BT Development Mentor Program Archives » mcgilmartin's 2013 Mentor Group~ let's get swimming! CLOSED FOR TRAINING Rss Feed  
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2013-01-04 7:55 AM
in reply to: #4552506

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: mcgilmartin's 2013 Mentor Group~ let's get swimming! OPEN

I'd like to join the group - I'll have time to post a proper intro and bio later today or tomorrow.


2013-01-04 9:13 AM
in reply to: #4552506

Subject: RE: mcgilmartin's 2013 Mentor Group~ let's get swimming! OPEN
Hello I'd like to join your group.  It doesn't say closed even though you have a fair amount of people in it.  Let me know if you're too crowded. 
2013-01-04 9:35 AM
in reply to: #4552506

New user

Subject: RE: mcgilmartin's 2013 Mentor Group~ let's get swimming! OPEN

I'm interested in joining in here as well if there's space.   I'm very new to the triathlon world, and would love to get some feedback as I'm prepping myself this year.   My story.. well, I'm also a single dad, 37, with a 5 yr old boy, who was your classic couch potato.  Two years ago I was pretty overweight and extremely inactive.  I dropped about 80 lbs, and ran a lot of 5k, 10k's, and obstacle runs over the last 16 months.   I'm always looking for a new challenge to keep myself motivated and some coworkers suggested triathlon.  I'm signed up for a sprint, and am targeting an olympic distance later in 2013.

Biking and swimming are both new for me, until a couple months ago I don't think I've swum laps since HS gym class, and aside from some occasional mountain biking, haven't been on a road bike since about the same time.  

2013-01-04 9:50 AM
in reply to: #4552506

Subject: RE: mcgilmartin's 2013 Mentor Group~ let's get swimming! OPEN

Here are my stats for your review assuming you can squeeze me in the group.

Name: Richard Reith

Location: I live in Washington State in a very small town.

Story:  I made the mistake of spending two weeks in Kona back in 2010.  My time there reawakened my childhood desire to be an Ironman.  Adding to that I was already beginning to feel like I was wasting my gift of a healthy body by not being an athlete. I started learning about Tri's and figured the run was a good place to start especially since I don't own a bike and never really liked biking anyway(or running for that matter).   Spring of 2011 I ran the Rock n Roll Seattle half.  They gave me a medal, lots of food and 26,000 people showed up to run with me.  I felt pretty special and was hooked.  Then not knowing any better I figured why not a full.  Fall of 11 was the Portland OR full where I finished but learned what an IT band was and how it creates a shooting pain in your knee very effectively.  ART treatment fixed the IT band and got me to the Seattle half marathon in November.  2012 I thought "why not" to the idea of running a half or full a month for the year.  I started with a half that ran into Seattle and only cost $10 (Tukwila to Alki).  Then another local half in February (Geoduck Gallop).  All according to my training plan for Rock n Roll DC in March.  After that I started to think "hmmm 12 in 12 months for my second year of running. Maybe not such a good idea".  I took April off until I won a free entry into the Eugene Oregon marathon 5 days before the race.  Well they were going to give me a free t-shirt and another medal so I said "okay".  Painful is all I have to say about that.  May brought the Portland Rock n Roll half and a new PR for me.  June brought a calf strain.  A two mile "easy" run 4 days before the Rock n Roll Seattle full, when I had been resting and tapering for two weeks already, was when it happened.  I still finished the full but needed to let my calf heal which took most of the summer.  I helped a friend out by walking the Portland Marathon with him in October.  Since then I haven't been racing. 

Family Status: single, own my company and work 12 hr days.    I do have a dog though.

Current Training:  Starting to build my base for this year.  Obviously I have a tendency to go out of the gate quickly so I'm attempting to rein in my ambition.  I've been doing long runs lately and starting to work on core.  Next week comes the pool and more cycling along with weights.  I am most likely going to start an olympic tri plan.

2013 Races:  Not sure how this year will go. Here are the tentative races I've signed up for.

          Tukwila to Alki half....Jan

          Rock n Roll DC full....Mar

          Rock n Roll Portland half...May

          Rock n Roll Seattle full...June

I would like to do two Olympic tri's one in May and one in July and another Oly or Half-iron in September.  The voice in the back of my head says two Olympic tri's in one year is plenty and three would be much better than a half-iron.  The other voice in my head says that I don't even own a bike yet.  And to answer your question I have multiple voices going on up there.  It's like a group run every time I head out. 

Weightloss:  would be nice.   I'm 5'10" and fluctuate between 195-200. 

Goals of this group:  I would like to get a lot better at swimming and have never been in a group setting before. 

