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2015-08-31 3:36 PM
in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Republican debate

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn Here's the article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/21/obama-hurricane-katrina_n_... Exerpt: A large number of Louisiana Republicans think President Barack Obama is to blame for the federal government's poor response to Hurricane Katrina, according to a new Public Policy Polling survey released Wednesday -- despite the fact that the storm occurred three years before he took office. The Democratic-leaning polling firm, which provided its results to Talking Points Memo, found that 29 percent of Louisiana Republicans said Obama was responsible for the Katrina response. 28 percent put the blame on President George W. Bush, whose administration did in fact oversee the federal response to Katrina. Nearly half (44 percent) of the Louisiana Republicans polled didn't know who to blame.

That's the sad part of our nation as a whole.  So many people on both sides that blindly blame "the other guy/gal" no matter what and blindly vote for "my guy/gal" without having a clue of what they believe in.

2015-08-31 3:36 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Republican debate

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn Also, to add: Trump has also been an outspoken birther, even going so far as to publicly suggest that the death in 2014 of the Hawaii health official who certified Obama's birth certificate was some kind of conspiracy. Democrats aren't going to easily forget that. It hasn't come up in the GOP debates, but you can bet that Democrats don't take kindly to some of the things the Donald is on record as saying on the topic. (Also, sidebar, did you happen to read the article that said that there are more registered GOP voters in Louisiana who blame Obama, who wasn't in office at the time, for the post-Hurricane-Katrina response than blame Bush, who was? That made me chuckle. Well done, Governor Jindal.)

I hadn't seen the Katrina article, but that is kind of funny (in a bad way).

I thought about all the birther stuff too and how that would play, but honestly it's fairly mild on the scale of outlandish things Trump has said.  



At least Trump informed us that our gang problem here is mostly illegals........I guess they're illegal from Kenya, Ethiopia, or somewhere. LMAO 

"...and some, I assume, are good people."


I can't listen to the guy anymore.  I like that he is not a part of the political elite.  I like that he is not beholding to special interests.  It ends there.  The guy is an arrogant plick , period.  Well, not really period, he's also a buffoon.

I couldn't vote for him.



LB for Hillary 2016  

I told you, her ankles are simply too fat......it's a deal breaker for me.  I know it's shallow.  I don't care.

2015-09-01 7:54 AM
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Subject: RE: Republican debate
Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn I honestly have no idea, but I still think it's too far away from the general election to take much of what's happening now very seriously. It sort of seems as though both parties are using the strategy of keeping their top horse out of the fray as much as possible. The GOP's version of this is to to run seventeen candidates out there, so no one person gets too much negative attention and the real contenders (Bush, Cruz, Rubio) get to stay out of the spotlight a little. The Dem's version of this is to keep Hillary pretty low key, and to let Sanders do most of the real "campaigning". Maybe Biden is getting added to the mix to add another potential target. I don't know whether he's a legit candidate, although I do sort of like him. There's no way Trump is getting the nomination. There's still a chance he'll say or do something that will result in his campaign completey imploding , but even if he doesn't, there's no way he's standing on the podium at the Convention. But the funny thing (to me) is that the reason he won't get the nomination isn't because he's a sexist, xenophobic blowhard with no real ideas on how to run a country, it will be because, as Tony alluded to earlier, he's probably too liberal on a lot of fronts to win the GOP nomination. My guess is he leaves the GOP and runs as an independant. Hey, and not to get too far ahead of ourselves, but is anyone else as excited as I am that Kanye West announced that he's planning to run for president in 2020? Think about this for a second: "Ladies and Gentlemen of the United Nations, please welcome to the chamber First Lady of the United States, Ms. Kim Kardashian...."

On Trump, I think it's more and more likely that he IS going to be the nominee.  Obviously there's a lot of time between now and the primaries, but he's crushing every single demographic in the republican party and nobody has ever done that before in my lifetime.  The really interesting part is that IMHO Trump is by far the most centrist candidate out there and that's who the republican base is pushing.  This is EXACTLY what everyone said the republicans need to do, but nobody on the Democratic side can allow it to happen.
When Trump gets the election he will draw tremendous support from the Democratic supporters much in the same way that he has from the Republicans.  Like I said, he could completely blow up by saying or doing something really bad, but unless that happens there's little chance that he loses the nomination.  I feel the anti-establishment ground swell is every bit as strong in the Democratic party as it is in the Republican party.

