BT Development Mentor Program Archives » RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-01-02 4:17 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - OPEN

Hi!  Would love to join this mentor group if you'll have me!!

NAME: Kristen/kpringle

STORY: 38 years old.  At home with kids now, but worked in public health for many years pre-kids.  Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 9.  Always active - played tennis and soccer through high school.  This will be my third tri season.  Always wanted to do a triathlon and there's a sprint tri in the next town over where funds go toward juvenile diabetes research, so I signed up and raced it in 2011.  I have since done 6 more tris - all sprints.  And have done 2 half marathons - 10/11 and 3/12.  This upcoming season, I hope to complete my first Oly distance tri.  Then maybe HIM in 2014???  Trying to find the time to train for those longer distances with young children is a challenge!  Did very little running this past season (except when racing) due to stress fracture in my shin.  I'm 99.9% that it is now healed and I'm so looking forward to the HM race in March!!  I really missed running while resting my shin these past few months.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 3 kids (3, 4 and 6) and a dog.

CURRENT TRAINING: Just began training for half marathon.  Using one of Hal Higdon's plans.  HM is in March.  So training is more running-focused right now.  Bike 2x week (either on trainer or spin class).  Rejoining masters swim in a few weeks - meets 2x/week.  Swimming is typically my strongest leg.  Really hoping to see gains in run and bike this year.

2013 RACES: HM in March, 2-3 sprints, 1 Oly and another HM in September.

WEIGHTLOSS: I have been the same weight forever (aside from pregnancies)!  Looking for weight loss breakthrough without resorting to tummy tuck, haha - hoping to lose 15 lbs.  I'm 5'7" and a solid 160 lbs. - in my mind, it's "all muscle". ;p

WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR OUT OF THIS GROUP: accountability, motivation, support and FUN!!


Edited by kpringle 2013-01-02 4:19 PM

2013-01-02 4:49 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Ok - so Aodhan and Kristen make it official and we now have Team RFP 2013!  Welcome!

This is what I have as group so far - please let me know if I am missing someone:

1. tmoran80 - Tim
2.IceManScott - Scott
3.Jennifers - Jenny
4.KTC - Kathy
5.kcgolf - KC
6.gdelamora - Gil
7.baelliot - Barry
8.Meganb77 - Megan
9.t-royboy -Troy
12.tkaufmann60 - Tim
13.LDC - Dennis
14.bobbon2252 - Bonnie
15.Spudlander - Aodhan
16. kpringle - Kristen


2013-01-02 5:39 PM
in reply to: #4555584

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - OPEN

Hey Team.

Gil - hang in there with the swimming and ask anything you want. I just started swimming just over two years ago and I have lamented my technique in many posts to this group and they have all been very supportive. I also decided to stick with breathing to just one side and did that for about a year and a half. It was only after I compteded IM NYC that I have now dedicated my practice time to breathing on both sides. I will let you know how it goes.


gdelamora - 2012-12-31 5:19 PM

Hey Tim,

I can see that I have gotten much better when I'm in the pool training or doing a workout. In the oth sides. I am fine nowbreathing every stroke and sticking to one side which has helped me improve my technique with the freestyle stroke.

Not exactly where I need to be when it comes racing. This is where I struggle. I can't seem to get out of the panic stage during a race so my breathing is out of whack and so is my technique. I have a hard time keeping my head in the water which slows me down and makes me feel like reaching for the life guard.

Currently I swim at least twice a week but when I train I get to the pool at least 3 times a week. I try to complete 1000yds per swim now. I can average 1min to 1 min 10 sec. per 50yds. which puts me over 2 mins per 100yds. When I'm focused I can keep this pace up well. During a race a fall apart during the swim and it turns out to be a survival episode.

2013-01-02 5:43 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Extreme Veteran
North Shore, MA.
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Blimey, how did I miss this!Room for a little one??
2013-01-02 5:47 PM
in reply to: #4558758

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hi Cheeky - you are in and welcome back.


cheekymonkeys1 - 2013-01-02 6:43 PM Blimey, how did I miss this!Room for a little one??