Sorry it's so long but that's my story.



2013-01-05 7:16 AM
in reply to: #4552506

Subject: RE: mcgilmartin's 2013 Mentor Group~ let's get swimming! OPEN
Hello! I would also like to join this group if there is still room. My name is Donald and I'm from San Diego but currently live in Japan for work. I'm new to tri's but would really like to get into it for the health and fitness aspect of it. My weakest sport is the swim, so since this group is swim focused, I thought it would be the best fit.

A bit about me, I'm 33 years old, married for just over 10 years, and have a three year old son.

My sole race of 2012 was Bay to Breakers. It was more of a social visit than a physical training event, but it was a fun experience. The costumes people were wearing made that an interesting people watching experience! I wanted to do a local sprint tri, but backed out because I knew I wouldn't be able to finish 500 meters without stopping and going into panic mode. Since then, I've been focusing my training on the swim. I'm averaging about 10km per month, but still struggle. After watching the Terry Laughlin perpetual motion swimming videos, I feel like I've improved slightly, but nowhere near "effortless" swimming. I'm hoping to get some tips from this group and share my experiences along the way. My bike and run also need improvement, but the swim is definitely where I need to focus.

I don't have a set schedule for 2013, but plan on doing 3 sprint tri's and an Olympic later in the season. Depending where I'm at in terms of both fitness and location, I'll sign up for Ironman 70.3 Japan in 2014.

I look forward to this season and working with this group.
2013-01-05 9:35 AM
in reply to: #4552506

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Straight outta Compton
Subject: RE: mcgilmartin's 2013 Mentor Group~ let's get swimming! OPEN

Happy Saturday, everyone!

I had some family obligations yesterday and was offline.  Anyone who has posted about joining to this point, welcome to the group!  I'll get a roster built by tomorrow.  I think we still have about 4 more spaces open, as well.

Feel free to start posting comments, questions, etc.  I'll make sure to answer everyone!  It's going to be a great 2013!

I'm off to do my weekly S/B/R workout.


2013-01-06 7:50 AM
in reply to: #4552506

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Olney, Maryland
Subject: RE: mcgilmartin's 2013 Mentor Group~ let's get swimming! OPEN
Hi Everybody---just wanted to check in to say hi after being offline for a few days while my son and I escaped to San Juan.  It was a great getaway and I am now adding the San Juan 70.3 to my bucket list---what an amazing backdrop for a half ironman!  The hotel we stayed in (Conrad San Juan) is one of the sponsor hotels and it would be the perfect place to call home during the triathlon---comfortable and spacious accommodations, a Starbucks on site (!!!) and many restaurants within walking distance for carb-loading.  I saw the general vicinity where the swim is held and the water was incredibly calm and warm.  I was really struck by how fitness-oriented the town of San Juan seemed to be.  Granted, those training for the 70.3 are probably hitting the peak of their training plan since the race is in March, but everywhere I looked, day and night, I saw people of all ages/ability levels running, swimming, and biking.  I've also never seen such an amazing and impressive assortment of bikes!  I am very inspired to return---this is definitely a destination race to consider.
2013-01-06 8:10 AM
in reply to: #4552506

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Round Rock
Subject: RE: mcgilmartin's 2013 Mentor Group~ let's get swimming! OPEN

Fantastic having so many new folks in the group! I always learn more listening to  others thoughts and questins. Welcome aboard. Mattt does a great job of guiding the group or pointing us to resources as we train and prepare for our races.


Robin that sounds like a wonderful place to do a HIM - I t would be fun to simply go and watch in an environment like that.


2013-01-06 11:21 AM
in reply to: #4552506

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Extreme Veteran
Ogallala, Nebraska
Subject: RE: mcgilmartin's 2013 Mentor Group~ let's get swimming! OPEN

I hope everyone is having a great start to their 2013 year. Mine - not so hot. I didn't run at the Fort Collins New Year 5k  because of the flu. Yesterday we had a local 5k that is part of the Get Fit program. They were the most snow packed and icy roads I have ever ran on. I ended up walking the last mile because I was slipping and sliding and didn't want to risk an injury. I also got to see the results of all of my "carb loading" at the weigh in for the Get Fit program. Needless to say I have a lot of work this spring to get down to what I want to race at.

