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2006-12-25 1:11 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL


I hope everyone is having a wonderful day and that Santa was good to you.



2006-12-26 3:03 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Upstate NY
Subject: Need a vacation from vacation!

Hey everyone,

Hope you all had a nice holiday. I'm wiped out! I wish Christmas was still like it was when I was a kid. All you had to worry about then was how fast you could open all of your presents!

Sharon - I hope you are feeling better. I think that stomach flu is going around. I went through something similar last night. I was up until 3:00 am puking. Yuck.  

Today I begin the Couch to 5K program. Shouldn't be that hard to walk for 10 minutes, but you never know... 

Well, I've got to catch up on reading all of your logs etc. after being off-line for a few days.

"Talk" to you all later.


2006-12-26 6:05 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

Annie, I'm sorry you had a bout with that stomach virus too! Glad to hear that you're up and going again. Isn't it tiring as an adult to do Christmas? But all worthwhile!

I hope everyone had a wonderful time with family and friends and are traveling safe and doing well.

I'm feeling better than I did on Saturday, but still not 100% just yet. Christmas was WONDERFUL and I had a great time with Jen and her extended family. It was a really nice time. I almost miss the craziness! But it's back to the work grind now. I've been working late tonight and I hope to be able to get back to my regular workouts soon. The next two weeks are going to be crazy because of the shortened work week and my longer hours at work because of various therapists out on vacation. Will have to try and juggle all of that and my continuing training for the half marathon that will be in less than 3 weeks! OMG!!!

Hope all are well!

2006-12-26 6:30 PM
in reply to: #625419

Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

Happy Holidays everyone!! 

In case, you think i forgot.......swim drills coming soon. Wink

A beer bouquet is just as simple as it sounds.  You get various beers and arrange them like flowers.  I got some great IPAs of various sizes and brewers and arranged them with red tulips in between.

2006-12-26 6:40 PM
in reply to: #633605

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

That is quite clever.  I'll have to remember this beer bouquet for a couple of upcoming birthdays. 

Hope everyone is doing well!

2006-12-27 2:00 PM
in reply to: #633608

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
Howdy everybody!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, and that you all are recovering well, be it from illnesses or just too much ingestion of all things that can go in the mouth. Our trip extended an extra day...we visited both sides of the family, both of which like to see us eat, and eat, and eat, and eat. For two days I never got out of the house except to walk the dog. Normally I wouldn't have minded, but since starting this whole thing, my mental attitude has changed as well, so the first thing I did when walking in the door this morning was a workout. Now if I can just get rid of these hiccups!

Tierney - the couch to 5k podcast you asked about is the one you recommended. If you hear of any others, let me/us know. I really like it since it takes the trouble out of keeping interval times yourself. He tells me when I need to run, and then thankfully when I need to start walking again. I'm still on the first week, but so far I enjoy it. I'll also let you/everyone know if I find any others. For a podcast junkie like myself it's great!

Well, hope everyone is getting back into the swing of things and having a great day! Maybe one day I will learn how to post pictures to my blog as well!

2006-12-28 5:18 PM
in reply to: #625419

Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

I thought of some bike questions for Laura (or anyone else who has tips):

I get really distracted....sometimes bored during bike workouts, esp the indoor variety.  Do you know of any tasks that can keep me focused?  I have not yet used my new MP3 player, so i'm sure that will help some.  Not sure what my problem is.  Could be the lack of activity for my hands.

 Also, i stand up alot on my bike (not inside Laughing!).  Another distraction thing probably.  I noticed this has changed since i've learned a bit about lowering the gears up hills etc. 

 I am going to start doing drills once a week, mostly outside.  And try to get over 90rpm during some inside/stationary training.

 Any advice? Thoughts? Recommendations?

 PS. I have a mountain bike for outside, a spinning yellow thing bike at work, and a couple of stationary ones at work.  I also have a variety of outdoor areas: hills, flat streets, paths, trails, and of course Boston traffic/potholes.