2013-01-02 5:48 PM
in reply to: #4558692

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hi Tim.

I see Cheekymonkey Deb is here - awesome - add her to our list and I wonder if Sarah will be joining us?


tmoran80 - 2013-01-02 5:49 PM

Ok - so Aodhan and Kristen make it official and we now have Team RFP 2013!  Welcome!

This is what I have as group so far - please let me know if I am missing someone:

1. tmoran80 - Tim
2.IceManScott - Scott
3.Jennifers - Jenny
4.KTC - Kathy
5.kcgolf - KC
6.gdelamora - Gil
7.baelliot - Barry
8.Meganb77 - Megan
9.t-royboy -Troy
12.tkaufmann60 - Tim
13.LDC - Dennis
14.bobbon2252 - Bonnie
15.Spudlander - Aodhan
16. kpringle - Kristen


2013-01-02 5:56 PM
in reply to: #4558573

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - OPEN

Hi Team.

Tim - very well put Smile

tmoran80 - 2013-01-02 4:50 PM

I think I will take two more new members and then close it up.  

I think we have a really good group going here and all the new members seem to be really solid and focused.  After doing this for a couple years I find these mentoring groups seem to fade a little as time goes on and I can usually tell who that will be but I am not seeing that this year so I am getting excited!

If you have not been part of a mentoring group before here are a couple things to keep in mind:

  • Don't feel that you need to be part of EVERY conversation EVERY day.  Life happens - especially since we all have priorities outside of triathlon.  So if you miss a few days don't stress and feel like you need to spend the weekend catching up and reading posts.  Just jump in and we will fill you in if you missed something.
  • One way for us to remain accountable to each other is to make sure you update your training log.  I have made this almost a daily ritual and try to log after the workout while it is still fresh in my head.  it also helps to keep yourself accountable!  I find that if I skip a workout I feel worse about it the next day when I am logging that days workout and notice how I slacked the day before.  If you need help with the log let me know.
  • Once a week you should take a few minutes and just check up on the other members and see how their workouts are going.  You will notice an "INSPIRE" button on everyone's log for each day.  If you get a chance just drop a note to let the other member that they are doing awesome or "great job on that swim", etc...  You can also leave the "Are you still alive?" inspire if you see no workouts logged for a few days Laughing.  Trust me it can make your day to get a great inspire after you know you busted your butt on a workout and that someone is actually keeping tabs and appreciating that hard work.
  • If you are having issues - let us know.  I am probably more open on these forums then most so you might hear some stuff not triathlon related but at the end of the day stuff going on in our lives affects our training so in order for us to help you sometimes need to let us know what is going on.  Also, don't ever feel that because you haven't worked out for a week or two because of stuff going on that you can't come by anymore.  If you feel yourself slacking or dropping off - let us know and we will try to help. That is why you joined this group!
  • There are no stupid questions.
  • Have fun - that is why we do this.
  • and finally... never wear red bike shorts.
This is a great group and hopefully you will get the same experience out of it that I do every year.  Over the past four years I have made great friends from these mentor groups and I look forward to another great season.
2013-01-02 5:58 PM
in reply to: #4558692

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

I will facebook Simone as well.


tmoran80 - 2013-01-02 5:49 PM

Ok - so Aodhan and Kristen make it official and we now have Team RFP 2013!  Welcome!

This is what I have as group so far - please let me know if I am missing someone:

1. tmoran80 - Tim
2.IceManScott - Scott
3.Jennifers - Jenny
4.KTC - Kathy
5.kcgolf - KC
6.gdelamora - Gil
7.baelliot - Barry
8.Meganb77 - Megan
9.t-royboy -Troy
12.tkaufmann60 - Tim
13.LDC - Dennis
14.bobbon2252 - Bonnie
15.Spudlander - Aodhan
16. kpringle - Kristen


2013-01-02 6:08 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Extreme Veteran
North Shore, MA.
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Name: Deb / Cheeky Monkey

Story:  I moved from the UK to the US in 2005, and gained 38lbs in about 14 months. I ended up back on antidepressants and in dire need of 'something' to kick start me. I actually was inspired to try a triathlon by watching the contestants on The Biggest Loser - I figured it looked like fun.

