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2013-05-21 12:01 AM
in reply to: ransick

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New user
Melbourne, Australia
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers

Hi Karl and Marcus. Welcome aboard.

On your "getting aero" question I agree with Joe. Practice and more practice. Riding on a trainer is one thing but you also need to get the feel for the road/wind/cars and other cyclists etc... Once you've spent some time on the bars on a trainer, I would try to find a quiet stretch of road (limited traffic, if any) and have a go. You might find your confidence grows really quickly.

I am new to riding on the bars myself, but I love it. I just feel like I'm going faster...!


2013-05-21 9:59 AM
in reply to: Sarah73

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
I wondered where everyone went.... FOUND YA!
Yeah, I kinda missed the whole time to open a new group thang. Opps.

I'll get a new bio up sometime soon. Just wanted to raise my hand and say i'd like to Hash and Mash with y'all again.
2013-05-21 8:10 PM
in reply to: Fresno_Joe

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers
Are you following a specific plan, or planning for a specific race? Or just general training at this point?

My training is not overly focused. It is mostly about keeping active and doing events I enjoy. I at this point in the year am increasing my cycling base miles and doing low mileage runs to not bring in injury. I am ensuring I can complete a Sprint tri comfortably.

I'm noticing a trend of military related races, is that just based on where you live or do you have a military background?

I am DOD civilian so I work with the military every day. I have an AF COL friend that did a race for each service last year. I liked the idea so I am doing that this year. It is easy to do in this area.
2013-05-21 9:35 PM
in reply to: Sarah73

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Colorado Springs, Colorado
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
NAME: iLOVEwaffles (Real name Erik)

STORY: Ever since I was 8 I've been competing in races, be it running/cycling/swimming. I ran track all throughout middle school and high school, I was pretty dedicated doing whatever my coach told me to do, and I got pretty good at it, getting down to 16:10 in the 5k. My dad was a professional cyclist back in the 80s so he got me racing on the velodrome from ages 11-14, I only stuck with that for 3 years because it was an hour drive both ways and I had XC and school to focus on. I started swimming freshman year of high school and continued until my senior year, I wasn't the greatest but I learned how to do freestyle(my kick is still horrendous though, 6 year olds out kick me with a board haha). After high school I went away to college and decided to focus on my academics so I didn't join the cross/track teams here. I finished up with the last of the classes for my math degree, now I'm just student teaching for a semester to get my teaching certification. Now that the hard math stuff out of the way I decided to get serious with the tri-club that I joined freshman year. Before 2012 I had done 2 sprint tris. Once I dedicated myself I completed 2 olympics, and a full ironman. Now I'm focusing mostly on getting fast so I can do well at collegiate nationals!

FAMILY STATUS: Single. 22 (23 in 2 weeks!). No kids. Which means more time to train!

Monday: Recovery Swim
Tuesday: AM-Bike PM-Run
Wednesday: AM-Strength PM-Swim
Thursday: AM-Bike PM-Bike
Friday: Run
Saturday: AM-Swim PM- Run
Sunday: AM-Long bike ride PM- short jog

Grand Rapids Triathlon-2:10
Scarlet and Grey- 2:05
Spartan Spring- Sub 1:00
MiTi Half Iron- 4:30
Conference Champs- Sub 2:00
Purdue Boilermaker- Sub 1:55

Structure- I schedule a lot of workouts, but I don't do anything specific with them. I just push hard through everything.
Nutrition- I used to eat a LOT of carbs(hence my nickname). Not normal amounts, like 7 bowls of cereal a day in addition to waffles/pancackes/pasta. I have been trying to do more of a paleo diet though and I am starting to feel better.

2013-05-21 9:59 PM
in reply to: iLOVEwaffles

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New user
Melbourne, Australia
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open

Welcome, Erik. I bow down to anyone who has completed an event worth the term "iron man" in it. Instant respect. Great to have you on the team.

To the group generally, I think we might've some serious competition for the training stats. Joe/Jaxx can you match 12 sessions a week...? (the joys of no children). I will keep on struggling to get in four or five a week.