I hope you're right, because there's no way on Earth trump garners enough democratic votes to win. You're right that Dems want an antiestablishment candidate too, but Trump isn't going to be the guy. He might be antiestablishment from a GOP point of view, but from a democratic lens, he's just another wealthy white guy who wants to deport all the brown people. Democrats have been voting against that guy for years.

I'll refrain from moving the debate to a history lesson on the long standing structured racism of the Democratic party.

Elections aren't won by getting members of the other party to vote for you. It is about getting your base out to the polls plus winning the majority sheep....err independent vote.

Edited by Jackemy1 2015-09-01 7:55 AM
2015-09-01 8:11 AM
in reply to: Jackemy1

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Republican debate

How are the independents sheep? Seems to me like the party hard liners tend to be more sheepy (while not sheepish)

2015-09-01 9:16 AM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Subject: RE: Republican debate
Originally posted by dmiller5

How are the independents sheep? Seems to me like the party hard liners tend to be more sheepy (while not sheepish)

IMHO from knocking on thousands of doors in my couple of runs for office (which I highly recommend you do sometime in your life) the vast majority of independents would vote for Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders on same ticket and not think twice on the absurdity of it all .....Only the very small minority has half the political intelligence as anyone that posts on this board.

2015-09-01 9:25 AM
in reply to: Jackemy1

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Republican debate

Originally posted by Jackemy1
Originally posted by dmiller5

How are the independents sheep? Seems to me like the party hard liners tend to be more sheepy (while not sheepish)

IMHO from knocking on thousands of doors in my couple of runs for office (which I highly recommend you do sometime in your life) the vast majority of independents would vote for Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders on same ticket and not think twice on the absurdity of it all .....Only the very small minority has half the political intelligence as anyone that posts on this board.

There is a button I can push that will automatically cast my vote for every Democrat or every Republican on the ballot without me ever having to read their names. That, to me, would be the definition of a sheep. Voting for someone who you know nothing about, but has an R or a D next to his/her name.

2015-09-01 9:35 AM
in reply to: Jackemy1

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Deep in the Heart of Texas
Subject: RE: Republican debate

Originally posted by Jackemy1
Originally posted by dmiller5

How are the independents sheep? Seems to me like the party hard liners tend to be more sheepy (while not sheepish)

IMHO from knocking on thousands of doors in my couple of runs for office (which I highly recommend you do sometime in your life) the vast majority of independents would vote for Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders on same ticket and not think twice on the absurdity of it all .....Only the very small minority has half the political intelligence as anyone that posts on this board.

That is in know way limited to independents.  The electorate, as a whole, is vastly uninformed or misinformed.   

2015-09-01 9:43 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Republican debate

Originally posted by Hook'em

Originally posted by Jackemy1
Originally posted by dmiller5

How are the independents sheep? Seems to me like the party hard liners tend to be more sheepy (while not sheepish)

IMHO from knocking on thousands of doors in my couple of runs for office (which I highly recommend you do sometime in your life) the vast majority of independents would vote for Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders on same ticket and not think twice on the absurdity of it all .....Only the very small minority has half the political intelligence as anyone that posts on this board.

That is in know way limited to independents.  The electorate, as a whole, is vastly uninformed or misinformed.   

Which is exactly why I'm trying to bring Hillary's ankles to the forefront.  I feel like people are just not paying attention. 

Edited by Left Brain 2015-09-01 9:44 AM
2015-09-01 11:23 AM
in reply to: Hook'em

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Republican debate

Originally posted by Hook'em

Originally posted by Jackemy1
Originally posted by dmiller5

How are the independents sheep? Seems to me like the party hard liners tend to be more sheepy (while not sheepish)

IMHO from knocking on thousands of doors in my couple of runs for office (which I highly recommend you do sometime in your life) the vast majority of independents would vote for Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders on same ticket and not think twice on the absurdity of it all .....Only the very small minority has half the political intelligence as anyone that posts on this board.

That is in know way limited to independents.  The electorate, as a whole, is vastly uninformed or misinformed.   