2006-12-28 5:31 PM
in reply to: #635850

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

I've got some ideas regarding the bike and getting bored.  I mean if you're outside you have to watch for cars, check out the scenery, change gears, etc. That keeps me pretty entertained.  Inside is a different ballgame.  I use some of the following mindgames:

1) For longer rides, say 45 minutes to an hour, I have a cycling game plan.  For example, every two minutes I'll go up a gear until I'm half way finished, then I come down a gear at a time every two minutes.  That was part of my training plan and I loved it. The focus on reaching the midway mark and the resistance changes keep me focused.

2) MP3 players are great! Listen to your music and every time the chorus comes on, come up out of your saddle and sprint like you stole something.  My song list ranges from Crazy by Gnarles Barkley to You Sexy Thing by Hot Chocolate.  Don't let you music go stale on you.

Just a couple of thoughts.  By the way, what's the name of your big puppy?

Edited by LLP1970 2006-12-28 5:33 PM
2006-12-29 12:08 AM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: Sharona1973's Group - FULL : Question about "off" days
2006-12-29 9:33 AM
in reply to: #625419

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San Francisco, CA
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
Good morning ladies! Looks like you all are doing fabulously well with your training. Alas I have yet to get started, but I shall soon remedy the situation!! I am worried about getting through the 30 day challenge though. When my grad school classes start I will be at work all day on Tuesdays and then straight to class til 10. Not sure how I will be able to fit in activity but we'll see. Maybe I can walk during my breaks at work...that adds up to 30 minutes. *sigh* Part of me is very hesitant to go back to school. It's hard to do both work and school together...what am I getting myself into? Hopefully a satisfying career and a bigger paycheck!

Well I'm going to stop now and just focus on the present. I'm a planner and a worrier so its in my nature to think ahead! Anyways...back of this topic and hope everyone is doing well and ready for another holiday weekend!
2006-12-29 10:44 AM
in reply to: #636346

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

Hi Tierney,

I've decided I'm not doing the 30 days challenge either. It's too much too soon for me and I don't want to set myself up for failure. I don't think we have to do the challenge - right Sharon?

You're already challenging yourself with school and work! I really admire that. I know you'll do well. Don't worry!


2006-12-29 12:50 PM
in reply to: #625419

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San Francisco, CA
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
Thanks Annie,
I think I'll try to do the challenge anyway and if nothing else try to walk my doggies when I can't make it to the gym. I think that they could use more exercise anyways. They're still pretty young and my most recent pug addition still has puppy energy. No harm in trying to do it, but if I miss a day I won't beat myself up about it!

Happy Friday all!
2006-12-29 2:43 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
2006-12-29 3:56 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

Erin, are you having trouble posting? All I see are empty posts. Let me know if there's a problem so that I can let the admins know.

As for the 30 mins in 30 day challenge, you don't have to do it. It was just something to help us get started in the new year. Here's a thought, how about offering an alternate challenge? Say, the 10-30 Challenge, where you have to do something for at least 10 minutes for 30 days? This way the mininum is 10 minutes. Surely we can find 10 minutes out of our day to do something. The 10 minutes can be doing sit-ups or crunches, or walk, or skipping rope, or heck, even vacuuming. Let me know.

I do have some homework for you guys before the first of the year. Most of you already have done it, but it's to get us off to a good year and basically some "housekeeping" for this mentor program. Be back later, I have some paperwork I have to finish for work.

And don't be afraid to voice your opinions on anything or anxieties etc.  

BT Mentor Program Review: things to do by January 1, 2007 if possible

1. Update your short term and long term goals. Try to make your goals measureable in some way. For example, lose 10 lbs by Feb. 1st instead of lose weight.

2. If possible, please sign/register for an event that you can work towards. It doesn't have to be a triathlon. It can be a 5K that you plan to either run, or walk. Why? This way you have an outside goal to work on. You can even set a measureable goal for that race. Example, finish 5K in under 35 minutes.

3. If you're doing the 30 day challenge, you can put that in your short term goals as well.

Finally, I wanted to tell each and everyone of you how proud I am that I'm on your team. You all are truly inspirational in what you've already committed to and in the steps you're taking towards your own goals. You have each inspired me and encouraged me and I look forward to a GREAT 2007, training with each and everyone of you and experiencing your athletic and personal successes. Onward!!

