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2007-01-08 9:15 PM
in reply to: #630120

Lone Star State
Subject: RE: marymosc13's group, FULL
i had a good long run and survived the diet coke lapse. I slept pretty well too. Much better than I thought!

2007-01-09 8:43 AM
in reply to: #643068

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Subject: RE: marymosc13's group, FULL
Good mornin' ladies! Sorry it has been a while! I am doing well now that I have fully recovered from my promotion party this past weekend!! I need to get my butt back in gear with hard workouts. Latly I think I have slacked so.... Have a great day!
2007-01-09 8:46 AM
in reply to: #647185

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Clifton, NJ
Subject: RE: marymosc13's group, FULL

Brachiator - 2007-01-08 10:15 PM i had a good long run and survived the diet coke lapse. I slept pretty well too. Much better than I thought!

glad to hear it! i know how that stuff is addicting... so i totally sympathize. in college, i used to go through 3 of those 2 liter bottles a week! not to mention all the captain morgan rum and diet cokes i used to suck down on a regular basis... *shudder*!

2007-01-09 8:47 AM
in reply to: #647472

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Clifton, NJ
Subject: RE: marymosc13's group, FULL

QuietGirl04 - 2007-01-09 9:43 AM Good mornin' ladies! Sorry it has been a while! I am doing well now that I have fully recovered from my promotion party this past weekend!! I need to get my butt back in gear with hard workouts. Latly I think I have slacked so.... Have a great day!

i think that your promotion warranted some festivities to say the least... glad to hear you're back in business.

2007-01-09 1:02 PM
in reply to: #630120

Lone Star State
Subject: RE: marymosc13's group, FULL
I am getting nervous. I just got the agenda for my 'beginner' swim class:

Class flow:
warm up 100-200yds(1 link of the pool is 25yds)
As this is a swim stroke improvement I will just be watching the class so I
can group everyone according to skill levels.

stroke count (1 link rest/1 link) count both ways take the avg report to me
timed 100yd (I will be monitoring this phase

drills for the remainder of the class

I will jump in and demonstrate as needed for the drills
2007-01-09 2:19 PM
in reply to: #647963

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Subject: RE: marymosc13's group, FULL
Good luck with that! Well wishes from WV!

NOTE: Can I have a demonstration?? LOL!!

2007-01-09 2:22 PM
in reply to: #647963

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Clifton, NJ
Subject: RE: marymosc13's group, FULL

Brachiator - 2007-01-09 2:02 PM I am getting nervous. I just got the agenda for my 'beginner' swim class: Class flow: warm up 100-200yds(1 link of the pool is 25yds) As this is a swim stroke improvement I will just be watching the class so I can group everyone according to skill levels. stroke count (1 link rest/1 link) count both ways take the avg report to me timed 100yd (I will be monitoring this phase drills for the remainder of the class I will jump in and demonstrate as needed for the drills

sounds like a great beginning! good luck!

2007-01-10 9:26 PM
in reply to: #630120

Lone Star State
Subject: RE: marymosc13's group, FULL
Three words to describe my first swimming class:


My calves were cramping up non stop. I was very relieved that I wasn't the only one at my level in the class. There were more beginners there than any other level. I did met someone in my town that is a potential swim buddy.

I am off to strrreeeettttccchhhhh!
2007-01-11 7:44 AM
in reply to: #650043

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Clifton, NJ
Subject: RE: marymosc13's group, FULL

Brachiator - 2007-01-10 10:26 PM Three words to describe my first swimming class: UNBELIEVABLE LEG CRAMPS My calves were cramping up non stop. I was very relieved that I wasn't the only one at my level in the class. There were more beginners there than any other level. I did met someone in my town that is a potential swim buddy. I am off to strrreeeettttccchhhhh!

congratulations on completing what sounds like a difficult class. the three words that best described my first time in the pool were: I DIDN'T DROWN! rock on sistah-girl!

having a swim buddy is great - make it happen, swimming alone is for sea turtles!

