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2006-12-27 8:09 PM
in reply to: #633095

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Extreme Veteran
East Aurora, NY
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
Marvarnett - 2006-12-26 10:09 AM

Triathlon fact #1:  It's expensive

Going along with fact #1 is an opportunity to make it a bit less expensive.  If you go here:

There are 3 different teams to apply for a sponsorship through.  Team Aquaphor Active, Team Snickers Marathon and Team Polar.  Team Amino Vital will open up a bit later. 

Now, some of you are thinking...I'm not good enough to get a sponsorship.  Well, YOU'RE Wrong!!  Dead wrong.  Not only are you capable to be sponsored, but you would make great ambassators for these companies.  If you want to be on the cynical side, do it because they give your free uniforms that perform well.  Or, if you want a 3rd reason, just do it because I asked you to.  You'd be amazed how much putting on a matching uniform and knowing that you're sponsored increases your desire to perform well in a race.

I was a member of Aquaphor Active and it was fun.  The longest one was the Polar one and it took maybe 15 min.  You can use the same answers from Snickers for the Aquaphor one. 

Now get back to me as to when you filled them out.  The deadlines are soon.

Thanks Dan!  I wouldn't have even considered applying for any of these unless you provided the motivation.  I sent in my applications to all three so all I can do is wait.  What is the worst that can happen, they say "No" or don't respond.  If that happens then I will try again next year!

2006-12-28 6:59 AM
in reply to: #625456

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
I'm glad that I could help.  If they are smart, they will pick you up.  Great job!!
2006-12-29 11:57 AM
in reply to: #625456

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full

Ok...I've got kind of a cleaning problem that you guys might be able to help me with. 

I've got a pair of clip on Aero Bars (Profile Design Airstryk) ewith the elbow pads that flip up.  If anyone wants them, I am willing to give them to you with one condition.  If you ever decided to stop using them or upgrade to something better, just send them back to me.  I've got a group of friends that we have this permanant borrow thing going on.  Actually, that's how I got my Kestrel from this past season.  Here is a link:    Only difference is that it's silver vice black.

Second thing.  I have a pair of brand new Tri shorts in Small.  They have the Aquaphor Active logo's on them, but they don't fit me.  Does anyone want them or do they know someone that needs new Trishorts.  I would prefer it be someome that needs them and this isn't just going to add to their 10 pairs already (unless it's one of you). 

Have a safe and Happy New Year everyone!!

2006-12-29 12:33 PM
in reply to: #625456

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
OK, I've signed up for the teams. Was on Javelin last year, but I'd like to have some garb that 1 out of ever 3 people isn't wearing. Seemed like everywhere you looked someone was wearing Javelin at races. Be nice to have different stuff besides that nasty orange.
2006-12-29 5:51 PM
in reply to: #625456

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
Gah, just got the Airstrykes 3 weeks ago. Love em. Free would have been even better /

If I could fit into a small the tri shorts would have been great. But I am just finally fitting into mediums. Way nicer than XXXL 2 years ago.

38 miles on the bike with g/f today.
2006-12-29 7:12 PM
in reply to: #636575

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Extreme Veteran
East Aurora, NY
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
Marvarnett - 2006-12-29 12:57 PM

Ok...I've got kind of a cleaning problem that you guys might be able to help me with. 

I've got a pair of clip on Aero Bars (Profile Design Airstryk) ewith the elbow pads that flip up.  If anyone wants them, I am willing to give them to you with one condition.  If you ever decided to stop using them or upgrade to something better, just send them back to me.  I've got a group of friends that we have this permanant borrow thing going on.  Actually, that's how I got my Kestrel from this past season.  Here is a link:    Only difference is that it's silver vice black.

Second thing.  I have a pair of brand new Tri shorts in Small.  They have the Aquaphor Active logo's on them, but they don't fit me.  Does anyone want them or do they know someone that needs new Trishorts.  I would prefer it be someome that needs them and this isn't just going to add to their 10 pairs already (unless it's one of you). 

