BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed Rss Feed  
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2013-01-04 9:48 AM
in reply to: #4561777

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - OPEN!
jonD81 - 2013-01-04 10:37 AM

Out of curiosity, why do you do your training on your road bike and not your TT bike?  Assuming you have both, at least it sounded that way.  It's not the first time I've heard that either.  I can see if you're in a relatively busy area riding that you'd want a road bike, but I guess I'd want to train on the bike I'd be riding in my races more than anything else, be used to aero position and handling, etc.

I'm open to any brand really, as long as it fits and at 6'6" I'm at the higher end of every manf generic sizing chart, so just getting a large enough frame will be a challenge, then the actual fitting.

personal preference i guess.  most of my outdoor riding is with groups or on really long rides.  since none of my races last year were longer than an olympic distance, it didn't make sense to take my TT bike out for a 60 mile ride.  the road bike is just more comfortable to ride for me so i use it more (not that my other bike is uncomfortable), but i do try to get a ride in once a week or so with my race bike to stay accustomed to it.  

i would compare it to having racing flats for running. you don't train in them, but you have the occasional run in them to know how they feel on race day.

Edited by Clempson 2013-01-04 9:49 AM

2013-01-04 9:55 AM
in reply to: #4561697

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Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - OPEN!
Clempson - 2013-01-04 10:05 AM

coolgenes - 2013-01-04 9:53 AM Hey Clempson, didn't know you were going to be in this group, that's awesome. We really need to get together for a ride or a swim sometime soon.

definitely, although for this time of year i'm going to suggest a ride over swimming.  how are you liking the spinners team?  their website is pretty vague on what all they do so i never looked into it too much. i go to the group rides every tuesday at SCTAC when they have them and hope to do the TT series this year.

Well it's a bit pricey because you have to buy their kit and because they race a lot in the spring that means lots of layers but other than that you just have to be a member of the Greenville Spinners, do at least one race a year, and volunteer at at least one race a year.
2013-01-04 10:12 AM
in reply to: #4561559

Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - OPEN!
JonD, unless you plan on doing a lot of rides where a TT bike would not be allowed (crits or scheduled group rides that have strict rules), I would recommend getting the TT bike.  My road bike is pretty much relegated exclusively to the trainer now that I have a tri bike.
2013-01-04 10:17 AM
in reply to: #4561719

Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - OPEN!

"What about a proper fit?"

To me it is hard to understate the importance of properly fitted bike particularly for Olympic or longer events.  And make sure you get a good professional fit -- not just a friend eyeballing your position or using some online tool.  It doesn't make sense to pay $000s on a bike and not go the extra couple of hundred to make sure you're getting the most out of your purchase.

2013-01-04 10:18 AM
in reply to: #4549367

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New user

knoxville, tn
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - OPEN!

NAME:  Sharon

STORY: This is my 3rd year doing tris and 4th year running. I started out running/biking the greenways to lose weight and lost about 105 lbs in the process. Since then I've become addicted to the competition, setting PRs, and trying to get more toned in the process.

FAMILY STATUS: Getting married on March 23, 2013 to a pretty awesome guy...then making him run the Knoxville Marathon Relay relay with me on April 7th! Laughing

CURRENT TRAINING: I took a month off being on a structured plan and my half marathon training will start January 6th. I plan on focusing on running until March then ramping up on bike and swim.

2012 RACES: Disney Marathon, Knoxville Half Marathon, Rev3 Knoxville (Olympic), Fall Creek Falls Olympic, Atomic Man Half Ironman, Ragnar Relay Tennessee, Santa Hustle Half Marathon, and various sprints, 5Ks, etc.

2013 RACES: I just signed up for Beach2Battleship Full IM in October. I'm planning on doing the Knoxville Half Marathon and Rev3 tri again but I haven't thought about what my other races will be!

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: I want to lose 10-15 more pounds. I like to race Athena (because I can usually place in fat girls Wink ) but that would drop me under's kind of bittersweet!

GOALS: I definitely have room to improve on all 3 sports. Swim is my weakest and I want to work on that with more speed work this year. I got faster on the bike last year so I want to build on that and also learn how to ride in a group better. My run suffered last year because I was focusing more on the bike. I want to get back to running 8/8:30 min miles without feeling like dying! All of that while planning a wedding and possibly buying a house... Smile

2013-01-04 12:24 PM
in reply to: #4549367

Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - OPEN!
NAME: Keiran (Quintillion)STORY: My past sports have been bodybuilding/strongman, I competed as a strongman and became bored with the sport, I was in sports limbo for a while until I decided I needed to lose weight and get fit then I read an article on triathlon which has now become my ultimate goal (it's in the distant future just now). I've joined the Mentor Program to get some help and advice.FAMILY STATUS: Married, no children. CURRENT TRAINING: 2-3 hill runs per week. My plan is, once I can do my current route with ease I will then start to swim once and cycle once per week.2012 RACES: /2013 RACES: Lots of hill races where I live, I've not set a goal yet.WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: I'm not too bothered. Need to lose about 20lbs.GOALS: My ultimate goal is to run a local Ironman in 2014. Also, I'm sorry I can't figure out how to make paragraphs work :(

Edited by Quintillion 2013-01-04 1:05 PM

2013-01-04 1:26 PM
in reply to: #4561652

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - OPEN!