Yep, agree there are sheep everywhere.  I remember with myself back when Clinton ran in 92 it was the first time I could vote for President.  I absolutely loved him because he was "cool", I mean he played the sax on the tonight show how could you not vote for this guy.  lol
Sadly I didn't agree with virtually anything he stood for, but I voted for him simply because he was cool and I was un-informed.

I feel a big part of Obama's votes were from people like the younger me.  He was cool, different, and well spoken versus the old white guy.

2015-09-01 11:25 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Republican debate

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by Hook'em

Originally posted by Jackemy1
Originally posted by dmiller5

How are the independents sheep? Seems to me like the party hard liners tend to be more sheepy (while not sheepish)

IMHO from knocking on thousands of doors in my couple of runs for office (which I highly recommend you do sometime in your life) the vast majority of independents would vote for Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders on same ticket and not think twice on the absurdity of it all .....Only the very small minority has half the political intelligence as anyone that posts on this board.

That is in know way limited to independents.  The electorate, as a whole, is vastly uninformed or misinformed.   

Which is exactly why I'm trying to bring Hillary's ankles to the forefront.  I feel like people are just not paying attention. 

You do realize she has a solution for the cankle crisis in America.  Mandatory Pant Suits for all women is a cornerstone of her campaign.

2015-09-01 1:19 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Republican debate

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Hook'em

Originally posted by Jackemy1
Originally posted by dmiller5

How are the independents sheep? Seems to me like the party hard liners tend to be more sheepy (while not sheepish)

IMHO from knocking on thousands of doors in my couple of runs for office (which I highly recommend you do sometime in your life) the vast majority of independents would vote for Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders on same ticket and not think twice on the absurdity of it all .....Only the very small minority has half the political intelligence as anyone that posts on this board.

That is in know way limited to independents.  The electorate, as a whole, is vastly uninformed or misinformed.   

Yep, agree there are sheep everywhere.  I remember with myself back when Clinton ran in 92 it was the first time I could vote for President.  I absolutely loved him because he was "cool", I mean he played the sax on the tonight show how could you not vote for this guy.  lol
Sadly I didn't agree with virtually anything he stood for, but I voted for him simply because he was cool and I was un-informed.

I feel a big part of Obama's votes were from people like the younger me.  He was cool, different, and well spoken versus the old white guy.

Funny you bring that up.  My kid will be eligible to vote for the first time in the next Presidential election......he got a package in the mail yesterday from an order he made online.  Yes.......he is now sporting his "Make America Great Again" cap.  LMAO  It's apparently a thing among his peers. 

Personally, at their age, I think they would like anyone who tells the status quo to shove it.  

2015-09-01 8:59 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Columbia, MO
Subject: RE: Republican debate

Originally posted by Left Brain


Personally, at their age, I think they would like anyone who tells the status quo to shove it.  

 At their age?  I am the parent of a 14 year old and I love seeing the status quo(read establishment) being told to shove it.

2015-09-01 9:24 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Republican debate

Originally posted by bsjracing

Originally posted by Left Brain


Personally, at their age, I think they would like anyone who tells the status quo to shove it.  

 At their age?  I am the parent of a 14 year old and I love seeing the status quo(read establishment) being told to shove it.

I'm OK with that too.....but not from an ignorant azzhat with a squirrel on his head who actually IS the establishment, just not a Washington insider..... (which may be that bonehead's only saving grace).

Edited by Left Brain 2015-09-01 9:33 PM
2015-09-02 8:46 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Republican debate

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Hook'em

Originally posted by Jackemy1
Originally posted by dmiller5

How are the independents sheep? Seems to me like the party hard liners tend to be more sheepy (while not sheepish)

IMHO from knocking on thousands of doors in my couple of runs for office (which I highly recommend you do sometime in your life) the vast majority of independents would vote for Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders on same ticket and not think twice on the absurdity of it all .....Only the very small minority has half the political intelligence as anyone that posts on this board.

That is in know way limited to independents.  The electorate, as a whole, is vastly uninformed or misinformed.   

Yep, agree there are sheep everywhere.  I remember with myself back when Clinton ran in 92 it was the first time I could vote for President.  I absolutely loved him because he was "cool", I mean he played the sax on the tonight show how could you not vote for this guy.  lol
Sadly I didn't agree with virtually anything he stood for, but I voted for him simply because he was cool and I was un-informed.

I feel a big part of Obama's votes were from people like the younger me.  He was cool, different, and well spoken versus the old white guy.