2013-01-06 11:27 AM
in reply to: #4552506

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Extreme Veteran
Ogallala, Nebraska
Subject: RE: mcgilmartin's 2013 Mentor Group~ let's get swimming! OPEN
TravelJunkie303 - I also did the Seattle Rock and Roll Marathon last year. Wasn't the rain great? My brother wanted me to join him for the Portland half this year but we are doing the Corvallis half in April instead since I have the Colfax marathon in May.
2013-01-06 3:09 PM
in reply to: #4552506

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: mcgilmartin's 2013 Mentor Group~ let's get swimming! OPEN

Time for a proper introduction:

I'm a 45 y.o. male, married almost 13 years, no kids.  This is my fourth year in triathlons.  I got into tri's because I quit smoking and needed a goal to keep myself focused.  So far, so good.

Last year was tough - at the end of 2011 I pulled a hamstring during the Atlantic City half marathon and that screwed everything up for 2012.  It was also my first DNF ever.  I started getting things together last year but I am still trying to get in gear this season.  I have two A goals for this year:  a sub-4 hour marathon in May (Long Island Marathon) and to really nail the AC half marathon.  I haven't set a goal time, but I really want to go below 1:45 if I can.

I hope to do the following races/rides (I haven't checked the calendar, so some probably conflict)

Kings Park 15k
Long Island Marathon
Cow Harbor 10k
Mighty-Man mini-triathlon
Huntington Sprint Tri
Ride to Montauk
New Jersey Gran Fondo
Marcy Mazola 5k

My long term goal is to get my open-water swimming better so that I can comfortably do an Olympic tri.  I've done a few but always feel "bad" about the swim - like it was too much work and too slow.  I know that most of that is not having enough open water swimming under my belt.


2013-01-06 4:37 PM
in reply to: #4552506

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Straight outta Compton
Subject: RE: mcgilmartin's 2013 Mentor Group~ let's get swimming! OPEN

Hi All,

I'm loving the enthusiasm so far!

If you're new to the group, feel free to send me any information privately you are not comfortable sharing with the group (injuries, illnesses, etc) and I can help you out individually if need be.

My returning members know the drill for the start of our season... I like to get everyone's information.  First Name, last initial, where you live (approximately), what your strength and weakness is (i.e. I'm a great swimmer but my running is totally average), and lastly... what your primary goal is.  Last year I put together a spreadsheet of everyone and their goals, and I found it didn't just help me, but everyone knew where everyone else was on the spectrum.  If you want to get me anything, send it on over.  Those of you returning~ I know all of you already  Just send me any updated goals for 2013.... I know we were discussing them, but I want to give you all credit.

2013-01-06 4:48 PM
in reply to: #4564782

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Straight outta Compton
Subject: RE: mcgilmartin's 2013 Mentor Group~ let's get swimming! OPEN
bwingate - 2013-01-06 2:09 PM

Time for a proper introduction:

I'm a 45 y.o. male, married almost 13 years, no kids.  This is my fourth year in triathlons.  I got into tri's because I quit smoking and needed a goal to keep myself focused.  So far, so good.

Last year was tough - at the end of 2011 I pulled a hamstring during the Atlantic City half marathon and that screwed everything up for 2012.  It was also my first DNF ever.  I started getting things together last year but I am still trying to get in gear this season.  I have two A goals for this year:  a sub-4 hour marathon in May (Long Island Marathon) and to really nail the AC half marathon.  I haven't set a goal time, but I really want to go below 1:45 if I can.

I hope to do the following races/rides (I haven't checked the calendar, so some probably conflict)

Kings Park 15k
Long Island Marathon
Cow Harbor 10k
Mighty-Man mini-triathlon
Huntington Sprint Tri
Ride to Montauk
New Jersey Gran Fondo
Marcy Mazola 5k

My long term goal is to get my open-water swimming better so that I can comfortably do an Olympic tri.  I've done a few but always feel "bad" about the swim - like it was too much work and too slow.  I know that most of that is not having enough open water swimming under my belt.


Bruce- welcome!  It sounds like you've got a pretty ambitious plan there with the sub-4 marathon and the sub 1:45 13.1.  What happened on the DNF?  Have you consulted a doctor or physical therapist about the pulled hamstring?  Injuries are the single biggest fear we should all have, and if your mechanics are off (sounds like yours are) you could be looking at long term damage.

2013-01-06 4:56 PM
in reply to: #4564559

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New user
Western North Carolina
Subject: RE: mcgilmartin's 2013 Mentor Group~ let's get swimming! OPEN

Kudos for doing the run, I would be on the couch with hot chocolate Smile


stevesflyshop - 2013-01-05 12:21 PM

I hope everyone is having a great start to their 2013 year. Mine - not so hot. I didn't run at the Fort Collins New Year 5k  because of the flu. Yesterday we had a local 5k that is part of the Get Fit program. They were the most snow packed and icy roads I have ever ran on. I ended up walking the last mile because I was slipping and sliding and didn't want to risk an injury. I also got to see the results of all of my "carb loading" at the weigh in for the Get Fit program. Needless to say I have a lot of work this spring to get down to what I want to race at.