Great to have you Brad!

Wow a 20:xx pushing a stroller is hardcore! It too me forever to be able to push MYSELF to do that!

2013-01-04 1:29 PM
in reply to: #4561732

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - OPEN!

WakeySue - 2013-01-04 10:19 AM Can I join please? Had a couple of years of indoor swim sprints. Trying to get my head around front crawl and  generally improve so I can hit The Vitruvian in August :-)


Hey Sue, you're welcome to join! Please fill out the little info thing though so we know a bit about you!

2013-01-04 1:32 PM
in reply to: #4561873

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - OPEN!

Welcome in Sharon!

Sadly most of our group rides here lately have been inside, but I think we'll convince Mike to get outside again soon.

B2B is supposed to be an amazing race! That'll be awesome.

2013-01-04 1:36 PM
in reply to: #4562223

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - OPEN!

Keiran, welcome to the group! I came from bodybuilding myself (seems like forever ago now) I remember thinking I was in amazing shape...signed up for my first 5k and had to walk part of it Embarassed


Take it easy and build up slowly, you've got plenty of time to get ready for an IM in 2014!

2013-01-04 1:43 PM
in reply to: #4561777

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - OPEN!
jonD81 - 2013-01-04 10:37 AM
Clempson - 2013-01-04 9:23 AM

well if you are going to buy one, this time of year is pretty good since last years models are all on sale.  have you thought about clip on aero bars on a road bike?  having a TT bike is great, but i prefer to do almost all my training on my road bike.  also don't let the bad experience with the used scott scare you away from scott bikes; i have a plasma and love it.

Out of curiosity, why do you do your training on your road bike and not your TT bike?  Assuming you have both, at least it sounded that way.  It's not the first time I've heard that either.  I can see if you're in a relatively busy area riding that you'd want a road bike, but I guess I'd want to train on the bike I'd be riding in my races more than anything else, be used to aero position and handling, etc.

I'm open to any brand really, as long as it fits and at 6'6" I'm at the higher end of every manf generic sizing chart, so just getting a large enough frame will be a challenge, then the actual fitting.

While I normally don't like to suggest online "fits" - the fit calculator *can* be a useful tool to give you something to look at before you go to the shop. It doesn't give your stack/reach numbers though, which is what most people need to have when buying a tri bike.  Also remember that sizes aren't uniform between brands... a 54 trek and a 54 felt fit very differently.  (I think they make it confusing on purpose)


I too do 90% or more of my riding on my road bike. Once I "learned" to handle my tri bike, I can get back on it and feel perfectly comfortable even after being off it for extended periods.

When I have a 1/2 or up coming up, I do start doing more time on my tri bike to toughen my neck up (my position is pretty aggressive though)

2013-01-04 3:37 PM
in reply to: #4560894

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Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - OPEN!
Leegoocrap - 2013-01-03 4:54 PM
mndymond - 2013-01-03 4:47 PM


2013 RACES: Hyundai Run for Hope (5k), New Orleans Rock and Roll Half Marathon, California 70.3--March 2013, DC NWM (half)--April, Hawaii 70.3--June 2013, IM France--June 2013. My big A race will be IM France. I'm heading off to Kona prior to the HIM for my last heavy training block before France. I think right now I am aiming for a sub 13hr.



I am extremely Jealous of all this! That sounds like an AWESOME race schedule!

Ya I'm pretty excited about it! Prob the only time that will happen! Haha.
2013-01-04 7:40 PM
in reply to: #4549367


Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - OPEN!

Hi Chris, I'm interested in joining your mentor group 

NAME:  Kevin

STORY: I am 29 years old, 6'4 195lb.  I'm in the gym at least 5 days a week, mostly weight training.  I want to start getting away from weights and start working on endurance training.


CURRENT TRAINING: I weight train 3-4 days per week, and run/bike at least 2 days.  I also play basketball usually once per week.

2012 RACES: None

2013 RACES: I'd like to do a few shorter races, 5k or 10k, during the first half of the year and then work towards a triathlon, possibly a 70.3 in Sept.

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS:  Losing weight is not a high priority for me, but I would like to get a little leaner.  185 is probably the lightest I'd like to be.

GOALS: The ultimate goal is the 70.3 in Sept.  Until then I would like to work on my running and swimming form.  Also, consistently run further distances with faster times. 



2013-01-04 9:04 PM
in reply to: #4549367

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - OPEN!
Anyone else put in any work tonight?  I traded my swim for a 30 minute trainer ride tonight since the pool is crowded on Friday nights and my trainer is never crowded.  I refuse to keep putting off the swim though so I'm hitting lap swim at 6am tomorrow and ironically bringing my son (18 months) to his swim class at 9am.  Lots of pool for me tomorrow.
2013-01-04 9:23 PM
in reply to: #4562981

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - OPEN!