2007-01-11 9:37 AM
in reply to: #630120

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Subject: RE: marymosc13's group, FULL

Hello all!!

So, I have been thinking about what to rename the group all weekend, and this week, but I am THE most uncreative person ever, so I haven't been able to think of anything good yet. I was trying to think of something triathlon related, but I don't think I know enough "tri lingo".  I'll keep working on it though. 

I'm definately inspired by you all! I will admit that at the beginning of this week, I was getting a bit discouraged because I have always exercised in the mornings at the gym, but dh decided he needs to start lifting weights every other day with some of his cycling team mates. Because of work and family commitments, I don't have time after work and someone's got to be home with the baby in the morning, so I kept thinking "this isn't going to work", but then I realized I have to stick with it at least until I do my first triathlon because the rest of my group is gonna leave me behind if I don't!!! goal is to find the triathlon I'm gonna finish, and I'M GONNA DO IT!

You guys are all doing awesome (I peek at your training logs...I hope that's ok, it just keeps me inspired to keep trying!) I'm amazed at how fast you all are, especially at running. I am the slowest and worst runner ever, so hopefully that is one thing I can improve! Have wonderful day!!!


Edited by Nimefurahi 2007-01-11 9:42 AM
2007-01-11 9:41 AM
in reply to: #650265

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Subject: RE: marymosc13's group, FULL
marymosc13 - 2007-01-11 7:44 AM

Brachiator - 2007-01-10 10:26 PM Three words to describe my first swimming class: UNBELIEVABLE LEG CRAMPS My calves were cramping up non stop. I was very relieved that I wasn't the only one at my level in the class. There were more beginners there than any other level. I did met someone in my town that is a potential swim buddy. I am off to strrreeeettttccchhhhh!

congratulations on completing what sounds like a difficult class. the three words that best described my first time in the pool were: I DIDN'T DROWN! rock on sistah-girl!

having a swim buddy is great - make it happen, swimming alone is for sea turtles!

I think I am a sea turtle!! I LOVE swimming alone! It is one of my favorite things to do! It feels so good to be alone in my thoughts! I turn on the cruise control, and just go, go, go! I need training buddies for running and cycling though, even if I'm on a trainer, I like having someone there to talk to when I ride.

Edited by Nimefurahi 2007-01-11 9:42 AM

2007-01-11 10:02 AM
in reply to: #650439

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Clifton, NJ
Subject: RE: marymosc13's group, FULL
Nimefurahi - 2007-01-11 10:37 AM

Hello all!!

So, I have been thinking about what to rename the group all weekend, and this week, but I am THE most uncreative person ever, so I haven't been able to think of anything good yet. I was trying to think of something triathlon related, but I don't think I know enough "tri lingo".  I'll keep working on it though. 

I'm definately inspired by you all! I will admit that at the beginning of this week, I was getting a bit discouraged because I have always exercised in the mornings at the gym, but dh decided he needs to start lifting weights every other day with some of his cycling team mates. Because of work and family commitments, I don't have time after work and someone's got to be home with the baby in the morning, so I kept thinking "this isn't going to work", but then I realized I have to stick with it at least until I do my first triathlon because the rest of my group is gonna leave me behind if I don't!!! goal is to find the triathlon I'm gonna finish, and I'M GONNA DO IT!

You guys are all doing awesome (I peek at your training logs...I hope that's ok, it just keeps me inspired to keep trying!) I'm amazed at how fast you all are, especially at running. I am the slowest and worst runner ever, so hopefully that is one thing I can improve! Have wonderful day!!!


no pressure on the name thing... i've been racking my brain too and it hasn't answered yet.

you are more than welcome to look at our logs. in fact, its encouraged! i have links to all of you on my log home page that i click on daily to track your progress - as mentor of the group, it is kinda my "job" but you all should do that for each other too, it goes a long way

as for the dh's lifting getting in the way of your workouts, kudos to you for saying you aren't gonna let it keep you from acheiving your goals - that said, i hope you both can come to a compromise and share the free time that there is for you to get some workouts in. not to get all up in your business, but it sounds like he just made the announcement that he'll start lifing in the AM w/o consulting you... not very "snow white" (fair) from my standpoint.

running takes practice - slow running eventually becomes faster running with time. when i started out (i actually just checked my logs from august of last year) my first 3 mile run on the earth (not a treadmill) took me 50 minutes (that's a 16 min/mile) so i've gotten faster over time and you will too!

don't despair... the human body is a marvelous machine that adapts to just about anything you hand to it... so hand it some miles/laps and it will respond!

happy training!