2013-01-06 5:03 PM
in reply to: #4552506

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New user
Western North Carolina
Subject: RE: mcgilmartin's 2013 Mentor Group~ let's get swimming! OPEN
Accomplished my first goal of the year - set up my trainer and had my first ride! No small feat for me Lol I rode for an hour and a half and experimented with it. I'm having trouble figuring out just how much I should be compressing the back tire. Seems like I need to compress it a decent amount to get the right resistance. Also need to figure out how to use the climbing block to simulate bigger hills. And I need to get some DVDs! But otherwise it was really neat to ride my bike in front of the TV watching football. I think I'm hooked.
2013-01-06 5:36 PM
in reply to: #4552506

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Subject: RE: mcgilmartin's 2013 Mentor Group~ let's get swimming! OPEN

Hi Matt,

Do you have room for one more in your group?  Before I send my intro I thought I would ask! Thanks!!

2013-01-06 5:51 PM
in reply to: #4564968

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Straight outta Compton
Subject: RE: mcgilmartin's 2013 Mentor Group~ let's get swimming! OPEN
Pixiedustlady - 2013-01-06 4:36 PM

Hi Matt,

Do you have room for one more in your group?  Before I send my intro I thought I would ask! Thanks!!

Sure, can you tell me a little about yourself and what you're looking for?  I think we have room for about 5 more still.

2013-01-06 6:14 PM
in reply to: #4564933

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Extreme Veteran
Ogallala, Nebraska
Subject: RE: mcgilmartin's 2013 Mentor Group~ let's get swimming! OPEN
Jenheaslip - 2013-01-06 4:03 PMAccomplished my first goal of the year - set up my trainer and had my first ride! No small feat for me Lol I rode for an hour and a half and experimented with it. I'm having trouble figuring out just how much I should be compressing the back tire. Seems like I need to compress it a decent amount to get the right resistance. Also need to figure out how to use the climbing block to simulate bigger hills. And I need to get some DVDs! But otherwise it was really neat to ride my bike in front of the TV watching football. I think I'm hooked.
If I remember right there is a knob on the trainer that adjusts the resistance with like 3 settings. I think you are just supposed to have the tire make contact and the resistance is in the trainer. My wife has a Blackburn trainer and I'll look at hers and see if its different. For my old cyclops, I just make contact. I learned the hard way that too much pressure will create a ton of heat on the tire resulting in wearing it out really quick (it was an old slick that wasn't road worthy).
2013-01-06 6:26 PM
in reply to: #4564975

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Subject: RE: mcgilmartin's 2013 Mentor Group~ let's get swimming! OPEN
mcgilmartin - 2013-01-06 6:51 PM
Pixiedustlady - 2013-01-06 4:36 PM

Hi Matt,

Do you have room for one more in your group?  Before I send my intro I thought I would ask! Thanks!!

Sure, can you tell me a little about yourself and what you're looking for?  I think we have room for about 5 more still.


I have sent you my intro in a private message.  Smile 

2013-01-06 6:46 PM
in reply to: #4552506

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Straight outta Compton
Subject: RE: mcgilmartin's 2013 Mentor Group~ let's get swimming! OPEN
OK, we're currently at 15.  I am willing to take on a few more as I learned that many of you will just listen and learn for the first month or so.
2013-01-06 6:48 PM
in reply to: #4552506

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Straight outta Compton
Subject: RE: mcgilmartin's 2013 Mentor Group~ let's get swimming! OPEN

Current roster.  If I missed you, please let me know.  

NameAgeLocationPrimary GoalOther Information
Matt/mcgilmartin- Mentor!40Chicago, ILMentor all of you, have fun doing it, and keep my own fitness level up!Ask me about yoga and kickboxing
Steve/ Stevesflyshop Nebraska- Near ColoradoRunning man- "A" race is Ironman 70.3 BoulderYear II
Bryan/Katartizo Austin, TXAustin 13.1 in FebuaryYear II
Jen/ Jen Heaslip Western North CarolinaCharlotte 70.3Year II
mmez/ Mariah Germany- military assign.Monster on the bike- wait till she tells you her accomplishments!Year II
Robin/ Robin RN Bethesda, MDMainly running, hopefully a 2013 triathlon tooMarathon Maniac
Kellie/ Kellie 3939Des Moines, IATurning 40, complete a few sprints and an Oly this year 
Mecole (Me)/ Jus_Me DC AreaRecovering from injury, April sprint Tri 
April/ newbie99 Tennessee2 sprints and one Olympic triathlon.Year II
Tom/Touchdown40MichiganWants to become a better swimmer, do a few tri's 
Bryan/blaeiouk45Plano, TXMotivation and accountability (I Love this!) 
Bruce/bwingate45 Injury recovery, wants to become a better swimmer 
Richard/Traveljunkie303 Washington StateRunner, doing a couple tri's this year too 
jgwinn037 Single Dad, needs some motivation and accountability 
Donald/Donor71133Japan3 tri's this year, Ironman 70.3 Japan in 2014 
Darcie/pixiedustlady North CarolinaBecome an effective, confident swimmer, maybe Charlotte 70.3 
Melinda/melindacumming Washington State Year II