Have a safe and Happy New Year everyone!!

Thanks for the offer Dan!  I would jump on the aero bars if I had something other than my MTB to put them on.  Hopefully the tax man won't be too bad to me in 2007 and I will be able to get my first real road or tri bike.  The shorts are a bit too small for me.  If they were a medium I would say yes, but thanks anyway! 

The permanent borrow thing is a good idea.  This sport is expensive as you mentioned in a previous post so being able to "borrow" equipment that isn't being used by a friend helps. 

Have a great New Year!  

Edited by mcole158 2006-12-29 7:13 PM

2006-12-31 6:16 AM
in reply to: #625456

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full

I almost forgot another important part of our mentoring.  If any of us has a race, we have to post it here.  That way we can all encourace each other and relish in your accomplishments.

I have the Disney Marathon next Sunday (1/7/07).  I believe you can track it live on  Don't expect anything blazing fast, but as long as I cross the line, it was a great day!!

Please never forget that.  Too many times, we all get wrapped up in, "Oh, I had a bad T1, my bike was X and my run was Y".  All I ask if for everyone to simply cross the line.  It takes more heart to finish during a bad race than it does to win an easy race.  I honestly believe that.

Now get out there and train!!!   Happy New Years Eve.

2006-12-31 8:36 AM
in reply to: #625456

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Regina, Saskatchewan
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full

Well, that was one hell of a year. Who would have thought at the start that there were two HIMs in the cards and I'd register for a full. Big pluses were none of my clothes fit anymore and I made a gazilion friends. I am really looking forward to 2007. A fellow athlete told me it takes 3 years to get good at this game; it will be interesting what year 2 will look like. I hope to do better than back of the pack.

A special Happy New Year to my freind Nick and the group I've met from Manitoba (fun people). And Happy New Year to the mentor group that just started. May everyone kick a##.

Edited by starcorp 2006-12-31 9:34 AM
2006-12-31 1:48 PM
in reply to: #637668

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Extreme Veteran
East Aurora, NY
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
Marvarnett - 2006-12-31 7:16 AM

I almost forgot another important part of our mentoring.  If any of us has a race, we have to post it here.  That way we can all encourace each other and relish in your accomplishments.

I have the Disney Marathon next Sunday (1/7/07).  I believe you can track it live on  Don't expect anything blazing fast, but as long as I cross the line, it was a great day!!

Please never forget that.  Too many times, we all get wrapped up in, "Oh, I had a bad T1, my bike was X and my run was Y".  All I ask if for everyone to simply cross the line.  It takes more heart to finish during a bad race than it does to win an easy race.  I honestly believe that.

Now get out there and train!!!   Happy New Years Eve.

Great Idea and you make an excellent point.  Just getting to the starting line and crossing that finish line is all that really matters! 

Have a great New Years!

2006-12-31 5:33 PM
in reply to: #625456

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
20 miles running today. Calves cramped again around mile 15 and got bad at mile 17. Drank lots of Cytomax and water. Took 3 e cap pills. Ate one cliff bar. 57 degree temps.

Got to figure out what to do about those cramps. Maybe banana before hand. No food before I left.

Virtual tri tomorrow. But swim is just jump in cold ocean then out. 12 mile bike, run what ever you feel like on the beach sand.

No fee, no timing no tee shirt no closed course. If you have a wet suit ( I dont) you can swim 400 meters to the buoy and back.

Kahuna at Tri Geek is sponsoring the virtual event.

Pacific Shoreline Marathon planned on Feb 4.

Edited by Cashmason 2006-12-31 5:37 PM
2007-01-01 1:33 PM
in reply to: #625456

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Extreme Veteran
East Aurora, NY
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full

Dan - when you do your group rides with Conte's, does everyone ride road bikes, tri bikes or a mix.  Probably not everyone is a triathlete in the group but I was curious.  Your group rides sound great and I was considering checking out the local bike shops in my area to see if there are any group ride opportunities. 