Funny you bring that up.  My kid will be eligible to vote for the first time in the next Presidential election......he got a package in the mail yesterday from an order he made online.  Yes.......he is now sporting his "Make America Great Again" cap.  LMAO  It's apparently a thing among his peers. 

Personally, at their age, I think they would like anyone who tells the status quo to shove it.  

That's too funny.  I can only imagine the look on your face.  

2015-09-02 9:53 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Republican debate

Yeah, I already anticipate the "no, they don't HAVE to let you wear that to school" lecture. HAHAHA!!!

In fact, he and his buddies were going to wear their new gear to school today.  I predict a fiery crash in the principal's office by 3rd hour.

Edited by Left Brain 2015-09-02 9:56 AM
2015-09-03 8:21 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Republican debate
When the debates begin in earnest, by which I mean, when the other GOP candidates need to really start demonstrating why Trump is a poor choice for president, as opposed to just treating him like a sideshow as in the first debate, I'm sure someone will point out that he made lots of money from a line of shirts bearing his name that was manufactured almost exclusively in China, even while he's been critical of the Chinese trade policies.
He had a well-publicized spat with a reporter on Twitter a few years ago about it and Letterman called him out on his show. Check out the Letterman clip--it's pretty cringe-worthy, especially when The Donald pretends not to know where his shirts are made. It's a good thing he's so outspoken because he's a terrible liar.

2015-09-03 10:06 AM
in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Republican debate

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn When the debates begin in earnest, by which I mean, when the other GOP candidates need to really start demonstrating why Trump is a poor choice for president, as opposed to just treating him like a sideshow as in the first debate, I'm sure someone will point out that he made lots of money from a line of shirts bearing his name that was manufactured almost exclusively in China, even while he's been critical of the Chinese trade policies. He had a well-publicized spat with a reporter on Twitter a few years ago about it and Letterman called him out on his show. Check out the Letterman clip--it's pretty cringe-worthy, especially when The Donald pretends not to know where his shirts are made. It's a good thing he's so outspoken because he's a terrible liar.

I've seen him challenged a few times on things like this and his defense is basically that he's using the laws and environment to make as much money as he can with the rules that are in place at the time.  Then he goes on about how the rules are so screwed up that it's destroying the American economy and need to be changed.
I don't know anything about the shirt stuff, but I'm sure his response would be similar.

2015-09-03 11:35 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Republican debate
Originally posted by tuwood
I've seen him challenged a few times on things like this and his defense is basically that he's using the laws and environment to make as much money as he can with the rules that are in place at the time.  Then he goes on about how the rules are so screwed up that it's destroying the American economy and need to be changed.
I don't know anything about the shirt stuff, but I'm sure his response would be similar.

Trump has also been very successful on completely re-directing the conversation. For example when a reporter asked him what he would say to the Pope who believes that capitalism is causing many social ills. Trump completely changed the conversation by saying would tell the Pope that ISIS is coming for him. Who cares about capitalism's negative impact when ISIS is hurting the poor old Pope?
2015-09-16 4:19 PM
in reply to: jmcconne

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Republican debate

Round 2 tonight.  ding ding ding

You know you all want to watch it.  

2015-09-16 8:35 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Columbia, MO
Subject: RE: Republican debate

Is Scott Walker even there?


2015-09-16 8:38 PM
in reply to: bsjracing

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Subject: RE: Republican debate

I'm ready to cut this down to Rubio, Carson, Trump, Bush, Fiorino, and Christy.  Let's move on.

2015-09-16 8:48 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Columbia, MO
Subject: RE: Republican debate

Substitute Cruz for Christie...and I'm with ya

2015-09-16 9:01 PM
in reply to: bsjracing

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Subject: RE: Republican debate

Originally posted by bsjracing

Substitute Cruz for Christie...and I'm with ya

I could maybe go there.....can you get him to quit creeping me out.  He should be selling caskets.

2015-09-16 9:04 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Columbia, MO
Subject: RE: Republican debate

Originally posted by Left Brain


I could maybe go there.....can you get him to quit creeping me out.  He should be selling caskets.


Caskets=housing for Chicago's extra voters..... 

2015-09-16 9:05 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Republican debate
Bush just said, "I took on the special interests and won..." Um...2004 called, and it wants its campaign slogan back.
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