I finished my first race about 5 years ago and it was a complete disaster, so that was the end of tri for me. Then, I moved to a new town, met some training buddies at the new gym, and gave it another shot. It went SO much better and I gained confidence. I have been doing something tri related ever since. To date, I have completed 1 marathon, 1 HIM, 1 Aquabike Half, 3 HM's, and too many sprints to count.

Around the same time I finished my second tri, I went to Lake Placid to watch the Ironman. I came away completely and utterly horrified: I was totally convinced they were all absolutely certifiable. The following year we went up again, and I was captivated. I still thought them all a bit mad, but I was intrigued and the seed was planted. I kept thinking about it during the year, but mentioned it to only one friend. The following year I went knowing I wanted to do it. This year I was a finish line catcher and one of the first few in line for sign ups.

My time management skills will be put to the test this year, as I am also in school p/t.

Family Status: Married with 2 kids (18 & 19)Hubby is awesome and frequently drives all over the place to come to races with me, drives courses of races I 'might' want to do, shleps my stuff, and puts up with me waking him up at stupid hours in the mornings as I scrape around for my gear.

The kids just think 'Mum's gone a bit bonkers'.

Current Training: I started my Lake Placid training plan this past Monday. Cycling 3x's, running 3x's, swimming 2x's. Plus strength 2 x's.

2012 Races: Lake Placid Marathon, Lake George Half Marathon, Whaling city Tri, Pumpkinman AB.

Planned 2013 Races:

Hampton Half marathon - Feb

Ironman Lake Placid - July

+ a HIM. I am undecided on which one yet, but at the moment REV3 Quassy is looking likely, though I'm a little scared of it lol

+ a few other sprints if my body and my budget can handle it.

Weightloss:This is one of my biggest issues.  When I moved to the Us I was 150 ish, soon after I was 188. After some crazy dieting (1000 cal per day) I finally got my weight back to 156. Then I started training for a HM & straight after that, a HIM. I went back up to 177 ish. I switched to a plant based diet this fall and am now hovering in the low 160's, but I would love to keep trying to get down to 146 ish. I struggle with this no end. I am SO sick of people telling me "calories in Vs. Calories out" it just doesn't seem to work for me. I can run deficits and still gain weight.  I am SO, so frustrated by this.

WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR OUT OF THIS GROUP: The same thing I've had for the last few years: support, encouragement, advice and humor. This truly is a fantastic group, I'm so happy to be back in with you all again.


Edited by cheekymonkeys1 2013-01-02 6:11 PM
2013-01-02 6:18 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hey Team.

One last post for a bit - just wanted to welcome all the new members.

Pierce - nict to meet you.

Lori - welcome aboard

Tim - the other Tim you are going to be an ironman and we are going to get you there my friend.

Dennis - welcome and I look forward to meeting you in Muncie.

Bonnie - welcom aboard.

Aodham - 1st, cool name, 2nd, welcome all the way from Ireland.

Kristen - thanks for joining us.

Deb - welcome back.

OK everyone - swam this morning, was hoping to do a trainer ride tonight but will have to miss it, I have a couple of deadlines approaching at work (semester starts up next Monday) and I have some work to do!

FYI - for those new members, as all the old members can confirm, I have not been swimming long and have always been interested in Total Immersion so I decided to sign up for a TI weekend this Saturday and Sunday in Toronto - a bit pricy but WTF, I am all in now - might as well keep spending LOL. Anyone else in here done any TI stuff? I know KTC has. I will keep you all posted from Toronto and as I have been prone to do before, I will probably post my vids to Youtube and force you all to watch them. Don't worry - no skimpy red speedo

I don't want Tim posting my pic again with my Polish synchronized swim team in our red speedos, the bike short pic was enough

Have a great night team.