When you do bike training what percentage is training in a group ride versus solo riding on your tri bike?  Do you find that the group rides benefitted your fitness?  Were you into group rides before you started tris?

I know a lot of questions.  One of my goals for early this year is to get a bike.  I did my first tri and most of my training on my hard tail mountain bike.  But now that I know I like this sport I am going through that question that we all face.....road bike or tri bike. 

At this point I see most of my training rides will be solo early in the morning before work.  I would like to get into group rides but trying to schedule rides around family time may be tricky so I foresee the majority of my training solo.  I'm leaning towards a tri bike because of the specificity of training concept, but group rides intrigue me. 

Maybe the answer is a new tri bike and a used road bike.  First thing I have to get fitted. 

If any others in the group want to share their experiences of how your bike training is done feel free to add! 


Edited by mcole158 2007-01-01 1:36 PM

2007-01-02 12:20 PM
in reply to: #625456

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
Educate me. When I train with a heart rate monitor I usually use the Maffetone method of staying under my target zone of 180 - my age.

I used the calculator in this sites log for Friel's training zones. So I have an idea of his zone 1 and 2 heart rates. How will this help me more than Maf? Other than my pride will be better since I have to go so slow at Maf.


2007-01-02 2:04 PM
in reply to: #638393

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
mcole158 - 2007-01-01 2:33 PM

Dan - when you do your group rides with Conte's, does everyone ride road bikes, tri bikes or a mix.  Probably not everyone is a triathlete in the group but I was curious.  Your group rides sound great and I was considering checking out the local bike shops in my area to see if there are any group ride opportunities. 

When you do bike training what percentage is training in a group ride versus solo riding on your tri bike?  Do you find that the group rides benefitted your fitness?  Were you into group rides before you started tris?

If any others in the group want to share their experiences of how your bike training is done feel free to add! 


In regards to group rides, right now, 95% of the people are on road bikes and I'm 50/50 on my Tri bike vice road bike.  When Tri season starts up (March+), I'd say that it will be about half and half.  As long as you show that you have decent handling skills and aren't going to be in your aero bars in the pace line, everyone is happy.  

I highly recommend the group rides.  I started out using them purely for speed work.  I say that because I would get dropped like a hot rock and it took me almost a year before I was able to keep up with the group all the way to the end of the ride.  I just stared going to the group rides once I moved into the area.  I found it a way to get in good mileage on "busy" roads and it was much more fun since you're with a group.  Another reason I recommend group rides is because you learn great bike handling skills.  You learn how to pace yourself, ride with people around you and you learn to relax while on your bike.  Yes, it takes a while to be comfortable sitting 12" off of someone's wheel at 25+ mph, but you'd be amazed how much confidence it gives you.  Plus, riding with roadies allows you to work on acceleration and build up your LT.

In season, I'd say that I do about 75% of my riding solo or with 1-2 people (TP's, etc).   The reason that I do more solo rides is because it's hard to get a group to follow your training plan.  :P  Plus, you have to get use to riding by yourself and being in your own  head.  And finally, it allows you to work on your nutrition.  You don't have to worry about when you're going to take a drink because you're in a pace line, etc.

I did  my first 2 or 3 Tri's on a Mountain bike with Knobby tires!  You will be amazed what kind of speed gains you'll get when you transfer to a road or tri bike.  If I were you and I had to choose between getting a tri bike and a road bike, I'd get a road bike.  The reason I say that is because you can put Aerobars on it and it will work fine and you can take them off for "off-season".  Plus it gives you more time to decide if you want to take it to the next level or not.  If you can afford both, then go for it.  But if it's a decision to make, then go with a good quality road bike and convert it.

Just my 2 cents.  And great call on getting fitted!!