2013-05-21 10:07 PM
in reply to: Sarah73

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
I've been lurking for a couple days and decided to ask if I can tag along. This new site-format has left me a bit lost. It took me 3 days to find my archived mentor group but there is very little activity there and I woke up this morning in a panic because I don't feel I'm adequately prepared to match my commitments for this season.

I finished a duathlon two weeks ago - 74th of 75 (not discouraged - duathlons are a lot harder than I gave them credit for - next year I'll be better prepared). Next is an Olympic June 16th, a MedioFondo July 7th, a HIM (Lake Stevens, July 21st) and riding on a relay team for Challenge Penticton August 25th. It is the HIM and Challenge that are causing me some concern.

I'll post a bio once I'm in. Thanks.

2013-05-21 11:50 PM
in reply to: iLOVEwaffles

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Hey Erik!  Kudos to you man, you're way above my level.  You say you don't really structure your workouts, you just push hard through everything, does that mean you're not doing any sprint/interval training on the run or bike?  
2013-05-21 11:54 PM
in reply to: Super Clydesdale

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers
Originally posted by Super Clydesdale I am DOD civilian so I work with the military every day. I have an AF COL friend that did a race for each service last year. I liked the idea so I am doing that this year. It is easy to do in this area.
That's a cool idea.  Yeah I spent some time in Virginia and you can't trip without finding yourself fallen into some military race around there
2013-05-22 6:59 AM
in reply to: Fresno_Joe

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Colorado Springs, Colorado
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Originally posted by Fresno_Joe

Hey Erik!  Kudos to you man, you're way above my level.  You say you don't really structure your workouts, you just push hard through everything, does that mean you're not doing any sprint/interval training on the run or bike?  

For the bike I have done interval training a grand total of two times this year. I have only done it once for the run, but I've had a tibial stress fracture for half of the year (getting back in it Thursday!). The stress fracture was a result of being stupid and doubling my regular mileage in the course of three days haha.

I should also mention I taught swim lessons so I can help give tips/drills on the swim if people need help :-)
2013-05-22 8:27 AM
in reply to: iLOVEwaffles

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Love our group!! What a great mix of people, training at all different levels for all types of races. I know we can learn a lot from each other! Erik - thank you for the swim advice. We were really in need of someone with your experience /training...not that the rest of you aren't great swimmers, but I know I can't answer swim questions (unless it's about panic attacks) and I could really use some advice on how to get faster now that I can actually put my face in the water during a race without freaking out.

I will get to the stats at some point today...I'm crazy busy, so it will be later, but that should give everyone time to log as many of their May workouts as they can remember (if you haven't been keeping up.) It will give some of the newer folks an idea of how the stats work. It doesn't matter how fast you are, it's just about mileage and time spent training. I was also thinking about doing weight loss percentages at the end of the months. I know some of you have had great progress with your weight loss goals, and I think it should be recognized. Let me know what you think.

Have a great day everyone!!!!
2013-05-22 11:46 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Originally posted by wenceslasz

I've been lurking for a couple days and decided to ask if I can tag along. This new site-format has left me a bit lost. It took me 3 days to find my archived mentor group but there is very little activity there and I woke up this morning in a panic because I don't feel I'm adequately prepared to match my commitments for this season.

I finished a duathlon two weeks ago - 74th of 75 (not discouraged - duathlons are a lot harder than I gave them credit for - next year I'll be better prepared). Next is an Olympic June 16th, a MedioFondo July 7th, a HIM (Lake Stevens, July 21st) and riding on a relay team for Challenge Penticton August 25th. It is the HIM and Challenge that are causing me some concern.

I'll post a bio once I'm in. Thanks.

Of course you're welcome!! Post that bio so we can get to know you!