2013-01-06 7:39 PM
in reply to: #4552506

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Straight outta Compton
Subject: RE: mcgilmartin's 2013 Mentor Group~ let's get swimming! OPEN
And for those of you that are new here, I like to let everyone know that this group is about QUALITY of the post, not necessarily the QUANTITY of posts. You'll see what I mean soon enough.  Don't be discouraged that your group here only has 1/4 of the posts of other groups. I know for a fact we have a lot of lurkers because the quality of the discussion here.
2013-01-06 7:41 PM
in reply to: #4564933

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: mcgilmartin's 2013 Mentor Group~ let's get swimming! OPEN

Jenheaslip - 2013-01-06 6:03 PM Accomplished my first goal of the year - set up my trainer and had my first ride! No small feat for me Lol I rode for an hour and a half and experimented with it. I'm having trouble figuring out just how much I should be compressing the back tire. Seems like I need to compress it a decent amount to get the right resistance. Also need to figure out how to use the climbing block to simulate bigger hills. And I need to get some DVDs! But otherwise it was really neat to ride my bike in front of the TV watching football. I think I'm hooked.

Good job - setting it up and lasting for 1.5 hours!

If its a basic trainer, you would simulate hills by shifting into a harder gear - I think the block is for keeping the bike level.

I'm about to get my first trainer + Sufferfest videos + Trainer road, and then go and beat the cr@p out of myself.

2013-01-06 7:51 PM
in reply to: #4564916

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: mcgilmartin's 2013 Mentor Group~ let's get swimming! OPEN
mcgilmartin - 2013-01-06 5:48 PM
bwingate - 2013-01-06 2:09 PM

Time for a proper introduction:

I'm a 45 y.o. male, married almost 13 years, no kids.  This is my fourth year in triathlons.  I got into tri's because I quit smoking and needed a goal to keep myself focused.  So far, so good.

Last year was tough - at the end of 2011 I pulled a hamstring during the Atlantic City half marathon and that screwed everything up for 2012.  It was also my first DNF ever.  I started getting things together last year but I am still trying to get in gear this season.  I have two A goals for this year:  a sub-4 hour marathon in May (Long Island Marathon) and to really nail the AC half marathon.  I haven't set a goal time, but I really want to go below 1:45 if I can.

I hope to do the following races/rides (I haven't checked the calendar, so some probably conflict)

Kings Park 15k
Long Island Marathon
Cow Harbor 10k
Mighty-Man mini-triathlon
Huntington Sprint Tri
Ride to Montauk
New Jersey Gran Fondo
Marcy Mazola 5k

My long term goal is to get my open-water swimming better so that I can comfortably do an Olympic tri.  I've done a few but always feel "bad" about the swim - like it was too much work and too slow.  I know that most of that is not having enough open water swimming under my belt.


Bruce- welcome!  It sounds like you've got a pretty ambitious plan there with the sub-4 marathon and the sub 1:45 13.1.  What happened on the DNF?  Have you consulted a doctor or physical therapist about the pulled hamstring?  Injuries are the single biggest fear we should all have, and if your mechanics are off (sounds like yours are) you could be looking at long term damage.

The DNF was a pulled hamstring - ouch.  I basically took 4 months off and then really had trouble getting back into the groove.  I'm not worried about my mechanics - although I am switching over to a more neutral shoe.

The sub-4 hour marathon is probably more ambitious than the 1:45 half, but both should be do-able.  They are actually just slightly faster than my usual times.  I will also have more time for the half. The L.I. Marathon is in May.

2013-01-06 7:59 PM
in reply to: #4565144

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Straight outta Compton
Subject: RE: mcgilmartin's 2013 Mentor Group~ let's get swimming! OPEN
I'm still impressed... did you just quit smoking 4 years ago?  If so, that's kind of remarkable that you run so well.  I figured lung damage from smoking would take longer to overcome.
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