2007-01-11 10:32 AM
in reply to: #630120

Lone Star State
Subject: RE: marymosc13's group, FULL
I would rather than swim. I am feeling it today. My mom sent me her swimmming cap from college (she did synchronized swimming). It is white with all these three-dimensional nubby flowers on it. Very ornate. I have not worn it yet, but I will. I think it will become my good luck charm.
2007-01-11 11:58 AM
in reply to: #650594

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Clifton, NJ
Subject: RE: marymosc13's group, FULL

Brachiator - 2007-01-11 11:32 AM I would rather than swim. I am feeling it today. My mom sent me her swimmming cap from college (she did synchronized swimming). It is white with all these three-dimensional nubby flowers on it. Very ornate. I have not worn it yet, but I will. I think it will become my good luck charm.

you so have to share pics of you in the cap/good luck charm... that's so cool!

2007-01-11 12:43 PM
in reply to: #650594

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Subject: RE: marymosc13's group, FULL

Brachiator - 2007-01-11 10:32 AM I would rather than swim. I am feeling it today. My mom sent me her swimmming cap from college (she did synchronized swimming). It is white with all these three-dimensional nubby flowers on it. Very ornate. I have not worn it yet, but I will. I think it will become my good luck charm.


Yes, a picture would be great! When I was on swim team, we all collected swim caps from places that we raced.  We would have loved  a swim cap like that!!! 

2007-01-11 1:07 PM
in reply to: #650594

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Subject: RE: marymosc13's group, FULL
That sounds like a wonderful gift! Cannot wait for the pic! Smiles!

2007-01-11 5:46 PM
in reply to: #630120

Subject: RE: marymosc13's group, FULL
The synchro swimming cap sounds cool. I just bought a silicone cap from the pool where my kids swim. It feels really good on. My first swimming session was 500m and I was sore in my shoulders then next day. They feel better afterwards now.

I can't think of a name either. Not from lack of trying.

My DH hurt his knee this week and the physio suggested he cycle. Great, now the whole family can go (we have to take both cars to fit 6 bodies and 6 bikes in!) Here is where we ride Cool, huh?

I have been training but not filling in my logs...naughty me. Last week I was sick so I didn't train for a couple of days.

I just booked my 3 week trip to the States at Easter time, can you spell excited? I will have to just take my runners and do some early morning walk/runs...any tips for travel and training?TTFN,

2007-01-11 5:55 PM
in reply to: #630120

Lone Star State
Subject: RE: marymosc13's group, FULL
Where are you visiting?
2007-01-11 5:59 PM
in reply to: #630120

Subject: RE: marymosc13's group, FULL
NYC, New Hampshire, Salt Lake City, Sacramento, LA

I am away for 3 weeks all up, I have a lot of commitments in that time as well. I will need a holdiay to recover from my trip, LOL.

2007-01-12 7:00 AM
in reply to: #651455

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Subject: RE: marymosc13's group, FULL
Wow! What a schedule chick! I travel a lot with my job and what I do is look where the closest state park is where I am going. There are always trails to run and it is a new adventure each time. Just don't go running in a new area by yourself. I also take push up bars with me everywhere! My guys make fun of me because of that one!! LOL!

I'm going to Washington DC today thru Sunday because of the Holiday weekend. I've never seen the changing of the guard and am very excited to do so. Lots of walking this weekend is on my agenda.