Tim - perhaps the new team needs a dose of the red bike shorts to get 2013 stated off right and some left Embarassed lol.

2013-01-02 6:19 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Oh one more thing - Tim can you put together your magic team list for us to use again? Thanks.


2013-01-02 6:33 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Extreme Veteran
North Shore, MA.
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

45 mins on the Computrainer this morning, including a 30 min TT.

I nearly lost my breakfast with that one. Hopefully I will have some good base numbers to go on.

2013-01-02 6:40 PM
in reply to: #4558793

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Welcome back Cheeky.

Can't wait to see you cross the line in LP. As you know, I am hoping to be there as a Vol this year so I can sign up for next.


cheekymonkeys1 - 2013-01-02 7:08 PM

Name: Deb / Cheeky Monkey

Story:  I moved from the UK to the US in 2005, and gained 38lbs in about 14 months. I ended up back on antidepressants and in dire need of 'something' to kick start me. I actually was inspired to try a triathlon by watching the contestants on The Biggest Loser - I figured it looked like fun.

I finished my first race about 5 years ago and it was a complete disaster, so that was the end of tri for me. Then, I moved to a new town, met some training buddies at the new gym, and gave it another shot. It went SO much better and I gained confidence. I have been doing something tri related ever since. To date, I have completed 1 marathon, 1 HIM, 1 Aquabike Half, 3 HM's, and too many sprints to count.

Around the same time I finished my second tri, I went to Lake Placid to watch the Ironman. I came away completely and utterly horrified: I was totally convinced they were all absolutely certifiable. The following year we went up again, and I was captivated. I still thought them all a bit mad, but I was intrigued and the seed was planted. I kept thinking about it during the year, but mentioned it to only one friend. The following year I went knowing I wanted to do it. This year I was a finish line catcher and one of the first few in line for sign ups.

My time management skills will be put to the test this year, as I am also in school p/t.

Family Status: Married with 2 kids (18 & 19)Hubby is awesome and frequently drives all over the place to come to races with me, drives courses of races I 'might' want to do, shleps my stuff, and puts up with me waking him up at stupid hours in the mornings as I scrape around for my gear.

The kids just think 'Mum's gone a bit bonkers'.

Current Training: I started my Lake Placid training plan this past Monday. Cycling 3x's, running 3x's, swimming 2x's. Plus strength 2 x's.

2012 Races: Lake Placid Marathon, Lake George Half Marathon, Whaling city Tri, Pumpkinman AB.

Planned 2013 Races:

Hampton Half marathon - Feb

Ironman Lake Placid - July

+ a HIM. I am undecided on which one yet, but at the moment REV3 Quassy is looking likely, though I'm a little scared of it lol

+ a few other sprints if my body and my budget can handle it.

Weightloss:This is one of my biggest issues.  When I moved to the Us I was 150 ish, soon after I was 188. After some crazy dieting (1000 cal per day) I finally got my weight back to 156. Then I started training for a HM & straight after that, a HIM. I went back up to 177 ish. I switched to a plant based diet this fall and am now hovering in the low 160's, but I would love to keep trying to get down to 146 ish. I struggle with this no end. I am SO sick of people telling me "calories in Vs. Calories out" it just doesn't seem to work for me. I can run deficits and still gain weight.  I am SO, so frustrated by this.

WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR OUT OF THIS GROUP: The same thing I've had for the last few years: support, encouragement, advice and humor. This truly is a fantastic group, I'm so happy to be back in with you all again.


2013-01-02 6:48 PM
in reply to: #4558692

Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

looks like I got left off. 


- David

2013-01-02 6:58 PM
in reply to: #4558853

User image

\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

No worries David. I am sure it was just a small miss by Tim. You are in - whether you like it or not lol.

