:59 PM
in reply to: #4543955

New user
San Francisco
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Open

4 mile run yesterday. Missed the PM workout due to work.

6 mile run this morning. Planning on not missing tonight due to work.

2013-01-09 6:13 PM
in reply to: #4543955

New York City
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Open

Hi there Steve,

I would really like to join your mentor group if possible? I found your bio really motivating! I started doing triathlons last summer and really enjoyed it and the whole triathlon lifestyle. I am Australian & Canadian and moved to New York City with my husband in Sept 2011. We are both Chef's but I didnt get a work permit so in a sense I have had a lot more time than before to train.

Cycling is my absolute weeakest leg and I want to get better at it this. Swimming appears to be my strongest but I can improve everything My goals for 2013 are

  • to compete at the age group nationals in Milwaukee and do under 2:20 (i qualified for the olympic distance in 40-44 ag
  • to improve my cycle leg and conquer the running mount and dismount on the bik (looks daunting
  • conquer my fear of riding on the roads in and around manhattan - currently 100% of my bike training is indoors Embarassed
  • to place in my age group category in top 5 in all the races I have entered

Hopefully you let my in the group. Cheers and I look forward to hearing from you and meeting some more beginners!

2013-01-09 6:45 PM
in reply to: #4570846

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North Brunswick, NJ
Silver member
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Three) - Open
kylster - 2013-01-09 7:13 PM

Hi there Steve,

I would really like to join your mentor group if possible? 

Good to have another New Yorker in the group.  I live in NJ but still consider myself a New Yorker since I grew up there.  Welcome the group!   

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