Edited by Sharona1973 2006-12-29 5:42 PM
2006-12-29 8:03 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL - TEST

Does this work?  I changed my settings to be able to bold, underline, italicize, etc, the words, and since then it appears it no workie.  I'm also at a different computer (we're out of town, again) - the other posts were from my home computer. 

 My two earlier posts had to do with scheduling off days and then I don't remember my post from today...I will repost them later.  I'm currently at the "in-laws" (if you can call it that) for a baby shower tomorrow.  Thinking of you guys, and I'm very thankful for you all too...

Edited by purdueek 2006-12-29 8:10 PM
2006-12-29 9:55 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: I see your posts

I see your last post Erin, but not the first two. Hm, I'm not sure why changing your settings to get all the formatting stuff should mess up your posts.

Enjoy the "in-laws"...sure you can call them that. I kinda sorta call mine that.

Edited by Sharona1973 2006-12-29 9:56 PM

2006-12-30 11:15 AM
in reply to: #625419

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: A new table for our Dogged BT Pack!

 The Dogged BT Pack©

 annievi :: Annie

 DeputyDawg :: Dee

 goofyfooter :: Jessica

 LLP1970 :: Laura

 purdueek :: Erin

 tunidawn :: Tierney

 Sharona1973 :: Sharon


I can't believe I finally figured out how to cut and paste this table! Whew! And that's after spending a couple of hours figuring out how to  make the table!

Okay, so I've made this table that you can choose to insert in your own training logs. This way you can more easily access the training logs of our group.

I chose the name Dogged BT Pack© because we all have doggie avatars and I thought Dogged sounded better than Doggie Group. And besides, I think most of us here are pretty persistent, eh? Dogged is defined as stubborn determination. I kinda like that. Of course I'm open to other ideas. Just wanted to get it out there.

Hope you guys like it!

Oh, to get this on your page, just cut and paste the table. The way you do it is by taking your mouse and highlighting the entire table (start at the left upper end, left click your mouse and highlight all the way to the bottom right end) Once highlighted, right click on table and select "copy". Then just go to your training log and paste (right click on the page and select paste).

Let me know if you need more help.

Edited by Sharona1973 2006-12-30 11:15 AM
2006-12-30 3:23 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

I love the dogged header, and it was very easy to put on my blog.  I picked up a new book today called Triathloning for Ordinary Mortals.   I'll let everyone know what kind of read it is. 

I'm looking forward to the new year and the training, too.  Everyone take care and be careful.  We all know what the roads are like during this particular holiday. 

2006-12-30 3:58 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

I love the Dogged Bt Pack!  Is that a picture of Underdog?



2006-12-30 8:35 PM
in reply to: #625419

Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

Well Hellooooo everone!

Just wanted to take a minute to thank each of you for all the support.  This group is great!  This will be a great way to start 2007 for me.

I was wondering if anyone had any Tri related books that really stick out in your mind?  I am going to go to the local store to browse through the Slow, Fat, and Lazy Triathlete that was mentioned before.  I'm sure i bungled up that title, but i have the correct one scribbled on a note somewhere.  Can't wait to hear your review of Tris for Ordinary Mortals , Laura!

I see that Dexter visited us all.  That was a nice surprise.  Sharon, i just looove our groups title!  I do want to apologize in advance to all of you.  I'm going to have to change Ivy's picture (the pretty tan dog) for a while.  The uh...kittens...ahem are getting jealous.  I promise it will be temporary.  They are ugly, so i'm sorry. Wink

Okay, i know i've mentioned it a gazillion and two times, but i really do have swim drills for those of you who asked.  I just want to know what you need specifically and i will post them tomorrow.  Sharon,  i see you plan to start in February.  What is your biggest obstacle with swimming? Dee, what type of swim help do you need?  I think technique is the thing that will most improve your swim.  You could have the best lungs/endurance in the world and still bomb the swim. 

Laura, thanks for the cycling hints.  I'm going to try them on my next bike day...i'm so excited!  My legs, however, not so excited.