BTW - sucks about your pool - is it going to reopen?


dcolman - 2013-01-02 7:48 PM

looks like I got left off. 


- David

Edited by kcgolf 2013-01-02 7:02 PM
2013-01-02 6:59 PM
in reply to: #4550197

User image

South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Deb, I see that you're on the North Shore! I live on the South Shore in Hingham.  We're practically neighbors, ha!  I have raced with some of your Tri Fury teammates in the past.  What a great team!  I'm a member of Baystate Tri.

Regarding total immersion swimming, one swim instructor I had a couple of years back when I was just starting with tris taught total immersion technique and strongly recommended it.  I actually prefer it, especially for longer distances.  I have had 2 other masters coaches since then, who do not buy in to TI...  I get such mixed messages depending on who I ask!!  But I tend to use it because it helps me conserve leg energy for the bike and run.  Curious to see what others have to say and whether others use it...

2013-01-02 7:04 PM
in reply to: #4550197

Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Not sure, depends who you ask. Truth is, it was a short course pool and I was looking to upgrade but was a bit lazy to drive further or get up earlier. I may need to start actually doing that in a few weeks. 
2013-01-02 7:05 PM
in reply to: #4558853

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Sorry David Surprised- I was trying to keep a running list - I also noticed I didn't have Jen on there! That is why I post it before I make the list with links!

Also - it is a running rule in this group that you are welcome back at ANY time/ANY year haha. I figured that Deb, Simone, and Sarah would join back at some time.  Have not heard from Brian in a while?

Here is the list!

1. tmoran80 - Tim
2.IceManScott - Scott
3.Jennifers - Jenny
4. WillTriForBeer- Jen
5.KTC - Kathy
6.kcgolf - KC
7. cheekymonkeys1- Deb
8.gdelamora - Gil
9.baelliot - Barry
10.Meganb77 - Megan
11.t-royboy -Troy
14.tkaufmann60 - Tim
15.LDC - Dennis
16.bobbon2252 - Bonnie
17.Spudlander - Aodhan
18. kpringle - Kristen
19. dcoleman - David
Hopefully that is everyone - I will make the hyperlink list and post it tonight.


dcolman - 2013-01-02 6:48 PM

looks like I got left off. 


- David

Edited by tmoran80 2013-01-02 7:20 PM
2013-01-02 7:48 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Extreme Veteran
North Shore, MA.
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
KC I am so psyched that you're coming to LP!! Did you decide which volunteer spot you will shoot for yet?
2013-01-02 7:52 PM
in reply to: #4558871

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Extreme Veteran
North Shore, MA.
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
I know Hingham. Well, not exactly, but one of my good friends grew up there. I see the Baystaters at practically every race I've ever done. Man, there's a lot of you guys!Which races are you looking at for the coming year?
kpringle - 2013-01-02 7:59 PM

Deb, I see that you're on the North Shore! I live on the South Shore in Hingham.  We're practically neighbors, ha!  I have raced with some of your Tri Fury teammates in the past.  What a great team!  I'm a member of Baystate Tri.

Regarding total immersion swimming, one swim instructor I had a couple of years back when I was just starting with tris taught total immersion technique and strongly recommended it.  I actually prefer it, especially for longer distances.  I have had 2 other masters coaches since then, who do not buy in to TI...  I get such mixed messages depending on who I ask!!  But I tend to use it because it helps me conserve leg energy for the bike and run.  Curious to see what others have to say and whether others use it...

2013-01-02 8:56 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED


Edited by tmoran80 2013-01-02 9:45 PM

2013-01-02 9:30 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hey gang, I'm back again if you'll have me!! (sorry bit behind the eight ball down here!)