I ran around noon today, had to work this afternoon and didnt know when I would get home and plus my wife wanted to go run as soon as I got home so I wanted to get my workout in this morning. 

Did a nice 4.5 mile on blah blah treadmill

2013-01-04 9:48 PM
in reply to: #4549367

Columbus, OH
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - OPEN!
Got up early and got my swim in today. It's nice to be done on a friday, altho it puts me in bed by 10pm on a weekend night (Party animal!!!). Since swimming is my weak link I'm determined to start swimming 3x a week.... We'll see though. To branch off on the earlier discussion I spent my evening previewing some new entry level bikes. Some that have caught my interest are Fuji Roubaix 2.0, Giant Defy 2, and Felt Z85. Felt is about $300 more with upgraded 105 components, is that worth the cost compared to Tiagra? Any other suggestions or where to look?

2013-01-04 10:10 PM
in reply to: #4549367

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Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - OPEN!
I did a Sufferfest Angels on the trainer this morning. Only the second ride for awhile and I think that while my FTP still seems where it was, I may have lost some VO2max, is that possible. Anyway, I'll try to get in a ride tomorrow and maybe a ride and run on Sunday. I gotta start swimming again next week though, really...
2013-01-04 10:39 PM
in reply to: #4549367

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - OPEN!

Thirty Minute Trainer Ride tonight.  Just trying to get use to doing something every day, instead of the old here and there plan I've had.

Cwlodyka - I can not respond to all of your bike choices but can for one. I have a Giant Defy 2 Compact and have for over two years now.  I have put over 1500 miles on it and have had exactly zero problems with it.  In my opinion it has been a great bike for the $1,100 I spent on it.  I have Tiagra Components and have had no problems with them.  You may been in a hiller location than me, which is where those higher dollars components truly show their value.  Just my .02 but the Defy has been a great bike for me.  I will tell you one thing for certain though:  find almost every bike in your price range and with the components you want (usually dollars make that decision for you like carbon or aluminum) and ride every single one of them, don't think about brand or color, just what feels best for you when you ride it.

2013-01-05 4:36 AM
in reply to: #4562905

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - OPEN!

Welcome in Kevin!


Most people have to drop some (sometimes a lot) of strength training to fit in the runs/rides/swims they need. That said, no need to drop it all.  I think just adding more cardio you'll lose most of the weight without even "trying." A 70.3 is definitely possible later in the year! Any idea's which one it's going to be?

2013-01-05 4:39 AM
in reply to: #4549367

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - OPEN!
I got a 6 mile run and an hour bike ride in last night. Our LBS is doing some indoor trainer sessions now that it's cold, they're some TOUGH rides.
2013-01-05 4:41 AM
in reply to: #4549367

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - OPEN!

We're still open to two or three more people!

2013-01-05 6:59 AM
in reply to: #4549367

Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - OPEN!
I had planned to go running today but the bone at the top of my foot is killing me, I've already been out and about this morning and every step is agony...
2013-01-05 7:34 AM
in reply to: #4549367

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Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - OPEN!
I had to go into work this morning, but got a nice run in before. Well as nice as a run can be on the treadmill. When I get home today I plan on getting the trainers out. I need to build up the trainer time slowly, so I think I will try to get in at least two 20 minutes rides this week and then build from there. My GF is not a big fna of indoor riding so it could be tough, just need to find the right thing to get on netflix for her.

Seems like we have branched out a little from the OH and KY peeps. I hope everyone had a great holiday season and is excited as I am to help us all through this journey this year.
2013-01-05 8:58 AM
in reply to: #4549367

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - OPEN!

Yeah I need to stop using my trainer as a clothes rack,  I seem to always just want to ride the spin bikes at the REC center.  and having a 4 month old seem like some of the only time I can ride it is when he is asleep and the trainer is in the same part of the house as his bedroom so I dont dare wake him up.

Gonna go swim today hopefully I can do 1000 yds or so,  gonna hurt im afraid.  I have only swam once since my last tri in July.



2013-01-05 9:22 AM
in reply to: #4549367

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Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - OPEN!
Did an hour Sufferfest (Downward Spiral) on the trainer this morning before the DS woke up. Fisrt time I did that particular ride and have to admit I definitely like the 'hills' of Angels better. I'm not so sure about my hopothesis of dropping VO2max but the longer the interval the more I fell off target in the last :30 anything above 1:30 and I couldn't make it to the end. But I finished as best I could and that's what counts...

just my .02 but I recently got refitted on my road bike, never getting more than an eyeball fit from the LBS that sold me the bike. It was a Retul fit, I highly recommend using that fit system, see if anyone in your area uses it because the new guru fit system will tell you exactly what bike will fit you out of the box or what changes you'll have to make on the bike you want to make it fit. I found out that from the crank back my bike fits perfectly but the geometry is causing problems forward, making me stretch, new short and shallow handlebar and a new shorter stem and I'm as close as I can get on this bike but my hands aren't falling asleep as much and the shoulder spasm that creeps up after long rides is totally gone. The best bike isn't necessarily the lightest or have the best componetry, it is the one that fits you and is comfortable to ride...
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