2013-05-22 12:16 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Originally posted by wenceslasz Next is an Olympic June 16th, a MedioFondo July 7th, a HIM (Lake Stevens, July 21st) and riding on a relay team for Challenge Penticton August 25th. It is the HIM and Challenge that are causing me some concern. I'll post a bio once I'm in. Thanks.
Cool, our schedules are not that far off from each other, I'm doing my first 70.3 on 8/11.  I stalked your training log and it definitely doesn't look like you are slacking, I think you have plenty of time.  Going to be a good summer!
2013-05-22 4:11 PM
in reply to: 0

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
OK...I was doing the stats, and they didn't come out right with this new websit format. I'll figure something out!

Edited by Sarah73 2013-05-22 4:13 PM
2013-05-22 4:21 PM
in reply to: Sarah73

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
May stats...I hope this link works!!

Stats.docx (10KB - 52 downloads)
2013-05-22 7:21 PM
in reply to: 0

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
So ok my name is Dave and I am a Triathlete.

well sorta. more like I used to do Tri's I'm more like a duathlete. Wait that is not right either.

Ok I mess around running sometimes. I do like to ride my bike a lot. So I'm more like a cyclist that runs on occasion.

But I feel more like a "Tri-Grandpa" right about now. My wonderful Tri kids have all grown up now and have tri families of their own now.

So now my role is to spoil the tri grand kids. So here I am. The candy dish is over there young-uns

I see lots of new comers here. That''s good. But in all likely-hood I will not remember your names. Poke me with a stick or something when that happens.

I offer experience, and old wisdom. and some good old fashioned virtual spankings. so I can help.... maybe. And well maybe you kids might get this old geezer off his puter and back out on the roads or or maybe the pool, or a nice pond somewhere. Possibly with the carrot on the stick being some cucumber gator-aide.

I've been known to repeat stuff. So respect your elder's, humor me and listen up anyhow.

My goals? hmm lose weight. get on some nice OCD training routines, and qualify for the Boston Marathon. Oh and get my AARP subscription in the mail.

that's all I got right now. time to get to bed. ya it's only like 7:30 right now, but lights out at 8 you would be wise to do the same. I've already had my early bird din din with the missus. She will get to worrying about me pretty soon.

Edited by oriolepwr 2013-05-22 7:28 PM
2013-05-22 8:26 PM
in reply to: oriolepwr

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open

Dave!  That was a depressing post, you're bringing me down man!

I changed my username just to make it easier for you to remember my name.

Got any races planned the rest of this year?  Or just sitting on your porch yelling at the neighborhood triathletes to get off your lawn?

2013-05-22 8:30 PM
in reply to: oriolepwr

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Welcome to all the new folks! I've been crazy busy at work but hope to catch up on all the bios this weekend.
2013-05-22 8:31 PM
in reply to: Sarah73

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Originally posted by Sarah73 May stats...I hope this link works!!
Oh man, I've got some work to do...
2013-05-22 8:40 PM
in reply to: Fresno_Joe

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Originally posted by Fresno_Joe

Dave!  That was a depressing post, you're bringing me down man!

I changed my username just to make it easier for you to remember my name.

Got any races planned the rest of this year?  Or just sitting on your porch yelling at the neighborhood triathletes to get off your lawn?

DOH! I missed using that "Get off my lawn" line. Fudge.

I'm "running" soldier field 10 miler this Saturday supporting a friend who I have helped to get up to this distance. For myself, I'm just going to run easy, for much of it, listen to music and catch the sights. And "IF" the geritol I take at mile 6 kicks in, I may try to pick off a few sickly runners. You know in a "trample the weak, hurtle the dead" But.... In a nice supportive type of way.
2013-05-22 10:10 PM
in reply to: Sarah73

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Name - George

Family Stats - Retired in 2008, married with 4 adult kids and 6 grandkids (hoping for a few more). My wife is quite supportive of my training and races so long as I get my chores done.

Story - I'm a recovering junk food junky; couch potatoe and Pepsi-holic. Prior to 2010 I had NEVER run, biked or swam (except a bit of snorkeling) and then we went out and watched the 2010 IMCanada and things started churning in my mind. I loosely started to want to try it and I started cycling and running in 2011 then Jan, 2012 I started swimming. I couldn't run 2 minutes to start. I couldn't swim 50m without hanging on the wall for 5 minutes gasping for air.