2013-01-02 9:44 PM
in reply to: #4559038

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
tmoran80 - 2013-01-02 8:56 PM

Ok - here is the official list.   If you haven't done this before here is what you need to do:


  1. Hit "QUOTE" from this post and then select and highlight the box with the names.  Copy this (CTRL C)
  2. Go to your training blog home page
  3. Click "EDIT"
  4. When you see the flashing cursor in the box - paste the copied box in there (CTRL V)
  5. Click "OK"
  6. Test the links to make sure that they are working.  As usual if they don't work please complain to KC.


******COPY CODE BELOW*****



tmoran80 - tim
kcgolf - Kevin
IceManScott - Scott
cheekymonkeys1- Deb
krazytallchick - Kathy
WillTriForBeer - Jen
gdelamora - Gil
baelliot - Barry
meganb77 - Megan
t-royboy - Troy
phishinphan - Pierce
retiretotri - Lori
tkaufmann60 - Tim
LDC - Dennis
bonbon2252 - Bonnie
Spudlander - Aodhan
kpringle - Kristen
dcolman - David
kruzmeister - Simone



****END COPY*****

Edited by tmoran80 2013-01-03 9:00 AM
2013-01-02 9:46 PM
in reply to: #4559080

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Simone - good timing!  I was just doing the list so I added you on.  When you get a chance add you info for the new members.

kruzmeister - 2013-01-02 9:30 PM

Hey gang, I'm back again if you'll have me!! (sorry bit behind the eight ball down here!)

2013-01-02 11:00 PM
in reply to: #4559094

User image

Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Awesome thanks Tim! Welcome to the new members and hello again to all my northern hemisphere Team mates! :D

Here's the blurb on me...

NAME: Simone

STORY: I live in Bendigo, Australia. My life is like a hollywood movie script gone wrong, haha, but I wont bore you all. Suffice is to say I was a cop for 12 years (resigned 11 years ago), I've been involved in martial arts (Taekwondo) for over 30 years, competed nationally and internationally and was an instructor, so have always been pretty fit. Due to being diagnosed with bipolar six years ago I had to give it up and as my confidence went down my weight sored. I've struggled quite a bit over the last decade with my personal life and finally last year, said enough and am happy to say now that I am balanced on medication with an awesome team of caring professionals behind me. Life is great now where it once was sh*t and triathlon has a lot to do with that cause it has helped focus me again and given me a reason to get up in the morning and strive for something.

FAMILY STATUS: Single, no kids

CURRENT TRAINING: I was a bit slack over winter and I am only now starting to pick up my fitness again. Trying to fit in at least 2x swim, 2x run, 2x bike each week as a bare minimum. I also train weights twice a week and do a PT session with my trainer on Mondays. Once my entry to my first HIM is locked in at the end of Jan, I'll either sign up for an online coach or get coaching locally.

2013 RACES: I have a couple of sprint races from my club coming up in Feb & March and hopefully a Half Marathon in June. My A race this year will be Shepparton 70.3, my first HIM, but my main goal is IM Australia 2014.

WEIGHTLOSS: My weight spiralled out of control when I stopped competing in TKD. I went from 115lb to 180lb in the space of 8 months and lost about 22lb through training, but thanks to binge eating brought on by the depression it went up and down like a yo-yo. When I started on meds my pdoc told me that one of the side effects was weight gain (oh great!) and when I put on another 16lb in 9 weeks I gave myself a kick in the pants and knew I had to do something. I've since been doing the Whole30 Program (which is based on paleo eating) and it has done wonders. I haven't binged in 4 weeks (new record for me!) and I've lost 13lb in 3 weeks. I feel so much more in control of my diet now, am never hungry, no sugar cravings that I can't fight and I'm running and riding faster. I'm a total convert to the paleo lifestyle now. I'm currently 156lb but would like to get back down to 120lb as my race weight.

WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR OUT OF THIS GROUP: I think as everyone else has said, friendship, a place to laugh with like minded individuals, accountability, a kick in the pants when I need it and now my illness is under control there are no excuses *gulp* haha! Also there are so many great peeps here who I have so much respect for and so much to learn from. I look forward to being a part of this wonderful team for another year!


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