2007-01-02 2:11 PM
in reply to: #639319

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full

Cashmason - 2007-01-02 1:20 PM Educate me. When I train with a heart rate monitor I usually use the Maffetone method of staying under my target zone of 180 - my age. I used the calculator in this sites log for Friel's training zones. So I have an idea of his zone 1 and 2 heart rates. How will this help me more than Maf? Other than my pride will be better since I have to go so slow at Maf. Thanks. Cash

First off, it's all about getting better.  I've swallowed my pride too many times on Z1 runs believe me! 

The reason I think it will help you more than Maf is because it's a more accurate gauge of your zones.  It uses actual field data that is individual to you.  Not some generic formula that takes into account some potential problems.  Case in point is that minor IT tighness might affect you differently than it would me, yet Maf gives it the same "value".  I think everything else is pretty much the same (granted, I just scanned it). 

So, in short, it's a "real" time zone calculator.  As your fitness increases, you can do another LT test and re-calculate your zones.  Does that help any?

2007-01-02 7:40 PM
in reply to: #639546

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Extreme Veteran
East Aurora, NY
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
Marvarnett - 2007-01-02 3:04 PM
mcole158 - 2007-01-01 2:33 PM

Dan - when you do your group rides with Conte's, does everyone ride road bikes, tri bikes or a mix.  Probably not everyone is a triathlete in the group but I was curious.  Your group rides sound great and I was considering checking out the local bike shops in my area to see if there are any group ride opportunities. 

When you do bike training what percentage is training in a group ride versus solo riding on your tri bike?  Do you find that the group rides benefitted your fitness?  Were you into group rides before you started tris?

If any others in the group want to share their experiences of how your bike training is done feel free to add! 


In regards to group rides, right now, 95% of the people are on road bikes and I'm 50/50 on my Tri bike vice road bike.  When Tri season starts up (March+), I'd say that it will be about half and half.  As long as you show that you have decent handling skills and aren't going to be in your aero bars in the pace line, everyone is happy.  

I highly recommend the group rides.  I started out using them purely for speed work.  I say that because I would get dropped like a hot rock and it took me almost a year before I was able to keep up with the group all the way to the end of the ride.  I just stared going to the group rides once I moved into the area.  I found it a way to get in good mileage on "busy" roads and it was much more fun since you're with a group.  Another reason I recommend group rides is because you learn great bike handling skills.  You learn how to pace yourself, ride with people around you and you learn to relax while on your bike.  Yes, it takes a while to be comfortable sitting 12" off of someone's wheel at 25+ mph, but you'd be amazed how much confidence it gives you.  Plus, riding with roadies allows you to work on acceleration and build up your LT.

In season, I'd say that I do about 75% of my riding solo or with 1-2 people (TP's, etc).   The reason that I do more solo rides is because it's hard to get a group to follow your training plan.  :P  Plus, you have to get use to riding by yourself and being in your own  head.  And finally, it allows you to work on your nutrition.  You don't have to worry about when you're going to take a drink because you're in a pace line, etc.

I did  my first 2 or 3 Tri's on a Mountain bike with Knobby tires!  You will be amazed what kind of speed gains you'll get when you transfer to a road or tri bike.  If I were you and I had to choose between getting a tri bike and a road bike, I'd get a road bike.  The reason I say that is because you can put Aerobars on it and it will work fine and you can take them off for "off-season".  Plus it gives you more time to decide if you want to take it to the next level or not.  If you can afford both, then go for it.  But if it's a decision to make, then go with a good quality road bike and convert it.

Just my 2 cents.  And great call on getting fitted!!

Thanks for the feedback Dan!  One more question since you have been around roadies and seem to spend some time in a bike shop since they are one of your sponsors.  In your experience, can a good bike fitter fit a rider to a road bike that will be used for tris? 

I've been researching and reading and reading some more and the one thing I keep coming across is that you can become too stretched out in the aero position on a road bike that has been converted for triathlon use due to the road geometry.  This is something I want to avoid so I don't end up with additional injuries. 