My advise to you is to not over stress (though it may be hard looking at all the places you are going). Stop and enjoy the scenery!!! Smiles!
2007-01-12 9:14 AM
in reply to: #651455

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Subject: RE: marymosc13's group, FULL

Michelet - 2007-01-11 5:59 PMNYC, New Hampshire, Salt Lake City, Sacramento, LAI am away for 3 weeks all up, I have a lot of commitments in that time as well. I will need a holdiay to recover from my trip, LOL.Michele

I live near Salt Lake City, and can recommend a few places if you like. It depends on the weather and how much time you have though. There are alot of beautiful places to trail run, and some pretty cool parks if you have a little travel time (20-30 min.) I live about 45 min. south of SLC and there are tons of places around here. If you don't have a lot of time, a lot of people enjoy running in "the avenues". It is really close to downtown, and there are beautiful old, and historic homes to jog by.  There is actually a marathon there every year. Sounds like an exciting trip though. I love to travel, so I'm excited for you!


Edited by Nimefurahi 2007-01-12 9:19 AM

2007-01-12 9:14 AM
in reply to: #651455

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Subject: RE: marymosc13's group, FULL

Michelet - 2007-01-11 5:59 PMNYC, New Hampshire, Salt Lake City, Sacramento, LAI am away for 3 weeks all up, I have a lot of commitments in that time as well. I will need a holdiay to recover from my trip, LOL.Michele

Sorry, for the double post, I have no idea how I did that!

Edited by Nimefurahi 2007-01-12 9:19 AM
2007-01-12 9:22 AM
in reply to: #651834

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Subject: RE: marymosc13's group, FULL

QuietGirl04 - 2007-01-12 7:00 AM Wow! What a schedule chick! I travel a lot with my job and what I do is look where the closest state park is where I am going. There are always trails to run and it is a new adventure each time. Just don't go running in a new area by yourself. I also take push up bars with me everywhere! My guys make fun of me because of that one!! LOL! I'm going to Washington DC today thru Sunday because of the Holiday weekend. I've never seen the changing of the guard and am very excited to do so. Lots of walking this weekend is on my agenda. My advise to you is to not over stress (though it may be hard looking at all the places you are going). Stop and enjoy the scenery!!! Smiles!

The changing of the guard is SO amazing. I loved all the symbolism behind it, and I just love being at Arlington. It's one of the most peaceful places I've ever been. Definately makes me grateful to people like you who sacrifice so much!! Have a great trip!


2007-01-12 10:00 AM
in reply to: #651974

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Clifton, NJ
Subject: RE: marymosc13's group, FULL
Nimefurahi - 2007-01-12 10:14 AM

Michelet - 2007-01-11 5:59 PMNYC, New Hampshire, Salt Lake City, Sacramento, LAI am away for 3 weeks all up, I have a lot of commitments in that time as well. I will need a holdiay to recover from my trip, LOL.Michele

I live near Salt Lake City, and can recommend a few places if you like. It depends on the weather and how much time you have though. There are alot of beautiful places to trail run, and some pretty cool parks if you have a little travel time (20-30 min.) I live about 45 min. south of SLC and there are tons of places around here. If you don't have a lot of time, a lot of people enjoy running in "the avenues". It is really close to downtown, and there are beautiful old, and historic homes to jog by.  There is actually a marathon there every year. Sounds like an exciting trip though. I love to travel, so I'm excited for you!


east coast in the HOWWSE~! just gotta say that while in NYC, you MUST run in central park... absolutely the prettiest place in NYC to run. if you are game, PM me and we can try to hook up while you are in the big apple... i'm about 20 mins west of manhattan.

2007-01-12 10:01 AM
in reply to: #651975

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Clifton, NJ
Subject: RE: marymosc13's group, FULL
Nimefurahi - 2007-01-12 10:14 AM

Michelet - 2007-01-11 5:59 PMNYC, New Hampshire, Salt Lake City, Sacramento, LAI am away for 3 weeks all up, I have a lot of commitments in that time as well. I will need a holdiay to recover from my trip, LOL.Michele

Sorry, for the double post, I have no idea how I did that!

itchy trigger finger! happens to me sometimes too - too much coffee, i guess!

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