Getting into the pool really started to change things for me and I fell into a group of equally old guys that has forced me to get out and train. I have no trouble getting out and training but having fellows to swim/bike/run with really helps my motivation. Plus one of the fellows is a real "Running Nazi" and he has helped me progress from a 40 minute 5K to a 32:34 5K and two 14K runs in the last couple weeks.

Training - Currently in the pool I'm fairly comfortable and can swim 1000m TT in 24 minutes. I'm pretty slow on the bike when climbing hills but I can go fairly fast on the flats (but there are no flats around here). I'm slowly getting faster on the run but I am still very slow. I am confident I can swim a HIM distance at an average pace. I am certain I can ride the 90K race in a slow but reasonable time and I can reasonably run/walk the HM distance as well but the big "Butt" is can I do the swim and bike then get off the bike and run a HM? Scary, scary.

I'm very lucky to live within a few kilometres of 5 good swimming lakes (only 4km to Okanagan Lake where they held IMCanada for 30 years) - shallow warm clear water, no weeds and sandy bottoms.

This Years Races - Bare Bones Duathlon (run/bike/run is harder than swim/bike/run) Done!
- Wine Capital of Canada Olympic, Oliver, BC. June 16th
- MedioFondo, Penticton, July 7th (92km fun ride)
- Lake Stevens, Washington, July 21st ("A" race event)
- Challenge Penticton, August 25th (an Iron distance event, I'm on a relay team doing the bike portion)

Last Year - Two Granfondo's (one finished, one DNF), One MedioFondo; Apple Sprint, Kelowna, BC ( I got a bit hyper in the water and had to do breaststroke to finish the swim); Summerland Sprint, Summerland, BC (much better/faster swim). I wrote race reports for some of my events.

WeightLoss - I've always struggled with my weight. I peaked out at 225 (I'm 5'8") but over many years I've worked it down to 180 as of today but I'd sure like to lose another 10 - 15lbs to make running and cycling easier. I've been bouncing up and down within a 4 lb range and just can't seem to get below 179. Last year I did briefly touch 175.

It doesn't help that I'm a good cook (I think) but only fair with veggies.

Byron - losing 200lbs - Fantastic!!

Chrispy - It's amazing to me that you're planning November and March triathlons. Locally we have a duathlon as a first event of the season in early May and our last events are by mid-Sept.

2013-05-22 11:10 PM
in reply to: Sarah73

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Originally posted by Sarah73

May stats...I hope this link works!!

Yikes! Need to start adding more bike and swim to get my totals up.

2013-05-22 11:18 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Originally posted by wenceslasz Chrispy - It's amazing to me that you're planning November and March triathlons. Locally we have a duathlon as a first event of the season in early May and our last events are by mid-Sept.
In all fairness, Chrispy lives in Australia.
2013-05-22 11:44 PM
in reply to: Fresno_Joe

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Finally going for a bike fitting tomorrow!  Hopefully that will get me more comfortable on the bike which will translate to more time in the saddle which is the big thing I feel like I'm missing at this point.  Run plan going fine, swim still going good, but not spending nearly enough time in the saddle.
2013-05-23 8:19 AM
in reply to: Fresno_Joe

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Went inline skating last night for some cross training and after 3 laps on what used to be a real nice trail for skaters I gave up to not risk injury due to the countless potholes and cracks in the pavement. I then ran for another 20+ minutes until I had to pick up my daughter. Right now working around work schedule and kids activities is my biggest challenge. I need to start hitting the pool soon as well. Not too concerned about that one as that's probably my strongest discipline.

2013-05-23 1:30 PM
in reply to: strykergt

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers
Hello fello trainees

Other than 1.5 hrs on an indoor trainer. I have not been working out much.
My son is sick and admitted to a our local childrens hospital, he is ok now and going home today.

Hopefully to catch up on training. Just wondering any of you tried running or biking at night.
I tried running once and I am significantly slow. Have not tried cycling because of the crazy drivers here.

Anyway ill keep posting.

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