The LBS I'm looking at is reputable and sponsors many of the local tris in my area.  Plus they are a F.I.S.T. certified fitter so I'm going to start here.  I don't know if a F.I.S.T. certification makes them better than other LBS's but it looks like they should know their stuff if they are certified. 


2007-01-04 8:27 AM
in reply to: #625456

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full

Wow...i'm sorry i missed out on most of that conversation. I will contemplate applying for the teams...however, a handfull of us NC locals are in the process of starting a team and soliciting sponsorships. So I'll see how this goes being that I'm turning into one of the front runners.

 Dan...I need some help/direction....etc. for Xmas I got 3 sessions at the human performance lab to have my LT, VO2, etc done. They also offer video swim analysis for about 50-60 bucks. I'm really wanting some help with my swim and I keep catching different opinions not to mention reading about all of the different philosophies out there. I started back in May/June and could barely swim the length of the pool. I went the TI way and used the dvd and book probably shouldve stuck a little more strictly to it. But I'm now decent...I have just recently dropped my avg below 2 min/100 but I want some help with the technique because I know i'm still having some issues. My thoughts are to go and have the video analysis done and go from there....being that I started with the TI philosophy...i'd like to find a TI instructor but in Raleigh that has been tough...What are your thoughts?! Thanks in advance!

2007-01-05 12:24 PM
in reply to: #640003

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
mcole158 - 2007-01-02 8:40 PM   In your experience, can a good bike fitter fit a rider to a road bike that will be used for tris? 

I've been researching and reading and reading some more and the one thing I keep coming across is that you can become too stretched out in the aero position on a road bike that has been converted for triathlon use due to the road geometry.  This is something I want to avoid so I don't end up with additional injuries. 

The LBS I'm looking at is reputable and sponsors many of the local tris in my area.  Plus they are a F.I.S.T. certified fitter so I'm going to start here.  I don't know if a F.I.S.T. certification makes them better than other LBS's but it looks like they should know their stuff if they are certified. 


Yes, a good bike fitter can properly fit you on a road bike converted for Tri purposes.  It's when you get fit for a road position and then just put on aerobars expecting the fit to be the same the brings forth issues.  Each position is different and they generally aren't transferable. 

If they are F.I.S.T. certified, then they will do a good job. 

2007-01-07 4:44 PM
in reply to: #625456

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
Educate me. My neighbor was making fun of my bike tires. He asked why I used them. I said, because its what came with the bike, a Trek 1000.

He said I had 14 dollar tires and good ones were about 17 dollars and had red or yellow stripes on them. I have only done 1 sprint tri, and have about 500 miles on the bike since I purchased it in November.

What will the 17 dollar tires do that the 14 dollar ones won't? I know you guys use 35 to 60 dollar tires. What do they do that the 17 dollar ones wont? And do you use those for training or only racing?
2007-01-07 7:34 PM
in reply to: #625456

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Regina, Saskatchewan
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
I noticed you rode 17 hours on your tires in December. Pretty hard riding if your ask me. Ask your neighbour how many hours he put in. Then when he walks away hoof em in the a##.
2007-01-08 8:14 AM
in reply to: #643612

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
Marvarnett - 2007-01-05 12:24 PM
mcole158 - 2007-01-02 8:40 PM   In your experience, can a good bike fitter fit a rider to a road bike that will be used for tris? 

Yes, a good bike fitter can properly fit you on a road bike converted for Tri purposes.  It's when you get fit for a road position and then just put on aerobars expecting the fit to be the same the brings forth issues.  Each position is different and they generally aren't transferable. 

If they are F.I.S.T. certified, then they will do a good job. 

I'll second that. I've been fitted twice on my road bike. Once without aerobars and once with. Putting on the aerobars definitely changed the setup. Moved the set up and forward a bit, changed the angle of the cleats on my shoes, etc. It's quite different.