I pasted the Dogged table in my log.  I also updated my goals so that they are more measurable.  I think after this mentor period, i am going to spring for the Bronze membership.  Anyone have any input on what they like about it/advice etc? I would like to be able to use the PLANNED workout option as well as the actual.  Do you get that with bronze or do you have to get the platinum or titanium?


2006-12-30 9:28 PM
in reply to: #637361

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
DeputyDawg - 2006-12-30 3:58 PM

I love the Dogged Bt Pack!  Is that a picture of Underdog?



Yup, it's Underdog! I thought Lassie would be too cheesy!

Jessica, you asked about tri books. I did a quick search of the BT forums for the topic and you might find this thread interesting.  It lists a bunch of books and some reviews. I had also asked specifically for a review on a tri book for women and was directed to one by Sally Edwards who wrote Triathlons for Women: Training Plans, Equipment, Nutrition. I bought it for Jen's aunt who recently was diagnosed with breast cancer and has just undergone treatment etc and she had expressed an interest in triathlons once she was better. I skimmed through the book I bought her and it's very basic and simple and geared towards beginners. You can probably go to your local bookstore and find it. Definitely browse through it first. Some reviewers have called it simple and basic. Depends on what you're looking for.

Also, while I am on that topic. We can definitely have a Q&A session on what you need to know for your first triathlon. I've obviously been through a couple of tris and actually did attend a local tri clinic before I did my first one. I probably have some tips and advice if you need it. We can do it closer to your planned sprints.

Oh Jessica, back to you....swim drills. Specifically for me, I have been told I don't breathe correctly or at least my head position in the water is very low. I've been told that I just need to swim more and that's probably true. I would love to get faster times since swimming is one of my stronger events. Any drills would be great.

I'm glad to hear that some of my BT buddies are visiting you guys. Dexter is a great guy. He's been really helpful in kicking me in the rear even when I didn't want him to. And Annie, he's also in your neck of the woods for your Tupper Sprint. I don't have a huge BT buddy base, but what I have are faithful and solid folks.

Everyone have a great Sunday tomorrow!!

2006-12-30 10:00 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL - Erin TEST
2006-12-30 10:01 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL - TEST 2
Sorry about the inconvenience - this is only a test.
2006-12-30 10:22 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL - Erin TEST 3
2006-12-30 10:43 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

Good evening, everyone.  I sincerely apologize about the multiple posts.  Turns out that I cannot use safari or firefox to post forum comments if I have the mime-type stuff enabled (that allows me to pretty up my posts like this).  I instead have to use netscape navigator...anyway, it seems like I've fixed it, for now, at least.

My two original posts that ended up blank revolved around scheduled days off, and the other I can't remember what.  The scheduled days off issue for me is more of a mental one.  This time it was sort of easy - my body was telling me it was time so I listened.  But my fear has always been what I allow to happen: one day turns to two, then three, then life takes off, and I'm months down the road worse off than where I originally was.  Now this time I feel in a bit more control, and I already have planned to start week 2 of my couch to 5k podcast tomorrow, but still the thought of a day off (even though I understand why it needs to happen) gives me some anxiety.  

I've read examples of training programs where some suggest one day off a week, while others say 2.  I know I should listen to my body, but to start out, what does everyone suggest?  And I guess in addition, how do I control myself the during the day off, and not "reward" myself with junk that impedes progress?  (Of course this week is not a good example with all the parties, sweets, etc).  But the whole "I did X so I can reward myself with Y" mentality does not always work in your favor, in particular when Y is 4 peanut-butter-m&m-oatmeal-chocolate chip cookes (yes, this is one cookie)!

If I can remember my other question(s), I will definitely post.  My brain is pretty scattered right now.  Even though we made it through the holidays unscathed, we feel pretty beat up, mentally anyway, the past 24 hours being in some ways the worst (families, gotta love them, but egads).  I know it's been going around...lucky for me it motivates me to exercise to get it all out! 

Thanks again to everyone for their patience and support.  Hope you all are doing well in these final days of 2006!


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