2007-01-08 8:17 AM
in reply to: #645469

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full

Cashmason - 2007-01-07 4:44 PM Educate me. My neighbor was making fun of my bike tires. He asked why I used them. I said, because its what came with the bike, a Trek 1000. He said I had 14 dollar tires and good ones were about 17 dollars and had red or yellow stripes on them. I have only done 1 sprint tri, and have about 500 miles on the bike since I purchased it in November. What will the 17 dollar tires do that the 14 dollar ones won't? I know you guys use 35 to 60 dollar tires. What do they do that the 17 dollar ones wont? And do you use those for training or only racing?

Beyond changing from knobby mountain bike tires to slicks, I wouldn't think that tires mattered all that much, especially a 3 dollar upgrade. Now race wheels, that's a completely different ballgame.

2007-01-08 7:35 PM
in reply to: #645469

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full

Cashmason - 2007-01-07 5:44 PM Educate me. My neighbor was making fun of my bike tires. He asked why I used them. I said, because its what came with the bike, a Trek 1000. He said I had 14 dollar tires and good ones were about 17 dollars and had red or yellow stripes on them. I have only done 1 sprint tri, and have about 500 miles on the bike since I purchased it in November. What will the 17 dollar tires do that the 14 dollar ones won't? I know you guys use 35 to 60 dollar tires. What do they do that the 17 dollar ones wont? And do you use those for training or only racing?


If your Trek is standard, it came with Bontrager Select wheels.  These are not $14 wheels.  They are fine.  The only thing that I can think of is that he wants your wheels to match your bike.  Some People either hate or love that...personal choice.  For me, only when I need to change tires will I pay to have them match my bike.  In short, your tires are fine, assuming they are the ones that came stock.

2007-01-08 8:22 PM
in reply to: #625456

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Regina, Saskatchewan
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full

Hey Dan, how was your race? 


2007-01-08 9:06 PM
in reply to: #625456

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full

Fellas...please pardon my jumping around ecstatically. But I must share my PR tonight...I almost choked when I saw the watch! I had to do 5x100 HARD as one of my sets in the pool and 3 of the 5 came out at 1:36-37. Laughing Unbelievable....I couldn't believe it. Of course I was about to die right at the end of each rep. I could barely swim the length of the pool last June! Thanks for my moment!

 Cash...i worried about what people like your neighbor said...until I was doing a sprint and this pretty overweight older guy with a beard on what looked like a department store bike passed me wearing a big baggy cut off tshirt and some baggy shorts. I then realized all of the people that looked really good on their fancy equipment being passed by the workhorse on the huffy!! No worries keep it up and you'll be passing your neighbor on your $14 tires Laughing.

2007-01-09 6:45 AM
in reply to: #647173

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
Tri'nNC - 2007-01-08 10:06 PM

Fellas...please pardon my jumping around ecstatically. But I must share my PR tonight...I almost choked when I saw the watch! I had to do 5x100 HARD as one of my sets in the pool and 3 of the 5 came out at 1:36-37. Laughing Unbelievable....I couldn't believe it. Of course I was about to die right at the end of each rep. I could barely swim the length of the pool last June! Thanks for my moment!

 Cash...i worried about what people like your neighbor said...until I was doing a sprint and this pretty overweight older guy with a beard on what looked like a department store bike passed me wearing a big baggy cut off tshirt and some baggy shorts. I then realized all of the people that looked really good on their fancy equipment being passed by the workhorse on the huffy!! No worries keep it up and you'll be passing your neighbor on your $14 tires Laughing.

That is absolutely awesome!!!  It's moments like this that you have to keep in your "goodie bag" to keep you motivated.  Those are some great 100 splits.  Before you know it, those will be your average!

Personally, I have the hardest time in the pool.  A 2000 m workout will have me napping in no time.  I'm very excited and proud of you, as we all should be.

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